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43 minutes ago, Vanderboom said:

For me, the Carole irritation factor lies in her insistence that her resume makes her opinion the only one worth listening to. Granted, I'd trust her political analysis over Ramona "Who's Going Low?" Singer's, but the smug superiority and stereotypes about the opposing viewpoint grates.

I still have mixed feelings about the Bethenny confrontation. I was on board for her sarcasm when Ramona concern-trolled her, but I thought she overreacted to Luann and Ramona's side conversation. You don't need to pounce on EVERY provocation.

Sonja needs more outside interests. She's not equipped to shit-talk Dorinda. Whatever happened to her fashion line and party planning businesses? I did laugh at her Dior granny bloomers. What's the point of high end clothes if they look terrible?

Of all Sonja's "business" ventures, I think the party planning one is at once the most and least plausible. It's the most plausible because she has name recognition, event planning is a real business, and there are wealthy people who will pay shitloads of money to have someone with name recognition plan their event.  It's the least plausible because Sonja is a TERRIBLE party planner!  Every party she throws is a total disaster. The food is always sparse and terrible, the entertainment -- if there is any -- usually consists of Sonja shaking her half-naked ass in people's faces, the surroundings are always shabby, and she puts far more thought into what she'll wear to the event than in the needs and comforts of the guests.  When one of the housewives said they'd go to Sonja for advice about party planning I thought, "Why?  To ask her if she knows any competent party planners?"

  • Love 10
4 minutes ago, Giselle said:

I am in love with Dorinda's blue reading glasses that she wore at the breakfast table. Does anybody know who makes the frames or the readers? I will love you for ever!

Loved them too. I don't follow her on Twitter, so don't know for sure if this would work, but a lot of these gals will answer questions as to where to find something they have worn. It didn't work for many who were desperate to know where Yo had gotten her killer green glasses seasons ago, but Dorinda seems like the kind of gal that just might share. 

  • Love 4
17 minutes ago, Mojoker said:

Of all Sonja's "business" ventures, I think the party planning one is at once the most and least plausible. It's the most plausible because she has name recognition, event planning is a real business, and there are wealthy people who will pay shitloads of money to have someone with name recognition plan their event.  It's the least plausible because Sonja is a TERRIBLE party planner!  Every party she throws is a total disaster. The food is always sparse and terrible, the entertainment -- if there is any -- usually consists of Sonja shaking her half-naked ass in people's faces, the surroundings are always shabby, and she puts far more thought into what she'll wear to the event than in the needs and comforts of the guests.  When one of the housewives said they'd go to Sonja for advice about party planning I thought, "Why?  To ask her if she knows any competent party planners?"

Spot on.  If she would just set her ego aside and apprentice or at the very least, go to events with a well known planner, which she could since she has contacts, watch and learn.  Get the tips from the pros and thus would be a successful business.  She can still live vicariously through her clients while on the job and move on from her attachments to her once glorious past!

  • Love 4
10 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Loved them too. I don't follow her on Twitter, so don't know for sure if this would work, but a lot of these gals will answer questions as to where to find something they have worn. It didn't work for many who were desperate to know where Yo had gotten her killer green glasses seasons ago, but Dorinda seems like the kind of gal that just might share. 

Thanks for the idea but I'm not on twitter. Now if someone could ask for me I would love you forever and a day!

12 minutes ago, IKnowRight said:

Spot on.  If she would just set her ego aside and apprentice or at the very least, go to events with a well known planner, which she could since she has contacts, watch and learn.  Get the tips from the pros and thus would be a successful business.  She can still live vicariously through her clients while on the job and move on from her attachments to her once glorious past!

I think the  problem is that Sonja doesn't want to actually work. Remember the Toaster Oven dibacle? She was given all of this free expertise, but couldn't even be bothered to ever show up on time to the meetings. 

  • Love 9
11 minutes ago, Martinigirl said:

Try SCOJO  NY, NY.  (eye wear)

Thanks. I looked at their Gels line and that pair seemed more square and looked opaque (could just be the lighting). Dorinda's appear to be clear. I took a screenshot with my camera to start the hunt but I'll keep those in mind. I'd really like to get a pair!

Oh and that grey sweater just set them off. Any neutral shade of clothing would make them pop.

Just love them!

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, IKnowRight said:

No, not literally, but to have conjured up that thought in her brain to joke about was ridiculous IMO.  No, I don't think she wants Hannah to do that, but then stop getting all worked up over something that is not going to really happen.  Dorinda gets nutty and goes on a rant every now and then and IMO this was yet another example.

Looks like she's going to behave the same way with Sonja next...

I actually like Dorinda, I think she can be fun and reasonable at times, but often she becomes unglued.

yes, Aviva was ridiculous, but that doesn't absolve Carole of any of her nasty behavior.  Carole can be so cool, and really funny, just like Dorinda, but again IMO sometimes is a snotty bitch.

She was getting all worked up over the possibility of Trump being elected. That did, in fact, happen.

I don't think Carole needs any absolution. Any RH who isn't a bitch on the regular won't be a RH for long.

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, Giselle said:

Thanks for the idea but I'm not on twitter. Now if someone could ask for me I would love you forever and a day!

You should open an account.  I never, ever tweet, but I do follow some of the real housewives.  NOT Carole, it will give you post traumatic stress syndrome!!  I only looked when I heard here she was over the top.  You can look at their stuff by googling, unless they have their account set to private, and many of them will accept you.  Instagram is good for product info.  I will look on their feeds when something comes up that interests me...Often times they advertise their glasses, skincare products, clothes especially when they were gifted to them.

i will scan Dorinda, can't now, will later but Martinigirl's guess of Scojo is a great guess for Dorinda's glasses.

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, IKnowRight said:

You should open an account.  I never, ever tweet, but I do follow some of the real housewives.  NOT Carole, it will give you post traumatic stress syndrome!!  I only looked when I heard here she was over the top.  You can look at their stuff by googling, unless they have their account set to private, and many of them will accept you.  Instagram is good for product info.  I will look on their feeds when something comes up that interests me...Often times they advertise their glasses, skincare products, clothes especially when they were gifted to them.

i will scan Dorinda, can't now, will later but Martinigirl's guess of Scojo is a great guess for Dorinda's glasses.


They look very similar to these. Might even be them.  I just loved the way the light played off the blue. Can you tell I'm a sucker for blue. God help me.Soho-1020-Matte-Blue.jpg

  • Love 3
59 minutes ago, Giselle said:

I am in love with Dorinda's blue reading glasses that she wore at the breakfast table. Does anybody know who makes the frames or the readers? I will love you for ever!

You can find glasses like that all over. By the way, the editing of that breakfast was interesting. Dorinda starts with sunglasses on her head, then she suddenly has the blue glasses, then she's suddenly back to sunglasses, then the blue glasses... The woman must have spectacle burn!  But the glasses are a really common shape and color.  They have twin vertical rivets and spring hinges.

  • Love 1
16 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I fail to see how Ramona's 20+ year marriage qualifies her as being in on-going long term relationship presently.  She has been flying solo for a few seasons now.  We have no evidence Tom is screwing around 

The person I was replying to (sorry, I don't remember if it was you) said that none of the women on the show are qualified to give relationship advice because none of them have been able to sustain an ongoing, long-term relationship.  A 22 year marriage is, in fact, an ongoing, long-term relationship.  Of all of them, Ramona is probably the most qualified to give someone relationship advice, especially when it comes to entering into a marriage with someone who's already exhibiting a tendency to play around, and not in a discreet way. As for having no evidence that Tom is screwing around, I'm not sure what more you want than videos, photographs, and eyewitness accounts. 

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, breezy424 said:


Lu was successful before she met the count.  And heck, I give credit being an RN as successful,


As much as Luann has always implied that she was an Registered Nurse (and may have actually stated it ) she wasn't. She was an Licensed Vocational Nurse. Very different in terms of educational requirements, responsibilities and pay.  There is nothing wrong with being an LVN, but Lu wanted the credit of being an RN without actually earning it. Not that that surprises me. In the least. 

3 hours ago, TheMole said:

You should question it. It was quite near the election but not 3 days. In the first episode they had scenes that were filmed on the first week of shooting and a scene or two shot in 2017.

This is very interesting! So one or two of the scenes in the first epi were actually filmed not only after the election, but after Lu's wedding? Can you share which one(s)? From your user name, I assume you have inside info? 

  • Love 6
30 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

As much as Luann has always implied that she was an Registered Nurse (and may have actually stated it ) she wasn't. She was an Licensed Vocational Nurse. Very different in terms of educational requirements, responsibilities and pay.  There is nothing wrong with being an LVN, but Lu wanted the credit of being an RN without actually earning it. Not that that surprises me. In the least. 

This is very interesting! So one or two of the scenes in the first epi were actually filmed not only after the election, but after Lu's wedding? Can you share which one(s)? From your user name, I assume you have inside info? 

Please do share, Mole :)

I did see a late October tweet where Carole claimed Hillary will win in a landslide. I gave up searching. Too time consuming.   

4 hours ago, TheMole said:

You should question it. It was quite near the election but not 3 days. In the first episode they had scenes that were filmed on the first week of shooting and a scene or two shot in 2017.

I'm with poster Usernamefatigue - please share! 

Edited by Martinigirl
  • Love 4
36 minutes ago, Mojoker said:

The person I was replying to (sorry, I don't remember if it was you) said that none of the women on the show are qualified to give relationship advice because none of them have been able to sustain an ongoing, long-term relationship.  A 22 year marriage is, in fact, an ongoing, long-term relationship.  Of all of them, Ramona is probably the most qualified to give someone relationship advice, especially when it comes to entering into a marriage with someone who's already exhibiting a tendency to play around, and not in a discreet way. As for having no evidence that Tom is screwing around, I'm not sure what more you want than videos, photographs, and eyewitness accounts. 

I have always wondered, given that there seemed to be rumors of Mario's unfaithfulness a few years before the mistress, who seemed to end the marriage, if Ramona really had no idea or just looked the other way? In any case though, even if Mario was unfaithful for the last few years they apparently did have many years of a successful marriage. 

I can't remember if it was this episode, or the previous one, where Lu was discussing her relationship with Tom. It may have been the last one where she had lunch with Ramona? In any case she made a comment to the effect that he had better not cheat on her again (referring to the tongue down the ex's throat). I was surprised that Lu let her guard down - it wasn't the usual drivel that she has been pedaling, that they are soul mates. She really did give the impression (at least to me) that she thought it was a definite possibility that it could happen again, not a one-time-would-never-happen-again mistake.  A very candid moment, as opposed to the fairly tale that Lu has been presenting as real life. 

Edited to add: given that Lu's daughter was arrested just two weeks ago for a DUI of almost twice the legal limit (and was pulled over to start with because she was driving after dark with no headlights) ....I wonder how Tom is enjoying his very recent title as step dad? 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
  • Love 8
37 minutes ago, Mojoker said:

The person I was replying to (sorry, I don't remember if it was you) said that none of the women on the show are qualified to give relationship advice because none of them have been able to sustain an ongoing, long-term relationship.  A 22 year marriage is, in fact, an ongoing, long-term relationship.  Of all of them, Ramona is probably the most qualified to give someone relationship advice, especially when it comes to entering into a marriage with someone who's already exhibiting a tendency to play around, and not in a discreet way. As for having no evidence that Tom is screwing around, I'm not sure what more you want than videos, photographs, and eyewitness accounts. 

On that basis, long term marriage, Luann has first hand experience herself, she/the count, were married 16 years! She doesn't need Ramona to advise her on marriage or on what a cheating spouse looks like, it is something both of these women know first hand from both of their long first marriages. LOL

31 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

As much as Luann has always implied that she was an Registered Nurse (and may have actually stated it ) she wasn't. She was an Licensed Vocational Nurse. Very different in terms of educational requirements, responsibilities and pay.  There is nothing wrong with being an LVN, but Lu wanted the credit of being an RN without actually earning it. Not that that surprises me. In the least. 

This is very interesting! So one or two of the scenes in the first epi were actually filmed not only after the election, but after Lu's wedding? Can you share which one(s)? From your user name, I assume you have inside info? 

I never heard Luann say or imply that she was an RN, just that she was a nurse and most LPN's that I know (many) just say they are "nurses", not "LPNs".

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, Giselle said:


They look very similar to these. Might even be them.  I just loved the way the light played off the blue. Can you tell I'm a sucker for blue. God help me.Soho-1020-Matte-Blue.jpg

Here are some similar ones



  • Love 1

It is amusing to watch as many of these housewives profess to be high society gals, all the while getting wasted and acting oh so trashy.  I guess I always had it in my mind that the elites acted sophisticated most of the time.  Being trashy was for us lesser folks (sarcasm), but it does my heart good to see the ones who preach manners and decorum aren't so different than the ones they would talk smack about as being rednecks.  Money can't buy you class.  Indeed!

  • Love 4

"How real can you be, Bethenny, when you won't bring up anything about your private life?"

YAY, Moaner, for saying this in her TH!!!

This is what's bothered me most about Bethenny since she's brought her reign of terror & non-stop cruelty & self-pity & bitterness & rage & ridiculously deluded self-important arrogance back to the show.  Glad Moaner brought this up.  But bringing up the sex tape was a dud.  And def NOT a new low for Moaner.  She's done way, way, way worse.  That was just Bethenny's lame reaction to Moaner.  Well, Bethenny's reactions on the show lately have mostly been lame & disappointingly dull & unfunny.

But if this is a setup for more stuff to be brought out on Bethenny's private life, then great.  But if the sex tape is all they got, then fail, producers.  This was boring as shit.  I WANT MORE ON BETHENNY'S PRIVATE LIFE OUTTED!!!!  Moaner seems to be the only one brave enough to go against her.  Dorinda is making some sharp comments on Bethenny in TH's, but notice these comments are ONLY in TH's.  Lu stands up to Bethenny a bit, but she seems careful in the way she speaks to Bethenny, like she's scared of her.

Nope, now Moaner seems to be the ONLY one in this bunch who will speak to Bethenny fearlessly.  Bethenny tried to deflect Moaner's sex tape comments by saying she was looking at her like a Halloween mask.  A pretty nasty lowball insult from Bethenny.  So while Moaner can surely go low, Bethenny can sink just as low herself.  Thanks reminding us of your own exceptional ability for cruelty, Bethenny.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 16
1 minute ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

"How real can you be, Bethenny when you won't bring up anything about your private life?"

Yay, Moaner, for saying this in her TH!!!

This is what's bothered me most about Bethenny since she's brought her reign of terror & non-stop cruelty & self-pity & bitterness & rage & ridiculously deluded self-important arrogance back to the show.  Glad Moaner brought this up.  But bringing up the sex tape was a dud.  And def a NOT a new low for Moaner.  She's done way, way, way worse.  That was just Bethenny's lame reaction cuz her reactions on the show lately have mostly been lame & disappointingly dull & unfunny.

But if this is a setup for more stuff to be brought out on Bethenny's private life, then great.  But if the sex tape is all they got, then fail, producers.  This was boring as shit.  I WANT MORE ON BETHENNY'S PRIVATE LIFE OUTTED!!!!  Moaner seems to be the only one brave enough to go against her.  Dorinda is making some sharp comments on Bethenny in TH's, but notice these comments are ONLY in TH's.  Lu stands up to Bethenny a bit, but she seems careful in the way she speaks to Bethenny, like she's scared of her.

Nope, now Moaner seems to be the ONLY one in this bunch who will speak to Bethenny fearlessly.  Bethenny tried to deflect Moaner's sex tape comments by saying she was looking at her like a Halloween mask.  A pretty nasty lowball insult from Bethenny.  So while Moaner can surely go low, Bethenny can sink just as low herself.  Thanks reminding us of your own exceptional ability for cruelty, Bethenny.

What is it you don't know about Bethenny's private life?  She's written books on what we haven't seen on the show, and discussed, both on the show and off, everything that's happened since the show. And there was no "sex tape". It was a part Bethenny did in a movie (no, not a porn movie) that involved nudity and sexual situations.  Other than the span of time that Bethenny was involved with legal proceedings that she was unable to speak about, I can't think of anything she hasn't discussed openly. And when Ramona brought up the movie, Bethenny wasn't in the least bothered by the subject, she was bothered by the dishonest, bullshit way Ramona brought it up, and involved her daughter in the process.  When it comes to being open and honest about their private life, out of this bunch I'd say that Bethenny takes the prize. The person who's the least open and honest about her private life (other than Sonja, who's simply delusional and doesn't count) would be Ramona. 

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, IKnowRight said:

I mentioned not judging a few posts back,  but I didn't explain my point very well.  My apologies if I offended anyone.

 If we couldn't snark on here, then what's the point?!  I like snark.  I meant to just point out that sometimes I agree that we sometimes misjudge these people based on our own bias not on what is actually happening on the screen.  Be it, very edited and crafted by producers to look one way even if that's not what happened in real time. 

I think we are all entitled to our humble opinions, judge away!!

Sorry for the misunderstanding. This wasn't in response to any of your posts. It was a post agreeing with a post from Andysmith in response to another post asking "who are we to judge" Luann's wedding?   That's the fun of this show. 

Edited by Lemons
  • Love 2

Bethenny is not sharing a shit-ton about her life.  It's not for this thread to discuss.  But she's hiding a lot.  The others have been cowering, too terrified in fear of her, to bring up even a fraction of what she's been hiding.  I applaud Moaner for standing up to her so fearlessly.  Lu is still clearly too scared of Bethenny to do it effectively.  And Dorinda, for all her coarseness & tough posture, won't do it either.

The sex tape (I'm quoting how it's being referred to on the show) is a bunch of nothing.  What do I wanna know about Bethenny's private life?  PLENTY!!  Lemme say, these producers should be as all over Bethenny as they are anybody else on a Bravo show.  They defintely haven't been.  She completely hid a relationship she was in last year.  Nobody else on a Bravo show would have been allowed to get away with such bullshit.  

But we'll see if this was a one-time lame attack from Moaner toward Bethenny or if she's gonna come after her hard this season, which is what I'd like to see.

4 minutes ago, Mojoker said:

What is it you don't know about Bethenny's private life?  She's written books on what we haven't seen on the show, and discussed, both on the show and off, everything that's happened since the show. And there was no "sex tape". It was a part Bethenny did in a movie (no, not a porn movie) that involved nudity and sexual situations.  Other than the span of time that Bethenny was involved with legal proceedings that she was unable to speak about, I can't think of anything she hasn't discussed openly. And when Ramona brought up the movie, Bethenny wasn't in the least bothered by the subject, she was bothered by the dishonest, bullshit way Ramona brought it up, and involved her daughter in the process.  When it comes to being open and honest about their private life, out of this bunch I'd say that Bethenny takes the prize. The person who's the least open and honest about her private life (other than Sonja, who's simply delusional and doesn't count) would be Ramona. 

  • Love 9

Ramona's twenty year marriage does not make her a "marriage expert." Although I will grant you she is an expert on getting cheated on by a slimy douche. So there is that.

These witches want to tear down Luann's marriage because they are jealous as shit. The only one who isn't is of course Dorinda who is in a relationship with a guy that all of these witches hate as well. You see they can't give anyone else the benefit of a doubt. Especially Ramona. She went after Jason. After Heather's husband as I recall. Simon. Even Bobby Zarin. She held up Super Mario as the be all and end all.  While heMario was what a husband should be. Which you can understand as she has the Delusional Suite in the Crazytown hotel.

  • Love 5
9 minutes ago, Trooper York said:

These witches want to tear down Luann's marriage because they are jealous as shit.

Jealous of Tom?  The Slade Smiley of RHONY.  This is the same guy that was caught on camera hitting on Ramona back in Season 1.  The more Luann keeps bragging of what a great catch he is, the more it seems like she is trying to convince herself.  He's already shown himself to be a cheat and liar.

  • Love 11
3 hours ago, Mojoker said:

The person I was replying to (sorry, I don't remember if it was you) said that none of the women on the show are qualified to give relationship advice because none of them have been able to sustain an ongoing, long-term relationship.  A 22 year marriage is, in fact, an ongoing, long-term relationship.  Of all of them, Ramona is probably the most qualified to give someone relationship advice, especially when it comes to entering into a marriage with someone who's already exhibiting a tendency to play around, and not  in a discreet way. As for having no evidence that Tom is screwing around, I'm not sure what more you want than videos, photographs, and eyewitness accounts. 

It may be as simple as we do not speak the same language.  I don't consider Ramona who is divorced from Mario, to presently be in a long term relationship with him. Ramona has said repeatedly she is just dating several people. It makes no difference to me if they were married 10 months or 50 years.   Mario lives with the woman he left Ramona for and Ramona has never really said anything  to indicate she and Mario are still in a relationship.  Ramona's advice is worthless to me at any all levels as she doesn't like Luann.

As far as Luann goes, I will say it one more time, as of the time of the filming of this episode there is no evidence Tom was cheating after the February 2016, incident. Again I do believe if someone on the cast had substantial evidence it would be thrown up on the big screen for Luann's eyes.  The photos were last season and the situation has been addressed at length by Luann and from what she said, it does not seem she will be tolerant of any more cheating from Tom.  Again there seems to be a language barrier between us.  It is not as if I missed the Tom cheated portion of the story.  It is not enough for any or all of them to say-he must be cheating, I know he is cheating, he cheats when he is out of town.   

What I don't understand is why Bethenny, who cares not what Luann thinks of her is so invested in Tom and Luann's relationship.  I hold Ramona to the same standard.  Bethenny is a little more honest in that she does question why she is not included in the pre-wedding events for Luann and Tom or the wedding.  Sonja and Ramona not so much. 

  • Love 8
1 minute ago, zoeysmom said:

What I don't understand is why Bethenny, who cares not what Luann thinks of her is so invested in Tom and Luann's relationship.  I hold Ramona to the same standard.  Bethenny is a little more honest in that she does question why she is not included in the pre-wedding events for Luann and Tom or the wedding.  Sonja and Ramona not so much. 

She is invested because her relationship failure played out over the course of three different reality shows. Hubris. Simple as that.

Have any of you guys been in the situation where you were getting married and couldn't or just didn't want to invite coworkers? I was back in the day. When I was questioned I just said....I don't like you enough to waste the money on it buddy because I know you're envelope is gonna be lite. Of course I could get away with that because I am a guy. 

Luann had no reason to invite the Witches of Resting Bitch Face. They would only thrash her, the wedding, her future husband and the whole event. As I understand it she invited Dorinda and Jill Zarin. Which should be a wake up call. When Jill Zarin is considered preferable to you it is time to look in the mirror. Because there is something wrong baby.

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Bethenny is not sharing a shit-ton about her life.  It's not for this thread to discuss.  But she's hiding a lot.  The others have been cowering, too terrified in fear of her, to bring up even a fraction of what she's been hiding.  I applaud Moaner for standing up to her so fearlessly.  Lu is still clearly too scared of Bethenny to do it effectively.  And Dorinda, for all her coarseness & tough posture, won't do it either.

The sex tape (I'm quoting how it's being referred to on the show) is a bunch of nothing.  What do I wanna know about Bethenny's private life?  PLENTY!!  Lemme say, these producers should be as all over Bethenny as they are anybody else on a Bravo show.  They defintely haven't been.  She completely hid a relationship she was in last year.  Nobody else on a Bravo show would have been allowed to get away with such bullshit.  

But we'll see if this was a one-time lame attack from Moaner toward Bethenny or if she's gonna come after her hard this season, which is what I'd like to see.

I'm just curious what you think she's hiding.  If there's something you know for a fact she isn't talking about, then she isn't doing a very good job of hiding it. And if discussing her relationship on the reunion show to the point of having the guy's daughter on speakerphone to confirm the specifics isn't being forthcoming, I don't know what is.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Mojoker said:

What is it you don't know about Bethenny's private life?  She's written books on what we haven't seen on the show, and discussed, both on the show and off, everything that's happened since the show. And there was no "sex tape". It was a part Bethenny did in a movie (no, not a porn movie) that involved nudity and sexual situations.  Other than the span of time that Bethenny was involved with legal proceedings that she was unable to speak about, I can't think of anything she hasn't discussed openly. And when Ramona brought up the movie, Bethenny wasn't in the least bothered by the subject, she was bothered by the dishonest, bullshit way Ramona brought it up, and involved her daughter in the process.  When it comes to being open and honest about their private life, out of this bunch I'd say that Bethenny takes the prize. The person who's the least open and honest about her private life (other than Sonja, who's simply delusional and doesn't count) would be Ramona. 

No, she has not shared her personal life on the show. All we get is her business and meeting up with Carole in her apartment. Where is Shields? They were still dating when this was filmed but she refuses to have him on the show.

1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

It may be as simple as we do not speak the same language.  I don't consider Ramona who is divorced from Mario, to presently be in a long term relationship with him. Ramona has said repeatedly she is just dating several people. It makes no difference to me if they were married 10 months or 50 years.   Mario lives with the woman he left Ramona for and Ramona has never really said anything  to indicate she and Mario are still in a relationship.  Ramona's advice is worthless to me at any all levels as she doesn't like Luann.

As far as Luann goes, I will say it one more time, as of the time of the filming of this episode there is no evidence Tom was cheating after the February 2016, incident. Again I do believe if someone on the cast had substantial evidence it would be thrown up on the big screen for Luann's eyes.  The photos were last season and the situation has been addressed at length by Luann and from what she said, it does not seem she will be tolerant of any more cheating from Tom.  Again there seems to be a language barrier between us.  It is not as if I missed the Tom cheated portion of the story.  It is not enough for any or all of them to say-he must be cheating, I know he is cheating, he cheats when he is out of town.   

What I don't understand is why Bethenny, who cares not what Luann thinks of her is so invested in Tom and Luann's relationship.  I hold Ramona to the same standard.  Bethenny is a little more honest in that she does question why she is not included in the pre-wedding events for Luann and Tom or the wedding.  Sonja and Ramona not so much. 

Bethenny and Ramona need to keep the focus on Luann/Tom for fear that someone starts to zero in on their real lives. LOL

  • Love 12
Just now, WireWrap said:

Bethenny and Ramona need to keep the focus on Luann/Tom for fear that someone starts to zero in on their real lives. LOL


And that's not the name-o of Bethenny's new puppy.

But it might be the nickname of the two new puppies that Ramona has bolted to her chest. Hey I wonder did she call up Bethenny to tell her she got those two new puppies? Enquiring minds want to know.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Trooper York said:

She is invested because her relationship failure played out over the course of three different reality shows. Hubris. Simple as that.

Have any of you guys been in the situation where you were getting married and couldn't or just didn't want to invite coworkers? I was back in the day. When I was questioned I just said....I don't like you enough to waste the money on it buddy because I know you're envelope is gonna be lite. Of course I could get away with that because I am a guy. 

Luann had no reason to invite the Witches of Resting Bitch Face. They would only thrash her, the wedding, her future husband and the whole event. As I understand it she invited Dorinda and Jill Zarin. Which should be a wake up call. When Jill Zarin is considered preferable to you it is time to look in the mirror. Because there is something wrong baby.

If Luann is someone Bethenny doesn't particularly care for, and Jill Zarin is someone Bethenny doesn't particularly care for, then it's not much of a leap to see how Luann and Jill would be friends. I don't think there was ever a question of Bethenny and the others being invited to the wedding. It was a private wedding, not work related, not being recorded for the show. When Bravo's footing the bill, you have to invite everyone. If you're footing the bill, you can invite who you like.

4 hours ago, Mojoker said:

The person I was replying to (sorry, I don't remember if it was you) said that none of the women on the show are qualified to give relationship advice because none of them have been able to sustain an ongoing, long-term relationship.  A 22 year marriage is, in fact, an ongoing, long-term relationship.  Of all of them, Ramona is probably the most qualified to give someone relationship advice, especially when it comes to entering into a marriage with someone who's already exhibiting a tendency to play around, and not in a discreet way. As for having no evidence that Tom is screwing around, I'm not sure what more you want than videos, photographs, and eyewitness accounts. 

Romoaner is qualified on giving relationship about long term marriage if the marriage being discussed is how to live with a slimy, cheating pig.  Shes an expert on that fo shure

  • Love 2
7 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

No, she has not shared her personal life on the show. All we get is her business and meeting up with Carole in her apartment. Where is Shields? They were still dating when this was filmed but she refuses to have him on the show.

Bethenny and Ramona need to keep the focus on Luann/Tom for fear that someone starts to zero in on their real lives. LOL

For one thing, she had a relationship on the show and look what happened to it. But, beyond that, her boyfriend is a private individual, still legally married, and doesn't want to be on the show. She can't force him to do it just to satisfy the curiosity of the viewers.  She does talk about the relationship, and she's been very upfront about all of it. But she can only share her life; she doesn't have the right to share his without his permission.

2 minutes ago, Social Piranha said:

Romoaner is qualified on giving relationship about long term marriage if the marriage being discussed is how to live with a slimy, cheating pig.  Shes an expert on that fo shure

Well, sounds like the description fits Luann's new husband.

  • Love 5

The Tom hate is strong. Just like the hate for John. 

It is very interesting that all of the other woman have no time for Tom and John. They can't keep a guy so they have to dish out the hate on the women who have someone in their lives. Even Adam gets a couple of light smacks from Bethenny this week. They just can't seem to help it. They don't want to see their friends happy in a loving relationship. You know how you can tell that is the case? Because they are all "I just want you to be Happy!"

Yeah right. I have a bridge to sell you that Ramona can mock you on.

Edited by Trooper York
  • Love 14
8 minutes ago, Mojoker said:

For one thing, she had a relationship on the show and look what happened to it. But, beyond that, her boyfriend is a private individual, still legally married, and doesn't want to be on the show. She can't force him to do it just to satisfy the curiosity of the viewers.  She does talk about the relationship, and she's been very upfront about all of it. But she can only share her life; she doesn't have the right to share his without his permission.

Well, sounds like the description fits Luann's new husband.

So what and the show didn't destroy her/Jason's marriage.

As for Shields, she doesn't even talk about him except to lie and say they aren't as serious as anyone thought, even though she is the one that said they were THAT serious last season and were that is until the cameras started rolling. This isn't any different from when she dated the last guy, she lied about him as well. I understand that she can not talk about/show Bryn but Shields? It's not like his wife and kids don't know about him Bethenny dating, so being on the show isn't going to shock/surprise them.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

No, she has not shared her personal life on the show. All we get is her business and meeting up with Carole in her apartment. Where is Shields? They were still dating when this was filmed but she refuses to have him on the show.

Bethenny and Ramona need to keep the focus on Luann/Tom for fear that someone starts to zero in on their real lives. LOL

Clearly he doesn't want to be on the show. I don't understand the big deal. It's not like a couple of seasons ago where she never even mentioned a relationship. On a couple of occassions this season we have seen pics of the two of them when she was talking about him. She is clearly not hiding him. I've also seen nothing on the show to indicate she isn't being truthful about their relationship. In every interview I have read for months and months, she has said he is still in her life, they still see each other, but are taking it slow and just having fun. Is there evidence that this is not the case? 

41 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

So what and the show didn't destroy her/Jason's marriage.

As for Shields, she doesn't even talk about him except to lie and say they aren't as serious as anyone thought, even though she is the one that said they were THAT serious last season and were that is until the cameras started rolling. This isn't any different from when she dated the last guy, she lied about him as well. I understand that she can not talk about/show Bryn but Shields? It's not like his wife and kids don't know about him Bethenny dating, so being on the show isn't going to shock/surprise them.

This cannot be news, but relationships change among grownups. Often times. Last season what she said was that he had talked about marriage and that she was surprised to realize that she may actually be open to getting married in the future, after saying for years and years that she never would. That was the big reveal when she was talking about marriage - her grownup acknowledgment that she might have been wrong about something she said in the past and was opening her mind to it. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Trooper York said:

The Tom hate is strong. Just like the hate for John. 

It is very interesting that all of the other woman have no time for Tom and John. They can't keep a guy so they have to dish out the hate on the women who have someone in their lives. Even Adam gets a couple of light smacks from Bethenny this week. They just can't seem to help it. They don't want to see their friends happy in a loving relationship. You know how you can tell that is the case? Because they are all "I just want you to be Happy!"

Yeah right. I have a bridge to sell you that Ramona can mock you on.

In life it is pretty hard to find someone you want to marry, if the litmus test was all your friends and enemies had to bless the union there would be a whole lot more single people.  John has never bothered me and I have never understood why it is okay for women to attack men on these shows and call them ungentlemanly when so much of what they say is pure vitriol, vulgar and profanity strewn.   

I still maintain the main reason these women don't want to see Luann married is because episode after episode revolved around her fooling around with some guy.  How dare Luann shut off the fountain on these women.  Luckily they have Tom and John to go after for as long as they are a part of the show.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, motorcitymom65 said:

Clearly he doesn't want to be on the show. I don't understand the big deal. It's not like a couple of seasons ago where she never even mentioned a relationship. On a couple of occassions this season we have seen pics of the two of them when she was talking about him. She is clearly not hiding him. I've also seen nothing on the show to indicate she isn't being truthful about their relationship. In every interview I have read for months and months, she has said he is still in her life, they still see each other, but are taking it slow and just having fun. Is there evidence that this is not the case? 

This cannot be news, but relationships change among grownups. Often times. Last season what she said was that he had talked about marriage and that she was surprised to realize that she may actually be open to getting married in the future, after saying for years and years that she never would. That was the big reveal when she was talking about marriage - her grownup acknowledgment that she might have been wrong about something she said in the past and was opening her mind to it. 

We see Bethenny differently. IMO, when she came back to the show she was determined to keep her real life off of the show and away from the cameras but she has no problem using the others private lives against them. I am hopping that someone, other than Ramona/Sonja, go in on her life as she has done to them. I hope they keep asking when Shields is going to divorce his wife or if he IS even going to file for divorce. They need to being up Jason/the divorce, her melt downs, her mother....things we all know that Bethenny would not hesitate to use against them. Bethenny doesn't think there are any lines she can not cross but draws all manner of lines around her own life so no one talks about her/them.

  • Love 10
11 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

We see Bethenny differently. IMO, when she came back to the show she was determined to keep her real life off of the show and away from the cameras but she has no problem using the others private lives against them. I am hopping that someone, other than Ramona/Sonja, go in on her life as she has done to them. I hope they keep asking when Shields is going to divorce his wife or if he IS even going to file for divorce. They need to being up Jason/the divorce, her melt downs, her mother....things we all know that Bethenny would not hesitate to use against them. Bethenny doesn't think there are any lines she can not cross but draws all manner of lines around her own life so no one talks about her/them.

I don't believe this was the proper avenue for Ramona to go down to have Bethenny open up about her life.

Bethenny and Ramona were trotting around the Hamptons last Memorial Day and posting pictures and then they start filming in October and Ramona is really out of the loop.  I am sure if it is relevant and not show related Bethenny will clue us in on why she and Ramona fell out of touch over the summer or maybe by Ramona seriously overstepping with Bethenny there will never be the need.  My estimation of Bethenny is on the rise if she cuts Ramona out of her life.  I think it was all good fun when Bethenny could call her The Apologizer and make light of all of Ramona's gaffs, but this one was really out of the blue.  I realize they have to film an entire season but Bethenny seemed so very certain there would not be an opportunity for Ramona to apologize and for her to accept.  Fingers crossed that Bethenny stays the course and Ramona realizes her words hurt.

I also think Bethenny should just stay focused on Ramona.  It is not as if she and Luann were even at the cordial phase in their relationship.  If she doesn't care what Luann thinks of her then she should not care what Luann says about her. 

  • Love 3
13 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

Maybe it's a case of Beth not wanting her boyfriends on the show rather than her boyfriends not wanting to be on the show.

Bethenny has said that she doesn't want any guy she dates on the show. So, it is her decision and that goes against the premise of this show. Vicki(OC) was threatened with a demotion if she didn't include Brooks on the show, So Andy forced her and he needs to do the same with Bethenny or any of the single HWs that refuse to include their dating life (beyond Ramona style dates).

  • Love 10
14 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Bethenny has said that she doesn't want any guy she dates on the show. So, it is her decision and that goes against the premise of this show. Vicki(OC) was threatened with a demotion if she didn't include Brooks on the show, So Andy forced her and he needs to do the same with Bethenny or any of the single HWs that refuse to include their dating life (beyond Ramona style dates).

No, you can't force someone to be on the show - if they don't want to.  Even with cheater Tom being the topic of a main storyline, he basically has only made cameos - and has hardly said anything on camera.

BTW, Brooks is a fame whole who needed the BRAVO paycheck.

Edited by escape
  • Love 8
5 hours ago, WireWrap said:

So what and the show didn't destroy her/Jason's marriage.

As for Shields, she doesn't even talk about him except to lie and say they aren't as serious as anyone thought, even though she is the one that said they were THAT serious last season and were that is until the cameras started rolling. This isn't any different from when she dated the last guy, she lied about him as well. I understand that she can not talk about/show Bryn but Shields? It's not like his wife and kids don't know about him Bethenny dating, so being on the show isn't going to shock/surprise them.

Again, it's not Bethenny's decision.

9 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Bethenny has said that she doesn't want any guy she dates on the show. So, it is her decision and that goes against the premise of this show. Vicki(OC) was threatened with a demotion if she didn't include Brooks on the show, So Andy forced her and he needs to do the same with Bethenny or any of the single HWs that refuse to include their dating life (beyond Ramona style dates).

Yeah, I remember Vicki.  The problem, as you are noting, is that you can't make separate rules.  I have no problem if a 'housewife' doesn't want a boyfriend or husband on the show or if a boyfriend or husband refuses to appear on the show.  But you can't enforce rules arbitrarily.  Vicki shouldn't have been threatened with loosing her orange because of Brooks.  Yeah, I know some of my fellow posters will disagree. 

In the case of Beth, IMO, I think she just wants to keep control.  She controls her social media.  If she's filming with a boyfriend, she loses control to production and possible subjects for discussion.  Like the last boyfriend's rape situation or the present boyfriend's marital status. 

  • Love 9
18 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Bethenny has said that she doesn't want any guy she dates on the show. So, it is her decision and that goes against the premise of this show. Vicki(OC) was threatened with a demotion if she didn't include Brooks on the show, So Andy forced her and he needs to do the same with Bethenny or any of the single HWs that refuse to include their dating life (beyond Ramona style dates).

I don't know where you get this stuff. No one -- including Andy Cohen -- can force one person to make another person appear on TV. If Brooks hadn't wanted to be on TV, then there wouldn't have been a damned thing that Vicki could have done about it.  Same with Bethenny.  And if you want to know why Bethenny doesn't want to date a guy who wants to be on this show, just take a quick look at the divorce rate among the Real Housewives. If there's even the smallest problem, being on the show will make it a million times worse. 

  • Love 6

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