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The Wendy Williams Show - General Discussion

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8 minutes ago, DrivingSideways said:

I love Blackish but have never really seen any of child cast in interviews, so I was really charmed by Marcus Scribner, who was hilarious and self-effacing.  So one thing I like about Wendy is seeing these 'second tier' type guests (no disrespect to Marcus who hopefully will be a huge star).  However, I was struck by how much more mature Marcus seemed than Wendy.  She was also eyeing him like a snack which was a bit unnerving.  Keep it in your pants, Wendy.

I think Marcus Scribner was a breath of fresh air and too classy for Wendy's show.

  • Love 6
43 minutes ago, DrivingSideways said:

I love Blackish but have never really seen any of child cast in interviews, so I was really charmed by Marcus Scribner, who was hilarious and self-effacing.  So one thing I like about Wendy is seeing these 'second tier' type guests (no disrespect to Marcus who hopefully will be a huge star).  However, I was struck by how much more mature Marcus seemed than Wendy.  She was also eyeing him like a snack which was a bit unnerving.  Keep it in your pants, Wendy.

The breakdown during the college talk.  Wendy, girl.  There is obviously something going on with Little Kevin.  That does suck for her but... keep it together!  Rather than that being a wall-busting moment where the audience gets an inner glimpse at Wendy's life, it felt like more oversharing from her clearly crumbling personal life.  I felt awkward watching it.

Little Kev dabbled in drugs before and I wonder if the freedom of being away at college was overwhelming and led to him relapsing. I may not care for Wendy, but, I hope that I am dead wrong.  Wendy went through hell having him, she had two miscarriages that devastated her for years..

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Apprentice79 said:

Little Kev dabbled in drugs before and I wonder if the freedom of being away at college was overwhelming and led to him relapsing. I may not care for Wendy, but, I hope that I am dead wrong.  Wendy went through hell having him, she had two miscarriages that devastated her for years..

As much as I like to snark on her, I wish no harm to her or her family. I hope that you are wrong too. 

  • Love 5

Oh, Wendy, you messed up again.  You do a HT segment about the break-up of Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson and end it saying that Ariana needs to take care of herself, what with her having lupus and her recent kidney transplant.... Huh?   No, that person is Selena Gomez.  She can't keep her young starlets straight.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

^^^ I caught that mistake. What is her problem? Is she dumb or severely unprepared? She lauded herself when she said that Megan Markle listened to her and got pregnant right away. Right Wendy. You wish. 

Wendy has described Megan as a social climber.  The way that she has painted Megan is unconscionable. The sad thing is that Megan was a fan of hers and tried to get on the show long before she dated Harry. 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, druzy said:


You beat me to the punch.  The biggest problem is Wendy doesn’t even know the basics any more.  Who doesn’t know that Selena Gomez had lupus and the kidney transplant.  That was covered in the regular news not just in the gossip magazines.  She should have that basic knowledge and not need to be prepared for basic knowledge for major stars.  I’m certain she is suffering some early memory loss.  But she is also lazy and doesn’t seem to spend any time doing the basic reading about current events.  She is reading about Jackie Kennedy and her sister - gossip from more 50 years ago.  And pronouncing their last name wrong which shows she wasn’t paying that much attention in the past either.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Kira53 said:

You beat me to the punch.  The biggest problem is Wendy doesn’t even know the basics any more.  Who doesn’t know that Selena Gomez had lupus and the kidney transplant.  That was covered in the regular news not just in the gossip magazines.  She should have that basic knowledge and not need to be prepared for basic knowledge for major stars.  I’m certain she is suffering some early memory loss.  But she is also lazy and doesn’t seem to spend any time doing the basic reading about current events.  She is reading about Jackie Kennedy and her sister - gossip from more 50 years ago.  And pronouncing their last name wrong which shows she wasn’t paying that much attention in the past either.

Actually, to make things worse, she reported on Selena Gomez just last week and mentioned the Lupus and kidney transplant.  JUST LAST WEEK.  ?

  • Love 6

Other morsels today: Wendy is "offended" when others (with what she deems to be lesser relationships) talk about their love. I guess we can't all be on the same level as Wendy and Big Kev. 

And ALL last week Wendy kept saying how she could not wait to watch the Melania program. She told us to watch it numerous times. She was pumping it so much I thought it must be a paid promotion. Then today she's like, eh, I didn't feel like watching it, and there was no report about it.  

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, TVbitch said:

Other morsels today: Wendy is "offended" when others (with what she deems to be lesser relationships) talk about their love. I guess we can't all be on the same level as Wendy and Big Kev. 

And ALL last week Wendy kept saying how she could not wait to watch the Melania program. She told us to watch it numerous times. She was pumping it so much I thought it must be a paid promotion. Then today she's like, eh, I didn't feel like watching it, and there was no report about it.  

Wendy doesn't realize that she's become a parody of herself. 

And am i the only one who quit watchimg SNL a couple decades ago? It used to be somewhat funny and had originality but.it pretty much sucks and has for a long time.

And wait...what?? No Cardi B news? Lol

ETA: Cardi B's parents named her after their favorite alcohol: Bacardi.And Cardi has a sister named Hennessy. That's some serious lazy ass baby namin'! I knew someone (a work acquaintance) whose sister was named La Von. Apparently my co-workers pregnant mom was sitting outside a Vons grocery store and it came to her like an epiphany....I'm gonna name this latest baby LaVon. 

Edited by chenoa333
  • Love 9
4 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

And am i the only one who quit watchimg SNL a couple decades ago? It used to be somewhat funny and had originality but.it pretty much sucks and has for a long time.

Nope...right there with you. Besides being unfunny, it's become much more political. I don't like my comedy served with a large side of politics.

  • Love 7
14 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

Wendy doesn't realize that she's become a parody of herself. 

And am i the only one who quit watchimg SNL a couple decades ago? It used to be somewhat funny and had originality but.it pretty much sucks and has for a long time.

And wait...what?? No Cardi B news? Lol

ETA: Cardi B's parents named her after their favorite alcohol: Bacardi.And Cardi has a sister named Hennessy. That's some serious lazy ass baby namin'! I knew someone (a work acquaintance) whose sister was named La Von. Apparently my co-workers pregnant mom was sitting outside a Vons grocery store and it came to her like an epiphany....I'm gonna name this latest baby LaVon. 

What's this you say now?

I thought "Cardi B" was a stage name/nickname. You mean that's actually her legal name!?

Good Lordt. That's ratchet from a long line of ratchetness.....

  • Love 5

Today's show - Wendy could not have made it more clear that she did not want to be there - after prancing out in some leopard? spotted mini-dress with a front pack? she started complaining about the October weather - it's either A/C or heat - hey Wendy it's better than freezing snow - and how cold the studio was … and how she hates Halloween, and gourds - GOURDS? man she is a pill - and got in some boasting about her measurements: 42-29-38 - she really thinks highly of herself, doesn't she? Big deal about your measurements - you look weird, sorry. Do you know she hates Halloween? I think she is afraid she will faint again, and she is being triggered by the lead up to Halloween. And, not only is Halloween coming up, get this - it's on a Tuesday!! Tuesdays are the WORST!! Is she ever happy? Maybe when Tuesday the Halloween is over, she will calm down. No more A/C either. Still cold, though. It's a bitch, y'all.

Hot Topics were dull - Bethenny Frankel news …. Jason is the devil, but probably a good father. Jason disappointed her. Wah. More "Hot Topics" - Wendy got her mammogram. I think half of the show is about her - she thinks pretty highly of herself, but also seems to hate herself. And most everyone else. Next up, Joe Guidice being deported and oldest "dawter" pleading his case on InstaTwit or whatever place she posted her sob story. Next up - more complaints about the cold - "the wind is driving" and "I need gloves" and "Oh god is it time to go home yet???" Seriously? GO HOME Wendy - GO TO SLEEP.

Dr. Drew is on. He seems sad and tired? I haven't kept up with him. He is now sixty - and I relate!! It feels weird. Maybe why he seemed scared, or something. I'm scared, too, Doctor. I'm home watching Wendy and writing about it!! Hate watching. Ugh. I noticed Wendy doesn't really believe in love. It's all about using people and "the come up." Pete could not really love Arianna - it was about the money. Nah, I was with Dr. Drew - guy thought he was in Love, plus folks are right to be concerned about his mental health. Wendy thinks she might be a millennial ??? Riiiiiight. Wendy has Words of Wisdom - "stop being addicted to love and love yourself." I think Wendy has been disillusioned about love, and tries not to care, and tries to act like she is So Together and All That. 

Ask Wendy - AWKWARD with the woman whose husband lit up around her best friend. I think it got to Wendy on some level. She was nice to the blond lady. I will give her that. She was rude to the lady who taught or something about the Pacific Ocean. Her advice was good enough, but she was rude about "getting a map to the ocean" or whatever she snarked.

Wendy - time to go home!!

  • Love 11

Wow Jeanius! That was a great recap! Lol! You just saved 40 minutes of my life. Thank you!

So Wendy claimed her waist measures 29 inches? Does anyone remember the Halloween episode where she was dressed as Lucille Ball? Wendy was wearing a full skirt with a skinny belt around her waist. And she told her audience (as they were clapping and hootin' over her sexy outfit) that she had an 18 inch waist!  If I heard this wrong please, someone correct me or post a link to the episode I'm referring to. If I'm wrong, I certainly won't apologize.....because you know, I'm a woman of a particular age! Lol!

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

Wow Jeanius! That was a great recap! Lol! You just saved 40 minutes of my life. Thank you!

So Wendy claimed her waist measures 29 inches? Does anyone remember the Halloween episode where she was dressed as Lucille Ball? Wendy was wearing a full skirt with a skinny belt around her waist. And she told her audience (as they were clapping and hootin' over her sexy outfit) that she had an 18 inch waist!  If I heard this wrong please, someone correct me or post a link to the episode I'm referring to. If I'm wrong, I certainly won't apologize.....because you know, I'm a woman of a particular age! Lol!

Nope. I remember that she said her waist was small. Smaller than mine and I weigh 85 lbs (really short not anorexia)! I don’t think that she can recall what shite comes out of her mouth sometimes. 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

Wow Jeanius! That was a great recap! Lol! You just saved 40 minutes of my life. Thank you!

So Wendy claimed her waist measures 29 inches? Does anyone remember the Halloween episode where she was dressed as Lucille Ball? Wendy was wearing a full skirt with a skinny belt around her waist. And she told her audience (as they were clapping and hootin' over her sexy outfit) that she had an 18 inch waist!  If I heard this wrong please, someone correct me or post a link to the episode I'm referring to. If I'm wrong, I certainly won't apologize.....because you know, I'm a woman of a particular age! Lol!

  • Love 4

@Jeanius That was great! Keep it up. I had a good laugh. 

I was dropping in to say something similar, that today was a non-stop bitchfest from Wendy. She complained about being there, the weather, how she feels, Halloween, Tuesdays, how everything is "sad" and just on and on! She even complained about going to see her fucking billboard at Times Square. "I was like why are we here, oh God, I have to look up, ouch my neck!" Of course once she realized it was ALL ABOUT HER she was okay with it and had to jam Q-tips into her eyes.  

Poor Dr. Drew did seem unsettled about turning 60 and then he had to wrestle with Wendy over how not everything is sad and sinister and worthy of scorn. At one point he just kind of sat there silently and gave up and let her rant. 

She threatened several times that she "might not be here tomorrow." Yes please! Praise Jesus and let's test out another possible replacement host! 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, TVbitch said:

@Jeanius That was great! Keep it up. I had a good laugh. 

I was dropping in to say something similar, that today was a non-stop bitchfest from Wendy. She complained about being there, the weather, how she feels, Halloween, Tuesdays, how everything is "sad" and just on and on! She even complained about going to see her fucking billboard at Times Square. "I was like why are we here, oh God, I have to look up, ouch my neck!" Of course once she realized it was ALL ABOUT HER she was okay with it and had to jam Q-tips into her eyes.  

Poor Dr. Drew did seem unsettled about turning 60 and then he had to wrestle with Wendy over how not everything is sad and sinister and worthy of scorn. At one point he just kind of sat there silently and gave up and let her rant. 

She threatened several times that she "might not be here tomorrow." Yes please! Praise Jesus and let's test out another possible replacement host! 

I can't remember who said it, but I'm totally with them about wanting Wendy's show to get canceled. She gets a lot of money to sit on TV for an hour day half-assing her way through Tired Topics and she's so damn ungrateful, bitching and moaning like she's doing the audience and home viewers a favor by showing up. There are a lot of people who would gladly take her place and do a better job.

1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

But who? 

I would've said Nina Parker from E, but I just read she got a late night show on the network. I can't think of anyone else in particular at the moment, but I'm sure there's somebody who could be a better replacement.

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, patty1h said:

What about Nene Leakes, who I watched on Fashion Police (never watched those Housewives shows).  She gave good opinions on that show, and was "sassy".  I could see her doing interviews, rating beauty products, dishing on celebrities.

Just my opinion, but she is horrible (I did watch the first three seasons of Housewives).  She'd be more egocentric than Wendy.

  • Love 13

Today's show: Wendy wears tights with some kind of plaid apron-looking thing on top. (Actually shorts? and leggings?) I guess the key is covering up those skinny legs, because she didn't complain once about the cold studio today.  I will give her points for acting more professional today. Uh oh!! Minus points for immediately blotting her lipstick on her card. Ewww. 

She starts out polling the audience about what they watched last night - BET Awards? noooooo ….. Lyrica and what's his name? nooooooo ….. The Connors? well, sort of. Wendy spends several minutes telling us all about the show, but that she doesn't care about the show, while letting us know that it's on every Tuesday night at eight. 

Next up, it is Horseface versus "Tiny Whiny" (Did she mean to say Teeny Weenie? I don't get the whiny part - though I can imagine the lil mushroom whining that No One wants to go for a ride lately.) I did enjoy the clip of Melania left without an umbrella. Love the way her face falls into bitch mode. He is a real Horse's Ass, that one.

We get a story about some random make-up artist having a beef with Cardi B, 'cause Cardi was a meanie. This is a Hot Topic???? ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Wendy digs around the bottom of the barrel and comes up with a story about Kenya Moore and her gift-grubbing ways. Wendy is often fixated on age. People over 40 shouldn't expect much in the way of gifts. IMO, age has little to do with it. I was taught that if you want to give a gift, you give a gift. One does not ask for gifts. That is tacky. I'm okay with a gift registry - but you do not demand that folks give you an item from the list. I was NOT in favor of Wendy's solution - that you donate to charity, in the person's name. That is not a gift - that is YOU getting credit and a tax donation. Unless the person asked for donations to a particular charity, I say NO. 

Wendy goes from ragging on Piers Morgan (a two day old story) to bringing the focus back to her - she used to bring lil Kev to work in a high chair back in the day. She made it sound like she strapped the high chair in the car, then wheeled the high chair across the street and up to her studio. She didn't like strollers. I guess it ended up being kind of a cute story, but I can't get the image of Kevin being strapped in a high chair instead of a car seat. Probably just Wendy's sloppy story telling.

Wendy talks about Gaga's engagement and focuses on ages (again) and compares Gaga's two engagement rings, and we learn (remember, we CARE about what Wendy likes) that she does not like colored stones for engagement rings. Earth shattering stuff. Are you bored yet? I'm boring myself senseless.

Thankfully, Van Jones comes on to talk about something a bit more serious (not that we tune into Wendy for serious news, but I could feel my IQ dipping dangerously low) although he did talk about Kim K and he got in a dig at Kanye visiting the White House mainly for attention, versus Kim trying to get something done (prison reform). Wendy manages to be rude, asking Van, "Where were you? In the kitchen??" Van looked shocked, like, the KITCHEN?? Wendy seemed clueless how awful that sounded, "You know, like getting something to eat!!" But the real kicker was when she suddenly asked him, "Were you at the strip club last night? I am distracted by a piece of red glitter on your face!!" WTF????? 

All in all, a lackluster show only highlighted by Wendy's crassness.

  • Love 8

Jeanius, your recaps are more entertaining than the actual show.  After listening to Wendy give advice to the makeup artist beefing with Cardi B, she revealed that she travels with her own personal makeup artist.  My takeaway to this bit of news was what a waste of money!  Wendy (or somebody) goes to the expense to get this makeup person airline tickets/hotel rooms/meals/incidentals, and still she looks like that.   Does her wig guy get shuttled around to glue down her hair, too?   No wonder she resorted to doing those tacky live promos last season - she gotta fund this kind of frivolousness.   I'm no expert but from what I see, Wendy can probably manage that makeup job herself - it ain't rocket science and she ain't walking no runway.  Yet, she wants everyone to see her as plain old Wendy from NJ, who you might see in the local supermarket.  That's kinda hard to do when she drops news like traveling makeup artist on call.

What an ego on this hypocrite.  When Dr Drew was on she talked about "loving yourself", but she's the person who deformed herself with horrendous implants, had liposuction (IMO), has a different blond wig for every day (show your real hair), rattles off her measurements to a bunch of strangers, etc.  

  • Love 6

Lol!! Thanks??? In all honesty, I have been inspired by the folks here that have snarked before me. Yesterday's snark came easy - Wendy was a freezing hot mess. Today was a real struggle - Tepid Topics indeed - until she zinged Van and showed her nasty streak. I don't feel bad critiquing Wendy - she doesn't hesitate to tell us exactly how she feels, and her insights aren't all that deep. In her mind the Almighty Buck rules. I find it amusing that she thinks her pronouncements are so profound. She thinks she is the Answer Grape (showing my age again). 

Also, just realized Halloween is on a Wednesday, not Tuesday. 

Edited by Jeanius
  • Love 8
On 10/14/2018 at 1:38 PM, Apprentice79 said:

Little Kev dabbled in drugs before and I wonder if the freedom of being away at college was overwhelming and led to him relapsing. I may not care for Wendy, but, I hope that I am dead wrong.  Wendy went through hell having him, she had two miscarriages that devastated her for years..

Then, after all that,  when she was on bedrest with her pregnancy with Lil Kev, her husband was out cheating on her. Bastard. I know we all know this already but I can't help bringing it up again because this is how much I hate their fake relationship. 

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 8
2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Then, after all that,  when she was on bedrest with her pregnancy with Lil Kev, her husband was out cheating on her. Bastard. I know we all know this already but I can't help bringing it up again because this is how much I hate their fake relationship. 

Hell, I bring it up all the time.

  • Love 7

Wendy put on some acting skills yesterday when she feigned being all humble that her show and foundation were broadcast on a Times Square billboard.  I'm pretty sure that you have to pay to get a message put on those boards, so it's not like some faceless entity decided to honor WW out of the blue.

I'm sick of Wendy telling some boring ass story during HT, usually one where she jabs at the subject, then finishes the attack with the words "just saying" with an raise of her eyebrows and a glance at her nails.    So, she's just saying that Megan Markle is a social climber from Crenshaw and should count her lucky stars.  

  • Love 7
22 hours ago, rmcrae said:

I can't remember who said it, but I'm totally with them about wanting Wendy's show to get canceled. She gets a lot of money to sit on TV for an hour day half-assing her way through Tired Topics and she's so damn ungrateful, bitching and moaning like she's doing the audience and home viewers a favor by showing up. There are a lot of people who would gladly take her place and do a better job.

I would've said Nina Parker from E, but I just read she got a late night show on the network. I can't think of anyone else in particular at the moment, but I'm sure there's somebody who could be a better replacement.

Nina Parker after her night show fails due to there being too many cable channels.

I hate Tuesday show.  I'm not interested in a Wendy focused show.  She is talking so much about herself because she doesn't know about much else.

  • Love 6
On 9/26/2018 at 7:18 PM, TVbitch said:

I keep thinking/hoping one of these days Wendy is going to say something sooooo offensive they will have to Roseanne her ass. Or maybe some shit will go down around her husband and she will have to Julie Chen herself.  

Then we will be free! ...I would miss you guys and the snark though! 

I said this and I still watch for it every day! She was getting really close for a while there with totally offensive and irresponsible comments, but now she has retreated to talking endlessly about which diamond shapes and colors she feels are appropriate for an engagement. Cuz y'all know how very, very meaningful that ring is to her and she looks down on anything but "clear" diamonds.  

Edited by TVbitch
  • Love 6
55 minutes ago, Kira53 said:

Nina Parker after her night show fails due to there being too many cable channels.

I hate Tuesday show.  I'm not interested in a Wendy focused show.  She is talking so much about herself because she doesn't know about much else.

Two votes for Nina!

25 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

I said this and I still watch for it every day! She was getting really close for a while there with totally offensive and irresponsible comments, but now she has retreated to talking endlessly about which diamond shapes and colors she feels is appropriate for an engagement. Cuz y'all know how very, very meaningful that ring is to her and she looks down on anything but "clear" diamonds.  

You and me both, TV. You and me both. It's only a matter of time before she slips up from something she can't come back from.

  • Love 2
9 hours ago, Jeanius said:

Today's show: Wendy wears tights with some kind of plaid apron-looking thing on top. (Actually shorts? and leggings?) I guess the key is covering up those skinny legs, because she didn't complain once about the cold studio today.  I will give her points for acting more professional today. Uh oh!! Minus points for immediately blotting her lipstick on her card. Ewww. 

She starts out polling the audience about what they watched last night - BET Awards? noooooo ….. Lyrica and what's his name? nooooooo ….. The Connors? well, sort of. Wendy spends several minutes telling us all about the show, but that she doesn't care about the show, while letting us know that it's on every Tuesday night at eight. 

Next up, it is Horseface versus "Tiny Whiny" (Did she mean to say Teeny Weenie? I don't get the whiny part - though I can imagine the lil mushroom whining that No One wants to go for a ride lately.) I did enjoy the clip of Melania left without an umbrella. Love the way her face falls into bitch mode. He is a real Horse's Ass, that one.

We get a story about some random make-up artist having a beef with Cardi B, 'cause Cardi was a meanie. This is a Hot Topic???? ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Wendy digs around the bottom of the barrel and comes up with a story about Kenya Moore and her gift-grubbing ways. Wendy is often fixated on age. People over 40 shouldn't expect much in the way of gifts. IMO, age has little to do with it. I was taught that if you want to give a gift, you give a gift. One does not ask for gifts. That is tacky. I'm okay with a gift registry - but you do not demand that folks give you an item from the list. I was NOT in favor of Wendy's solution - that you donate to charity, in the person's name. That is not a gift - that is YOU getting credit and a tax donation. Unless the person asked for donations to a particular charity, I say NO. 

Wendy goes from ragging on Piers Morgan (a two day old story) to bringing the focus back to her - she used to bring lil Kev to work in a high chair back in the day. She made it sound like she strapped the high chair in the car, then wheeled the high chair across the street and up to her studio. She didn't like strollers. I guess it ended up being kind of a cute story, but I can't get the image of Kevin being strapped in a high chair instead of a car seat. Probably just Wendy's sloppy story telling.

Wendy talks about Gaga's engagement and focuses on ages (again) and compares Gaga's two engagement rings, and we learn (remember, we CARE about what Wendy likes) that she does not like colored stones for engagement rings. Earth shattering stuff. Are you bored yet? I'm boring myself senseless.

Thankfully, Van Jones comes on to talk about something a bit more serious (not that we tune into Wendy for serious news, but I could feel my IQ dipping dangerously low) although he did talk about Kim K and he got in a dig at Kanye visiting the White House mainly for attention, versus Kim trying to get something done (prison reform). Wendy manages to be rude, asking Van, "Where were you? In the kitchen??" Van looked shocked, like, the KITCHEN?? Wendy seemed clueless how awful that sounded, "You know, like getting something to eat!!" But the real kicker was when she suddenly asked him, "Were you at the strip club last night? I am distracted by a piece of red glitter on your face!!" WTF????? 

All in all, a lackluster show only highlighted by Wendy's crassness.

Great recap. Don't forget she was grilling Van about how he interacts with his soon to be ex-wife. Van even jokingly asked why was she being so personal and intrusive. He even told her that he shares 2 sons with his wife and  implied he did not want to make waves for the children's sake.  Wendy just wanted salacious gossip and did not care how that would affect Van's kids. 

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 2
19 hours ago, Jeanius said:

she used to bring lil Kev to work in a high chair back in the day. She made it sound like she strapped the high chair in the car, then wheeled the high chair across the street and up to her studio. She didn't like strollers.

I did not understand that story at all! How do you strap your kid in to the car in a high chair and then roll the chair down a city street to your office? She is off her freakin' rocker.  Oh, and, I don't care what color Gaga's Or JLo's ring (from years ago) is. It's big and it's beautiful and because it's pink and you don't like colored diamonds is NOT a Hot Topic. 

She was embarrassing with Van Jones. He has been a guest several times before. Anybody else notice how she is heavily recycling guests? 

  • Love 2
13 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I think she is having trouble booking current celebrities because they don’t want to be associated with her or her show. 

That is all on Wendy. She spent years talking trash about celebrities, making comments about their sexualities and other personal stuff.  Artists want to promote their art, they do not want to be  grilled about their personal lives.  We all gossip on some level, Wendy is malicious with it. For example: I remember the singer India Arie came into her studio at the radio station to have an interview with her. After she left, Wendy spent 15 minutes saying that she smelled and stunk up the place with her odor. It was so out of bounds and cruel. She did this on the air for all to hear. Can you imagine being India Arie and hearing this. I felt so bad for her. Even if it was true, you don't do that to another human being.  So, who wants to be subjected to that type of cruelty. However, I do have to say Wendy was the first person on the radio at the time to ever hint that Cosby was not who he seemed to be. Sometimes Wendy is right about certain things and Bill Cosby used the power of his celebrity to shut her down.  

  • Love 3

Well in all fairness to an actor considering being on this show to promote a show...good luck. Between the interruptions, her changing the subject to bringing it back to being all about her, and how this show is all about Wendy promoting Wendy; who would want to go on it and have to suffer through the ass kissing? The only part of their interview that’s about then is the 30 seconds that she gives them on her show cam. The answer lies in how many A or B list celebs we are seeing on her show. 

I couldn’t the other day when she went on and on about them not needing to use the applause sign. That her devotees just clap and clap naturally. Does she give them some kind of psycho Kool Aid while they are waiting on line? Zombie clappers. 

  • Love 6

Forget the snack and grab yourself a extra-large coffee because you will need it to get through today's recrap: Wendy's giant purple bazooms come bouncing out with Wendy not far behind. I do love that shade of purple, but the size of those things frighten me. I found out later on The View that the co-hosts were wearing purple for Spirit Day - to raise awareness of LGBTQ bullying. Wendy did not mention that, I wonder why? She has PLENTY of time to mention anything she wants. She often sits in silence for what seems like AGES with that tsk-tsk disapproving look on her face, waiting for the audience to clap for whatever nugget of wisdom just dribbled from her mouth. I will say I liked this outfit more than the ones she has worn lately. Maybe the purple was a coincidence.

Anyway, she bounces into her seat, nearly giving herself a black eye from one of those melons, and shushes the audience immediately, as she has a Verrrrry Important Tidbit to divulge!! OMG - WHAT??? DIDDY AND CASSIE BROKE UP!!! Wendy felt some kind of way about this. She does her usual analysis of the situation - Cassie benefitted from dating such a rich guy. She is also concerned that Cassie will be completely lost trying to navigate the world. Does she know how to apply for a mortgage? Get insurance? DOES SHE EVEN KNOW HOW TO BUY A CAR???? Yes, these are important things in life, but Wendy rarely discusses how the people involved might be heartbroken, and not concerned with mundane things that may or not even apply to this gal. With Wendy it is ALLLLL about the money. Cynical and hardened. I am guessing Diddy may have dispensed a nice group of parting gifts on Cassie, but who knows? "How do I feel? eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh, I'm sad." She hopes they get back together and get engaged, married, and have a baby on the way soon, because Wendy is a sucker for all that. That sums up what Wendy feels is important in life - get married and have a baby, mostly because that is how you extract money from the guy - have his baby. It is her go-to advice for any woman dating a rich guy. 

Next up - the convoluted story of Drake, his baby momma, Pusha T, some dude named 40, and I guess Kanye is in there somewhere. I did not get much out of that whole story, only to be annoyed with the picture of the baby momma sitting on the beach that Wendy LOVES to post, claiming WE want to see it. Uh, no. I have no doubt we will hear more about this fascinating story AND get to see Sandy Bottom again soon. 

Next up is a report that an autograph of Britney Spears will be auctioned - some page from her yearbook back in seventh? grade …. Wendy went on and on about how exciting this was, how wonderful Britney is, blah blah. We get to hear (AGAIN) that Wendy owns a $5000 Joan Rivers brooch. BFD. The audience is very quiet through out, and even Wendy realizes that no one GAF. After a loooonnngggg pause, Wendy says, "Uck. It felt like I had to ague with you to convince you how exciting it would be to own Britney's autograph." NEXT

Next we get Wendy discussing holograms of dead stars and how stupid that is, in regards to Amy Winehouse's father floating the idea of an Amy hologram.  I got nothing. The muscles in my face have slackened, and I think drool is running down my chin. 

She segues into a story about Michael Jackson once pitching the idea of him starring as James Bond. This was a WTF story, as it involved guacamole dripping from Michael's hat, and down his face. What I got out of the story was Wendy guffawing, "Huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh." 

"Hot Topics" ends with a report that Ben Affleck's ex-girlfriend's mother didn't want her daughter to date Ben. Well, they already broke up so who cares??

Guest today was Algee Smith from "The Hate U Give." For some reason, Wendy calls him long and lean, when dude is clearly short and lean. She is nice enough to him, but a bit too flirty. 

My takeaway from today is that Wendy makes a lot of weird noises. Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh!!! Plus, I need a life. 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Jeanius said:

How do I feel? eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh, I'm sad.

That laughter sounded like some kind of a machine gun. 

1 hour ago, Jeanius said:

$5000 Joan Rivers brooch

There was also a missing piece from that and she had to take it to the jewelers to get it fixed before wearing it on the show just so she could show it off. I don’t think she mentioned how much it was then or was it might have been a gift from someone. 

No @Jeanius, you don’t need to get a life. You have one here with us. As usual your recap is funny and is spot on. It gives me more laughs than the show. 

Edited by Mindthinkr
It needed correcting.
  • Love 4

@Jeanius - You're a ray of sunshine in these stanky times.  I'm in love with your Wendy "recraps".

While relating the snoozer story about Drake + baby mama + whoever spread the story about his secret son, she said something along the lines of "there are no friends".  She's dropped that belief before, that basically all "friends" are out to screw you, will tell your secrets, will steal from you, etc.  I actually felt bad for Wendy for a second, wondering who betrayed her (beside her husband) to make her so bitter.  Also, hearing that philosophy on friendship must make her good buddy Reg/Regina feel great.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Jeanius said:

That sums up what Wendy feels is important in life - get married and have a baby, mostly because that is how you extract money from the guy - have his baby. It is her go-to advice for any woman dating a rich guy. 

Except in her very own life,  Wendy had the baby but she's the one Kev would be extracting money from.  How did that theory work out for you, Wendy? One of the major reasons I'm sure Wendy has not filed for divorce. She probably doesn't even have a pre-nup. 


2 hours ago, Jeanius said:

the convoluted story of Drake, his baby momma, Pusha T, some dude named 40, and I guess Kanye is in there somewhere.

Could there be a more boring story? Seriously I fell a sleep sitting up with my dog sleeping on top of me (I had a late night last night) and didn't bother rewinding to see what I missed. Deleted.


2 hours ago, Jeanius said:

She segues into a story about Michael Jackson once pitching the idea of him starring as James Bond.

Why would Wendy tell that awful story? It was in poor taste and it wasn't funny. The audience didn't get it, either.  The man is dead for chrissakes. That is not a Hot Topic. Let him RIP.


1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

There was also a missing piece from that and she had to take it to the jewelers to get it fixed before wearing it on the show just so she could show it off. I don’t think she mentioned how much it was then or was it might have been a gift from someone. 

I swear Joan's daughter, Melissa gave that broach to Wendy on the show. Maybe it was a different piece of jewelry that Melissa gave her but she definitely gave Wendy something that belonged to her mother. 

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 4
2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Except in her very own life,  Wendy had the baby but she's the one Kev would be extracting money from.  How did that theory work out for you, Wendy? One of the major reasons I'm sure Wendy has not filed for divorce. She probably doesn't even have a pre-nup. pre-nump.



Wendyfied that for ya. ;-)

  • Love 4

Wendy made it sound like guacamole was pouring off MJ's hat. It was at a lunch with the agent who wrote that book and it was a little blob, for fucks sake. And shame on Michael Ovitz for even recounting this totally stupid non-event. 

Like @Jeanius, I also noticed today Wendy's increasing verbal tics. Her sinister Beavis and Butthead machine gun laugh at others' expense: "huh huh huh huh huh." Constantly telling the audience, "NO! NO! NO! NO!" should they (God forbid) start to have any reaction that she is not in total control of. The grotesque fake cry: "uck uck uck uck." And the I don't care stutter: "eh eh eh eh ehhhh." Maybe she should just digitalize these sounds onto a fob so she can just play them and save herself even more effort.  

  • Love 6
12 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

That is all on Wendy. She spent years talking trash about celebrities, making comments about their sexualities and other personal stuff.  Artists want to promote their art, they do not want to be  grilled about their personal lives.  We all gossip on some level, Wendy is malicious with it. For example: I remember the singer India Arie came into her studio at the radio station to have an interview with her. After she left, Wendy spent 15 minutes saying that she smelled and stunk up the place with her odor. It was so out of bounds and cruel. She did this on the air for all to hear. Can you imagine being India Arie and hearing this. I felt so bad for her. Even if it was true, you don't do that to another human being.  So, who wants to be subjected to that type of cruelty. However, I do have to say Wendy was the first person on the radio at the time to ever hint that Cosby was not who he seemed to be. Sometimes Wendy is right about certain things and Bill Cosby used the power of his celebrity to shut her down.  

That is so disgusting, but I can't say I'm surprised. Before J. Lo started coming on the show Wendy told a story from her radio days about making one of her interns follow Jennifer to the bathroom and see if she washed her hands. She cackled her head off like it was the most hilarious thing in the world. Lord, she's such an idiot.

  • Love 6

Here goes! Today on Wendy, she comes out in a grey top - kind of a cropped tee-shirt, pretty casual, and to help keep her legs warm, a long skirt fashioned from thermal blanket material that has been glittered up for the strip club crowd. 

Wendy polls the audience to see who has bought a lottery ticket for Mega Millions. She gets the amount wrong, after stumbling around she says 9,700,000 - uh no. Doesn't matter, because Wendy isn't the type to buy lottery tickets "Oh, No, no, no, no, no!!!!!" - she made a stinky pew pew face, like Who Does That. Anyway, if she DID win, she would still come in to work, since she loves her job so much, you know. Seems like she may have had some blow back after her bitching and moaning the other day about how cold she was and how she wanted to go home. She has snapped to lately, or I am over analyzing, like I am prone to do. Oh, if she won, she would buy the place owned by B. Smith and her husband Dan Gasby. She ends the bit by telling the staff NOT to leave her any, she's NOT playing. She sneers. She's above it, y'all.

She mentions that the Melania look-alike in T.I.'s video has been getting death and other threats. Wendy notes the resemblance to Aubrey O'Day and how "packed" the gal's face looks. Titter.

She talks a bunch about T.I. and Tiny, and their new show with Friends and Family. A lot of talk about Toya's daughter dating some guy Lucci - I listened, but this old lady didn't retain all of the pertinent details. A rapper with four kids, too old for the young lady, who has been spoiled her whole life, so what do they expect? says Wendy. I dunno. 

Next up Kris Humphries. Wendy gets to zing a bit, letting the audience titter about his new occupation - Real Estate Agent - and current location - Minnesota, before defending him and admiring him for stepping out of the spotlight. It was funny to see the picture of him and Kim? back when Kim looked …  different. 

Wendy received an award, and learned that her boobies are okay, and here to stay - mammogram good. She harangues us about getting one … she was annoying about the whole thing, but her message is important, so I am neutral about that.

"----- BIG SIGH -------" Story about Lil Kim, Mr. Papers, and baby Royal. It sounds like a mess. Sigh it is. Lil Kim looks just like Latoya Jackson (she does - that nose!!! … sorry)

AND her "I don't care" story - her staff made her mention it - Sheree having trouble with her She by Sheree line joggers, which I thought were kinda ugly, but Wendy liked - seems that was a pretty big endorsement by Wendy. I am surprised that she is launching her clothing line again, but if she did, to not have product to actually sell? How dreadful!! Well, Wendy don't care.

She leads into a story about Judy Blume's novel being made into a movie by reciting the "We must increase our bust!!" playground rhyme I swear I knew well before the Judy Blume books were around. Anyway, I concede that the book made it more popular. Wendy was very emotional about the book, and wants to go see the movie. Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret is the book/movie.

Busy Phillips was the guest. Wendy ruined the interview by interrupting often about Being her friend/Not being her friend in her head, SHOE CAM!! OH MY GOD YOUR NAILS!! In her head, out of her head, Michelle Williams was married to Heath Ledger, no she wasn't, then she REMARRIED (um, no) …. Busy got more and more nervous as it went on …. I started to get antsy and had to go have a lay-down. 

I will give her a couple points for giving decent enough advice during her Ask Wendy segments. She is often rude to certain folks, but she doesn't give awful advice. Anyone who would ask her probably "knows" Wendy. You cannot complain if you actually have to ask Wendy Williams for important life advice.

Have a good weekend, folks!!

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