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Heartaches, Bromances, True Love and Team Arrow: the Relationships Thread


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Thanks for making the Faith connection SleepDeprived she was one of my favourite characters of all time, complicated in a way Buffy never managed and I see the parallels between her and Helena. Definitely the Faith/Angel relationship is a great analogy for Oliver/Helena I also saw some similarities between them and Clark/Alicia. I think I even shipped Clark/Alicia over Chloe/Clark so that ending was devastating and I certainly hope not reflective of what happens to Helena.

Heh, I loathed Clark/Alicia with a fiery passion - she practically raped him, so I was gagging when he started going all mooney-eyed over her.


I don't think Oliver/Helena is anything on that scale of dysfunctional - they're both fucked up for their own reasons, the relationship itself is merely an extension of that.


While I loved their end scene in Birds of Prey, if anyone is going to mentor Helena I'd rather it be Sara (on a BoP show, please producers).

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The only thing that made me feel about Sara and Oliver was her leaving him when things got BAD. I know you shouldn't stick around in a relationship when you don't see it going anywhere but damn woman. And yes she didn't Moira would die but gah. I got invested in you and Oliver and even missed you when you left so it must have felt like DOO DOO for Oliver to lose his mum and then not have Sara to comfort him. Stupid plot not following character storylines. Awkward moment for Oliver to see her ex coming back and them seemingly being on great terms again. Meh. Felt bad for Oliver even though I was never a Sara-Oliver fan.

And whilst I can understand that, it's not really what she spoke about in their break up scene. Perhaps Oliver would've tried to stop her if she said she's going back to the LoA, but the light speech just made me feel bad for Oliver. Which is weird because I have mostly disliked Oliver in the second half of the season.

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That speech convinced me she was going back to LOA. She told Oliver she sold her soul to the devil, that devil being Ra's al Ghul. (she should've said demon, I suppose to make it more clear) The speech she gave him was her saying Oliver deserves someone better than her. So how does that make you feel bad for him? Also he didn't seem to care that much when he did find out what she did. So I think he'll be okay, her on the other hand probably not since she's going back to killing people.

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The speech she gave him was her saying Oliver deserves someone better than her.

I don't think Sara said that Oliver deserves better than her, but she definitely implied that she's just not the right one for him. While a lot of people think that they belong together they're just two broken souls who understand what each other went through, I don't think that, that's what makes a good relationship. Sara just told Oliver that he needs someone who makes him feel less broken, to make him see the good in himself (thus the light). It's not that Sara doesn't deserve Oliver, it's that Sara thinks Oliver deserves to be in a less screwed up relationship. 


This is why I think the finale was so important. It was Felicity who showed Oliver the good in himself. If it wasn't for her, Oliver would never have even considered himself to be a hero. Felicity is the one who has the power to make him smile even when he's at his lowest point... The finale just showed us that Felicity is the one who makes Oliver feel less broken. Maybe it's because she always believed in him, maybe it's because she is his moral compass. Regardless of what it is... there's no doubt that Oliver is better with Felicity in his life. 

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In conjunction with what happened that night, his mother dying, I felt bad for him because it was a double whammy, the second worse than the first. It just piled on the hurt more, and whilst watching, it just made me even more sad at the whole thing.

They both seemed fairly unbothered by their relationship which I think is just the writers ensuring less drama. Again I don't think the writers gave Sara justice with that awful scene at the end and her jumping onto that boat. Sara's scene with Sin gave more of a hint as to where she's off to. What she said to Oliver just seemed like her reasoning for not being in a relationship with him.

That scene with Sin followed her speech to Oliver, so her mind was already made up. She was going back to Nyssa and LOA. That's why I knew that speech was to break up with him so she could do what needed to be done. Going back to the League means she can't be with him. 


How was she going to know that Slade was going kill Moira after she broke up with him? That's hardly her fault that happened right afterwards. 

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I understand she didn't know, but I'm saying I felt awful for Oliver to lose that much in one evening. And again, she made up her mind but didn't clue Oliver in because he was surprised at the 5, 6, 7 LoA members in the room. Her break up speech gave me a good reason why she and Oliver shouldn't be together.

I'm not blaming her for Moira's death and I see now that's how it comes across. I was stating my own unhappiness at her departure, in conjunction with that awful evening. I felt invested in her, albeit reluctantly, then she left, and it made me feel even worse for Oliver considering the situation even before his mums death.

For those of you who like Oliver/Felicity, I think you'll appreciate this: X


I just like the parallel between the people Oliver has known his whole life (bar Roy), and the people he's only known for 2 years. 


Felicity and Digg, two people who've only known him for 2 years probably know Oliver the best. Even Stephen Amell said that Felicity is the only one Oliver could be himself around, which is such a sweet thought. It just reinforces the fact that you don't need history in order to be an epic couple. 


Felicity's unparalleled and unwavering belief in Oliver is just one of the reasons why I love that pairing so much. Oliver reminds me of Sarah from Chuck. In season 4 when Chuck was taken, Sarah lost herself and reverted back to the deadly spy with no moral compass... Chuck changed her with his compassion and all round goodness, and Sarah changed Chuck by helping him become more sure and confident in himself. I feel like that's exactly what is happening with Oliver and Felicity. IDk I guess I'm just babbling :p 

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I love how they are all important to each other. They all serve a purpose on the team. 


Oliver: The Leader, Arrow Expert. 

Felicity: The Conscience and the Heart, IT Expert

Diggle: The Loyal and Wise, Strategic Expert


Not only are they important in a what they bring to the table, they're also important to each other. They all bring out the best in each other. They call each other out when one is being wrong. They support one another. They truly are a family. I hope Oliver accepts that in season 3. This is why I can't fathom to see anyone else being a part of team arrow and actually being important. 

Edited by wonderwall
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One of my favourite team Arrow moments is in s2 ep1 when Oliver learns Thea had been kidnapped and he looks at Felicity and Diggle an they head downstairs. Just everything about that scene where he sees the new Arrowcave and gets his new bow and the score is amazing and made me so excited about the new season.

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Team Arrow is a triumvirate, if you ask me. They can have adjunct components, people who come and help them out from time to time, or looser affiliations with Roy and Sara, but I don't want that Arrow Cave to be full of the latest character that the writers decide to throw a mask on.


It's a great dynamic, and diluting it risks hurting the show as a whole. The one character I'd be okay with being involved full time is Thea, but they've gone the stupid route with her, so that's out of the window. I think her and Felicity ganging up on Oliver would be fun, and it would solve the dual problems of neither Thea nor Felicity seemingly having any friends.


I wasn't a fan of Barry, but I did like that his presence in the cave served to highlight the dynamics between the trio, rather than to undercut them. In particular (of course), the connection between Oliver and Felicity. While they still made it too much about Barry, presumably to sell him as a hero-in-waiting, I appreciated his insights and the fact that they allowed us to see how his thoughts meshed with those of many viewers.

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It's a great dynamic, and diluting it risks hurting the show as a whole. The one character I'd be okay with being involved full time is Thea, but they've gone the stupid route with her, so that's out of the window. I think her and Felicity ganging up on Oliver would be fun, and it would solve the dual problems of neither Thea nor Felicity seemingly having any friends.


I would enjoy Felicity being integrated into Oliver's family the way I loved Diggle and Thea interacting. How Thea hasn't mentioned how strange it is that Felicity is ALWAYS around, even showing up at the funeral seems strange. I guess I understand her being his EA but the funeral seems odd. If they became friends and interacted with Diggle it would highlight to me how team Arrow are Oliver's family. They are whom have seen what he goes through and accept him, scars and all.


Kind of like Laurel and Thea in s1 where Laurel helped her out because she saw Sara in Thea. Felicity helping Thea come to grips with Oliver the Arrow and brother would be interesting.

Barry actually acted kind of like an audience surrogate. He was all vigilante fanboy, and he clearly had a thing for Felicity, but he didn't try to force his way in or act like he belonged there. He stepped back and let Oliver, Felicity and Diggle do their thing, offering what he knew when asked. Unlike Laurel, who acted like she belonged and wondered why she even had to deal with Felicity and Diggle.

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I really adored Barry Allen and his interactions with Felicity. He made her laugh and smile and that's always welcomed. I can't wait for his spin off in Autumn. That being said, he did fit in a lot better than Laurel in the Arrowcave. He wasn't invasive and well...Laurel. His expertise was necessary and he LOVED the Arrow which was so adorable. The way he fanboyed was hilarious and so sweet.


I'm going to play the devil's advocate here... 

The Lauriver video would probably contain this (this is me trying my best to understand Lauriver and what their supporters say on tumblr):

  1. They have history
  2. They will always love each other
  3. Laurel knows Oliver the best (a la "I know you like I know my name)
  4. BC/GA are an iconic comic couple
  5. They are endgame
  6. Laurel is BC
  7. Laurel will always be there for Oliver (I saw this on a few comment sections)
  8. Laurel hugged Oliver and said he was important to her
  9. Oliver helped Laurel snap out of her depression
  10. Oliver will always go back to Laurel


I don't agree with 99% of this..... But IDK what else would they put? I'm trying to understand dammit!

Edited by wonderwall

I think I prefer the 3 of them but can see, with few problems, peripheral members who come in when needed: Roy, Sara, Barry and even Nyssa.  Quentin is sort of a member, too, though he's never stepped foot in the lair.



Oliver: The Leader, Arrow Expert.

Felicity: The Conscience and the Heart, IT Expert

Diggle: The Loyal and Wise, Strategic Expert

This is how I see them, too.


As for Thea... I guess I've read enough fan fiction that I forget that she and Felicity don't actually know each other.  Well, Thea doesn't know Felicity.  Felicity cares for Thea and knows how much Oliver does.  I would love to see the 2 of them interact and become friends, down the road.  I actually think Felicity could be a key person in helping Thea come to terms with what Oliver and Roy have chosen to do.

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They will always love each other



This is literally impossible to prove.  They could easily stop loving each other at any given point in time.  I am also willing to wager that they have not always loved each other, like you know, those 5 years that Laurel hated him and wished he was still dead.

I would actually really love for Felicity to help bring Oliver back to Thea's good graces. Thea pretty much distrusts Oliver right now, and when she finds out he's the Arrow? All hell will break loose. I would love for Felicity to bring her back down from this, not only would it be a testament to how well people respond to Felicity and how her light not only spreads to Digg and Oliver, but to most of the characters, it would also show us a new dynamic in Thea and Felicity (partners in crime, kicking Oliver's ass when he's wrong :'))

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I'm going to play the devil's advocate here... 

The Lauriver video would probably contain this (this is me trying my best to understand Lauriver and what their supporters say on tumblr):

  1. They have history
  2. They will always love each other
  3. Laurel knows Oliver the best (a la "I know you like I know my name)
  4. BC/GA are an iconic comic couple
  5. They are endgame
  6. Laurel is BC
  7. Laurel will always be there for Oliver (I saw this on a few comment sections)
  8. Laurel hugged Oliver and said he was important to her
  9. Oliver helped Laurel snap out of her depression
  10. Oliver will always go back to Laurel


I don't agree with 99% of this..... But IDK what else would they put? I'm trying to understand dammit!


This is basically all a big forced 'meant to be' excuse while ignoring what's actually happening with the characters/show, sort of like the writers' mentality.

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So I did some research and pulled what seemed to be a good representation of the many Laurel/Oliver videos I just made myself watch. 



There does seem to be a focus on the past but over and over I also found clips included of Oliver's smack down of Laurel in the hallway.  In every video (ok, I only watched five ) I watched there was a clip included of her sending him off on the Gambit (in most cases including the kiss on her picture that she hands to him to take with) and their tryst from last season.  


Bonus link to a lovely Felicity and Oliver video that is a perfect IMO end cap to the season. 

Edited by Lisin
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What are the odds Malcolm will tell her?

Highly likely! Malcolm telling Thea would just be like stabbing the arrow deeper and twisting it. It would make Thea feel more betrayed. 


But I do wish for Thea to figure it out on her own. Can you imagine Thea's face when she sees Oliver in the vigilante suit? How Oliver will look at her in terror when he knows that she's figured out who he really is? Thea would probably back away from Oliver and run off into the opposite direction. I can almost see Oliver's desperation and heartbreak when this happens.  


If not, then I hope for Oliver to tell her. 


So three possibilities. The first one is a bit anti-climatic. The second one is full of drama. The third one is the least dramatic, but could be a way to get Oliver into Thea's good graces. 


Well, thanks for subjecting yourself to doing those, BkWurm1. I think I'll just stick to the forced, awkward interactions the show subjects me to during the episodes and not some fan's revisionist edit of Laurel and Oliver's history--as in those are bygone days that should stay in the past and, if it must be revisited, should be ended with a definite finality. Laurel and Oliver as friends could be good. As lovers again? Stretches credulity and my patience. Plus, the anti-chemistry blackhole is not something I would willingly wish to be subjected to ever again.


On the other hand, good Lord, that 101 Reasons video was cute! Like, IMO, Scully and Mulder are legit the most chemistry-filled pairing in the history of ever (and it's still going strong 21 years later!) but Oliver and Felicity are seriously vying for that top spot in my heart. They give me the warm fuzzies. If I had no idea what Arrow was about, that video would've probably made me wonder if it was a romance-driven show starring Oliver as the lost, battle-weary hero and Felicity as the bright, tenacious heroine who both finally find that missing puzzle piece in each other. Wow. So romantic. Such fanfic! ... This hiatus is starting to break me.

Edited by SleepDeprived
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I suppose any video is revisionist, but one thing the videos don't change is expression and body language and I found that Oliver's face often seemed to be at odds with the emotion Laurel is emoting. I watched and came away with a strong belief that Laurel could still be in love with Oliver (again, I don't know why but that's consistent with the show) but that it's pretty one sided. That Oliver cares and doesn't want to hurt her but almost comes off confused as to why Laurel is getting close to him (like when she gave him a hug after she found out he was the Arrow).

Yes a lot is subjective but some thing's seem to be easier to interpret (like frowns) and yet I found plenty of scenes where Oliver clearly looks unhappy. Others where he looks distracted or indifferent. Most confusing to me is the inclusion in several videos the big hallway fight (definite Laurliver shipped vids - I have now watched about a dozen of them) A few were pretty much word for word and whoa, it's not flattering IMO to a potential romance as far as I could comprehend.

I get how intense fights can be read as there being a lot of passion but that scene in the hallway without the scene at the dinner table to explain why Laurel this time had gone off , well it makes it seem that Oliver has been a saint and is justifiable done with her. A hug and a couple pep like talk lines toward the end don't really seem to balance out all the negative emotion so I clearly am not seeing why that scene is shippy.

Edited by BkWurm1
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Oliver: The Leader, Arrow Expert.

Felicity: The Conscience and the Heart, IT Expert

Diggle: The Loyal and Wise, Strategic Expert



I see them this way as well. However, if the EPs are determined to insinuate Laurel into Team Arrow, I can see them trying to make Laurel "the Conscience" and/or "the Heart" since she really has no useful skills to contribute.  I would hate that.

Edited by tv echo
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I agree that Golden Trio + Extras is the formula to follow. I really like team moments. I like Oliver but he is at his best (so far) when he is a friend. His relationship with Sarah was cute (and healthier) but I feel it is because even if they weren't together, they would be friends.

The show did recognise that the trio is the heart of the show in the finale so I am happy. I hope they keep that in mind. Though I am scared that they will think that the best way to affect us emotionally is to mess with the team all the time and, while that would be ok for a bit, then we would get tired after too many back and forths and we would think that they are just annoying. They did the same with Thea's indignation with Moira. They repeated it so many times that when it was higher stakes (Daddy Malcolm reveal), and Thea was entitled to being super pissed, we just felt she was being bratty. But that's a worry for years down the line.


I have actually never thought about the lack of interaction between Felicity and Thea. That is too bad because it feels like she would be great help in repairing the Quinn family relationship. My guess is that they didn't go there because: showing Olicity's great chemistry + Felicity being instrumental to Ollie becoming a better person and a hero + being a great fit with his only existing family = Felicity crushing Laurel as Ollie's love interest in our eyes and his. Although it's too late for that anyway.


I am worried about Daddy Diggle though... How is that going to fit. Unless they mess up his relationship with his wife and she leaves with his kid he would come accross as unsympathetic in prioritising Team Arrow over his child.


Brought over from an other thread:


It also makes me think now that maybe Team Arrow will be pulled in different directions. Not only Ollie does not have the fund to keep them all three together, but Diggle will have to think about his familial duties versus the Team and Felicity might have to think hard about what she is sacrificing. I like the idea of sacrifice being something that sollidifies a person into the Foundry. Are they ready? Roy + Ollie will have to face Thea, Felicity would have to let go of a normal life and Diggle say goodbye to the ficket fence. I would love that! Vigilante or Brother/Boyfriend/Happy IT Girl/ Father?

Edited by fantique
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On the other hand, good Lord, that 101 Reasons video was cute! Like, IMO, Scully and Mulder are legit the most chemistry-filled pairing in the history of ever (and it's still going strong 21 years later!) but Oliver and Felicity are seriously vying for that top spot in my heart.


I loved Mulder and Scully on The X-Files and agree that they had fantastic chemistry. I would note that they stayed platonic friends through most of the series' run and only hooked up near the end.  Yet you never doubted that they loved and trusted each other above everyone else, and that even the rare sexual hookups with others were passing flings and didn't touch their bond.


John and Aeryn on Farscape are another couple who had fantastic chemistry.  Again, this couple evolved from wary allies to trusted friends to eventual lovers.  John had sporadic other love interests (Gilina), but you never doubted that John and Aeryn loved and trusted each other above everyone else even when they hadn't hooked up yet.


That's what I'd like to see for Oliver and Felicity, regardless of comic book canon.  They stay trusted friends with an unbreakable, loving bond for most of the series' run. You never doubt that they love each other and they can even hook up with others during that time, but it's clear those other hook-ups are temporary flings.  But, in the end, you know that Oliver and Felicity will get together and commit to one another.  Sappy, I know.

I originally posted the below comment on That Arrow Was Poisoned!: The Bitterness Thread, but I'm re-posting it here as a rebuttal to the devil's advocate post above:


In Season 1, Laurel was supposed to be Oliver's great love and the one who always knew there was good in him even when he was being pre-island asshole Oliver.  In Season 2, Laurel is still supposed to be - at least according to her - the one who knows him best.


The problem is, if all that was true, then Laurel would have immediately suspected that Oliver was the vigilante as soon as the vigilante started appearing in Starling City.  To everyone else, Oliver used to be and still was the asshole; therefore, he could never be the vigilante who helps people.  To Laurel, if she really knew him and always thought there was good in him, then she alone should have thought of Oliver as maybe being the vigilante.  Instead, she's one of the last of his close circle of people to know - and only because Slade tells her.

Also, in Season 2, we find out that the Oliver-Laurel great love story wasn't really all that great.  Laurel hooks up with Oliver only after finding out her sister Sara was interested in him.  Laurel deludes herself with this fantasy of them living together happily ever after.  Pre-island Oliver cheats on her with multiple others.  Island and post-island Oliver sleeps with Sara, Shado, Helena, McKenna, Laurel, Isabel, and Sara again.

The show is about the evolution of Oliver from asshole to hero.  He himself has said that, 5 years ago, he was a completely different person.  The person he is now - that person is someone Laurel does not know at all.

Edited by tv echo
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Regarding that Oliver/Felicity video, while it's very impressive and a great summation of their relationship, my main takeaway is that apparently people don't bother to check spelling even on things they plan to release for public viewing. Distracting. And "anyways" sounds terrible to me.


But, regardless, it is a pretty nice video, and I agree that anyone watching that without having seen the show would think those two were, undoubtedly, the main pairing. It just lends itself further to the confusion I feel about what the showrunners want to do with Laurel. Because trying to force her into that role, despite the chemistry between SA and EBR, would be awful, awful writing and awful, awful decisionmaking.


There is nothing warm and tender about Oliver/Laurel, in my view. And while I get that the CW appeals to a demographic that prefers angst and heartbreak, I really don't think that it would serve this show well at all. The rest of it is dark enough, most of the time, and so the lightness of Oliver/Felicity is a vital counterpoint.

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I suppose any video is revisionist, but one thing the videos don't change is expression and body language and I found that Oliver's face often seemed to be at odds with the emotion Laurel is emoting. I watched and came away with a strong belief that Laurel could still be in love with Oliver (again, I don't know why but that's consistent with the show) but that it's pretty one sided. That Oliver cares and doesn't want to hurt her but almost comes off confused as to why Laurel is getting close to him (like when she gave him a hug after she found out he was the Arrow).

Yes a lot is subjective but some thing's seem to be easier to interpret (like frowns) and yet I found plenty of scenes where Oliver clearly looks unhappy. Others where he looks distracted or indifferent. Most confusing to me is the inclusion in several videos the big hallway fight (definite Laurliver shipped vids - I have now watched about a dozen of them) A few were pretty much word for word and whoa, it's not flattering IMO to a potential romance as far as I could comprehend.

You have made a great sacrifice FOR SCIENCE, BKWURM1!  I agree that the body language (and eye contact) are very different in the collected clips.  I feel that it's reasonable to assume that the fans took the "best" clips they could find, and so if we can identify tendencies among each collection, they could be representative of an overall trend. Also it's interesting to note that Diggle is there about half the time in the Felicity/Oliver vid while the Laurel/Oliver vid is mostly them alone.  It feels like there is more camera movement on Felicity/Oliver interactions too (probably because they are in the middle of dramatic plot moments). 


tv echo, I too am a fan of relationships built on companionship and mutual badassedness - I recently got to watch Farscape and John and Aeryn are quite awesome (and Scully and Mulder are iconic awesome couple).  I also liked the early Cordelia and Angel relationship - especially the scenes where they were training together.  I alluded earlier to Roslin/Adama, the "slomance," as another paragon - they're too busy trying to do their jobs and help people, but they find that relying on the other and trying to understand them not only makes their job go better, but makes their lives better too.


For me, that mutual trust and proficiency is what is important; romantic connections that follow then are founded on a much more rich basis than simply eye candy attraction.  And so even though in the Laurel/Oliver videos they're pouncing on each other, it doesn't seem to be as emotionally high as Felicity/Oliver just looking at each other.

There is nothing warm and tender about Oliver/Laurel, in my view. And while I get that the CW appeals to a demographic that prefers angst and heartbreak, I really don't think that it would serve this show well at all. The rest of it is dark enough, most of the time, and so the lightness of Oliver/Felicity is a vital counterpoint.

My thoughts exactly. Oliver does dark and angsty pretty well all by himself that having a toxic (boring) relationship with Laurel just brings him down even more. That's the point with Oliver and Felicity, they allow relief from the heartache with something light and likeable.

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