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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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Jessica and Cody would be better served to use their energy in getting a rise out of Paul. Josh is just way too easy of a target, and ultimately meaningless from a game perspective. You're not improving your position in the game by getting him rilled up.

Edited by Cutty
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Josh is "apologizing" to Mark for....something. After the way Josh dismissed Mark's apology after their major fight, I wouldn't expect or want Mark to just accept whatever Josh is trying to sell. 

Also, Mark is a better apologizer. Josh sucks at it. I don't even know if it is an apology to Mark; I don't get it.

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Josh should have been removed from this house weeks ago over the damn inciting violence using the pans, now after yet AGAIN he did it now they tell him? I'm so sick of Josh and Paul.

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2 minutes ago, Artsda said:

Josh should have been removed from this house weeks ago over the damn inciting violence using the pans, now after yet AGAIN he did it now they tell him? I'm so sick of Josh and Paul.

Why does Paul get a pass? Wasn't he the one to tell Josh to turn it up the volume a few days ago? Paul is as guilty and should also be treated with the same consequences.

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

News alert:  Paul is tired of living in this environment.  He didn't come here to live in hostility.  He's over it.

Barf, motherf-ing, Barf.

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47 minutes ago, zorak said:

Paul:  "Maybe I'm blind to certain aspects of bullying because it doesn't resonate with me."  What a copout!

What he means to say is, "Maybe I'm blind to anything that does not directly benefit or harm ME. Everyone else is fair game."

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1 minute ago, Michichick said:

It looked like Cody and Jessica were packing.

They should both just leave. Jessica won't get the jury money anyway, and they'd both make more of an impact, publicity wise, if they left now. 

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Just now, PoshSprinkles said:

Maybe they can get Derrick to come in donning his police uniform to educate the houseguests on harassment and bullying. 

Just when I didn't think this season could get worse... 

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3 minutes ago, zorak said:

Paul also doesn't like fighting and seeing this shit.

Does he think we didn't see him jumping around, telling everyone to bring the show on the road when Jess/Cody walked out after the fighting in the kitchen last week? 

I really think he believes his "I'm the good guy" crap.

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4 minutes ago, zorak said:

News alert:  Paul is tired of living in this environment.  He didn't come here to live in hostility.  He's over it.

The environment he created. What a fool.

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We know Alex sucks at math but she's saying if Cody had convinced Jason, Mark, and Kevin to also vote to evict Raven, Jessica would have had enough votes to stay.

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1 minute ago, Mystery said:

They should both just leave. Jessica won't get the jury money anyway, and they'd both make more of an impact, publicity wise, if they left now. 

Just leave, the house, the sheep can belong to Paul. They'll have to beg people to watch  the feeds. 

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Paul thinks the longer they leave Cody in the house, the more Cody's judgement will be clouded.  This after Paul said that if Cody goes to jury first he will be out of the loop.  So being in the loop = clouded judgement?

Paul:  "Why am I in this living environment?"  Because you helped create it!  Duh!

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5 hours ago, Ceeg said:

I have a feeling Paul will get Christmas before she gets him. 


1 hour ago, zorak said:

Paul thinks Cody would hit someone in the house but he says Cody wouldn't hit him.  Does Paul think Cody is afraid of him?

It's projection. Paul is super scared of Cody.

5 minutes ago, KootieTaw said:

What he means to say is, "Maybe I'm blind to anything that does not directly benefit or harm ME. Everyone else is fair game."

This is Paul to a T.

Paul is still going on about this. Now this shit is 'literally' draining him. Christmas saying you don't need to personally attack somebody. I ........ yea.

Mark's my new fave because of this:

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Christmas is now asking Paul what the whole thing with Mark not saying anything was about.  So of course Paul is taking this opportunity to vilify Mark.  I wish Elena were sitting there.

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Alex says Raven got hit with the pan by inserting herself into the situation trying to make herself look like the hero.  She went to the DR.  Jason says he hopes they don't let her in.  Ha!  Now it's a good old fashioned Raven bash session.

Edited by zorak
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8 minutes ago, Hello Lady said:

They should both just leave. Jessica won't get the jury money anyway

She is the only one in that house that doesn't care about making jury. Which is why since last week she told Cody she wanted to go home first. She lives 12 mins away and told him she has a great life, she's not desperate for 8K like these people. 


She's the one who should stay because she cares about the actual game, not jury and not just giving it to Paul.

Edited by Artsda
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3 minutes ago, zorak said:

Paul thinks the longer they leave Cody in the house, the more Cody's judgement will be clouded.  This after Paul said that if Cody goes to jury first he will be out of the loop.  So being in the loop = clouded judgement?

Paul:  "Why am I in this living environment?"  Because you helped create it!  Duh!

oh jesus christ. Now they all are so self righteous, holier than thou, bunch of assholes. This is my last week of watching, feeds, episodes etc. 

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Paul just said he's over it and asks if these mofos want to send him to jury first to escape the situation.  From your lips to God's ears, Paul.

Edited by zorak
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Just now, zorak said:

Paul just said he's over it and asks if these mofos want to send him to jury first to escape the situation.  From your lip to God's ears, Paul.

Whoever wins HOH next week should nom Paul and then remind him of this in their nom speech lol.

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39 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Because everyone outside is talking about the fight and it looks like production doesn't want that.

I also am temporarily changing my avatar to a Mark one. Unfortunately I could not get a better one with Josh getting hot sauce in the face. 

Josh has now received multiple warnings about the pots and pans. He needs to be punished for instigating fights.

Here's 2 for you:





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Just now, cocobeans said:

Do y'all remember the good ole' days of Janelle toddling around drunk-as-crap, hollering at the Friendship?! That was fun :-)

I was just thinking about Zakiyah baking a cake for a stuffed giraffe on Bridgette's birthday! So petty, so ridiculous, so hilarious.

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I was watching the feeds when Jessica abruptly asked Josh to spell drought.  However later when Josh was outside breaking up a fight between Alex and Jason, Josh said what started the fight was Cody came out of the bathroom and gave Josh a look and Josh asked Cody, " Do you want to say something to me?"  He says Jessica inserted herself into the fight.  Did anyone catch this exchange on the feeds?

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Am I hearing this convo right? Jason calling out Josh for being afraid of the backlash more than the personal attacks and instigating? He also called people bullies. 

I can't recall if Jason has ever actively joined in on the bullying so I have no idea if he's being hypocritical right now.

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9 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Am I hearing this convo right? Jason calling out Josh for being afraid of the backlash more than the personal attacks and instigating? He also called people bullies. 

I can't recall if Jason has ever actively joined in on the bullying so I have no idea if he's being hypocritical right now.

No he never has  

How do I keep missing these exciting moments???? 

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6 minutes ago, zorak said:

Raven:  "Maybe the Amazing Race will contact me."  I guess she's planning on living long enough to make it through another competitive reality show.

LOL,I mean full on snort! Well done

1 minute ago, mooses said:


I guess more of the HGs see right through these shenanigans than they're willing to let on. 

Gee, how long did that take!!! 

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16 minutes ago, zorak said:

Raven:  "Maybe the Amazing Race will contact me."  I guess she's planning on living long enough to make it through another competitive reality show.

OMG! I'm laughing so much!!! What a nut she is! I was just listening to her and she has this odd "accent" that seems to come and go. I never paid much attention to her so it's so bizarre

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12 minutes ago, Sandycat said:

OMG! I'm laughing so much!!! What a nut she is! I was just listening to her and she has this odd "accent" that seems to come and go. I never paid much attention to her so it's so bizarre

All HG think they are loved while in the house. Some are, some aren't & most are forgotten. I put Raven in the latter. She has no idea how much her own HG find her annoying. 

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Man alive.... If Cody actually self-evicts, then he, Jess, and Megan get all my votes for America's Favorite for having the sense get the hell out of there and away from those people.

If Paul does, though, no. Fuck him.

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I think one of the things is that Jess has a real "death by 1,000 papercuts" personality. It's not really her fault, because in the real world with people she knew it would probably be just an annoying quirk. But she definitely has a way of making little snide remarks and put-downs that in a confined setting like BB can really set people off. Also, she's in a season with a lot of girls who have the same micro-aggressive personality. 

Josh banging pots and pans and Paul egging it on is a macro-aggression. It's disgusting and BB needs to put a stop to that shit asap. It's ridiculous it's even gotten this far. Cody getting in Josh's face is a macro-aggression.

But a lot of the tensions this season has been due to micro-aggressions. Jess asking Josh to spell the word "drought," Raven scarfing down the entire HoH basket without asking, Alex harping on the ears and the coke, Xmas constantly whining about her 12 year drug habit and how hard it was to kick, etc etc. They're all small things that when they add up can really lead to huge fights. 

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