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"The View": Week Of 7/10/17

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I remember Cowboy Troy as being a black country singer also.  Maybe Whoopi only mentioned Charlie Pride and Darius Rucker, saying they were the only two black country singers, because they are the most well-known.

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5 hours ago, mrbean5411 said:

It's not about two wrongs making a right.

Apparently it is, because that was Jedilyingliarwholies' argument. Trump, Jr. being a traitor has nothing to do with Hillary or Obama, and their names are irrelevant.

I had to laugh today when they were talking about that one Republican rejecting the party that now stands for Trump, and Jedi acting as if she's one of the good guys like him. I don't think he spends every morning giving Trump a rimjob on live television.

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23 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Forgive my ignorance, but would the small amount of gluten in a communion host really cause people with celiac's disease to have digestive problems?

Unfortunately, yes.  Celiac is an autoimmune disease, and even a very small amount can cause someone's immune system to go into overdrive. This seems to vary person by person how much is too much.

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1 hour ago, tribeca said:

Was there a new show on today ?   My DVR is set to record new episodes and it didn't record today 


19 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

Your DVR is doing you a favor.

God works in mysterious ways.

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I had to laugh when Joy said that Trump saying his son was "high quality" reminded her of how you would describe linen thread count, which is EXACTLY what I'd said to my niece when we were discussing Trump last night!!  LOL.  Great minds think alike.

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3 hours ago, Haleth said:

Forgive my ignorance, but would the small amount of gluten in a communion host really cause people with celiac's disease to have digestive problems?

Depends on the person. My aunt has severe gluten sensitivity and we eat at Tex-Mex restaurants when we go out because it's easy for her to avoid trigger foods. Once someone in the kitchen stirred (something) with a spoon that had been in something else that had gluten in it, and she (and my poor uncle) spend the next eight hours in the restaurant's bathroom while she threw up everything she'd eaten for the past 15 years. I can't imagine what a communion wafer would do to her.

TOPIC! Did Jed actually describe herself as a "conservative," a "former Republican," and a libertarian today?

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48 minutes ago, backformore said:

A storm knocked out my satellite for the first 8 minutes, and my recoding started with Jed saying she was MAD - what was she fired up about?

Jed-a-liar was MAD at Don jr.  She is OUTRAGED at his behaviour and stupidity.  Russia doesn't stand for what America stands for! How could he be so stupid to COLLUDE with Russia? (Okay, she didn't say collude, but that is what it was.)   She's very UPSET!  And NERVOUS!

What was funny was, at that moment Joy and Sarah were having a side joke/giggle, but I couldn't catch what it was about.

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3 hours ago, bannana said:

What was funny was, at that moment Joy and Sarah were having a side joke/giggle, but I couldn't catch what it was about.

I thought they were cracking up at Jedi's feigned outrage.

Was anyone else's first thought during the communion topic when Jedi said she had to eat gluten-free that she had finally morphed into Elisabeth Hasselbeck?

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4 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

Was anyone else's first thought during the communion topic when Jedi said she had to eat gluten-free that she had finally morphed into Elisabeth Hasselbeck?

I couldn't help but notice that.  What are the chances of having back to back Conservative co-hosts who have a sensitivity to gluten.  Is she for real?   

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4 minutes ago, Medicine Crow said:

Canadians are "good enough" to see all Bravo's shows, but can't access WWHL ... bummer!!!

What do you mean by access?

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6 minutes ago, Medicine Crow said:

WWHL is "not available" to Canadian viewers (that I know of) ... if it is, someone please tell me which channel.

Ah ok. Your wording before had be a bit confused. I know of ways to watch it online after it airs. 

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16 hours ago, mrbean5411 said:

It's not about two wrongs making a right. It's about the glaring hypocrisy of Sunny and all the left leaning panelists that is the issue. Believe me, if Hillary were president right now and all her ties to Russia were revealed Sunny, Joy and Whoopi would be singing a completely different tune. So would many of the posters on this board for that matter.

Amen!! I couldn't agree more. I'm no Trump fan, but I agree with you 100%.  Whoopi, Sunny, and especially Joy are so blinded by their hatred of Trump that they can't even see how hypocritical they are.

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4 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

I think it was a case of her not wanting to speak badly of a friend. What killed me was Whoopi of all people raking her over the coals for it. Remember Cosby, Whoopi?

True. But then we all know that Whoopi ain't allowed to be questioned. Cuz she knows all!?

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I think Whoopi was talking about being blacklisted for some comment she made at some point (the Bush joke? the Polanski defense?) that caused her to not be able to get a gig for awhile. 

For once Jed wasn't the most annoying person on the stage. 

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3 minutes ago, Haleth said:

I think Whoopi was talking about being blacklisted for some comment she made at some point (the Bush joke? the Polanski defense?) that caused her to not be able to get a gig for awhile. 

For once Jed wasn't the most annoying person on the stage. 

It was the Bush joke, I believe. SlimFast dropped her as their spokesperson right after it.

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3 hours ago, merriebreeze said:

I took a mental health day, too, along with Joy. No View for me.

I took a mental health day today from The View two-minutes after Kaitlyn Jenner started spewing her narcissistic take on politics. 

Edited by Fatkat
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I didn't see the whole show, but I did take a little peek at some clips on Facebook.  Caitlyn Jenner's comments - no surprises there.  I just have a hard time believing that #45 supporters are so blind.

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1 hour ago, ChicagoCita said:

It's interesting, there was a book in the 1960s (I think) called Black Like Me, in which the Caucasian author "went undercover" in the South as a black man and had his eyes opened wide by how he was treated. Now, I think you'd call it losing his white privilege. I would have thought the same thing would happen with Caitlyn, going from a position of extreme privilege (white, male, wealthy, acclaimed as an Olympian, known as a reality TV star) to someone who is the poster child for a not-well-understood minority. But she continues, firmly and defiantly, to hold one-percenter viewpoints. It's very weird.

I really wish Joy had been there when Caitlyn started talking about "what's the big deal" about Junior going to Russia for dirt on Hillary. For one thing, it's a federal crime to solicit or accept a campaign contribution of any value — such as incriminating information — from a foreign national. And this is the sitting President's son. Just that alone is horrifying. For Caitlyn to do her best Scarlett O'Hara "fiddlesticks!" defense was ridiculous. And using the second line of Denial Defense, "What About Hillary?" is simply a red herring. We get it, chickie, you are DT in your own mind. But it doesn't make what Junior admitted to doing to be less a felony.

I find her so objectionable on so many levels. Her gender isn't on the list.

I remember that book ChicagoCita !! He stained his skin if I recall correctly,   I'm feeling old. 

My DVR taped the orange one( I had sound off and observed a few seconds of his facial mugging and turned it off) .  When  I try to see the show on demand it plays my recording. I'm sure I would have same response to Kardisian I mean Jenner.  

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On 7/11/2017 at 9:57 AM, Apprentice79 said:

  There are some on the right  who feel that Higher Education is the liberal way of brainwashing the youth.  I feel that they want to keep people poor, uneducated and pliable. 

There is the Grand Canyon between that first and second sentence.

I'd go along with the 1st, but only with the insertion of "currently," before "Higher Education".  Check the politics of the faculties of American higher education, and I believe you'd find it heavily weighted to the Left.  So = statistically provable.

As re: the 2nd: I feel many on the right feel many on the left want to keep people "poor, uneducated, and pliable", and thus beholden to the party who many on the right feel promises as many freebies as the Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

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I have a suspicion, the hosts were cautioned not to press Jenner on her narcissistic, fact-free opinions. Sunny backed off every time Jenner spouted views emanating from years of wealthy, white privilege.  She is disappointed in Trump's actions toward the LGBTQ community, but what is that when compared to  lower tax bills for the Jenner/Kardashian clan? I applaud Joy for taking a mental health day to avoid her head exploding by "making nice" with this hypocrite.

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12 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

So, Whoopie was in a coma or prison for 5 years?  How did someone cost her 5 years of her life?  Also, Whoops, you're part of a panel.  Let Sunny speak.  

Nobody stole 5 years of whoopi's LIFE.  She lost 5 years of product representation.   In general, companies don't want to be represented by someone who might alienate the audience they want to sell to.  

4 hours ago, ChicagoCita said:

I really wish Joy had been there when Caitlyn started talking about "what's the big deal" about Junior going to Russia for dirt on Hillary. For one thing, it's a federal crime to solicit or accept a campaign contribution of any value — such as incriminating information — from a foreign national. And this is the sitting President's son. Just that alone is horrifying. For Caitlyn to do her best Scarlett O'Hara "fiddlesticks!" defense was ridiculous. And using the second line of Denial Defense, "What About Hillary?" is simply a red herring. We get it, chickie, you are DT in your own mind. But it doesn't make what Junior admitted to doing to be less a felony.

the big deal, Caitlyn , is lying.  multiple  people on trump's team said there was no connection to Russia, no meetings with Russia, when that wasn't true.  

It's not just the crime, it's the cover-up.  (that was a popular refrain about Watergate) 

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12 hours ago, ChicagoCita said:

But she continues, firmly and defiantly, to hold one-percenter viewpoints. It's very weird.

Word.  Total lack of empathy.

12 hours ago, ChicagoCita said:

I find her so objectionable on so many levels.

Word once more.  The only thing more objectionable are the producers of The View giving this traitorous moron a platform.


56 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

Her story about a LGBT camp rejecting her made me laugh. What does she expect?

Seriously!  Thanks for supporting The Orange Menace that rolled back federal protection for trans kids!  Kids!  The ones that need the most protection!  I love your priorities!  The producers should've asked Gavin Grimm to be on the panel.

I used to be a huge fan of The Young and The Restless.  One of their 20 year plot lines was the feud between 2 characters:  Katharine Chancellor and Jill Foster.  KC got plastic surgery one year, and during a heated argument JF gave KC one of her zingers.  I've remembered it for a long time, but I've never had a chance to use it until now.  "The next time you have cosmetic surgery, why don't you do everyone a favor and have your lips sewn shut!"

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I think most guests are warned by their agents to tread lightly if asked anything about politics.  In most circumstances they are only on the show to sell something so they don't want to say anything too inflammatory.  Of course the more well known the guest is, the less afraid he or she will be to speak candidly.  Did Caitlyn mention her book?  Is that why she's co-hosting?  It certainly can't be because of her great understanding and analytical skills regarding current issues.

Oh, geez, I hope Joy is back today as moderator.  If Whoopi isn't there either there won't be anyone to push back on Jed's (and Caitlyn's) nonsense.

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1 hour ago, Jewlmc said:

Paula, Jed, AND Caitlyn?  No Whoopi OR Joy?


Hard pass.

HAH!!! Didn't I predict this when the topic was posted last week?

9 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Boring. I turned it off after 15 mins.

Goodie. I can just delete when I get home, AFTER, I go to my local Krispey Kreme, to see what they're offering for their birthday!?Hey! I KNOW what MY priorities are!??

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I’m glad Caitlyn is now gone. Friday’s poor guests got shafted. Whoopi gave out 6 or 7 books that people might actually want to read on Thurday while Friday’s guests were stuck with Caitlyn’s autobiography. It would go straight into the trash if I was one of those guests.

Did Caitlyn actually try to frame Rob Kardashian as the victim today? And while sitting next to an actual victim, for God’s sake. “You have to be careful who you pick to be your friends” (paraphrased). He’s the one who released nude pictures of his ex online. He is not a victim. But I guess this is in-line with her pretending she's some kind of victim for being a Trump supporter yesterday.

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I liked the show today. Some say boring, I say it was a collaborative effort with Paula as moderator. Everyone was giving their opinion without looking warily at the moderator to see if they were going to get blown away. 

Like or dislike Caitlyn she is interesting. 

Joy is the best moderator for this show. Paula did well. Sunny can do well. Sara can do well. Jed, maybe. 

ABC don't resign Whoopi again. Save the money and share it with the others. Everyone is better off without her.

Edited by rcc
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1 minute ago, rcc said:

I liked the show today. Some say boring, I say it was a collaborative effort with Paula as moderator. Everyone was giving their opinion without looking warily at the moderator to see if they were going to get blown away. 

Like or dislike Caitlyn she is interesting. 

Joy is the best moderator for this show. Paula did well. Sunny can do well. Sara can do well. Jed, maybe. 

ABC don't resign her again. Joy and the others are better off without her (and a lot of us).

I did like the show.  I chose to focus on the positive, I loved the results of the DNA test.  Everybody was enjoying themselves, even Caitlyn.  The show has a fun vibe to it, when the movie stah is absent. She is such a downer.  

As far as Caitlyn, she  still thinks like a privileged, White, Heterosexual, man, despite her physical change. I don't expect her to change because she is still privileged in that she has money and can hire bodyguards  for protection,against those that would want to harm her. Unfortunately, most Transgender people will never have that. 

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17 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

I don't expect her to change because she is still privileged in that she has money and can hire bodyguards  for protection,against those that would want to harm her.

There are plenty of privileged people who are empathetic towards their fellow man:  Warren Buffett, Bill and Melinda Gates....the list goes on.

18 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

Unfortunately, most Transgender people will never have that. 

And Caitlin Jenner is doing everything she can to make sure they never have that.

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Caitlyn tried to excuse Rob on theold, "boys will be boys" and men are stupid. 

Bleccchhhh. Go away, Caitlyn. You're not representing anyone except the richie-rich who can afford surgery, clothes,  wigs, pro makeup,   and body guards. Oh, and also lawyers who get you off of vehicular manslaughter charges.  

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13 minutes ago, Tosia said:

Oh, and also lawyers who get you off of vehicular manslaughter charges.  

I actually thought when they were talking about O.J. Simpson one of the ladies was going to say, "Caitlyn you should be able to relate since you killed someone too.

Edited by Tenarife60
wrong word
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