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S06.E17: Robin & Wayne

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After three long years, Robin is desperate to finally meet her elusive, hunky, long-distance love in person. Nev and Max agree to help her hunt him down, but what they uncover turns out to be much more than Robin bargained for.

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I had oral surgery last week and it got me on a 3-day Catfish bender. I can't stop. 

Tonight?! WTF?! I need a follow up on this guy. What does he really do? Who else is he grifting? Even renting a Maserati for an hour has to cost more than this guys has. Who did that house belong to? Two girlfriends in bed, kids -- this guy is delusional in the most entertaining way!

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I don't know what to think about this episode. was this guy really rich? If he wasn't is he friends with people who are that rich? Did he really want the two girlfriends, or was that his way of getting rid of Robin. The whole thing was mind boggling.

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-Bubbles, nothing but trouble.

-Was that a Catfish Batman transition? There's absolutely no punchline here. Wayne is the first name, not the last...

-Easy 300 dollar scam.

-Brother from another mother.

-It's not all bad, your face could literally be tied to that person.

-Don't worry Robin, maybe Nev and Max will white knight him into writing you a 300 dollar check.

-Ya'll need to stop saying ya'll.

-He has all this Team Skyler junk on for the promotion opportunity.

-The manwhore is the one dishing out trust tests?

-Why are Nev and Max encouraging an audition or humoring this at all? Wayne is cuckoo for cocoa puffs and totally fake.

-Going out for dinner? Which producer thought the first date angle was smart for this?

-"He's not pretending to be prince charming". Ok? A turd sandwich is still a turd sandwich, stop defending it Nev. Wtf.

-No friend with benefits for you. Your polyamory fantasy replaces actual feeling.

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Robin was looking real hard at that big house and Maserati when she was trying to decide whether to go out with this dude.  Good for her for not buying into any of it.

Who is he?  What does he do?  Dude could barely tell a story without stumbling over his words and lies but he's a "motivational speaker" in the community?  They do good things?  What kinds of good things? Why would you advertise your philanthropic company on a shirt AND a hat when you're about to be on Catfish for being a shady mofo?  SO many questions.  

Edited by Spencer Hastings
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That "take her out to dinner" audition was so producer-driven.  They must have known about his polygamist desires, and they needed a way for him to reveal it.  I'm so glad Robin told him to get lost.  What a weird episode.

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Okay, anybody know how can I book Team Skyler for a corporate event? We are looking for a motivational speaker with expertise in forming harems. We'd also like to offer valet parking, and he seems skilled at moving other people's cars around.

Sorry Robin, but you ain't getting that $300 back. Dude took you to Applebee's and they didn't even bring you a glass of water. He's broke as shit and they know it. Look at the bright side, though - for less than $2 a week you got to have an imaginary relationship with a hunk who turned out to be a gay model. Wouldn't have worked out IRL but the fantasy was fun while it lasted, no? Not every girl can claim that (although, among Catfish hopefuls you are probably in the majority).

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35 minutes ago, AV8n said:

Okay, anybody know how can I book Team Skyler for a corporate event? We are looking for a motivational speaker with expertise in forming harems. We'd also like to offer valet parking, and he seems skilled at moving other people's cars around. 

Omg, spewed my drink.  You totally win, AV8N.

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What the serious hell did I just watch?  There's no way that dude was for real.  What a shitbag. First, there's no way he was actually rich and second, no way in HELL was he a motivational speaker. He could barely string a coherent sentence.  At first I thought when I saw is cheap hat and tshirt was that he was using this show as a promotion for his company. But that was even before he said what his business was. Still, I tried to google his business and nothing came up. So, I really don't get it. Thank godness Robin had the sense to not fall for the shiny and got the hell out of dodge. 

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9 hours ago, truebluesmoky said:

According to some people on the show's Facebook page who supposedly know him, he works at a used car lot and borrowed the fancy cars for the day. In addition, he apparently also used his friends' house.

Of course he did. What a loser he was.

I had a hard day yesterday and that was the perfect thing to watch afterward. I had so many thoughts. At first I wondered why he was stealing pictures; he wasn't bad-looking and was actually better-looking than she was. Then between the marriage reveal and the "I want two girlfriends" reveal, I was through. I'm glad she told him where to go.

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I did some Googling of "Team Skyler" and found nothing. Zilch. So much for the shameless self-promotion of his "company"

This ep felt a lot more staged/scripted than some of the more recent ones.

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He actually said, "I give you me upfront, so there are no surprises later." Oh, the irony of it all, for a catfish to say that!

I wanted Max and Nev to get her money back. She deserved that much, at least.

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23 hours ago, H.E. Pennypacker said:

Excuse me for being a moron, but can you tell me what a Lannister is?

If I may,

I believe it's a game of thrones reference. 

On the show Game of Thrones  the royal family The Lannisters have a saying that

"A Lannister always pays his debts." Meaning they always return borrowed money or pay for any services rendered.

Long story short, Wayne gave Robin back the $300.

3 hours ago, Fairlily26 said:


Edited by Fairlily26
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21 minutes ago, Fairlily26 said:

If I may,

I believe it's a game of thrones reference. 

On the show Game of Thrones  the royal family The Lannisters have a saying that

"A Lannister always pays his debts." Meaning they always return borrowed money or pay for any services rendered.

Long story short, Wayne gave Robin back the $300.


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On 7/27/2017 at 10:21 PM, GenL said:

What the serious hell did I just watch?  There's no way that dude was for real.  What a shitbag. First, there's no way he was actually rich and second, no way in HELL was he a motivational speaker. He could barely string a coherent sentence.  At first I thought when I saw is cheap hat and tshirt was that he was using this show as a promotion for his company. But that was even before he said what his business was. Still, I tried to google his business and nothing came up. So, I really don't get it. Thank godness Robin had the sense to not fall for the shiny and got the hell out of dodge. 

I think he was just shamelessly trying to promote himself (and his instagram page which is team_skyler)

From his instagram page....Wayne Coleman Loving Father?‍?God fearing??Reality Star⭐️My haters makes me famous? facebook.com/WayneColeman

He probably used the $300 along with money from other women to rent that house and those cars for a day for the filming.

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Reality star?   LOL

More like douchebag grifter who appeared on tv - part of one episode, revealing that he's a total dirtbag.

He'll be telling folks years from now about that time he was on tv.  

The only motivational speaking he's done is on that used car lot  trying to sell a fantastic 2003 Yugo, and scamming multiple women.

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