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Heartaches, Bromances, True Love and Team Arrow: the Relationships Thread


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I hope Sara meant it in the sense of "Oliver needs all the friends he can get" when she told Laurel that he needed Laurel as Sara was leaving yet again for an unknown length of time.


Mark this day on your calendar folks, cause I'm not sure when it will happen again. But I do think Oliver needs Laurel. Not because she brings anything to the table. But, because he's lost his mom, temporarily (hopefully) Thea, Tommy, so he would need her. Not cause she's so great, but because they've  known each other for awhile and she knows his secret. As mentioned above he needs all the help he can get.

The reality of it is, if you are a woman who has dated Oliver Queen, things will go badly for you. Come to think of it, you're not much better off if you're related to Oliver Queen. And for that matter, working with him doesn't really do you any favors either. Come to think of it, it might just be a good idea to stay far away from Oliver Queen, just on general principle.

Edited by KirkB
  • Love 3

I really want to engage in discussions about Oliver and Felicity and those perfect moments where they were just so happy and in love before Oliver's manpain/fears reared its ugly head. (God, they were sexy and hot and cute and adorable. Hearteyes all over the place.)


I really want to engage in discussions about that bro-hug between Diggle and Oliver and how much I love their friendship (even though I vehemently disagree with Oliver about benching Diggle although Diggle seemed to accept it after seeing his Digglet).


But my mind is way too clouded with the anger and heartache over Sara's death (and I didn't even realize I loved her character that much). Sigh. Perhaps, another day.

  • Love 10

Mark this day on your calendar folks, cause I'm not sure when it will happen again. But I do think Oliver needs Laurel. Not because she brings anything to the table. But, because he's lost his mom, temporarily (hopefully) Thea, Tommy, so he would need her. Not cause she's so great, but because they've  known each other for awhile and she knows his secret. As mentioned above he needs all the help he can get.

So what you are saying is that, Fakanary (and Thea) is the last reminder Oliver has to his pre-island innocent Ollie, to the douche of a boy he used to be and must never, EVER, be again?

sure i can l live with that. I still hate her guts now that also Sara was fridged for her advancement.

Lets me start with the show's main romance: Olicity, yeah I thought the dinner was really lovely and touching, the kiss scene too. But I still dont feel much heat between EBR & SA sigh (not necessarily in the romantic sense either, platonic). Just something easy and natural, I would expect for two people who have been very close for two years. Their history resumeis certainly impressive, but the interaction Its still a lot more awkward and uneasy really. The writing is good in some parts, the actors' chemistry not so much.  So yeah the main romance isnt doing it for me. 


So I welcome something different for EBR/Felicity, even if its for a while or platonic.  Loved the Ray and Felicity first scene, definitely was not expecting that. Liked their last one too, the second scene not so much, hopefully there is more Ray from the first and last scene. Reeling over Sara's death , but just maybe BR/Ray will be a good guest star "replacement". Something about him reminds me of Justin Hartley (Smallville, Green Arrow), maybe its the brown eyes or mannerism. 


There was a lot of heart in this episode, I guess the writers were right (for once) about it being intimate. Really happy for Diggle and Lyla having their baby girl, never seen a more proud poppa. Loved the Diggle/Oliver intense fight and then making up. Even liked the Sara/Laurel sisterly scene, when they were still talking of course. One of the few characters/relationship that actually make me pay attention to Laurel scenes and even give her a bit of a purpose in this show. And they off? her. 

Edited by Conell

Bringing this over from The Calm thread because I get relationshippy.



So much so that when he retreats into his well intended but idiotic ArrowLonerMode, she saw it happening, wanted to delay it as much as possible and knew what he was going to say before he said it. It speaks volumes that he was 'this close' to telling her he loved her, again and without any chance of a ruse, but he just couldn't - yet. And I think it takes a strong person to stick to her convictions to break away from that hold, that gaze and those words and leave him to think about what he's ready for. I don't doubt that they both know what he wants, but that's not the point of that whole episode.

This. It all goes back to Oliver projecting a lot of what he feels about himself onto the people he loves. Pushing Diggle out of the field, and pushing Felicity away is a direct result of that -- he can't push himself away, but he can compartmentalize and shut himself down to happiness and other emotions. And I believe he truly believes he's protecting Dig and Felicity from himself by controlling their choices -- by taking their choices away from them. [And Dig and Felicity know him so well they understand PERFECTLY what is it Oliver's doing. Bless them and their immense hearts.] It comes from a good place. Oliver. The idiot.

But at the same time, it was really refreshing to see him being honest WITH his emotions in the first half of the episode. And even when he had already retreated into Emotionless Arrow Mode, still I thought it was A HUGE moment for Oliver when he 'fessed up to Felicity that the thing he feared the most was himself. He's going about dealing with it in a completely misguided way [and there are contrieved narrative factors going on as well because the show needs Oliver to be in this state of living between "identities", or -- no season], but just the fact that he's manning up to fearing being Oliver Queen -- and the life and opportunities that come with that -- is a pretty big step for him.

And the best part is Felicity gets it. She sees his struggle clearly, and it goes back to what EBR said at Upfronts back in May -- this is Oliver's problem to solve. And so Felicity feels for him, BUT she's not gonna let him use her as the prize in the end of the road to enlightenment. Which is also huge development for her. She's more than just Oliver's chance at happiness, and she is perfectly aware of that.

  • Love 8


And the best part is Felicity gets it. She sees his struggle clearly, and it goes back to what EBR said at Upfronts back in May -- this is Oliver's problem to solve. And so Felicity feels for him, BUT she's not gonna let him use her as the prize in the end of the road to enlightenment. Which is also huge development for her. She's more than just Oliver's chance at happiness, and she is perfectly aware of that.


Thank you for the reminder about EBR's comments way back when regarding this.  She gets it, her character gets it and the showrunners & writers get it. 


When the show does the character of Felicity this kind of justice, I applaud.


And I think I'm going to like how Thea's stories evolve, too, from the little we've been told.  And I have long been sold on the idea that WH can handle the material well.


At some point, I'm hoping that Thea and Felicity become friends.  They both need a solid one.


So that begs the question... if they can write these young women so well, what's the problem with writing Laurel?

  • Love 1

We should have a Felicity Smoak and John Diggle appreciation day. Who's with me?


Felicity's made me more excited about her story this year too because she'll also go through battles about where she fits into life. Gosh I just re-watched the dinner scene where Oliver is opening up and it's really really stark how Oliver verbalizes what we've mostly been assuming in comparison to Oliver in season 1. I feel for the guy, honestly. He needs to get his business in order before attempting any romantic relationships.

  • Love 5


And I believe he truly believes he's protecting Dig and Felicity from himself by controlling their choices -- by taking their choices away from them.


I'm utterly over it, even The AV Club was like REALLY? This, again? How many fucking times does he need to learn the lesson? Well intentioned my ass, chickenshit is more like it, so as I anticipated I hope Felicity hits it with Ray and she hits hit HARD. I hope she tells Oliver to get bent whenever his precious self is ready to ::deep scary breath:: date her. I can hear the 1960's Batman announcer in my head "CAN the  masked crusader face his own feelings? Can he act like a mature adult male?! Tune in next week!" 


I had really really really hoped they'd have me still rooting for Ollie to get with it with out hating him, but they have failed this story.

Edited by blixie

I was really proud of Felicity walking away from him. Yes, she loves him & he loves her, but she's not going to put her life on hold for him. She put herself first, and I love that because it's the first time we've seen her do that. I want Olicity to workout but it's too soon. I'm here for the long game. I am more excited for her back-story than anything else, I feel like that will give us some insight into her relationships. I'm over Oliver's man-pain though.

  • Love 9

So that begs the question... if they can write these young women so well, what's the problem with writing Laurel?


Laurel kind of reminds me of how the writers on Once Upon a Time perceive Regina ;) Bold and audacious, even ruining peoples' lives.


On a completely different but relationship-connected note... How well was the kiss shot? ending with the light? Yes, heavy symbolism is heavy, but it was still pretty.


I don't think there was any other kiss filmed like that on Arrow. Period.

  • Love 1


I'm over Oliver's man-pain though.


Listen I think there were like, hundreds of ways for me to feel Oliver on not being together with Felicity, they went with literally the exact same fucking speech he has been giving since S1 E1. And while I am happy Felicity was as over it as the rest of us, it's still lazy, contrived and stupid crutch, and really really really makes me dislike Oliver. I can't root for someone this stupid, this emotionally *crippled*, much less hope my beloved Felicity ends up with him.

So that begs the question... if they can write these young women so well, what's the problem with writing Laurel?

She is their blind spot.  When you start from the end and try to fit a character into a pre-determined slot, it often doesn't go well. When you try it with two, it's gets worse.



Laurel kind of reminds me of how the writers on Once Upon a Time perceive Regina ;) Bold and audacious, even ruining peoples' lives.

And they managed to mess up most of a season because of it. Fortunately, on OUaT, there are other characters I could root for.


The only relationship I'm looking forward to on Arrow now is Roy/Felicity and how they get along in the lair.  Diggle is going to be with his family, Thea is still gone, and I find Ray to smarmy to enjoy him with Felicity.  AK and MC thinks he's marvellous but then they also think Laurel is a good character so it makes sense they would like Ray.  Quentin and Oliver will be all involved with Laurel now, and I don't want to see any of that.

Laurel kind of reminds me of how the writers on Once Upon a Time perceive Regina ;) Bold and audacious, even ruining peoples' lives.


On a completely different but relationship-connected note... How well was the kiss shot? ending with the light? Yes, heavy symbolism is heavy, but it was still pretty.


I don't think there was any other kiss filmed like that on Arrow. Period.

Not really, The FakanaryxOliver kiss at the end of season one had a similar back light affect





Had to go and make an OlicityKiss gif cause i couldn't find the one i needed to make the comparison. (Which was cool, I sort of learned a new skill on the way, sadly i wasn't able to figure out how scale it down so i could post it properly, so you're getting a really pixelated gif. My apologies. but i have other stuff to do so i could only dedicate so much time to trying to figure it out).


My point is, both kisses had the light thingy happening. Which is why, when the kiss ended it was the first thing i noticed, there was a strong light pouring in and i was... it has to be a coincidence. it doesn't mean anything. it's just a general symbol they're reusing.

but then they killed Sara and now i'm friggin scared for Felicity's life.

My point is, both kisses had the light thingy happening. Which is why, when the kiss ended it was the first thing i noticed, there was a strong light pouring in and i was... it has to be a coincidence. it doesn't mean anything. it's just a general symbol they're reusing.

but then they killed Sara and now i'm friggin scared for Felicity's life.


L/O also have a very similar scene in season one to the scene of O/F at the end of The Calm.  It takes place in the hospital hallway after Oliver leaves Walter's hospital room. Laurel asks Oliver to tell Tommy that he isn't still in love with her and Oliver answers back that he can't say that.


I'm hoping it is because the writers are going back to the story they wanted to tell from the beginning but putting Felicity in the role they originally wanted for Laurel and not that the writers just don't have any new ideas about how to write a romance. But remembering that L/O scene took a little bit of special away from the Felicity and Oliver kiss, not that it wasn't special because to be honest even if these writers tank the show from here on out I'm still going to be rewatching that kiss scene, but I did get a serious deja vu sense while watching last night.


My the way great job on your first gif Foreverevolving!

  • Love 2

Listen I think there were like, hundreds of ways for me to feel Oliver on not being together with Felicity, they went with literally the exact same fucking speech he has been giving since S1 E1. And while I am happy Felicity was as over it as the rest of us, it's still lazy, contrived and stupid crutch, and really really really makes me dislike Oliver. I can't root for someone this stupid, this emotionally *crippled*, much less hope my beloved Felicity ends up with him.


I'm giving Oliver a pass on this, but it has an expiry date. I appreciate it was more about "I have a mission…can't be distracted" than "no-one is safe with me"[/paraphrase].


I'm getting a sense that Oliver feels the need to atone for what he has done in the past, he doesn't deserve to be happy, and he was never truly coming back from the "island", etc.


I think rather than dangling "maybes" in front of Felicity, he was giving himself 1 last moment of allowing himself to be "Oliver Queen", before full-on retreating (regressing) back to Arrow/Mission mode.


Not sure how to explain this clearly but I think, for Oliver, every time he drops his guard a bit, or things are going OK, he gets a big slap in the face. I got this feeling in Heir to the Demon (How cute and happy was Oliver with his "Fe-li-ci-ty" before she revealed the Thea-Daddy bombshell?) and I get it again now. If he compartmentalises and focuses on the mission, it is better for him but, he needed to be open with Felicity first. 


It could be taken as not fair to Felicity [Oliver dangling a "maybe" in front of her], but don't really agree. I think she deserves to be told by Oliver, in his own Oliver way, that he loves her, suspecting and knowing are 2 different things. If Oliver continuously keeps drawing Felicity in then pushing her away, I may have to review my stance. He is only human and can't stay on mission indefinitely, so I'm sure it will happen again, but they can only go so far with this. 



I'm hoping it is because the writers are going back to the story they wanted to tell from the beginning but putting Felicity in the role they originally wanted for Laurel and not that the writers just don't have any new ideas about how to write a romance.


I agree with you @Orion, and so far there is no tainted history between Felicity and Oliver that dooms the relationship from the start. But I want more than Laurel's disused storyline for Oliver & Felicity.


A great start is how open and honest Oliver is being with Felicity


  • Volunteered information about the 5 years away, and in an emotionally honest way
  • Told her that he had to face his biggest fear, and that fear was being Oliver Queen
  • The "Love" declaration
  • The flirting (I know we can't do that much now without the danger of Oliver being seen as a manipulative prick but it was cute while it was allowed even if I'm not 100% sure on the wording of the Bed/Floor exchange)


I hope they keep the level of honest communication up. Also I want to see some of it go in the opposite direction, from Felicity to Oliver.

  • Love 8

Here's a smaller version of you gif. 



You, my dear, are an Angel!!

how did you do it? cause i tried QuickTime, and Gimp and HTML and BBcodes pretty much anything i could think of without ruining the image.

not to mention tumbler is hating me (it won't let me post the original gif. so freakin annoying. this is why i didn't choose coding and photoshopping and all of that as a career, it's fun occasionally but on a daily basis i would go insane with this crap. i'm too much of a perfectionist.

The only thing I see when I look at those two kisses side by side are how horribly awkward Katie and Stephen look - because the angle makes it look as though they are desperately trying to keep the lower halves of their bodies from coming into any kind of contact... and I'm not even sure his right hand is touching her... it's kind of curled near her hip, but is it actually on her hip?  And then he raises it like he's going for the romantic face hold, but changes his mind and at first I thought he stroked her shoulder, but after staring at it (far longer than I ever wanted to) I'm not even sure he even touches her shoulder.  More like kind of waves his hand around while trying to find somewhere to put it that won't be offensive.


When you compare that to the kiss from last night, at least both the actors were committed to it... I totally believed that in that moment, they were two people in love.  The kiss between Oliver and Laurel doesn't even look like two people who know each other.  Ugh. 

Edited by Chairman Meow
  • Love 8

LOL @ their hands. Figure out where to put 'em, kids. Actually, don't. I never want to see that again.


Not to mention, you could squeeze a small child between them. Just no, on so many levels.


L/O also have a very similar scene in season one to the scene of O/F at the end of The Calm.  It takes place in the hospital hallway after Oliver leaves Walter's hospital room. Laurel asks Oliver to tell Tommy that he isn't still in love with her and Oliver answers back that he can't say that.


Damn, I didn't even remember that scene, which shows how much I paid attention when they were on screen together.

  • Love 8

I know people don't like this either, however Oliver seems to have no problem with his hips and hand placements when he lunged for Sara.





For someone who claims to know Oliver better than anyone, she sure kisses him like he's a stranger. I know it's not fair to compare gifs, but if I was someone that never saw the show and saw those, I would never think that Laurel was the one he loved. I know he doesn't (didn't :( ) love Sara like that but he looks much more comfortable kissing her. 

  • Love 5

Not really, The FakanaryxOliver kiss at the end of season one had a similar back light affect





My point is, both kisses had the light thingy happening. Which is why, when the kiss ended it was the first thing i noticed, there was a strong light pouring in and i was... it has to be a coincidence. it doesn't mean anything. it's just a general symbol they're reusing.

but then they killed Sara and now i'm friggin scared for Felicity's life.


Holy wow I had forgotten that kiss and it is so awkward. I'm so sorry but I am cringing. They do not look like a couple who used to date and had an epic love. It looks like an awkward first kiss. Yikes. Sorry to any Lauriver shippers out there.


Olicity's kiss was fraught with emotion and intensity and you could tell it was between two people in love. At least that's how it came across to me. 


Anyway, about the light symbolism thing, yes they did use it with the O/L kiss but that is pretty much the last time. From s2 onwards any symbolic light was used with Felicity, although only a couple of times. I'm pretty sure they've switched the endgame couple around now, although after Sara's untimely death I guess we'll see. 


But the main difference between those two kisses (and the lead up to them) is that with O/L he still wasn't being fully honest about who he was but with O/F he pretty much laid himself bare. There was no secrets between them at all.

Edited by Guest

Felicity/EBR was incredible last night. The restaurant scene was my favorite and the chemistry between those two was so on point. 


I do laugh at the Olicity haters who say Oliver's feelings for Felicity came out of left field. I don't know what show they are watching because ever since S2 there have been these little hints that Oliver felt something.


I wish we would've gotten more of a slow burn of Oliver realizing his feelings for Felicity while she dated Ray this season culminating with a real kiss/ILU in the season finale.

  • Love 2

I wish we would've gotten more of a slow burn of Oliver realizing his feelings for Felicity while she dated Ray this season culminating with a real kiss/ILU in the season finale.


That was what I wanted from this season. I really didn't want a kiss until the finale (and maybe possibly the mid season finale depending on what they did with the characters in the first half of the season) and now I'm not sure if I even want another kiss this season at all- or even next season for a bit. I'm firmly in the Team Felicity Dating Anyone Not Named Oliver Queen ship for the foreseeable future. 

  • Love 2

I'm actually a fan of the work backwards approach. I like that acknowledgement. And I was fine with the date and the kiss. I'm happy it ended when it did because he needs to work on himself. And I like that I can see Felicity moving on with another guy (with all the oversell they did about the declarations I was afraid of this). HOWEVER, I think Olicity fell victim to the an incredibly over packed premiere. It was too much, too fast. Should have been two hours.

  • Love 4


I do laugh at the Olicity haters who say Oliver's feelings for Felicity came out of left field. I don't know what show they are watching because ever since S2 there have been these little hints that Oliver felt something.

I just ran across one. She also said that there was no chemistry between Oliver and Felicity especially in the kiss.


That's one reason why I'm glad that there was a date and a kiss. Now it's canon.  Olicity haters are still going to say it's fan pandering but now they can't say it's only in our imaginations.

  • Love 4

I actually like that Olicity kiss was not all grabby and intense. It was quiet kiss. ~ Swoon ~ haha


I liked it, and I thought it made sense. Given the tone of that moment, I felt that Oliver was taking a risk, but also trying to be respectful since Felicity was upset, and being all grabby probably wouldn't have gone over very well. There's been a lot of physical contact between them sure, but never one that intimate so it was almost as if he was 'testing the waters.'


But I agree, swoon. Especially how at the end neither of them was willing to pull away, but ultimately it was Felicity who walked away. I loved that moment from her and it showed just how strong she really is. Because frankly I probably would have been a puddle on the floor.

  • Love 6

Now that I have had time to... recuperate and let everything sink in. After watching the first episode here are my thoughts on everything but Sara. 
I think this episode was about building and consolidating relationships, and build they did. I liked this episode not because of its action (which was awesome) but because where they were going with each character (except Laurel and Sara but that's a discussion for another time). 


For one, I liked that you can start to feel this master/apprentice sort of relationship between Oliver and Roy. It feels believable to me. 
Diggle and Oliver just seemed so much closer in this episode, more than partners, they're best friends. I mean he even made a necklace for Diggle's daughter! Who knew Oliver was such a sentimental sap? And while I understand that Digg may not want to be a part of Team Arrow missions anymore, I hope we see Team Arrow struggle without John. I hope we see John lose purpose because being on the team gives him purpose. I want him to set an example for Oliver and show him that there's a way you can have it all. There's so much to explore with Diggle this season and I hope they do. But the thing I loved most about their dynamic was that Digg is still Oliver's mentor. Oliver needs Digg to help him find his way and I'm glad he listened to Digg about asking Felicity out. 
For Laurel, Quentin is now her only saving grace. I think she flourishes when she has scenes with him. Maybe not flourish, but she seems less annoying. So hopefully they play up her relationship with her own father before saddling her with another love interest. And can we be clear about something? Laurel's 'surprise' for Oliver was not Laurel's surprise. It was Quentin. LAUREL STOP TAKING ALL THE CREDIT WHEN YOU DID NOTHING. 
Diggle and Lyla are simply the sweetest couple I've seen on this show. I feel like they have some issues to hammer out (Lyla calls him her ex husband, Diggle calls Lyla his girlfriend), but I feel like they could be the one solid couple on the show for now. I think Arrow needs a sense of stability and I think that they offer it. 
Finally, we have Oliver and Felicity. I had my issues with how they were handled, they took what could've been a 3-4 episode arc to really give their relationship a solid foundation and win people over and made it into a rather choppy 1 episode arc. Too much happened regarding Felicity and Oliver this episode that it gave me whiplash.

However, regardless of the choppy editing and the whiplash, these two remain to be one of my most favorite things about the show. EBR and SA rise above bad writing and make their interactions feel real and honest and I think it's so refreshing to see these two be together. It's refreshing to see Oliver smile because of Felicity's antics and to see Oliver finally be honest about how he feels about everything. Their date was one of the sweetest moments I've seen on the show. It was unlike anything we've seen before which is why I hope the writers plan on making Oliver/Felicity be endgame. The fact that Oliver would remember such a tiny detail goes to show that Felicity has made such a huge impact on his life that it's believable his life was never the same afterwards. The just date exemplified how perfect they are for one another.

Then cut to the scene in the hospital. While I think the EPs over-sold their conversation, I think it was a necessary one and a painful one to watch (painful in the best way possible). I wish the CW didn't spoil the kiss because I think it would've been that much more intense and raw if we didn't see it coming. I rooted for Felicity when she was the one who took control of the situation and walked away. I love how Felicity has enough self worth to know that she deserves better than that.
In all fairness though, I thought it was heartbreaking to see two people who clearly love one another choose to not be with each other for any amount of reasons. And yes, I think Oliver is an idiot for that. But I think that this is also a blessing in disguise. Oliver and Felicity still have a lot of growing to do as individuals before they can be together. I'm glad they're growing as individuals apart because when they are both ready to be with each other, I don't think there could be anything that could stop them. 

To preface this, Oliver now doesn't deserve Felicity because he doesn't even know what he truly wants. But I'm sure he's going to get there at one point in this season. But for now, I feel as though Felicity deserves to get some action of her own. She deserves to find happiness even if it's without Oliver. I don't think she'll find it. I think she'll find contentedness because Oliver probably ruined every man for Felicity. 

I hope that the writers take a step back from them and give them space to grow naturally throughout the course of the season like they did in the first half of season 2. This is the only way I can see Olicity being accepted by their non believers. 

Edited by wonderwall
  • Love 9

Holy wow I had forgotten that kiss and it is so awkward. I'm so sorry but I am cringing. They do not look like a couple who used to date and had an epic love. It looks like an awkward first kiss. Yikes. Sorry to any Lauriver shippers out there.


I had forgotten it too, probably to rid my mind of this extreme awkwardness.


For a person who has been working in front of a camera for over 14 years and poses for photos literally every other day for her fashion blog, Katie Cassidy's awkwardness as an actress is mind boggling. I mean if you are that bad at something, why do it. What is even more baffling is that people continue to hire her.


I heard the rumour that after her topless scenes in some films, she was approached by the 50 shades people for its sequel where she'd play Christian Grey's ex and I am hoping that they offer her a lot of money and she moves on to that film instead of sticking with Arrow. I would gladly watch Arrow minus Laurel/KC because the chances of me gritting my teeth would drop by a good 90%.

  • Love 2

Diggle and Oliver just seemed so much closer in this episode, more than partners, they're best friends. I mean he even made a necklace for Diggle's daughter! Who knew Oliver was such a sentimental sap? And while I understand that Digg may not want to be a part of Team Arrow missions anymore, I hope we see Team Arrow struggle without John. I hope we see John lose purpose because being on the team gives him purpose. I want him to set an example for Oliver and show him that there's a way you can have it all. There's so much to explore with Diggle this season and I hope they do. But the thing I loved most about their dynamic was that Digg is still Oliver's mentor. Oliver needs Digg to help him find his way and I'm glad he listened to Digg about asking Felicity out.


I didn't get the impression that Diggle was leaving the team, he's just not going out in the field anymore, right? Or did I miss something? He stayed behind doing mission control a lot anyway, so I'm kind of wondering what the resolution of that storyline will be.

Edited by apinknightmare

I didn't get the impression that Diggle was leaving the team, he's just not going out in the field anymore, right? Or did I miss something? He stayed behind doing mission control a lot anyway, so I'm kind of wondering what the resolution of that storyline will be.

That part was a little iffy for me. I didn't know what was happening. Digg has no use being in the foundry, so I figured he'd leave the team? IDK 

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