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The Wendy Williams Show - General Discussion

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  The ignorance never stops with Wendy. Making up words like "thoughalicious" doesn't make her sound "silly"; it makes her sound stupid, as does her projecting her own insecurities about her relationships on others, whether it's about her not liking her friends to go anywhere without her because she's scared they'll talk about her behind her back or her belief that exes should avoid each other after they split, especially if they don't have kids, using Robert Downey Jr.'s request to meet his ex Sarah Jessica Parker during a future trip to NYC with her husband Matthew Broderick's permission. IMO, if the exes have moved on with their lives, they're happy and their spouses approve, then there's nothing wrong with it. 


  Some of Wendy's guests are even worse than she is. Case in point: Segun Oduwadele, a so-called "entertainment editor" who put Oscar-winner Frances McDormand on blast for her opinions about actresses like fellow Oscar-winner Renee Zellweger who get plastic surgery, saying that it makes her "feel fear and rage" and she's sometimes even been tempted to shake some sense into them. This dude even had the nerve to imply that McDormand's opinion shouldn't count because she's "just" a character actress who doesn't have to rely on her looks to get roles, like she hasn't experienced much of the same pressure that RZ has. So what if McDormand's married to one of the Coen brothers, who can create roles for her? News flash, dude: McDormand won her Lead Actress Oscar for playing one of the greatest female roles of all time in Fargo and she doesn't need her husband's help to get her work or more Oscar nominations, as Almost Famous and North Country, both of which came out long after Fargo and neither of which her husband made, proves. I believe that when it comes to plastic surgery, a person should do what makes them happy in moderation, but I think that it's a shame that RZ felt that she had to do it because of pressure from people like Wendy and Segun, people who make their living not only talking shit about people who are usually way better than them for whatever reason, they make them feel like shit.  Even worse was Segun's defending the viral video of the little girls swearing in the name of feminism because it got attention, but like I say, "Attention isn't respect." From my perspective, the message of the video's not the problem, the delivery was, but I digress. Like Wendy, Segun seems to think that having a big mouth makes him right, but that attitude only reminds me of the old James Brown song, "Talking Loud & Saying Nothing." 



You mean those $2 plastic diva fans she gives away to her audience for best dressed or whatever she calls it don't count?


  Not with me. 

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You could tell that the black guy isn't getting invited back. He was getting on my damn nerves yelling over everybody. Ali wentworth...like her, but everything doesn't have to be a joke. I'm giving her a pass because I've seen her on Wendy before and it hasn't been that bad. I think she was trying to interrupt the grandstanding. Loved when he tried to say 'I'm an actor" and she gave him the WTF look and said "we'll I am too." Sequin or whatever your name is, my iPad refuses to type it right, GTFO of here now.

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I don't mind her made up words, blunt statements or asking guests outrageous questions (like that one!).   


The mannerism of covering her mouth when she is about to drool when talking about food or sometimes just for the hell of it is off putting.  


Dr Ian Smith of Shred fame did a spot a while back.  After telling us about his book/diet plan, he said, "And Wendy, we are going to Shred you!"   She had just mentioned, in previous segment, that she had lost weight and now fit her skinny jeans.  She was very proud.  If you aren't going to do research Ian, at least pay attention to the show in the green room.  Jesus. 


I know her breasts are so large that she appears to be heavier than she is but that was just wrong.  She handled it well. 

No, they are implants and she talks about that openly and often.  She loves them but says if she had it to do over she would have made them smaller. And then says they have been in there 20 years and she is not taking them out now.  I suspect she checked into that and was told there was so much scar tissue, at this point, that it is not recommended. 

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Didn't Según also say he doesn't have children, but he knows best how to raise them?  Sometimes I think that phrase but I don't say it out loud!  What an idiot.  I could tell Wendy wasn't feeling him - we won't be seeing him back.

Yes he did, but on that one I took it as tongue in cheek. I actually chuckled b/c I too have thought that. I think he was aware/playing up his grandstanding bravado in this instance.

OK when did Wendy get this aversion to Halloween? I distinctly remember her dressing up the first few seasons and making a big deal about her costume.

And I could deal without the menopause discussions. Thank goodness Hooda is open.

Maybe Wendy has always hated Halloween, and just felt dressing up was something she had to do during the early years. Now that her show is very popular, she feels like not doing it, (shrugs). She is calling the shots and all that stuff Idk, I guess I get it. If she has always hated Halloween, that is.

I'm sure she had producers trying to talk her into a costume till the last minute lol.

Saying that it did feel weird that the whole audience was dressed up in costumes and she wasn't.

I'm sure it's because every daytime talk show dress up in elaborate costumes and I'm used to seeing it.

When did that start??

Edited by imjagain

I seriously can't sit and listen to Wendy on this douche bag John.  No he can't get a job in IT.  HE HAS NO COLLEGE DEGREE.  He lucked into a desktop support job at one point but that isn't going to happen again.  Why if he is working does that mean money for the kids?  He doesn't pay child support.  Not a fame whore?  He just got off Couple's Therapy.  He was on Couples Therapy when he sat on your stage and lied to your face.  Kate said no?  Big deal.  Who says it's because she doesn't want her faults revealed?  Jon?  You just said Jon's a liar.  Please stop defending this deadbeat dad.

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I'll take Jon over that shrew ex wife of his any day.

Wendy is terrible at her job. Watching her mess up her own game with the Hot in Cleveland cast over and over again was painful.

She never seems prepared, gets names, dates and facts wrong constantly and just all around sucks ass in my opinion.

She looks like a ridiculous cartoon character and the way she does that weird walk to her chair annoys the crap out of me. She really does think think she's just the cutest thing doesn't she?


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You know what puzzles me?

She has a husband and a son yet she claims to stay in bed all weekend watching TV marathans. Not every weekend but if you listen to her she does this often. Parents are usually busy with family stuff all weekend.

And Wendy needs to get a DVR. She always falls asleep and misses the ends of shows. Can't she get a DVR? TV is her business.

I like Wendy, a lot. She annoys the fuck out of me, too.  She is on my DVR and I tire of her and stop watching for periods of time.  


She is genuine.  She gives her opinion and has the stance, take it or leave it, this is what I think.  That is commendable.


I do wonder about her life at home since she consumes so much TV.  She talks about the meals she cooks often.  So what is going on?  I have no clue other than perhaps her husband watches with her much of the time.  You would think that someone would have asked her about that on twitter.  I don't care enough to do that.


Susanne bugs me.  Just wanted to share that. :>)  When Wendy talks to her and she is on camera she laughs too hard (hunches shoulders constantly) and her smile is exaggerated and appears forced.  

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And Wendy needs to get a DVR. She always falls asleep and misses the ends of shows. Can't she get a DVR? TV is her business.

This bugs the shit out of me. If she is too stupid to figure out how to use the DVR, can't her husband do it for her? Also, I wish she would stop the recaps of Dancing with the Stars on Hot Topics. Nobody even watches that show anymore, certainly not her 20 something target audience.   

Wendy is trending on Twitter right now because of the Aaliyah movie and the tweets are universally negative.   It's not good.

Good.  I didn't watch it and had no desire to do so.  When Wendy said on her show that Aaliyah's family was vehemently against it and then said, "But we don't need their permission", I shivered with revulsion.  I watch Wendy from time-to-time because she can be funny but my God.  Every now and then, she reveals just how loathsome she can be.  It's like she takes pleasure in being an awful human being.

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She didn't say much about it. She mainly said, love it or hate it people watched. It was the second highest rated cable movie of the year. She also said the movie "broke the internet last night".

She then plugged the repeat tonight.

If anybody else had made this crap hole of a movie, she'd have spent all of her show trashing it like everybody else is

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She didn't say much about it. She mainly said, love it or hate it people watched. It was the second highest rated cable movie of the year. She also said the movie "broke the internet last night".

She then plugged the repeat tonight.

If anybody else had made this crap hole of a movie, she'd have spent all of her show trashing it like everybody else is

Exactly.  As Wendy likes to say, "All money isn't good money".  Well, All ratings aren't good ratings.  The irony here is that Wendy is a "Producer" in title only. She was brought on after Alexandra replaced Zendaya and was mainly brought on as a "Producer" to help sell the movie.  All of the pre-production work on the movie had already been done.  Her role was to use her show to get the word out and help with Marketing and Advertising.  Not a bad idea, it worked for Oprah endorsing Precious, but Wendy ain't no Oprah and this movie ain't no Precious.


Unfortunately for her she can't even "defend" the movie wholeheartedly because she had nothing to do with script or casting which were the major issues.


I'm more surprised because the main producer is Deborah Martin Chase who is a real pro and has put out some quality movies and TV shows in the past.  I'm surprised she would put out something that was such a mess. 

Edited by JBC344
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God, Wendy really has no finesse to her does she?  She literally had to ask Nick Jonas if he was still a virgin, despite the fact that he has made it known he isn't.  She even read the article last week where he talked about having a healthy sex life being an important part of a relationship.


Yeah, you could say it was a fair question considering all the years he wore a purity ring but he just answered your question about the fact that he doesn't wear it anymore and has grown and changed his views.  Wendy is way to interested in shocking people to get a good interview.  She even tried to bait him with the question on the underwear photo shoot and he answered intelligently without making his work salacious.

Did anybody see Russell Brand on the show?  He really drove Wendy up the wall!  I actually felt for her, she could not wrangle him and he was luxuriating in making her life difficult... hilarious!



I adore Russell.  She did okay with him.  She cannot match his humor so she tried to do what she does, interview him and get dirt.  Didn't work of course but I think she knew that would happen.   I can tire of her if I watch too much but I appreciate her genuine approach to topics.  

Susanne bugs me.  Just wanted to share that. :>)  When Wendy talks to her and she is on camera she laughs too hard (hunches shoulders constantly) and her smile is exaggerated and appears forced.



Thank you for saying this. She is without question the most annoying part of the show for me. Anytime Wendy talks to her and puts the focus on her, I get annoyed. She's just so freaking on and over the top loud and smiley, it just makes me want to hit her in the face. 


Like others, I was definitely never a fan of Wendy's but during my last year of Grad School, for some reason I would get up every night at 4 a.m. and I would catch her show on CW I think, and I got hooked on her Hot Topics. That is still mostly what I watch because I still think she's pretty awful when it comes to interviewing the guests. Unless it's someone I really like, I pretty much just watch the Hot Topics and skip the rest of the show. 


I do appreciate that she's fairly honest and owns her opinions even though there are times I definitely disagree with her but she is funny at times. One of my favorite more recent Hot Topics segment was when she was talking about The Kardashian show possibly ending and she basically ran down the list of how the show has basically ruined all of them even though it made them filthy rich. Her comments were hilarious and completely spot on. 

Thank you for saying this. She is without question the most annoying part of the show for me. Anytime Wendy talks to her and puts the focus on her, I get annoyed. She's just so freaking on and over the top loud and smiley, it just makes me want to hit her in the face. 


Like others, I was definitely never a fan of Wendy's but during my last year of Grad School, for some reason I would get up every night at 4 a.m. and I would catch her show on CW I think, and I got hooked on her Hot Topics. That is still mostly what I watch because I still think she's pretty awful when it comes to interviewing the guests. Unless it's someone I really like, I pretty much just watch the Hot Topics and skip the rest of the show. 


I do appreciate that she's fairly honest and owns her opinions even though there are times I definitely disagree with her but she is funny at times. One of my favorite more recent Hot Topics segment was when she was talking about The Kardashian show possibly ending and she basically ran down the list of how the show has basically ruined all of them even though it made them filthy rich. Her comments were hilarious and completely spot on. 



You're welcome and happy to see she bugs you too!  


I only watch the hot topic and guests only if I like them, as well.


Joy Behar was on the other day.  I love Joy and miss seeing her on the View.  She has a one woman show and if I were close to NYC I would go see it in a heartbeat, it only runs until Dec 15th.  I doubt she will take it on the road but I can hope. 

Holy shit this woman drives me crazy. So, Rachel McAdams is being shady and trying to ruin Ryan Gosslings relationship because she called him to congratulate him on his new baby?!

Wendy has to be the most insecure, jealous person I've ever heard of.

I really hope that young women don't watch this show and take relationship advice from this woman.

Edited by Maharincess
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Holy shit this woman drives me crazy. So, Rachel McAdams is being shady and trying to ruin Ryan Gosslings relationship because she called him to congratulate him on his new baby?!

Wendy has to be the most insecure, jealous person I've ever heard of.

I really hope that young women don't watch this show and take relationship advice from this woman.



I agree, ridiculous.  The call of congratulations was totally fine!  She has no designs on breaking up his marriage.  If she did she would have emailed him privately not a call that his wife would certainly overhear.  

Her rant about Sandra Bullock was nuts.  Apparently Sandra asked Clooney's wife Amal to fix her up; who knows if that is true.  She went on and on about how she is too old to be set up, she should do it on her own, blah blah blah.  Good grief.   It was probably rumor for starters but I think it is a fabulous way to meet someone outside of the entertainment business.  Since when is there a wrong way to meet someone to date?  

Edited by wings707

Wendy's hot topics are coming off as rather "preachy" to me lately. Nobody needs her free advice. Keep the topics moving along with the fun jabs at the celebrities. Also wish she would knock off the whole "my audience are my people" schtick.  She's worth 60 million, there's nothing ordinary about her anymore and she is not the typical Jersey girl she was years ago, even if she does still shop at the local mall which I highly doubt is true anyway.

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Yes, for some reason, when Wendy talks about pushing her cart around the grocery store, it's totally believable to me.  Then I sit back and wonder how much money this woman has and probably very little time, and how unlikely she is to be doing her own shopping.  But she does sell the 'one of yall' vibe pretty good.


I know this is shallow but I just wish she would get her boobs reduced.  They really make her whole body look distorted.  She's pretty and has a cute figure, the boobs are just so much.

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When Wendy's not working---and the girl works a lot-----she's said that she's pretty much a homebody & a rather traditional wife. So, I bet she still buys the groceries, at least on occasion.

I agree with you about the boobs. Wendy addressed it on the show but I can't remember exactly what she said.......something about how she knows she looks like the letter "P" & how she got the boobs when she was much heavier so, they were more in proportion at the time.

Edited by NowVoyager
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Breast reduction is a big deal surgery. I think she does a beautiful job with her figure. Are her breast enhanced?

Just a thought to share: New York is not LA. You see a lot of famous people doing ordinary things here because its too expensive and crowded not to do them. While I'm sure she has a housekeeper that shops for groceries most of the time and uses some delivery services, I'd bet Wendy is in the store 3/4 times a month. 


Celebs ride the subways because its the quickest option. They shop in open stores because celebs aren't the real wealth of NYC.

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