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S14.E10: Top 9 Perform

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10 hours ago, Andie1 said:

If people are voting for partnerships, not only individuals then I think Dassy suffers from the fact that a similar looking dancer Koine bonded very early with Marko

Dassy and Koine look nothing like each other. Yes, they're both Asian but their faces and their dancing are totally different. To me that's like saying Will suffered from the fact that Joshua looked similar and bonded with Katee in S4.

  • Love 6

To me that's like saying Will suffered from the fact that Joshua looked similar and bonded with Katee in S4.

I'm not trying to trivialize your point, but this struck me like an anvil.  I could make a pretty good argument for this even today and certainly hugely in s4.

Back to this season's show:

Ray Lieper<sp?> did Dassy and Fikshun no favours with that routine.  It was far too busy to contain the emotion he seemed to be requiring and I just think it was a bad choice.

Logan did a respectable job at that for a bendy boy, but there was no hiding the fact that he's essentially bendy.  He was pretty good at the sharp punctuation but a little too plastecine in between.  I liked the choreo and it was nice to see Sasha more relaxed.

Mark is annoying.  I was amused their version of Talia's lean over backwards and pop your torso upwards was so far from the ground in comparison to her

Kiki just does NOT do it for me at all.

  • Love 1

Regardless of the specific dancers involved, Travis' Strange Fruit was clearly a deliberate response (Cat: "Timely and brilliant and smart....") to current events and one that I, personally, appreciate.  It is the job of art, not just to entertain but also to educate and promote thought.  It is a good time to think about that disturbing song and to introduce it to the many youngster who I hope will find it as horrifying as I did when I first heard and felt  it.

  • Love 6

I agree with whoever said that the costume change at the end pulled me away from the gravitas of Strange Fruit.

I hated the Broadway.  No offense to Lex, he's a lovely dancer but I have never ever liked Gaby and the choreo was lacking for Lex as so many of you have said.

That said, it wasn't nearly as offensive as those horrific yellow pants Sydney was made to wear.  And that bra, ugh.  

The judges were clearly setting Sydney up for the old bounceroo last night.  You could see it coming by the content and tone of their critiques.  BTW, has anyone started a drinking game for every time Vanessa says "amazing!".  To her credit she actually did make some substantive comments but she still needs to be a bit less of a cheerleader.  OHTO, the girl is gorgeous so why not.

Boy, something went pretty wrong with that samba.  Taylor and Robert just seemed kinda outta synch or somehow off.  I think the samba rolls went wrong and they turned it into something else as soon as it did, but I can't quite sort out what was wrong because all of my knowledge of ballroom dancing comes from TV shows and they don't want you to be informed (or after this many years of watching, I'd know something more than samba rolls and some recognizable footing).

  • Love 1

Well that was interesting - went to some random site to hear what happened at the end of the show, because like who were the bottom 3 and etc.  and there was a quiz asking who had the best duet this past show and Paul and Sydney have tied for top with Kiki and Jenna at 28%.  I only could see a tiny version of Kiki and Jenna's (like everyone else, my dvr cut off the end of the show), but they still don't do it for me.

Can someone explain to me why the judges are praising Kiki to the high heavens when he is the worst of the bunch? In his own style I find him mediocre but outside of ballroom he's atrocious. Does his family have some kind of mob ties? Have their lives been threatened? I cannot for the life of me understand why I watch him do something so cringeworthy week after week, only to have these three try and pull the wool over the audience's eyes like we are not capable of seeing how inadequate a dancer Kiki is. I'm having a very hard time taking this show seriously when he gets pushed through week after week.

  • Love 12
5 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Dassy and Koine look nothing like each other. Yes, they're both Asian but their faces and their dancing are totally different. To me that's like saying Will suffered from the fact that Joshua looked similar and bonded with Katee in S4.

 I hope this isn't an inference that I can't tell the difference LOL!  But seriously, Will and Josh were completely different dancers, I personally would never do a double take.  However,  Dassy and Koine  have joked about being twins on social media, so there's that.  And also the  Hey Pachucco jazz piece might not have been the greatest dance of the show, but it revealed a lot about the top 9...and in particular the  piece sort of paired off  or created trios of dancers who were of similar height and proportion, so Dassy and Koine did a little old school hip hop breakdown which made me really focus on who was who because when dressed exactly alike with hair pulled back I did have to take a double take. The solo duet should be easily in Dassy's wheelhouse, but not surprisingly Koine kept up and finished off her movement with more confidence,  Before their mini solo Dassy missed a pirouette but was far enough behind the other dancers so it was less noticeable.   So for me, the dance  revealed that Lex is easily the best of the males in jazz,  (he is outstanding in the group numbers, so much so that I feel bad for all the other contestants , but  his partnership with Gaby has produced some duds, that AT in particular) . that Kiki gets a litte Paso movement  to feel comfortable within the style before he fades,  that Taylor still has heel issues as she fell out of fairly simple cartwheel while both Sydney and Kaylee  who were sort of situated as her back up dancers handled it easily.  I thought this group routine did a lot to show us who the the judges are helping with their comments because it maybe easier to  discern how the dancers fair amongst each other, rather than how they do with an All Star who may or may not show their partner in the best light.

Edited by Andie1
  • Love 1
On 8/22/2017 at 1:11 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Is Luther Brown just tired of choreographing? Because once again he gave us a routine where the last 30 seconds was NOTHING. I mean, great, we got the stupid spinning camera again, but Paul and Sydney were just standing there on stage while the camera circled around them like three times. Hated the costumes and I didn't really like the choreography, but Sydney just faded into the background. Paul at least looked like he was trying.

20 hours ago, waving feather said:

First of all, Paul! Damn, I love him in that Miami routine. He nailed the character and the moves. I don't know what Nigel was smoking but I did not mind the tongue. ;-)

I agree on both counts. There was so much wasted time in Sydney and Paul's hip hop number (as well as Kiki and Jenna's routine last week). Paul really sold what they were given, though, so I still enjoyed it.

To be honest, while I expected Sydney to be an early exit, I think she and Paul got  the short end of the choreography stick for all three weeks.

And for me, Paul is the best male ballroom dancer to dance contemporary on the show...




Edited by calipiano81
  • Love 1
On 8/22/2017 at 4:11 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Is Luther Brown just tired of choreographing? Because once again he gave us a routine where the last 30 seconds was NOTHING. I mean, great, we got the stupid spinning camera again, but Paul and Sydney were just standing there on stage while the camera circled around them like three times. Hated the costumes and I didn't really like the choreography, but Sydney just faded into the background. Paul at least looked like he was trying.

That was dreadful.  They spent more time standing around, shrugging their shoulders than moving their feet.  Add that to all the time Lex and Logan spent sitting during their routines makes one wonder what they are hiding... or why TPTB want to focus more on the all stars than the contestants.

I enjoyed Logan (despite sitting) and Allison best.  The routine was fun and energetic (once he got up).  Kaylee was entertaining but even I could see she wasn't extending the way she should.  Taylor and Robert didn't connect.  Dassy and Fikshun are not sexy together, and neither are Koine and Marco (who dance more like siblings).  I didn't get to see Kiki because my dvr cut off at 11:00.

The Strange Fruit routine was deeply moving in spite of the problems mentioned above.

1 hour ago, Haleth said:

That was dreadful.  They spent more time standing around, shrugging their shoulders than moving their feet.  Add that to all the time Lex and Logan spent sitting during their routines makes one wonder what they are hiding... or why TPTB want to focus more on the all stars than the contestants.

The thing is there was no reason to hide either Logan and especially Lex in their numbers.  In fact the only reason I could come up with to have Lex sitting so long and keep Gaby the focus was because someone realized that Lex was going to outdance her the second he stood up.  Which is what particularly bugs about this season in that the all-stars are being treated as equals with the new contestants, to a much greater extent than they were in the kids season.  The newbies should be the focus of the routines where possible instead of the newbies hiding behind them (Kiki) or being dumbed down because their all-stars can't keep up (Cyrus, maybe Gaby, etc.) 

So then we get to the critiques and the judges spend all their time gushing over the all-stars and if the judges love your all star (coughJennacough) then your partner will automatically get a pass and/or the newbies barely get critiqued at all.  Also I think if the judges are going to go full out and spend all their time gushing over their all-stars, then they also need to be equal opportunity and talk about where their all-stars fell short.  So far the only critique of an all-star I remember is Cyrus.  But in most cases production and the show goes overboard to pretend that the all-stars don't have flaws--see the camera cutting away when Gaby fell out of her turn or whatever the heck happened.

  • Love 6
15 hours ago, pally said:

If they are going to force the contestants to dance with the same all-star every week, it is not fair to the them not to have all-stars equally skilled in all styles.  Far too much emphasis is on the old stars.  BUt, I get that they did that for ratings...supposedly.  I still prefer mixing it up so that each dancer gets an equal opportunity to do their best in all genres.
I really got a rhumba vibe from Kiki and Jenna.  I never felt like I was watching a contemporary.  They did it well...but....
The ballroom folks need to go back and watch old tapes of the solos of Benji, Heidi, Dmitry, and Sasha.  They did more than just shimmy around.  Bring out the cape and do a paso or do a fast kicking jive or jitterbug.  Pretend they are Fred or Ginger and bring out a foxtrot.  
Lex is so much better than Gabby.  Cyrus is a great dancer but in this format does not belong.  
Have we ever so quite so much cross over from DWTS.  3 All-Stars, 1 dancer, multiple choregraphers

I can't get past that they attempted to sell us the story that Robert had difficulty getting dancers to sign on his team.  Seriously?  You can pick Robert or Cyrus, who's going to have something to offer in every style -- and won't need their "special twist" added into each piece?  Oh come on, I just can't with the nonsense they tried to peddle this season!

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Snow Fairy said:

I like Koine and Mark more and more, and currently I hope she wins.

Kiki does nothing for me, but neither does Kaylee. Don't know why I have a problem with her

No matter what's going on, what she's dancing, even when she's talking and laughing, Kaylee seems to be giving off a sulky, petulant attitude.  Nigel isn't helping my impression any by drawing further attention to her Impavido nonsense.  

Girl, please.  Train harder and expand yourself.  Giving yourself a preposterous label and blue hair don't tell me you're an artiste.  Dropping all the BS and dancing, no matter the style, no matter how uncomfortable and uncool you think it makes you is what your job is.  

  • Love 5

Comfort's face during critique proved once again there is knowledge about the bottom status ahead of announcement.

I understand her upset.  How in the hell they would be in the bottom completely escapes me.  It's clear she's working like mad to make sure Mark looks great in their numbers.  Yes, she's outdancing him because she has simply become a cut above most anyone they could put her with, but she's clearly working incredibly hard with him to make sure the connection is there and he has a firm grasp on the routine.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, MissSunshine said:

does anyone know that Kiki has already been on dancing with the stars?!!! youtube it

He was part of their original troupe and stuck around for I think 3 seasons.  However in the past the troupe has often been the breeding ground to promote pros to the upper ranks and for whatever reason at the time, he was passed over and let go eventually while others in the troupe were promoted.  So yes, I do think this is what he is hoping for his shot to get back.  However there are also a lot of rumors that DWTS will eventually move to once a year, at least the regular version.  So I'm also not sure how many new people are going to get a real shot.  At 1x a year, spots get a lot more competitive. 

On 8/22/2017 at 0:45 AM, Sd601 said:

So Lex has always been my favorite since auditions. But I think he's weak in partnering. He looks uncomfortable when he's touching Gabby, imo. There's space in between them when there shouldn't be. Perhaps it's his shyness? I love awkward adorable guys, so he's still a fav, but he really is best in group performances. He dances the hell out of those.

It's probably because he know's his girlfriend Taylor (Robert's partner) is watching


   ON 8/21/2017 AT 10:45 PM,  SD601SAID: 

So Lex has always been my favorite since auditions. But I think he's weak in partnering. He looks uncomfortable when he's touching Gabby, imo. There's space in between them when there shouldn't be. Perhaps it's his shyness? I love awkward adorable guys, so he's still a fav, but he really is best in group performances. He dances the hell out of those.

It's probably because he know's his girlfriend Taylor (Robert's partner) is watching

Ha, true, but Lex looked great with Comfort in the disco opening last week. Something about Gabby trying so hard makes me uncomfortable to watch them together. Hmmm.

Edited by Sd601
16 hours ago, Andie1 said:

 I hope this isn't an inference that I can't tell the difference LOL!  But seriously, Will and Josh were completely different dancers, I personally would never do a double take.  However,  Dassy and Koine  have joked about being twins on social media, so there's that.  And also the  Hey Pachucco jazz piece might not have been the greatest dance of the show, but it revealed a lot about the top 9...and in particular the  piece sort of paired off  or created trios of dancers who were of similar height and proportion, so Dassy and Koine did a little old school hip hop breakdown which made me really focus on who was who because when dressed exactly alike with hair pulled back I did have to take a double take. The solo duet should be easily in Dassy's wheelhouse, but not surprisingly Koine kept up and finished off her movement with more confidence,  Before their mini solo Dassy missed a pirouette but was far enough behind the other dancers so it was less noticeable.   So for me, the dance  revealed that Lex is easily the best of the males in jazz,  (he is outstanding in the group numbers, so much so that I feel bad for all the other contestants , but  his partnership with Gaby has produced some duds, that AT in particular) . that Kiki gets a litte Paso movement  to feel comfortable within the style before he fades,  that Taylor still has heel issues as she fell out of fairly simple cartwheel while both Sydney and Kaylee  who were sort of situated as her back up dancers handled it easily.  I thought this group routine did a lot to show us who the the judges are helping with their comments because it maybe easier to  discern how the dancers fair amongst each other, rather than how they do with an All Star who may or may not show their partner in the best light.

Totally totally agree with your analysis of the group routines being a truer showcase of the contestants relative to each other. Lex is my favourite and he shines so much in the group routines, no matter what the style but his partnership with Gaby isn't working yet for some reason. I really liked Gaby in her season, but as an All-Star she's starting to bug me. She was totally outdanced by Lex in the few moments Lex wasn't sitting down on a chair lol (what is up with the choreography highlighting the All Star and not the contestant?!)

Oh I didn't even notice that Taylor fell out of her cartwheel in the group routine, good spot - had to go back and rewatch it. Also, in the beginning when the 4 boys jump into a pirouette, Kiki can't stick the landing and has to take a step out to balance himself. This is why I think the contestants should get the opportunity to dance with each other, because as you pointed out above, how they do with an All Star is entirely dependent on the All Star themselves. Either you get Jenna and Gaby being highlighted in routines instead of the contestants - in Kiki's case, probably for the better, and in Lex's case, to his detriment - OR routines being simplified if it's not in the style of the All Star. 

Also as an aside, I have to commend Marko - he is such a fantastic partner. He elevates every routine, there's no nervousness about him not being able to do whatever style they've got because it's just a given that he's such a good dancer, BUT he doesn't hog the camera or the narrative like Jenna etc. 4 for you Marko, you go Marko!

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, MissSunshine said:

did anyone know that Lex and Taylor are a couple?? I'm trying to figure out if they met at sytycd or before that. From their instagram, it looks like they have been together since at least january

They've hardly made a secret of it.  They've both talked about it quite openly in the After Buzz shows, as have Robert and Gaby.  They were dating before SYTYCD.

3 hours ago, MissSunshine said:

It's probably because he know's his girlfriend Taylor (Robert's partner) is watching

That's just silly.  I'm going to guess you're kidding and that you don't seriously believe professional dancers can't have chemistry with a partner they're not dating, or they can't get physically close to their partner if the bf/gf is around. 

On 8/22/2017 at 10:50 AM, Jillibean said:

I really like Koine, but it is beyond embarrassing that the show can't even seem to figure out how to spell her name. Did anyone else notice her graphic during critique said "Kione" before someone must have noticed and yanked it? Not great.

Yes, I noticed.  And Kat can't seem to pronounce it most of the time either (it comes out something like coney-yay, like she moves the to after the n).  Sigh.

  • Love 1
49 minutes ago, Jobiska said:

Yes, I noticed.  And Kat can't seem to pronounce it most of the time either (it comes out something like coney-yay, like she moves the to after the n).  Sigh.


25 minutes ago, crowceilidh said:

I haven't felt secure with anyone's pronunciation of her name.  How IS it pronounced?


It's pronounced koy-nay but she goes by Koko.

If you need to hear it, the interviewer says it at the very beginning of this video:

  • Love 2
On 8/22/2017 at 5:01 PM, luvthepros said:

How did you find out Mark's age? I have looked on the SYTYCD FOX website and bios of the contestants are not listed. This is the first season that FOX has not had interviews and bios of the contestants. Are they there but I'm not seeing them???


Hey Luvthepros, I got my info from famousbirthdays.com, and searched "Mark Villaver"

54 minutes ago, PRGyro said:

Hey Luvthepros, I got my info from famousbirthdays.com, and searched "Mark Villaver"

Thanks for the info. It's too bad FOX is not giving that information on the contestants this season.

40 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

@luvthepros - all of the dancers' ages are also listed on the S14 wikipedia page:

Awesome. Thanks!

8 hours ago, saks10111 said:

Also, in the beginning when the 4 boys jump into a pirouette, Kiki can't stick the landing and has to take a step out to balance himself

Good catch on this, Kiki is just not keeping up with the other males in the competition, in so far as being clean in execution.  To compare apples with apples other ballroom dancers have done far better on the show in this respect.  Guys Like Ryan, Artem  Paul  Pasha  Allan even Serge.... yeah he's not in his peers' league. 

8 hours ago, saks10111 said:

Also as an aside, I have to commend Marko - he is such a fantastic partner. He elevates every routine, there's no nervousness about him not being able to do whatever style they've got because it's just a given that he's such a good dancer, BUT he doesn't hog the camera or the narrative like Jenna etc. 4 for you Marko, you go Marko!

Agree, it's part of the reason why Koine is doing so well.  Marko is the consummate partner, and it's nice he's finally getting the notice he deserves.  I watched the Disco group dance a few times and apart from trying to figure out that the guy with sandy colored wig dancing with Koine was Paul(!)    thought they did a pretty mean Hustle complete with a full split sequence.  So,  if Koine and Marko get ballroom something tells me she is going to kill it.  Koine looks very comfortable with partner dancing, which is my only quibble with Lex, he and Gaby don't have the same chemistry.  But full disclosure Koine is my fave.  And I've come to really respect Lex. He out Travolta'd everyone. He's a beast, he is everyone's competition and will be in the finals for sure.

Edited by Andie1
  • Love 6

Picking up from where I left off...

6.) All-Star Group Routine

I'll always have a soft spot for Travis Wall and his choreography, but this routine, set to a despairingly-beautiful Nina Simone rendition of "Strange Fruit" with equally-striking lighting, was (excuse my bluntness) little more than some white neoliberal nonsense. Of course, we know by know that SYTYCD will never be at the forefront of progressive politics; their bleep-ups range from casual cultural appropriation nearly every season to the most pathetic missed opportunity of this season in having no same-sex couples, clutched pearls and changed channels notwithstanding. And while it must depend on people's intersections/level of care and knowledge to understand why these bleep-ups deserve varying degrees of condemnation, it doesn't take a critical race theory scholar to know that putting white dancers in the spotlight... in a routine set to Strange Fruit, sung by Nina Simone...with an ominous tree as the lone set piece... where 90% of the dance is performed in Black slave clothing... is in very poor taste at best and is downright erasure at worst. Not excluding that eye-rollingly reductive final shot, the downfall of this piece was best-displayed in Robert's close-up towards the end of the dance. His bland, mildly-concerned expression was a perfect indicator of Travis' and the camerapeople's failure here: the centering of white people in a piece whose everything suggests it should be so Black. "Get more Black contemporary choreographers," someone in the back proposes...

7.) Lex

A number of people here have been saying that although they liked Gaby in her season, they find her annoying here. I couldn't agree more--in addition to being Co-president of the Connections Club along with Jenna, there's definitely a strange dynamic between herself and Lex. Simultaneously understanding that she's less talented than him and that she's mandated to nonetheless perform a mentor position, she keeps insinuating that Lex is too shy, or something, and that he needs to fix that. I don't know how much of that is a producer-sponsored narrative and how much of it is her real opinion, but a more discriminating partner--or judges, for that matter--could assist Lex where he actually needs it, such as in partnering and realizing that the camera is not located on the floor. Luckily, this week's Broadway number didn't have any substantial partnering, though it did feature thirty seconds of a Gaby solo while Lex sat in a chair. He, of course, excels whenever he's dancing by himself or dancing next to Gaby, especially when they cut to his beautiful center when Gaby falls out of turns. In any case, Taylor and Robert's spectacular Broadway from last week ruined that genre for a bit for me, and this number looked decidedly average by comparison: a good example of a couple where the All-Star burdens the contestant, but the contestant is so good that it doesn't really make a difference. Thought it was hysterical when Gaby got cheeky at the end, blurting out that they've literally done every style but Lex's own.. seriously, when is that going to happen?

8.) Kaylee

Speaking of examples of couples where the All-Stars burden the contestants, but the contestants are so good that it doesn't really make a difference, poor Kaylee seems to fall into the first category, but not the second. As highly as I regard Cyrus as a hip-hop dancer, seriously one of the best poppers/animators the show has ever had, it goes without saying that he lends almost nothing as a "All-Star." Not only does he look mediocre in almost every other style of dance, but it appears he also can't assist Kaylee very well, if at all, in the styles of dance that are outside (their) comfort zone. This leads to Kaylee literally having to perform triple the work for every routine: both to look so much better than Cyrus that he doesn't become a distraction and to achieve this in non-native styles, all without much help from her partner with whom she doesn't have much chemistry. If she had Lex's level of technique, this wouldn't be as much of an issue, but alas... poor Kaylee. Needless to say, their Spencer Liff Jazz which showed an incredible amount of promise in concept, music, lighting, and costumes--ADORED the makeup--fell flat on its ass when it came time to dance. I don't know how much the very spastic camera, Kaylee's obvious nerves leading to sloppy-looking jumps and turns, the distinct gap in ease of movement between Kaylee and Cyrus, etc. contributed to it all, but it showed itself one of the most flimsy and disappointing routines of the night. Though I find Kaylee one of the most interesting dancers this season, and far in a way the best, most creative female soloist, I unfortunately don't think her future looks bright unless (God forbid) Cyrus gets injured. And even then...

9.) Sydney

Not focusing on Sydney since she was eliminated. Nonetheless, the road wasn't going to be very forgiving for the stiffest, stalest couple of the season, one of whom with mediocre stage presence, the other a foot too short, with nary but an unremarkable contemporary routine and a disaster of a hip-hop to their name. Dug the hell out of those costumes though. Why didn't Paul choose the Russian woman again?

10.) Top 9 Routine

Though I found the All-Stars' contemporary poorly executed in terms of its concept, at least the All-Stars danced it beautifully and with conviction. I really can't say the same for the Top 9's Jazz/Broadway routine which, for lack of something stronger, looked like ass. Analyzing past the many missed connections, half-assed overall quality, lack of energy and synchronization, uninspired choreography, and ugly costumes, the piece put on full display the biggest issue with this season's format: that a number of these contestants wouldn't even make the Top 20 on a conventional season, let alone a Top 9. By making the selection for live shows a matter of who the All-Star, a non-competitor, feels most comfortable dancing with, it repudiates what the show should actually focus on: individual contestants who have one or more native styles and at least a passing ability in all other styles. This is a PREREQUISITE, so by the time you cut eleven dancers your Top 9 doesn't look like you didn't really choose America's Best™, but instead someone's boyfriend's cousin or something absurd like that. I understand no one watches this show anymore and if the network forces you to cut from 20 to 10, then there's nothing you can do. Hopefully, the producers can make a compromise so they can save themselves and the audience from future embarrassments similar to this group number.

11.) Taylor

A pleasant surprise of this format and one of the few instances in which a dilemma the producers inserted actually had a fulfilling resolution, Taylor and Robert, to use Vanessa's vocabulary, "shine." It really has become some of the most exciting stuff of the season to witness Robert uplift Taylor--a rather by-the-numbers contemporary dancer by herself--into an entirely new person during their performances. While I really don't think I'll remember it ten years from now, I was quite moved by their gorgeous Travis Wall contemporary; their Broadway, from last week, too, was exhilarating. Though I don't feel the performance quite captured the essence of film noir as intended (the choreography and song choice were mostly to blame there), Taylor was the spitting image of Lauren Bacall in The Big Sleep. Thus, I'm sad to say that their Samba this week really disappointed me. In addition to their partnering looking awkward for the first time ever, Taylor really missed the mark on mood, embodying less Chita Rivera and more a third grader who decided to go as a ballroom dancer for Halloween. I'm no samba expert, so I didn't notice the advanced technical issues of the footwork; I'm relieved Mary did her job and critiqued whatever it is she did and to Nigel for rightfully criticizing the producers' darling girl. Obviously, she won't be going home, and I look forward to seeing T/R's future collaborations despite this misstep.

12.) Kiki

As the least-deserving contestant in terms of proficiency in diverse styles, as well as someone whose career is already established, and thus doesn't really need a spot on this show, I can't stand Kiki nor his equally-opportunistic partner Jenna. Since Week 1 the judges have lauded them with the highest praise for what has only been transparent mediocrity, including a near-standing ovation for one of the tamest and weakest hip-hop routines in the show's history. As a result, it kills me to admit that Kiki's contemporary routine was actually quite good, and one of the Top 3 performances of the night. Though I'm no fan of Mandy Moore's sleepy, samey choreography, Kiki and Jenna performed with such emotional conviction you almost forgot that their courtship is staged for votes, until Nigel and friends tried to convince us otherwise in the nadir of the season so far. As for their critique, while they did perform beautifully, Mary was extra disingenuous to infer that Kiki's performance was the best contemporary done by a male ballroom dancer in the history of the show when Paul was standing right there. Along with Pasha and Dmitry, who are elsewhere getting jobs Kiki wishes he had. In no way, shape, or form is a contemporary routine where the choreographer has to simplify a move because someone can barely position their own two legs in a 45-degree angle the "best" anything, Mary. Once again, hoping Kiki goes away soon to be on DWTS for half a season, but if he ends up winning I wouldn't be surprised at this point.

Just realized I forgot to vote.

Edited by PRGyro
  • Love 6
7 hours ago, Andie1 said:

Good catch on this, Kiki is just not keeping up with the other males in the competition, in so far as being clean in execution.  To compare apples with apples other ballroom dancers have done far better on the show in this respect.  Guys Like Ryan, Artem  Paul  Pasha  Allan even Serge.... yeah he's not in his peers' league. 

Agree, it's part of the reason why Koine is doing so well.  Marko is the consummate partner, and it's nice he's finally getting the notice he deserves.  I watched the Disco group dance a few times and apart from trying to figure out that the guy with sandy colored wig dancing with Koine was Paul(!)    thought they did a pretty mean Hustle complete with a full split sequence.  So,  if Koine and Marko get ballroom something tells me she is going to kill it.  Koine looks very comfortable with partner dancing, which is my only quibble with Lex, he and Gaby don't have the same chemistry.  But full disclosure Koine is my fave.  And I've come to really respect Lex. He out Travolta'd everyone. He's a beast, he is everyone's competition and will be in the finals for sure.

This is the first time going back a couple of seasons that Marko has gotten onscreen recognition from the judges during critiques.  Some All Stars get comments every time, some even first most times over the contestant.  Marko has been in standing O routines (performances that have really deserved it) many, many times and I've watched him stand there while his partners were gushed over -- all the way back to his partnership with Melanie.  It's about time Marko gets some love!

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, PRGyro said:

. Though I'm no fan of Mandy Moore's sleepy, samey choreography, Kiki and Jenna performed with such emotional conviction

Kiki can emote, I'll give him that.  But only as long as you turn a contemporary routine into a quasi lyrical rumba where the male only needs to frame Jenna and not do any serious technical work of either genre, then he's got a routine. Rashad Jennings of DWTS  with no dance training could actually do as well as Kiki on this because if it's chemistry and coordinated timing of lifts only that they are after then that guy can deliver.  Now, if Kevin was handed this routine, I'd be impressed because he really moved me, and that conviction would be so compelling for a krumper to demonstrate tenderness and fire that it would be a routine so scorching it would be one for the history books.  I think the show really missed a happening by passing on Kevin.  It's too bad it's dissolved into who you know... especially since on FB Kevin's academy routine with Jenna has gone viral with over 6 million views.

Edited by Andie1
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Strong show this week.

I'm loving how much DWTS and SYTYCD just borrow each others choreographers/dancers/whoever more and more now. I cheered when I saw Emma & Sasha! Whoa, they (Nigel) even mentioned Val being with Jenna.

I fear Logan might not be getting the praise he deserves. His solos are INSANE, but may be overshadowed by Lex. Two very bendy guys who could very far and I want both to succeed.

TFTEISYF is a song that makes me cry regardless, so Kiki & Jenna kinda won me over with that.  Most of the routines were quality.

Katey Sagal (my queen) did a version of "Strange Fruit" for Sons of Anarchy when (half-black) Juice tried to hang himself. Effective dance, but did Travis really have a black body literally swinging during the "black bodies swinging" lyric? I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel about that?

Edited by marriedaniac
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On 2017-08-23 at 6:30 PM, SnarkyTart said:

They've hardly made a secret of it.  They've both talked about it quite openly in the After Buzz shows, as have Robert and Gaby.  They were dating before SYTYCD.

That's just silly.  I'm going to guess you're kidding and that you don't seriously believe professional dancers can't have chemistry with a partner they're not dating, or they can't get physically close to their partner if the bf/gf is around. 

Gabby?  It appears she is in a relationship with a guy she hastags as "#myFrank", they are lovey dovey all over her instagram.  I'm not sure about Taylor and Lex, because the way Marko and Koine reacted when a reporter said Lex and Taylor were an item made me think that it's all a ruse. It maybe more about them being from the same dance company. 

Edited by Andie1
16 hours ago, Andie1 said:

Gabby?  It appears she is in a relationship with a guy she hastags as "#myFrank", they are lovey dovey all over her instagram.  I'm not sure about Taylor and Lex, because the way Marko and Koine reacted when a reporter said Lex and Taylor were an item made me think that it's all a ruse. It maybe more about them being from the same dance company. 

I think the person above meant that Gaby and Robert have also talked about Taylor and Lex dating. I actually don't think they're a ruse for the show - they've been together since at least January, from their social media etc. I like how they're open about it so it's totally a non-issue. One of those interviewers backstage was all annoying and 'sooooo a little birdie tells me you're dating Taylor, is that true?!?!' and Lex was just like 'yeah I am' lol.

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18 hours ago, Andie1 said:

 I'm not sure about Taylor and Lex, because the way Marko and Koine reacted when a reporter said Lex and Taylor were an item made me think that it's all a ruse. It maybe more about them being from the same dance company. 

Right in the very beginning of this interview......

Lex confirms he is dating Taylor

Late to this discussion but pretty much agree with the posts.

Logan - glad he's not at the bottom.  Did well at the jive but worry since they were the first pair.  The jive showed more of his personality.  Still love his solos.

Lex - Definitely was better than Gabby.  He also showed a little more personality that he usually does.  It's not that Gabby was terrible but definitely outdone.   Lex needs to get contemporary soon.  Lex and Logan are great in their solos.  But I'm getting a little tired of his double leg swipe.

Kaylee - No question that she was better than Cyrus.  Cyrus should have never been an All Star since he's not versatile.  He's great at his style.  I will say that he improved since his season.  But still not good enough.  When they are side by side, his movements are cut short and he doesn't extend.  Then you have lots of places where Kaylee is doing everything by herself.  Her technique was off too.  She does have interesting solos.

Dassy - I think she will go home next week if she's at the bottom.  She's good in her style but needs more versatility.  She's just o.k. in other styles but that's how I felt about Fik-Shun during his season and he won.  She needs more training.

Kiki - Don't get why the judges love him so much.  Mary is forgetful since Paul just did a contemporary last week.  Paul's contemporaries with MacKenzie were beautiful and he did more than what Kiki did.  It was mostly Jenna.  Kiki can emote, partner, and do lifts.  He should have been in the bottom with his awful hip-hop last week.

Mark - Didn't think Mark should have been in the bottom.  His solo this week was better than last week's.  As I previously mentioned last week, his chemistry with Comfort is hot.  They also got the emotion correct this week.  They did a physical routine in terms of tricks but not classical technique moves.  I was waiting for them to lean all the way back and had to laugh that they barely leaned.

Taylor - She actually did better in the samba than I thought she would.  I thought she would be too stiff, graceful, and flowy.  It still wasn't good enough and their chemistry wasn't there.  She needs to hold in her core because she fell out of her solo a lot in her turns, HMVs, balances, etc.

Sydney - Thought she would go home.  She's bland when she performs.  Even though she wasn't that great in hip-hop, she's better in hip-hop than Kiki.  But again, the judges love Kiki. 

Koine - She emoted well but Marko did more in this routine.  Glad Marko is getting recognized here since I actually wanted him to beat Melanie during their season. 

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Yes, I wished Marko would win over Melanie (a win that I still have no ability to credit).

One of the things that astonishes me about animators is that they don't seem to be easily able to take their ridiculous body control over to another kind of dancing.  Anybody who can make their 5 toes go in different directions should at least be able to point and extend them....  It seems to me that they just don't have the correct vision in their head of how the dance should look or something.  I find it very strange.

  • Love 2

Blue headed girl annoys me. I'm annoyed Paul (who I loved on his season) picked such a bland partner. I love Mark and Comfort. But it makes me miss the original Hawaiian Mark who is my favorite dancer ever on this show. Logan and Lexington annoy me for some reason. Robert is very pretty. His partner is OK, is that Taylor? I honestly can't tell Koine and Dassy apart. I think I like Koine better though she dances with Marko? He reminds me of what's his face from Glee. Harry Schumsomething. Everyone else annoys me. (to be fair I'm 37 weeks pregnant and I have twin 15 month olds so actually everything right now annoys me)

So many many years ago I was on this forum and they were talking about the creepiest most haunting songs you've ever heard and there were two that stuck out to me that I remember and Strange Fruit is one of them. I much prefer the Billie Holiday version. I don't hate Travis for doing it I'm sure his intention came from a good place, but I wish they would have 1) hired a black choreographer and 2)given the black dancers the spotlight. I kind of also felt like many of you did that the camera work made it awkward as if here we are trying to do a peice about the oppression of black people and a bunch of white dancers get solos. I'm all for art making a statement but I think it could have been done with more thought.

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I have never entered a discussion about black vs white and I'm probably not wording this properly to be politically correct but.........

Theater has been color blind for several years now. "Hamilton" on Broadway has hired many a black actor to play historically white men. That is just one show on Broadway but this has been going on for years now. Just a thought.

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