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S05.E16: Checkmate

Tara Ariano
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Man, that was terrific.  Old skool Arrow at it's best.

Chase is the best villain aside from s1 Malcolm Merlyn IMO.  I love that his motivation to torment Oliver is completely random thus far.  So great

Oliver loves Felicity still. He was barely containing his worry and fear for her.  Hopefully Susan will hit the road now in WitSec

I like Tinah but No Oliver sexytimes please.

Oliver seemed pretty much like Oliver again to me. Thank goodness

Prometheus is Bane. 

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This was a good episode. It was fast paced but wasn't jumbled or over stuffed.

Still call BS on the Susan being good but whatever show.

Not enough Felicity but I enjoyed what we got. I think Felicity's dark arc is a combination of Ends Justify The Means and Road to Hell, the second is one of my favorite tropes.

I'm totally on Team Chase, I love that little Psycho. 

I still don't care about Oliver and his issues but, I had to laugh at the pep talk...seriously need to slap both Barry and Oliver with their need for pep talks.

Loved the Olicity scene and the Diggle/Oliver scene.

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Guys, I actually...really liked that episode? Everyone running around trying to save Susan, who I don't care about at all (yeah if a real person was being threatening and starved, I would feel bad even if they kind of sucked, but, she's not real, so...) was lame, but the rest? Really engaging and well paced, with some nice action and character moments.

Plus, SA actually seemed like Oliver again! Its a miracle!

"What is that thing your doing with your voice?" was my new favorite line ever. Anatoli is the best.

The Olicity was strong with this one, especially in an episode about Oliver trying to save his new girlfriend. Oliver being worried about Felicity, even in the middle of the Susan drama, his horror at the idea of her being targeted, Felicity running off to do anything to save Oliver, it gave my shipper heart life again.

Chase is an awesome villain. Such a hammy slice of Bad Guy, but actually competent in the midst of his crazy. My favorite villain since Slade. And Quentin did some of his best work this season threatening Chase. I thought he was going to bite Chases face off at the end when he was threatening Oliver.

Keep this up, show!

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I enjoyed Arrow again! It just took an unhinged crazy man with loads of charisma and SA to stop acting like a pod person. Let's keep it up! I really liked the hand to hand fight between Oliver and Prometheus. 

I'm very interested, and, dare I say, excited to see what happens with Felicity and Helix. I'm sure it will end poorly for her, but it could be an interesting ride. (Also, this show always needs more Felicity.) 

I admit, my shipper heart did a little squee when Oliver took time out from searching for a kidnapping victim to check in with his boo. 

The pep talk and 100th redux of can Oliver be a hero with friends was lame, as was talking about how honorable Ra's was, because LOL no. Did Talia team up with Chasison only because Oliver killed Ra's? That seems harsh considering who Ra's and the LOA were. I want to know how she hooked up with Prometheus. Did she train him, too? Find him with an ad in a small town paper? 

Edited by calliope1975
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Just now, calliope1975 said:

The pep talk and 100th redux of can Oliver be a hero with friends was lame, as was talking about how honorable Ra's was, because LOL no.

I don't think he meant it. I figure he was telling her what he thought she needed to hear to shame her into stopping her vendetta. Oh Oliver. You goose

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1 minute ago, calliope1975 said:

I enjoyed Arrow again! It just took an unhinged crazy man with loads of charisma and SA to stop acting like a pod person. Let's keep it up! I really liked the hand to hand fight between Oliver and Prometheus. 

I'm very interested, and, dare I say, excited to see what happens with Felicity and Helix. I'm sure it will end poorly for her, but it could be an interesting ride. (Also, this show always needs more Felicity.) 

I admit, my shipper heart did a little squee when Oliver took time out from searching for a kidnapping victim to check in with his boo. 

The pep talk and 100th redux of can Oliver be a hero with friends was lame, as was talking about how honorable Ra's was, because LOL no. Did Talia team up with Chasison only because Oliver killed Ra's. That seems harsh considering who Ra's and the LOA were. I want to know how she hooked up with Prometheus. Did she train him, too? Find him with an ad in a small town paper? 

Talia told Oliver Adrian came to her 2 years ago looking for training.  He knew all about Oliver including the fact that he had killed Ra's.  That's why Talia trained him.

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7 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

Guys, I actually...really liked that episode? Everyone running around trying to save Susan, who I don't care about at all (yeah if a real person was being threatening and starved, I would feel bad even if they kind of sucked, but, she's not real, so...) was lame, but the rest?

I actually didn't mind the Susan stuff so much since there was, like, ZERO urgency in finding her, lmao. It's like everyone involved heard Wendy's repetitious insistence that Oliver cares deeply for her and they were like, "Okay, hold my beer." 

But yeah, that was a really great episode. I think the first one I truly enjoyed from start to finish all season.

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I'm glad Chase isn't hold Felicity or Thea hostage but I don't buy for a second that Susan's potential death would be the straw that break's the camel's back for him.  Susan becoming this saint to him is annoying.

Also, I think just about everyone saw Chase stabbing his wife coming a mile away accept for Oliver and Diggle.  Chase and his tiny knife of doom tonight...

Still, Adrian Chase is even more fun now that his identity is known to Oliver and he isn't hiding anything.

I thought this episode was so-so. 

I'm glad Oliver didn't forget about his son.

I really don't think this Chase story has 6-7 more episodes left in it, which has been a problem with Arrow in the past.

Edited by benteen
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6 minutes ago, benteen said:

I'm glad Chase isn't hold Felicity or Thea hostage but I don't buy for a second that Susan's potential death would be the straw that break's the camel's back for him.  Susan becoming this saint to him is annoying

To me Susan was the Avatar for everyone else he's lost or would/could be in danger because of him. I Especially when he thought about Felicity, Thea, Dig and his son.

5 minutes ago, Soulfire said:

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(Will add more later.)


Edited by catrox14
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7 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

I'm sure it will end poorly for her, but it could be an interesting ride. (Also, this show always needs more Felicity.) 

And this was actually a good way to push Felicity closer to the Dark Side in a way that's believable. Her desperation to save Oliver leads her to doing some morally grey things and make deals with some sketchy people, all to get Oliver back. I find that way more believable than her just becoming "dark" because things suck and her friends torture people sometimes.

Felicity when Susan was taken: "Sorry, had my phone off, sucks about Susan, I`ll make a few calls to help out."

Felicity when Oliver was taken: "ARE YOU KIDDING ME THAT ASSHOLE CHASE IS GONNA GET DRONE STRIKED FROM HERE TO TIBET HE BETTER NOT TOUCH MY BOO!!!!"                                   

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What is this strange feeling, being entertained by an episode of Arrow? That was a really good, really well-paced episode.

I love Chase/Prometheus. He joins Slade as one of the only big bads worth Oliver's time. (And ours.) Dude is evil and badass and I love it.

And, whoa, welcome back from the land of pod people, Oliver! Missed you, buddy. It was so nice seeing him act and react like himself. Also, I loved seeing him be like, "You're safe now. Get out of here. Bye," with Susan. Sorry, I'm petty like that.

Good stuff. I accidentally deleted it from my DVR and I'm actually willing to deal with the CW player (and ads) to watch it again tomorrow.

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FINALLY it's getting interesting.  Still bored with Susan, but if Chase is willing to kill his own WIFE just to reach his end game to make Ollie suffer, then cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs can stick around.  

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49 minutes ago, mtlchick said:

FINALLY it's getting interesting.  Still bored with Susan, but if Chase is willing to kill his own WIFE just to reach his end game to make Ollie suffer, then cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs can stick around.  

I wish that had been allowed to breathe a little. Especially since Oliver was the one who had her brought in so she could convince Adrian/Simon to turn himself in - the wtf at the batshittery that they'd all just witnessed should've been given its due.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Y'all are making me want to go watch it again with a fresh perspective because every time Susan's name was mentioned, I had a mini-rage-blackout. I cannot get over how much I hate that character and what people keep telling me she means to Oliver. Even Oliver's worry about Felicity was tainted by how much I cannot stand the priority he's given Susan over her and everyone else in his life. 

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6 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

I wish that had been allowed to breathe a little. Especially since Oliver was the one who had her brought in so she could convince Adrian/Simon to turn himself in - the wtf at the batshittery that they'd all just witness should've been given its due.

Nothing is allowed to breathe on this show. 

My favorite part of the episode was seeing Oliver breaking stuff in the lair. It was nice to see some real emotion from him. 

I wanted to slap Talia. Oh, your crazy, murdering father who wanted Oliver to murder an entire city filled with other people's fathers is dead? I feel so sorry for you. 

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It's about time. I waited 16 ep for Arrow to be interesting. I'm sorry we need to keep JS/Chase/Prometheus.  That man can act. I have not liked a villain like this since Slade. I like the head games, I like that he is  completely nuts. JS makes me think he is off his rocker and I like it.

 Welcome back Oliver, I've missed you, keep it up and I might start to like you again. I didn't even notice Snoozan. That is how unimportant she is to this story. No one gives a crap.

Not enough Felicity  but love everything we got. Her story is getting interesting. I need a scene with Felicity and Cocoa Puffs. I think JS and EBR would play good off eachother.

I would actually watch this ep again. There were a couple questionable things but overall it was good.

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The episode didn't have enough Felicity but whenever she was onscreen she had something major to do which I really loved. I want to know more about Helix and what their endgame is though. 

Also, I am still loving Prometheus even though he is being placed in the Bane role. He is really entertaining and root-worthy.

The Noobs on the other hand are all useless really. 

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I have to wait for the episode to hit the app, but you guys are actually making me want to watch. I don't know what sounds more appealing: Chase, Olicity or Oliver's lack of concern for Reporter (did he really not noticed she was gone for a week and peace out after she was rescued?).

11 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

I'm so emotional :')

Love the scene but boy looks rough. Pale and tired.

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12 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Is Oliver still together with the pantry moth?

Technically yes but there was only one small scene between them when he rescued her and he barely interacted with her. (That being said at the beginning of the episode when he's telling the team that she has been taken SA played it like Oliver was genuinely shook and had a hard time getting the words out. So...yeah.)

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"I appreciate that you know I like my tongue-lashings to be done in private, so thank you" 


10 minutes ago, BunsenBurner said:

I love Oliver's expression on his face at 43-44secs.

LOOK IT THAT IDIOT!!! That was a little smile like what slipped in their meet cute.


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I don't know if Chasmetheus is the biggest of the big bars, but he ranks up there. He outdoes Oliver at every turn, and he kills anybody in his way. At least he isn't making like Malcolm and torturing a shirtless Ollie. Oh, wait. That's next week.

Would have been nice if Team Arrow brought in Mrs. Chase and make sure her husband didn't stab her like he did Pike. Without Felicity, the brain cells are tougher to spread around. Well, except for Curtis, who's finally pulling his weight. If only he can lure Felicity away from the dork side of the force.

Oliver can shoot while gliding on ice. Good to know.

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19 minutes ago, TwistedandBored said:

The episode didn't have enough Felicity but whenever she was onscreen she had something major to do which I really loved. I want to know more about Helix and what their endgame is though. 

Also, I am still loving Prometheus even though he is being placed in the Bane role. He is really entertaining and root-worthy.

The Noobs on the other hand are all useless really. 

The Noobs were once again totally pointless.  You could have lifted every one of them from the episode it wouldn't have actually mattered.  The season just hasn't made any of them actually matter and this episode did a great job of showing that.  The best served of them all was Curtis and his magic spheres and that was really all flash and not important.  

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20 minutes ago, Trisha said:

Technically yes but there was only one small scene between them when he rescued her and he barely interacted with her. (That being said at the beginning of the episode when he's telling the team that she has been taken SA played it like Oliver was genuinely shook and had a hard time getting the words out. So...yeah.)

Technically I'm not sure they're together. Unless I'm missing something they never stated it on screen in 515. Had Chase actually question it/joke about it in this episode and had Oliver not even aware she was missing. On top of everything else, the elevator scene wasn't romantic or relationshipy in any way. 

Edited by Morrigan2575
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14 minutes ago, Trisha said:

Technically yes but there was only one small scene between them when he rescued her and he barely interacted with her. (That being said at the beginning of the episode when he's telling the team that she has been taken SA played it like Oliver was genuinely shook and had a hard time getting the words out. So...yeah.)

But but but everybody said he didn't care!!!

Is this another one of those "open to interpretations" things?

People are saying he was worried about Felicity.

Gahhh I can't watch until Sunday! So frustrating!

Thank you for responding though! I'm not whingeing at you I promise!

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The flashback was pretty just an excuse to do a couple fight scenes.  Anatoli had a couple good observations about Oliver but the rest of the flashback was just busy work.  Oh and Kovar saying the same line to Oliver that Chase did about killing him would be just killing himself, yeah, makes even less sense in the flashback given that Kovar was no where near the first guy Oliver killed in cold blood.  

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5 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

At least he isn't making like Malcolm and torturing a shirtless Ollie. Oh, wait. That's next week.

And this was a great disappointment for me.  Hope springs eternal

ETA: I don't want Oliver tortured but shirtless. And maybe another badass escape from Oliver.

Edited by catrox14
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2 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

But but but everybody said he didn't care!!!

Is this another one of those "open to interpretations" things?

People are saying he was worried about Felicity.

Gahhh I can't watch until Sunday! So frustrating!

Thank you for responding though! I'm not whingeing at you I promise!

He did seem to care about Susan, but on the same level that he would care about anyone he personally knew who was in danger because of their connection to him. 

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3 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

But but but everybody said he didn't care!!!

Is this another one of those "open to interpretations" things?

People are saying he was worried about Felicity.

Gahhh I can't watch until Sunday! So frustrating!

Thank you for responding though! I'm not whingeing at you I promise!

More like the show didn't do enough with Oliver and Susan as a couple to give one anything to really even try to figure out.  

And Oliver flat out says he's worried about Felicity so no interpretation needed there, lol.  

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7 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

But but but everybody said he didn't care!!!

Is this another one of those "open to interpretations" things?

People are saying he was worried about Felicity.

Gahhh I can't watch until Sunday! So frustrating!

Thank you for responding though! I'm not whingeing at you I promise!

I think this comes down to interpretation. I watched that scene and thought Oliver was more shaken up by the whole Prometheus = his new BFF Chase and that Talia "betrayed" him. Honestly Oliver's reactions in this episode (to me) had little to do with his 'feelings' for Susan and more to do with his own issues. 

Oliver does state he's worried about Felicity and this little Heart to Heart came while Susan was kidnapped and Chase was threatening her....

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I didn't hate the episode, so there's that. I enjoyed it, but I feel like the rest of the season is really affecting how I'm looking at episodes. Like, sure, this one was good, but look at the rest of the season. Plus, it needed a lot more Felicity.

Oh my poor Felicity. She's MIA, her phone is off, and no one thought that was a problem? Oliver was just like, "nope, Prometheus doesn't have her, he's all about Susan right now," and they all decided, "okay, sounds good"? Didn't Oliver once comment that Felicity always answers her phone? What happened to that Oliver? 

I'm guessing that Oliver/Felicity talk was the "adult" conversation? Or the beginning of their discussion, at least? I liked that he was obviously worried about her, but to me, this is just the beginning of getting back to an Oliver I can like. 

As much as I liked the Oliver/Diggle scene, Oliver shouldn't need another pep talk until mid-S6. That's it. Oliver has to just accept that.

I can't help but think that if Felicity hadn't done what Helix wanted to find Susan, that's all she would have had to do to find Oliver, instead of whatever it is they're going to ask of her and she's obviously going to do in a heartbeat.

Chase is clearly loving that he can just be evil around everyone right now. But harsh killing his own wife. And really stupid move on Team Arrow's part. Seriously, did no one consider that might happen?

Finding myself liking Tinah as long as they keep using her like this. (Although she really has to be questioning her decision to move to Star City.) Liked her "Lassie" to Rene and was amused that those two apparently just sat down and did nothing while waiting for Curtis to rescue them. 

Anatoly is the best, from his Robin Hood comment to his line about Oliver's voice. 

Is it bad that I couldn't bring myself to care about Susan even though she'd been kidnapped? I would've found it more interesting if they revealed that was all a set-up, she was in on it with Chase and Talia and those "screams" were just for show. Give me something to make all the screen time and every utterance of her name worth it. 

At least we got Oliver's "I don't know what I was thinking." Yeah, Oliver, no one knows what you were thinking when it came to Susan. No one. 

Huh. I had more to say than I expected. 

Edited by insomniadreams88
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I think Oliver figured out that Susan is his rebound/transition woman. He couldn't very well NOT save her. But it's surely no great love affair.

And if Susan is super important, I presume it's because she'll be starting a blog since she can't get a job. #GreenArrowChronicles

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3 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Technically I'm not sure they're together. Unless I'm missing something they never stated it on screen in 515. Had Chase actually question it/joke about it in this episode and had Oliver not even aware she was missing. On top of everything the elevator scene wasn't romantic or relationshipy in any way.

I think we're supposed to assume they are still together. When he asked her where they stood in 515 before they got interrupted she smiled at him and moved to approach him. (She then rubbed his arm when Chase announced he wasn't being impeached.) I think we're meant to assume she was meeting him for dinner when Chase kidnapped her. And people referred to her as Oliver's girlfriend tonight and he didn't correct them. I think a break up scene is coming, but it hasn't happened yet. 

3 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

But but but everybody said he didn't care!!!

Is this another one of those "open to interpretations" things?

People are saying he was worried about Felicity.

Gahhh I can't watch until Sunday! So frustrating!

Thank you for responding though! I'm not whingeing at you I promise!

Less 'open to interpretation' and more 'he cares about both', I think. It was definitely a good Olicity episode as they shared a great scene and he also talked about how Diggle, Felicity and his son were important people in his life that enemies could use to hurt him. Plus he didn't even hug Susan or usher her to safety after he rescued her. But before that, he was clearly affected by her disappearance. Felicity definitely edges out Susan tonight, but that doesn't mean he was totally uncaring for her. 

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2 minutes ago, Trisha said:

Felicity definitely edges out Susan tonight, but that doesn't mean he was totally uncaring for her. 

IDK - he seemed pretty uncaring to me. There didn't seem to be any urgency on his part to find her at all. And when he finally did find her, he didn't seem to be relieved or anything which I would have expected despite the situation with Prometheus since Susan is still presumably his girlfriend and not some rando hostage. 

Unless I guess this was robot Oliver after deciding he shouldn't/couldn't be involved with her. 

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8 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

I think Oliver figured out that Susan is his rebound/transition woman. He couldn't very well NOT save her. But it's surely no great love affair.

And if Susan is super important, I presume it's because she'll be starting a blog since she can't get a job. #GreenArrowChronicles

Hell, Dig even pointed out that Oliver was lonely...great love there

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22 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

The Noobs were once again totally pointless.  You could have lifted every one of them from the episode it wouldn't have actually mattered.  The season just hasn't made any of them actually matter and this episode did a great job of showing that.  The best served of them all was Curtis and his magic spheres and that was really all flash and not important.  

I agree with everything you said. Like where was Dinah's canary scream to get her and wild dog out there? I just think this episode showed all Team Arrow can't function without Felicity. She was the one saving everyone tonight. 

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Haven't watched the episode but just looking at those gifs...Oliver really does look like shit. He's so pale and tired and scruffy. Yikes. 

Edited by Guest
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6 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

IDK - he seemed pretty uncaring to me. There didn't seem to be any urgency on his part to find her at all. And when he finally did find her, he didn't seem to be relieved or anything which I would have expected despite the situation with Prometheus since Susan is still presumably his girlfriend and not some rando hostage. 

Unless I guess this was robot Oliver after deciding he shouldn't/couldn't be involved with her. 

 I think your first take was correct. Oliver cares for Susan, hell he cared for Pike. However there was nothing in him that showed some massive urgency. I mean replace Susan with Thea or Felicity and tell me that Oliver would have just been 'hey peace out, take the elevator to the roof I got to go deal with Pommykins'. No hug, no urgency. There was more between Olicity in 512.

I think Diggle nailed it, Oliver got involved with Susan because he was lonely, not out of some great love or anything.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I think a lot of people have checked out on Oliver this past few episodes and are not listening to him or analyzing his mannerism like they used. This why most people are not picking up on the fact Oliver was not as panicky about Reporter getting kidnapped. Hell, most of the dialogue was about turning Oliver to the dark-side. 

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9 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

IDK - he seemed pretty uncaring to me. There didn't seem to be any urgency on his part to find her at all. And when he finally did find her, he didn't seem to be relieved or anything which I would have expected despite the situation with Prometheus since Susan is still presumably his girlfriend and not some rando hostage

I don't know; the scene where he tells the team "b-b-but we have to find Susan" seemed like he cared. The way SA played that seemed like he was affected because it was her. (It doesn't help that right before that line he totally dismissed  Curtis' concerns that Prometheus might have Felicity since no one could get a hold of her. Oliver, who once freaked out because "Felicity is never more than five feet from her phone."). Honestly I think this show is trying to have it both ways until he officially ends things with Susan. 

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Just now, Trisha said:

I don't know; the scene where he tells the team "b-b-but we have to find Susan" seemed like he cared. The way SA played that seemed like he was affected because it was her.

Oliver is not a totally heartless bastard.  I mean to me, he was affected because it was her but not because he was all "MY LOVER IS IN DANGER. MUST SAVE HER NOW". I think he felt a responsiblity to make sure she was okay. I'm sure he cares about her but I don't think it's anywhere close to "LOVE"

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13 minutes ago, Trisha said:

I don't know; the scene where he tells the team "b-b-but we have to find Susan" seemed like he cared. The way SA played that seemed like he was affected because it was her. (It doesn't help that right before that line he totally dismissed  Curtis' concerns that Prometheus might have Felicity since no one could get a hold of her. Oliver, who once freaked out because "Felicity is never more than five feet from her phone."). Honestly I think this show is trying to have it both ways until he officially ends things with Susan. 

I think that comes to down to individual interpretation.  For me that scene was about Oliver not Susan. It was about Oliver being rocked to his core that Chase, someone he trusted and considered a friend, was the monster out to destroy him. On top of that Oliver found out that Talia was working with Prometheus to destroy Oliver.  And why are Talia and Chase trying to destroy Oliver? Because Oliver killed their fathers.  This whole episode was IMO about breaking Oliver down and, hitting him over the head with Prometheus' message, Oliver destroys everyone he comes in contact with.

Does Oliver care about Susan? Yes. He also cared about Pike.  

Edited by Morrigan2575
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