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  1. I can’t believe after all that showboating Ryan has been doing about money - bragging about spending the most on the ring, about how many jobs he has, investments, ragging on Jon for being unemployed...he has 2 roommates and makes $60-70k??? I’m embarassed for him. I was expecting double that based on how he has been talking!
  2. I think we are just as capable of understanding that this is a tv marriage as you are. What you're not getting is that many of us don't think that women need to hide their faces behind makeup EVER, whether it be on a blind date or on your wedding night. My boyfriend even commented that is was weird that Molly was still wearing makeup, and wouldn't it get all over the sheets? Normal secure women sleep without makeup, even on a first date.
  3. I rarely post here, just read for entertainment, but much of this thread is straight out of the 1950s and is very disheartening - women should wear makeup for their husbands? Waking up before him to put makeup on being recommended, like it’s not some crazy insecure practice? Taking off your makeup to sleep is a “weird move”? I think it would shock of you to know someone women never wear makeup...many of them are happily married too! My 88 year old grandmother’s name is Shelly so maybe that’s whats going on here.
  4. Hmmmm. My safe full of 22 & 24k Indian jewelry would like to disagree!
  5. Hmm. Having handled many divorces in several jurisdictions, I can tell you that this is completely untrue in my experience. Uncontested divorces go for about 1/10 of that. And contested divorces are billed at an hourly rate. So I'm not sure where you got this number from? Besides the fact that one can file for a divorce without an attorney by just paying the nominal filing fee, I don't think people think about the cost of divorce when considering getting married. Look at all the people who don't get pre-nups!
  6. Yikes, where to start on the cringeworthiness of this one? It's 2017, women aren't just arm candy anymore, and they have a choice in who their partner is - love depends on MANY things, not just looks. Say she is attractive and lots of men hit on her, how in earth does that mean she would find love easily, or at all? What if all the guys hitting on her are complete douchebags? What if they don't like her beyond looks? What if she just doesn't like them? etc etc ad nauseum. And not that it even matters, but by no stretch would I call Ashley beautiful. And even if she was, she seems pretty dim and has a restaurant job she got because her family owns the business. Not exactly a catch here.
  7. The first show isn't even over and I'm already annoyed. The Indian couple is not arranged, they met on a matrimonial site (shaadi.com anyone?)! My brother met his wife there, I've met ex boyfriends there, I know married couples that met there...none of them say they were arranged because they weren't. Also Ragini saying Punjabis & Gujratis were like New Yorkers and Texans, just 2 different subcultures, could not be more incorrect. They speak different languages, eat different food, have different traditions, etc. I can foresee them having more clashes about it so it would make sense to actually explain.
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