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The Wendy Williams Show - General Discussion

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I'll have to check out the Everything Else forum for Pet Photos!


When I get my rescue dog, I'll consider the Heinz 57 variety as well as smaller breeds.  Depending upon what's available in spring with the smaller breeds, I may end up with another Westie.  I have been investigating the smaller breeds for personalities and willingness to be trained.  The French bulldog and Boston terrier are really cute, but they may be too assertive for me.  Of course, I've already had two Westies, so I'm obviously okay with an assertive breed of dog!


My mom's cousin has seven border collies!  Seven!  He lives in rural Minnesota on 40 acres and has a herd of sheep.  The dogs are beautiful.  

  • Love 1

I have been a Wendy fan from way way back. I have been able to look past her ineptitude ( totally missed the weightwatchers /Jenny Craig mess up). I look past her bumbling hot topics because I generally liked Wendy. But today, and her position on Cynthia Bailey and her sister embarrassing Peter and how Peter should divorce her. Wow, just wow. I guess I should expect that based in her history with her husband. But I can't overlook how she will always take a cheating dog's side over the woman.

I will say, I never heard any inkling about Little Kev's issues until she mentioned them in the beginning of the season. Were the streets talking about it?

Edited by Shoppergal
  • Love 3

I never heard Wendy on the radio soooo.....

I'm wondering if this peak of obnoxiousness that she's reached on her show is how she was frequently during her radio days and maybe she's just given up suppressing this attitude? I fell asleep yesterday after the show had been on a few minutes. 

Trust me, she was much worse on her radio show.  She was basically a walking tabloid.  Any tabloid story or piece of gossip Wendy believed and put the information out there.  It is my belief that is why she doesn't get the really huge guests because she spent the 90's talking about all of them like a dog.  Some have forgiven her, like Whoppi Goldberg.

  • Love 1

Good Lord, 

   I don't understand someone who's boobs are wider than her hips and dresses to accentuate that fact can talk about style at all.

   And, are there people out there that actually think that stupid Suzanne and her expressions while she spins the money wheel are cute?  I guess her husband being on staff means they play up her participation on the show more than it is warranted, but, damn....

  • Love 4

The John Stamos coverage was an opportunity missed. At first I thought she was going to completely skip his DUI, but she just sort of slid it in there between a long, boring story about how he wants a family. When she finally did mention it, I was looking forward to hearing the audience response about the details, but nada, zero, no story at all about how was on GHB (as a fitness supplement, ha!), and then he went off to rehab. So, it seems she did him a solid by basically covering the whole thing up by planting some ridiculous baby-wanting nonsense so the audience could Oooh and Ahhh. Wendy is broadcast through my Fox affiliate and John's show is on Fox, so is she just towing the corporate line for Fox? 

  • Love 2

So, ...pneumonia is the same as polio. And a young hot person should not be getting an old-school disease. You're ab idiot, Wendy. So ignorant and uninformed.

OMG, I really couldn't believe that she was serious.  She was making it seem like Tamar said she had the "black plague".  In what world does Wendy inhabit where pneumonia is a thing of the past?  People get pneumonia all the time, some serious, some not so much. 


What the hell does Tamar's age or beauty have to do with her getting pneumonia?  Does Wendy really believe that the only people who have health issues are those over 60?  This woman needs a real reality check.  How about she visits a cancer ward or goes to her local children's hospital. 


I like Wendy a lot of the time, but she really is incredibly ignorant for someone her age and life experience. 

  • Love 5

I'm sure that she has insulted and mangled stories of celebrities from every network.


Ha, good point! I just don't understand why, when there are juicy gossipy bits out there, that they're ignored. This one was even quiet enough that Wendy bringing it up didn't seem days behind like most of her 'hot' topics.


So, ...pneumonia is the same as polio. And a young hot person should not be getting an old-school disease. You're ab idiot, Wendy. So ignorant and uninformed.

OMG, I really couldn't believe that she was serious.  She was making it seem like Tamar said she had the "black plague".  In what world does Wendy inhabit where pneumonia is a thing of the past?  People get pneumonia all the time, some serious, some not so much.


So glad to be reminded of this... I practically fell over at the sheer stupidity of that remark. I guess her short stay at DWTS means she never participated in a level of exertion that stressed her body. Has no one told her that pneumonia is super common among the aging, what does she think all the vaccine ads are for?


And what is the little "something, something" she said every adult takes when they start to feel some symptoms coming on? She sort of pointed at a little packet on the table. It's almost adorable that she thinks throat clearing & pneumonia both respond to the same treatment.

Edited by meisje
  • Love 1

OMG, I really couldn't believe that she was serious.  She was making it seem like Tamar said she had the "black plague".  In what world does Wendy inhabit where pneumonia is a thing of the past?  People get pneumonia all the time, some serious, some not so much. 


What the hell does Tamar's age or beauty have to do with her getting pneumonia?  Does Wendy really believe that the only people who have health issues are those over 60?  This woman needs a real reality check.  How about she visits a cancer ward or goes to her local children's hospital. 


I like Wendy a lot of the time, but she really is incredibly ignorant for someone her age and life experience. 


I have to remind myself that she is ignorant with a college degree too!

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And she does it again........ Saying she watched the second half of Empire last night and Luscious and Marisa Tomei(can't remember her character's name) had a threesome. 

Listen, stupid Wendy, if you really watched it at all you would have known the threesome never happened. Damn! Stop it with your misinformed bullshit!

  • Love 3

And she does it again........ Saying she watched the second half of Empire last night and Luscious and Marisa Tomei(can't remember her character's name) had a threesome.

Listen, stupid Wendy, if you really watched it at all you would have known the threesome never happened. Damn! Stop it with your misinformed bullshit!

I thought she said she only caught the last few minutes if the show. Then she went on to talk about it like she'd seen the whole thing.

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What's the history with Wendy and Missy Elliot? Wendy was shading her hard. I'm pissed cause this 37 year old has been eagerly awaiting Missy's comeback. No one buys music anymore, so Wendy saying that us oldsters are too busy saving on our 401k is bull shit. Just ugh. That seemed like a personal grudge.

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I'm getting so sick of hearing about her "comedy" show. It sounds like she's watering down the already sucky hot topics so she can talk about it in her "comedy" show instead. And why the hell does she always mention what she wears during the "comedy" show? Does she really think she's so hot that people will pay money to see her in "booty shorts". It sounds like a great way to induce vomiting to me.

Regarding the Missy Elliot story, I can't stand it when Wendy pretends to be poor. Her saying shit like "you and I can't afford to buy albums" because they're saving for college or retirement. Shut up. We all know you're rich and pretending otherwise is an insult.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 5

I think I've either slept through her show or been busy around here each day it's been on this week. If I was interested enough I could catch the same day reruns on BET but by that time of night I'm usually to tired to listen to her blather on in such an unprofessional manner. Watching stuff that makes you feel like you understand why Elvis once shot his TV isn't good for anyone's health especially near bedtime.

I'm only making this next comment because she paid for the over-sized body parts I'm about to mention if they were natural I'd never say anything about them. Now that she's lost so much weight it comes across like she could take people with her boobs if she turned the wrong way to quickly. She even commented yesterday I think it was about needing to do something about them during the small part of 'Hot Topics' that I saw where she showed a clip from her appearance on Joy Behar's new late night show that's on once a week.

Edited by Jaded

The comedy show pimping doesn't bug me believe it or not. I get it was a lark, but clearly there's a market for it so she's kept doing it. I miss the radio Wendy, and I think that's the Wendy you get in the show. She was about an hour away from me this summer and I tried to get friends to go, but yeah......No takers. Being a weeknight I passed. I'd go see her. If it was convenient for me.

Why was Ali Wentworth allowed to use a Wendy mic? I'm guessing her mic wasn't working, but once I realized she was speaking into Wendy's, I fully expected Wendy to verbally or physically slap at her hard. I don't like feeling that stressed out just seeing someone speaking into her mic!


She lost me completely on her snoring/sleeping logic. It's one thing if you're a heavy sleeper and snoring doesn't bother you; but you're freaking insane if you go to bed at 8pm just to get 3 hours of sleep before you're up for at least 3 hours due the snoring. Obviously part of her life's mission is giving the Stepford Wives a run for their money, but when your job requires you to be rested and up early every morning, it's time to set the non-working one in a spare room on week nights. No Wendy, I don't think you're a "cornball," I think you so often sound like the victim of domestic abuse where you walk on eggshells because you're terrified that, like with your pregnancy, you'll give big Kev a 'reason' to leave...


And her barring people from her home is clearly more than a preference. I saw the aftershow tape where she's pretty much in a meltdown for the entire video and can't speak to Joy or Susie or anyone about anything except how awful the home-taping idea is. It's clearly a straight-up phobia and she might want to work on that... It really passed the point of character trait when she freaked out over someone calling Joy in Joy's own home by yell-whispering "the killer's calling!" 5 times in all seriousness. 

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She even commented yesterday I think it was about needing to do something about them during the small part of 'Hot Topics' that I saw where she showed a clip from her appearance on Joy Behar's new late night show that's on once a week.

Yes, but then she went on to say that she is still in love with them (her boobs, that is) and it won't be anytime soon.   But It won't surprise me if she does something sooner rather than later.  She seems to be sooo obsessed with being thin and it's so obvious she's still suffering from insecurities about having been called fat by her own parents when she was young. 


No Wendy, I don't think you're a "cornball," I think you so often sound like the victim of domestic abuse where you walk on eggshells because you're terrified that, like with your pregnancy, you'll give big Kev a 'reason' to leave...


And her barring people from her home is clearly more than a preference. I saw the aftershow tape where she's pretty much in a meltdown for the entire video and can't speak to Joy or Susie or anyone about anything except how awful the home-taping idea is. It's clearly a straight-up phobia and she might want to work on that... It really passed the point of character trait when she freaked out over someone calling Joy in Joy's own home by yell-whispering "the killer's calling!" 5 times in all seriousness.

Yeah, Wendy has issues that's for sure and the longer she's on air, the more gets revealed.  And the sad part is, you know she's not joking.

Edited by Fishy

Shut up, Wendy, and stop shaming an audience member when she has uncontrollable coughing.  I'm sure the woman was mortified.  And right after Wendy made one of her shaming comments, Wendy had to do that obnoxious throat clearing.  Wendy was not a gracious host.  Why would I expect that of Wendy anyway?

  • Love 7

Shut up, Wendy, and stop shaming an audience member when she has uncontrollable coughing.  I'm sure the woman was mortified.  And right after Wendy made one of her shaming comments, Wendy had to do that obnoxious throat clearing.  Wendy was not a gracious host.  Why would I expect that of Wendy anyway?


I was going to skip today but your comment meant I had to see it to believe it. Holy shit, she really did straight up shame that poor woman (who even managed to take it really gracefully and with a smile)! If I had been the coughing victim, I would come down for the cough drop, grabbed her mic, cleared my throat hard and left the stage!


The stuff about "3 coughs and you have to evacuate" - at least she isn't bright enough to fear catching an ancient disease like pneumonia from all of the coughers out there, since she's clinging to her medieval understanding of germ theory and disease. Someone needs to swab, culture and black light one of her favorite places to get "turned up" stat.


Can't there be some kind of FCC rule that, if you start talking about warm water giving the woman you're shaming "number 2s" because she's interrupting your super important piece on what a good-looking guy Chris Brown is and how sad it is that he can't find a soulmate,  you're just immediately fined $2m or off the air for a few weeks? Between her love of Chris and Shia LaDouche, she is auditioning for a straightjacket. 

Edited by meisje
  • Love 4

That coughing shaming was shameful and the tattoo crap made sense until the utterly idiotic part with Suzanne having Wendy on her back literally. The part where she rubbed the lady's nose into the fact that she couldn't answer the contest question was as bad as the coughing incident.  Telling her how she flushed $5,000 dollars down the drain and etc.... I mean I'm sure the lady felt bad enough about not being able to answer the question correctly without having Wendy mock her for it. The coughing lady and the phone call lady both deserve hazard pay for being objects of Wendy's venom today.

  • Love 3

Telling her how she flushed $5,000 dollars down the drain and etc.... I mean I'm sure the lady felt bad enough about not being able to answer the question correctly without having Wendy mock her for it. The coughing lady and the phone call lady both deserve hazard pay for being objects of Wendy's venom today.


And it was a superbly stupid question to boot. I remembered her blathering on about the new RH's Potomac franchise, but I only remembered her clueless idea about crab-holding when she was screaming at the audience to answer after that poor soul on the phone got an earful. I know Wendy loves to ask the stupidest of the stupidest questions for her trivia games, but someone on the show should have the good sense to help us forget a lot of her ideas.


She tore into one of the Ask Wendy-ers today too, a woman who asked something about getting married... and Wendy just attacked on all cylinders about what was wrong with her that she was thinking of marriage at all at 21, and screaming right in her face, "What's wrong with you that you have nothing going on in your own life....!!??" etc. Normally I would think the show would send everyone in the audience home with a gift certificate or free stuff from her mini-QVC segment, but I'm sure she stomped out of there with no apologies bitching about all the hate she would get. Today's show felt like it was sponsored by bath salts.

Edited by meisje

She's getting a lot of shit on her Facebook page over her treatment of the coughing lady. I wonder if she'll say anything about it on the next show.

That's good. She was just so incredibly rude, even for Wendy.

Charlie Sheen's oldest daughter is 31 not 21. Is it really that hard to get facts right? I know it's a little thing and in the larger picture it doesn't matter. It's just, she made a point to say his 21 year old, his oldest daughter, took the news so hard, then went through the children's ages. So why get it wrong, when it's a planned part of hot topics?

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 2

I never heard Wendy on the radio soooo.....

I'm wondering if this peak of obnoxiousness that she's reached on her show is how she was frequently during her radio days and maybe she's just given up suppressing this attitude? I fell asleep yesterday after the show had been on a few minutes. 


I'm not sure it's possible to suppress it but even it were, I'd doubt she'd want to.   For many, many of her years on the radio she did her show high, some of the reckless disregard with which she would say anything about anyone was mostly coke fueled shit talking that never got corrected.  To this day Sean Combs hates her ass for the persisting rumor that he is/was gay.   This was back when NY had two competing R&B stations and the one Wendy was on stayed killing the ratings in her and the following two timeslots.  Her boss and show producer Vinnie Brown, knew she was an addict, knew she did the show high and left her alone because it was good for business.  But since it was this salacious slick mouth bannable personality which was the one that was parlayed into and offered a talk show, there's no reason for her to think of stopping it.  She appeals to that same audience.


I felt bad for the lady who lost the $5K......but....I hadn't seen the previous days' show and even I got it.  There honestly aren't that many guesses.  Especially given that when she got on the phone with the caller, she said "so and so, I was talking about what the housewives from Potomac, Maryland would likely be holding" - she emphasized the word Maryland, it's not a Jeopardy question lol.


I did watch the show where she said she should probably do something about the foobs sometime soon.  Or maybe it was the show where she was talking about butts and how they're all the rage like boobs were when she got her implants done, I don't know maybe they were the same episode.  All I could think was when the hell was this? when were 58 triple Gs all the rage?  Like if ya'll could've seen Wendy before the implants you'd say girl sitdown somewhere them things do not need to be larger.  Higher maybe, but I digress.


Why was Ali Wentworth allowed to use a Wendy mic? I'm guessing her mic wasn't working, but once I realized she was speaking into Wendy's, I fully expected Wendy to verbally or physically slap at her hard. I don't like feeling that stressed out just seeing someone speaking into her mic!


LOL!! Scary right?  Ali's mic pack died and they got her a replacement.  So far I've only ever noticed her nut up when someone grabs her microphone, she doesn't look like she minds if you talk into it.  She said it's a holdover from radio - don't ever let anyone take your mic - which I'm pretty sure is figurative, but we're talking about Wendy so...


She tore into one of the Ask Wendy-ers today too, a woman who asked something about getting married... and Wendy just attacked on all cylinders about what was wrong with her that she was thinking of marriage at all at 21, and screaming right in her face, "What's wrong with you that you have nothing going on in your own life....!!??"


This made me mad.   There's no reason to put that baby down like that.   And then after she answered her barrage of questions, Wendy was all, I'm not gonna stand here and argue back and forth with you.   Um, bish, you started it.   The rub of it is, I agree with her but I'm not even sure if we had the same reasons.  Mine are that you're just not the same person at 21 that you will become at 28 even, you love each other, so there's no harm in waiting.  If she had told her like that, I'd have no other words but trying to insult her for wanting to marry a sweet boy who loves her?  Oooh girl, switch to decaf, you are on one. 


I gotta admit that whenever she starts talking about "the killer" I giggle.  The straight up teenage absurdity of it cracks my shit up.   That and her imitation of Adele answering the phone with hel-la. 


Can we write in for that newest segment and tell her Rosie O' Donald is a) a little ironic and b) not a celebrity. 

  • Love 5

Didn't the baby Denise adopt end up have some developmental issues? I could see her maybe taking on a baby like that if she knew the birth mother didn't want her and Charlie had no business trying to raise her on his own. I mean if that baby really was/is Charlie's it would mean she was Denise's daughter's sister. 

  • Love 1

Wendy is just insane. I've decided that is what it has to be, lol.

Her rant about marriage, that made no sense at all. Both Shonda and Oprah have men in their lives, they just don't want to be married. When have women been put down for wanting to be married? And who is trying to brainwash young women against marriages, that's just hilarious.

Then her disgust at men doing any chores around the home. Wtf?

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 6

She also said Denise Richards is the mother to 3 of Charlie's kids. She only has 2 kids with Charlie.

 Is it sad that we know more about hot topics/ celebrities that the queen of hot topics does? Shame on you Wendy and your craptastic staff. I find myself watching just to see how many screw ups in one hour she is going to make. And ever since she has been back from summer hiatus it is EVERY DAY. She just does not have it together at all. 

  • Love 6

Wendy is just insane. I've decided that is what it has to be, lol.

Her rant about marriage, that made no sense at all. Both Shonda and Oprah have men in their lives, they just don't want to be married. When have women been put down for wanting to be married? And who is trying to brainwash young women against marriages, that's just hilarious.

Then her disgust at men doing any chores around the home. Wtf?

Wendy and her disgust at men doing chores is a coverup because Kevin does nothing for her, has/or is cheating on her, and she is just a miserable person. She doesn't have a good marriage because she didn't marry a good man. Everything she says is phony just like her boobs.

  • Love 5

Her rant about marriage, that made no sense at all. Both Shonda and Oprah have men in their lives, they just don't want to be married. When have women been put down for wanting to be married? And who is trying to brainwash young women against marriages, that's just hilarious.


I guess commitment is nothing without submission, per Wendy's thinking. She started the whole piece as yet another celeb who apparently can't find a dictionary or use Siri or google voice to simply find the definition of feminism - because here we go again about how women who want to be married, have kids or really love their partner aren't like the "women's libber's" out there Jedi Mind Tricking everyone. By that definition, any man who loves being married, loves his kids, and wants to spoon his wife, is "soft and pink" and basically a woman. Maybe that's okay as long as long as he doesn't go near the washer & dryer? I'm so tired of hearing her talk as though she's the first woman, and the only public person, who loves her job and having a family life, oh, and she's the only person to have one persona at work and another with her kid and husband... real revolutionary stuff.


Is it sad that we know more about hot topics/ celebrities that the queen of hot topics does? Shame on you Wendy and your craptastic staff. I find myself watching just to see how many screw ups in one hour she is going to make. And ever since she has been back from summer hiatus it is EVERY DAY. She just does not have it together at all.


Yes, this season it is every single day. Yesterday's Charlie Sheen coverage was error after error after error, and all within a couple of hours of him making the statements and being broadcast everywhere. It was all "tens of millions paid out," "it's no one's business if they're not having the sex," and "he looks good for 50!" Um, what? Unless my eyes need to be switched out asap, he looks like a psychologically and physically sick addict with 50 years of the hardest living and 40 layers of pancake. Apparently she got the facts overnight because she managed to not butcher them today, but why bother even mentioning it yesterday if she couldn't read 2 paragraphs while being driven into studio? 


We're having crazy weather where I am (but the power is back by some miracle), so there was a flooding broadcast that blocked out the guy there to talk about Sheen's story; I would be curious to know what he was talking about. At least Wendy appears to be on the side of the women taking legal action. Does she realize that, by Charlie's version even, he was married with 2 tiny kids when he was diagnosed? 


Suzanne's hats!!!! Today was a big improvement over yesterday's Knight's Dunce cap thingy though.

  • Love 2

I just saw today's episode. My god this woman gets worse every day. Guess what Wendy? I've been with my man for 30 years, he has never cheated, he works his ass off then comes home and does dishes, we're fully committed and more in love than we were the day we met...and we aren't married.

Is anybody else terrified at the thought of Wendy offering relationship advice to young women?

Yikes! I'd rather live alone for the rest of my life than be in a "marriage" like hers.

  • Love 4

Isn't it Wendy who always says marriage isn't for everybody and that's perfectly ok? She has said that many, many times.  So why is she so offended by what Shonda and Oprah said?  I swear something is very off with her. She's  not even making sense anymore. She needs an intervention by her staff. At least her stupid producer husband should notice that she needs to start doing her homework. Oh, never mind. He's too busy living off the money train. 

  • Love 6

I am a big Wendy fan and sometimes I think people in this thread are oversensitive to her foibles.  But damn, she is on one lately.  Her comments today about Jenny McCarthy were awful.  Now, I am not a Jenny fan, but calling her out for having a giant herpe on her face was so beyond.


But i really came here to talk about Wendy's comments about Taye Diggs.  I'm white as the day is long, but I thought Taye's comments were completely reasonable (and I found him so irritating when he was on Wendy's show).  The kid is half white, so if he wants to celebrate that side, and his mother, what's the big deal?  I understand Wendy's POV that the world sees anybody part black as 'black' and not 'mixed', but I thought she was unnecessarily dismissive of Taye's comments.  And her going through a list of mixed people and judging them on who is 'being mixed' good enough for her standards was distasteful.  


Wendy, I love you - but what the hell is going on with you??  I foresee a divorce announcement soon.  And I do NOT think Wendy is going to handle being 50 and single well.

  • Love 4

I was wondering if she's either on prescription meds that are causing this behavior or if she's drinking too much. Something us up with her. Maybe the amount of alcohol she drinks is too much for this new way of eating she's picked up? With this behavior though it would have to mean she's drinking not long before she tapes the show.

  • Love 6

Her comments today about Jenny McCarthy were awful.  Now, I am not a Jenny fan, but calling her out for having a giant herpe on her face was so beyond.


That was so unnecessarily nasty, saying it was big enough to "have its own zip code." Jenny is an open book, and I'm sure she would have made a joke about it, but Jesus that's an awful thing to say years later about meeting someone!! I'm glad Jenny made that statement on her show because I was wondering about the legal consequences, just in the acting world, for not disclosing his HIV. I remember part of the Sony hack was the release of the form they have all actors fill out regarding herpes and other mouth sore issues, so I have to imagine they have a lot of legal obligations when throwing actors together. I wonder if he'll end up being sued by studios? Yup, it is probably Bill Cosby's first quiet week in a long time.


Good call Jaded... she's gotten skeletal lately.  Probably can't hold her liquor any more, poor thing.

I hate the Windy Wendy game or whatever, and I hate how Suzanne and Wendy pretend to be chatting as the phone rings.  In fact, I hate Suzanne.  Have some dignity, clown.


It's totally possible her Beyonce diet is taking a toll, but didn't she say something about eating fish the other day? And I think there was something else as well. This is where I leave the station with people who say, "I'm vegan, except for the fish..." No, you're not a vegetarian either, you're a pescatarian. There's no shame in it for god's sake, just stop saying you're a vegan!


I don't hate Suzanne for some reason, maybe because she seems like she has Stockholm Syndrome in order to survive her job, but "have some dignity, clown" made me laugh so hard I almost wept, bwahhahahah! That stupid windy game is possibly the very worst idea yet.

Edited by meisje
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Ok, is this the new trend?  Short, flared skirt over tights? Looks a little too cutesy for an oversized manish woman to me.


This is no diss to Wendy, but there are recent-ish photos out there from trips to Vegas and bikini, etc. shots and she has the normal (I guess?) amount of cellulite for someone at 50 yo. Last season, she always looked like she was wearing medical grade compression hose all the time, but then she changed over to tights. I think she's very, very thin at this point, but the tights are the age cover-up & maybe Wendy's quasi-admission that her skirt lengths are generally that of a 13 yo's. Could also be that she's cold. When you're super thin, you're pretty much always freezing.


I actually thought her outfit today - black turtleneck and patterned skirt - looked really nice. Black turtlenecks are so her friend, they function like a good reduction, and the skirt looked age appropriate but with a little edge. I wish she'd embrace turtlenecks like she does wrap tops. It's nice to see her instead of just trying to look away from her gigantor chest for a change. She looked like she was about to breastfeed that Robin guy from earlier in the week; someone should button her up before she goes onstage.

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