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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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6 minutes ago, carpedi7 said:

Someone please tell me Josh is completely losing it. 

Nobody really seemed to be losing it.  It was Paul, Josh, Christmas, and Alex in the rose room.  I don't know where Kevin was.  Paul was giving them all one of his pep talks about how hard they've all worked and that it's almost over.  Then the feeds went back to doggy cam.  My feed is being really glitchy right now.

Edited by zorak
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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Alex was just talking about how Raven was pissed at her on her way out.  Alex told her it wasn't her because she was HOH and couldn't vote.  She said Raven pushed her away and called her a liar and said she didn't trust her. 

I do think it's interesting that Jason was so pissed he didn't even hug Alex on the way out.  And the fact that Alex was yelling at him, "Jason, it wasn't me!"  speaks volumes. 

Because for weeks she hasn't listened to him..I'm glad, look at how she plays, Raven and Kevin?? why not Paul and Xmas?? omg 

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I want that sweet puppy currently on the feeds. That is all.

@Katesus7, I'm so glad your home is ok. What a horrible situation though. I feel for Josh, but agree and it's really up to his family. I'm glad they are evacuating.

Z-list celebs? I'M IN.

Is Josh the new harassment target this week? Or Kevin or Alex?

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2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Nobody really seemed to be losing it.  It was Paul, Josh, Christmas, and Alex in the rose room.  I don't know where Kevin was.  Paul was giving them all one of his pep talks about how hard they've all worked and that it's almost over.  Then the feeds went back to doggy cam.  My feed is being really glitch right now.

Mine too. My live stream was glitchy during the episode. Very annoying. 

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Feeds are back.  Alex and Christmas are talking.  Alex is such a bitch.  She's telling Christmas she told Jason multiple times he was going to have to play the game differently.  She says he wanted to play a cowboy game.

Alex told Christmas she's cool with Christmas.  I hope Alex goes next.

Now Alex is questioning Josh (with Paul present of course) about his vote to evict Jason and why.

Edited by zorak
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And Paul is starting in on his "If I was up there I was going home" bullshit.  I want Josh to blow Paul's game up.

Alex says if they're planning on backdooring her she wants them to tell her now because she doesn't want to cry.

Edited by zorak
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At the end of DE nights, what time is HOH usually? Or is it just a who knows situation?

Can't decide if I'd want a Josh HOH or not, as he's the only one left I have any interest in, and I want him eligible to play next week. Would find it hilarious if Kevin lucked in to a win but I doubt it.

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Is it too soon to start a thread for our wishlists of has-beens for BB: DWTS? It is? Okay.

I wonder if Paul and Christmas will be able to fully reel in Josh's emotional volatility this week, considering she's pretty much botched that job thus far.

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Josh stays letting Paul pretend he knew nothing about the Jason eviction and that he would have been evicted if he was nommed. I just. I'm at a loss for words. It's really hard to handle with Josh now that we know he sees through the bullshit. And there he is, still playing the game to help Paul win. Sigh.

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Just now, zorak said:

And Paul is starting in on his "If I was up there I was going home" bullshit.  I want Josh to blow Paul's game up.

He can't though. Even if he did, he wouldn't have the votes. Christmas and Alex will never turn on Paul, especially bc of anything Josh tells them. 

My only hope is him being in a position to be the deciding vote to evict Paul somehow. F4 POV I guess. 

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Alex needs to take Jason's Whistlenut jersey off.  She is a disgrace.  She's telling the rest of them that if they get booted she wanst them to tell Jason it wasn't her.  She says she doesn't care if she gets to the end and nobody votes for her.  But she says she wants Jason to at least be her only vote if she makes it to the end.  It really bothers her that Jason didn't hug her.

Edited by zorak
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Hopefully Paul and Christmas continue to berate Josh until he just finally says fuck it and blows up their games.

Now, about celeb BB, it's totally gonna end up being like at least 50% youtubers but I don't care I am so pumped!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Christmas says the vote to evict Alex needs to be unanimous.  They say all 3 of them will tell Alex that she's going once she's on the block.  I'm dying to see if Paul follows through with that.  I hope he does because Alex will maybe finally get a clue that Paul played her.

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Ok ... here's my analogy.

Paul Manson has his "Manson family."

Xmas - Susan Atkins. Severe rage issues that Paul released like a genie from a bottle. Susan Atkins was by far the most bloodthirsty of the Manson girls, she stabbed a crying Sharon Tate by saying "Bitch I have no mercy for you."

Josh = Clem Grogan. Clem was developmentally somewhat disabled, considered "retarded" by the other Manson family members. Never treated well by the Family's core members, but he wanted to fit in.

Alex = Leslie van Houten. On the surface she came from a good family, did well in school, wasn't someone you expected to find in Charlie's group. But psychological tests showed that Leslie was very cruel and callous and being around the Family only heightened that.

Kevin = Linda Kasabian. Desperate, pregnant, lost, adrift, not a cold-blooded murderer at heart but eager to believe in something, so went along with those killings. Does have a conscience.

Raven = Squeaky Fromme. Still a loyal Manson family member years later, still a blathering idiot.

edit: Josh also has some Linda Kasabian in him. He did snitch on Paul.

Edited by Growsonwalls
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Just now, zorak said:

Christmas says she feels like sometimes the things Josh says it's like Josh is planting seeds of doubt about Paul and she doesn't like that.

Sometimes I feel like Xmas is an addict looking for a savior and after 12 years she finally found her savior: Paul Manson.

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