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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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I wonder when they will get tired of hearing Paul constantly bragging about everything he does... dog training yesterday.... now how awesome his band is and how they instantly sold out shows.....

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I don't know how much Grodner/the network rigged the AFP results for BB15, but the top three were Elissa (6th), Candice (11th), and Howard (pre-jury) iirc.

Cody should abstractly have decent enough shot. He was much more of a factor narratively this year than 2/3s of those players. 

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15 minutes ago, gunderda said:

I wonder when they will get tired of hearing Paul constantly bragging about everything he does... dog training yesterday.... now how awesome his band is and how they instantly sold out shows.....

I would have gotten tired of him after week one and couldn't wait till his temptation was up. 


6 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Decisions decisions..... listen to Christmas and Raven... or Paul bragging to everyone. 

It is tough but I'd still want Paul gone.  

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Raven is not looking too happy today.

They are in the storage room right now.  Matt says he's not that paranoid. I think he said something about just let Paul do the work. 

FYI - Matt has a brand new shirt on today. 

and now they're getting all mooshy so i'm out.

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OMG I would love to learn Curling. As it is im counting down the days til hockey starts, summer sucks cause there isn't any. 

I just can't with these people. I'm really hoping Jason decides just to put Matt and Raven up against each other. At this point you've got to stop worrying about backdooring people, as it is even if one of them wins veto the other can still go. Not to mention neither one is good at comps. 

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MAtt says that Alex better be telling Jason "put kevin on the block or you are going on the block next week"

yea that's TOTALLY what alex will tell jason

They are all wondering why they haven't done noms yet.  They think it's because BB is waiting for someone to pick an apple but they yell to BB that no one wants an apple.  You'd think the DR would be calling them all in by rapid fire trying to tempt one of them.  Like matt and raven. 

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I missed something . What is this Apple tree thing . What benefits does it offer ? I've picked up that there is some kind of a tree in the house with apples on it but what good are they to the house guests ?

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I feel badly for Kevin.  He senses something is off and paranoid.  He tried to get Paul to play some game with him.  I caught the end of their talk and hear Kevin say, "no, I was just disappointed, that is all."

I turned on the feeds to see Mark's new shirt.  lol  I should have known. 

Edited by wings707
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Matt & Raven-  

1. There were 2 votes against you.

2. You both keep getting put up as a "pawn", Matt more then Raven.

3. And no wanted to throw the HOH to you.


Edited by SiobhanJW
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4 minutes ago, Skycatcher said:

I missed something . What is this Apple tree thing . What benefits does it offer ? I've picked up that there is some kind of a tree in the house with apples on it but what good are they to the house guests ?

It started last week. Mark picked one the first go around.  Each week the tree will turn red and the first person to go into the DR saying they want an apple will get to pick.  It could be something good or bad.  The one mark picked was "save a friend" so right before noms he saved Paul. Paul has basically threatened everyone to not pick any more.

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14 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Matt telling Christmas that he was really pissed off that alex and jason were goofing off and not ending the comp because something about raven and he was freezing. 

You know...I realize Matt is comparatively innocuous against the rest of the cast, but I'm still gonna feel some real satisfaction in seeing his whiny, useless ass auf'ed.

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Raven- Do you want to go upstairs? Matt- It's up to you. Raven- I dont know. Matt- Ask Paul #BB19

Before this they were talking in storage room and Matt said, "just let Paul take care of it." 

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This just now per Jokers sums up the season:

Raven to Matt: Do your u want to go upstairs & talk to Jason? Matt: It's up to you. Raven: I don't know. Matt: ask Paul.

They ALL deserve to lose. Every last one of them, Paul included just because he sucks.

Edited: Hah!! @wings707 beat me to it!

Edited by Katesus7
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1 minute ago, SiobhanJW said:

Matt will probably win the Veto and then use it on Raven thinking he's safe and Kevin will go and then he will actually get Marcelus'ed this time. 

If Kevin goes on the block he is gone for sure.  Unfortunately.  I really want Matt gone this week. 

15 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

Matt & Raven-  

1. There were 2 votes against you.

2. You both keep getting put up as a "pawn", Matt more then Raven.

3. And no wanted to throw the HOH to you.


Good god, yes!

Kevin just asked to go into the DR and went in. 

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9 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Damn.  Kevin went in to apologize to production.  He said he was really mean last night and condescending.  

Aww he's so sweet. He's probably so frustrated with what is going on- that he took it out on them because they can't vote him out. Haha.

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Matt says his boys are going to ridicule him for his bad performance. Raven says her friends will do the same and she won't deny it. #bb19


shocking moment of clarity here

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Alex tells Josh to just go get an apple.  I can't tell if she's totally joking or not. 

BB might be on to something.... drive them crazy long enough with keeping the tree red and not doing noms so that they eventually decide who should just go grab one to get it over with. 

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So let's say someone chooses the apple that says 2 vetos before the noms.  What then? 


ETA.  Since Mark read his immediately I, perhaps wrongly, am assuming they have to expose what they got. 

Edited by wings707
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2 hours ago, gunderda said:

I wonder when they will get tired of hearing Paul constantly bragging about everything he does... dog training yesterday.... now how awesome his band is and how they instantly sold out shows.....

Where was the venue? His moms backyard?  

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54 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Raven- Do you want to go upstairs? Matt- It's up to you. Raven- I dont know. Matt- Ask Paul #BB19

Before this they were talking in storage room and Matt said, "just let Paul take care of it." 

If you want to use the washroom you have to ask Paul..( pathetic )

Edited by Hello Lady
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27 minutes ago, wings707 said:

So let's say someone chooses the apple that says 2 vetos before the noms.  What then? 


ETA.  Since Mark read his immediately I, perhaps wrongly, am assuming they have to expose what they got. 

Yea once an apple is picked the creepy voice comes on and tells them to gather in the living room. Then the person opens the apple and reads it.  

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8 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Yea once an apple is picked the creepy voice comes on and tells them to gather in the living room. Then the person opens the apple and reads it.  

So there is no point doing this before nominations.  


Paul- I'll just start being the crazy fucker so I can be non-threatening #BB19


Oh please don't.  no no no no no

Edited by wings707
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16 minutes ago, wings707 said:

So there is no point doing this before nominations.  

I thought the only time the tree turns red is right before nominations. So if you feel safe, you don't need an apple but if you think the target might be on you and you might be on the block, it might be worth it to take a shot on the apples.

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Also- Matt & Raven- are you dumb enough to believe that Kevin who is 56 years old and has won ZERO competitions this whole season- really needs to be backdoored? He can just be thrown right up. 


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1 hour ago, SiobhanJW said:

Matt will probably win the Veto and then use it on Raven thinking he's safe and Kevin will go and then he will actually get Marcelus'ed this time. 

I would live for this.

6 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I thought the only time the tree turns red is right before nominations. So if you feel safe, you don't need an apple but if you think the target might be on you and you might be on the block, it might be worth it to take a shot on the apples.

That's what I thought, too. They need to just give up though, no one is going to pick an apple anymore because Paul has made his decree that it's not to happen.

I do like the idea someone suggested of them just keeping the tree lit and delaying the noms to try to drive them all crazy enough to pick one. That'd be funny.

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10 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I thought the only time the tree turns red is right before nominations. So if you feel safe, you don't need an apple but if you think the target might be on you and you might be on the block, it might be worth it to take a shot on the apples.

OK.  So you get the apple that says 2 vetos.  That gives a heads up to HOH to nominate "friends" knowing they will be taken off the block.  I don't see the point.  

Edited by wings707
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6 minutes ago, wings707 said:

OK.  So you get the apple that says 2 vetos.  That gives a heads up to HOH to nominate "friends" knowing they will be taken off the block.  I don't see the point.  

There's no guarantee that either Veto will be used, if randomly drawn players win both Vetos and don't remove anyone. 

ETA: I admit, I don't know how the two Veto thing works but just for the sake of argument 'cause we ain't got shit all else this season...

Edited by Callaphera
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Just now, Callaphera said:

There's no guarantee that either Veto will be used, if randomly drawn players win both Vetos and don't remove anyone. 

Ahhh, ok.  It is a tiny perk with a lot of risk to get it.  What a dumb gimmick.  

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Hypothetical situation: Matt grabs an apple before noms and gets the Two Veto apple. It gets announced to the house. Jason panics, because let's say he's gunning for one of Matt and Raven. So because of the two Veto thing, let's say he noms Alex and Paul to stack the Veto fight. Matt and Raven get their names pulled. Veto is a combined cereal eating/terminal disease comparison contest. Matt and Raven win both Vetos. Matt and Raven don't use either Veto. Alex goes home on Jason's HoH.

It would never happen. Purely hypothetical but I'm assuming this is how the two Veto thing works. Letting one person hold both Veto necklaces doesn't make sense. 

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9 minutes ago, zorak said:

Jason to Paul:  "You're the best choice for everyone in this game." 

Unspoken: "If we want to walk away with the second place prize. SCREW THE HALF MILLION, RIGHT? Anything for you, Paul."

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