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Social Media & Spoilery Speculation

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She's back:


I just wanted to say a few things since I've been really thinking about some things the past couple days. I really don't understand how people who are way older than me Harass me and my sibling and then tell us to stay out of it. Don't say something and then not let us stick up for ourselves! I've been told multiply times by multiply people to stay out of the drama, but then be brought into it by the SAME PEOPLE. I don't believe we should have to leave social media just because grown ADULTS can't stop causing drama about another persons marriage and family which has NO ADFECT ON THEM AT ALL!! for all of the people calling names and bulling. Let me ask you something. What does that solve? Does making somebody else feel bad about themselves make you feel better about yourself??

I quoted it since it will most likely disappear very soon.


Did you see further in the thread what she replied with?


Danielle and Mohamed Page For your information this is one of my daughter that wrote this and telling her feelings

So her daughter has access to her and her "husband's"  fb fan page?  And why is the daughter complaining on this page and not posting as herself onto the Danielle & Mohamend page with her complaints?  I don't know if TLC was very stupid (dysfunctional family/woman & con artist) or very smart (ratings and media attention).

Kudos though to TLC. Cause they win in the end.

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So, Danielle's middle daughter wrote this stuff?


I've been told multiply times by multiply people to stay out of the drama, but then be brought into it by the SAME PEOPLE.


ADULTS can't stop causing drama about another persons marriage and family which has NO ADFECT ON THEM AT ALL!!


Poor baby.  Sighhh, poor, poor baby.


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He's here! Danny & Amy's baby boy Jedidiah John, born Saturday with a head full of black hair. The kid has got great locks! Sorry for the long hyperlink, I guess you don't get the same editing feautures on a tablet.


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Has anyone seen the 90 Day Fiance Facebook page? It's like a soap opera over there. Mohammed has so many women brainwashed, it's disturbing. Go to the "Post to page" tab.

Wowzers! So Carine is (allegedly) pregnant with Mo's baby and Danielle is offering to let Carine have him, if she pays Danielle $30,000? I'm taking everything in those posts with a bucketful of salt. But a good laugh for my Saturday morning!

Wowzers! So Carine is (allegedly) pregnant with Mo's baby and Danielle is offering to let Carine have him, if she pays Danielle $30,000? I'm taking everything in those posts with a bucketful of salt. But a good laugh for my Saturday morning!

What?  You can sell a deadbeat ex?  Man I wish I knew this 2 years ago - I'd have taken $5 for mine :D

  • Love 12

Reminders about posting links for this program:

• Public social media pages only. No copying/pasting of text or photos from private pages.
• Post links only, do not copy/paste.
• Do not post anything of a stalkerish nature, such as photos or maps of their homes, kids not featured on the show. Do not post any type of personal information about the participants or their families, such as what schools the kids attend, which apartment complex or neighborhood the people live in. Anything having to do with their families is best left alone.
• Make sure any stories regarding possible criminal incidents are supported by a legitimate news source, such as a local newspaper.
• Only post links regarding people appearing on Season Three. News about past couples should be posted in the appropriate season forum.


A link to the 90-Day Fiance Facebook page:



I’m calling it now…..

Melanie, 33, and Devar, 28,: No age difference but I’m getting the “Stella Got her Groove Back” feeling from this couple.  Especially since it’s stated that his parents financially support him.  If she is willing to have him being lazy all day and not work – they have it made.



Actually, Starcasm's article states that Devar has always financially supported HIS family and that's why Melanie is scared he will return to Jamaica.

Actually, Starcasm's article states that Devar has always financially supported HIS family and that's why Melanie is scared he will return to Jamaica.

I stand corrected. Thank you KarmaG.

I still can't shake the feeling that this guy had a gal every 2 weeks the resort's rotation for new guests would come in.  I think he just hit jackpot with one willing to sponsor him to come to the States.

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Actually, Starcasm's article states that Devar has always financially supported HIS family and that's why Melanie is scared he will return to Jamaica.

He could make a lot more money in the U.S. to send back home... It makes no sense!!

I stand corrected. Thank you KarmaG.

I still can't shake the feeling that this guy had a gal every 2 weeks the resort's rotation for new guests would come in. I think he just hit jackpot with one willing to sponsor him to come to the States.

Yes, a soulmate with every fresh bus load of tourists!

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Wowzers! So Carine is (allegedly) pregnant with Mo's baby and Danielle is offering to let Carine have him, if she pays Danielle $30,000? I'm taking everything in those posts with a bucketful of salt. But a good laugh for my Saturday morning!

How can these people not be a TLC spinoff by now????  Life is so unfair!!!!

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There was some backlash for Cassia and Jason on the 90 day Fiancé Facebook page. Both of them complained about how TLc edited them, but they keep posting links on the Facebook page. And people called them out saying that their 15 minutes of fame were up and stop trying to get attention.[/quoted]

Did you then see were tlc banned them from that facebook page?

There was some backlash for Cassia and Jason on the 90 day Fiancé Facebook page. Both of them complained about how TLc edited them, but they keep posting links on the Facebook page. And people called them out saying that their 15 minutes of fame were up and stop trying to get attention.[/quoted]

Did you then see were tlc banned them from that facebook page?

that is hilarious.  those two crazy kids....biting the hand that feeds

So is this where we are supposed to gather to discuss the ongoing saga of Danielle and Mohammed the mod bounced out of the "where are they now" thread?  Because I don't want to miss out on the discussion.  


Thanks to everyone keeping us updated on the happy couple, by the way!  Please keep it coming.  I am loving every post!

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Our new home sweet home! Yes, the Mo/Dani saga takes the grand prize for most interesting. Today is Mo's homecoming day (back from Tunisia). So the big question will be (multiple choice): will he (a) actually go to Sandusky to wait out the remaining two years of his sentence or (b) will he stop by Sandusky just long enough to pick up his GC or © will he rejoin Mistress 1 in New York City and live a pampered life as her boy toy? (Carine wouldn't have to pay Danielle 30K)

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Danielle captioned the pictures "baby shower for my grandson."  I suppose she means her grandson's mother. Or are the babies themselves now the guests of honor?  It's been a while since I attended a baby shower.


From the looks of it, her son has impregnated his girlfriend ... there is a picture of her looking quite pregnant cuddled up with him (in the garage, which is where we always hold all our family gatherings, too, dontya know).  Some kid (who has a very strange snarl on his face) is holding a baby block plaque that says "Bentley," which I guess is the pending infant's name.  "Bentley" is on the mummy tummy cake, too.  How regal sounding. 


I love the pictures.  One is horribly blurry and out of focus.  I can't imagine why Danielle posted it.  People seem all bundled up like it's pretty cold (I guess you save on ice for the drinks that way).  And in one picture (the one with the yellow baby seat) you can see someone's legs.  I think they are wearing pajamas.  And slippers. I am not sure why there are two garbage bags on the ground near the baby seat.  Maybe that is what is was wrapped in?



Someone asked where Mohammed was, and Danielle responded:


I was taking pictures and Mohamed is not back till late tonight


Which probably means he is stopping by a few strip clubs on the way back from the airport and won't be home before dawn.


Link to the page https://www.facebook.com/daniellemohamedfanpage

And finally, because it never gets old ...



Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 1

Our new home sweet home! Yes, the Mo/Dani saga takes the grand prize for most interesting. Today is Mo's homecoming day (back from Tunisia). So the big question will be (multiple choice): will he (a) actually go to Sandusky to wait out the remaining two years of his sentence or (b) will he stop by Sandusky just long enough to pick up his GC or © will he rejoin Mistress 1 in New York City and live a pampered life as her boy toy? (Carine wouldn't have to pay Danielle 30K)

Well -- this requires me to put on my "conman for a GC" hat...but let me try to think through the strategy.....


a) if he goes back to Sandusky he risks confrontations with Dani's son....and there is always the chance....always that someone gets to Dani's girls and there is some even worse accusation.  I truly don't think he would do anything, because I think he just wants to get his green card and get out, but he seems to know that he has been cast as the "bad guy" by everyone in Dani's life, and I'm sure by everyone in Dani's small town at this point.  And then of course, he risks daily and nightly molestations by Dani


b)  How much longer does he have until he has his permanent GC....two years?  I think plan b makes the most sense. get his CDL, because a "long distance" truck driver and be able to be gone from Sandusky until he gets the permanent one.  Tell Dani that because he is new, he can't get a short distance job (I once knew a guy who managed a trucking company and this seemed true, you had to start out long haul trucking and once you had some experience you could get a short route).  He continues to see his mistress, picks up a woman in every city and learns about STD's so he can avoid disgusting cold sores in the future.  He is looking worse and worse.  He can convince Dani of anything because Dani wants to be convinced of anything.  Wait out his two years on the road, go home as little as possible and have his divorce paperwork ready at the end of two years....or don't.  I mean, someone as stupid as Dani is a rare find....and I do think there is a chance she might go after him in a scary way if he really, really leaves her.


c) this is a good plan after he secures his divorce and no one can take away his GC.

Danielle keeps posting photos of family gatherings that include both Mo and her son Corey, even though the restraining order is still in force. She seems to think that that's okay since "the judge didn't know our situation".  Well, yeah of course he didn't since Danielle didn't bother to show up either for the trial or for the January sentencing. 

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Danielle is an idiot, but her son is a bigger one.   He's the one going to jail if Mo decides to complain about the violations.    Danielle thinks she has control because of the green card.   But Mo has the ability to put her son -- who is about to become a dad -- in jail.    Check and mate.   Well, you know if Danielle gave a damn about her kids.   Which is why the son is a bigger idiot.   His mother has already shown once she will choose her Tunisian Love Rat over her son.   Why give her another chance to show that?

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My thoughts.

Alex and Loren: TLC has some sloppy editing. They passed by the restaurant they ended up meeting her parents (Hank's) 3 times during the talking scene in the limo.  If Loren thinks that Alex should be a model then they should stay in NYC not move to Florida with her parents for plot purposes.

Josh and Alexsandra: A) if I hear "she was a go-go dancer..." one more time from them, I am going to hurl something at the t.v.  Girl was a dancer. Maybe she was an exotic dancer.  Just sounds so out of date.  B) The dad asked what are Russian weddings like? She replies : they have alcohol. He laughs in his couch segment saying something like 'yeah we don't do that'.  Ok yeah you don't do that. You didn't ask the girl what do you think Mormon weddings are like? Or what do you think your wedding with Josh would be like? He specifically asked about Russian weddings. Josh looks to wet behind the ears to get married. Give the kid another 10 years and then maybe. 

Mark and Nikki: The scene at the airport with the roses and big basket of chocolate makes me feel that she is getting what she wants - sugar daddy.  Mark is getting what he wants - a young arm candy. The scene in the car was hilarious. He scolds her like someone scolding his daughter. 


TLC I  didn't like how it abruptly ended. I wish they had a last scene saying... stay tuned on Sunday or something like that.

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