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S07.E17: From Dogs To Diamonds

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3 hours ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

No argument here. I just can't get down with what seems to be this pervasive idea (not from you, in general) that Erika somehow "deserved" Dorit's treatment or didn't have a right to be upset about it or that it's all her fault simply because she went commando that evening.

No, the issue is more that she had told Dorit (and everyone at the table that day) that she was over it.  (She sure seemed like she was too.)   Then weeks later unleashes a rude and uncalled for attack on her for two nights in HK.

  • Love 15
On 3/30/2017 at 8:03 PM, AndySmith said:

To me, it doesn't really matter who encouraged what. It was still a stupid gift/prank to play on someone you just met. A "joke" like that would have worked between Dorit and LVP or Rinna and Eileen or LVP and Kyle since they have years of friendship behind them. But coming from someone you've known for less than a month? Yeah, no.

I agree, at the time it was awkward...but again, Erika said she was over it and I think we all believed her. 

  • Love 2
37 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

Ericka being over it or still doesn't excuse the act itself.

But it doesn't excuse Erika's behavior lashing out at Dorit either.


50 minutes ago, halkatla said:

"I would never in a million years say anything that I thought would hurt anybody"


Wow Eileen, those are some words to live by - I love it!

She should qualify that she would never say anything she though would hurt anybody she likes.

  • Love 10
5 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Dorit did not bring it up! That was Eileen and Rinna, please go back and see who keeps bringing it up, it isn't Dorit.

Hmmmm, If we look at it in very simple terms?


It started with EJ's 'lips'.

Had she put in a pair of panties, her 'lips would have been sealed' and we'd be taking rinna to the woodshed.

  • Love 4

But it doesn't excuse Erika's behavior lashing out at Dorit either.

No, but if Dorit wasn't an asshole with her "gift", Ericka wouldn't have lashed out to begin with. Yes, in hindsight, Ericka should have either worn panties or just told LVP "Obviously I don't have an extra pair of panties under this dress, fool", but I guess it depends how you see Dorit presenting the panties. I saw it as a pure asshole move. Your mileage might vary, of course.

  • Love 4

The basic tenant here is bad behavior/judgement.

What I find interesting, funny, crazy, serious, etc. is WAY different to what anyone else thinks.

MY responsibility is to be cognizant of YOUR being and not try to knock you off your tracks..

Forget all the he said/she said and timelines.......It gets back to one person's ill thought out choice of dress (NO she doesn't deserve any blow back, but who sent her out side with her ass flapping in the wind?)


Some 20 year old - texting while driving - center punches a bus in Texas killing a bunch of people.

I know people that will say, "Oh, I TEXT ALL THE TIME, but I only do it when I am at a stop light/sign" or "I NEVER have had a problem with texting while driving, I keep it under 35 when I do."

Those are the clowns that think 'OH, it will NEVER happen to me because I am careful/cautious/under the speed limit/I don't text, I only talk on the phone....' When I hear that, I use EXTRA caution when I deal with morons like that - they do not seem to have a grasp on what MIGHT happen, they are so stuck up their own assholes they only believe that "It will NEVER happen to ME".

While texting and driving and leaving the house w/o underwear on are two cases on either side of the spectrum?

It all starts with someone being stupid/shallow/pompous/unwilling to think past their own noses.

All the extraneous details are just 'talking points' - If someone cannot live with or shake off the results of their ineptitude, then have to wade thru the indignity of listening to the reactions of the people around them who got sucked up into the topic/event - not of THEIR own doing? It's kinda dumb to start pearl clutching because of what they say or do - who started this fuck for all?


I have a wonderful tool that helps you when you have a problem with 'self reflection'.

It's called "a mirror"?

  • Love 6
On 3/31/2017 at 0:04 AM, ElDosEquis said:

This really has not been a good week for women and 'fabrics'?

LVP has to iron her own clothes, breaking her previous record of handing it off to the hired help.

Kyle can't cut a straight line to save her life and then THIS happens?


I am appalled.

omg latimes sure knows clickbait--from the link i thought it was 2001: A Space Odyssey all over again ?

  • Love 1

I can't imagine LVP's party will last the full hour but if it does Eileen picked a particularly bad look to leave etched in our brains.  Just no with the hair and the weird dress.  I get some of them were going for an on point fashion look but Eileen's hair was not a flattering look for her.  Dorit's gold leaf-in some shots it looks okay and I just feel like it should have been arranged nicer.  Her dress was great though. 

The ponies seems to have stolen the Erikas look from the day she lunched at Villa Rosa and the Erikas copying My Little Pony.  Can't wait for that battle to ensue..  Seems these two were unfazed by the Eden's meltdown.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/photos/lisa-vanderpumps-diamond-and-rose-party-is-the-most-lvp/item/10876184

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, AndySmith said:

No, but if Dorit wasn't an asshole with her "gift", Ericka wouldn't have lashed out to begin with. Yes, in hindsight, Ericka should have either worn panties or just told LVP "Obviously I don't have an extra pair of panties under this dress, fool", but I guess it depends how you see Dorit presenting the panties. I saw it as a pure asshole move. Your mileage might vary, of course.

I do think Dorit's gift was an asshole move, and I also think Erika's almost season-long reaction to it was over the top, by a lot. Had Erika measured her reaction, I'd probably be siding with her. Had she taken the high road about it, or even "cry babied" it, I'm sure far more people would be on her side. 

But she didn't, so even though I think Dorit's was an asshole move, after Hong Kong Erika easily won the assholism contest.

Overall Winner: Dorit.

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, noveltylibrary65 said:

I was more disappointed that Jagger was judged.

Phoenix, I think. I'm sure she victimized poor Erika somehow, too. 

3 hours ago, halkatla said:

"I would never in a million years say anything that I thought would hurt anybody"


Wow Eileen, those are some words to live by - I love it!

Ah, yes, Saint Eileen. Never saying a pejorative word about anyone. Like when she called Brandi an asshole. Or suggested LVP would be responsible for harm to her child because his parents met while two-timing other mates. Or even more dementedly maintained that LVP should have psychically known she was bailing on the Yulin March to spend time with Jesse. Or when she called Kyle "crazy" for not turning on LVP to a measure Eileen deemed sufficient. 

3 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

I think Ericka flashing her bits was an accident. She's a larger woman wearing a short tight dress and even though she likes to stay as straight and still as possible, one reach for her drink will hike that baby up. I was at Starbucks the other day and this poor barista, a little curvy had a short dress on and running around and reaching for stuff had the dress, probably cute when adjusted, up close to her thighs and you could see the panty liner in her tights. Ick! Anyway, she was sitting down with her legs together, it's not like she was stretched out and you could see much. Maybe the tip of a fold or something. Also, I think PJ is the last person Ericka would care about flashing, and I understand her being pissed off that Dorit has insinuated she did it on purpose. I remember I had a professor once who insinuated I tried to hit on him, and he was this gross ugly guy that I sort of thought was repulsive. I was furious that he wanted to make it seem like I had the hots for him-- please, it was insulting. Maybe it's Dorit's way of trying to make her husband seem desirable, though he clearly is not and it failed. 

Yes, Dorit does seem to be trying hard to get Ericka to like her. Ericka did the runway look with the big sweatshirt (which Dorit criticized), but then Dorit had to copy the gold hair runway look. Ericka has a glam squad, so Dorit brought her own make-up artist. It's not major stuff, but I do see how Ericka is catching on and feeling a little too observed. 

I thought that Ericka's breakdown and lash-out at Elieen was more due to her trying to push Elieen away. The night before, Elieen tried to give her a hug and comfort her, and I think that made Ericka very uncomfortable. She wants her distance, and I don't really blame her. She has her life and lifestyle and she isn't interested in bonding with a bunch of women. She was more comfortable with Yolanda who is also guarded and stand-offish. 

My last supportive comment on Ericka-- she is a fantastic dancer on DWTS. I really like watching her, and she is talented. I also don't think she feels any guilt about not raising her son, and I don't think she's that close to him either. I also don't think he is a police officer. Maybe he was at one point in time, but methinks he isn't doing too much with his life if he is living with his mom. If he were doing well and healthy, why wouldn't he have a family or at least be independent? He's just mooching. IMO. 

Erika has an interesting relationship with clarity and the truth considering she calls herself a "single mom" who was down with the "exhaustive struggle." She also said Tommy "lives down the -" before correcting herself and asserting that he lived on the same property. So who knows if he actually resides with her or not?

But since when do most 23-year-olds these days "have a family" at all let alone as a measure of their success? And when is it a reflection of mooching for someone that age to occupy a fraction of thousands of square feet at the largesse of a parent who can help them out? Makes a lot more sense in terms of financial responsibility for him to save money he'd be spending on rent. 

I don't see the connection between thinking a tee shirt is inappropriate attire for a cocktail event and later emulating an entirely different beauty trend. Lots of shit goes down runaways twice a year. Whether or not something Miss Sixty puts out is hideous has little connection to the same question relative to Marc Jacobs. A lot of these clothes are direct manufactures off the catwalk. Does that suggest an imitation of Erika? 

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

My grad photo from the Lisa Vanderpump School of Sniping, Gun Smiths and Music  class of 2003


Wow, I’m impressed, I heard there’s a really high failure rate.


So are you Phi Betta Kappa Ho?


Lisa Vanderpump  was called a sniper from the side by Erika. My question is was this all just one big snipe hunt? If so what/who was the snipe? Who were the experts and who was sent on a fool’s errand? Is the audience the snipe?

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Vicky8675309 said:

I wish Erikas had more of a sense of humor.

How many fucks do I [Erikas] give? Apparently, a lot based on how uptight she is. 

Handling it with humor would have gone a long way to minimize the pantygate fall out. But I do have to say that when Dorit said "your pretty little puss" I wanted to slap her little smug puss. That bugged me and I don't even hate her or her doughy husband. Gah, how many pages of pantygate are there? Make it stop...

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, noveltylibrary65 said:

No, the issue is more that she had told Dorit (and everyone at the table that day) that she was over it.  (She sure seemed like she was too.)   Then weeks later unleashes a rude and uncalled for attack on her for two nights in HK.

I think she said she was over it because she was embarrassed and wanted to put it to bed. I don't think she counted on Dorit continuing to needle her, dissect her and pick her apart it - "You wore a dress this time," "That's the first compliment you've ever given me," "Oh, you're actually going to sit next to me," "Why are you so cold?" Again, I am just never going to buy a version of this story where Erika lied about being over it, and that's that, Dorit is blameless in all of this.  Dorit has been passive-aggressive toward Erika from the jump. I feel that had Dorit also moved on (aka not kept poking at Erika), the Hong Kong blowup wouldn't have happened. Dorit is a bit of a gaslighter.

  • Love 6
20 minutes ago, Almost 3000 said:

Handling it with humor would have gone a long way to minimize the pantygate fall out. But I do have to say that when Dorit said "your pretty little puss" I wanted to slap her little smug puss. That bugged me and I don't even hate her or her doughy husband. Gah, how many pages of pantygate are there? Make it stop...

Ha...I had a similar thought. I realized that I don't think I've ever had a discussion about another person's pussy until RH.

To change the subject Rising Dough Bod PK - I didn't realize that Dorit is his second wife. He and his first wife moved to the US and then in 2012 she moved back to London. When did they divorce? Oh and he has 3 kids with the ex - were they ever mentioned on the show? He marries Dorit in March of 2015. Their wedding photos show a 1 year old Jagger. So was Dorit the other woman? How long did Dorit say they've been together?

  • Love 3
On 3/28/2017 at 6:57 PM, dosodog said:

When Ericka told Eileen during her apology that she would never say those things to her...I really wanted Dorit to pop out of no where and say BUT YOU DID.  Last year Eileen and Ericka questioned Kyles friendship to LVP in Dubai.

If the reunion wasn't already over, I would submit that same question to Eileen.  What kind of friendship do you really have.  It's just so sad.

Tin foil on the head is never a good look Dorit.  Just saying.....

MAURICIO IS HANDS DOWN BEST HOUSE HUSBAND EVER!  That deserved to be yelled out.

Whoever convinced Dorit that Beverly Hills is avante garde like New York or Paris?  I'll bet that whole get-up on Dorit cost a fortune and it looked like crap!

I love Kyle and Mauricio together!  A couple of eps ago, Kyle called out Mauricio's name, and he replied "Si amorcita!" (sigh)  And he was so respectful to Kyle at the meeting with the co-producer.  He greeted "Jinny" warmly, but his body language says he's Kyle's man (he stood with Kyle between them while saying Jinny "looked great").  And Mo kidding Kyle about her "body problem" and she mockingly threatened to give him a "body problem" if he didn't stop saying that.  I can't get enough of them!

  • Love 10
18 minutes ago, Anne Thrax said:

This might have been addressed upthread, but it sounded to me like Kyle said "Mongol".  I mean, it does make sense to me as they're in China and all.

She said mongrel which is how the mutt dogs were labelled on the kennel. I was just surprised she had never heard the term before but then again Kyle is not that bright and often doesn't know things.

  • Love 7
On 3/28/2017 at 8:15 PM, Jack Terrier said:

And Erikas attitude after the gift from Eden is exactly why I'm over Erika. 

Yes, Eden can be creepy but you either accept the gift with grace or be a nasty bitch behind her back.  Why would she act like that?  So incredibly rude and hateful.  As someone noted above; how hurtful that must be to Eden to see them all cackling like that.  Shit, Eden gives me creepy vibes but that was ugly.

I thought Erika only said "important shit".

Yep.  Tacky as shit to accept a gift, immediately seek out its price, and then snark that it didn't cost enough (I found it interesting that LVP and Erika agreed it was a fine gift when they thought it cost $1,700!).  Says a lot about who Erika really is.  Not that her behavior hasn't been telling us all along this season.

And IMO it was really pathetic of Eden to have bought it for Erika in the first place.  Does Eden have too much money or something?  Erika already made it clear to Eden she didn't want to play with her.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, KungFuBunny said:

Ha...I had a similar thought. I realized that I don't think I've ever had a discussion about another person's pussy until RH.

To change the subject Rising Dough Bod PK - I didn't realize that Dorit is his second wife. He and his first wife moved to the US and then in 2012 she moved back to London. When did they divorce? Oh and he has 3 kids with the ex - were they ever mentioned on the show? He marries Dorit in March of 2015. Their wedding photos show a 1 year old Jagger. So was Dorit the other woman? How long did Dorit say they've been together?

Poppin' Fresh?

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Anne Thrax said:

Whoever convinced Dorit that Beverly Hills is avante garde like New York or Paris?  I'll bet that whole get-up on Dorit cost a fortune and it looked like crap!

I love Kyle and Mauricio together!  A couple of eps ago, Kyle called out Mauricio's name, and he replied "Si amorcita!" (sigh)  And he was so respectful to Kyle at the meeting with the co-producer.  He greeted "Jinny" warmly, but his body language says he's Kyle's man (he stood with Kyle between them while saying Jinny "looked great").  And Mo kidding Kyle about her "body problem" and she mockingly threatened to give him a "body problem" if he didn't stop saying that.  I can't get enough of them!

I tell my wife, "Dame mi pinche cena, mujer!"

She swoons, I get fed.

Edited by ElDosEquis
Mi espanol es no good-o en veces?
3 minutes ago, Jel said:

Early on in the season, Erika interrupted Dorit to say..."You're from Connecticut!", in a kind of insulting tone.  I don't remember how the back and forth started between those two, but I thought Erika actually started it. And "you've been forty for a week!". Was that the same evening? Anyone recall?

You're from CT was pantygate night when Dorit got into the discussion about British humor after Erika felt it necessary to tell Lisa and PK who were joking between themselves that they were rude and should stop talking like that even though they weren't talking to her.

You've been forty for a week was at lunch at Camille's when Dorit was simply trying to say that as you get older you get more comfortable in your wn skin and speaking up for yourself.

  • Love 16
2 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Wow, I’m impressed, I heard there’s a really high failure rate.


So are you Phi Betta Kappa Ho?


Lisa Vanderpump  was called a sniper from the side by Erika. My question is was this all just one big snipe hunt? If so what/who was the snipe? Who were the experts and who was sent on a fool’s errand? Is the audience the snipe?

"But all are not huntsmen, who blow the huntman's horn

By the look of this one?

We've not got much to fear."

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, AndySmith said:

Ericka being over it or still doesn't excuse the act itself.

which act now? 

19 minutes ago, Jel said:

Early on in the season, Erika interrupted Dorit to say..."You're from Connecticut!", in a kind of insulting tone.  I don't remember how the back and forth started between those two, but I thought Erika actually started it. And "you've been forty for a week!". Was that the same evening? Anyone recall?

yeah she was a real asshole to her from the beginning.

  • Love 5
39 minutes ago, Anne Thrax said:

Yep.  Tacky as shit to accept a gift, immediately seek out its price, and then snark that it didn't cost enough (I found it interesting that LVP and Erika agreed it was a fine gift when they thought it cost $1,700!).  Says a lot about who Erika really is.  Not that her behavior hasn't been telling us all along this season.

And IMO it was really pathetic of Eden to have bought it for Erika in the first place.  Does Eden have too much money or something?  Erika already made it clear to Eden she didn't want to play with her.

Someone here pointed out how the rose quartz or whatever means something and how she gave it to Rinna too.  Maybe she thought it would help EJ. and bonus get to be her friend since she had just alienated everyone at the table.  It wasn't completely off the wall imo.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

Please stop using passive-aggressive.  Dorit has been aggressive towards Erika.  There is nothing passive about it.  She came on guns a blazing with the panties.  There is nothing passive about saying a lady should cross her legs.  Poking at Erika doesn't mean Erika isn't over pantygate-it just means Erika continuing bitchy behavior has not gone unnoticed.  Put a wall women, I can throw stones at it.

The boat encounter happened because Rinna lost another round against Kim and she wanted to extract revenge.  The whole Rinna is an addict or has a problem was made up by Rinna for purposes of going after someone because Rinna for three years running has proven herself to be a flaming asshole.  Erika should not have involved herself and the fact she is maybe the most illogical of the lot with her made up conversations is not on Dorit or anyone else-it is on her. 

I will not stop using passive-aggressive. It is what I mean. Dorit had an issue with Erika where she was clearly not pleased with her, and rather than being direct, she dressed it up as a "joke" or "making light of the issue." That is the definition of passive aggression. Passive aggression is, by its very name, aggressive. Had Dorit come out of her face and laid some sort of smack-down along the lines of, "Erika, don't you dare ever flash your puss at my man again, it pissed me off..." that would be aggressive. "Gifting" her a pair of panties as a funny joke is passive aggressive.

Erika's "40 yesterday" comment was in response to Dorit's completely disingenuous behavior at the luncheon - pretending that she didn't know why Erika would say a musical career at her age is unlikely and calling her a "young girl." Erika also immediately apologized for the comment. Beyond that, I don't really see what she did to Dorit that was bitchy. And yet Dorit continued to poke. And I don't think Rinna made it up. Dorit did go around speaking of it on more than one occasion.

Anyhow, I don't want to go round and round on whether Erika was or was not bitchy or Dorit did or did not poke. The situation is in the eye of the beholder. I think it's clear where we both stand.

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
  • Love 5
2 minutes ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

I wil not stop using passive-aggressive. It is what I mean. Dorit had an issue with Erika where she was clearly not pleased with her, and rather than being direct, she dressed it up as a "joke" or "making light of the issue." That is the definition of passive aggression. Passive aggression is, by its very name, aggressive. Had Dorit come out of her face and laid some sort of smack-down along the lines of, "Erika, don't you dare ever flash your puss at my man again, it pissed me off..." that would be aggressive. "Gifting" her a pair of panties as a funny joke is passive aggressive.

Erika's "40 yesterday" comment was in response to Dorit's completely disingenuous behavior at the luncheon - pretending that she didn't know why Erika would say a musical career at her age is unlikely and calling her a "young girl." Erika also immediately apologized for the comment. Beyond that, I don't really see what she did to Dorit that was bitchy. And yet Dorit continued to poke. And I don't think Rinna made it up. Dorit did go around speaking of it on more than one occasion.

Anyhow, I don't want to go round and round on whether Erika was or was not bitchy or Dorit did or did not poke. The situation is in the eye of the beholder. I think it's clear where we both stand.

Phil, I truly was kidding.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

I think she said she was over it because she was embarrassed and wanted to put it to bed. I don't think she counted on Dorit continuing to needle her, dissect her and pick her apart it - "You wore a dress this time," "That's the first compliment you've ever given me," "Oh, you're actually going to sit next to me," "Why are you so cold?" Again, I am just never going to buy a version of this story where Erika lied about being over it, and that's that, Dorit is blameless in all of this.  Dorit has been passive-aggressive toward Erika from the jump. I feel that had Dorit also moved on (aka not kept poking at Erika), the Hong Kong blowup wouldn't have happened. Dorit is a bit of a gaslighter.

This is really peculiar to me. 

Erika said the issue was resolved without receiving an apology from Dorit. Once Erika declared that the matter was done, Dorit never brought it up again.

So ... what exactly is Dorit supposed to be doing in the specific context of the gift she gave Erika? I keep reading about Dorit's "responsibility" for her conduct and Erika declared that Dorit is "accountable for the words that come out of her mouth" (which is rich since she's been ascribing plenty of quotes and fantasized comments to Dorit that never actually did come out of Dorit's mouth). So what is Dorit's responsibility once Erika said the subject was closed? To move on. Which she did. And where is Erika's accountability for the fact that she explicitly stated that the topic had been resolved sans mea culpa from the Kemsleys? This is just a glaring double standard. If everyone is responsible for their words and language of choice, it is irrational to transition within seconds from saying "I don't have a problem with you, I promise" to, within a couple of breaths, reviving a point of contention that oneself had expressly said was concluded and insanely demanding apologies to a husband who has no idea about what's been transpiring for diction such as "whore" and "slut" that had never been used. 

Likewise, if Erika has a problem with shit like "this is the first compliment that you've given me" (which I thought was rude), I'm not sure how that suddenly gives her carte blanche to 180 on the panties. Okay ... so Dorit took a dig (victimizing Erika yet again but at the same time is starving for her friendship) and that somehow means PK and Dorit suddenly owe Tom an apology? Can LVP decide she's not over Erika's "web" and "sniper" commentary the next time that Erika does something LVP interprets as rude? 

There's just an mass of double standards and straight out fictions here. Everyone is accountable for the stuff that comes out of their mouth but Erika isn't accountable for announcing to the room and cameras that she had doffed undergarments for the evening. Dorit's responsible not only for her remarks but also for stuff she never explicitly said like "whore," "slut," and that Erika was attempting to entice PK. But Eileen is NOT responsible for actually explicitly suggesting that Erika's choice and its effects were on purpose.

Likewise, Dorit is to blame for jabs like that about Erika's dress and lack of compliments but Erika has no agency, I guess, when she inserts herself into the banter between PK and LVP, calls PK "mean" despite LVP's laughter, cackles at Dorit that she's "an American" even though Dorit has never pretended she isn't, and says nasty shit like, "I guess I should start talking in a fake British accent" in order to disguise cruelty as humor.

I don't think Dorit is faultless here, to be clear. She certainly shouldn't say that she was just joking when telling Erika that she doesn't have feelings: she should just  be comfortable with telling Erika to get fucked.

 But she stopped talking about the panties immediately once Erika suggested her discomfort, didn't explicitly articulate her embarrassment or the extent or nature of her concerns, and said clearly that everything was good. 

  • Love 17
On 3/28/2017 at 9:57 PM, dosodog said:

When Ericka told Eileen during her apology that she would never say those things to her...I really wanted Dorit to pop out of no where and say BUT YOU DID.  Last year Eileen and Ericka questioned Kyles friendship to LVP in Dubai.

If the reunion wasn't already over, I would submit that same question to Eileen.  What kind of friendship do you really have.  It's just so sad.

Tin foil on the head is never a good look Dorit.  Just saying.....

MAURICIO IS HANDS DOWN BEST HOUSE HUSBAND EVER!  That deserved to be yelled out.

Mauricio is a good husband to Kyle. However, I don't know why he has to wear "The Agency" clothing in every scene he is in. Surely, he doesn't need the publicity that much. It's almost annoying as Bethenny Frankel on RHONY with her Skinny Girl products in every scene

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, Higgins said:

So because Erika chose to wear a short dress sans underwear and exposed her vulva to several people, they have no right to be suspicious/ annoyed?

Of course they do. ErICKa is an exhibitionist. Everything is about HER. She's REALLY insecure and a total b.

10 hours ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

No argument here. I just can't get down with what seems to be this pervasive idea (not from you, in general) that Erika somehow "deserved" Dorit's treatment or didn't have a right to be upset about it or that it's all her fault simply because she went commando that evening.

It's TOTALLY ErICKa's fault for going commando and NOT sitting with her legs crossed. She's so LOW class.

  • Love 2
19 minutes ago, oakville said:

Mauricio is a good husband to Kyle. However, I don't know why he has to wear "The Agency" clothing in every scene he is in. Surely, he doesn't need the publicity that much. It's almost annoying as Bethenny Frankel on RHONY with her Skinny Girl products in every scene

He drives around a Porsche with those magnetic car doors signs that say,

Ask me about real estate!

The Agency, now hiring

Phone (323-555-1234)

Fax (323 -555-1234)

on Facebook @theagency90210

Edited by ElDosEquis
  • Love 1
6 hours ago, AndySmith said:

No, but if Dorit wasn't an asshole with her "gift", Ericka wouldn't have lashed out to begin with. Yes, in hindsight, Ericka should have either worn panties or just told LVP "Obviously I don't have an extra pair of panties under this dress, fool", but I guess it depends how you see Dorit presenting the panties. I saw it as a pure asshole move. Your mileage might vary, of course.

ErICKa is the asshole as usual.

Edited by lololol
  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, lololol said:

Of course they do. ErICKa is an exhibitionist. Everything is about HER. She's REALLY insecure and a total b.

It's TOTALLY ErICKa's fault for going commando and NOT sitting with her legs crossed. She's so LOW class.

I have been wasting all this time writing out responses and you cut to the chase in 18 words.

My hat's off to you!

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