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S06: Laganja Estranja

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This girl delights and saddens me. I can't root for her, but I can't deny that she sometimes makes for brilliant television.

Her antics during Untucked have been completely ridiculous. "I mean, the importance of this is not the other girls jumping on my coattails and taking this moment for themselves. What's important in this moment... is me!" followed by that sad, serious nod? It had me rolling.

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I just watched the untucked episodes for the first time, and I truly think this girl is batshit crazy. Truly. Not in a reality tv crazy sort of way, but truly certifiable. The whole "I don't remember what you said, but it hurt me Adore" crap was truly bizarre. I can see why her and Gia are friends. They are both about as genuine as Michelle Visage's tits.

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I think Leganja actually has a lot of talent. She did moderately well in the Rusical, and I've actually liked all of her looks except her first, which I thought was terrible. I even think her butterfly headpiece outfit was the best of that week.

So I wouldn't be surprised if she sticks around for a while, especially as she creates drama. However, I'd like her to be gone soon, because she's just got a really unpleasant personality, and is incredibly annoying (that first episode, where she responded "okurrrrr" and "yes mama!" to all her critiques--the worst).

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I loved Laganja's butterfly fascinator but that girl needs to have a thousand seats. Seriously, for me, one of the best parts of the recent Untucked was her saying she thought Adore would be in the bottom two and Dela and Courtney just give her these 'Bitch, are you high?!' looks.

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Thank goodness they seem to be getting rid of the chaff fairly quickly this season.  No more repeats of queens like Shangela or the endless Coco/Alyssa Edwards feud. Leganja was well past her expiration point. I was happy to see her sashay away with her delusions.

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Even better was seeing her get read for filth in Untucked.  I generally can take or leave Untucked, but that was so satisfying -- primarily because what everyone was saying to her was so true!

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That Untucked was everything. And the other queens weren't even that mean-spirited, so much as they were demanding some honesty from her.

And did Leganja say that she was going to "chassé" away? I know that's a dance step, but it's NOT what Rupaul says, so it just seemed kind of dumb. As a friend of mine pointed out after the show, being taught anything by Alyssa must be a constant, crazy game of telephone.

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  While I've tolerated Laganja in the past, her belief that Adore belonged in the B3 for her rap on "Oh No She Betta Don't" put her in the "Hate" category for me and she's gotten on my last nerve ever since. Laganja reminds me of Shangela and Serena ChaCha-two queens from past seasons who not only weren't as great as they think they were, other queens called them on it in Untucked.

Laganja's getting eliminated this week was richly deserved and long overdue. The other queens, especially Adore, tried to help her the best they could, but they could only do so much. Especially hilarious was Courtney's "We could have handled that better" after Laganja stormed off because it remined me of Willam's "Your tone seems very pointed right now" response to PhiPhi O'Hara's dissing her on Untucked.

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In a weird way, I feel like Laganja accomplished some of what she set out to do on the show. She was clearly desperate to become a memorable, quotable character like Alyssa Edwards, but in doing so she accidentally created an entirely new character, Laganja Estranja, who became memorable and immensely quotable because of said desperation. Now that she's gone, part of me misses her. The show just became 100% less batshit insane.

I'm actually hoping that somebody more musically inclined than I will decide to make a remix of Laganja's nuggets of crazy, "Drop Dead Gorgeous"-style. I also hope a remix like that would have her screaming "I FEEL VERY ATTACKED!" every five seconds.

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The reunion/finale made it clear that Laganja is just as annoying in any other place and setting. To be honest, it would be quite odd to find out that she's really a sweetheart and very down to earth, and that the editors did her in. Nope, she's just a fucking irritating tosspot.

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Well, sometimes when people self identify as sober it can have different meanings. I know some people that when they say they are sober it means they've stopped drinking alcohol but still smoke pot (sometimes referred to as 'marijuana maintenance') and with others it means they don't drink or do any kind of drug. Maybe Laganja has given up drinking but is still on her 'medication' i.e. marijuana. 

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