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S05.E08: Left in Charge

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At times I feel like Bay is part of a different family than Daphne. Bay has to sell her most beloved possession and work two jobs to pay the bills while her parents lecture her about being responsible, but Princess Daphne gets to sit pretty and go on dates and just focus on school. Why don't her parents expect her to pitch in and help pay the bills at the apartment she's also living in rent-free? Because she's in college? Plenty of college kids go to school and work to pay their bills and their tuition. And it's like the parents' preferential treatment for Daphne rubbed off on Bay and even she treats Daphne like some sort of princess who shouldn't have to be bothered with mundane things like bills because she's going to be a doctor one day and save the world! 

Was kind of hoping Luca was cheating on Regina because I just want him to go away. I'm so over Regina's dating woes. 

It was good to see Simone again. Liked the scene with her, Toby and Carlton at the end of the episode. 

I like how they trot out Aiden the t-shirt guy any time they need someone to be a jerk. He's like the show's resident douchebag. 

How naive is Daphne that she thought her dad would just yell at the players about steroids for a bit and then everything would be all good. 

  • Love 15

I agree with you . I think they treated her differently in this situation because they know bay let's anything go . She's ok with working and not making money and she has no end game plan . I do agree that daphne should be splitting the bills , but bay is always so la dee dah and let's people get away with not paying her for the work she does etc . I think they know daphne has a plan so they're more understanding . But in general they are a hell of a lot nicer and more loving to daphne than bay 

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, Everleigh said:

At times I feel like Bay is part of a different family than Daphne. Bay has to sell her most beloved possession and work two jobs to pay the bills while her parents lecture her about being responsible, but Princess Daphne gets to sit pretty and go on dates and just focus on school. Why don't her parents expect her to pitch in and help pay the bills at the apartment she's also living in rent-free? Because she's in college? Plenty of college kids go to school and work to pay their bills and their tuition. And it's like the parents' preferential treatment for Daphne rubbed off on Bay and even she treats Daphne like some sort of princess who shouldn't have to be bothered with mundane things like bills because she's going to be a doctor one day and save the world! 

Was kind of hoping Luca was cheating on Regina because I just want him to go away. I'm so over Regina's dating woes. 

It was good to see Simone again. Liked the scene with her, Toby and Carlton at the end of the episode. 

I like how they trot out Aiden the t-shirt guy any time they need someone to be a jerk. He's like the show's resident douchebag. 

How naive is Daphne that she thought her dad would just yell at the players about steroids for a bit and then everything would be all good. 

I think John and Kathryn wanted Bay to go to school, so they pulled the "either you go to college or you have to be an adult" thing. Which I get doing right after high school, but Bay graduated two years ago and is clearly not going to change her mind right now.  Plus they are letting Toby and his family live with them and he didn't go to college either.

But what's really not fair is that it seems Bay is solely responsible for the electric bill even though Daphne is living there too?

  • Love 10
48 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

I think John and Kathryn wanted Bay to go to school, so they pulled the "either you go to college or you have to be an adult" thing. Which I get doing right after high school, but Bay graduated two years ago and is clearly not going to change her mind right now.  Plus they are letting Toby and his family live with them and he didn't go to college either.

But what's really not fair is that it seems Bay is solely responsible for the electric bill even though Daphne is living there too?

But it's not like Bay is sitting at home doing nothing, she seems to be working pretty hard and is usually, this episode notwithstanding, pretty responsible, so forcing her to sell her car just seemed like they were punishing her for not being college-inclined like Daphne. Not everyone needs to or is meant to go to college. Does Daphne still have the car they bought her? Why didn't they make her sell it to pay the restitution she owed for damaging the construction site or her attorney fees or her books or anything else? 

I do think that if the girls want to live on their own instead of in their parents' giant home for free, then they should pay their bills. But it makes no sense that all the responsibility falls on Bay and Daphne gets a pass because she's in school. Student or not, Daphne's using that electricity too. 

Edited by Everleigh
  • Love 7
11 minutes ago, Everleigh said:

But it's not like Bay is sitting at home doing nothing, she seems to be working pretty hard and is usually, this episode notwithstanding, pretty responsible, so forcing her to sell her car just seemed like they were punishing her for not being college-inclined like Daphne. Not everyone needs to or is meant to go to college. Does Daphne still have the car they bought her? Why didn't they make her sell it to pay the restitution she owed for damaging the construction site or her attorney fees or her books or anything else? 

I do think that if the girls want to live on their own instead of in their parents' giant home for free, then they should pay their bills. But it makes no sense that all the responsibility falls on Bay and Daphne gets a pass because she's in school. Student or not, Daphne's using that electricity too. 

I agree not every one is meant for college, I just meant that it seemed to be John's logic for the different treatment of the two. Which is pretty crazy, because I think Daphne has gotten into the more serious legal trouble in the past, so she should be the one who gets treated harsher (if they are going to be treated differently). 

  • Love 3
Just now, KaveDweller said:

I agree not every one is meant for college, I just meant that it seemed to be John's logic for the different treatment of the two. Which is pretty crazy, because I think Daphne has gotten into the more serious legal trouble in the past, so she should be the one who gets treated harsher (if they are going to be treated differently). 

Oh yeah, sorry, I wasn't disagreeing with you, I was disagreeing with John and the writers lol. Their rules just seem kind of arbitrary to me. 

  • Love 1

I was pretty annoyed about the whole situation for Bay. Even if her parents' reasoning is that they want her to be more adult or more responsible, the optics of having her beg for a loan and then get summarily rejected by John and Regina in turn, while Daphne goes on dates and then blithely gives away their beer to her potential hook-up.... Bleh. (And why didn't Ally offer to pitch in anything before running off to pay rent to a new roommate?)

Then of course Bay does the irresponsible thing with all the damage at The Cracked Mug, and Regina demands she pay for it. Yes, obviously Bay should, but the irrational Bay-defender in me still wants to shout at Regina to try being a better mother first. Or make Daphne pay for all the damage she caused and/or was an accomplice to causing.

Why am I even surprised, though? Bay has always been the punching bag character on this show. Two episodes left and you're free, you silly sweet summer child! 

  • Love 12

I really hope the last episode is just Bay calling Daphne and her three parents out on their utter ridiculousness.  Starting with Regina not coming for her when she found out about the switch, doing a little swan dive at taking the fall for Daphne The Felon, and a mic drop at having to pay all the bills while princess gets to galivant around pretending to be a doctor and warrior activist.  It's hard for me not to be Team Bay.

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, possibilities said:

I have no problem with the parents not wanting to pay the bills, but I have no idea at all why Daphne's not responsible for half the electricity bill. Even Bay seemed to agree, and it makes no sense whatsoever.

Bay agrees because she's been brainwashed by her parents to believe she's worth less than Daphne and that Daphne deserves more than her. 

If I were Bay I would have crashed in Travis's dorm while the lights were out and see how long the parents would let their precious Daphne do her super important med student studying by candlelight. They would have caved in less than a week and paid the bill if Bay wasn't there to be taught a lesson. 

Edited by Everleigh
  • Love 12
7 hours ago, Everleigh said:

I hope the last episode is Bay finding out that it was actually a 3-way switch at the hospital all those years ago and that she's not related to any of these people. And she rides off into the sunset to never see any of them again...except Toby and Carlton. 

LOL. This gave me a laugh. I'd like that too.

Team Bay for life.

Also, shut up Regina. Bay was absolutely wrong to allow people into the Cracked Mug, but Regina lecturing anyone is a huge laugh riot since she's consistently the worst. But hey, I guess she hasn't harbored any fugitives for over a year so she's learning.

Two more episodes and I'm freeeee of this mess of a show (and hopefully my girl Bay is, too).

  • Love 9

There is definitely a clear difference in the way everyone treats bay vs. daphne. I feel like Regina gives 0 efs about Bay, and the last couple episodes should focus on them getting closer and building a relationship since they never did that. At this point, did they know the show was getting canceled? Because it doesn't seem like it's at the point where they know it's gonna be airing a series finale in 2 episodes.

  • Love 3
10 hours ago, Jintian said:

I was pretty annoyed about the whole situation for Bay. Even if her parents' reasoning is that they want her to be more adult or more responsible, the optics of having her beg for a loan and then get summarily rejected by John and Regina in turn, while Daphne goes on dates and then blithely gives away their beer to her potential hook-up.... Bleh. (And why didn't Ally offer to pitch in anything before running off to pay rent to a new roommate?)

Then of course Bay does the irresponsible thing with all the damage at The Cracked Mug, and Regina demands she pay for it. Yes, obviously Bay should, but the irrational Bay-defender in me still wants to shout at Regina to try being a better mother first. Or make Daphne pay for all the damage she caused and/or was an accomplice to causing.

Why am I even surprised, though? Bay has always been the punching bag character on this show. Two episodes left and you're free, you silly sweet summer child! 

Agreed about Regina. I know the show was off the air for a long time so I may have forgotten but didn't last season end with Bay basically selling Regina out (rightfully so, but still) and they got into a huge fight? Did they ever resolve that? The scene where Bay goes to Regina to ask for money and Regina kissed her on the cheek seems so left field but nice that they had a somewhat mother/daughter like exchange. Of course that didn't last long though. I know I keep saying it but I wish they'd focus on stuff like that. Only two episodes left and it's not about being Switched at Birth at all/doesn't seem like they're winding the show down.


I also thought the bill thing was unfair. John made it seem like Bay had to pay for everything but Daphne can't because she's in school? The hell? So Bay has to take Daphne's felony AND her bills? 

Edited by t7686
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

Maybe it was my ASSUMPTION but I thought Daphne was responsible for other bills (like gas/cable/internet) and Bay was responsible for the electric hence why she had to pay it alone?

If that were the case I wish they would have said something.  "Sorry, Bay, I'm tapped out because I just paid the cable/internet bill."  Then I would have accepted Bay's acceptance of paying the bill.  In my previous shared housing situations, we always split all the bills down the middle because things like electricity and water would be different each month whereas cable was the same. It was just easier to do down the middle to ensure everyone paid their fair share. So my assumption was Bay was paying 100%. 

The one aspect of this show I've always hated was the St. Daphne vs demon Bay.  This episode, to me, exemplified it. Somehow Bay has always been the 3rd wheel in the family and I don't think that's fair. As said above, the Kennishes have Toby and Lily and baby living there, presumably rent free (and presumably using Bay's bedroom for Carlton).  Since the Kennishes work for UMKC, Daphne is only paying 50% tuition as well (if that since she is disabled and magically brilliant etc). Since she's not living in the dorms, if they paid her dorm fees, they should still be contributing to her upkeep with Bay. If they're not paying for anything because she took that year off or whatever other passive/aggressive BS they come up with, then St Daphne also needs to be getting a job to help pay her way. 

  • Love 3

The Kennishes' rules are perfectly good rules. If you're in school, they pay your reasonable bills (room, board, insurances, etc). If you aren't and you aren't at home, you pay up. Nothing wrong. Regina is giving the girls free housing. The girls have to pay utilities. Bay seems to have the electric bill. I'm sure Daphne(meaning the Kennishes) has water/gas/media/trash/lesser bills, etc. It would've been nice for the show to have a bigger scene when the girls returned from China and we got to hear then tail end of a family meeting of which John, Kathryn, and Regina spell out what they will pay for and what the girls will be paying for. Maybe who ever has the bigger bedroom gets the bigger bill?

Toby, Lily and Carlton probably are getting a break right now. But both Lily and Toby have lived on their own. They are moving from overseas too. I have to wonder why Toby or John haven't just talked about renting Regina old apartment. It is at least a 2 bedroom place with a bathroom and kitchen. Perfect for them. Close, but with some space between them.

I'm shocked that someone thought it was a great idea for recovering alcoholic Simone to be a drug rep. My cousin did that and she lasted less than 2 years. And she did not have a drinking problem. You have to do plenty of schmoozing and happy hours. Along with the driving. And how the hell is Regina Simone's sponsor and Simone be this out of the loop about Toby's/Bay's/Daphne's lives? At least just say that Simone was just transferred back to KC from elsewhere! The stress was getting to her and she reached out to her old sponsor.

Jeez, Daphne, why are you shocked that Kathryn is putting the law down with the baseball team? She has a job to protect the university. Who does crap like this without Googling situations like this? Try getting a non university doctor to talk to Chris? Or Travis to privately talk to him about stuff? Even John would've been a better person to reach out to gage the issues and repercussions.

Nice that Regina refused to even reread her paper or have Luca(or anyone in the class) look it over. To see if she earned that C grade. It was, man, that girl is a bitch! I didn't deserve that grade! It would be nice to hear Regina quietly apologize to Lauren for her actions.

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Maybe it was my ASSUMPTION but I thought Daphne was responsible for other bills (like gas/cable/internet) and Bay was responsible for the electric hence why she had to pay it alone?

It would be great if that was the case because then it would mean the parents are treating the girls fairly, but I don't think that's true. After their electricity gets turned off, Daphne offers to do some tutoring to get some money to help out, but Bay says the parents are right, that the "bills" (plural) are her responsibility and Daphne should just focus on school. This is where the brainwashing I mentioned comes through. Plus in John's lecture he said because Bay chose to work and not go to school that she has these responsibilities, implying that things would be different had she gone to college like Daphne. 

Since Princess Daphne isn't working at all, I wonder who's paying for her car insurance, gas for said car, food, and other everyday expenses. Do the parents just hand Daphne cash while lecturing Bay about being a responsible adult? 

  • Love 6
5 hours ago, t7686 said:

I also thought the bill thing was unfair. John made it seem like Bay had to pay for everything but Daphne can't because she's in school? The hell? So Bay has to take Daphne's felony AND her bills? 

Yeah, what a load of crap.  Bay saved Daphne from the repercussions of her stupid felonious actions, and by the way, that felony will follow her around for the rest of her life.  As a felon she already lost out on an art opportunity, she is probably barred from a number of federal benefits and other things.  Daphne can become a doctor.  Where's the gratitude?  I hope Bay achieves tons of success with her art, one way or another. 

  • Love 7
17 minutes ago, ShadowFacts said:

Yeah, what a load of crap.  Bay saved Daphne from the repercussions of her stupid felonious actions, and by the way, that felony will follow her around for the rest of her life.  As a felon she already lost out on an art opportunity, she is probably barred from a number of federal benefits and other things. 

AND, many colleges won't accept Bay due to the felony conviction or she has to jump through extra hoops to get accepted. I almost wish they had gone down that path instead of pretending the felony conviction doesn't exist. 

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

There is definitely a clear difference in the way everyone treats bay vs. daphne. I feel like Regina gives 0 efs about Bay, and the last couple episodes should focus on them getting closer and building a relationship since they never did that. At this point, did they know the show was getting canceled? Because it doesn't seem like it's at the point where they know it's gonna be airing a series finale in 2 episodes.

I think they found out just before they shot this episode, so probably too late to change anything in this script. Although I do wonder if they had originally planned to have Allie stick around for a while but threw in that line about her finding a roommate last minute so they could clear some time for wrapping up in the next 2 episodes. 

Lizzy Weiss said that they found out about being cancelled just in time to not have to rewrite the final episodes but I doubt they wrote the final 2 scripts after filming the 100th episode, which is when they found out about being canceled. They had to already have at least the story planned out, so my guess is they probably stuck to basics of their original storylines for these next two episodes and maybe just threw in a couple of family scenes to wrap things up. I don't have much faith that they're going to be able to give the show a proper ending because they haven't been building towards it at all. 

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Maybe it was my ASSUMPTION but I thought Daphne was responsible for other bills (like gas/cable/internet) and Bay was responsible for the electric hence why she had to pay it alone?

That would make sense, but it was weird because when Daphne asked if Bay paid the electric bill, Bay said "We have an electric bill?" So they clearly hadn't had a conversation where they listed out all the bills and divided them up. I don't know how they had electricity in the first place without setting up an account, but that's TV for you. Also, later, Daphne offered to help and Bay said no, the "bills" were her responsibility.

They are probably stealing internet from the cracked mug below. It's a coffee shop with free wifi, I'm sure it could power up whatever Bay and Daphne need without much issue.

John was going to let Daphne live in the dark and didn't seem worried about her not having electricity either.

The only thing that Bay brought up was him covering her books for school, and you'd think she'd bring it up if he was covering any of her other expenses.

They cut off Toby too (down to dropping him from their phone plan and their insurance) back when he was neither living at home or going to school.

John's pretty consistent in this regard, he'll pay for school, he'll pay for them to living in a dorm, or he'll pay for them to live at home. If they're not doing those things they have to make it on their own.

  • Love 1

I'm really disappointed in this season. I know they weren't aware it was the last one until close to the end, but we waited over a year and we have been given drivel......the racial issues at the university weren't poorly done (some parts could've been better, others could've been worse) but I would've rather seen more time spent on the family than campus politics. 

  • Love 2

I cant believe we are almost at the last episode, because it feels like nothing is really being wrapped up. Its just business as usual.

Bay messed up with letting the party get out of hand, but I roll my eyes whenever Regina tries to lay down the law. She just stalked her boyfriends ex like a 10th grader, and, of course, assumes that the only reason Luka could get a worse grade than her is because he's screwing his TA, or she has some jealous vendetta against her. Instead of, gee I don't know, checking your paper to see what you did wrong?

Daphne...never try to "help" anyone ever again. I swear, how could she possibly be as naïve as she is, its just ridiculous. She really thought all Katherine would do is have John lecture the team? This could ruin everything for everyone if she didn't do anything! She might mean well, but she never seems to actually think.

I love whenever Asshole Shirt Guy shows up. He is like a compilation of every dickhead that has ever existed ever. He only exists to be punched or made look bad. I'm amazed he doesn't have a twirly mustache and a black top hat.

  • Love 3

I blame Regina for the electric bill situation. She is the one letting Bay and Daphne stay in the apartment, she's likely the one who set the apartment up with electricity, why didn't she give the girls the contact information for the electric company? It's not unreasonable to believe that the electricity for the Cracked Mug is connected to the apartment. 

One thing I found particularly odd was that when Bay was inviting people to the party, I never heard her mention the cover charge. Perhaps it's because I'm a bit older than the kids, but if I went to a party and only found out about a cover charge when I arrived, I'd be very upset. Pitching in for some pizza or a beer run - sure. But paying to enter? I'd probably go home. 

I did like that Simone was sincere when she said being a tattoo artist was a great fit for Bay. It really is and I hope to see her succeed! 

  • Love 1

My daughter and I are hate-watching at this point.  She wants to give it up entirely, but I'm forcing her to watch it with me until the very end.


After all these seasons I still can't stand the way bay acts .. she always has such a long pause in between words and has such an awkward tone in her voice .

I think the actress is lovely, and I don't mind her 'acting' per se,  but what has driven me crazy with her since her Gilmore Girls days is that she has shifty-eyes.  At this point I think it must be something she can't control.

Bay, how stupid are you to let the party go to the Cracked Mug?  She really doesn't learn, which is upsetting.

HATE, HATE, HATE Daphne and her crinkly-nose smile/laugh.  I wonder if the actress knows how annoying the character is.

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