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S05.E07: The In-Laws

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Using the "dog years" method of counting dates to M@FS married days they both missed the window of opportunity where sex was just the natural progression to their relationship.

Wedding night rebuff by Danielle ran the marriage off the rails.

Cody, ever the gentleman, took the honorable high road and started his soliloquy for the need for friendship with his wife before Danielle gets the wonder of his weenus.

Day 2 started the friendship and our viewing/listening nightmare...

Sitting with Angie and Charlie, both looking like cats with canaries in their mouths, at breakfast the day after the wedding... it was pretty obvious the best man and maid of honor had stranger sex and the newlyweds didn't.

At the in laws party, Angie asked Charlie if he had showered before she hugged him...a level of intimacy, familiarity, and caring that Danielle and Cody hadn't yet achieved.

Angie and Charlie had progressed their relationship to an easy comfortableness while Danielle and Cody floundered in the weeds.

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I agree with most of the opinions on Cody, except that I can't ignore the fact that when he 'friend zoned' her he explained that he was feeling like he needed to change who he was, & that was making him uncomfortable. If it was the woman feeling she needed to conform to the guy's wants/needs, it would probably seem worse, but I see it as just as bad for him, especially because he is so inexperienced & unsure of himself.

I think that is the biggest problem - he wasn't strong enough to just be himself with her, so when you're like that with anyone it can feel like they are controlling/manipulating even if they're not - they may just be trying to get some direction out of you, as Danielle might have been trying to do with Cody. Hence, Cody is a 'wuss', because he is trying to be whatever she wants, instead of being secure in who he is - IF he even knows that himself.

If Cody had been mature & secure in himself, that would've been the 'manly' Danielle could've respected.

Either way I feel badly for both of them at this point, but I think Danielle is strong enough to come out of it well enough regardless of what happens. It will be more difficult for Cody to bounce back given all the bumbling he's done. He's young so hopefully he'll learn from this for future reference.

Owning a gym & being a dietician does not a successful marriage make. Again it lies on the 'experts' laps who did not fully vet these two for true compatibility.

Edited by gonecrackers
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I get where Cody is coming in regards to holding off on sex. He knows that his marriage to Danielle is for eternity. They'll have plenty of opportunities to have sex...

Okay, really...I think Cody psyched himself out during the honeymoon. He decided to go the 'lets be friends first route' because he thought he'd appear gentlemanly. He'd also have time to work up the nerve to make a move.  He's waited too long to make that move and the window is closing in on him. I think it's already closed. I don't think Danielle is really that into him. But, she wants to at least try to see if there could be a spark there after they've had sex. They've got no chemistry together. 

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Did anyone else think it was weird that Ashley's sister was cooking (okay making guacamole) in their apartment? Ashley doesn't cook but Anthony does and it seemed like a weird thing to do the first time they were entertaining them in their new place. It made me think that she is even more controlling and involved in Ashley's life than we have seen.

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It makes me wonder what Ashley's brother in law thinks about all the togetherness. I would not be happy if my spouse was super close with his family, called and texted them throughout the day, wanted to live down the hall and eat there several nights a week, encouraged them to treat our home as theirs, etc.

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1 hour ago, Lord Donia said:

It makes me wonder what Ashley's brother in law thinks about all the togetherness. I would not be happy if my spouse was super close with his family, called and texted them throughout the day, wanted to live down the hall and eat there several nights a week, encouraged them to treat our home as theirs, etc.

During the meal at their place I actually thought he had a face going when Lauren said something. Then he cracked a joke...at least it was edited that way. I can't imagine he is all to happy himself. Of course maybe he uses some of it to excuse himself and get time alone. I admit I would and have been there. For years my husband's family was constantly doing crap. I am not used to that and wasn't really made to feel to welcome. As well as didn't see our kids welcomed to much either. So as the years have gone on the gathers, thankfully, lessened but he finally realized it gave me time alone if he want and I needed. As well as he got tired of it too. I think the 2 yrs of getting out of Christmas Eve with them all showed what they thought of us in the end too. I don't say a word since its not things he sees really or if he does, doesn't care. I figured some things are left unsaid at times. But if Anthony and Ashley make it, he would do good in a little "headache" once in awhile or meet with friends to skip out on the family gatherings. LOL 

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9 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Did anyone else think it was weird that Ashley's sister was cooking (okay making guacamole) in their apartment? Ashley doesn't cook but Anthony does and it seemed like a weird thing to do the first time they were entertaining them in their new place. It made me think that she is even more controlling and involved in Ashley's life than we have seen.

Yes, it is weird and nervy of the sister.  You can see Anthony doesn't like it already.  Let's see if he will "be the man" and put a stop to all that togetherness if he wants a decent marriage.  A few months into my marriage, my husband told me, and I quote, "you have to call my mother every week and ask her how she feels."   Ha, ha, well, you can imagine what I answered back, and it contained a few four letter words.  He NEVER told me that again.  

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11 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Did anyone else think it was weird that Ashley's sister was cooking (okay making guacamole) in their apartment? Ashley doesn't cook but Anthony does and it seemed like a weird thing to do the first time they were entertaining them in their new place. It made me think that she is even more controlling and involved in Ashley's life than we have seen.

This is not weird in big, close Italian families. I married into one and having family over isn't having"company" at your house... we all pitch in, it's loud and boisterous and everyone is in the kitchen helping out. I think some of the reactions here are because it's very cultural and many people aren't used to it. I am not Italian, but married into a large Italian family (my husband's parents were first-generation offspring of all four parents who came here as adults from Italy). My family was midwestern, buttoned-up and very reserved (a kiss on the cheek was more forward than they preferred); I soon learned that everyone hugs and kisses when meeting and parting ways; everyone feels free to put their two cents' worth into every conversation; and that being together a lot is expected.  I set a few boundaries but for the most part embraced it - and my kids have reaped the benefits of a big, loving family.

1 hour ago, Gem 10 said:

Yes, it is weird and nervy of the sister.  You can see Anthony doesn't like it already.  Let's see if he will "be the man" and put a stop to all that togetherness if he wants a decent marriage.  A few months into my marriage, my husband told me, and I quote, "you have to call my mother every week and ask her how she feels."   Ha, ha, well, you can imagine what I answered back, and it contained a few four letter words.  He NEVER told me that again.  

Being instructed to call your mother in law isn't the same as having a close family, and I disagree with "putting a stop to the closeness" being a requirement. Intrusiveness, yes- I wasn't asked when we were having children or about personal things- but closeness doesn't have to be viewed as a negative. And Anthony is also from a close-knit Italian family. Trying to restrict family ties isn't, IMO, a way of being "manly." I'm sure a lot of this is familiar to him.  Still, sister insisting that they move in next door, etc is a bit over the top.

Edited by KateHearts
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Ashley and Lauren have no boundaries and Pat (the Bro in law) has accepted it and is totally brainwashed and indoctrinated to the program.

Anthony has to decide if privacy is a deal breaker.

If Anthony has to tell his wife that he wants to keep things private from her family it may be a deal breaker for her.

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Cody has mentioned in another place that he had been trying to make several moves on Danielle. I believe him.

Re Anthony: As I wrote in the other thread, I really don't think he's actually annoyed by Lauren or anything else. He seems rather entertained but has to play it up for the camera. I bet he cannot believe how lucky he got. It's like Donald Trump dating Adriana Lima. Ashley has to be the most generous woman alive.

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Nate and Sheila – Everything Nate says sounds like a smarmy pickup line to me.  And his brother isn’t making things any easier on poor Sheila.  The brother might be a nice guy but who wants to look after a giant kid first thing in a marriage?  Sheila is too dramatic and I could probably pick her apart, but she’s in a bad situation.


Cody and Danielle – Cody looks like a pretty cool dude and, at first, seemed to be attracted to his mother…wait, Danielle is his wife?  Yikes.  Cody owns a gym and has worked as a trainer – I know several trainers and they’re used to very attractive young girls throwing themselves at them.  Cody’s never had to learn to live with a woman so he appears awkward.  It wouldn’t matter anyway because he’s just not attracted to her at this point.  Isn’t Cody the first guy in the show’s history to friendzone his wife?  And Danielle isn’t bringing anything to the table except complaints.  Even when they were doing things on the honeymoon, all she did was badger him about not being manly enough.  If a guy is on the fence about his attraction to a woman, that gibberish is not going to help.  Maybe the problem is that she’s just not feminine enough.  Watch Cody on the couch reading his texts - the dude is checked out.

Danielle claims to want a man to take charge but she seems like the first one to get angry when a man does.  Maybe she needs an older man with fewer options.


Anthony and Ashley – Anthony is a fun and likable dude but that chubby bastard hit the game show wife jackpot!  Can we please end the show now and let me believe that Ashley is amazing.  Hot, laughs easily, reasonably intelligent, likes sex, wants a family, can overlook her husband’s average (at best) looks – I could continue for a few pages.  Her only major flaw so far is her family.  If we end the show now I don’t have to see her problems bubble to the surface.

Also, either Anthony makes next to nothing or Ashley’s parents wildly overpay her.  The average bar manager in Chicago only makes around $35k. 

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Ashley is friggin' Meryl Streep if she is faking her attraction to Anthony.

Think she chooses to see the kindness in his eyes, the genuineness of his smile, the sincerity of his actions when she has her freak outs.

He isn't buff or tall or wealthy but Anthony is there, sharing in the M@FS experience with her and they both have to attitude of letting this experiment play out.

Anthony has made it more than clear he knows he lucked out and thinks Ashley is beautiful.

But he did seem a little disappointed when he found out she is only half Italian.

Not a deal breaker but not the full bonus when he thought she was full Italian...

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30 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Ashley is friggin' Meryl Streep if she is faking her attraction to Anthony.

Think she chooses to see the kindness in his eyes, the genuineness of his smile, the sincerity of his actions when she has her freak outs.

He isn't buff or tall or wealthy but Anthony is there, sharing in the M@FS experience with her and they both have to attitude of letting this experiment play out.

Anthony has made it more than clear he knows he lucked out and thinks Ashley is beautiful.

But he did seem a little disappointed when he found out she is only half Italian.

Not a deal breaker but not the full bonus when he thought she was full Italian...

Yeah, I see this.  It could be legit. I hesitate because in the reality world, manipulation lies and deceit are the game.  Could, beyond all nonsense, love happen?  Nuts but, why not?.  Stories abound.  This show is NOT good.  Nope. 

Edited by wings707
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On 5/25/2017 at 11:36 PM, wings707 said:

This is hysterical!  The experts are talking about newlywed issues.  These are not really newlyweds that would be facing typical problems.  

The parents are taking this so seriously, too.  For heavens sake the odds of them divorcing in a few weeks is very high, just short of a sure bet. 

It is way to early for any of the women to go through the hassle of changing their names.  That is a tiring process that involves bank accounts, bills and credit cards.  That was clearly a staged conversation.  Talking about kids is way too early, too and I don't think Ashley was pushed to bring that up.  

I think Danielle is a good girl and a rule follower.  She does not want to stay with Cody but is playing the game.  The money is good so might as well (says to herself).  Women are usually the ones who want to process and talk things to death.   It can drive a man nuts.  Roles are reversed on this couple!  You cannot talk yourself into a 'spark' (Cody's favorite word).  That comes when you let go and have fun, not talking endlessly about how to go about creating it.  Oy.  That boy needs a shot of testosterone (seriously).  There is zero chance for them. 

Matt and Sheila are a curious pair.  Nate is playing a role.  He is the loving man who treats his wife like a queen.  He thinks that is the right way to go without any feelings behind it.  

Ashley and Anthony may have a shot at their marriage lasting beyond the finale for a spell.  I still don't understand how a beautiful girl cannot find love.  She is a knock out.  Too eager to get married and have babies is the only guess, she may be turning men off.  When that is on top and your priority is not finding the man that makes your heart sing, you are doomed.  She probably attaches too fast.  

I am old and in my experience I have NEVER known of or heard of a normal man who would not jump his his wife bones.  He has a free and clear okay to do that!  There is something amiss there as we have been saying.  I keep coming back to virgin.  

Yikes, where to start on the cringeworthiness of this one?  It's 2017, women aren't just arm candy anymore, and they have a choice in who their partner is - love depends on MANY things, not just looks. Say she is attractive and lots of men hit on her, how in earth does that mean she would find love easily, or at all? What if all the guys hitting on her are complete douchebags? What if they don't like her beyond looks? What if she just doesn't like them? etc etc ad nauseum.

And not that it even matters, but by no stretch would I call Ashley beautiful. And even if she was, she seems pretty dim and has a restaurant job she got because her family owns the business. Not exactly a catch here. 

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19 minutes ago, LotusEsq said:

Yikes, where to start on the cringeworthiness of this one?  It's 2017, women aren't just arm candy anymore, and they have a choice in who their partner is - love depends on MANY things, not just looks. Say she is attractive and lots of men hit on her, how in earth does that mean she would find love easily, or at all? What if all the guys hitting on her are complete douchebags? What if they don't like her beyond looks? What if she just doesn't like them? etc etc ad nauseum.

And not that it even matters, but by no stretch would I call Ashley beautiful. And even if she was, she seems pretty dim and has a restaurant job she got because her family owns the business. Not exactly a catch here. 

Ahhh, such an off hand  comment, of mine, has drawn ire.  Note to self: be more serious here. Yeah beauty is only skin deep (cliche) but there is truth in beauty has more options.  ;^)  

At 91* and a lifetime of counseling couples,**  I have seen beauty take the stage, many times.  Not saying they always win at love, just saying they have more chances at getting it right.  


* no not that old.

** yes, really.

Edited by wings707
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  2 hours ago, LotusEsq said:

Yikes, where to start on the cringeworthiness of this one?  It's 2017, women aren't just arm candy anymore, and they have a choice in who their partner is - love depends on MANY things, not just looks. Say she is attractive and lots of men hit on her, how in earth does that mean she would find love easily, or at all? What if all the guys hitting on her are complete douchebags? What if they don't like her beyond looks? What if she just doesn't like them? etc etc ad nauseum.

And not that it even matters, but by no stretch would I call Ashley beautiful. And even if she was, she seems pretty dim and has a restaurant job she got because her family owns the business. Not exactly a catch here. 

Ahhh, such an off hand  comment, of mine, has drawn ire.  Yeah beauty is only skin deep (cliche) but there is truth in beauty has more options.  ;^)  

At 91* and a lifetime of counseling couples,**  I have seen beauty take the stage, many times.  Not saying they always win or succeed at love, but they do have more options.  


* no not that old.

** yes, really.

"I have seen beauty take the stage, many times. Not saying they always win or succeed at love, but they do have more options. "

While I certainly don'y think she is a knock out ( maybe one standard deviation above the mean) She wouldn't have any trouble attracting men, but it does you no good to have plenty of option if you can't pick well.

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6 hours ago, wings707 said:

At 91* and a lifetime of counseling couples,**  I have seen beauty take the stage, many times.  Not saying they always win at love, just saying they have more chances at getting it right.  

I don't understand what you're saying here.  Beautiful people take the stage? I'm confused.

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I'm in the Ashley is not so beautiful camp, but I also believe it depends on the person & what they like, what they are seeing, etc, so I can appreciate others feeling she is beautiful.

She gives off a vibe, to me, though... a sort of 'she can be a total bitch vibe'; could be wrong though.

I do see her as a bit dim, as well as a bit deluded. She hasn't truly been out making it on her own, as she works for her family & is most likely overpaid because they will take care of their own. Also, her sister seems to have a lot of influence on her, so I do not see her as the 'independent woman' she claimed to be (which I think once out of her mouth sounded ridiculous to her as well).

I don't care if she wants to change her name or not; it's the way it went down between them that irked me (which I realize could've been production driven). In the end Anthony stroked her ego ("I know you're an independent woman", said almost like he was soothing a child) & backed down, as I suspect he will be doing consistently for the rest of his life.

I still also have concerns about her being baby focused. The real test will be a few years from now after she gets Anthony to give up the goods & has a couple of kids. Will they still be together & meeting life goals together (other than baby making)? Time will tell.

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52 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

I don't care if she wants to change her name or not; it's the way it went down between them that irked me (which I realize could've been production driven).

Is anyone reminded of Cortney and Jason's First Year issue about married/maiden name?  

The producers need to be more creative.

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5 hours ago, KateHearts said:

I don't understand what you're saying here.  Beautiful people take the stage? I'm confused.

I just meant they get a lot of male attention.  :^)

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1 hour ago, gonecrackers said:

I do see her as a bit dim, as well as a bit deluded. She hasn't truly been out making it on her own, as she works for her family & is most likely overpaid because they will take care of their own. Also, her sister seems to have a lot of influence on her, so I do not see her as the 'independent woman' she claimed to be (which I think once out of her mouth sounded ridiculous to her as well).

LOL This morning the news was talking again about all the sharks we have had in the ocean again. Tons of warnings right now along parts of the coast (and a lot in our county right now). I was reminded though of Lauren and her sending Ashley all those articles. I couldn't help but wonder if she sent the one off on the guy from an area further up the state's coast that was in a kayak that got bumped by a shark. I am taking his kayak though was more than likely not orange but hey I could be wrong. LOL I wouldn't be surprised if she had sent her the one on the girl that got bit a few cities down the coast not long ago too. With reminders how it could have been her on her honeymoon. There is something seriously wrong with that relationship IMO. Its one thing if they were close but its a controlling through manipulation relationship going on which is far from health. I could totally see her butting in as well on issues that pop up in their marriage and causing more problems. This isn't an Italian thing either on wanting to constantly be around each other. Its losing the control on Ashley she has had. 

1 hour ago, gonecrackers said:

I still also have concerns about her being baby focused.

I think this is producer driven more than it her. It is obvious she wants kids and he does too but she seems fine with waiting a couple years. The whole topic is going to constantly be brought up for the season because its one of the few things they will make as their "issue" and about when they can agree to have kids. I know it will never happen but I wish producers would stay out of things. Let us see how these couples would be without the manufactured drama and crap. 

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Count me in to the Ashley is not beautiful camp. She has such a doofy look to her and agree that she has a dim personality. I like her and Anthony together as a couple, but must be blind because everyone here thinks he is so ugly and she is so beautiful. I need to make an eye doctor appointment because I do not see either one of them as how others do. 

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35 minutes ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Count me in to the Ashley is not beautiful camp. She has such a doofy look to her and agree that she has a dim personality. I like her and Anthony together as a couple, but must be blind because everyone here thinks he is so ugly and she is so beautiful. I need to make an eye doctor appointment because I do not see either one of them as how others do. 

Honestly I think they are just average and equal on the looks level. Not one better than the other but just about the same. Nothing wrong with that IMO. I have said it before and saying it again, we all have different tastes in what we are attracted to or might find beautiful and don't see a reason for the attacking on their looks. The thing that needs to be remembered is that we are not the ones in this situation and it doesn't matter what any of us like or don't like about the people on the show and their looks or personality. All that matters is what the matched spouse thinks and feels on it at the end of the day. Ashley and Anthony are into each other and clicked right away. I know I haven't hoped a couple worked out on this show since it started and I hope they are able to make it. They just seem a good fit. 

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Opinions on the physical appearances of A&A: Ah, the story of "The Enchanted Cottage"!

"'The Enchanted Cottage' is a movie with its heart in the right place. Anyone who has ever been in love can relate to the sensation that one's partner becomes more beautiful as one's love deepens. 'The Enchanted Cottage' illustrates this phenomenon to full and lovely effect, with its allegorical yet delicate story of the power of love to physically transform a couple."


Edited by LennieBriscoe
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8 hours ago, Evil Queen said:

I think this is producer driven more than it her. It is obvious she wants kids and he does too but she seems fine with waiting a couple years.

From the get go they've been saying she wants kids 'yesterday'. I thought she told Anthony she would want to 'at least try' in a year.

8 hours ago, Evil Queen said:

The whole topic is going to constantly be brought up for the season because its one of the few things they will make as their "issue" and about when they can agree to have kids. I know it will never happen but I wish producers would stay out of things. Let us see how these couples would be without the manufactured drama and crap.

I definitely feel this is production driven drama between them. They have to do that if the couple is, horrors, getting along too well! 'Cuz who wants to see people getting along? They need drama & they need it quick enough to run during the season.

Sometimes I wonder if these two knew each other already...

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21 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

If Ant/Ash were previously acquainted, then Lauren would have blurted it out during the wedding ceremony or the reception since she knows everything about her sis. 

Was she the one who said 'Ashley' before the service, then said 'oh I wasn't supposed to say her name' while the cameras caught both her, & then Anthony's reaction to that, to feed into the "A flashlight" dream story line?

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4 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

From the get go they've been saying she wants kids 'yesterday'. I thought she told Anthony she would want to 'at least try' in a year.

I definitely feel this is production driven drama between them. They have to do that if the couple is, horrors, getting along too well! 'Cuz who wants to see people getting along? They need drama & they need it quick enough to run during the season.

Sometimes I wonder if these two knew each other already...

They keep saying it and acting it. I think when it was discussed and sounded more like they were having a real discussion about it she said 2 yrs and he said 5 yrs or something like that. This show is to obvious at this point on the producer driven crap and the edit jobs where its obvious there is more to stories we never see. 

Wouldn't it be something if they did knew each other before this? 

3 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

If Ant/Ash were previously acquainted, then Lauren would have blurted it out during the wedding ceremony or the reception since she knows everything about her sis. 

Agree BUT if she is getting a pay check for keeping it zipped I bet she would gladly do so. Its an interesting theory though. Especially if they really want a couple to work out in the end after all the failed ones. 

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They have such a bad track record, & with Lily & Tom imploding that brings them to total failure since season 1.

I would say they need a success to keep this going, but people will sign up anyway.

And I'll probably keep watching ...

Edited by gonecrackers
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53 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

They have such a bad track record, & with Lily & Tom imploding that brings them to total failure since season 1.

I would say they need a success to keep this going, but people will sign up anyway.

And I'll probably keep watching ...

I will always watch.  And it is interesting to compare what we see on TV to their posts on SM after the show ends.  Oftentimes it does not seem like the same people... Jamie and Sonia come to mind.  

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18 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Opinions on the physical appearances of A&A: Ah, the story of "The Enchanted Cottage"!

"'The Enchanted Cottage' is a movie with its heart in the right place. Anyone who has ever been in love can relate to the sensation that one's partner becomes more beautiful as one's love deepens. 'The Enchanted Cottage' illustrates this phenomenon to full and lovely effect, with its allegorical yet delicate story of the power of love to physically transform a couple."


I love that movie - I'd never heard of it until Turner Classics started showing it - and you could be right in regard to A & A.

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On 5/27/2017 at 9:55 AM, Mom2twoNonna2one said:

Yes, Doug and Jamie from season 1 did not have sex for quite awhile and they are still together. She thought he was hideous at first sight and he grew on her with his patience and personality.

They didn't have sex until after the season was over, I believe (although she later admitted that she did do "other stuff" :). But she was unattracted and I think Doug enjoyed wooing her.  That's the sort of thing that I can't see a woman enjoying if it were the other way around.  (see Danielle and Cody)


On 5/27/2017 at 1:23 PM, ralph said:

even when he simply decided he didn't feel like going out and sat on the couch... she was saying,"Is it me? Is it something I said? Why is he like this? I don't want to have to be the one to get him out of his comfort zone. This is not what I thought being a wife would be like. Maybe he's not the one or me"

When she initially told of their plans, she said she was going out with girls, he was going out with boys, and they were all meeting up later on for the end of the evening.  So I'm sure she felt he was blowing HER off, and ruining their plans for the evening.  That's how I would have taken it.


On 5/27/2017 at 10:19 PM, Evil Queen said:

I'm not. I am hoping Ashley and Anthony make it still. I think the baby talk is just nothing but talk and very producer/sister driven. I think they would end up coming together at some point and meet in the middle on when or just throw it all out the window at some point and just go for it. Nate though I still have major side eye going there. I still think there is to much there we are not seeing from editing. I also don't think he is coming off very "real" most of the time. Just as I don't think the times Sheila has had emotional meltdowns on nothing but we got the edit like she was. I am just not seeing it with these 2 still. 

I agree.  I also wonder if the sister stuff is producer driven - as in she was a little overbearing at the wedding, so they decided that could make a good conflict for a boringly conflict-free couple.  It seemed in this ep like every time the sister said something obnoxious, she sort of averted her eyes towards the cameras.  Like a little kid behaving badly and then turning to see if his mom noticed.


On 5/28/2017 at 9:27 PM, biakbiak said:

Did anyone else think it was weird that Ashley's sister was cooking (okay making guacamole) in their apartment? Ashley doesn't cook but Anthony does and it seemed like a weird thing to do the first time they were entertaining them in their new place. It made me think that she is even more controlling and involved in Ashley's life than we have seen.

Or she just doesn't know how to behave.  When I take food to someone's house I take a prepared dish, but people have no trouble showing up on my doorstep with a bag of groceries -- "I just need a knife, cutting board, two mixing bowls and a plate!"  I have learned to tell certain people not to bring anything.  Ever.  


On 5/29/2017 at 7:55 PM, Jack Sampson said:

Isn’t Cody the first guy in the show’s history to friendzone his wife? 

I think Barf Bag Sean did it to Davina.  And Basement did it to Jaclyn AFTER they had sex :)


On 5/30/2017 at 11:54 AM, Liberty said:

Is anyone reminded of Cortney and Jason's First Year issue about married/maiden name?  

The producers need to be more creative.

Like the baby stuff - it is a normal thing to talk about if you are going to decide whether or not to stay married, and I don't see any conflict between them other than what is brought to the table by editing.  In Jamie and Doug's First Year, she was required to mention it in every one of their scenes, and we were to believe that he refused to comply until he had gone skydiving, on safari and pet a penguin in Antarctica.

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5 hours ago, princelina said:

And Basement did it to Jaclyn AFTER they had sex :)

Basement also whined that Jaclyn dared to initiate sex and wanted it more frequently that he did. He was tired, man! If Cody and Danielle ever do get horizontal, we might see a repeat of that.

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16 hours ago, princelina said:

Or she just doesn't know how to behave.  When I take food to someone's house I take a prepared dish, but people have no trouble showing up on my doorstep with a bag of groceries -- "I just need a knife, cutting board, two mixing bowls and a plate!"  I have learned to tell certain people not to bring anything.  Ever.

Again, I think this varies a lot depending on culture/family. I don't see anything wrong with bringing ingredients to prepare something- and would find it fun to have others working in the kitchen along with me. If I told people "don't bring anything, ever," it would hurt their feelings.

I do have a relative who does absolutely nothing when we have them for dinner. And doesn't ask if she can lend a hand. I find that much more off-putting.

If Ashley and her sister are used to dividing up kitchen chores for a family get-together, I don't see what the big deal is that sister is making guacamole.

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On 5/30/2017 at 8:06 PM, LennieBriscoe said:

Opinions on the physical appearances of A&A: Ah, the story of "The Enchanted Cottage"!

"'The Enchanted Cottage' is a movie with its heart in the right place. Anyone who has ever been in love can relate to the sensation that one's partner becomes more beautiful as one's love deepens. 'The Enchanted Cottage' illustrates this phenomenon to full and lovely effect, with its allegorical yet delicate story of the power of love to physically transform a couple."


I absolutely loved that movie and rewatch whenever I have time and see it on TCM. Great analogy. 

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21 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

I do have a relative who does absolutely nothing when we have them for dinner. And doesn't ask if she can lend a hand. I find that much more off-putting.

That also grates on my nerves. Especially if I have spent 5 hours cooking from scratch and setting a proper table complete with cloth napkins. Also when people bring things to prepare at my place and they leave me with their mess. Some clean as they cook; others leave it like a tornado hit. I have learned to delegate (Would you please put all the condiments in the frig, would you please bring the dishes to me at the sink, here are containers to store any leftovers in). That's for my friends who got a lot of meals at my place. I once knew a couple that showed up for 67 dinners in a row. Yes, I counted but was resigned to do it because my ex expected me to. Then I showed up at their place and offered to do the dishes. To show them by example. Oh gosh, sorry I regressed. 

Pissy Sissy is comfortable in Ashley's kitchen. Anthony better get used to it because I don't see it changing any time soon. It's almost funny to me because most Italian families that I know always had room for one more at their table and didn't bat an eyelash. Granted he's trying to get to know his wife and the sister does seem intrusive but it the long run there will be LOTS of family gatherings. 

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8 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I have learned to delegate (Would you please put all the condiments in the frig, would you please bring the dishes to me at the sink, here are containers to store any leftovers in).

That's what I prefer. I'm not one of those women who can jump in & help & are good at it. I don't feel comfortable in other people's kitchens. I'll offer to help, but I want a clear direction on what you want me to do, otherwise I won't intrude.

2 minutes ago, ethalfrida said:

I do not expect my guests to do anything except be fed and entertained. 

I'm that way; I'd rather do it all myself or clean it up later.

13 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Pissy Sissy is comfortable in Ashley's kitchen. Anthony better get used to it because I don't see it changing any time soon.

They're very comfortable together, so it's probably not unusual for them to help each other this way. Ashley doesn't even cook right? So maybe the sister is used to doing things like that for her.

It didn't look to me like Anthony minded that so much. She can be intrusive on other levels, like the pushiness over where they should move. They can live wherever they want to & it doesn't need to be next door to her. That's so silly & hopefully production driven. If not, he needs to be careful.

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Leave it to the clunky staging of scenarios for the show.

For all we know Lauren could have been over the love nest multiple multiple times before the dinner was shot.

For clarity... Pissy Sissy is Sheila's sister who didn't come to her wedding and caused Sheila's daddy to be all riled up at last week's dinner at the Duhons'.

Lauren is Ashley's sister.

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1 hour ago, ethalfrida said:

I do not expect my guests to do anything except be fed and entertained. 

Nor do I, but if they offer to help I appreciate it.

That said, to me anyway- close family who visit often are *not* in the guest category.

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46 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

For clarity... Pissy Sissy is Sheila's sister who didn't come to her wedding and caused Sheila's daddy to be all riled up at last week's dinner at the Duhons'.

My bad. In my above post I was referring to Ashley's sister, not Shelia's sister who wouldn't come to the wedding. Thanks Humble. 

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Just now, KateHearts said:

Nor do I, but if they offer to help I appreciate it.

That said, to me anyway- close family who visit often are *not* in the guest category.

I think our general rule is "If you know where the bowls/glasses/plates go in our house, you don't count as a fancy guest and you should probably offer to help with the dishes."

I feel like Lauren's getting a bad hand here- they were probably talking for an hour before she mentioned her building, but they make it seem like it's all she can think about.  Also, Anthony was the one who said "No more 100% Italian" which means "Our kids won't be 100% Italian" which means he invited that line of discussion, yet it was made to seem like he was getting pressured by her sister/BIL to have kids. 

There are plenty of people who would kill to have a present SIL/BIL (especially when the kids do come along, it's awesome to have reliable babysitters built into your family, and cousins are the best)-- I think Anthony's just being possessive about his new wife.  That insecurity could push Ashley right out of the enchanted forest.

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9 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

Nor do I, but if they offer to help I appreciate it.

That said, to me anyway- close family who visit often are *not* in the guest category.

I am not disagreeing with that. But family members are especially treated like honored guests at my house. Big event or small get-together or Poker party. Eat and drink and enjoy. Sometimes a dish or drink or flowers are brought and accepted gratefully . However nearly all offers of help are declined. There was an occasion wor two when real help was needed... like putting the whole pig in the ground. 

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mindth- Happens to the snarkest of us, I called Davina's ex-husband by another name a few weeks ago.

 ER Nurse Sean the self proclaimed "Christian Fiddy Shades of Grey...merrily called him another name...

Tag, you're it...

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^^ LOL

I'd also like to clarify that when having company most people have been to my home numerous times and DO know where everything goes. I use the delegation so everyone doesn't get under each other's feet. There was numerous countertops in that house (just sold it). The only people I would never ask are my brother and his wife (too much respect) tho I'll jump up in a heartbeat and clean their kitchen after eating. Also people who don't know my kitchen are allowed to sit out. I was speaking more of the people (like the ones who came 67 meals in a row without ever bringing food or wine) whom are casual in my place. I lived on the ocean; there was always company wanting to come in the warmer months. People fought for rooms! 

Edited by Mindthinkr
Added the : company
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9 hours ago, KateHearts said:

Again, I think this varies a lot depending on culture/family. I don't see anything wrong with bringing ingredients to prepare something- and would find it fun to have others working in the kitchen along with me. If I told people "don't bring anything, ever," it would hurt their feelings.

I do have a relative who does absolutely nothing when we have them for dinner. And doesn't ask if she can lend a hand. I find that much more off-putting.

If Ashley and her sister are used to dividing up kitchen chores for a family get-together, I don't see what the big deal is that sister is making guacamole.

I guess it doesn't hurt my friends or family - they keep coming :). I like to have everything prepared and cleaned up before people arrive, so I don't want my sink full of someone else's mess.  Also, I have one friend who brought a taco salad to my lovely Italian feast, and leftover pulled pork when she was asked to bring a side.  The way I see it, there are people who know how to entertain and those who don't, and those who don't are bad at bringing things.  My one aunt and I do bring things to each other's homes because we both trust each other to do it right.

OT - I doubt if Ashley is one who does, so it's probably just fine with her that her sister takes care of things in her kitchen!

Edited by princelina
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