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Social Media & Spoilery Speculation

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I joined the EE site and it's a blast. But what is Get Real, please?


My obsession with this show is bordering on pathological :/


ETA: Never mind, I stumbled on the Get Real page on Facebook. Is it worth joining? I spent a stupid amount of time tonight on the EE90DF page already!

Edited by bref
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Pubic Twitter page of Noon - so cute...real love story there



Public Twiter page of Fernando - 

he is hilarious, very sarcastic, check out the Thanksgiving pics of Mama and Carolina hugging and laughing

with "white powder" on their noses LOL


another funny pic of Carolina in front of a large Columbian market - and he sarcastically says how "hard" it is for her

in Mee am mi......nice pool pics too

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I want to comment on something I saw on the 90 Day Fiance Facebook page.   Someone said the pre-nup meant nothing because he signed the financial affidavit.   Sadly, that is not that big of a deal.   I had this come up in one of my cases,so I did some research.  A judge will not order alimony based on that.   Apparently, ICE does not enforce it either, or only rarely.   So if Nikki did sign a bad pre-nup and it is upheld, she can't count on the financial affidavit to save her.   I hope someone told her that.

Here is Nikki fb last dec 2014.....strange picture of her belly....




maybe it was  last ditch attempt to find a better prospect than Mark?


Here is her "talent" page...claiming to be in LA




she has a photo set on a photographer's fb page..looks much prettier





she had a guy on pinterest..maybe the "one who got away"? maybe 40 year old guy

so then settled for Mark?


Edited by still hoping
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"in the Fernando thread the discussion of where his parents are from came up and I said I thought it said he was Italian (because of a reference he made on his fb page about being from Italy). I just found this profile where he also describes himself as Italian. But in the last episode he talks about being Hispanic."

He's Argentinean (like me). There's a VERY heavy Italian influence in Argentinean culture. Many of us consider ourselves Italian/Argentine. I cringe in recognizing this about him from his FB page. The over-inflated ego is typical of an Argentine mamma's boy, lol. His mother is horrible to Carolina, and because Carolina is from the "lesser"(in the mom's mind) Columbia, she looks down on her. Argentineans can be ridiculous snobs. Carolina is an insightful and intelligent girl. I seriously hope she leaves him.

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Thank you! Oh god, he fancies himself an INTJ? I feel so ashamed of my brethren.

what is INTJ?

I guess it is possible that he rented a piano to someone when he was 18 and he's just counting that into his 40 years. There are some entrepeneurial people out there.

IF Mark has a touch of Aspergers AND is as uptight as he comes across, then yeah, he had a piano and started making money right away.  I could see that.

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Even more interesting, one of the comments under the photo set has a screenshot of an image with her and a friend. It also mentions a husband named Jamie/James Jaramillo.

LinkedIn profile lists her as a student. I didn't log into mine to see her full profile.


Edited by AussieBabe

Fernando must be the biggest reality-TV-show idiot there is. He's spouting off on the Easily Entertained by 90-Day Fiance Facebook page with "what happens behind the scenes" type of talk. I guess he's got a spare million lying around to pay the fine in his contract.

He was posting about the fight at the restaurant on the beach before it aired. Dumbo award!

  • Love 3

Fernando must be the biggest reality-TV-show idiot there is. He's spouting off on the Easily Entertained by 90-Day Fiance Facebook page with "what happens behind the scenes" type of talk. I guess he's got a spare million lying around to pay the fine in his contract.

He was posting about the fight at the restaurant on the beach before it aired. Dumbo award!

LOL.  So many people on that site are busy kissing his giant ass that I'm surprised he went off script!

Yeah, he's a huge bloviator who thinks he is the shit--but he's also fairly good natured about people saying nasty things about him and quick to share his opinions of the other castmates, so he can go ahead and keep blathering AFAIC ;)

well, anyone who disagrees with him is automatically an angry, old, bitter cat lady....so I don't think he is nearly as good natured as he wants people to believe.  

what is INTJ?

IF Mark has a touch of Aspergers AND is as uptight as he comes across, then yeah, he had a piano and started making money right away.  I could see that.

INTJ is a personality type based on the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator. I think it stands for Introvert iNtuitive Thinking Judging. INTJ -types make up 1% of the population. That's probably where he gets his 1% statement. The type is also known as "The Architect" due their analytical, calculating personalities, or in this case, "The weird guy."

  • Love 2

INTJ is a personality type based on the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator. I think it stands for Introvert iNtuitive Thinking Judging. INTJ -types make up 1% of the population. That's probably where he gets his 1% statement. The type is also known as "The Architect" due their analytical, calculating personalities, or in this case, "The weird guy."

The Specimen

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INTJ is a personality type based on the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator. I think it stands for Introvert iNtuitive Thinking Judging. INTJ -types make up 1% of the population. That's probably where he gets his 1% statement. The type is also known as "The Architect" due their analytical, calculating personalities, or in this case, "The weird guy."

Thank you.

He loves attention, brags, constantly contradicts himself and except for renting out pianos, claims to do just about anything for a living.

He does love to brag! Someone told him that he should get a maid to clean. He said that he "asked Carolina and she said she didn't want one." Um, sure. The way he posts pictures to show how "good" he treats Carolina is so pathetic. I think someone didn't get enough attention from mama Fernando when he was young. 

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In another post he said he lost all his "money" because his numerous fake businesses took a dump.  He is probably used to constant validation from a nightmare of a mother and mommy's little boy isn't used to being told he isn't all that great so he makes stuff up.

So true! He is almost as pathetic as Jason from season 2 who desperately tries to hold on to his 15 minutes of "fame" from over a year ago. 

Edited by Suzy123
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So true! He is almost as pathetic as Jason from season 2 who desperately tries to hold on to his 15 minutes of "fame" from over a year ago. 

you better watch your back.  Jason is on this board and I've heard he likes to really take people on.  He seems pretty committed to the cause.

Edited by RCharter
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Isn't this board for social media ? I know some love to put self righteous hate out for many of cast but why don't you back it up?


I have posted various links that I feel justify my dislike of lazy golddigger Nikki....post links please

I don't think you have to provide evidence to form an opinion on a message board in order for it to be valid.  Thats why its an opinion......on a message board.....


But you can link the entire season of 90 day fiance to back up my opinions, because that is what they are based on.

Edited by RCharter
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Actually this board states it is for social media and links....u can go to Mark/Nikki board to discuss

I believe I can comment on the social media and links on this page.  There is no rule that I need to have links to back up in my opinion here or anywhere on this site. This page is where people can come and share social media and links, however there is no rule prohibiting a person from commenting without sharing a social media or link.  So....I'll stay here and comment as I see fit.  Or, if I've misunderstood the rule, and I have to give a social media or link in order to post a comment here I'll wait for cooksdelight...the moderator to let me know.

Edited by RCharter
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omigod--can I just drop this in here?




(If its against the rules I apologize! Too juicy not to share, but of course I'll remove and take my punishment like a grownup)


"This page has been visited 73 times in the last hour."

-- The blue pop up box on Fernandito's mother's mugshot page



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Carolina better watch out--might get shanked if she doesn't stop cleaning like a baby. I'm sayin.


I seem to recall Fernando saying his parents had mob connections or something and that's how she got wrapped up in that.  Who knows if that's true or if it's just his way of romanticizing and embellishing an embarrassing situation. 

Grand theft! Fraud! She has aliases! Fernandito is romanticizing all right. Holy moly. She didn't just kite a check, she stole a goddamn CAR!

  • Love 6

Carolina better watch out--might get shanked if she doesn't stop cleaning like a baby. I'm sayin.


Grand theft! Fraud! She has aliases! Fernandito is romanticizing all right. Holy moly. She didn't just kite a check, she stole a goddamn CAR!

I know right!  I keep thinking of that video game when I read it....but she probably stole the car with a forged check or something like that.

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