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S05.E17: Where Are They Now? Teretha & Chad LIVE CHAT

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10 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

This looks like a marriage of convenience to me. Mom is going whereve that check goes.

Wasn't it her in the first episode where she wasn't working and Chad was, but when he lost his job because of his weight and she had to go to work she said she was going to leave him if he didn't get his act together and lose the weight.

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Is Teretha the one whose son and son's girlfriend were taking of her?  The girlfriend was giving her baths and all I could think was that the son had better be excellent in bed for me to be scrubbing someone else's mother.

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The effin bed is too far down for you to get up Teretha? Wait, you just figured out that you need to be in a rehab center to be helped by professionals with professional equipment, like in HOUSTON! You seem like a nice lady, but please STFU!

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Just now, MsVixen said:

Is Teretha the one whose son and son's girlfriend were taking of her?  The girlfriend was giving her baths and all I could think was that the son had better be excellent in bed for me to be scrubbing someone else's mother.

?? Very true! 

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2 minutes ago, Miss Chevious said:

Chads wife is one of the few spouses that aren't enablers. Refreshing change.

I really think she's been important to his weight loss.   She did cook what was on the program and didn't try to tempt him with other types of food.  Of course, it helps that she was a normal size.

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I don't think I'm going to make it through this one. Teretha is infuriating to watch. She bitches that they can't do anything for her in Houston and as soon as she gets home she complains that they don't have the right equipment? Ugh! Stop complaining and try to do something (other than more complaining... which sadly seems to be the only thing that she can do). 

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Do you notice how every time she gets what she says she needs to be able to walk, she comes up with the next thing she needs to be able to walk!

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Just now, OSM Mom said:

Excuses excuses Teretha. Now her feet are sliding and the walker isn't right and they don't have the right equipment for someone her size. ??

Should have thought OG that before  she left the rehab  THAT HAD THE RIGHT  EQUIPMENT ! !! @$$£€% $*.

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2 minutes ago, MsVixen said:

Is Teretha the one whose son and son's girlfriend were taking of her?  The girlfriend was giving her baths and all I could think was that the son had better be excellent in bed for me to be scrubbing someone else's mother.

I dont want any loving thats going to have me so sprung I'm wiping the ass of a woman thats not my mother. 

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1 minute ago, Anchorabu said:

Mom's getting frustrated with Teretha: "the bed is too low and the walker isn't sturdy enough? Sure blame something else. Maybe your diaper is too heavy? Go ahead, eat some more!"

You GO MOM!!

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2 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

Alright! Alright! You're name is Lisa Joyner. I get it!!!

LOL, worse than John Zigenthaler (spelling?) who narrates the Dateline I think shows. Really loves saying his name tooooooo much!

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2 minutes ago, Anchorabu said:

Mom's getting frustrated with Teretha: "the bed is too low and the walker isn't sturdy enough? Sure blame something else. Maybe your diaper is too heavy? Go ahead, eat some more!"

Your mom totally wins the internet tonight!! 

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12 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

I doubt that those kids have been anywhere other than their apartment. So this must be a big adventure to them. Driving around in a truck sounds like a nightmare to me, but if I was 12 I would think it was great. 

Yeah, I can't hate on that too much. It's only for a few weeks and it does let the kids (and the wife) see parts of the country that they probably never would otherwise. I actually like Chad's family and I think he knows he's lucky to have them.

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These commercials will be the death of me ? I'm so sick of that fake ass Amish show and that stupid life live show. The commercial break seems to last forever. 

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