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LSSC: Season Three Episode Talk

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7 hours ago, teddysmom said:

I have not been impressed with the show lately. The monologues just bore me to tears.

For me, it's the opposite; I often clap during the monologue, but, IMO, Colbert is not a great interviewer, and at this point that's not likely to change. If the guest has enough personality to carry the chat or is a gifted storyteller, it's okay; not great, but okay. OTOH, if the guest isn't a natural in that environment, SC doesn't seem to be able to draw a person out.

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On 11/22/2017 at 3:38 PM, shapeshifter said:

For me, it's the opposite; I often clap during the monologue, but, IMO, Colbert is not a great interviewer, and at this point that's not likely to change. If the guest has enough personality to carry the chat or is a gifted storyteller, it's okay; not great, but okay. OTOH, if the guest isn't a natural in that environment, SC doesn't seem to be able to draw a person out.

I agree with this; I don't think he or Jon Stewart were ever great interviewers, though Jon certainly had his moments (Jim Cramer!). I agree that the guest can help things out, but Stephen, especially, makes very awkward transitions to get back to the questions on his card. He's a smart guy and he can think on his feet, so I thought he'd be great at it, but he just hasn't been, in my opinion.

Craig Ferguson was someone who I thought was a great interviewer, always willing to go along where his guest went. Maybe his show wasn't important enough that the network or the guests felt that they had to push their narrative--they could just talk about what they liked. 

I was disappointed that Mark Hamill didn't talk about Carrie Fisher tonight. But he was still pretty good: I loved his Harrison Ford impression. 

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I absolutely *loved* the Mark Hamill interview. I'm not sure if that's anywhere close to what he's actually like in real life, but he was so funny and engaging and passionate and humble, I just kinda fell for him like a ton of bricks. Listening to him expound on what he felt the Star Wars experience gave to him, I felt unexpectedly moved. I'm so glad the makers were smart enough to bring back the three original stars for the final trilogy.

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The Tom Hanks interview was adorable.  I was reciting along with them when they started the Preamble to the Constitution, and was disappointed when they couldn't stick the landing.  I think we need more Tom Hanks sightings to remind the world that not all famous men are assholes.

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2 hours ago, meowmommy said:

The Tom Hanks interview was adorable.  I was reciting along with them when they started the Preamble to the Constitution, and was disappointed when they couldn't stick the landing.  I think we need more Tom Hanks sightings to remind the world that not all famous men are assholes.

Hanks is a national treasure :). I liked when he showed the photo of his dad. 

When he and Stephen were rattling off the Preamble I had the "Schoolhouse Rock" song for that running through my head :p. 

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9 hours ago, partofme said:

I don't like this lady who was on the show last night.  There's nothing wrong with confronting T***p on all issues.

What woman are you talking about?  Do you mean Katy Tur?  As the MSNBC reporter assigned to follow 45 on the campaign trail, she was often verbally abused and even physically threatened by his supporters, and I believe on more than one occasion needed security to escort her safely out of a venue.  45 himself would point her out to the crowd for particular insults.  So she's no friend of the administration.  I think she was just saying it makes sense to pick your battles; when everything is treated as a crisis, then true crises lose their significance.

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I tuned in specifically to see Katy Tur (I read her fabulous book).  I think shes a very smart journalist.   And I agree with her (and @meowmommy).  We need to stop gasping at everything the president tweets and pay more attention to the important stuff that's being done to destroy our democracy. 

Edited by SierraMist
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I generally like Tuck Buckford, but Alex Jones is just his own personal parody, funnier than anything a satirist can come up with.  It's the same reason Jordan Klepper's premise on The Opposition never really works.

Color me stupid that I didn't know Jon sings, too.

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Didn't some of them look related?

I've noticed in the past that at least some of the puppies on adoption nights look related, and that makes sense actually.  There are exceptions of course, but people don't generally turn in individual young puppies to shelters.  People wait until their adorable puppy is an unruly adolescent that has outgrown its baby adorableness, then they dump it.  Young puppies often end up in shelters either because their pregnant mother was dumped or picked up as a stray, or the clueless owner suddenly discovers that their neglected dog just gave birth, and they drop the whole litter at the shelter.   My guess is that often the puppies featured on adoption segments are members of a couple litters.   Of course I love these segments, and I'm glad that puppies get adopted.  I wish sometime though that Stephen or his staff would arrange to feature some older dogs that are generally much more difficult to place than adorable baby doggies.

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4 hours ago, Hooper said:

I wish sometime though that Stephen or his staff would arrange to feature some older dogs that are generally much more difficult to place than adorable baby doggies.

I know what I want, dammit:


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12 hours ago, Hooper said:

Of course I love these segments, and I'm glad that puppies get adopted.  I wish sometime though that Stephen or his staff would arrange to feature some older dogs that are generally much more difficult to place than adorable baby doggies.

For all that it is mostly a crap show, The View has had shows featuring adult dogs for people to adopt. Once, two siblings came as a package deal. But yeah, wish Stephen would also do it.

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Since I didn't know that Jodie Foster was going to be on the show Friday, I was pleasantly surprised and laughed at the opening bit of the Silence of the Lambs spoof! First I thought the show just edited in Stephen in the original movie, but then I noticed Jodie looked older and then the dialogue convinced me. AWESOME.

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So I'm catching up on my Stephen Colbert (which by the way, I have to do on youtube because despite paying for CBS' All Access, they only have the last 12 episodes of Colbert - yes I got way behind, but I assumed I'd still have access to them all over my Christmas holidays when work got slower).  Usually, I just watch the monologue and initial bits, I rarely watch the interviews, only if its someone I'm really interested in seeing.

Anyway, I'm watching the episode from Nov. 17 I think it was, where he's showing some new products, one of which is the Pause Pod aka tent and shows the photo of some guy eating a banana in the pod while at work. Then Colbert debuts his "Cubicle", i.e. a box on his head, and he turns it to reveal the 'banana hole' for him to eat a banana through it, and his banana breaks, and omg I could not stop laughing. Colbert is always so funny with bananas.

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That was very funny. Some nights he is just on fire and I'm cracking up the whole time. I don't usually watch the interviews either unless they are who I specifically want to see.

He had Tom Hanks on the other night and they did another box bit. It was a hoot. Hanks is such a good guy (please god, let that remain true!).

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The Hall of Presidents robot is a goldmine. Seth Meyers is having a field day with it. I don't watch him with any regularity, but he's much needed relief, as is Colbert. This show is one of the few things that make me laugh anymore.

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Stephen really excels in the field pieces. His ability to make witty comebacks on the fly really impresses me. He really should bring back Better Know a District type segments.

It's odd, because you'd think those skills would translate into being a better interviewer. As others have noted before, he seems to concerned with getting back to the prepared questions card (and the sometimes awkward transition to get there). It seems worse than on the old show, but perhaps there he was more likely to have guests he was already interested in and knew about, and therefore was not as dependent on the cards. In the field pieces, he seems more engaged in what the subject is saying, rather than just waiting until they finish to get to the next question. I mean, he has his moments at the desk, but given his background and overall wittiness/smarts, I have higher expectations of him doing it more consistently.

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Gwyneth Paltrow got engaged recently and (I hate that I know this) she, her new fiance (I think it's one of the American Horror Story producers) and ex-husband (Coldplay lead singer) all went to lunch to celebrate or some such. I desperately need a Covetton House edition of how to incorporate your new fiance into your complicated famous people lifestyle-branded life.

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I liked how Ann Curry referred to her being raised Catholic by a Buddhist. There is a part of Buddhism where it is focused on you and thinking the right way, acting the right way, etc. Doing the right thing is not taking pleasure in Lauer's downfall and implosion. I'm bad Buddhist.

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I appreciate that Gwyneth Paltrow was game for Stephen making fun of her last night. I can only take small doses of her. I will never understand why with all the money and resources she has, her hair always looks so damaged.

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5 hours ago, bilgistic said:

I appreciate that Gwyneth Paltrow was game for Stephen making fun of her last night

My visiting daughter and I said the same thing to each other. We're never going to buy any ideas or products that she's selling, but I still think other unpopular public figures could take that page from her book, so to speak.

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On 1/19/2018 at 5:21 PM, meowmommy said:

Never in a thousand years would I have pegged Rob Riggle as a Marine veteran.  Color me impressed.

Yeah, on TDS w JS, it was brought up frequently & I’m pretty sure he went to Afghanistan at some point as a reporter!

i apprentice Gwennie being able to laugh at herself. She should do that short bob she had during Brad P days.

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1 hour ago, Tanichka said:

Rose McGowan's interviews are starting to get really nutty.

I haven't Googled or seen on TV or heard on radio/podcast or anything yet, but everyone who saw her on Colbert last night has got be wondering: Too much medication? A poetry slam performance? An advertising gimmick?

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