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Check Up with Dr. Drew Season 6B (Part 1)

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On 7/6/2017 at 2:07 PM, Tatum said:

This is curious to me. So, Ryan had a bad enough problem in 2012 to be shipped off to rehab, which evidently didn't take. And this has only recently come up in 2017? It does seem like things have come to a head in the last 12 months with the cat killing, disownment from Larry, Ryan's increasingly bizarre behavior- but what was going on from 2013-2016?

To clarify, because I know the timeline is getting confusing: Dalis, Ryan's ex, recently gave an interview that stated Ryan went to rehab for about a week in 2012. She says a coworker of hers noticed his odd behavior and he finally admitted to it after she caught him in the middle of a drug deal about 8 months into their relationship. She says she was the one who broke it to his parents and that Jen was in denial but Larry was the one who pulled the secret out of her, which indicates to me that he probably also suspected and was looking for confirmation. They staged an intervention, he went to outpatient rehab for a week and then relapsed. Dalis says he never wanted to get clean, he just wanted the withdrawals to stop. There is no mention of if or when Maci knew. I believe Maci was living with Kyle in Nashville in 2012 (though they did break up that year too) and that may have been a factor in when or how she was notified. Maci confirmed on the reunion that Ryan told her about his problem and that she knows of a previous rehab attempt that didn't last long; it's assumed that these two rehab attempts are one in the same.

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1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

Found the text of Mackenzies letter


You told me to my face, merely days after I had informed you of Ryan seeking help, that you had known about his problem since November. That was 186 days, 4,464 hours, and 267,840 minutes that he could’ve died, and still, you said nothing. You let everyone know that you feared for his life, while concurrently exploiting Ryan and his addiction on the show.

I had only known about it for two days before Ryan was walking into treatment. You preach about hating complacency and enabling. Because you turned your head to the problem, that makes you the enabler, not everyone else that it’s blamed on. This is not reality television; this is actual reality.

Instead of solving the problem, or doing what you could to make an effort to solve it, you decided to humiliate Ryan, humiliate myself and his entire family, but more importantly, you’ve humiliated our children for years to come

Helping Ryan doesn’t mean talking about all of his problems on national television, it means being supportive, not kicking someone when they’re down, and respecting the privacy that we all so graciously deserve.

Ugh, hearing it again just makes me more and more angry. She is literally putting full responsibility for Ryan's LIFE in Maci's hands. And she only knew he had a problem two days before rehab? Bullshit. Why did she ask about Xanax on camera, then? 

I don't believe she actually wrote this entire thing. Call Aviva to get to the bottom of this, because I think Mack had a ghostwriter. No way she came up with "concurrently" on her own. 

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I really don't like anyone involved in the Mac/Maci situation so I have a lot of conflicting feelings, mostly anger/annoyance at everyone but Bentley... but I do have one coherent opinion, how in the hell have we been wondering here whether Ryan had a issue (we were torn about whether it was a brain injury or drug issue, but we definitely could tell something was going on) for years, yet Maci held the keys to telling the people who should arguably be closer to Ryan (i.e. His parents and Mackenzie)!? BS.

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33 minutes ago, leighroda said:

I really don't like anyone involved in the Mac/Maci situation so I have a lot of conflicting feelings, mostly anger/annoyance at everyone but Bentley... but I do have one coherent opinion, how in the hell have we been wondering here whether Ryan had a issue (we were torn about whether it was a brain injury or drug issue, but we definitely could tell something was going on) for years, yet Maci held the keys to telling the people who should arguably be closer to Ryan (i.e. His parents and Mackenzie)!? BS.

The problem I see is, everyone was in some sort of denial or deflecting what role they played in the whole situation. Maci is certainly not responsible for telling Mac, Dallis, or any of Ryan's GFs what issues he suffers from. No different than trying to put the blame on Ryan for Maci's drinking issues. Ryan and Maci are responsible for Bentley's welfare. He deserves to have both parents be healthy-minded and working as a united front. Ryan has been lacking in the parental department for most of Bentley's 8 years. In the last 5 years, Maci was informed of Ryan's drug addiction. Those are five years that Bentley was exposed to a situation where he didn't have to. She also allowed Bentley to watch this unfold on television by watching Teen Mom. I am all for informing kids of the truth while educating them about a loved one with a problem, but this was not the way to handle it. I will give Maci a pass for not knowing how to deal with an addict in the beginning. Once she was aware of Ryan relapsing shortly after his trip to rehab, that is where her free pass stops. She continuously pointed the finger at the Edwards, particularly Jen, for enabling Ryan, but Maci also enabled Bentley's father in her own way. 

With all the money these people have from pulling in MTV money over the years, they sure could put it to use by agreeing to enter into therapy. Instead, they go on camera and complain about one another and whose fault it is in order to garner that mighty paycheck. Maci has already been informed what to do. I still keep hoping I will come here and find a link to a court document or an article that mentions Maci putting her foot down and removing Bentley from that situation. In fact, if Maci does put her foot down, I bet my last dollar it will be to get back at Mackenzie, not because Maci is concerned about Bentley's welfare. 

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What I find so incredulous is anyone would believe that Maci was the only one who knew Ryan has a drug problem.  She never even sees Ryan.  Bentley has always spent his time with Jen & Larry and they coordinate the pick-up/drop-offs.  

It's ridiculous to me that Mack, Jen & Larry were oblivious to Ryan's issues.  Mack is only mad that the issue is public and that she looks bad.  No idea what Jen & Larry are thinking but I do think they have & would do anything to protect Bentley.  And, let's face, the weekend visitations are with them, not Ryan.  Ryan's never been anything more than an older brother to Bentley.

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Mackenzie stated that she is going (at the time this was filmed) to therapy with Ryan at the rehab he's in. I would bet composing and reading that letter on camera was not a suggestion. Unless she wrote it back stage, she had at least a plane trip from Tennessee to New York (?) to change her mind.

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37 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Mackenzie stated that she is going (at the time this was filmed) to therapy with Ryan at the rehab he's in. I would bet composing and reading that letter on camera was not a suggestion. Unless she wrote it back stage, she had at least a plane trip from Tennessee to New York (?) to change her mind.

He left rehab like 2 weeks in. What therapy is she going to?  What a joke. 

Edited by CofCinci
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42 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

He left rehab like 2 weeks in. What therapy is she going to?  What a joke. 

Wasn't this filmed the first weekend in June ?

Edited by ginger90
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On 7/6/2017 at 3:18 PM, ghoulina said:

They very well might have, but left it on the cutting room floor. Anything to make sure they didn't look complicit. I don't trust MTV as far as I can throw them. 

Hell, the producers were probably the ones giving the #haircut."

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19 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

Hell, the producers were probably the ones giving the #haircut."


That is likely who Mackenzie is writing the letter to. 

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I wonder how many random viewers on twitter or whatever social media have sent Mackenzie etc messages about Ryan possibly abusing substances prior to all this? I won't believe the answer is zero.

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19 hours ago, snarts said:

What I find so incredulous is anyone would believe that Maci was the only one who knew Ryan has a drug problem.  She never even sees Ryan.  Bentley has always spent his time with Jen & Larry and they coordinate the pick-up/drop-offs.  

Exactly. He's rarely around when she drops off or picks up Bentley. She has invited him to do stuff with her and Taylor before, but he never shows. So how was SHE to know the degree of his addiction before his parents and Mack, both of whom he lived with at some point in these past few years????

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22 hours ago, luvly said:

To clarify, because I know the timeline is getting confusing: Dalis, Ryan's ex, recently gave an interview that stated Ryan went to rehab for about a week in 2012. She says a coworker of hers noticed his odd behavior and he finally admitted to it after she caught him in the middle of a drug deal about 8 months into their relationship. She says she was the one who broke it to his parents and that Jen was in denial but Larry was the one who pulled the secret out of her, which indicates to me that he probably also suspected and was looking for confirmation. They staged an intervention, he went to outpatient rehab for a week and then relapsed. Dalis says he never wanted to get clean, he just wanted the withdrawals to stop. There is no mention of if or when Maci knew. I believe Maci was living with Kyle in Nashville in 2012 (though they did break up that year too) and that may have been a factor in when or how she was notified. Maci confirmed on the reunion that Ryan told her about his problem and that she knows of a previous rehab attempt that didn't last long; it's assumed that these two rehab attempts are one in the same.

If Ryan was in something for only about a week, then I doubt it was actually rehab. I bet he detoxed, which lasts for about a week, then refused the actual rehab program. Thst might be why he relapsed so quickly.

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How do we know Maci never expressed concern to Jenn or Larry? It's quite possible she did and was blown off.

As Fonzie would say, "Exactamundo!" 

IMO she did talk to the both of them about Ryan's issues. There is no way in hell she never brought it up once. In fact, go back to the scene in her home in one episode where she was telling Taylor and the producer how it gets annoying talking to Jen about certain issues pertaining to Ryan. Then, there is the scene where she is talking to the therapist and says she is not sure what drugs Ryan is addicted to. Now, that could be true, at a certain point. I know those therapy scenes were set up and Maci was already aware of the actual drug. She just had to play it off to conform with what the storyline was on the show. She was fully aware of pills, but at a certain point she may not have been aware of him abusing opiates and shooting up heroin.

IMO The blow-up with Larry and Ryan had to be the trigger point for Maci to inquire with them what exactly was going on with Ryan. I can't imagine her not asking out of curiosity and concern especially to the two people she admitted were her second set of parents and she has a close bond with them. 

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She mentioned at the "check-up" that she tried to broach the issue with Jenn and was totally "shut down" in her words which I find totally believable.  Jenn is in total denial, part of why she's one of the worst enablers I've ever seen (on tv.)

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Oh yes, shut down was what she said regarding Jen's response. 

Jen may shut down and put blinders on, it doesn't mean Maci has to go along with it.  I am sure many of us here have had to deal with someone who was enabling an addict. I personally had to inform someone I wasn't allowing their child in my home due to their addiction. It hurt to have to tell this relative why I was putting my foot down, but I wasn't going to be a victim of their child's stealing. My gosh, I was so concerned about having to lock up my bedroom, hide my purse, making sure my husband's wallet was also put away. Any piggy banks were not visible. That is too much to have to deal with. 

Maci herself was putting blinders on. She didn't want to have to cease the visitation for Bentley at his grandparents' home even though they were a big part of the problem. Well, mainly Jen. Maci shut down the therapist on the phone by ignoring his professional advice. 

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Totally agree with everything you just said.  Everyone in Ryan's life, including Maci, has enabled him.  And everyone is now pointing fingers at one another.  None of it is helping Ryan or, more importantly, Bentley.

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1 hour ago, lezlers said:

Totally agree with everything you just said.  Everyone in Ryan's life, including Maci, has enabled him.  And everyone is now pointing fingers at one another.  None of it is helping Ryan or, more importantly, Bentley.

So much more could be accomplished for Bentley's sake if they would just stop pointing fingers and get together as one group and confront Ryan with tough love. No more chances, no more support. We are not going to enable you anymore. You are on your own. They could do the intervention with Maci speaking up on Bentley's behalf. But with Jen 2.0 (Mackenzie) in the picture now, it will only get worse, I am afraid. 

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8 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Exactly. He's rarely around when she drops off or picks up Bentley. She has invited him to do stuff with her and Taylor before, but he never shows. So how was SHE to know the degree of his addiction before his parents and Mack, both of whom he lived with at some point in these past few years????

Mackenzie's argument was that when she (Mac) told Maci of Ryan's impending rehab trip, Maci's response was, I've known he had a drug problem since November. There was never any mention of how she knew, just that she told Mac she knew. As Mac was claiming she didn't know, the implication was that however Maci came to know this, she did know, unlike Mac, Larry and Jen, and chose to say nothing. 


Now I believe this conversation happened. If it didn't, I think Maci would have been like, um I never said that. What I don't know was the context. Was Maci being sarcastic, like, uh, yeah, I think that cat's been out of the bag for awhile, was she just being Maci and letting Mac know that Maci knew something was up as a way of competition for who knows Ryan better- who knows. It's really irrelevant since we all know everyone knew the truth long before now, and Maci was hardly sitting on this shocking revelation. Still I do wonder the wisdom of Maci responding to Mac in that way. 


What Mac doesn't realize with her stupid letter is there no endgame in which she looks good. Either she knew about it before, and is a liar, a hypocrite, and an enabler to the point where she's complicit in endangering other people's lives, or, even if we can believe she didn't know, she's not only the dumbest, least observant ignorant person in the world, but hello- so she "finds out" her fiancé is an addict who's been lying to her their entire relationship and probably has been high the entire time they were together and she probably doesn't even know the sober version of her would-be husband- and she fucking marries him anyway! She's then either a predator looking for an easy mark, or she's just so desperate she'll take whatever she can get. Either way, no good looks for this moron. 

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Yeah, she knew about it since November.  November 2012.   

That fits because Dalis said his first rehab stint was December of 2012.   I can totally imagine Maci saying just November and leaving out how it was November five years ago.  lol

But of course I believe they all knew about it and are just playing dumb.

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43 minutes ago, lexiexx said:

Yeah, she knew about it since November.  November 2012.   

That fits because Dalis said his first rehab stint was December of 2012.   I can totally imagine Maci saying just November and leaving out how it was November five years ago.  lol

But of course I believe they all knew about it and are just playing dumb.

She knew since November 2012. This made me laugh. LOL!!! Truth!

Maci: "You didn't ask me what year." *burp*

Yes they all knew since 2012, 

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On 7/7/2017 at 2:04 PM, Tatum said:

.... Even if you believed Maci, are you going to be able to singlehandedly urge Ryan to either go to rehab or quit drugs on his own?

I've felt, since Maci began 'hinting' about Ryan's problem and especially once she actually said the words 'drug use', that she was trying to give Ryan an ultimatum that he'd better get himself to rehab asap because very soon it was going to all be exposed on tv.  Given the timing of how everything played out, the rushed marriage, his family's reaction to Maci, etc., I think that's the reason he ended up going to rehab at all (it was obvious Ryan was oblivious to and didn't give AF about his appearance/behavior on camera and with Mac and his parents continuing to cover for him. etc and I wonder how long they'd have been content to let it all continue).  I guess she might have been giving Jenn, Larry and Mac the same head's up, too since it's obvious with Mac's letter they are hugely resentful of Maci about it all.  

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@rayndon Ryan's drug use was exposed long ago on tv. Maci finally hinting at it was like hinting at the barn door possibly having been left open long after the horse ran out. 

I don't believe Ryan entered rehab because of Maci's hinting on the show or anything relating to Maci because his caught-on-camera DUI happened in May, before the show wrapped up for the season. He would have no clue what Maci hinted at or said in her scenes.

In order for Maci to give Ryan an ultimatum about entering rehab, she'd have to lay out a consequence if he didn't go or complete rehab. A threat wouldn't mean shit to Ryan, or anyone else for that matter without a threat. The only card she holds is Bentley. Assuming for argument's sake she did give him or Bentley's grandparents an ultimatum. Ryan didn't end up completing rehab. So now what? What is the consequence? Maci has not gone to court to request Ryan be ordered to submit to drug-testing before any visitation is allowed to happen. All her talk about being concerned about Ryan and the need to protect her son is just bullshit at this point. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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46 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

@rayndon Ryan's drug use was exposed long ago on tv. Maci finally hinting at it was like hinting at the barn door possibly having been left open long after the horse ran out. 

I don't believe Ryan entered rehab because of Maci's hinting on the show or anything relating to Maci because his caught-on-camera DUI happened in May, before the show wrapped up for the season. He would have no clue what Maci hinted at or said in her scenes.

In order for Maci to give Ryan an ultimatum about entering rehab, she'd have to lay out a consequence if he didn't go or complete rehab. A threat wouldn't mean shit to Ryan, or anyone else for that matter without a threat. The only card she holds is Bentley. Assuming for argument's sake she did give him or Bentley's grandparents an ultimatum. Ryan didn't end up completing rehab. So now what? What is the consequence? Maci has not gone to court to request Ryan be ordered to submit to drug-testing before any visitation is allowed to happen. All her talk about being concerned about Ryan and the need to protect her son is just bullshit at this point. 

Yeah, I don't believe Maci has much leverage over Ryan, even if she was willing to follow through with it. I don't think losing visitation with Bentley is what's going to motivate Ryan. That doesn't mean I don't think she should do it, just that it's not going to affect Ryan any. But Maci's priority is (or should be) Bentley, not Ryan, so limiting his exposure to Ryan is still the right thing to do, even if it doesn't have to bonus of getting Ryan to get help. 


Honestly, I am not sure what would get through to Ryan. I can't think of any threat that would work.

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Right. I don't think there is anything either that would get through to him. Hitting rock bottom, which he has never reached, is likely the only way he would see the light.

Ryan has not been gung-ho about wanting Bentley around. The only time Ryan exerted any kind of threat of going to court was when Maci up and moved away with Kyle King and even that time I thought Ryan only got upset because his parents were the ones who were concerned and constantly on his ass about him needing to go to court. 

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1 hour ago, Mr. Minor said:

I wonder if Maci will join AA like Dr. Hack suggested she and Mac both should do?

Did Dr. Drew really suggest Maci go to AA- or was it Al-anon, for family members of addicts?

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2 minutes ago, Lm2162 said:

He suggested Al-Anon. 

That's what I thought.


Has anyone on social media mentioned how much Maci drinks? I know she caught a ton of flak during her pregnancy, but has that all pretty much blown over now that her baby appears to be pretty healthy?

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From the website:



Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) was  founded in 1935 by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith in Akron, Ohio. AA states that its "primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics achieve sobriety". it is a mutual aid group, a nonprofit charity, that does not endorse political causes or commercial products.



Al-Anon/Alateen, known as Al-Anon Family Groups, is an international "fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope in order to solve their common problems." They "help families of alcoholics by practicing the Twelve Steps, by welcoming and giving comfort to families of alcoholics, and by giving understanding and encouragement to the alcoholic." Alateen is part of Al-Anon and is their Twelve-step program of recovery for young people affected by another's drinking, generally aged 13 to 19 years. Alateen groups are sponsored by Al-Anon members." Al-Anon was formed in 1951 by Anne B. and Lois W., wife of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) co-founder Bill W. They recognized the need for such an organization as family members living with AA members began to identify their own pathologies associated with their family members' alcoholism.

Same initials, two different groups.

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4 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

The only time Ryan exerted any kind of threat of going to court was when Maci up and moved away with Kyle King and even that time I thought Ryan only got upset because his parents were the ones who were concerned and constantly on his ass about him needing to go to court. 

Is this when his first rehab happened?

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10 minutes ago, Court said:

As dumb as Kyle was, he at least didn't knock up Maci with two trap babies.

He said on his last reunion show appearance how the relationship was based more on having a relationship with Bentley than it was about having a serious relationship with Maci. She agreed, although, I think she agreed to save face because she did try her darndest to get that boy to commit to her by way of marriage. It seemed obvious as the relationship progressed that Kyle didn't seem to be into Maci. I am sure he made damn sure to not knock her up. He also sexted with some ex-girlfriends behind Maci's back which is what Maci said was the reason for her to break it off with him. I don't think he really cared one way or another, he just wanted out. It was hard though because he did care about Bentley. 


3 minutes ago, druzy said:

Is anyone watching the Ask The Moms Special? I want to slap Maci, Cate and Amber. 

Is that a rerun? It shows as a rerun on my end here. 

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6 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

He said on his last reunion show appearance how the relationship was based more on having a relationship with Bentley than it was about having a serious relationship with Maci. She agreed, although, I think she agreed to save face because she did try her darndest to get that boy to commit to her by way of marriage. It seemed obvious as the relationship progressed that Kyle didn't seem to be into Maci. I am sure he made damn sure to not knock her up. He also sexted with some ex-girlfriends behind Maci's back which is what Maci said was the reason for her to break it off with him. I don't think he really cared one way or another, he just wanted out. It was hard though because he did care about Bentley. 


Is that a rerun? It shows as a rerun on my end here. 

It shows it as a first-run here in Seattle.

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4 minutes ago, AmyFarrahFowler said:

It shows it as a first-run here in Seattle.

Thanks. My cable guide in my bedroom shows as a 2014 rerun, but I just checked the newer cable box in my living room and it shows as a new episode. I am on the west coast, too. 

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1 minute ago, AmyFarrahFowler said:

It shows it as a first-run here in Seattle.

I'm in New York.

From MTV's Schedule


new 9:00pm

Ask The Moms

season 6  episode askmom3

It started at 8pm here.  Maybe it depends on location.

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7 minutes ago, bounnatalie said:

I noticed MacKenzie didn't say, "Did you take a benadryl?" as someone who didn't know anything about Ryan's drug habit may have said, but she went right to the Xanax.

Yeah, exactly. I have to take Benadryl nightly due to some pregnancy related allergies and it puts me *out.* I took a Xanax only once in my life, when it was prescribed to me, and I felt so messed up I never used it again. Not that people who have a prescription shouldn't take it, but for Ryan, Cate, etc., and others who love their drugs, this seems to be more like an everyday thing they'd think nothing of, like ibuprofen or Benadryl????

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