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S30.E04: Dirty Deeds

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Wow, those were dramatic Presidos! You know what would have been nice? If the losers were actually out of the damn game. Redemption House will be a kick to the dick for Tony. "Wow, I got another chance?!? I can get back and treat people with respect. Or just be a dick. Hey, where's my baby brother?"

Fuck Tony. And I'm sad for Jenna because I "know" her better than Kailah. I have the latter ranked fourth in GBOGH because somebody had to fit between Dean and Ammo. In other news, I'm pretty certain Kailah will give Jemmye a ketchup bath soon.

I am good with Ammo staying, mostly out of the principle that Ammo should remain in the game after being left out of the mission. Also, Nelson is a dipshit, and Cory's plans to unseat the Kings will come to naught. Because he's an idiot, you see, and the Challenge Gods love Johnny to pieces.

ETA: Probable thoughts coming from Jenna: "Wow, these holes are tough to find! Now I know how Jay/Zach felt!" Of course, Johnny makes the pithy remark about Tony, because the editors love him that much.

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Yeah.. I mean at least Jayme actually did what needed to be done. Nelson not putting Johnny is pretty lame. If you have a chance to throw him in, you throw him in.

CM was hilarious tonight when she stated the obvious that it isn't her job to keep tony in the game because he has kids.

Also I don't mind that you guys are doing podcasts and not recaps but can you guys make some gifs or visual
Aids ala the BH podcast? Pretty please with a cherry on top?

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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I have to hand it to Bananas, he has leveled up superbly in his game play. He also must have an awesome contract and contractually obligated appearance fee tied in with dedicating the Challenge as his full time job. First of all the talking heads are priceless, with those wicked one liners. Burn! 

I did not miss the subtle pissing match he started with Cory at the club, which set off Nelson...all which would have ended up physical if Security hadn't stepped in. And of course, Bananas probably has written in his contract, that if any player steps aggressively to him, Security should intervene, so as not to mar the shit eating grin on his face. 

I also loved how he traipsed around with drunk Tony, and "comforted" Cara Maria, all while fanning the flames of the situation to take the Spotlight off of him. That was just classic...so freaking classic. So then Nelson, of course so stupidly throws in Tony, thus cancelling out Cory's plan to unseat the King. Wow. 

I honestly watch the show for moments like that, the not-so-obvious, blink and you'll miss it moments which Production has spliced so lovingly. 

Is the Challenge getting cancelled? What's with the auction on eBay? Why are they selling merchandise all of the sudden? 

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Fuck Cory for making me side at all with John but Cory and especially Nelson are not the ones to take John or the other vets out. They've done nothing to show they have abilities anywhere close to that. On some level I do appreciate Cory not wanting to just hand John the title again but he's going about it all wrong and just doesn't have the skills. Personally I find him annoying as well.

Tony is an idiot. He needs to quit being invited back. No one should care that he has kids. It's unfortunate that this show is his best chance (however slim) at earning money because he's so stupid.  

It can't be said enough, I wish the AYTO people weren't on this show. At this point I'd rather have a bunch of true old school people come back and play a game that's more about strategy, politicking, trivia, puzzles, whatever instead of so much physical stuff, to accommodate those players advancing ages.

Edited by Rebecca
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Nelson has serious rage issues. Same with Tony. They shouldn't be getting wasted. I've been around ppl like them and it's really uncomfortable and not fun. Also who the Fuck cares if Tony has kids. Maybe if he's gonna keep having them he should go out and get this thing called a full time job lol. Glad Cara Maria burned him.

Corey thinks way too high of himself.

Can all the are you the one ppl just somehow vanish out of the game. I won't question it I'll just be happy.

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I'm admittedly not a big Kailah fan, but I was loving her and Jenna as BFFs.  They were endearing, especially since the rest of the people in that house are completely self-serving.  If Kailah goes back in and serves it to the rest of them, I might just change my mind about her.  Jenna will continue to be my favorite.  She handles losses with such grace.  I hope she does well in the redemption house.

I too was thinking about Nelson's rage issues.  His fit reminded me of him throwing furniture around last season because Sylvia didn't want to hook up with him.  Nelson scares me.

I felt deja vu throughout Tony's "I reap what I sow" bullshit.  Dude clearly should not drink that much.

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This being a dirty game is entertaining me. I was pissed for Jenna and Kailah because I do like Jenna but kudos for Jemmye for pulling the dirty move that everyone kept claiming they wanted to do but probably would have backed down from. For all their big bad dirty game talk, most of them are punks. You want Camilla gone? Then vote her in. I have a feeling if any other girl had gotten that doublecross none of them would have said Jenna's name. Not even Camilla.

Now to the guys, ugh, I can't stand Cory but you know what, again kudos to him for trying to do something big. He came on with a plan to take out the vets and damn if it he wasn't trying. Nelson was a punk to throw in Tony (though it was funny) when he should have taken the chance and thrown in Johnny. Just for shits and giggles. It's not like Johnny doesn't know he has a target on his back or that he doesn't know that Nelson is in an alliance with Cory. Nelson wants to step up and fight Johnny for Cory when there's no need but when Cory needs him to do one thing...

CM owning Tony was awesome. "Don't talk about my mom, I have mother issues!!" then dude, don't bring up your mom in the first place. And stop drinking. And stop not wearing a condom. And stop acting like having two daughters makes your situation so much more desperate than any other competitor.

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Cory may have had the idea to take out the top vets but I'm not seeing any actual plan formulated to actually do so and that's what makes him...not so smart, imo. They have nothing to back up their bluster. 

It's easy to see why Tony gets in all kinds of confrontations and drama when he's drunk. He's totally that guy who says stupid shit and starts things and then doesn't remember and thinks other people are starting things. I was surprised John was trying to help him.

Leroy's vote was everything. Lol.

Edited by Rebecca
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I don't like this redemption thing for several reasons.  One of which is I'm pretty sure in the "later this season" clips that aired the first week, I saw Tony kissing somebody and other people caught them and were yelling about it.  Yet that hasn't yet aired and Tony was eliminated last night.  So this tells us that he is coming back from redemption.  I don't don't like the whole redemption idea, but at least if you're doing it, don't put out unwelcome spoilers.  It makes the elimination totally meaningless and a waste of my viewing time.

There's always the chance I'm misremembering it, or that is wasn't even Tony in the brief clip, but I remember thinking yeah, Tony hasn't changed, even with the second child and a second chance at his relationship.  

Holy Christ TJ was chatty last night.  I've never heard him say so many words all in a row before.  Also, I give a bit of a side eye to him making game comments.  You're the host, Teej.  Keep the Greek chorus to yourself.

I watch this show the day it airs and I did not remember that this elimination was because of what happened last week.  It feels like that team challenge was months ago.

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Thanks for addressing Cory's real crime on the podcast: making us side with Bananas. I'll hate him forever for that.

I'm not really into Redemption House as a concept but I'm enjoying the season so much I don't really care. Though, I wish they could just send Tony right home. On the other hand, none of the women on the show seem game to let him impregnate them so it might be best  (for the future of humanity) for him to stay.

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Cory is going about it the wrong way. In staying with the theme of the game that everyone likes to remind us about how dirty it is, he should've acted like he was on Johnny's side and backstabbed him at the right moment. He's so blatant about it and he doesn't have the smartest allies like Nelson or Hunter for that matter.


Tony is a dummy and I really hope he doesn't come back from the redemption house. He has zero respect for women and is crap at these challenges. I would much rather see Darrell come back as well as Jenna.

Edited by Steph619
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On ‎8‎/‎8‎/‎2017 at 9:08 PM, Lantern7 said:

Wow, those were dramatic Presidos! You know what would have been nice? If the losers were actually out of the damn game. Redemption House will be a kick to the dick for Tony. "Wow, I got another chance?!? I can get back and treat people with respect. Or just be a dick. Hey, where's my baby brother?"

Fuck Tony. And I'm sad for Jenna because I "know" her better than Kailah. I have the latter ranked fourth in GBOGH because somebody had to fit between Dean and Ammo. In other news, I'm pretty certain Kailah will give Jemmye a ketchup bath soon.

I am good with Ammo staying, mostly out of the principle that Ammo should remain in the game after being left out of the mission. Also, Nelson is a dipshit, and Cory's plans to unseat the Kings will come to naught. Because he's an idiot, you see, and the Challenge Gods love Johnny to pieces.

ETA: Probable thoughts coming from Jenna: "Wow, these holes are tough to find! Now I know how Jay/Zach felt!" Of course, Johnny makes the pithy remark about Tony, because the editors love him that much.

I am with you on feeling sad for Jenna.  She really is a good competitor and I like her more than most of the people on this show.  However, I was actually kind of happy that Kailah won instead of Jenna because Kailah may actually fight back and get revenge.  Jenna always seems like she rolls over for whoever crosses her.  I think its because she is a genuinely nice person and doesn't hold a grudge but I want to see players come back and screw over the people who double crossed them and that's not something I see Jenna doing.  I feel terrible for her having to be in that Redemption House, especially with Amanda.  

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Way to go, Jemmye!  Now that was a perfectly-timed "dirty" move.  And I hope Jemmye "accidentally" tells Kailah that Marie was trying to save her own ass by throwing Kailah & Jenna under the bus.  Though Aneesa may do it instead.

I don't buy anyone being scared of Camila.  I think everyone doesn't want to deal with her mouth constantly flapping had she been voted into elimination.

Cara Maria's read on Tony was everything!  I was howling.  Now Tony can go impregnate someone in the Redemption House.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, OnceSane said:

Way to go, Jemmye!  Now that was a perfectly-timed "dirty" move.  And I hope Jemmye "accidentally" tells Kailah that Marie was trying to save her own ass by throwing Kailah & Jenna under the bus.

Didn't she say (after she'd drawn the XX) something like "I'm doing what they all were too scared to do" (indicating the people up on the winner's viewing ledge)?  She didn't specifically say Marie, it's true.

I am not a particularly big fan of Jemmye's--it's petty of me, I know, but I can't deal with how her mouth is always hanging open--but I agree, way to go!  And I also hated that Johnny called her the "most grimy."  Sure, Dirty 30 is the theme, so use dirty in that sense, sneaky, underhanded, vicious, cutthroat, heartless--I've never heard "grimy" used as a synonym for those, and while I know it wasn't specifically sexist, in the context of Johnny, it comes off that way to me (smacking of his looks-ist talk when they were doing that underwater challenge a few seasons back).

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