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S02.E11: The Leopard

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Do I need my eyes checked, or was the woman who pulled up at the end and smacked Marco around Baz's girlfriend Lucy?  I need to pay better attention cause I have no idea how she is related to the Cody's jobs or is this a new revelation?   Otherwise, this was a pretty intense episode:  Baz is going hardcore on Smurf, Pope finally confessed and I was surprised that the GF was left alive (for now, anyway).   Craig is still an incredible idiot.  The one family member I feel sympathy for is Deran.  I want him to get out of the business and be happy running his bar...with Adrian.

I still want Nikki to disappear.  That will never change.

Edited by patty1h
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15 minutes ago, patty1h said:

Do I need my eyes checked, or was the woman who pulled up at the end and smacked Marco around Baz's girlfriend Lucy?  

I tend to ignore their scenes, but, yes, they've discussed her brother, Marco, before. I also didn't make the connection till the end that both Marcos were the same! And, yes, she is NOT what I think Baz thinks she is! He may have destroyed Smurf, only to be hooked up with a woman who might be more trouble for him?

  Amy reacted just as I thought she would. Pope should have 'fessed up in stages. Tell her you're a crook first, and work your way up to murder.

  I felt bad for that kid. He was all bluster, but he was scared. Craig and Deran were pretty amusing initially, but I hated them both at the end for probably aiding in the kid's murder. Was Renn shaking Craig down? He pulled out a wad of cash when he offered to pay for Vegas, but she claimed she fronted him money for a private plane. Maybe she thinks he forgot? Maybe she still wants revenge?

  Speaking of revenge, Jay certainly is holding a grudge. I liked his scene with Nikki where he admitted to being angry all the time. Say what you will about her, but Jay's motivations have always been unclear to me, and if she is the plot device to get him to open up, I'm okay with her. I really want to see where this goes with him.

  Now I can't wait till next week to see where all this goes.

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Aaaaaaah! What a nail biter this episode was! This freaking show is just written so well that I am always thinking the episode can't be over yet. I've have decided to go with my gut feeling from a few weeks back that J is playing the long game. I was really disappointed to see that Deran let that kid get carted off to most likely be murdered. Craig is unbelievably dumb I swear. As f'd up as Pope is, I really wish that they hadn't made him a murderer last season because there's no redeeming him. Baz is kinda scary right now. 

Edited by missbonnie
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I totally didn't get the exchange between Baz and his dad. The dialogue was kind of muffled. Who was in the Polaroid?

Smurf giving Jay power of attorney was an interesting move. It screws Baz but I'm unclear if she actually trusts Jay or if this is kind of a test of his loyalty. 

I think Jay is smart enough to play a long game but he doesn't have all that much experience, so it could blow up in his face. Yet also he's a fast learner. I wonder if him telling Nikki that he's angry all the time is a hint as to the path he's taking? Jay plays it close to the vest with everyone and the show doesn't let the audience in on his thought process so, who knows?

Poor Deran just wants his bar and good surf. 

I normally would have been fed up with the Craig character long ago but the actor infuses him with just enough charm to keep me interested. 

Pope, oh Pope. I can't remember, had Smurf switched out his meds as part of her manipulation to get him to kill Catherine? Or was that earlier in the season?

Finally, it was unclear to me whether Lucy showing up at the end was a surprise to Deran/Craig or had they called her realizing Marco was playing out of his league?

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4 minutes ago, solea said:

I totally didn't get the exchange between Baz and his dad. The dialogue was kind of muffled. Who was in the Polaroid?

Smurf giving Jay power of attorney was an interesting move. It screws Baz but I'm unclear if she actually trusts Jay or if this is kind of a test of his loyalty. 

I think Jay is smart enough to play a long game but he doesn't have all that much experience, so it could blow up in his face. Yet also he's a fast learner. I wonder if him telling Nikki that he's angry all the time is a hint as to the path he's taking? Jay plays it close to the vest with everyone and the show doesn't let the audience in on his thought process so, who knows?

Poor Deran just wants his bar and good surf. 

I normally would have been fed up with the Craig character long ago but the actor infuses him with just enough charm to keep me interested. 

Pope, oh Pope. I can't remember, had Smurf switched out his meds as part of her manipulation to get him to kill Catherine? Or was that earlier in the season?

Finally, it was unclear to me whether Lucy showing up at the end was a surprise to Deran/Craig or had they called her realizing Marco was playing out of his league?

I think that was Baz in the Polaroid, exhibiting the scars from a whipping Smurf had told him about but did not actually remember.    Seems to me that Baz is blaming his dad for what he has become...just like last season, after ungraciously semi-admitting to being J's father, he showed up at his dad's, forced him to drink, and raged about his father"s behavior to him when he was a boy. As though Baz, realizing his shortcomings as a person, is shifting the blame to bad old dad.

I was disappointed but not surprised by Craig's behavior.  Clearly, the Cody family has a big problem with addiction...Julia, Smurf's mom, Craig.  And Smurf drinks pretty heavily, too, at least this season. Maybe Ren is conning Craig, but maybe he burned through his own bankroll and then bummed more from her.

I think Smurf was able to manipulate Pope by using his fear of prison to convince him to kill Catherine.   This is why it is so important to him that Cath was not talking to the cops.

J is definitely paying the long game.  That is why I am wondering about his sudden purchase of the truck and then driving around in it.  Is he supposed to have shown up at a dealership with one of those wads of cash?  

How much money are we supposed to think he was given?  I guess maybe the car dealer would take the cash and let the questions go, but...hey, he is only 18.  And whom does he hate more for abandoning him, Smurf or Baz?  Smurf seems to trust him...he can't be so sure of Baz.

I think Deran and Craig were surprised when Lucy showed up.  I am hoping for someone to translate for us what was said...I thought maybe she was angry Marco had involved Deran and Craig.  Does Baz realize she is a sort of Queen of the South? I thought Marco was a minor drug dealer and Lucy some sort of con artist...turns out they are maybe big league cartel players.   I definitely do not want Lena under Lucy's care!

I am hoping someone can explain why Smurf is trying to fence the jewelry from the boat heist after she told J that it was too soon to do so?  

Looks to me as though everyone except J is en route to jail.

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One line of Spanish came over on the CC:  Marco said "Tenia boletos por la primera fila", which, according to my dictionary, translates to "I had first row tickets".  I could be wrong there, but he might have been talking about the fight he had attended, as he mentioned when he first drove up.  Why that set Lucy off, who knows, but it sounds like she was the one actually in charge of the entire Alejandro kidnap and Marco screwed it up.  Baz isn't going to live 10 minutes with that cashbox if he crosses her.

Call your attorney, Smurf.  Now.

  • Love 2

I was happy to see Adrian back and I enjoyed that moment between him & Deran. 

Everything about J and Nicky had me dry heaving. J deserves better.

Someone else who deserves better? Lena! Yeesh, Baz is a crap father. Seems to be an inherited gene. 

That Pope and Amy scene with his revelation was well done. I actually like them together but it's not meant to be. And Pope confronting Smurf was well-acted. 

I feel for Deran re: Craig in that he loves his brother but Craig is like having a child you have to constantly watch to make sure he doesn't do dumb things and then when he does dumb things, you have to make sure it doesn't fuck you up. That said, that ending with them... wow.

  • Love 1

hey, he is only 18.

Is he? I can't remember if they've ever spelled that out but I can't think of any other way he could legally have someone's power of attorney.

Wow - the way the story is going I wonder if they are even planning to do a third season. I just can't see how much longer it can go in this direction because everyone is imploding. 

I don't understand why Baz tried to blackmail Smurf into signing over her properties to him and then turned around and called the cops on her anyway. Did he have a change of heart, or was a scene cut? 

I'm waiting to see what Amy does now that she knows Pope killed someone. 

Strangely enough, I am rooting for Smurf in all of this, and I'm not even sure why. They are all terrible people but I guess I just find her character more compelling that Baz. And Lena needs her more at this point because Baz is a shit parent.

  • Love 4

Wow - the way the story is going I wonder if they are even planning to do a third season. I just can't see how much longer it can go in this direction because everyone is imploding.

It's already been renewed for a third season.

Guess we can look for church lady Amy to be meeting her Maker sooner rather than later. Why did Pope confess to her? And I'm still betting he'll set that church on fire.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
22 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I don't understand why Baz tried to blackmail Smurf into signing over her properties to him and then turned around and called the cops on her anyway. Did he have a change of heart, or was a scene cut? 

I was gonna ask the same thing.  I thought that they didn't quite come to an agreement in the kitchen but since Smurf didn't outright tell him to go screw himself, things were in limbo with them.  When the scene came up with him calling her in to the cops, I thought I missed something too. Maybe Baz realized that having Smurf in jail would be easier than trying to fight her.  Now to see how the rest of the Cody boys will treat Baz after this -- Deran probably won't be too upset, and Pope is no fan of Smurf at the moment.  Craig... I think he'll be amenable as long as he gets enough $$ to keep the drugs rolling in.  I guess Smurf has a big problem unless J still has feelings for grandma and helps her out.

I was thinking how the Lucy revelation could go - she has this double life and proposes they use Smurf's money to start their own drug empire. The question is does Baz want to go that big - being the kingpin of cartel may be more than he wants to handle. He's been mainly a small time thief and not ready to step into the deep end.

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, lazylou said:

Maybe Ren is conning Craig, but maybe he burned through his own bankroll and then bummed more from her.

She claimed that he had her front him money to GET to Vegas, when he pretty clearly flashed cash at her to convince her to go, so it only makes sense to me if she is trying to convince him of something she thinks he doesn't remember.

13 hours ago, lazylou said:

I think that was Baz in the Polaroid, exhibiting the scars from a whipping Smurf had told him about but did not actually remember.    Seems to me that Baz is blaming his dad for what he has become...just like last season, after ungraciously semi-admitting to being J's father, he showed up at his dad's, forced him to drink, and raged about his father"s b



ehavior to him when he was a boy. As though Baz, realizing his shortcomings as a person, is shifting the blame to bad old dad.

I was disappointed but not surprised by Craig's behavior.  Clearly, the Cody family has a big problem with addiction...Julia, Smurf's mom, Craig.  And Smurf drinks pretty heavily, too, at least this season. Maybe Ren is conning Craig, but maybe he burned through his own bankroll and then bummed more from her.

I think Smurf was able to manipulate Pope by using his fear of prison to convince him to kill Catherine.   This is why it is so important to him that Cath was not talking to the cops.

J is definitely paying the long game.  That is why I am wondering about his sudden purchase of the truck and then driving around in it.  Is he supposed to have shown up at a dealership with one of those wads of cash?  

How much money are we supposed to think he was given?  I guess maybe the car dealer would take the cash and let the questions go, but...hey, he is only 18.  And whom does he hate more for abandoning him, Smurf or Baz?  Smurf seems to trust him...he can't be so sure of Baz.

I think Deran and Craig were surprised when Lucy showed up.  I am hoping for someone to translate for us what was said...I thought maybe she was angry Marco had involved Deran and Craig.  Does Baz realize she is a sort of Queen of the South? I thought Marco was a minor drug dealer and Lucy some sort of con artist...turns out they are maybe big league cartel players.   I definitely do not want Lena under Lucy's care!

I am hoping someone can explain why Smurf is trying to fence the jewelry from the boat heist after she told J that it was too soon to do so?  

Looks to me as though everyone except J is en route to jail.

"I am hoping someone can explain why Smurf is trying to fence the jewelry from the boat heist after she told J that it was too soon to do so?  "


I believe smurf was intimating, in the exchange at the fence's home, that she needed to get rid of her "problem" of Baz, which would require big money.  Have him killed, or something else, maybe? 

5 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Is he? I can't remember if they've ever spelled that out but I can't think of any other way he could legally have someone's power of attorney.


He was only 17 at the end of the first season...a minor who had been "sexually assaulted" by his teacher at the behest of the cops.  assuming he has had a birthday...he would now be 18.  

I am always at a loss to know what time of year it is supposed to be on this show.  Nicki had a "final"...so, end of semester?  Quarter?  

When J is complaining about the cold air in the vents, Deran tells him it is unseasonably warm...but Pope puts on a jacket as he leaves the church.  It has been mentioned previously that Lena is often wearing. Coat that seems out of place in Oceanside.  But then they film there, so...  They do need to consider the dialogue, though, and dress accordingly!

6 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I don't understand why Baz tried to blackmail Smurf into signing over her properties to him and then turned around and called the cops on her anyway. Did he have a change of heart, or was a scene cut? 

After Baz told Smurf what he wanted her to do, he was alone with Lena. Lena asked him if she could go with him when he left town because she heard him talking about it with Lucy. Since Lena was with Smurf after school, and he & Lucy were at his house, maybe he realized that the only way she could have heard that was if his house was bugged by Smurf. Hence the idea to drop a dime on Mom.

  • Love 3

I don't know - we didn't see Lena with Smurf when she was listening in on Baz and Lucy. If Baz realized his house was bugged and that was the catalyst for calling the cops, it still feels like a scene was cut. Like him searching the house and finding the bug. Baz didn't just up and call the cops either - he planted all of Smurf's alias passports and licenses in her car so the cops would find them when they pulled her over. That took some planning.

I also don't get what we're supposed to make of Lucy showing up at the drop site. This episode left me with more question marks than usual so it either suffered from bad editing, bad writing and directing, or I'm supposed to get more information next week.

Edited by iMonrey
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That was so intense! Looks like Lucy is some kind of Queen of the South or something. I'm apparently an idiot, because I never connected the dots that the Marco who is Lucy's brother is the SAME Marco who cut off a lady's finger last week. I guess that's how Baz met Lucy in the first place? I don't think he knows what he's getting into with her, like he thought she was a low level thief or con artist, and not some high ranking, ruthless cartel member. She seems hard core. Granted, Baz is going full War on Smurf now, and is showing his own ruthless side to bring her down.

Oh Deran. He wants out so desperately, but he's still so tied to the criminal life style. I give lots of props to the writers and actors, because I still felt bad for Deran, even when he handed that kid over to his possible death. The guy is out of his depth with this more high level crime stuff, and he clearly just wants to run his bar and surf with (and generally be with) Adrian. I liked his scene with Craig a lot when he told Craig that he couldn't constantly pick up after him. Craig might have had his back, but Deran cant keep cleaning up after his drug fueled drama. Plus, its just depressing watching someone you love fall further into addiction. Its draining, and Deran has enough on his plate. I hope things work out well for him, but I'm very concerned. This is all starting to sound very "Just one more job before retirement" to me.

Speaking of, it didn't take long for Craig to fall back into drugs, did it? I guess it ties into what I think was the thematic connection between many of the plots. Can a Leopard change its spots? Deran and Pope want to, and Craig seemingly cant, due to years of addiction. Its really too bad, because he can actually be decently charming and competent when he's sober.

J has a LOT of anger in him, which I think is an interesting angle to explore with him. He is still something of a cypher, so its nice to see him open up a bit. Even if its to freaking Nikki.

  • Love 1

J deserves much better than Nikki.  I understand the appeal, he wants someone he can trust, and he knows he can't trust his family.  I don't think Nikki is very trustworthy either though.

Baz was planning to frame Smurf the entire time.  When he demanded she sign over her properties he just wanted to make her think that was his play, he knew she would never do it.

Lucy is clearly a lot more dangerous than Baz thinks, she seems to run the family cartel.  She wouldn't be the first, and there are signs cartels have started utilizing female hit squads.  

Someone on reddit translated her and Marcos conversation.  Quoting from there:


Marco: My beautiful sister
Lucy: What the fuck you were thinking you little shit?
Marco: (I can't understand what he says because he sounds hurt. Something about being first)
Lucy: Shut up! If you ever make me this angry again I'll swear to God I will take you out. Do you get it?
Marco: Yes


Edited by Cosmosgravitation
  • Love 5

Thanks for the translation, Cosmosgravitation!

56 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:


J has a LOT of anger in him, which I think is an interesting angle to explore with him. He is still something of a cypher, so its nice to see him open up a bit. Even if its to freaking Nikki.

I guess one function Nikki serves is she is someone J may actually have a conversation with...though I think he does not totally trust her, either.

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, Cosmosgravitation said:

J deserves much better than Nikki.  I understand the appeal, he wants someone he can trust, and he knows he can't trust his family.  I don't think Nikki is very trustworthy either though.

Nikki's appeal for him is that she is a lot like his mom.  Probably in the early stages of becoming an addict.  She has this "save me" vibe that probably appeals to J.  Of course J deserves better but then what kind of better would want to be a part of this world?  


One of the interesting things about  Baz is how arrogant he is.  I don't think he realizes how one foot out the door Deran is.  My guess is that he assumes the brothers will come running back ready to work for him like nothing happened.  I am thinking even Pope may have reservations after the Church job.

Edited by Chaos Theory
  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, MaggieG said:

I feel like I say this every week, but Craig, you sexy fool, get it together! I did laugh at him sliding out of bed and showing us a nice view of the bum area. 

It took me a moment to figure out that particular tableau of Craig on the bed, I didn't realize there were 3 women on it until Craig slid off.  I didn't notice random dude sleeping in chair until Marco left!  Say what you will, Craig knows how to party!

  • Love 2

If J is playing some long game buying a big ticket item like a car is actually a smart move.  If they haven't already it was only a matter of time before the glutinous Cody's start wondering what he is doing with his money.  They all buy things like money grows on trees.  Now that J has come into a sudden influx of cash riding around on a bike is suspicious enough to be questioned. Buying the occasional big ticket item makes it look like he is following the Cody playbook.

  • Love 1
18 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

If J is playing some long game buying a big ticket item like a car is actually a smart move.  If they haven't already it was only a matter of time before the glutinous Cody's start wondering what he is doing with his money.  They all buy things like money grows on trees.  Now that J has come into a sudden influx of cash riding around on a bike is suspicious enough to be questioned. Buying the occasional big ticket item makes it look like he is following the Cody playbook

So Smurf's money goes into stashes while he shows Baz's payoff 


I don't think Nikki is very trustworthy either though.

Even if she were loyal, she's a blabbermouth. She could potentially bring down the entire Cody family without even realizing it.

Poetic justice would be for Lena to grow up and take them all out on her own.

I think we might be jumping the gun in assuming that Lucy is the head of some huge drug cartel, unless someone has some spoiler information. We don't really know anything about what she does, but we have to assume Baz at least has a vague idea of who she is and what she does. Just because she showed up at the kidnapping drop and smacked her brother around, it seems like a pretty huge leap from there to "she must be the head of a huge drug cartel." I'm not sure I see the dots connecting.

  • Love 1

I think you are right that buying the truck has a purpose. Up til now  J seems to have limited his purchases to basics...is that a new bike? New clothes?. Baz may now think he has bought J's loyalty; shows, though,  that he has not been paying any attention to J.   He told Lucy he did not trust J but knew how to handle him. Then he hands J the money.  He thinks J's eagerness to be on jobs is eagerness for $.  

2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

We don't really know anything about what she does, but we have to assume Baz at least has a vague idea of who she is and what she does. 

I thought the conversation between herself and Baz where she said she had to go to work and that her work was important and Baz did everything but openly scoff made it clear that he doesn't have any real idea what she does.  Craig and Deran certainly seemed surprised she assaulted and berated Marcos.


Just because she showed up at the kidnapping drop and smacked her brother around, it seems like a pretty huge leap from there to "she must be the head of a huge drug cartel." I'm not sure I see the dots connecting.

We know from season one that Marcos runs and sells drugs.  We know he answers to his sister and believes his sister has the authority and means to have him killed.  We know the kid from the trunk knew who they were, believed they were a scary criminal organization, and was terrified.  Being a "huge cartel" is a leap, I agree, but all signs point to being some sort of drug cartel, even if it's only a small family cartel or a mid tier cog in a bigger syndicate.  

Baz wants Lucy to replace Catherine, and I think he's in for a rude awakening.

  • Love 6
9 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

Baz is doing everything in his power to get rid of Smurf, only to start a life with a younger, Mexican version of ...Smurf!  La Smurfetta!

Ahhh boys marry their mother.  Baz and Smurf.  J and Nicki.   It an Oedipal wet dream.

The irony is I think put of all the bad situations Lena is best off with Smurf who for the moment at least cares about her.   Baz wants nothing more then to find himself a woman so he can drop off his kid and disappear for weeks on end.  Unfortunately for him Lucy isn't that woman.  

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, MaggieG said:

I feel like I say this every week, but Craig, you sexy fool, get it together!

Craig is lucky he's hot, because I'm pretty sure if every brain cell in his head isn't burned out by now, they will be pretty soon, especially at the rate he's going.

I thought the scene between Adrian and Deran was really sweet. I know it probably wont end well, but damn it I can hope! As for Deran going legit, I think Craig will come around, and Pope, in his atoning phase, will be cool with it, and I doubt J will care one way or the other, but I can imagine Smurf and Baz not being thrilled about losing him. Not only will that leave them down a guy, but Deran is kind of in charge of keeping Craig at least a tiny bit in line, so who knows what will happen next?

  • Love 1
11 hours ago, Swim mom said:

I hope J's storyline does not include his having sex with anyone ever again. I think he's horrible in those scenes, be it with the teacher or with Nikki.

He is supposed to be horrible, a kid raised by an addict who just had the opportunity given to him. By a teacher raping him to get out her own legal mess and another kid as messed up as he is.

It reminds me of years ago, before Pretty Woman, a reviewer wrote that Richard Gere's true  love making scenes looked just like his sex scenes with or as a prostitute. 

Edited by Raja
  • Love 1
On 8/17/2017 at 3:43 PM, Chaos Theory said:

The irony is I think put of all the bad situations Lena is best off with Smurf who for the moment at least cares about her.   Baz wants nothing more then to find himself a woman so he can drop off his kid and disappear for weeks on end.  Unfortunately for him Lucy isn't that woman.  

I vote for the neighbor (Jessica??)....maybe Baz leaves a suitcase with her before heading to the big house.

On 8/16/2017 at 3:29 PM, lazylou said:

He was only 17 at the end of the first season...a minor who had been "sexually assaulted" by his teacher at the behest of the cops.  assuming he has had a birthday...he would now be 18.  

I am always at a loss to know what time of year it is supposed to be on this show.  Nicki had a "final"...so, end of semester?  Quarter?  

When J is complaining about the cold air in the vents, Deran tells him it is unseasonably warm...but Pope puts on a jacket as he leaves the church.  It has been mentioned previously that Lena is often wearing. Coat that seems out of place in Oceanside.  But then they film there, so...  They do need to consider the dialogue, though, and dress accordingly!

I'm from the area..marine layer..pretty much all summer long.

May grey...June gloom and so on.

It's rather chilly until the layer burns off...if it does...

so it's not uncommon to see me in shorts..a sweatshirt and ugg boots until I can peel the hoodie and boots of for the afternoon.

we have an average temperature of 71. 

A few sayings here.

"instead of 4...we only have 2 seasons...'night and day!'..."

depending on who you're talking to..some say the two seasons are "Oscars and Emmys"

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