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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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3 minutes ago, missyb said:

Do you think the Q&A changed any minds ?? I think it may have. I saw Alex and Jason talking after the vote. I think one of the two was on the fence.

I think Paul not owning his game play killed him. He should known the type of players he's in the house with. They voted on emotion because they felt played by Paul's fake friendship, IMO.

Edited by kellog010
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On 9/19/2017 at 9:53 PM, Lady Calypso said:

Eh, except for Cameron. He really got screwed. He never got a chance to really play. It's not his fault he got eliminated twelve hours into entering the house, or however long it was that he was in there for. It was really luck of the draw, at that point. He got unlucky with not getting a friendship bracelet, he got unlucky with choosing the wrong apple, and then he got unlucky with the eviction vote instead of a comp that he might have won. Then he had to Battle Back with Cody, who was a very strong competitor so Cameron was shit out of luck. 

But for everyone else? Yeah, they pretty much followed behind someone else, whether it was Paul or another houseguest (Jillian/Ramses followed behind Alex/Jason/Kevin; Jess behind Cody; Dom opened her eyes way too late and then didn't blow up Paul's game and made herself look shadier).  

I must take my hat off to you and admit you are correct about Cameron. Pls excuse my over-emotional post. It's been that kind of season.

I just wanted Paul to lose so much. The problem was that I felt the same way about Josh. But not quite so much. LOL!  I'm happy with the way it worked out. It was a positive vote for "Free Speech" and for "Freedom" in general. It took that meatball all season before he was finally able to put it all together. But thank goodness it all worked out in the end.

Paul is just such a miserable asshole. Fuck him!

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

The pain was evident from the first Q&A. Watching [Paul] slowly realize he didn't have it in the bag when he thought he'd win by a landslide? And after preaching that Josh could win against him? Priceless.

Well, Paul got THAT part right.  :D

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3 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Paul must have felt sure he won when Cody was the last key and he said he stayed true to his word.  Foolery!  That was arranged by production.  What a perfect moment that was!  

Cody did at one time say he would never vote for Paul. I was hoping that was the word he stuck true to.

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Did they play that Carly Simon song, "Nobody Does It Better" when Paul realized he had lost? It would have been so funny. Nobody is better at getting 2nd Place than Paul the Asshole.

I couldn't bring myself to watch the finale. I knew one of the three would win and I knew that meant it would be a shitty ending. But it turned out to be the best possible result and I'm thankful for that. It was really imperative that Paul should suffer the consequences of his miserable actions. Very important for the audience to see what happens to people who behave that way. Fuck You Paul. Pls do the world a favor and ... (I can't really wish any violence on him. It wouldn't be right. Even though it might feel right.)


P.S. I w ould have loved to have seen his parents come down to the stage and scold Paul at the end of the show.

"So, Paul? You gonna move out now?"

"So, Paul? You gonna finally get a job now?"

Edited by MissBluxom
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2 minutes ago, PhoneCop said:

Holy shit, you guys. What a ride. A long slow plunge to hell redeemed by the very sudden ascent out. I'm pretty sure I've got the bends from that.

Thank you for your service, Cody. On all the levels.


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The thing I look forward to most is the wake up call these house guests will have when they realize how much people disliked them. Cody winning AFP should be the first clue, Jess really did help unify their fan base to avoid the split vote.

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4 minutes ago, wings707 said:
6 minutes ago, PhoneCop said:

Holy shit, you guys. What a ride. A long slow plunge to hell redeemed by the very sudden ascent out. I'm pretty sure I've got the bends from that.

Thank you for your service, Cody. On all the levels.


"P.S.: Now work on that transphobia. Best wishes with your truck."

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1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

Waiting impatiently for the backyard interviews to start. I know it'll still be a while..but I need to see Paul's pissed face again. Also, I love Julie for rubbing salt in the wound.

That was awesome. I'm not sure she's ever done that to 2nd place before lol 

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1 minute ago, gunderda said:

Does anyone else think that after dreading this season finale it actually became one of the best ones ever!? 

God no. Total shitshow saved at the very last second. Also: Maven.

Edit: Oh, season finale, not season. Well. Maybe.

Edited by PhoneCop
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5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Waiting impatiently for the backyard interviews to start. I know it'll still be a while..but I need to see Paul's pissed face again. Also, I love Julie for rubbing salt in the wound.

And with grace.  She is good. 

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The only thing I loved about this season was everything to do with the jury. Wow that was one bitter, hilarious jury. The mockery of "the puppet master" alone provided many screams of hilarity in our house! 

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24 minutes ago, Mierin said:


For those who want to savour the look on Paul's face when the final vote was cast.

How fitting that in the end, it was Cody who gave Paul the shaft.  It usually doesn't happen with BB, but justice prevailed.

Great Job to everyone here who made the case to vote Cody AFG - and not waste votes on those who had no chance of winning.

Edited by escape
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2 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Julie is live on Facebook right now. She thinks Paul was robbed. 

She is wrong in my opinion. Paul's jury management was poor though he thought he was so good at it. Josh snookered him with his goodbye messages and Paul didn't see that coming. Overlying to everyone also didn't help. 

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2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Click on the "videos" on the side of the page and it'll automatically start the live video playing.

Yeah.  That is just the episode and I have seen it.  I thought there was more with Julie. 

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So over 15 million votes were cast for AFP voting?

Does that mean the free accounts did count and we all didn't vote because we thought it wouldn't?

Not that it matters, I'm pissed Mark didn't make it in the top 3. But whatever. 

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