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S12.E22: Who We Are/S12.E23 All Along the Watchtower

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58 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I'm going to try to stay off-line until I've watched both episodes. Lately my rage-fueled tweeting has distracted me from a few details. LOL! See  you all on the other side!

Please ... don't suck ...

58 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

From your keyboard to Chuck's ears!

Too late.  The teaser pretty much squashed any hope that it won't....

20 minutes ago, FlickChick said:

I hope that "AND Misha Collins" lives to fight another day...

Me, too! Of course, they could just kill him in the s13 premiere....you know just to screw with us.

I TRUST NOTHING. I HAVE PTSSD (Post-Traumatic Supernatural Stress Disorder)

My self- "care" tools for this evening are

Pinot Noir & Emergency Whiskey if it's too much...
Mac and Cheese

Edited by catrox14
  • Love 9
5 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Me, too! Of course, they could just kill him in the s13 premiere....you know just to screw with us.

I TRUST NOTHING. I HAVE PTSSD (Post-Traumatic Supernatural Stress Disorder)

My self- "care" tools for this evening are

Pinot Noir & Emergency Whiskey if it's too much...
Mac and Cheese

You go girl! I'm with you, only is Pinot Gris! Come to think of it, I may have some Irish whiskey somewhere too. I stay away from spoilers, so I have no idea what I'm in for. Here's to hoping for the best!

  • Love 4

I'm not sure what to do.  I've watched Supernatural from the beginning but when Mary walked out on Dean and Sam, I stopped.  I hated the incarnation of Mary and I hated the BMOL.  I've read a couple of recaps and frankly I don't regret not watching this season, but it seems inconceivable not to watch a season finale of Supernatural!  I don't know whether to watch or not.  It sounds like I won't know who most of the characters are or what's going on.

  • Love 1
10 minutes ago, Frost said:

I'm not sure what to do.  I've watched Supernatural from the beginning but when Mary walked out on Dean and Sam, I stopped.  I hated the incarnation of Mary and I hated the BMOL.  I've read a couple of recaps and frankly I don't regret not watching this season, but it seems inconceivable not to watch a season finale of Supernatural!  I don't know whether to watch or not.  It sounds like I won't know who most of the characters are or what's going on.

Honestly?  If you watched the first 3 episodes, then you should be pretty caught up to speed.  Toni came back 2 episodes ago.  Ketch is the 'psycho' assassin she and Mick talked about calling in to deal with the Winchesters.  Ketch killed Mick on their boss's orders a few episodes ago (Hess).  The BMoL brainwashed Mary into being an assassin in the last episode.  Lucifer is still out.  He's about to become a father.  Now you're all caught up.  :)

Edited by CluelessDrifter
  • Love 2
3 hours ago, catrox14 said:

Me, too! Of course, they could just kill him in the s13 premiere....you know just to screw with us.

I TRUST NOTHING. I HAVE PTSSD (Post-Traumatic Supernatural Stress Disorder)

My self- "care" tools for this evening are

Pinot Noir & Emergency Whiskey if it's too much...
Mac and Cheese

I have pre-traumatic SSD...skeered!

  • Love 1

Will Mary survive? Will Cas die? Who's the mystery man?

Psh! Who cares? Let's get to the REAL question: what song are they going to use for "The Road So Far"????


EDIT: Duh! The song is always the same in the season finale. It's the season PREMIERE where there's always a new song. Silly me!

Edited by ZennyKenny
  • Love 3

I'm waiting on watching the finale because I need to get this off my chest.

What the actual EFF. 

I just.... I don't even know if I have word for how much I hated this episode.

Sam's ridiculous "I am the leader speech" - what? He starts with "we" then is all , "No, I!" Because sure. That's what being a leader is all about - making to put yourself front and center. While Dean looked on dewy-eyed. Gag. 

Then Sam at the end, pulling first Mary, then Dean, into an embrace like the benevolent leader he is.

I pretty much fast forwarded through all the BMoL stuff because my disgust at that storyline was too strong. 

Dean does get the moment with the grenade-launcher, so yea. 

Glad Dean got a chance to tell Mary he hated her. Yes, he moved on to saying he loved her but I get that. 

Jody rocks. I loved the little caress she gave Dean, knowing how much he was hurting.

Just. Yuck.

  • Love 11

I liked this one so much more than I expected to. Yay for low expectations. They used the fucking grenade launcher! They wore t-shirts! Dean and Jody held hands! Acknowledgment of a continuing friendship between Donna and Jody! Dean told off Mary and forgave her because he makes those same deals! Winchester group hug! BMOL dead! They didn't completely redeem Toni before killing her! Jody shot fake Umbridge in the head! And took down Mary! 

Also, I'm deeply amused that the lady in charge didn't even know which one was Sam and which was Dean.

  • Love 14

That speech went just like I thought it would. 

It was all about how the deal effected Sam, Sam and Sam.  Dean you did do a good job. 

Nice way to sideline Dean from the action

Sam's not a leader, hes' a follower and it didn't work.  "Even though I was the only hunter to actually fall for their spiel and you all didn't follow me against them."

Im guessing Jensen liked it because he got use the grenade launcher and punch Ketch, other wise I got nothing.

Edited by ILoveReading
  • Love 10



- Yay Dean finally got to use the grenade launcher!
- "Yippie Ki-yay mother-"
- Sam's awesome "take the fight to them" speech.
- Sam stepping up and saying "We... no, I" to take responsibility for saying yes to the BMoL.
- Always love a good J2 hug.
- Dean's "I hate you" speech made this entire season and Mary's return worth it. Not even kidding. It was that good.
- ALL the action sequences rocked!
- Mary killing Ketch.
- my wife saying "Ketch ya later!" when Mary killed Ketch.

- How could you just skip over the Mary/Jody fight!  No fair!!
- The "bitch, jerk" thing seemed kinda forced.
- They couldn't find a baby with less puffy cheeks who looked a LITTLE more like Sam?
- REALLY wanted Sam to be the one to kill Lady Toni.
- REALLY wanted Lady Toni's death to be onscreen.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 14

I'm kind of wondering where Claire was.  I know everybody else hates her, but it would have been nice to at least get an explanation, and have Jodie call er to warn her or something.  They must be really down on hunters, if they called in Roy and Walt.  I loved the Dean/Mary dream sequence.  The one thing I think was really stupid was doing all this at the bunker.  And apparently not turning off Mary's cell phone.  I also loved the "we're going to die" scene.  All in all, great epi.

  • Love 1

In this season finale of supernatural everyone(Lucifer) gets worfed and the death's are so anticlimatic(Castiel) its not even funny the writers really have their work cut out for them if they want fans to hold the next season in high regards but imo season 13 is not going be looking good by a longshot

Edited by G-Man

First of all, Bobby.  Whoo-Hoo!!!!!!  I thought I was going to be my dose of Bobby this season and that was going to piss me off. 

If Cas and Crowley come back to life, I'm going to be pissed.  I'm just sick of the resurrections.  I'm ambivalent about Mary and Lucifer, but since we know they're going to try to get Mary back, I guess it may as well work, or we'll have all the angst.  And, Kelly, you're going to name the Spawn of Satan Jack?  Really?  Jack?  I'm not sure what she should have named him, but Jack just doesn't seem to cut it for me.  What was the pres's name?  Was that Jack?  Then, I guess it would make sense.

  • Love 4

This is absolute bullshit.

Castiel and Crowley are both dead. Fuck you show. Rowena killed in a disgusting manner and off screen. Fuck you show.

Dean on his knees next to Cas' dead body. I'm so upset.

But HEY LOOK, Misha Collins is here as Lucifer's child. That's disgusting and horrifying and I just cannot.

I'm so angry.

Oh also, I called Jim Beaver being a lying liar on Twitter MONTHS ago. I win the prize! LOL

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

This has to be the worst finale.

Crowley died for nothing, Lucifer is still alive.

Little Lucifer will just be a rehash of the Amara storyline, probably with a connection to Sam.

I don't care about about Mary to worry about her fate. 

That seems to be the modus operandi, the writers going "Hmmm what manner of storyline have we given Dean that we can now to give Sam, only making it take up twice as much screen time and half as good?"

Mary can stay where she is, she is such a terrible character.  I want Crowley and Rowena back.  Not that I loved Crowley but I think he made a good foil at times and I did like Rowena.

Edited by tessathereaper
  • Love 5

I am gutted.  I had my issues with certain storylines through the years but I honestly always wanted Castiel to somehow have a happy ending.  I guess what allowed me to become attached to the character was how childlike he was at heart.   It was both good and bad for his individual happiness but I thought it was awesome for the show.   His character allowed the Winchesters to have a friend/foil that eventually became like family to them and I feel like the character had been through enough with the brothers, that I as a viewer, knew it wasn't lip service.  He truly was one of them.  He had an awesome dynamic with pretty much every character on the canvas.  His scenes with Dean would run the gamut between humorous, heartwarming and heartbreaking on occasion.  I can't even right now.

AND Crowley.  Again issues with certain storylines but........Good Lord for his humor alone.   He also had an always entertaining dynamic with just about everyone.   Dean & Sam are the stars and always were, but the writers had managed to craft an AMAZING cast of supporting characters for them to play off of.

I like Mary but she doesn't really entertain me.  She's not enough to keep me coming back.  Ugh.

  • Love 9
5 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

Why is this show so against actually acknowledging Dean's suffered too.  They've had multiple opportunities to bring up what he's been through but every single time it was ignored. 

It's really ridiculous, Dean suffered SO much, so so very much and the show absolutely refuses to truly acknowledge it, instead they do the opposite.  And Sam's about as much of a leader as the letter Z in the English alphabet(i.e...NOT)

Edited by tessathereaper
  • Love 8
1 minute ago, tessathereaper said:

It's really ridiculous, Dean suffered SO much, so so very much and the show absolutely refuses to truly acknowledge it, instead they do the opposite.

Yup, and despite Jensen being so fantastic in that scene it stopped me from really enjoying it because it wasn't about Dean.  It was about Sam

  • Love 10

The highlight of this episode is "Carry On My Wayward Son" matching up the Winchester Group Hug to "lay your weary head to rest, don't you cry no more." And I am always happy to see Bobby. And to see a Winchester punch Satan in the face. But...did they seriously kill Castiel and Crowley? Cause you never know, but that seemed real. And I started looking up Rowena death scenes to see if I missed her being killed off, but apparently it happened offscreen. Which may very well mean it never happened, but still.

First I hear about the


Scooby Doo crossover

next season and now with the multiple earths, I'm expecting Flash to show up. 

1 minute ago, bethy said:

Wait! Bobby and Mary hook up in the alternate earth!

Well, I never got my Bobby/Ellen hookup, so I'm intrigued by this possibility.

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