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S01.E07: Felling Tree with Roots

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Holy crap was this episode ever gory.  It was worse than I ever remember Daredevil being, and Daredevil got plenty gory.  I was gagging along with Ward watching Papa Meacham yank out those dudes' teeth.  *shudders*

I'm so sad that Harold's dead (assuming he stays dead?), though I totally sympathize with Ward's decision to kill him.  It's been clear for a few episodes now that he was dangerously close to snapping, and his dad really put him through the ringer this time.

Madame Gao continues to be one of the more fascinating characters in the MCU Netflix-verse.  Too bad the same can't be said for Danny.  He's easily the least compelling part of this series.  Even Joy, with her conflict between being a good person and a good businesswoman, is more interesting than he is.  The last few episodes have gotten better than the first few were, but it's in spite of his shortcomings, not because of them.  

Edited by xqueenfrostine
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Madame Gao is terrifying. I love her. I'm happy she gets to be a main villain. Also, Karen shout out! 

ETA: From the pilot, I figured Harold would be the main antagonist for Danny but he's actually turned out to be an ally. If he was an antagonist for anyone it was Ward. It really wouldn't be a Netflix Marvel series without one of the characters murdering someone.

Edited by JustaPerson
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No wonder Ward killed his shitty dad. It's ironic because Harold was the kind of guy who knew how to manipulate people, but his arrogance stopped him from seeing that Ward was on the verge of a breakdown.  Anyway, I'm not sure Harold can really be killed. We'll see.

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What is Colleen up to with that guy that visited her? They are making it seem like she knew all along about the Iron Fist and she's supposed to keep an eye on him. Is she part of the Chaste that's run by Stick? Or are they making the Daughter of the Dragon another secret group of fighters. 

I love that Madame Gao is so terrifying even just walking around with her cane. Her being the big drug lord is also great. How does a hero defeat her, they can't go beating up an old woman in public? 

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Man, I wasn't paying full attention, so I thought I missed a scene or something when Colleen was talking about Iron Fist stuff with this other guy like everyone knows all about it.

I'm pretty amused that twice this episode I blurted out the next line before the character said it. I almost never predict these things that well! I wasn't even trying to predict the next line, I was just talking to my TV (as you do).



Colleen: How did you get that tattoo?

Me: It's not a tattoo!

Danny: It's not a tattoo.

Me: *snort*





Ward: You know what the happiest day of my life was?

Harold: What?

Me: The day you died.

Ward: The day you died.



Not complaining, I love feeling like I'm psychic. (I know, I know, it's just predictable dialogue and I'm not actually psychic. What can I say, I'm easily amused.)

Is Madame Gao or the Hand going to be somehow responsible for the chemicals that made the rest of the defenders, too? Jessica Jones was the only defender Gao didn't mention. What's up with that? I guess "a woman who can snap a man's neck with her bare hands" doesn't sound quite crazy enough next to "the devil of hell's kitchen" and "the man with unbreakable skin"?

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Creepy, and no wonder Ward has mental issues. 

I also thought his dad would be the main villain. I'm going to have to watch this again, minus the tooth-pulling. Everything seemed to happen when I was out of the room (I was wearing my wireless headphones, but not giving it my full attention). I almost puked as Ward did. Ugh. It looked like he pulled his dad's teeth, too. I should have seen that coming: orders given at the beginning, usually end up being carried out on that person at some point. At least in the shows that I've seen.

I thought he really looked like his dad at the end, in the car. I wondered if I'd missed the dad reviving/healing, and doing something. 

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2 hours ago, theatremouse said:

Is it me or is Danny getting blonder every episode?

I didn't notice that, however maybe he's bathing which is causing his hair to be cleaner.

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Totally knew that Ward was going to end up killing Harold as the scene progressed.  Ward was clearly close to a breaking point and Harold just kept needling him and needling him.  For all of his smarts, Harold did not realize that his son had the potential to be his biggest downfall.  I do wonder if he's dead for good, or whatever The Hand did will allow him to come back again, but that still had to hurt.  Still, I think David Wenham is one of the best actors of the series, so I hate to lose him this quickly (especially since he wasn't even in episodes five or sex either.)

Danny and Colleen sleep together (I guess the whole chastity pledge doesn't stop Danny from being good in bed.  He's a natural!), but then Colleen suddenly meets a character played by Ramon Rodriguez, that is making her come off all shady?  I'm not sure what is going on here.

Danny ends up shutting the plant down, and even leaks it to the press (Karen Page to be exact!)  And what does he get in return?  Well, apparently the board kicking him, Joy, and Ward all out of the company!  Impressive!

Danny also finds out that Gao is running drugs through Rand Corp, in a hidden thirteenth floor.  He and Colleen team up with the hatchet guys and bust their warehouse, only to find out from the chemist that he already told them the formula.  Also, Danny is really starting to think that The Hand was responsible for the plan crash.  

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10 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

(I guess the whole chastity pledge doesn't stop Danny from being good in bed.  He's a natural!),

See also: Snow, Jon. I wonder if that has already been given an entry in TV Tropes but I'm afraid to go looking as I still have work to do.

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"I don't know what the Iron Fist is.  It sounds like a sex toy."  You probably shouldn't point that out about your title character's alias but I have to say that line made me legitimately laugh.

Good lord, that was gory as hell.  I'm not that squeamish but even that was too much even for me.  I'll miss Thomas and how crazy and stupid his relationship with Ward was but he SO had that coming.  You keeping pushing and pushing and pushing someone, don't be surprised when they push back and push back violently.

I don't know what Colleen sees in Danny.  Though it's easy to see what Danny sees in Colleen.  She's awesome.

Really do like how much they've utilized Madame Gao in this series.  It just goes to show once again how Marvel TV does a better job with its villains than in their movies.  Granted, you have much more time to work with but still...

Liked Danny soliciting the help of the Triad even though that's not exactly a great long-term idea.

As pointed out in an earlier thread, how the hell does Danny get voted out of his own company when he has a 51% share?  Does he not have controlling shares when it comes to these kind of things?  If Ward and Joy own the rest of the company, how do they get voted out too?

Edited by benteen
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On 3/26/2017 at 0:12 AM, benteen said:

As pointed out in an earlier thread, how the hell does Danny get voted out of his own company when he has a 51% share?  Does he not have controlling shares when it comes to these kind of things?  If Ward and Joy own the rest of the company, how do they get voted out too?

I wondered that too? Don't shareholders usually vote on who gets to sit on the board? Danny has the most shares, so with the most votes should he be able to put anyone he wants on it?

I like that shit is getting serious, and I am glad that Danny wasn't too torn up over killing Hand guys. He was shocked that Harold did it, but since he teamed up with the triad i guess he doesn't care that much. Wish we had got more action in the triad/hand fight though.

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This is corporate finance according to Arrow. Danny has majority ownership, he has a seat on the board. There's nothing they can do about it. I'm not sure about the Meacham's but if they own 49% then they too can't be cast off the board. But then the company would be privately-owned so I'd say they own less than that and there is a publicly-owned component. But unless there was a hostile takeover of the shares then they can't just throw them off. 

On 20/03/2017 at 0:08 PM, thuganomics85 said:

Danny and Colleen sleep together (I guess the whole chastity pledge doesn't stop Danny from being good in bed.  He's a natural!),

Wow, that annoyed me. He never even mentions the vow. I was going to give this how props for subverting the gaze in the seduction scene and then they go and have Danny ask Colleen if she's "sure". Ah... that conversation should have gone the other way. Who needs characterisation when you have gender stereotypes? 

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Y'all have already touched on everything I would have said so I think I'll just weigh in with . . . "Meh!"  I want to like this show.  I really do.  I even cheered Danny's fighting skills during the penthouse scene -- skills I have scoffed at before because didn't think they were portrayed convincingly.  But other than that . . . meh!  The dialog is so bad it makes my teeth hurt and the board-room antics are so unrealistic and implausible I have to leave the room.

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