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On 10/18/2017 at 1:16 AM, solea said:


I also find Jaz interesting. Loved the bit where she nonchalantly shoots the Taliban who tripped her sensor. I like all the characters but I'm trying desperately to ignore Anne Heche. 

I must be opposite of you.  Different stroke I guess. I am here for Anne Heche (the guys are all interchangeable for me so far I really can't tell them apart)  so I loved this episode.  

Edited by Chaos Theory

According to Business Insider, The Brave is one of the seven most popular new shows of the fall: http://www.businessinsider.com/most-popular-new-tv-shows-this-fall-list-2017-10/#7-me-myself-and-i-cbs-92-million-total-viewers-1

I hope that's a good sign, because I find myself enjoying the show much more than I thought I would.

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I’m so relieved to see I’m not the only heartless person around here! I couldn’t believe they did that. It didn’t seem like a smart use of resources. Leaving Maguire behind left the team down by two. At least Preach was providing useful intel. I was also surprised that the hostage takers didn’t separate the foreign hostages from the locals. The foreign nationals would probably be considered better leverage and would get more publicity.

I liked the opening moment with Jaz and the little girl, especially since the show went on to display how some parts of her society place little value on females. I’m unconvinced that going to rescue the little girl was a good idea. She was well hidden  and it seemed the best way to get her out safely was to go eliminate The Leopard first.

I liked the Nigerian general. He had no time for niceties like international borders when there was work to do. And he wouldn’t have to get his men killed doing it.

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I am really liking this show too. I tried SEAL Team and was so bored. I like the actual team members here.

I also like that there isn't a lot of sappy moments. I almost expected Jaz to freak out about the girl and there to be teh dramaz with it, but it was all handled really well. There wasn't anyone going rogue on the team, which I'd expect to see in other shows.

  • Love 3
46 minutes ago, threebluestars said:

I am really liking this show too. I tried SEAL Team and was so bored. I like the actual team members here.

I also like that there isn't a lot of sappy moments. I almost expected Jaz to freak out about the girl and there to be teh dramaz with it, but it was all handled really well. There wasn't anyone going rogue on the team, which I'd expect to see in other shows.

All this, and the Ambassador's wife, who we initially saw shopping with a certain air (the persona that I call tennis-bracelet-wearing-arm-with-perfectly-manicured-hand-waving-imperiously) turned out to be just as badass as Jaz.  Well written, well played.

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I fell behind a little bit this past week, but I'm catching back up.

I really do like this show. I've grown to like SEAL Team, but some of the characters piss me off on that show. Here, I either like a character, or I don't hate that they're on screen, filling up time. None of them are despicable, which is really nice. I also don't feel like they're dumbing down the writing on this show to the point where it's distracting. I feel like SEAL Team inserts pointless drama so even if their military garb is more accurate, it's bogged down by pointless family drama that I feel forced into. 

Here, they don't rely on that stuff right off the bat to get me interested. It may make for a less eventful show and sure, there are people who may not enjoy that aspect. But I find it refreshing. I'm sure it'll fall into more stereotypes at some point, but I appreciate them trying to do something different. 

And yeah, every single field member on this show is attractive. The OPS side of the show is less interesting for me, but I also know it's important. They also handle more of the cliches that are somewhat expected for this type of show, so that the field aspect can play with different stories. 

I'm loving the fact that all the members of the team got their moments: Jaz was a bad@ss sharpshooter, Preach was the eyes and ears of the team, Mcguire the impromptu field hospital of one, Amir the invisible guy and Dalton the brains on-site. Yes, the dialogue is by the numbers ("No, it's you and your team who is courageous," says the brave wife of the ambassador) and the good guys can literary shoot through walls. But I'm enjoying the show for what it's worth (Eyecandy and guns).

Some anvils being dropped with Preach talking of kids and relationships to Dalton and Jaz (me don't like that, show!), but I hope it was just making ground for them both saving the girl in the end.

I'm willing to bet some extra change from my pockets that Patricia's son is not dead but kidnapped by Isis and will return in mid-season finale... But "Homelanded". Meaning, we would not know if he's turned or not... 

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On 10/24/2017 at 1:42 PM, Ariah said:

I'm loving the fact that all the members of the team got their moments: Jaz was a bad@ss sharpshooter, Preach was the eyes and ears of the team, Mcguire the impromptu field hospital of one, Amir the invisible guy and Dalton the brains on-site. Yes, the dialogue is by the numbers ("No, it's you and your team who is courageous," says the brave wife of the ambassador) and the good guys can literary shoot through walls. But I'm enjoying the show for what it's worth (Eyecandy and guns).

Some anvils being dropped with Preach talking of kids and relationships to Dalton and Jaz (me don't like that, show!), but I hope it was just making ground for them both saving the girl in the end.

I'm willing to bet some extra change from my pockets that Patricia's son is not dead but kidnapped by Isis and will return in mid-season finale... But "Homelanded". Meaning, we would not know if he's turned or not... 

The have all sorts of plot armor, literally shooting blind through walls after being aimed in Washington was a hoot worthy of a Terminator. But a major explosion at a mall and the Nigerian Police never respond allowing our guys to enter unknown to Nigeria. And then later some guy just walks up to the commander  of the rescue force to chat up the French Foreign Legion, as if veterans from there return home to become officers in a national army.

Of course after the wife was rescued it becomes a strictly Nigerian mission, if Jaz or Dalton had fallen, going in alone not even leading Nigerian Special Forces as advisers whatever fictional administration would be facing what the US one is now after an ambush in Mali.  The show still comes down to Taken minus Byran Mills for me.

Edited by Raja

I like the show a lot, but this particular episode had a little too much idiocy for me. They were supposed to go in there and rescue the Ambassador's wife without revealing themselves, and they didn't exactly accomplish that. They put one person out of commission to save an idiot who basically threw his life away. And then when they know that there are only two people in the building, they decide to send just two Americans instead of a team of people (the Nigerian special forces are pretty capable, I'm sure).

The saving grace was that we weren't hit over the head with moral lessons and the acting was still good. But this show is at its best when the team is relying on deception and their wits to achieve the objective. Military tactics is not their strong suit.

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10 minutes ago, piequinn35 said:

I guess, they did not have time...

The only reason they didn't have time is because they delayed rescuing the ambassador's wife and the 30 hostages (their mission) to save one idiot.  Their unprofessionalism caused them to fail at that part of their mission requiring them to maintain their invisibility.  And were it not for assistance from the very people they were ordered not to interact with, plus some bogus, remote, through-wall aiming technology invented on the spur of the moment, they might have failed entirely.

I find the show entertaining, but I'm beginning to classify it more as an action/comedy rather than anything resembling realistic.  Think:  A-Team!

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What I didn't get was why the unarmed Preach was responsible for taking out the third armed guard. McG was done tending to the idiot guy by then, and even if he wasn't, wouldn't it have been a better idea to take out all three guys at once (if shooting blindly through walls is as easy as this show makes it out to be)?

Whoa... Holy mackerel, Batman! We have Omega Team shooting blindly through the wall! That is a grade-A, CSI: Miami-class nonsense right there. And what is wrong in that depiction, you may ask? Well, off the top of my head:

  • The cameras in the mall are not calibrated. There is no way they can make any measurement about the dimension of the room, not to mention to the 3-degree kind of accuracy.
  • Does she really know what the material of the wall is? It may be concrete, brick, wood, dry wall, field force, fire, etc. Each material has its own property which will affect bullet trajectory differently. "5.56 mm will go straight to it." is not such a good assessment for such tight shot.
  • Beside the material, does she know exactly what inside the wall? There may be cables, metal plates, skeleton or whatever. Unless Agent Archer is a Kryptonian, how does she know?
  • And the last but not the least, it violates one of the basic rules of firearms safety: "Be sure of your target and what is beyond it." It is hammered to the mind of all service members since the first time they hold fire arms.

Okay, that thing is the most ridiculous thing in the whole episode. Now that I get it off my chest, let us move on with other ridiculousness.

  • So the team is really stationed in Incirlik to do missions all around the world? O...kay, but why do they not have their dependents with them? And why are they still there after the attack?
  • I like it that in their down time the team just chilling out and shooting breeze. No exercise, no practice and no mission plan. Sorry, but compare that with SEAL Team.
  • So the whole "Nigerian government can not know that we are here at all cost." just goes out of the window because they have to save one intruder?
  • The Commander of the Nigerian Army Special Forces really fit the stereotype of African military thugs, all the way to wearing aviator sunglasses indoor.
  • A Middle Eastern-looking man hanging around the mall entrance - that just got bombed - does not raise any suspicion?
  • What about a group of non-black people with assault rifles hanging around the city? No suspicion? Of course not. One girl even approaches them and tell them that they look strong.
  • TIL that the layout and the contents of a pharmacy in Nigeria is exactly the same as it is typically in North America, down to the type of electrical socket.
  • Love 1
6 hours ago, TV Anonymous said:

Whoa... Holy mackerel, Batman! We have Omega Team shooting blindly through the wall! That is a grade-A, CSI: Miami-class nonsense right there. And what is wrong in that depiction, you may ask? Well, off the top of my head:

  • The cameras in the mall are not calibrated. There is no way they can make any measurement about the dimension of the room, not to mention to the 3-degree kind of accuracy.
  • Does she really know what the material of the wall is? It may be concrete, brick, wood, dry wall, field force, fire, etc. Each material has its own property which will affect bullet trajectory differently. "5.56 mm will go straight to it." is not such a good assessment for such tight shot.
  • Beside the material, does she know exactly what inside the wall? There may be cables, metal plates, skeleton or whatever. Unless Agent Archer is a Kryptonian, how does she know?
  • And the last but not the least, it violates one of the basic rules of firearms safety: "Be sure of your target and what is beyond it." It is hammered to the mind of all service members since the first time they hold fire arms.

Okay, that thing is the most ridiculous thing in the whole episode. Now that I get it off my chest, let us move on with other ridiculousness.

  • So the team is really stationed in Incirlik to do missions all around the world? O...kay, but why do they not have their dependents with them? And why are they still there after the attack?
  • I like it that in their down time the team just chilling out and shooting breeze. No exercise, no practice and no mission plan. Sorry, but compare that with SEAL Team.
  • So the whole "Nigerian government can not know that we are here at all cost." just goes out of the window because they have to save one intruder?
  • The Commander of the Nigerian Army Special Forces really fit the stereotype of African military thugs, all the way to wearing aviator sunglasses indoor.
  • A Middle Eastern-looking man hanging around the mall entrance - that just got bombed - does not raise any suspicion?
  • What about a group of non-black people with assault rifles hanging around the city? No suspicion? Of course not. One girl even approaches them and tell them that they look strong.
  • TIL that the layout and the contents of a pharmacy in Nigeria is exactly the same as it is typically in North America, down to the type of electrical socket.

That one got me too. In the series anticipation I remember a post about this team being able to infiltrate the Middle East where as other cast are more white, well it goes both ways if they are able to do that then everybody else should be seeing a possible ISIS foreign fighter at a terrorist attack scene and you just don't get to walk up to the command post of the rescue force unchallanged. The other was the US Navy SEAL working out of Turkey was able to just pull out a Nigerian accent that fools a native.

I am guessing that Ambassadors security forces must be a common sight around Lagos from the general non reaction of the Nigerians beyond the little girl being surprised by a female combat soldier.

At least they get into the action faster from chilling than the SEAL Team, investigating a fallen sailor's personal drama.

I don’t see why TPTB move the team out of the Middle East anyway. The Middle East and the surrounding areas are absolutely crammed with story material, and the main areas of conflict (Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria) are familiar to most viewers. The arms dealer in Mexico storyline could have easily taken place anywhere from Turkey to Pakistan (not ME but closer than Mexico) Everyone and their grandmother could be buying weapons there. It’s got to be his largest market. This episode could have shifted too and still worked, even if the writers took their inspiration from the terrorist attack on the mall in Kenya.

I am really enjoying this show.  I am especially liking the different locales the team visits each week.  It's like a military version of the late Criminal Minds Beyond Borders.  

I'm willing to handwave any of the plot devices that didn't make sense (McGuire not rejoining the team, etc) because overall I found the episode very suspenseful and enjoyable.

I wish this show was getting better ratings, I can't understand why Seal Team with David Bore-an-ass is so popular, he's such a terrible actor.   Seems to me the Brave might be suffering because of the similar theme, but we had E.R. and Chicago Hope (both medical shows set in Chicago hospitals) co-existing peacefully for years, and both were well received and acclaimed.

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8 minutes ago, mybabyaidan said:

Did I miss an explanation as to why the Nigerian forces were just standing around outside almost the entire episode? 


I am trying really hard to like Jaz, but I just don't.  I am not sure why.

Our team just moved so fast that before the Nigerians could scout out the situation and form a plan  the American approached the commander and told him that we had this one.

  • Love 1
9 minutes ago, Raja said:

Our team just moved so fast that before the Nigerians could scout out the situation and form a plan  the American approached the commander and told him that we had this one.

Ok, they just seemed like they were standing around outside not really doing anything for a while, even before Amir approached them.  LOL.

On 10/25/2017 at 4:43 PM, Netfoot said:

And were it not for bogus, remote, through-wall aiming technology invented on the spur of the moment, they might have failed entirely.

They set that up, at least a bit, in previous episode where Dalton "painted" a wall for the others to shoot through.

On 10/27/2017 at 6:40 AM, Irishmaple said:

I don’t see why TPTB move the team out of the Middle East anyway.

On 10/27/2017 at 10:59 PM, blackwing said:

I am especially liking the different locales the team visits each week.

I'm with @blackwing on this.  I like the different locales and that not every enemy is Muslim.

I tried Seal Team, but Bore-an-ass' character rubbed me the wrong way from the start and I turned off halfway through.

On 10/17/2017 at 8:24 AM, Raja said:

As to the ratings the "Top" name would really turn off the military porn fan and an essential part of the base audience would turn it off.

I'm surprised that no one told TPTB that calling Dalton "Top" would be a turn-off. 

On 10/17/2017 at 4:52 PM, piequinn35 said:

So there's a triumvirate of military shows currently going on - Seal Team, Valor, and The Brave

The character that David Bore-an-ass (not my name, but it fits) plays rubbed me the wrong way from the get-go.  I did make it through the first episode.

Valor has a pair of "taxi drivers" (their words) as the stars.  That plus forced "relationships" killed it for me.

The Brave is fun, exciting and I like the cast and characters.

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1 minute ago, jhlipton said:

I'm surprised that no one told TPTB that calling Dalton "Top" would be a turn-off. 

The character that David Bore-an-ass (not my name, but it fits) plays rubbed me the wrong way from the get-go.  I did make it through the first episode.

Valor has a pair of "taxi drivers" (their words) as the stars.  That plus forced "relationships" killed it for me.

The Brave is fun, exciting and I like the cast and characters.

Productions have been known to ignore the advisors they hire. I  can only think they thought it sounded cool when Michael Irby used it on The Unit, since compared to a Marine Gunny there have been few Army First Sergeant depictions in popular media.

There was some pleasant scenery in that episode, and Seville looked beautiful as well. It was on the shortlist of cities my sister and I considered before deciding against it. It’s too late to reconsider so that was as close as I’m getting for now.

I enjoyed the operation as well. It gave all of the characters a chance to do their thing. Dalton adapted well to a fluid situation, and that moment when he flew out of the hallway to tackle the Venezuelan assassin was hilarious. Amir blended in well at the University and did a solid job as bodyguard. Jaz hit her targets. Maguire misused one of my nationalities but I can live with it since the actor is Canadian.

I thought the show did a nice job highlighting the time difference between the US and Spain by having Anne Heche look like she just rolled out of bed when Dalton called. Hannah didn’t annoy me and found the treason notes. I don’t remember the male agent’s name but he didn’t panic when the mole pulled a gun and he got himself out of the mess quickly and cleverly. 

I’ve seen other shows where the covert operative had to get permission to read in a civilian. Is Maguire revealing his real name to Paloma the covert equivalent of an engagement ring?

Too many Dalton/Jaz anvils in this one. I’m surprised that Preach seemed to be on board. I hope the show doesn’t go there. Getting involved with a younger subordinate would not look good on Dalton.

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I wish this show did better in the ratings because I like it much better then Seal Team.  I really like all the characters and the show uses them all well.  This isn’t just a showcase for a couple of characters like Seal Team is.

I think my favorite scene was when Dalton flipped the laptop around and Anne Heche face was there and she basically said “if you know who I am this is either the luckiest day of your life or you are fucked.”  

  • Love 5

Shallow note: I thought Jaz was merely pretty in previous episodes, but when she smiles she's stunning. It was actually kind of weird because her actress does a good job playing cold sniper.

This episode went back to cloak and dagger instead of military tactics, and I think it worked best that way. I'm pretty sure some of the shots that Jaz took are not actually feasible in real life, and even a suppressed rifle will make enough noise that someone is going to notice. However, I didn't really care because it just looked cool and I don't watch TV for the realism.

So far Amir's actor has spoken Arabic, French, and Spanish and been totally convincing in all of them. I only speak French, but he spoke Arabic and Spanish very confidently with an accent that doesn't sound American-toned. I wonder if he's actually fluent.

  • Love 4

How did Paloma know that McG's tattoo is special forces tattoo? So Russian spies can tell their children that they are spy and if they wanted out. If he wanted to die not by cancer but by gunshot (Venezuelans he double-crossed) he would be dead already, the timeline just suck but still I am watching it for entertainment.

Edited by piequinn35
2 hours ago, piequinn35 said:

How did Paloma know that McG's tattoo is special forces tattoo? So Russian spies can tell their children that they are spy and if they wanted out. If he wanted to die not by cancer but by gunshot (Venezuelans he double-crossed) he would be dead already, the timeline just suck but still I am watching it for entertainment.

She is a fan of military porn too. The insignia has been very public since John Wayne made The Green Berets movie early during the Vietnam War 

3 hours ago, Netfoot said:

More to the point, wouldn't getting a tattoo that declares you a member of a covert team instantly result in your expulsion from that team?  It would in my army...

Certain things about the military and special forces whether true or not have been made VERY public over the last few years and tv has latched on to it.  I leave alot of room open for that.   I mean this is tv.  What was Paloma supposed to do otherwise?  Ask every guy at the bar who spoke English if they could exfiltrate for Russian spy father?    TV Special forces have tattoos I have no issue with that.    Its also possible that they do have tattoos that only they know about that mark them to each other. 

Edited by Chaos Theory

I was glad that Noah got more to do, but his car-crash-to-disarm-the-mole move was made even more ridiculous by the fact that neither of them appeared to have a scratch on them... So he knew how to engineer a crash that would knock her out long enough to disarm her, but didn't cause any noticeable harm? And he knew that he would remain conscious, and she wouldn't pull the trigger in the seconds before they crashed? (I know this show is frequently ridiculous, and it doesn't particularly bother me, but it's still fun to snark on.)

I've suspected for the past few weeks that the McG actor is the show's weak link, and having him in the spotlight this episode confirmed it for me. His performance is just kind of flat. I'm looking forward to the more Amir-centric episode next week.

Well this was better than last week's 'shooting through walls' number. This show is definitely better with the cloak and dagger stuff. Sure, my inner Gibbs was screaming 'There are no coincidences' at the beginning but once I had sent him to the basement to work on that boat the plot unfolded without further hitches by annoying brain commentary.

Loved the bit about mnemonics - that was intriguing.

I hope (despite having watched too much tv over the years) that they do something refreshingly new with Dalton and Jaz by keeping it in cute crush territory that both acknowledge and handle professionally. But I wouldn't bet any money on it.

I have my hopes that they might be able to manage Dalton/ Jaz as friends-with-chemistry and nothing more. This was the first episode where I felt they were really hinting at the romance angle, but other than Preach shipping them (which was kind of hilarious), it didn't seem like either Dalton or Jaz were going to be giving into their feelings any time soon. Dalton in particular seems to know better.

  • Love 1
10 minutes ago, jhlipton said:

If he's made a mistake that I've seen a number of people complain about (which seems [to me] to derive from the chasm between officers and the enlisted), he can't be that committed to accuracy!

Its not a chasm it is just a custom and a courtesy. We honor the First Sergeant so much, that even without a commission he is called the Top Soldier and over the years that got shorten to just Top. In my experience about half of the First Sergeants don't allow you to call them Top you call them First Sergeant. Unlike the Marines when they start making distinctions at Staff Sergeant in the Army the Staff Sergeant and the Sergeant First Class (Gunny being the USMC equivalent) are normally refereed to as just Sergeant just like the "buck Sergeant" which was the first NCO rank before the Army started using Corporal again

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, Netfoot said:

More to the point, wouldn't getting a tattoo that declares you a member of a covert team instantly result in your expulsion from that team?  It would in my army...

Nope.  Especially if it was just the generic SF tattoo.  I knew several Night Stalkers that had that unit tattoo on their body but most SF I know usually will have just the generic SF tattoo and not the specific unit on them (because units change and that would be a lot of tattoos).  

16 hours ago, Xantar said:

Shallow note: I thought Jaz was merely pretty in previous episodes, but when she smiles she's stunning. It was actually kind of weird because her actress does a good job playing cold sniper.

This episode went back to cloak and dagger instead of military tactics, and I think it worked best that way. I'm pretty sure some of the shots that Jaz took are not actually feasible in real life, and even a suppressed rifle will make enough noise that someone is going to notice. However, I didn't really care because it just looked cool and I don't watch TV for the realism.

So far Amir's actor has spoken Arabic, French, and Spanish and been totally convincing in all of them. I only speak French, but he spoke Arabic and Spanish very confidently with an accent that doesn't sound American-toned. I wonder if he's actually fluent.


I have a colleague that works as a dialect coach for movies and tv shows and it is usually just fed to the actor line by line when they don't need to shoot the entire film in that accent.  So, he probably learned the French lines and had someone teach him the proper French accent.  Same with Spanish.  I wouldn't be surprised if he knew Arabic growing up.  He is a New Yorker but he is Arab descent (I can't find what country but some would be dual French and Arabic) so he might have been raised speaking Arabic also. 

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