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S18.E07: Week 7: Latin Night

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Thank the GODS that Nene (or as someone aptly put it here, MeMe) is gone! I couldn't stand the constant screaming and the misplaced sense of self entitlement. And I'm surprised that no one here is commenting about her bit in the routine where she presses that one dancer's face between her boobs. WTH? That was about as bad as Peta's outfit.

Speaking of which, though I really do think James is gorgeous and though he was very pretty in his outfit, it still was a bit too much for family TV. And Peta and her porn star outfit, just no. I think she sleeps with all her partners, doesn't she? Isn't it implied in every season?

Candice was fantastic. Wow did she deliver. And I actually like Mark. He did a nice job with her. :)

Let's see when she started she was in a long term relationship with former pro Damien Whitewood for 5 years (who was Pam Anderson's pro her initial season) then things ended and she dated Maks for 10 months.

Her first showmance was Brant last season. And she went on a date with James /before/ the season and contestants were announced.

Peta may favor skimpy costumes but that doesn't equal her sleeping with her partners. And even if she did why is her personal life up for debate? she doesn't bring up her date with James the producers have and shes done her best to give vague answers.

No one has to like her costumes but I dont think its fair to judge her character on them.

Edited by StayClassySD
  • Love 10

Was Juan Pablo (from The Bachelor) there because it was Latin Night?  Gag me.  I noticed he dressed up, in jeans and an untucked shirt.  I wish I hadn't noticed him in the background.  Both he and Nikki looked bored.


I thought James looked sexy in glasses, and I seemed to keep my eye on him most during the Team Vida dance, even though I am generally not a fan and I'd like for him to be eliminated next. 


Candace was very sexy and flirty tonight, without being uptight about it.  I'm not a fan of her personally, but I'm really enjoying her on the show... over Danica, I think.


Happy to see NeNe gone, but she seemed humble in her exiting remarks. 

And Juliannes outfit can be seen as lingerie with those thigh highs. I don't see the difference. Women wear less on a beach so I'm not going to demonize her costume choices. JMO.


For me, it’s not about the skimpiness of Peta’s outfits; it’s about the sheer tackiness and/or ugliness of them.  I think her outfit last night would have been fine if she ditched the thigh high stockings and garter belt.  As for the linked picture of Julianne’s costume, I think the thigh high stockings take it from sexy to sleazy.

Also loved the looks Meryl was giving Maks and Candice in the rehersal. Meryl definitely has it bad for Maks



I didn't notice any looks and I'm going to choose to believe none existed because if there were I'd have to roll my eyes so far back in my head, they may be lodged there and think Meryl is getting as pathetic as Maks in their little showmance. It was Candace - married, mother of three who is worried about showing too much skin because of her faith and the fact that she is a wife and a mom, Candace. What the hell does Maks playfully touching her and trying to get her out of her shell for a few minutes even matter? 


I didn't like Carrie Ann's comment suggesting that Amy was going to win....I'd prefer Meryl or Charlie or Danica or Candace.



Amy's not winning this thing. Derek's good, but he's not that good. I can see her outlasting Danica and Candace and with regards to the latter, I personally think she has been the better dancer. But she's not going to win this thing. Although, the sheer joy at seeing Maks' head explode if he somehow loses this thing when he was gifted the ringerest female since Nicole Scherzinger, and to Derek no less, would be worthwhile. But Amy's not winning. If Meryl doesn't win, Charlie will sneak in and take it. Unfortunately, Sharna's choreography hasn't been wowing this season (not that I think Maks' is much better but Meryl is doing a great job selling what he's giving her) and I don't know if she can pull the Derek move of blowing away the others in the Freestyle and winning with that. But it is certainly possible. 


Speaking of which, though I really do think James is gorgeous and though he was very pretty in his outfit, it still was a bit too much for family TV. And Peta and her porn star outfit, just no. I think she sleeps with all her partners, doesn't she? Isn't it implied in every season?



The answer to the bolded is no. Peta's first "showmance" was only last season with Brant. Prior to that she'd only had married/engaged celebrities. Her first celebrity was Ron Artest and yeah, no. Then she was paired with Donald Driver who was married and she and his wife were very friendly. Then she had Gilles Marini who was also married and like with Donald, she and Gilles' wife were friendly. Then she had Sean Lowe who was engaged and then she had Brant and this season James. As also noted, with some of these she was also still with Damian and then later with Maks.


So no, Peta's wearing skimpy costumes does not automatically equate to sleeping with every celebrity she's paired up with. I'd say that's more Maks' forte or at least his hook-up count is much, much higher than hers. Hell let's see - right now, he has two ex-girlfriends on the show with him (Erin and Peta) while he's in a new showmance with Meryl and before she and Sean got eliminated, there was also Karina, his ex-fiance. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 1


The answer to the bolded is no. Peta's first "showmance" was only last season with Brant. Prior to that she'd only had married/engaged celebrities. Her first celebrity was Ron Artest and yeah, no. Then she was paired with Donald Driver who was married and she and his wife were very friendly. Then she had Gilles Marini who was also married and like with Donald, she and Gilles' wife were friendly. Then she had Sean Lowe who was engaged and then she had Brant and this season James. As also noted, with some of these she was also still with Damian and then later with Maks.


So no, Peta's wearing skimpy costumes does not automatically equate to sleeping with every celebrity she's paired up with. I'd say that's more Maks' forte or at least his hook-up count is much, much higher than hers. Hell let's see - right now, he has two ex-girlfriends on the show with him (Erin and Peta) while he's in a new showmance with Meryl and before she and Sean got eliminated, there was also Karina, his ex-fiance. 

Let us not forget Maks also used to have a friends with benefits relationship with Cheryl as well.  I don't think they ever dated for real, but they definitely were more than friends.  It was right after the Erin season I believe.

Edited by spanana

Ridiculously happy that Nene is gone.  Hopefully next season, Tony will get a nice partner.  Did anyone else spend the entire group dance trying to find Nene?  She was only in the limelight for  Auntie Mame type hand gestures and faces, never for flashy footwork.


Ricky Martin was the best guest judge this season -- he was polite, genuine, and unlike last week's RedFool, easy to understand.  I was a bit concerned with Bruno being all over him, but Ricky was professional.  I also enjoyed his performance immensely (and I don't listen to Latin typically).


Hated the footage about Amy's personal relationship.  (And is that the guy with whom she went on The Amazing Race?  He looks different now.)  Maybe her back injury will allow her to withdraw from the competition.  Derek's fans will be devastated, but the rest of us can enjoy a less dancer-centric voting skew.

  • Love 2

Has performing Stars on Ice made DWTS even more difficult for Charlie than Meryl? (My thought is that doing several shows a week, traveling, checking in and out of hotels for half of the week along with less practice time than other couples serves to offset some of the advantages they might have as ice dancers.) 

 Some of you pointed out the difference in weight placement between skating and dancing.  That means that these "ringers" are having to switch gears and retrain muscle groups but they can't temporarily switch off their skating muscle memory as they are still rehearsing and performing on ice. And not to take anything at all away from Meryl, but Charlie matches her twizzle for twizzle and has the added physical task of sustained lifts.  Granted Meryl weighs about as much as a feather but I think he has a slightly harder "workout" in the skating performances and might well be experiencing more fatigue. (Yes, I realize Meryl is also working muscle groups while in a lift.) If Charlie switches his weight to the balls of his feet during a lift while they are flying down the ice, bad things could happen.  The boots help prevent that; I'm just saying that the two skill sets of ice skating and ballroom dancing are possibly as different as they are alike. 


  • Love 3

For the most part, I love that there's no results show, but I hate that this means they're determined to stretch performance night out to two hours, even when they're down to seven dancers. The rehearsal packages get longer and more pointless every week.


I thought Amy's rumba was awful. That weird squatty gyrating thing she was doing wasn't sexy at all; it looked more like she had to pee and was trying to hold it.


Speaking of not sexy, oh Peta, no. Her outfit was more frightening than anything else. I did have to laugh, though, when Erin called it a "Victoria's Secret outfit" because Victoria's Secret has some tacky shit, but not that tacky. Also, it reminded me of the time I was in a VS and a man came in and asked where the crotchless panties were. The salesperson could barely conceal her rage. "WE DO NOT SELL SUCH ITEMS, SIR."


I think Mark's little hat is getting smaller. If I worked on the show, every week I would replace his hat with one that was slightly larger, to see if I could make him think his head was shrinking.

Edited by fishcakes
  • Love 5

You know, normally I'm amused at whatever combination of tape and sequins Peta can come up with but tonight was too much.


Hee. First chuckle of the morning and I agree. Tape and sequins indeed. I'll see you that and raise you some rhinestone bedazzled band-aids. :)  When I saw Peta in the blue jumpsuit at the beginning of the routine I thought,  "no way is she doing the whole dance in that much fabric." So women are wearing diaper pants now too? HATE. [/Peta's rehearsal pants]


Holy mother, I love Ricki Martin. Just love him. Hated his white pants, but loved his performance and his guest judging. The man knows how to bring it, I'll give him that.  

  • Love 3

Peta has gone way beyond slut with her outfit. I'm sorry, but cheap hooker look does not play well during prime time. She always pushes the limit on her trampy outfits, but this was really bad.

I was half expecting the police to stop their performance and arrest her for solicitation.


I definitely did not need to hear about Amy's "trouble at home" and if I were here boyfriend I would not be happy with her. Is nothing private anymore???

I kind of wondered about that, too.  It was especially uncomfortable with the guy sitting stone-faced in the audience.  I don't have any idea what is going on between them, but I personally would have been very unhappy had my SO shared our troubles so publicly.  Like "Sorry, that's it for me" kind of unhappy.


My poor Danica.  She was obviously very limited in her solo dance.  And thought I loved the Daisy Dukes, that hair... yikes.  I thought it was telling that she was the only one in the team dance with a one-piece outfit; she must have had her ribs all taped up, because there ain't nothing else there she has to hide.  The x-ray looked pretty bad; it isn't just a hairline fracture.  As long as she keeps her ribs bound tightly, she'll be able to move side-to-side well enough, but any bouncing is going to hurt like hell.


Speaking of the team dance, what the hell was Team Everybody's-In-Jeopardy wearing?  I thought we time traveled back to 1986 for a second, with that weird pseudo-military look.


Meryl has won me over.  I think this season may be Maks' first win.  I love how he can look at that gorgeous body gyrating in front of him and say, "No, no, no, that's terrible."

  • Love 1

Okay, so what happened to Charlie's chest?  I am an advocate of chest hair on men, I know that is not PC or fashionable these days but heck, just call me old.  LOL  And during the group dance rehearsal they were teasing him that he would have to finally go shirtless and he raised his tee shirt and voila!  He has a chest full of hair!!  NeNe lets loose a scream, but I thought 'ah, finally, an attractive chest!'  Comes the actual dance and there he is......smooth as a 7 year old boy!!  Oh Charlie.....why dd you have to give in????  Not all of us prefer a chest as smooth as our own.  Give me some hair.  :)

(edited to correct misspelling of his name!)

Edited by dustoffmom
  • Love 6

When was Amy in The Amazing Race? I've seen every episode, every season and don't remember her.  I remember a contestant named Sarah who had prosthetics.


I liked Ricky Martin, too. I wish Charlie hadn't "manscaped." I had enjoyed seeing someone who actually had a man's normal chest. I guess, overall, I was disappointed in Latin night.  I wanted to see that crisp, almost mechanical, footwork you get in Latin dancing and I didn't see it.  I'd see it a little with Meryl and Candace, and then there's be a bunch of spins or flips or whatever.


When was Amy in The Amazing Race? I've seen every episode, every season and don't remember her.  I remember a contestant named Sarah who had prosthetics.

She was in TAR 21 (same season as the Chippendales, Screeching Twins, etc) and her connection with her partner is listed as dating on and off. They went out in the 2nd week. My memory, and from what other people have said, is that they helped another team (I think they pointed out where the abacus was) and that team beat them in a foot race to the pit stop.

I'm kind of over having all of the guys be shirtless. I mean, they are still quite pleasant to look at, but if you eat filet mignon every night for dinner, filet mignon stops being special and becomes everyday food. I was also a bit put off my the instant Twit-poll to have Tony remove his shirt. If there was a Twit-poll to say that a woman should flash more cleavage, many people would be up in arms about the objectification and sexism involved.


It seems as though this season has more injuries than I am used to seeing. Bad luck,or higher expectations for the intensity of the routines, I wonder?


I enjoyed Ricky Martin as guest host, probably my favorite so far. (Redfoo was funny, but didn't seem to have anything of substance to say, while Julianne and Donny just annoyed. Cher was alright, too.) I have never watched Dance Moms so I have no opinion upfront about this Abby Lee Miller (?) person.


I seriously hated the frizzy/curly look that both Danica and Meryl were rocking. I wanted to reach through the screen to give them a deep conditioning treatment to smooth it out. (I have no issue with curls, but they both looked like their hair was fried.)

I think a smooth chest and a spray tan that is 4 shades too dark is standard for ballroom competition.  I certainly didn't think Charlie's chest hair was horrifying, but people recoil in terror from that sort of thing these days.


Meryl looked like a 12 year old dressed up as Gloria Estefan for Halloween.  I really hated the costume for her this week.  And someone so short should never wear booties or big sneakers, it makes them look shorter.  But the red dress and Maks with the shirtless tuxedo and the hat was hot, hot, hot.


I love how he can look at that gorgeous body gyrating in front of him and say, "No, no, no, that's terrible."

Maks seems to do that with most of his partners when he's trying to get them to loosen up and be sexy.  I think it must work - if inhibition is caused by the fear that people won't think you're sexy, confronting that right away in rehearsal probably dissipates the fear.


Charlie dear, you aren’t going to get a ten for two reasons: (1) Sharna’s choreography; she needs to tone it down, slow it down, and let your wonderful musicality, dance ability, and personality shine; let us see the basic movements and (2) a concerted effort to  get Maks his trophy.


Good points, I think. I really really liked the feel of that paso, but perhaps the steps were too complicated.


But I also wonder about the whole season story arc for Charlie. If, say, he's running away with the votes, perhaps TPTB want to make it seem like it's not completely cut and dried. It sure would be interesting to see the vote break-downs between Meryl and Charlie -- I doubt most people are splitting their votes, giving half to each. More (of those that like them) will probably pick a horse and stay with it...some have commented on Meryl's aloofness, which I really don't see, especially as the season has gone on. She's just focused and tough as nails. Charlie definitely has the more naturally warm personality. I can see more M/C fans voting for him rather than her.


I would assume that those two are a lock for the finals, with any number of other dancers vying for that third spot -- depending on the weeks they have. I would have said Danica or Amy, but we'll have to see regarding injuries. I know that a teensy hairline fracture on my rib felt like hell when I was simply breathing and took months to completely heal. I suppose Candace could slip in -- bet she's doing pretty decently in the votes too. Maybe James? But my money's on Amy, provided that her back stuff ends up being minor.


If it comes down to Charlie and Meryl, I don't know who I'd want to win. They each seem like lovely people, and god, they're insanely talented.

  • Love 1

If there was a Twit-poll to say that a woman should flash more cleavage, many people would be up in arms about the objectification and sexism involved.

If the women flashed more cleavage they would have to move the show to Cinemax.  And then I'd have to subscribe to Cinemax.


Also, "twit-poll", hehehe.  That's awesome.

  • Love 2

Danica and Val traveled to DC this week for a Science Fair and both appeared onstage with Bill Nye.  It's really too bad that her package was focused on her injury, because it would have been interesting and fun to see geek-Danica promoting her math books.


Amy's package about her boyfriend was cringe-worthy.  I wish she hadn't cooperated with any intrusive questions the producers asked to put that one together. Ugh.  Between her injury and that embarrassing pre-dance footage, I'm ready for her to go home for her own sake.


Peta and James should just get a room and take Carrie Ann with them


OMG THIS. My second belly laugh of the day and aint it the truth? (Sidenote, I love flove the posters and mods here -- so smart and dry and witty. Virtual hugs to all who I read every day with my hot tea and then later in the day too.[/need to get a life] First belly laugh, for those keeping count, *snort* was "tape and sequins" Peta. Hee.


Should a woman in her 40's (CAI) be using the lingo, "sic" or is it "Sick?" to mean great?


I loved that beautiful, gorgeous, hot Ricki was feeling his feelings. Also, so sweet that he asked Danica how she was doing. A hot, talented man who is a nice person AWESOME! More, please. Speaking of Danica, she looked super hot. She's always cute, but wowza. I immediately thought of fellow poster, DanDanNoodles and how he must be losin' it hee. I see it now, DanDan.


I wish Amy had told someone to suck it if they asked her to put her man on blast like that. Not cool, Show.

  • Love 2

I honestly didn't think Amy's rehearsal package was that big of a deal. They were rehearsing the "dance of love" (hate that stupid expression) and her frustration with not getting the steps mixed with whatever tension/issues she was having in her relationship. She didn't badmouth her boyfriend, call him names, she just said the last year and a half (presumably because of all the training for the Olympics and now DWTS) has been difficult, especially with her schedule and them not spending as much time together. The moment lasted all of a few seconds and then she wiped her eyes and got back to learning the dance. 


And I especially disagree with the idea that she was playing victim and she's "always" doing this in her packages or it's normal or whatever else. Amy has ever only expressed frustration once before and that was when she physically couldn't get her body to do what she wanted it to do in the waltz. Her and Derek's rehearsal packages have actually been some of the more drama-free ones along with Charlie/Sharna (well except for this week with his stressing about getting all 10's) and Val and Danica and even Danica has shed tears. James and Peta's are relatively drama free but we always have to hear about their chemistry/heat or whatever, Maks and Meryl always have their creepy, awkward flirtations, Candace is a head case and who did I forget?

  • Love 1

Two packages with full-on crying count as "a lot of drama" for one person.  I really didn't like the crying episode the first time.  It totally made me cry because it was so poignant, but underneath I was thinking, "I feel like I'm being manipulated."  And now she's crying over boyfriend drama?  That is ridiculous.  That just does not belong on the show.  If she comes back next week stoic I'll feel better, but if there's a crying episode over back spasms I will really be turned off.

  • Love 2

I honestly didn't think Peta's outfit was that bad (aside from the color- I just didn't like that red on her and i think that more than anything made it a bit hard on the eye). I also think it is funny for people to complain about family friendly when this is the same network that airs the Bachelor/Bachelorette at 8:30 (central)...also yeah- wearing revealing clothing does not equal slut.   Really, I am just jealous of her freaking abs.  I wish I was that confident to wear something like that on national tv.  


Plus they did samba rolls- so she gets points for that. 


Oh Charlie- you are adorbs but that Paso was a bit sloppy.  I still love Sharna, but agree she should pull back a tiny bit on the choreo- and I hate to say I agreed with CAI's critique specifically (ewww- I hated typing that). 


And yes charlie, we all look up to Ricky Martin- who has been the best judge by far (including Julianne) this show has had on.



I honestly didn't think Amy's rehearsal package was that big of a deal.


I didn't think it was a huge deal, just a little awkward- what made it uncomfortable for me was the long shot of her BF in the audience after.  Which was shitty on the producers parts.  


I'm kind of meh on Candace in general- I think she probably would benefit from regular therapy (most people would) but that was a nice dance.  Her story for me- is that it makes me realize how much more I like Mark when he gets these types of stars.  He costumes them beautifully and really seems to foster a safe teaching environment for them.  Which is nice because he usually annoys me.


I love Maks & Meryl and want them to have little russian olympian dancing babies.


ETA- I hate it when group dances are scored.  

Edited by gik910
  • Love 3
Two packages with full-on crying count as "a lot of drama" for one person.  I really didn't like the crying episode the first time.  It totally made me cry because it was so poignant, but underneath I was thinking, "I feel like I'm being manipulated."  And now she's crying over boyfriend drama?  That is ridiculous.  That just does not belong on the show.  If she comes back next week stoic I'll feel better, but if there's a crying episode over back spasms I will really be turned off.



YMMV but I still don't think it is a big deal or that means she has been "a lot of drama". Amy's crying about the waltz came in like Week 5 of the show and she was crying over frustration of what her body could not do. Danica had the tears going in Week 2. And I'm sorry, I cannot begrudge someone like Amy who has had some really shitty stuff thrown at her, that most people will never experience, having one moment of feeling sorry for herself and being angry at the things she physically cannot do anymore versus Danica who is more than capable, having a cry-fest because of what I don't even really remember to be honest. 


Yeah others may not be bringing the tears but imo, Amy's crying twice is no worse or more repetitive than Candace who is a head case and goes on about her nerves every week, or Danica who has repeated multiple times about how she wants to bring out her womanly sexiness and not be girlish anymore even though she's posed for the cover of Maxim or Maks and Meryl's creepy, weird flirtations every week. Like I said about the only couple not bringing any drama or being repetitive in their rehearsal packages, is Charlie and Sharna and I guess he could get added to that after expressing his frustrations this week about not getting all 10's.

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 1

And Juliannes outfit can be seen as lingerie with those thigh highs. I don't see the difference. Women wear less on a beach so I'm not going to demonize her costume choices. JMO.


People do wear less on the beach, but Peta wasn't on the beach. And they don't go to Kroger like that either. :) I thought it was a bit much, or a bit not enough... When there's no place to attach your mic pack, Peta, time to take a hard look at your wardrobe imo.


Pretty crappy to ask the masses to vote whether to see Tony shirtless. Seems a little crass and I'd be wondering, "Ouch what if they vote, 'Shirt on!' " Ouch.


I'll give Erin a half point for calling out Peta's lingerie as Victoria's Secret, although I wish Erin had gone with "Frederick's of Hollywood" as mentioned. More trashy and don't ask me how I know.


Well, dammit, now I have an earworm, "Me GUSTA la gas-o-LEEN-nah."

Edited by ari333

I think Danica and Candace are also drama queens, and I wouldn't be surprised if Danica's high-maintenance personality gets her ousted pretty soon (combined with dancing that is always good, just not great or memorable).  And Charlie really needs to do start doing something interesting because his rehearsal package was half the length of the other packages this week, and that's even with that pointless field trip to strategize with Meryl.  I guess he shows up to rehearsal, learns the dances in a drama-free way, and that's it?  He needs a story arc!  And "I'm disappointed with my scores" is not a good one for him.

Well, dammit, now I have an earworm, "Me GUSTA las gas-o-LEEN-nah."

Thanks for reminding me about that Gasoleeena song.  I was listening to it, wondering if it was from the Mad Max movies?  They were out in the desert, fighting over supplies of Gasoleen  (...instead of water....lol)  I was chuckling so much at singing about Gasoleeeen, that's about all I remember from that performance.

It was like they had a storyline planned for that then thought better of it.



Or she cried for a few minutes, got over it and moved on but the show loves its dramas so they made sure to keep it in.


And "I'm disappointed with my scores" is not a good one for him.



Not so much being disappointed in his scores but I can see the whole "Olympian spirit/fighting to win over the judges/etc." thing kind of working. And as others have said, Meryl's high scores could actually work against her because for some it only further supports the ringer accusations, the idea that she is too good, there's no learning curve with her, etc.

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 1

Amy being emotional hasn't really stood out to me since we've seen both Danica and Candace be pretty emotional as well, and we saw both of them cry last night to boot.  Mind you Danica's tears were injury related, but we've seen her cry before due to frustrations.  We've also seen NeNe break down during footage from the live shows.  It's not really all that different.  If anything Meryl has stood out just because she hasn't cried as yet, not that I expect she will.


I think Charlie's story is fine.  Right now he's the underdog in this Meryl versus Charlie battle and I don't think that's a bad place to be going down the homestretch.  I saw a whole groundswell of support for him last night from people that felt the judges were being too harsh with him. 

Edited by spanana

I didn't watch live, so I was expected worse from Peta's outfit after reading about it. It was definitely not Samba appropriate, but at least she was somewhat covered. I thought she and James had an awful song. Choreography for that one was going to be challenge, but the choice to make it a strip tease was a poor one. The stills on youtube you see when searching for videos are really un-Samba looking. To me, the dance looked like a hybrid between Samba and strip tease from those South American knock off of DWTS. 


Overall I wish we would have had more Santa type music from latin night rather than this more club/party inspired stuff. It was a real missed opportunity. Also, the ban murdered Livin La Vida Loca. Yuck.


I think Charlie deserved the 9's and the 10 and 8 cancelled each other out. The dance started out fantastic, then it looked like Charlie got caught in the corner. Maybe he ran out of room with the stairs (possible side effect of traveling and having less time to work with the stage or the full sized rehearsal room) and after that he looked off balance a few times. There were parts that were really great, but there were too many awkward lines and moments where Charlie looked off from Sharna to warrant 10's. 


Danica looked like she got lost and was timid. Sure the rib injury is to blame, but the show has always said that they won' take such things into account. Given the actual dance, I thought her scores were generous. I was also wondering why she didn't sit out the 'live' team dance given her injury. Why risk aggravating it? Maybe she just went through the motions lightly, but I still found it odd.


I still love Meryl and Maks, although I wasn't wild about the staging this week. I would have preferred a bright, fun, salsa just the two of them. For once I was grateful to Carrie Ann for pointing out how different this side of Meryl was tonight. Meryl really is versatile.


I don't like the team dances and that hasn't changed. Team Vida had some of the ugliest costumes I have ever seen on this show. Just hideous. Team Vida was ambitious but that sacrificed some of the cleanliness. Team Loca was great, if not a little reserved looking, probably due to the injuries and the fact that they thought it was just a rehearsal. 

I think a smooth chest and a spray tan that is 4 shades too dark is standard for ballroom competition.  I certainly didn't think Charlie's chest hair was horrifying, but people recoil in terror from that sort of thing these days.




Let's just be thankful that the guys aren't sporting the shellac hair that you see at the various pro competitions.

Amy being emotional hasn't really stood out to me since we've seen both Danica and Candace be pretty emotional as well, and we saw both of them cry last night to boot.  Mind you Danica's tears were injury related, but we've seen her cry before due to frustrations.  We've also seen NeNe break down during footage from the live shows.  It's not really all that different.  If anything Meryl has stood out just because she hasn't cried as yet, not that I expect she will.



I'm willing to bet a shinny nickel that Meryl has cried and will cry again - the producers haven't shown us yet because it doesn't help tell the story arc they have planned for her.  They'll be all to happy to show us Meryl crying when it suits their needs.

  • Love 2

I could totally see Peta grocery shopping in that ensemble.

And I didn't think Amy's crying was a big deal either, just odd. Like it came out of nowhere and then poof, was never mentioned again. It was like they had a storyline planned for that then thought better of it.

So because she wears skimpy dance costumes we should assume that she's like that in her daily life? Then should one assume because Candace is more modest that she doesn't wear skimpy lingerie for her husband, while the pros/contestants are being judged on what they do/don't wear.

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I agree that Peta's outfit was inappropriate this week and usually her outfits don't bother me in the slightest. That said, I think it can probably just be left that her outfit was inappropriate and not be tossing around the "slut" commentary. I'm not going to get into a big social justice rant, but it's a really ugly, unnecessary, and misogynistic word.

Yep folks let's go with inappropriate and stay away from misogynistic terms.

Let's keep the talk to the actual show and take anything Peta specific over to her topic. Thanks! 


Speaking of which, though I really do think James is gorgeous and though he was very pretty in his outfit, it still was a bit too much for family TV. And Peta and her porn star outfit, just no. I think she sleeps with all her partners, doesn't she? Isn't it implied in every season?


Well, first of all, I don't think that either skimpy clothes or enjoying sex is a moral character flaw.


Second, if you're really getting right down and dirty into the DWTS pro gossip, the pro with the reputation for sleeping with (most of) her partners is Cheryl, going back to Drew Lachey.  Who, if you recall, was married at the time.  (And wasn't his wife pregnant?).  Cheryl's reputation for sleeping around goes way back to when she was dancing on the competitive circuit, when her nickname was "California Open."  Yes...


That aside, I think that one of the storylines that the producers like to push every season is a hot and sexy showmance.  It's changed around amongst different pros at times (Derek with Shannon Elizabeth, Maks with Erin and now Meryl, Val with Kelly Monaco, etc.).  Peta seems to have gotten it the last couple of seasons.


I blow hot and cold on Peta's costumes.  I actually have liked some of them and some of them... not so much.  I do feel like some of them are unfairly criticized like the "Frozen" costume.  Because it's a leotard basically, and not even a particularly high-legged one.  Not a lot you can really do about that for contemporary.  The "Gasolina" samba one is pretty hideous, though.


On the whole, though, I think Peta has been a great addition to the show.  Probably the strongest female dancer after Karina, and actually more versatile that Karina.  Definitely the strongest of the female pros on the choreography front, along with Sharna at the moment.


Oh, and in my opinion, Charlie is a much stronger dancer than Meryl.  Much.  Meryl is a badass, and absolutely fearless, but relatively speaking her dance quality is not nearly as strong as Charlie who has better line, musicality, dynamic and partnering skills.  As much flak as the Charlie/Peta rhumba got, Meryl hasn't really come close to anything like it with either Maks or Val.  


For example, you can see the different in partnering when Charlie turns Sharna/Peta vs. when Maks turns Meryl.  Considering how astoundingly badass Meryl's twizzles are, the turns in the salsa last night were surprisingly weak and it's a partnering issue.


And maybe it's me, but I've been finding Maks' choreography for Meryl to be really busy.  Like he's so excited he finally has a good partner, that he's throwing everything he ever thought of in the past several years into his routines.  He could really calm it down.

I'm willing to bet a shinny nickel that Meryl has cried and will cry again - the producers haven't shown us yet because it doesn't help tell the story arc they have planned for her.  They'll be all to happy to show us Meryl crying when it suits their needs.

Based on what?  There's no rule that all people of the female gender automatically must cry during DWTS.    Also Meryl just doesn't strike me as a big crier. 


Tony just recently said that Meryl broke her toe the AT week with Val, but refused to say anything about it publicly because she didn't want sympathy. 

Edited by spanana
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I'm willing to bet a shinny nickel that Meryl has cried and will cry again - the producers haven't shown us yet because it doesn't help tell the story arc they have planned for her.  They'll be all to happy to show us Meryl crying when it suits their needs.

Meryl's not a crier.  In her real career where there is much huger pressure, she never cries.  Her mother said in an interview that it's probably one of the key reasons she's done so well - because she's "unemotional". 


Maks mentioned that Meryl finally cracked a little bit this past week due to all the traveling they are doing, but it did not necessarily take place in rehearsal. 


Not every little thing is a big plot by the producers.

  • Love 1
Second, if you're really getting right down and dirty into the DWTS pro gossip, the pro with the reputation for sleeping with (most of) her partners is Cheryl, going back to Drew Lachey.  Who, if you recall, was married at the time.  (And wasn't his wife pregnant?).



That was a rumor that as I recall was vehemently denied by both Drew and Cheryl. I know many people believed it particularly because of how much Joey Lawrence seems to hate her and the rumors came right on the heels of her break-up with his brother which the tabloids attributed to that being the reason. But far as I know that story is just that - rumor. As for her other partners, I know there was the stuff with her and Chad Ochocinco but I honestly can't remember any rumors, gossip, etc. about Cheryl and any of her other celebrities.


I'm willing to bet a shinny nickel that Meryl has cried and will cry again



Yeah I can't see it with her and I'm willing to bet it's one more reason so many describe her as cold and seeming unapproachable. I just can't see Meryl having a cry-fest and there's nothing wrong with that. Some people just aren't built that way.

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wearing revealing clothing does not equal slut.

I don't think it is the revealing-ness of it that people are reacting to, it was that it was basically a bra, panties, and garter belt combination, i.e. something that implies that some sort of adult behavior is going on.  Most of the costumes, even the more revealing ones, are just costumes.  It's all about the context.  I mean, after all, a bikini is fine on the beach, but no one would wear one to work.  Unless their workplace was awesome.

  • Love 1

That was a rumor that as I recall was vehemently denied by both Drew and Cheryl. I know many people believed it particularly because of how much Joey Lawrence seems to hate her and the rumors came right on the heels of her break-up with his brother which the tabloids attributed to that being the reason. But far as I know that story is just that - rumor. As for her other partners, I know there was the stuff with her and Chad Ochocinco but I honestly can't remember any rumors, gossip, etc. about Cheryl and any of her other celebrities.

Same on this.  I had heard about Cheryl's nickname during her competitive days, but that says far more to me about the people that gave her that nickname as opposed to anything about her.  The Drew rumors were circulating in Star Magazine I believe during one of the DWTS tours (remember those?).  It wasn't from when they were actually paired together on the show.  They both denied it.  Tom and some of the other pros stood up for them.   Drew is still married.  That doesn't mean it wasn't true, but when Star Magazine is your only source I'm not exactly taking it as fact. 


And outside of Chad, where I believe Cheryl has admitted something happened, I can't even think of another season where there were even rumors about her and her DWTS partner.  Again, I'm sure there is more hooking up going on behind the scenes then we even know about where all the pros/celebs are concerned, but still.  Now Cheryl did have a thing with Maks at one point, but I think the idea of her hooking up with every partner is a bit of an exaggeration.  Who knew Wayne Newton and Tom DeLay were so lucky.

  • Love 2

I don't think it is the revealing-ness of it that people are reacting to, it was that it was basically a bra, panties, and garter belt combination, i.e. something that implies that some sort of adult behavior is going on.  Most of the costumes, even the more revealing ones, are just costumes.  It's all about the context.  I mean, after all, a bikini is fine on the beach, but no one would wear one to work.  Unless their workplace was awesome.

I'll take my response to her thread...

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I honestly didn't think Peta's outfit was that bad (aside from the color- I just didn't like that red on her and i think that more than anything made it a bit hard on the eye).

***ducks flying objects*** I'm a middle aged hetero woman and I thought Peta looked AMAAAAZING. Yes she had a very suggestive outfit on but dang, that was a hot number.  (DAME MAS GASOLEEEEENAAA and no, they don't really want gasoline - it's a very sexually suggestive song and "gasolina is" well, sexual intercourse like where the nozzle of the hose is. . . and the tank is. . . I leave it to your imagination)


I was a Nene fan until I saw her big old Amazon self on this show (with her flat shoes, WTH was that all about?) Now I can stop figuring out why she dances worse than I do and where they find those big old flat sandals for her feet. 


The judges need to stop picking on Charlie - that boy is adorable and he's trying so hard. Perhaps it's something with his technique (somebody mentioned the difference between ice dance and regular dance - but shouldn't his partner be picking up on that?)

Same on this.  I had heard about Cheryl's nickname during her competitive days, but that says far more to me about the people that gave her that nickname as opposed to anything about her.  The Drew rumors were circulating in Star Magazine I believe during one of the DWTS tours (remember those?).  It wasn't from when they were actually paired together on the show.  They both denied it.  Tom and some of the other pros stood up for them.   Drew is still married.  That doesn't mean it wasn't true, but when Star Magazine is your only source I'm not exactly taking it as fact. 


And outside of Chad, where I believe Cheryl has admitted something happened, I can't even think of another season where there were even rumors about her and her DWTS partner.  Again, I'm sure there is more hooking up going on behind the scenes then we even know about where all the pros/celebs are concerned, but still.  Now Cheryl did have a thing with Maks at one point, but I think the idea of her hooking up with every partner is a bit of an exaggeration.  Who knew Wayne Newton and Tom DeLay were so lucky.


As I said, I have no problem with what Cheryl or any other pro does for their extracurricular activities with consenting adults.  My post was a reply to the poster who took it as given fact that it was well-known that Peta was engaging in sexual activity with her partners.  I don't think it's known about any of the pros, and if you're going to take rumor, there are other pros about whom such activity is much more of a rumor topic.

Count me in with the group who was disappointed that Charlie didn't have any chest hair.  On that note, did anyone else think the whole "should Tony be shirtless" thing was a set up and planned in advance?  I don't know a lot about dancers' costumes, but I'm pretty sure that in figure skating or any other thing a man needs to have his shirt tucked in it's secured at the crotch so it doesn't ride up or come out of the pants.


I'll have to rewatch, but when I saw it last night it looked to me as if the shirt he was wearing was just tucked in and not secured.  It almost looked like a tear away shirt.  That's was the deciding factor for me that it was all a ruse.  If anyone noticed anything different or knows about the shirt tucking please correct me.

This show. Sometimes I can't even. It's just so ridiculous. It's amazing how short it is when you make judicious use of the fast forward feature on the DVR.


I hope Charlie has seen enough of this show to know this is just how he's been storyboarded. Is his dancing perfect? I guess not. But I do find him damn entertaining. I was going to say that I wish Sharna would choreograph something easier for him, but then I remembered that that probably wouldn't make a difference. Charlie's story is that he's the one who really, really wants that "10 from Len," and Len, grumpy old bastard that he is, is going to deny him that 10 until he reaches whatever perfection Len knew he had in him all along (or the producers tell him it's time to whip out the 10 paddle for Charlie -- somehow I think those events magically coincide.) I do think Len was a jerk the way he went about his critique. If you're going to say something like that at least tell him WHY it wasn't special you old cranky pants. For all I know the critiques are scripted, too. (Lord have mercy on Bruno's scriptwriter if that is the case.) I am going to start a twitter petition: #bringbackCharlieschesthair


I didn't think Meryl's dance was that great. In fact, I thought it looked an awful lot like Danica's dance. I also felt she got a bit lost with the other dancers out there with her. Count me in with those who wish this showmance would die. Maks has been doing this with his partners since his season with Willa. They were seen all over the place together, too. He refused to confirm or deny any romantic relationship, etc., etc., rinse, lather, repeat. In fact Willa was credited with convincing him to cut his hair. If that isn't true love, I don't know what is. ;-) I do think Meryl is a shoe-in for the finale, and provided Maks can cobble together a halfway decent freestyle, I don't see her losing this thing. 


I think everything that can be said about Peta's clothing (or lack thereof) has been. She is gorgeous and she has a great body. I just wish she didn't feel the need to show me so much of it. Every. Week. If she was going for gas station pin up, I think it would have been much more attractive if she had worn a pair of short jean shorts and a shirt knotted in the front. I think James is a sweetie. I hope he manages to last a few more weeks. 


I really hope Danica is being careful with her injury. DWTS is not worth a punctured lung.


Poor Tony, I don't think he was disappointed to see this come to an end at all. He really tried to be gracious there at the end. Too bad NeNe couldn't be bothered to thank him.

Edited by ReadingZombie
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"But I also wonder about the whole season story arc for Charlie. If, say, he's running away with the votes, perhaps TPTB want to make it seem like it's not completely cut and dried. It sure would be interesting to see the vote break-downs between Meryl and "Charlie -- I doubt most people are splitting their votes, giving half to each. More (of those that like them) will probably pick a horse and stay with it...some have commented on Meryl's aloofness, which I really don't see, especially as the season has gone on. She's just focused and tough as nails. Charlie definitely has the more naturally warm personality. I can see more M/C fans voting for him rather than her."

My current tinfoil hat theory is that TPTB have decided to sacrifice Charlie to try and tamp down any ringer backlash against Meryl in the finals. If he goes home before his time, then no one can say the skaters had an unfair advantage. I do think she's getting more votes than Charlie - she's been dancing great and getting nothing but praise, and Maks has a big fan base of his own. From what I've seen on some of the figure skating forums, there's a large segment of long- frustrated Meryl/Charlie shippers who are eating up the Meryl/Maks drama.

Edited by Barbara Manatee
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