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S05.E17: Where Are They Now? Teretha & Chad LIVE CHAT

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If Taretha's family knew so much about what she needs, how did she get this large and stuck permanently in bed.  People larger than her can get out of bed and stand and walk. Steven, for example.  Those little feets of his got him right out of bed and to his drug supplier.

She doesn't want to. I have no idea what she gets out of being in bed 24/7 but she obviously get some benefit from it.   And she seems totally unconcerned  that her seriously ill husband has to take care of her ass because she can't take care of herself.

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1 minute ago, Dashing Off said:

Nice to meet ya! Here's your complimentary gasoline soaked pants and your ticket to ride this hand basket all the way to hell!

HAHAHAHA! Thank you, but I earned my ticket to hell a long time ago.

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17 minutes ago, 55Unicorns said:

Dragging all those people on the road??  I don't know about this, Chad...

Had to leave the room for a bit... what's up with this?? It looked like they're packing up to move but then he was talking about going on the road with his family on an extended vacay and then I heard something like "get them on my rig" ... what???? 

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5 minutes ago, mysticalflute said:

*looks in*

*waves* Hello. New member here. :) Michigander here too! I'm just...yikes-ing all over the place with Teretha.

Welcome to the Snark side!!!?

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21 minutes ago, Kid said:

"I want to get out of this bed  and I don't think Dr. Now understands that. " Maybe sprinkling her with some fairy dust will make it happen! 

Chad better get back on the program. He starting to rationalize everything he is doing.

Or maybe 55Unicorns could loan her a Unicorn and she can gallop her ass outta that bed!

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1 minute ago, junip said:

Very selfish of Chad to yank his whole family on the road so his wife can keep him in line. Can't believe mom agreed.

This looks like a marriage of convenience to me. Mom is going whereve that check goes.

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Yet another West Michigander, here.

Usually I’m over on the Better Call Saul page, but I like watching “My 600 lb. Life” for the lowest  of reasons: to look down at my midriff while I’m watching and think, “aww, that’s not so bad.”

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"No one will give me the help I need so I'm going back to Detroit"

"I hope Dr Now will still help me once I'm back in Detroit!"

"Derrick can't help me up yet"

"Derrick will do my physiotherapy"

Oh, Teretha

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I find it ironic that Chad has this voiceover about "being active with my family" when they are sitting in the truck looking bored out of their minds. The kids can't even see out the side because there are no windows in their part of the truck. All they can see is the highway in front of them. Great way to see the country.

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Her son knows better than professional physical therapists in the rehab center, Yolo, let's not forget that. Oh that's right,  her son knows better because he won't push her to hard.   Basically, she was running back to her enablers.

Edited by Kid
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Because Chad can and does work, his family is dependent on his income.  No benefits, except maybe school help for the son during the school year for that family.  Clearly, they have money issues and are living paycheck to paycheck.  Tough life. 

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I thought there was a high risk of blood clots when you lay in bed and won't get up.  I even think about that while driving or flying for any distance and move around when I can.  I guess a lot, if not most of them, are diabetic and I would think that would really complicate their diet?  Not that they've been concerned before with amounts of food and timing of meals.

She's going back to DEE-troit.  Southern accent here, (aw, mah lags)  so not critizing, lol.

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Bouqs dot com? B O U Q S?? Would someone please explain to me what was wrong with the word bouquet that it needed shortening? Is like 13 yr olds who said adorbs and jelly and have now grown up and started their own florist? Gag. Sorry. Off topic but that is one of the worst names for a company/website ever. 

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Just now, satrunrose said:

Why did she need ten firefighters if she only weighs 390 lbs. That's 39 pounds per person. I can lift that and I am not even kind of as fit as a fireman.

Yeah, that is weird since it only took seven firefighters in Detroit and she weighed more. Way to go you big, strappin' Detroit firefighters showing up those girly-man Houston firefighters! Just kidding!

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