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TDS 3.0: Season Three Talk

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3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I sat through this whole thing because I was hoping April Ryan would take on Sarah Huckabee Sanders but she ended up having nothing of substance to say whatsoever. Didn't exactly make me want to run out and buy her new book.

I agree.  This segment was heavily edited, I think the interview got deep, but whoever edited down for time, didn't capture the essence of her book

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I wish that Kamala Harris nailing down Cavanaugh (or trying to) on whether he spoke with Trump's attorney would get more airplay. This is literally the first I've heard about it, and the footage was damning IMO. I suppose there's nothing technically "wrong" with Cavanaugh having contact with Trump attorneys but boy did she call him out on his obvious obfuscation. He looked like such a weasel. 

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I wish that Kamala Harris nailing down Cavanaugh (or trying to) on whether he spoke with Trump's attorney would get more airplay. This is literally the first I've heard about it, and the footage was damning IMO. I suppose there's nothing technically "wrong" with Cavanaugh having contact with Trump attorneys but boy did she call him out on his obvious obfuscation. He looked like such a weasel. 

Deer in the headlights. I think it was worse than the Betsy Devos interview.

  • Love 2
15 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I wish that Kamala Harris nailing down Cavanaugh (or trying to) on whether he spoke with Trump's attorney would get more airplay. This is literally the first I've heard about it, and the footage was damning IMO. I suppose there's nothing technically "wrong" with Cavanaugh having contact with Trump attorneys but boy did she call him out on his obvious obfuscation. He looked like such a weasel. 

It means that if he did and answered "no", he committed perjury before congress. But if he said "yes", he would have no choice but to recuse himself from any case about Trump or subpoenas or anything like that that came before the Supreme Court. Harris got him good and you could tell by how red and mottled his face got that he knew he was screwed whether he answered yes or no.

Edited by shok
  • Love 11

While the senator provided a great overview of Kavanaugh's decisions and how he might rule, which is much more dangerous than just Roe, I do have issue with the narrative of "kennedy's seat". They did that with "Scalia's seat". It's not anyone's 'seat'. It's a vacancy on the supreme court. Kennedy retiring has no bearing on who is nominated to the bench. The problem is not keeping the 60 vote floor, which allows for more partisan nominees. 

I'm also not believing in Collins even remotely. She's said 'settled law' about a million times trying to convince herself to vote for the guy. 

  • Love 4

“People can change. Look at me. I used to be a MILF hunter. Now I run a MILF sanctuary.” Thanks, Michael!

Oh. and our president is the worst liar, and has no sense of a moment. He mentioned that he had the tallest building in downtown Manhattan . . . on the day the Towers fell. As painful as that was to hear, I think the show does a public service with research like that.

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7 hours ago, ganesh said:

Wow I didn't know the OC guy was such a Russian stooge. 

Oh, it's been known for awhile that he's deep in the pockets of Putin and the Russian oligarch, among other things that make him a terrible person. The fact that he has a 50-50 chance of getting re-elected does my heart no good.

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I liked Trevor's Behind the Scenes-esque segment tonight.  And he's right -- you only "know" someone from your brief interactions with them.  You don't truly KNOW how that person is 24/7.

I found him saying basically there's you, and then there's your internet search history to be hilarious.  And he's right!  Ok, at least in my case.  :)

  • Love 3
11 hours ago, brgjoe said:

I liked Trevor's Behind the Scenes-esque segment tonight.  And he's right -- you only "know" someone from your brief interactions with them.  You don't truly KNOW how that person is 24/7.

I would take issue with Trevor's 'agreeing with Hatch.' No, Hatch is a terrible person that is way past his sell date and is responding exactly like he did in 1991 with the Hill/Thomas hearings. He is completely unaware of any social context and how that's changed since then, and not only did he say, "I don't believe her," he went on to say that "she's mixed up". Even the idiot that is supposedly the president has said that they should hear her out. Not even a shred of compassion. 

And people wonder why Ford doesn't want to show up on Monday. On top of the death threats, I mean. 

Edited by ganesh
  • Love 8

Toad. From the Super Mario series. Thanks, Stormy!! Only bright side is Trevor can now mention the recent Batman comic book with a full frontal scene. It was aimed for mature readers . . . but it’s still Bat Dong. I ain’t looking at that, but I’d imagine it doesn’t look like a sentient mushroom.

All I remember about Hatch was in a year-in-review TDS special, where Lewis Black comes out of a sound bite with, “Oh my God, I agree with Orrin Hatch! And for that alone, Clinton should be impeached!”

Edited by Lantern7

I saw Hatch on the plane. I swear if the wind blew too hard he'd fall over. He's ridiculously frail to the point that he doesn't look human in person. Also he's a terrible person. 

MOZ - no, lady, no one is asking you to vote for the perfect candidate, and based on your lack of context, you'd probably say Jesus is too liberal anyway. In fact, I really don't care if Trump had affairs, but you really don't mind that he essentially broke campaign finance laws to bribe her though and continually lie about, and the person who brokered the bribe might go to jail? I mean, no one is perfect right?

  • Love 5

Loved Trevor's bit about his own racism for expecting the guy with a deep Texas twang to answer a question racistly.

And of course he's able to reproduce that accent on demand. Wonder how much it would cost to hire Trevor to come to my house and just do impressions for a couple of hours?

Edited by 2727
  • Love 6

The thing about Stormy Daniels is, she can say whatever she wants and there's nothing anyone can do about it. If he tries to sue her, there'd be a legal discovery process and he'd have to prove what she said was (1) untrue, and (2) not merely said as a joke. He's not going to submit to a fact finding investigation about the nature of his penis, so she could say it looks like just about anything she wants to say it looks like, and his only dignified option is to have a sense of humor about it, and say something witty that makes it seem like she's funny and he's a good sport and it's all just good-natured banter. And that will never happen because he's too angry and defensive for that, and so he will ignore her or try to check her with insults and enraged denials, like he does every time he feels threatened by anyone. And for something like this, going on the attack won't work. She's not intimidated by that sort of thing.

But honestly, even if it's fun to troll him, it kind of works in his favor to have everybody talking about that rather than tariffs, North Korea, detained children, FEMA failures, and SCOTUS.

  • Love 3

I liked the context of the segment where Trevor talked to the audience about how we can't know a person completely because there's so much we don't see from him or her, but I didn't like the way it was filmed. It was basically a standup routine without the jokes -- and without standing up -- so I tried to imagine him standing on stage talking to the audience, or maybe sitting on a bar stool or the edge of the desk. Or why not just address the camera like he usually does?

But, as I said, the context was good. I've thought and spoken about this a few times when the conversation turned to problems a married couple was having. We can't know what's going on in other people's private lives. Gosh, I don't even like saying "private lives." We don't all experience the same person the same way. We don't all behave the same with different people. 

Anyway, it's ridiculous that the Repubs won't push for an FBI investigation.

  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

I liked the context of the segment where Trevor talked to the audience about how we can't know a person completely because there's so much we don't see from him or her, but I didn't like the way it was filmed. It was basically a standup routine without the jokes -- and without standing up -- so I tried to imagine him standing on stage talking to the audience, or maybe sitting on a bar stool or the edge of the desk. Or why not just address the camera like he usually does?

I was wondering about that. Why Trevor chose to talk to the audience like that rather than to the camera. Perhaps he was experimenting with his delivery of the story. Or maybe the teleprompter broke down and he was freestyling it as a result. In any case, it looked rather odd.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, peeayebee said:

It was basically a standup routine without the jokes -- and without standing up 

I clicked back to the show after commercials when Trevor had already started that segment and was very confused! I thought the online version maybe had started showing Trevor's Between the Scenes talks to the audience. He really did seem to be speaking off the cuff, although the segment had to have been rehearsed or at least arranged in advance because of the directing and camera set-up.

Edited by 2727
  • Love 1
2 hours ago, peeayebee said:

Or why not just address the camera like he usually does?

Yeah, I was going to say, it looked like they aired a quick between the scenes/act breaks bit. They post those on FB a lot. There was one where he was tooling on a French guy and it was hilarious, but he's addressing the audience freestyle because they aren't technically rolling. 

  • Love 2

I'm amazed Tracey Ullman is still bringing it. I remember her 80s show. She was never political. I was half watching on my phone when they showed the clip and in about half a second I was like, Theresa May, whoa it's Ullman. She nailed that impression. 

Great point about when she started out here in the 80s making fun of the president didn't fly like it does now. 

  • Love 6
20 hours ago, Victor the Crab said:

I was wondering about that. Why Trevor chose to talk to the audience like that rather than to the camera. Perhaps he was experimenting with his delivery of the story. Or maybe the teleprompter broke down and he was freestyling it as a result. In any case, it looked rather odd.

He talks to the audience during commercial break, even through they're not live, they post several of them on social media.  I think that this was such a good chat, they let him go, and the director/editors put it in the show instead of whatever second segment they had planned.  

  • Love 3

I understand Trevor's point about people going to lengths to excuse Kavanaugh, but this is the second time I've seen this clip with the women. It's not just the 'this happened 36 years ago,' which I can get, though don't agree, but it's the appalling vituperative comments. "What boy hasn't done that?" or "It was just some touching." I wonder if something happened to them, which is terrible and shouldn't happen to anyone, and they were too scared to speak up so their taking it out on Ford because they wish they could have like she did. Or that they are so desperate to get Roe overturned that they hate themselves for having to defend him. I just can't understand the bile. 

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Might it be... this story? But in the end, it felt good when Trevor said to them and other Kavanaugh supporters "Get The Fuck Outta Here, Man!!!"

Good fucking God! Was the entire marketing staff of the Philadelphia Flyers on meth when they came up with that monstrosity of a mascot? Of course, being a Pittsburgh Penguins fan, I can only laugh at their lame attempt.

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Victor the Crab said:

Might it be... this story? But in the end, it felt good when Trevor said to them and other Kavanaugh supporters "Get The Fuck Outta Here, Man!!!"

So they were trolling? I'm usually better at spotting that, though I only saw the short clip. 

"Who are we to judge?" He's literally a judge. 

  • Love 1

From the previous night, I enjoyed Trevor mocking Kavanaugh -- "Look at my calendar. It says, No crimes all day."

Then last night -- I hadn't seen any of the Fox interview with Kavanaugh, though I'd read excerpts. My reaction to him is getting close to my reaction to seeing Trump speak: I can barely stomach it. He's trying to sell himself as a Boy Scout, then and now. And whether or not he was a virgin is irrelevant. You can be a virgin and still grope someone, still shove your penis in her face, still demean a woman by saying you're in the club that has had sex with her. Just completely disgusting.

I liked Neal Brennen's segment. It's true -– the Republicans need Jesus. Most (all?) of them claim to be Christians, but morality has been easy for them to shrug off so they can get their policies implemented and keep their power. Brennen made me laugh a couple of times, like when he was talking about cleansing the White House after Trump leaves. Eric Trump misses the toilet bowl when he pees.

It's cool to have a Mandela statue at the UN, but that pose is problematic. "Don't shoot. I'm already dead."

  • Love 10

The people who burned women at the stake were christians too. They're definitely christians - pro life by any means necessary. 

I think the show missed the point on the whole virgin issue though. I don't know if I buy it. I was a virgin in high school and some of college so that's possible, but I'm not sure he actually was and some moron advised him to hammer on that narrative to deflect. It is in fact irrelevant, so I don't really care if he was or not. And you can also be into service projects and getting good grades and be a total drunk, so that's not an issue either. 

Now that I saw the clip again, it's obvious the women are trolls. I'm usually better at sussing that out. 

  • Love 1

I liked Neal Brennen's segment. It's true -– the Republicans need Jesus.

I haven't seen him before. Is he a regular contributor? At least, I don't remember seeing him before. It was a great piece. 


My Trump-loving evangelical Christian coworker says that God sometimes does good work through bad people. So it's fine!


  • Love 1
34 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I haven't seen him before. Is he a regular contributor? At least, I don't remember seeing him before. It was a great piece.

Yes he is a regular contributor (although it's been awhile since we last saw him) who's title is "Trevor's Friend". Last night's was probably Neal's best on the show because he's absolutely correct that the Republican base needs Jesus. Doubt that they will though, because they've come to believe Jesus was a dirty, long haired hippy liberal who wants the rich to give to the poor. So they've created Republican Jesus™ who does the polar opposite of Real Jesus' teachings, like "the rich and powerful shall inherit the earth, while the poor and meek can go and suck the long one and choke on its fillings."

  • Love 5

I thought Roy's piece (which he had an enormous effort in making it funny) inadvertently put to rest why the 'let's reach out to the other side' needs to be put down.

The guy talked in absolutes and basically insulted the woman. 'The 2nd amendment worked 'perfect' for 200 years.' Was it really 'perfect'? You can't think of one or two times someone had access to a gun that shouldn't have and people got killed?

'You're a broken record about the tax returns.' Ok, dude. Way to grasp nuance. The piece was short, and the woman might have given him some flak too, but I wasn't seeing her snapping back at him when he was pulling that on her in what we actually saw. 

The red haired woman looked like she was going to crack when Roy threw a fit about getting into the simulated plane crash. 

The clip of the Chinese looking all wtf at Trump killed me. 

Who honestly saves their calendars when they were in high school? 

I was appalled when Corker said, 'well, you know, they'll just screw it up.' So you're saying they literally are not qualified for their jobs. 

Edited by ganesh
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