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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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I am looking forward to Cody's interview with Julie.  I think he will go silent and not want to talk to her.   He will say, he is glad he is out. 

OR she will be able to pull out a smile and a tad of delight that he is out.  

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Just now, Michichick said:

I seriously think Raven isn't getting called to DR because production sees her for the grifter she is and they want to minimize her on-air exposure.

I think they just hate hearing her talk as much as we do.

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Why do they care so much about how the votes went down or what happened previously at all!  Cody, Elena and Mark are out.  Why keep rehashing it?  

Because they are consumed with bonding over hate.  

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Just now, wings707 said:

I am looking forward to Cody's interview with Julie.  I think he will go silent and not want to talk to her.   He will say, he is glad he is out. 

OR she will be able to pull out a smile and a tad of delight that he is out.  

I think he'll be just as pleasant as he was the first go around, which is good. He'll probably spend the entire interview shitting on Paul and his hyena-sheep.

They show the first eviction interview but not the second one for DE, right? So they'll show Cody's but not Mark/Josh/Raven? 

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When Derrick's calling you out....damn, you fucked up. 

I know this is all a game, but the number they're pulling on Mark right now is just...it's making me very uncomfortable. Alex telling Mark that Elena doesn't like him, she's abusive toward him and not nice, and that Elena only used him at the beginning and that he doesn't really have her is bad. What makes it ten times worse is Alex/Josh doing this to Mark, playing the nice guy card, pretending that they care while KNOWING that he's the bigger target over Elena. That's just fucked up. Mental warfare games is not fun. That's just personal in taking advantage of Mark, who is clearly in a very vulnerable position right now, with having to deal with a cold and bitchy Elena while dealing with his big ass target over his head. 

"Oh, that Elena is such a bitch, am I right? You deserve better! You just need to drop her, dude!" 
*votes him out that very week*

Yeah, kick a guy while he's down and already probably leaving. 

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I need josh to go soon. Everything is all about him. He's only playing the game. He never gets personal. Everyone else is making it personal. 

I usually dislike a handful of people in the house each season but I downright hate most of them this season which is rare for me. 

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1 hour ago, missyb said:

Don't forget the Xmas bitch.

Please let a double elimination see Mark and Elena win both. Xmas and Alex on the block . Leave Paul off and see who he campaigns to go or save. Do it to him twice . Let the house see who he "likes" the best.

Elena, time to walk away. Agree that you are two different sides now.

Ooooops! I meant to say Alex & Xmas. I hate them. I like Elaina.

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19 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I think he'll be just as pleasant as he was the first go around, which is good. He'll probably spend the entire interview shitting on Paul and his hyena-sheep.

They show the first eviction interview but not the second one for DE, right? So they'll show Cody's but not Mark/Josh/Raven? 

I can't remember.  His interview will be good, now that I think about it.  He won't single anyone out, he will say something about the group.  He hates them all. 

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18 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Seems Kevin has no tolerance for a man who does not act like a man.  

Kevin plays with his hair constantly. He's in his 60s and is more obsessed with his hair than most women I know.

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Ah, a nice and quiet Cody cam.

My ears are free from the obnoxious sound of other houseguests. I can deal with Cody's suddenly loud hacking if it means some peace and quiet away from the Hyena-Sheep.

ETA: And as I type this, it switches to a nice and quiet Elena cam. Better.

Edited by Lady Calypso
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1 minute ago, wings707 said:

I like Elena, Mark and Cody.  

Mark is probably it for me. 

If Cody and Elena were in the numbers they would be as insufferable as anyone else. 

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Just now, Cutty said:

Kevin plays with his hair constantly. He's in his 60s and is more obsessed with his hair than most women I know.

It is not about appearance for him.  He is 55,  He is into looking good at all times thus his suits.   It isn't about being feminine.  Matt is just not a guy's guy and horrible dresser.  That is not the reason.  Sometimes certain people bug us more than others and Matt is under his skin. 

1 minute ago, Cutty said:

Mark is probably it for me. 

If Cody and Elena were in the numbers they would be as insufferable as anyone else. 

True but they are not so I am going on what I see now.  I don't think I would like any of the 3 in real life all that much.  lol

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10 minutes ago, wings707 said:

It is not about appearance for him.  He is 55,  He is into looking good at all times thus his suits.   It isn't about being feminine.  Matt is just not a guy's guy and horrible dresser.  That is not the reason.  Sometimes certain people bug us more than others and Matt is under his skin. 

I guess I just find the what makes a man thing somewhat offensive, especially coming from a washed up Whitey Bulger wannabe whose big claim to fame is daddy was a cocaine trafficker. 

Dressing like Ray Liotta in Goodfellas doesn't make you a man's man.

Josh/Mark have one of the oddest relationships I've ever seen in the BB house. They are constantly fighting but will have a normal conversation 25 minutes later like nothing happened. 

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6 minutes ago, Cutty said:

I guess I just find the what makes a man thing somewhat offensive, especially coming from a washed up Whitey Bulger wannabe whose big claim to fame is daddy was a cocaine trafficker. 

Dressing like Ray Liotta in Goodfellas doesn't make you a man's man.

Josh/Mark have one of the oddest relationships I've ever seen in the BB house. They are constantly fighting but will have a normal conversation 25 minutes later like nothing happened. 

Just offered what I think may be the reason he hates Matt.  He has never said, I was just musing.  Most of us hate the guy too so I am not surprised he does. 

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38 minutes ago, wings707 said:

Paul going over last season....Don't berate me on TV!  He said that to Mich when she called him an atheist and liar.  lol

And atheist is not an insult!  

Ughhh we need big meech right about now!!! 

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Now that I'm all caught up watching today's fight, all I can say is these people are insufferable.  Upon switching to real time cams, I came in on a conversation between Alex, Jason, and Kevin about Cody's kid and how Cody's just so terrible for giving up his time with her this summer to come on Big Brother.  So does that mean they now believe he's telling the truth about having a kid?  Also, why does Jason get a free pass for leaving his 2 year old kid to come on Big Brother?  How is that any different?

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I wish I could be a fly on the wall watching Raven view the episodes after the season is over. I want to see her realize that she was barely on the show, and that her constant illness talk didn't make the cut.

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Paul talking to Matt and Raven about the hit list now. Obviously Mark and Elena and then setting up Kevin for after that. Taking them to final 8. Matt says done the line, we will red Joshnandnor Xmas. Paul, I know that. Matt, I know you know that.

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Every time Kevin things of jumping ship she tells one of Paul's minions.  They run to Paul and Paul whips Kevin back in line.

Why doesn't Kevin get together with Cody and come up with some plan to oust Paul.  Geeeez.

Can you believe we are going to have four glorious night of BB this week.  Wed, Thur, Friday and Sunday! 

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14 minutes ago, RandomWatcher said:

Earlier I was reading on Jokers that Cody said he wants to have four kids with Jessica. I wonder how she feels about that.

When talking to Kevin earlier today he said as many as possible. 

Jason seems to be giving Paul some sort of pep talk? 

Paul is crying???

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Apparently Paul's girlfriend pulled her release because it goes to fish when he talks about her now and he said he wasn't allowed to talk about her anymore. Smart woman!

2 hours ago, zorak said:

Upon switching to real time cams, I came in on a conversation between Alex, Jason, and Kevin about Cody's kid and how Cody's just so terrible for giving up his time with her this summer to come on Big Brother.  

They're being such assholes, but honestly a part of me is kinda happy to finally see a man get shit on for leaving his child to be on BB. Usually it's only mothers who get that kinda thing.

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1 minute ago, gunderda said:

Alex says Kevin is being condescending with all the questions he asks 

Jason says maybe he's a sociopath.  

Oh, is that who they're talking about? I came into the convo after it started and assumed they were talking about Cody.

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4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Apparently Paul's girlfriend pulled her release because it goes to fish when he talks about her now and he said he wasn't allowed to talk about her anymore. Smart woman!



Hahaha!  That should give him a clue as to how his game play is being perceived.  She doesn't want people to know she's associated with him. 

Do we know who his girlfriend is?? 

4 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:


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1 minute ago, Michichick said:

Oh, is that who they're talking about? I came into the convo after it started and assumed they were talking about Cody.

Yea Kevin. Cuz he'll ask a bunch of weird questions.  Or he'll say he going to go do something over and over and then doesn't do it. 

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6 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Apparently Paul's girlfriend pulled her release because it goes to fish when he talks about her now and he said he wasn't allowed to talk about her anymore. Smart woman!


She probably has a two-woman limit when it comes to how many HGs she's comfortable rubbing up on Paul. He's up to how many now?

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God, Jason right now is describing Paul to a T and he has no flipping idea. He's talking about being a leader more than a dictator, because if Alex becomes a dictator, everyone's thoughts become one. Oh, Jason, if you only knew you were really talking about Paul. 

But he does make some good points. 

Jason hates Josh and I am going to look forward to when Jason and Mark get to cut him. Yes, IT WILL HAPPEN. Jason even wants Mark/Elena there more than Matt/Raven.

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I went to check the Joker's ratings and they're such a lovely treat. Jessica, Ramses, and Cameron are ahead of all current HGs except Cody and Mark. Dominique and Jillian (JILLIAN!) are ahead of all except Cody, Mark, and Kevin. The 5 lowest rated are Paul, Christmas, Josh, Matt, and Raven. It's all all just so beautiful and I can't wait for these people to get out and see how hated they all are.

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Jason being the voice of reason in telling Paul, we need to stop the pile on. We are looking like heathens. We thought it would tear them apart and it brought them together. WE have a couple of easy weeks ahead. Lets settle down.


Paul is upset because the DR told him his girlfriend withdrew her consent, so he cannot talk about her  ( use her name). This has upset him and making him wonder what the heck is going on. He must be thinking about how he is looking on TV.

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4 minutes ago, missyb said:

Paul is upset because the DR told him his girlfriend withdrew her consent, so he cannot talk about her  ( use her name). This has upset him and making him wonder what the heck is going on. He must be thinking about how he is looking on TV.

I can see it now. The backyard interviews after the finale, Entertainment Tonight walks up to Paul and he gets an Aaryn moment.

Interviewer: "So, Paul. How did it feel to find out that your girlfriend dumped you because of your behaviour in the house?"
Paul: "Uh... no she didn't?"
Interviewer: "Oh, you didn't hear..."

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