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32 minutes ago, Gharlane said:

These three movies were from the 1990's?  Hopefully, these movies were better than what they showed.

They were not. We did get Dana Scully out of Silence though. 

Lois - 'Ugh, it's the early 90s'. I could not STAND Two Princes, but it was funny how I couldn't stand it. I totally had a huge laugh when the marching band and then Brian made the crack about it. And THEN again in Forrest Gump.

35 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

It only just occurred to me: if Jenny had AIDS, did she pass it along to Forrest and their son? If not, Forrest really had sheer dumb luck on his side.

I thought she got it after? I never liked the movie at all. It's like they finally figured out how to splice news footage and made a movie around it. 

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On 9/26/2022 at 10:34 AM, rmontro said:

Surprised no one is speaking up for them, I think all three are good movies.  With Forrest Gump being the best of the three, how do you go through life without watching Forrest Gump?

The only one that isn't good to me is American Beauty. I think Silence of the Lambs is great. Maybe there are a few scenes that haven't aged well but all in all I think it's a home run of a movie. Forrest Gump isn't perfect but it is iconic. Lots to enjoy about it, lots to make fun of--it's entertaining and memorable. 

That being said, I wish they'd chosen different movies. If it had to be best picture winners I'd go with Amadeus, Titanic and Gladiator. Lots to make fun of with those three.

The Godfather would be good too but it would be more fun to just do all three movies in one episode.

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2 hours ago, Gharlane said:

Didn't they already spoof Titanic, or am I conflating a bunch of callbacks? 

I think they time traveled there at one point with Chris but IIRC it was just for one scene. There also was some kind of King of the World cutaway in a separate episode (I think). 

The show had an Amadeus cutaway too now that I think about it. 

Maybe they could have a three parter about movies that should have won for Best Picture. Then you could do L.A. Confidential, Brokeback Mountain and Goodfellas. Or maybe even Get Out.

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Cleveland's family?! Speaking?! And Donna spoke two episodes in a row?! What madness is this?!

My biggest gut laugh in the episode was the family going all the way back home to rewind the VHS of Ladyhawke. Of all the things I was expecting out of the Last Blockbuster, I wasn't expecting the employees hunting down the family for the late fees on that Ladyhawke tape. And then Amazon drones saved the day.

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This episode was ridiculous and I loved it.

The red hat people cawing like crows had me laughing. Cheap shot, sure, but when it works, it works.

I liked the ending bit where Chris and Meg recounted all the “exciting” things Peter has done over the years, and Stevie pointed out that not one of them were positive.

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Oh, come on, euchre isn't that hard. 

We didn't have a Blockbuster, but a local place. You mill about for a while and pick something that looks good. I like it better now since you have about 10,000 times more options. 

Tough Slater joke! When's the last time Peter fought the chicken?

I'm not knocking anyone that likes to eat candy, and I used to get candy when I went to the movies, but a lot of it is just gross. 

Edited by DoctorAtomic
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I like that Quagmire and Donna are buddies.

4 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

I do appreciate how the show isn’t afraid to portray Lois as a horrible person and call her out on it. Something The Simpsons can’t seem to do with Marge.

They're quite open about how everyone in the family is terrible (although it does strain the relationship and you wonder why everyone still lives with each other. Maybe they're all meant to be with each other in their awfulness.)

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Bonnie's voice has been sounding pretty rough lately.  I hope Jennifer Tilly's not having health problems.  Her voice was always a little raspy but it used to be a rather sexy purr.  Now it sounds like she smokes too much.  She is 64, though, so maybe she's just getting "old lady" voice.

Geez, don't bathroom doors in TV- and Movie-land ever have locks on them?  Ever since poor Judge Reinhold got caught by Phoebe Cates in "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" this trope has been bugging me.

When Joe saw Lois starkers, I thought about Who's The Boss when Tony saw Angela. For this show, I wouldn't put it past them.

I liked the quick side about the field trip to Slater Mill. Because that's true. 

42 minutes ago, Galileo908 said:

I like that Quagmire and Donna are buddies.

I feel like we should see more of this. 

  • Useful 1
On 10/9/2022 at 7:38 PM, cdnalor said:

Bonnie's voice has been sounding pretty rough lately.  I hope Jennifer Tilly's not having health problems.  Her voice was always a little raspy but it used to be a rather sexy purr.  Now it sounds like she smokes too much.  She is 64, though, so maybe she's just getting "old lady" voice.

I noticed that and assumed that it was a different actress - didn't even sound like Tilly to me. 

I appreciate that Donna and the librarian are part of Lois's friend group.

I laughed REALLY hard at Peter going down on Babs via hypnosis. I don't know why, but the image of Peter licking the ice cream cone had me in stitches. Also loved Weird Al's "Eat It" being the most inappropriate song choice on the way home.

It was also good to see Stewie being evil again. But it's not like Brian and Chris didn't have it coming. I liked Stewie's man cave.

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This was basically a gender flipped episode of South Park where the husbands hypnotized their wives to go down on them. And I’ll admit it, it was funny as hell.

That His/Her restaurant looked awesome.

8 minutes ago, Galileo908 said:

It was also good to see Stewie being evil again. But it's not like Brian and Chris didn't have it coming. I liked Stewie's man cave.

Big lol at the end where Stevie shot himself instead of Meg.

Edited by Spartan Girl
On 10/16/2022 at 9:59 PM, Galileo908 said:

I laughed REALLY hard at Peter going down on Babs via hypnosis. I don't know why, but the image of Peter licking the ice cream cone had me in stitches. Also loved Weird Al's "Eat It" being the most inappropriate song choice on the way home.

I think the the Family Guy writers finally found the line 🤢

Edited by anna0852
On 10/16/2022 at 9:59 PM, Galileo908 said:

I laughed REALLY hard at Peter going down on Babs via hypnosis. I don't know why, but the image of Peter licking the ice cream cone had me in stitches. Also loved Weird Al's "Eat It" being the most inappropriate song choice on the way home.

That was a bit too predictable for me, but I loved them seeing the sign in the window of "Mohammed's Old Carpets" store, although it took me a second to realize the joke. 

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On 10/16/2022 at 9:59 PM, Galileo908 said:

Also loved Weird Al's "Eat It" being the most inappropriate song choice on the way home.

Now I know that this show exists in a bizarre alternate reality.

Even when "Weird Al" had the #1 album in America (for one week),

the radio stations in my area STILL refused to play any of his songs.

As you noted, I don't think I've ever heard Weird Al on an Over the Air station (at least not in any markets that don't already have every possible type of station possible). 

That said, I HAVE heard him on Sirius XM, especially on some of the Decade stations. (I've also heard the Power Rangers theme on it once). So I could see the song playing if they turned on Sirius. :) 

  • Useful 1
On 10/18/2022 at 5:14 AM, Gharlane said:

That was a bit too predictable for me, but I loved them seeing the sign in the window of "Mohammed's Old Carpets" store, although it took me a second to realize the joke. 

<Yawn> South Park did it...24 years ago.  Maybe in was an homage.


Seriously though, I did like the episode.

10 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

The Teddy Pendergrass joke killed when they cut to the Browns with the ER. 

And Bortus is back!

I liked that being at the post office gave Cleveland logistical skills. 

I was a little disappointed they reset. I would have liked Cleveland to actually get a new job. 

Same here. It was nice seeing Cleveland not only getting a story, but actually being good at his job. 

loved the kids being mad at Peter for not stealing ketchup from Cleveland’s party. I don’t like eating food like that dry, either.

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"Unzipped Code". Cleveland is fired as a mailman after an ignominious mishap, but flourishes in his new job at the brewery.

I enjoyed this one, but wish Cleveland had kept his job at the brewery (but without Peter losing his, natch). The Teddy Pendergrass injuries running gag was funny, but I seem to remember him being seriously injured and confined to a wheelchair at some point late in his career.

On 10/23/2022 at 9:57 PM, DoctorAtomic said:

I was a little disappointed they reset. I would have liked Cleveland to actually get a new job. 

On 10/24/2022 at 8:53 AM, Galileo908 said:

Same here. It was nice seeing Cleveland not only getting a story, but actually being good at his job.

On 10/24/2022 at 12:27 PM, Gharlane said:

I enjoyed this one, but wish Cleveland had kept his job at the brewery (but without Peter losing his, natch).

This makes 4 votes. It's not like Cleveland's job as a mailman actually came up all that much (this is the only episode I can remember it's actually been a plot point) so it would've been a good chance to have things happen at the brewery more. I know if I were Cleveland I would've taken that job and just reinstated Peter. Well, if I were Cleveland I wouldn't have Peter for a friend anyway so there's that.

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So I see we're just going with Bortus? Approved. 
Are the untucked shirts actually any good?

It sounded like the hologram machine was Rachel. 

Wow the 7 Up Yours joke was a deep cut. Also, a giraffe is never not funny.

50 minutes ago, Galileo908 said:

I did like how he cycled through the old Peter designs before shorting out, like Larry from Larry & Steve.

And ending on Fred Flintstone was on point. I liked how Lois knew something was wrong when hologram Peter didn't know what a dutch oven was. 

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