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  1. ehavior to him when he was a boy. As though Baz, realizing his shortcomings as a person, is shifting the blame to bad old dad. I was disappointed but not surprised by Craig's behavior. Clearly, the Cody family has a big problem with addiction...Julia, Smurf's mom, Craig. And Smurf drinks pretty heavily, too, at least this season. Maybe Ren is conning Craig, but maybe he burned through his own bankroll and then bummed more from her. I think Smurf was able to manipulate Pope by using his fear of prison to convince him to kill Catherine. This is why it is so important to him that Cath was not talking to the cops. J is definitely paying the long game. That is why I am wondering about his sudden purchase of the truck and then driving around in it. Is he supposed to have shown up at a dealership with one of those wads of cash? How much money are we supposed to think he was given? I guess maybe the car dealer would take the cash and let the questions go, but...hey, he is only 18. And whom does he hate more for abandoning him, Smurf or Baz? Smurf seems to trust him...he can't be so sure of Baz. I think Deran and Craig were surprised when Lucy showed up. I am hoping for someone to translate for us what was said...I thought maybe she was angry Marco had involved Deran and Craig. Does Baz realize she is a sort of Queen of the South? I thought Marco was a minor drug dealer and Lucy some sort of con artist...turns out they are maybe big league cartel players. I definitely do not want Lena under Lucy's care! I am hoping someone can explain why Smurf is trying to fence the jewelry from the boat heist after she told J that it was too soon to do so? Looks to me as though everyone except J is en route to jail. "I am hoping someone can explain why Smurf is trying to fence the jewelry from the boat heist after she told J that it was too soon to do so? " I believe smurf was intimating, in the exchange at the fence's home, that she needed to get rid of her "problem" of Baz, which would require big money. Have him killed, or something else, maybe?
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