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Flip or Flop Las Vegas - General Discussion

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11 hours ago, BoogieBurns said:

Gold is dated. It's too trendy. I would not even consider this gold and blue house.

And isn't the trend navy and brass as an accent? Like bottom cabinets, or islands? Not the whole flippin' house including doors! I agree it's far too trendy. I've been brainwashed by Christina's white and gray!

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So I've seen three of these and just now realized this couple is married. With kids, apparently. Yet they never talk about that. If you miss the opening credits, you'd never know. It's interesting because it makes me wonder if the network is deliberately down-playing their relationship to see if the format will continue to work for Tarek and Christina now that they are divorced. It's almost like a trial run for the original show - just don't mention their relationship, at all, or make it part of the narrative. At all.

Anyway, one positive comment I have about this spin-off is that the prices of these homes are far more reasonable than anything you ever see on FoF original recipe. And they put far less money into the flips as well. Downside, the hosts seem convinced they have to make every home look like the inside of a casino just because it's Vegas. Way too much over-the-top glitz.

I'm hoping some future spin-off takes place some place where it's not such a seller's market and home values are low, just so we can see a more realistic flip with a more relatable budget. 

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6 hours ago, iMonrey said:

And they put far less money into the flips as well. Downside, the hosts seem convinced they have to make every home look like the inside of a casino just because it's Vegas. Way too much over-the-top glitz.


Totally agree about the Vegas glitz. The wife even mentioned something about wanting the house to look like a casino?! 

I think they spend so much less than T&C because the husband does some (most) of the labor and she does all the staging. T&C always hire out for both. 

Just like the previous homes they flipped, this one was awful too. An air hockey table right when you walk in the front door?! I'm not a fan of the blue and brass trend so I didn't like any of that. The bed in the master was so big...the room looked half the size. I liked that they got rid of the multi level plant shelves and opened the kitchen to the living room, however, there were no walls left to place a TV.  

There is a reason the professionals use neutral colors, limited knick knacks, and smaller scale furniture (queen beds, 4 top dining sets, etc) when staging a home. Unfortunately, the wife thinks everyone wants to live in a house that looks like Vegas nightclub/whorehouse and her horrible decorating reflects that. 

On the plus side, the backyard came out nice. 

Edited by juliet73

I like this couple so much more than I ever liked T and C.  These people at least have some personality and I think the husband is hot as hell. Its also nice to see something other than "hm, let's go with white shaker cabinets and quartz counters".  Its nice too to see a guy who looks like he actually knows whet he's doing regarding construction.  Tarek always looks like a little kid "helping" daddy when he pretends to do tile work. And you know daddy will have to go along behind him and fix everything he did. 

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12 hours ago, Maharincess said:

I like this couple so much more than I ever liked T and C.  These people at least have some personality and I think the husband is hot as hell. Its also nice to see something other than "hm, let's go with white shaker cabinets and quartz counters".  Its nice too to see a guy who looks like he actually knows whet he's doing regarding construction.  Tarek always looks like a little kid "helping" daddy when he pretends to do tile work. And you know daddy will have to go along behind him and fix everything he did. 

I have to agree.  Some of her staging may be over the top, but at least she's showing a little imagination.

Edited by Honey
On 4/29/2017 at 9:56 PM, Maharincess said:

Yes! It's so nice to not have to see the same designs every single time while Christina acts like she's doing something so unique and creative. 

Not that there was ever any doubt, but this then confirms that I am not unique or creative. :)  I don't need to be in charge of Christina's personal life, but I would take one of her designs over Aubrey's in a heartbeat. Flip or Flop Vegas was so bad, I barely got through the first episode.  I wanted to rip that fugly wooden thing she had Bristol build over the fireplace right off the wall!

I guess they think their "hook" for this show is "Vegas" meaning every house has to be decorated like Liberace lives there. I understand they need to distinguish themselves from Tarek and Christina's neutral modern style but not everyone who works in or near Vegas wants to live in a house that looks like Caesar's Palace. In fact if buyers actually work in the gaming industry they probably want to get the hell away from that at the end of the day.

Where are the other spin-offs supposed to take place? Isn't one of them in Chicago? That might be interesting. I'm just kind of over Vegas already.


The problem with the tacky blue and gold house was - say you liked the floorplan and location but hated the colors - it would cost you a fair amount of money to change those colors because they were in the hard surfaces.


What I know about the other ForF, which is certainly not set in stone (but is up on Wikipedia). Looks like Atlanta in summer and then Dallas, Chicago and Nashville in Feb 2018. Some of these hosts have already had a one-shot with HGTV about flipping in their communities and at least one couple is ALREADY divorced, so that drama can't happen again


Flip or Flop Atlanta will be a television series airing on HGTV hosted by real estate agents Ken and Anita Corsini. It will be a spin-off of the HGTV series Flip or Flop. It will premiere in summer 2017 and be held in Atlanta, Georgia.[1]

Flip or Flop Texas will be a television series airing on HGTV hosted by real estate agents Andy and Ashley Williams. It will be a spin-off of the HGTV series Flip or Flop. It will premiere in February 2018 and be held in Dallas metropolitan area.[1]

Flip or Flop Chicago will be a television series airing on HGTV hosted by real estate agents Mark and Liz Perez. It will be a spin-off of the HGTV series Flip or Flop. It will premiere in February 2018 and be held in Chicago, Illinois.[1]

Flip or Flop Nashville will be a television series airing on HGTV hosted by real estate agents DeRon Jenkins and Page Turner. It will be a spin-off of the HGTV series Flip or Flop. It will premiere in February 2018 and be held in Nashville, Tennessee.[1]

Edited by WildPlum
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Dallas and Nashville both have great home values, I think those are good markets to include. I know so little about Atlanta, but the few House Hunters they have filmed there were similar in price to Dallas homes. I have worked in construction in all of the upcoming cities other than Atlanta, and I admit that Chicago excites me the least

Whoa way too much Flip or Flop.  This is not such a fantastic format that we need to be bombarded with it in multiple markets with these perfectly cheesy couples. As for the Vegas designs, they are just hideous. I always want a slower camera pan that lingers over the horrific details like all the cheap mismatched tile, the re-used garish chandeliers, last night's mix-and-match kitchen, but I suspect the producers want to minimize the horror and just get through the "reveal" scenes as quickly as possible. 

I kept seeing ads for this during House Hunters, so I decided to check it out, even though I never warmed to Tarek & Christina. I was also curious about the Vegas market since I've never been there. I find the husband much less annoying than  drama queen Tarek, but the wife's designs are sooo tacky! Also, if there are any Bachelor watchers on here, she reminds me of the "Vegas Twins" from last year's Bachelor season, but 10 years older. She would look so much younger with a more natural shade of blonde, softer makeup, and without the hair extensions.

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Her hair seems to get worse each episode.   The first episode it wasn't great, but wasn't a huge mess either.   Her hair was a hot mess this last episode!  No idea what she's trying to accomplish, but the finished look isn't what I think she sees in the mirror before heading out the door.   Surprised her husband didn't say anything to her - my husband would absolutely tell me I look a mess before going out like that (especially if I was going to be on camera!!). 


This is not such a fantastic format that we need to be bombarded with it in multiple markets with these perfectly cheesy couples. 

Actually, I think (in theory) it's a good idea to explore other markets. I'm tired of the Southern CA homes T&C always flip. The prices are so outrageous I just can't relate. And I'm tired of the built-in fakery every week with "Oh no! We didn't know we needed a new roof/electrical/plumbing what will we do?????"

But I agree it's a bit of a balancing act because they really need to find just the right hosts. T&C just don't feel genuine anymore, and I haven't warmed up to the Vegas couple at all. I think the husband is actually kind of odd looking like a cartoon marine. He's got a bit of a square head and smashed-in face.

Edited by iMonrey

I stopped watching this show at the blue and gold episode, but I do like the possibility of flips in other cities where the cost of the house and the potential price of the flip preclude the $100,000 materials/labor flips of the original Flip or Flop. It IS harder to flip in a lower priced area because you have less headroom. You can't spend $50,000 on a kitchen when your initial cost is $125,000 and your flip value is most likely $150,000. The thing about low margin flips, though, is that you know the flippers did the cheapest job possible and you have to be very wary of serious plumbing/electrical/foundation issues.

The other issue with a lot of these flip shows, where they buy something for $150,000 and put $150,000 in it (Fixer Upper, original Flip or Flop, Home Town) is that it all depends on what the rest of the houses in the neighborhood are worth. If all of the houses in a neighborhood are going from a low of $150,000 to a high of $250,000, you CAN'T spend a total of $400,000 on the house and improvements, not unless you plan to stay forever or you like throwing money away, because you will never get the money back. You aren't going to be able to finance that, either, because you'll never get appraiser approval, so you'd be looking at all cash. I am surprised T&C's houses actually appraise when they are selling for more than local comps - or maybe that is an all-cash price, you'd be surprised at the number of all cash buyers, even in the 1 million mark.


That air conditioner (which looked like it was missing something - mine is a lot more substantial) was a POS that's going to break in July.   Can't believe someone bought the house for almost full price with that issue. 

Oh, and the black accents did not work at all with the roof tiles.  Something nice and warm in the brown family would have been fine. 

Edited by MrPissyPuppy
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WTF was up with the added laundry nook that was visible to the point that it was almost a feature of the living room on last night's episode?   That was flippin' weird.    I had to hit pause to see if that was what they actually did because I thought it faced the bedroom hallway.    Aubrey also continues to try to fit in a big island AND a dining table (when staging) in all the small houses. 

That laundry nook was weird. If ever a 'room' called for a barn-door, that did. And instead they put one on the bathroom. And I can see that they couldn't put barn-doors on both, that would look bad next to each other. But I think a bathroom should be able to be locked, or at least shut tight, and you can't do that with a barn-door.  

And don't you know, "Vegas buyers need a dining table" - and they hung a huge light fixture over that tiny little table, just to make it harder for a buyer to skip a table.

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First of all, I can't believe they put in an offer for $8000 over asking especially because there was water damage!  This woman's decorating style is beyond awful!!  At least on this episode, she didn't go on and on about buyers wanting "Vegas glitz", etc.  If I took a shot every time she said TINY, I would be dead 5x over from alcohol poisoning!  The house was not tiny, it was smaller, yes, but not tiny.  If she wanted the house to look bigger, she should take out half of her crap and stop with the custom accent walls!  Taking down the wall between the living room and kitchen did make it bigger, but then they had to install a huge, oversized island.  Besides it making the dining area non existence, it made the living room look smaller too.  Yes to having the island, but they shouldn't haven't made it so wide.  The bathrooms were small (not tiny) and they both came out nice.  I didn't understand the sliding barn door on the guest bath.  They should have used a standard door (with a lock) for the bath and used the sliding door over the laundry.  From what I could see, there was no door (pocket or otherwise) to conceal the laundry.  So I guess when you walk in the front door, your eye immediately goes to the horsey island and no dining area or to the open laundry with your bleach and hanging bras for everyone to see!  I'm assuming the original laundry was in the garage and they should have left it in there.  They shouldn't have removed a closet in such a "TINY" house, IMO.  The bedrooms came out nice and the secondary rooms looked about average size.  The master wasn't big, but they still were able to fit a queen bed with two nightstands in there without it looking crammed (unlike the dining room).  Just like all the previous episodes, the backyard was my favorite part of the house.  She seems to use "less is more" in the backyards - I wish she would carry that inside the homes.  I'm over the "brokers" touring the properties.  They walk into every house like it's the most beautiful home they have ever seen.  They always agree the asking price is great and they always have clients in mind who would love the property.  UGH!! On a side note, in the beginning when they were driving through the neighborhood, Aubrey said something like "you can tell this is a working class neighborhood."  She came across very snotty.  The husband mentioned they were right by Green Valley High School so they were in Green Valley North which is a nice area of Henderson/Las Vegas.  

Edited by juliet73
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I watch this show because I live in the southwest where we have the Mediterranean style stucco houses like they show in Vegas. Even though I love the houses in other areas of the country and would love to have a big farm house, that's not feasible here. I want to get ideas for what I could do with the style of house I have. 

However, I have yet to see anything in this show that I'd like to incorporate into my own home except for maybe the bathrooms. 

That said, WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND PUTS THE DOOR TO THE BATHROOM IN THE LIVING ROOM?  You could see the toilet from the front door!  I would never buy that house for that reason alone. No guest would ever feel comfortable using it with you sitting mere feet away, able to hear every tinkle. I could see some 6-year-old child swinging the door open (no lock on a barn door) while someone is in there, revealing Aunt Edith on the throne in all her glory. 

Put the washer and dryer in the garage, take out the closet and weird, small hallway and enlarge the guest bath with the door opening to the side instead of into the living room. 

In her defense, they did mention that the house was 1000 square feet. My first house was 1200 square feet, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, and we thought it was tiny. Our bedrooms were 10x13' (2 of them) and 10x10'. The master bath was so tiny that if I touched one wall with my fingertips, my other hand was halfway into the shower, with the wall-mounted sink directly in front of me. So yes, the house shown was small. 

But not small enough to warrant having the bathroom open into the living room!

  • Love 4

They really like barn doors don't they? I guess it's an easy go to since Bristol builds them himself.

I actually really liked the black and white "glam cottage." They also actually end up saving money budget wise in this episode too. They saved money by coming in under budget so they made more in the end. That never happens on original version.

I also like how much they do themselves. Not fake doing it themselves, but assembling cabinets and getting clearance stuff. I guess because of the how drastic a price difference the housing market is in Vegas compared to LA they do have to do more to make more. They can't just throw their money around.  

4 hours ago, MrPissyPuppy said:

I liked the blue mosaic shower.    The teal cupboards would have been okay with a white subway tile or white cupboards and teal subway tile.  Then again, I like blue.   I agreed with the husband that teal and orange were like a high school's colors.   Hee!  

I agree about the master shower.  The entire master bath looked lovely except for those weird things hanging on the wall above the toilet.  The other bathroom looked horrible! Between the same teal backsplash as the kitchen and the awful green vessel sink, and all the brass fixtures, it was just ugly!

I would have gone with the white cabinets, both uppers (with the glass) and lowers, with the teal subway tile.  The kitchen sink faucet was HUGE!  It looked like it belonged in a major restaurant kitchen! I would have added a raised counter top in front of the sink for a breakfast bar.  There wasn't enough room to use it as an eating area, IMO. 

No on the living room!  Again, way too many accessories!  But the teal doors and orange?  No! No! No!  And that horsey wall shelf - UGH!!!! Stop with the custom wall crap!  They all are hideous!  

Where does she buy these light fixtures?  I have yet to see one that is pleasing to the eye in any of her houses!  

Removing the wall definitely made the house look bigger!

The secondary bedrooms came out nice - she toned down all the accessories and crap in those rooms.  

The backyard still looked like a typical LV backyard.

Here's another masterpiece by Aubrey.  I wonder if it will make it on the show...https://www.redfin.com/NV/Las-Vegas/9000-S-Las-Vegas-Blvd-89123/unit-2222/home/29184365

Edited by juliet73
On ‎5‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 9:18 AM, MrPissyPuppy said:

I liked the blue mosaic shower.    The teal cupboards would have been okay with a white subway tile or white cupboards and teal subway tile.  Then again, I like blue.   I agreed with the husband that teal and orange were like a high school's colors.   Hee!  

The teal and orange looked very juvenile to me.  Between that, the fake fur and the ugly sparkly light fixtures; it looked like a 14 year old girl did the decorating.  Aubrey's taste, in general, seems to be very unsophisticated.

I still do not understand her penchant for building huge islands in every kitchen which dwarf their surroundings.  Then, barely squeezing a dining table and chairs next to it only highlights the fact that the monstrosity is too damn big for the space.

Aside from the fact that the teal blue cupboards would be a bear to repaint or replace; to my eye anyway, the teal of the backsplash was a different shade entirely and not a complementary one.

While Christina on the OG Flip or Flop seemed to go overboard with the grays, at least it was a neutral and people could bring in their own furniture without worrying about it clashing.  Anyone buying the teal and orange house had better be ready to buy all new living and dining furniture since whatever they already had was likely to induce headaches amongst the teal and orange.

Edited by doodlebug
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12 hours ago, MrPissyPuppy said:

In Juliet73's link, she goes PURPLE!   Talk about a niche market. 


Purple tile on the walls!  Purple sink!  I'm beginning to think her passion for odd colors is due to her equal passion for cheap stuff.  They probably buy these weirdly specific fixtures on closeouts or from projects that never got completed so they can save a couple bucks.  Otherwise, there just isn't any real good reason to make the most expensive and difficult to replace materials such a bold color.

  • Love 1
On 5/26/2017 at 0:08 PM, juliet73 said:


Here's another masterpiece by Aubrey.  I wonder if it will make it on the show...https://www.redfin.com/NV/Las-Vegas/9000-S-Las-Vegas-Blvd-89123/unit-2222/home/29184365

I can't believe it was this week's episode!!!  

Bear with me people, I have so much to say about this episode, aside from the obvious. 

Let me start my saying that Aubrey is either a horrible real estate agent or a lot of the crap she says on air is for entertainment purposes only.  At the beginning of the show, Aubrey is so excited because this condo has a Las Vegas Blvd address because according to her, "having a LV Blvd address is going to bring this condo so much attention!" and "This condo has Strip views!"  I would have to disagree so much with these statements.  1. It's on the south end of LV Blvd so you would have to drive to the Strip.  2. She said the nearest casino is about a 4 minute walk. Ummm, no.  It's about a 4 minute drive. And it's not a Strip casino. The Strip begins at Mandalay Bay - 3950 LV Blvd and ends at the SLS - 2535 LV Blvd.  This condo is located at 9000 LV Blvd, so it's quite a distance away.  3. There are a TON of condos, apartments, weekly/monthly rentals in this same location.  4. It does NOT have Strip views!  It has views of the UHaul and a transformer yard - basically views of LV Blvd, NOT THE STRIP! At the end of the show, Aubrey states the condo sold in 5 days for $10k under asking.  Total lie!  The condo has been on the market for 53 days and counting.  As of today, it is still listed as "For sale - contingent".

On to the design...this was the worst one yet!  I won't even go into the specifics of the purple!  Everything was just BAD! Not Vegas glitz, not Rock N Roll glam!  AWFUL, HORRIBLE, TACKY are just some of the adjectives I would use to describe this disaster!  I liked hearing the workers asking if the purple sink, etc was a joke!  The $2000 chandelier that Aubrey got for $400 was beyond ugly! As was the carpet design on the stairs and the wavy purple wallpaper!  Of course she way over decorated/accessorized and crammed too much stuff in all the rooms.  I find it very difficult to believe that not one broker or buyer said anything negative about this place!  Again, they all acted like it was the most beautiful house they had ever been in.  Stevie Wonder could see that this condo was a total hot mess!!

This show is like a bad car accident for me.  I know I will be traumatized if I look, but I can't turn away!

Edited by juliet73
  • Love 5

I could see renting Purple Barney but not actually owning it. It is so ugly that I couldn't enjoy living there knowing it's mine. LOL!! Aubrey design ascetic is so basic and on Target level. I don't think I liked one of their Flips yet. Of course, I'm 52 and probably not the demographic she is going after. I'll pass! 

Edited by ByaNose
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I laughed at their reno budget. $16k wouldn't cover a decent kitchen with halfway decent appliances let alone all the gutting, wall-removal and tile work. There were three guys helping out with the demo alone...chaching chaching.

In short, I call total bullshit on this episode and that's before the hideous Barney Bling Does Vegas decor.

P.S. Now they're spray painting the white TILE purple? That will last about 15 minutes, even with some kind of epoxy paint.

This is one low-rent festival of tackiness...kinda surprised at HGTV.

Edited by Oldernowiser
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8 hours ago, ByaNose said:

I could see renting Purple Barney but not actually owning it. It's so,ugly that I couldn't enjoy living there knowing it's mine. LOL!! Aubrey design ascetic is so basic and on Target level. I don't think I liked one of their Flips yet. Of course, I'm 52 and probably not the demographic she is going after. I'll pass! 

Hey, don't insult my Target!  Their stuff is miles above anything Aubrey has done.  She 'designs' to appeal to 13 year old girls.  When coupled with her whiny/pouty baby voice, she and her 'talents' seem so juvenile.

And, what is up with her insisting that Vegas homebuyers want to live in a casino? Casino décor is hardly known for its sophistication and class, and. apparently, she has only frequented the tackiest ones.  I don't want my bathroom to look like a hotel bath, I seriously doubt that the citizens of LV are all that different from the masses.  Also, based on the price of the unit, it's pretty clear that that part of LV Blvd is not such a fabulously desirable exclusive location.  I would imagine many locals would have no desire to live near the strip with the tourists and noise and inconvenience.  Probably much of the housing there is for tourist Air BnB usage.

The Barney purple was even worse on film.  And, I agree, there is something seriously janky about the budgets they post.  To paraphrase Dolly Parton, 'it takes a lot of money to look this cheap'.  The 16 grand was a joke, they specifically said she paid extra for the purple sink and the ugly wavy purple wallpaper was 60 bucks a roll, y'all!

Also, I call BS on the quick sale.  Aside from the fact the place is still listed months later, if they were able to sell so quickly, why did they accept a price so far below asking?  Parading a bunch of realtors through to praise the incredible design and congratulate them on their fabulous renos has gotten old, too.

The whole thing was as fake as the fur on the fugly stools next to the shelf/desk she 'designed'.

Edited by doodlebug
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So I understand that both the tile and the grout in the kitchen were painted? This is the problem with low margin flips - things are slapped together to look "good" (the pics in the realtor listing above are hideous, so "good" is a relative term) but there are lots of problems underneath. That is not to say a flipper who does a complete tile job always does a good job, but a splash of paint over something like tile has about as long a life as make up for a night out. Sure, you can paint tile with epoxy paint IF you roughen the surface, mask very carefully, use a good quality paint, but that that point you might as well just re-tile, especially on a backsplash, which isn't structural and doesn't have to be water-tight.

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