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Season 8 was the last season I watched - I just didn't care for where the show was going. I did think many of the cast were likeable, and Cristie seemed like a very nice person who had a great future ahead of her. Sometimes it's easy to forget that lives go on once the cameras stop rolling, and sadly, lives sometimes end far too soon. I read the blog Martie wrote about her, which I'm sure everyone else already read too, but she goes into some details about just what a wonderful person Cristie was.




I can't imagine what her family and friends are going through, but I hope they get justice for their loss, and I hope she, her husband, and their child are in a place of peace.

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OMG, how horrible!  I just watched some of her FNS videos and remembered her face.  Just unbelievably tragic.  I'm sure there were a few people at FN who upon hearing this wished they could have given her a chance and perhaps her life would have been so different that this never would have happened.  But bean puree was never going to go over big with them.  She seemed like a nice person.

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I haven't heard a peep out of Lenny, nor seen hide nor hair of the boy. Thankfully. I believe FN has shown him the door.


I'm thankful for this!  I saw waaayyyy more of the hide and hair of that boy during his season than I ever needed to see in my lifetime.

Edited by Aquarius
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I'm friends with both Nicole and Luca on Facebook and they've never mentioned him. At all.

Probably because they understand they got screwed just by being from the same season as him.


What's Luca up to?

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I took a look, again, at the Chef Lenny fan club FB page and its still pretty comical with little to report.  They have a new admin there who use to be Lenny's teacher. The other day Lenny's friend Chris who is also an admin there had posted something like "who wants to talk about WWF Raw? Its one of Lenny's faves so lets chat about it!" Um well how come Lenny himself isnt joining in and actually interacting with the 5 fans he has left on there?  I still dont get why he isnt participating with this page that he authorizes. Some people were wishing him a happy birthday the other day and he couldnt bother to drop in with a thank you? I mean, does he think hes too big to actually go on there himself? Like he has to have reps speak for him? lol

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Like he has to have reps speak for him? lol

Look what he ended up with when he did speak for himself, that was the cause of all his problems. He's smart to just shut up until people forget he exists.

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Look what he ended up with when he did speak for himself, that was the cause of all his problems. He's smart to just shut up until people forget he exists.


Or my guess is gagged by the Food Network until that happens.

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I guess this can be considered Jeff Mauro news..The Kitchen has been nominated for a Daytime Emmy for Outstanding Informative Talk Show. Kind of surprised it landed a nod in such a big category (if anything I expected something in the Culinary area) but very cool. This is the 2nd show nominated for an Emmy Jeff is part of, Sandwich King being the first in only its 2nd season so he continues to easily be one of Food Network Stars big success stories.  They really did pick a great group of people when they created The Kitchen.

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That is surprising to me because the times that I have tried to watch The Kitchen, I find most of them irritating, especially Katie Lee.  The concept is not bad, but the personnel ruined it.  The only one I like is Sunny.  Mauro is an annoying buffoon.

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I watched a few episodes of the Kitchen and thought it was terrible.  I am a good cook and this show is nuts.  One episode showed Mauro making breakfast sandwiches like McDonalds and freezing them so you could microwave in the morning.  What??!!!  Why Zakarian is on there remains a mystery.  Kathy Lee and her voice are intolerable and I want to strangle Sunny.  So that did it for me!  LOL. 

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I took a look, again, at the Chef Lenny fan club FB page and its still pretty comical with little to report.  They have a new admin there who use to be Lenny's teacher. The other day Lenny's friend Chris who is also an admin there had posted something like "who wants to talk about WWF Raw? Its one of Lenny's faves so lets chat about it!" Um well how come Lenny himself isnt joining in and actually interacting with the 5 fans he has left on there?  I still dont get why he isnt participating with this page that he authorizes. Some people were wishing him a happy birthday the other day and he couldnt bother to drop in with a thank you? I mean, does he think hes too big to actually go on there himself? Like he has to have reps speak for him? lol


Really?  I just looked at it and it seems to have been scrubbed of anything more recent than last November, except for one post on April 1st by Chris the page owner saying "big things are coming" (under "posts to page").  Unbelievable!

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Really?  I just looked at it and it seems to have been scrubbed of anything more recent than last November, except for one post on April 1st by Chris the page owner saying "big things are coming" (under "posts to page").  Unbelievable!


And that could have been an April Fool's joke.

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And that could have been an April Fool's joke.


You know, I thought that but don't April Fool's jokes usually let you in on the joke?  Like, "Big things are coming!"................................................APRIL FOOL'S!!!

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I signed up to get the updates for Nicole's web site. I think I'm going to make that Sweet Potato & Bacon Hash she's got on there.  I always want to use more sweet potatoes, but end up just sticking with what I know. 

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Since the new season is coming I swung by to see what is up with Lenny, LOL. I wonder if FN is going back to their own "pick," although I don't know how they can blame the home audience for the debacle that is Lenny when they recruited him in the first place, and sort of pushed him as the winner IMO. FN's own rep for picking the winner is sort of hit and miss I think,  Mauro--hit, Arron mushmouth (forget his name) a miss,  d'Arabian irritates the crap out of me no matter how hard FN pushes her, I think that they like her because she came out of the Corporate environment and "the suits" relate, LOL. I wonder what sort of cast they will have this year...

Edited by LiveenLetLive
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I think they are going back to not letting the public vote.  They've almost gotten themselves in trouble a couple of times with that in the show's history.  Like that guy JAG who they found out faked his military history.  They found out about it in early enough to get him out in time to put Amy Finley up for the vote but even though she won, she later backed out after her 6 shows.  If this were a real competition and not a farce, perhaps letting the public vote would work out OK but they often have their favorite contestants put up against some fake clown for entertainment value who might in fact win because they aren't that good at predicting the outcome.  So they take a chance with that.

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Nikki Dinki has a show with one of the Dean brothers (Bobby?) premiering next week called Junk Food Flip on Cooking Chanel. I think that may be out Kenny replacement. I'll like to see a season where favorite non-winners get a second chance.

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I always thought Nikki was a good bet from that season, and they tried her out on Damaris's show not long ago.

Oh,  I forgot about her on Damaris's show. Damaris said they had become friends. She was good. Too bad she couldn't go it alone without Deen, Mr. "Not My Mamma's Meals". She doesn't need him, as far as I'm concerned.

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Another alum who's doing well, not on TV, but nationally is Linkie Marais. She represents the Big Green Egg company and she is constantly going from one event to another. Recently in Virginia Beach, now in Monterey, CA. If there's something big going on, she's there cooking.

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Oh,  I forgot about her on Damaris's show. Damaris said they had become friends. She was good. Too bad she couldn't go it alone without Deen, Mr. "Not My Mamma's Meals". She doesn't need him, as far as I'm concerned.

She probably could (the pilot last year didn't have her) but I think FN is trying to make Bobby the new male face of the network to try to cut some DDD hours out of their schedule. For what it's worth I like Junk Food Flip and could see them moving it to Food Network and pairing it with DDD or that diner fixup show if it survives.

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A Lenny sighting! He did a demonstration for a Los Angles news show.


It was filmed May 22nd. No mention of the Food Network. So between that and the fact that they didn't run his season as the marathon leading up to this season I think we can safely assume they decided to part ways.


(I kind of hate myself for googling him.)


ETA: Never mind. I looked at the date, but not the year. It actually was from 2012. So he's still MIA.

Edited by xaxat
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(I kind of hate myself for googling him.)


I do the same thing,, xaxat. Then I wonder why I put myself through that....

Edited by Janimo
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Interesting, apparently he's still at Kessler Canyon Ranch even though they've taken any mention of him off of their web site.

Wouldn't you? LOL, it's like advertising that you have some jackass YouTuber who wants to make love to creamed corn working in your kitchen.

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Lenny won his season - last season. I never saw his tv show .... which was the prize for winning, right? Did I blink and miss his show? Not that Im sad if I did. :)

He ruined creamed corn for me ... sigh

Edited by ari333
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How is it that the winner doesnt get the prize?


Not that I I missed him, but that WAS the stated "prize". Wow. I wonder how the legal team wriggled out of that. Interesting.

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How is it that the winner doesnt get the prize?


Not that I I missed him, but that WAS the stated "prize". Wow. I wonder how the legal team wriggled out of that. Interesting.


No wriggling required. Legal teams always have escape clauses, and most reality TV applicants have to sign away their rights to begin with. In this case, I imagine the legal team invoked the "disgusting YouTube video about making love to creamed corn" and "excessive mocking of existing FN talent" clauses, which are probably referred to as "reputation" clauses.

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Add to what Bella said, with all the uproar posted online about Lenny's antics in the kitchen, and I think the FN execs decided better to pretend he never happened than to film one episode with him. I bet they couldn't find advertisers willing to stick their necks out.

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No wriggling required. Legal teams always have escape clauses, and most reality TV applicants have to sign away their rights to begin with. In this case, I imagine the legal team invoked the "disgusting YouTube video about making love to creamed corn" and "excessive mocking of existing FN talent" clauses, which are probably referred to as "reputation" clauses.






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The joke among contestants in The Amazing Race was that the contract allowed the producers to kill you and substitute a body double. Obviously this is not true, but I never assume that contestants are actually going to get what the show says they're going to get. Hell's Kitchen is another example of a huge gap between the alleged prize and reality. 

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Several years ago I found and read the contract the contestants sign to be on this show. Even when they had "viewers vote the winner", the bottom line was you owed FN/Scripps your soul, and that they had absolute control over who won. I'd love to know if someone got demoted/canned over the Lenny debacle. That mess is totally on them.

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From a casting call. 




Applicants that are selected as a Finalist will be required to enter into a release and agreement with
FOOD NETWORK that will (i) render applicant exclusive to FOOD NETWORK for a pre-determined
period of time (meaning that applicant would not, among other limitations, be able to appear in
programs in any media, make public appearances, publish a food-related book, or be associated in any
manner with any commercial, advertisement, and/or endorsement without FOOD NETWORK's express
written permission in each circumstance); and (ii) give FOOD NETWORK the option, at FOOD
NETWORK's sole election, to exercise the right to have applicant appear as a host, co-host, or
contributor to FOOD NETWORK programming
or use applicant's name, image, and/or likeness in
FOOD NETWORK programming, merchandising, or other ancillary media (including a food-related
book at a rate of compensation and in accordance with such terms and conditions that shall be
determined by FOOD NETWORK in its sole discretion).


Italics are mine, the caps are theirs.


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It's kind of amazing how fake the "prizes" are on these shows, really. I remember another one where the person "won" a car but it was really just a year long lease. I do think FN uses this show to help them scout out potential talent, but I am never surprised if/when they don't actually get their own show.  I think Lenny may perhaps take the prize for the contestant to be completely erased the fastest, though.

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Note that the straightjacket in xaxat's quoted contract above is not just for the winner, but for anyone named a finalist.  Aren't the top 3 supplicants all "Finalists"?  They all appear on the last show and one gets cuts halfway through and has to sit there smiling and seething throughout the oceans of clips.  Then they're all in iron-clad contracts from then out?  That sux.

Edited by Totale
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