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S12.E14: The Raid

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23 hours ago, mertensia said:

There's an awkward conversation. "Hey mom, just read these. They were written by God when he was pretending to be a Prophet. It's our lives after I went to Stanford to borrow Sammy to help me find dad. Ignore the graphic sex scenes."


As for the Colt killing Meg's brother, it did but he wasn't the Alpha Vamp, either. 

Okay, this made me think. Did Sam and Dean read all of Chuck's book? I would have, and that brings up a lot of awkward situations, including Yellow eyes. That was cannon from before Cas, so they're in the books, right?

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10 minutes ago, Mick Lady said:

Okay, this made me think. Did Sam and Dean read all of Chuck's book? I would have, and that brings up a lot of awkward situations, including Yellow eyes. That was cannon from before Cas, so they're in the books, right?

Yes, but the Winchesters didn't know about the books until late in season 4, so they likely didn't have much time to look for copies of the books between then and when Lucifer rose.... and then after that they were sort of preoccupied. And then it was only 3 episodes in to the season before Castiel sent Dean back and he found out about what happened. Reading the books definitely would've helped in terms of locating the Colt, but they still found out about that not too long into season 4 from Becky.

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On ‎3‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 7:25 AM, Wayward Son said:

Despite what Mary seems to thinks, Dean was never asking her to be the stereotypical mum who makes PB&J sandwiches and spends her days tending to their needs. What he wants, no what he needs, was some sign from her that she was interested in forming a familial relationship. At the moment she’s been treating them as allies more than anything i.e. people to be contacted when she needs help with something. I can understand that Mary may be experiencing feelings of confusion, and she is still reeling from the trauma of finding herself in this strange new world. However, she has failed to display any true empathy for the plight of her sons, as she is too consumed by her own thoughts and feelings. Therefore, Dean’s anger at learning that she had aligned herself with a cause he considers contrary to his own is hardly surprising.

Wayward Son, lots of times I start reading and don't really pay attention to who is posting until I have that "Wow" moment. This whole post got me! Thanks!

20 minutes ago, AwesomO4000 said:

Reading the books definitely would've helped in terms of locating the Colt, but they still found out about that not too long into season 4 from Becky.

Ah hell Awesomo! I forgot Becky told them about the Colt!

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1 hour ago, Mick Lady said:

Ah hell Awesomo! I forgot Becky told them about the Colt!

According to Chuck, she was a bigger fan than he was. Heh.

And I messed up - it was actually season 5 Becky told them about the Colt.

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7 hours ago, Mick Lady said:

Okay, this made me think. Did Sam and Dean read all of Chuck's book? I would have, and that brings up a lot of awkward situations, including Yellow eyes. That was cannon from before Cas, so they're in the books, right?

I don't know if they read them all, but it seemed like they had quite a few of them laying around their hotel room in The Monster At The End Of This Book. If I were Sam or Dean, I'm not sure I'd give the books to my mom to read. Granted it would catch her up, but it might also be too much information. Mary doesn't need to know everything, no parent does. And, I don't think I'd read all of them myself either; I don't know if I'd want to know everything. Plus, apparently Chuck didn't include everything... .

7 hours ago, AwesomO4000 said:

Yes, but the Winchesters didn't know about the books until late in season 4, so they likely didn't have much time to look for copies of the books between then and when Lucifer rose.... and then after that they were sort of preoccupied. And then it was only 3 episodes in to the season before Castiel sent Dean back and he found out about what happened. Reading the books definitely would've helped in terms of locating the Colt, but they still found out about that not too long into season 4 from Becky.

Not to mention, they stopped being published after No Rest For The Wicked. So, they could've given them insight into each other's brains, but it likely wouldn't have given them much useful intel at that point. I know Charlie said Becky had uploaded a bunch of his unpublished work, but that couldn't have been until S5 since Becky didn't meet Chuck until then.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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36 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

don't know if they read them all, but it seemed like they had quite a few of them laying around their hotel room in The Monster At The End Of This Book. I don't if I were Sam or Dean if I'd give the books to my mom to read. Granted it would catch her up, but it might also be too much information. Mary doesn't need to know everything, no parent does. And, I don't think I'd read all of them myself either; I don't know if I'd want to know everything. Plus, apparently Chuck didn't include everything... .

I don't think they did read them all.  If they had they would have known that Bela gave the Colt to Crowley without Becky having to tell them.  I would think if they had that info in Season 4, they (or at least Dean) would have wanted to go looking for it to use on Lillith.

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2 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I don't think they did read them all.  If they had they would have known that Bela gave the Colt to Crowley without Becky having to tell them.  I would think if they had that info in Season 4, they (or at least Dean) would have wanted to go looking for it to use on Lillith.

Yeah, I always wonder now if Chuck planted that bit of information into Becky's brain or if it was really in the books? I mean, it wasn't onscreen and Chuck being God and all that... .

But, yeah, I really don't think I would read them if I was Sam or Dean. It would be too weird. I mean, I got weirded out just finding an old sketch/notebook of mine from 25 years ago the other day, I can only imagine how trippy it would be to read stories about myself. Now, if I felt like they had useful information I'd need, I might skim them. Still though, very trippy and weird! 

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3 hours ago, Katy M said:

I don't think they did read them all.  If they had they would have known that Bela gave the Colt to Crowley without Becky having to tell them.  I would think if they had that info in Season 4, they (or at least Dean) would have wanted to go looking for it to use on Lillith.

Likely no or little time. It was unlikely that they found all of the books during "Monster..." The episode after that, they found out about Adam... then they lost Castiel and Dean found out about Sam's addiction and they locked him in the panic room, and then everything went to pot. So there was a whole bunch on their plate and likely little time to find and read (or even peruse) 20+ books for information that they weren't even sure they'd be finding. As far as Sam and Dean knew, Chuck was mostly "laser focused" on their lives - i.e. the "gospel of us (them)," so they likely wouldn't have considered that the narrative would also follow Bella and what happened to the Colt after she stole it. I would consider Bobby maybe could've done it -if Sam and Dean would want to share (which I would think no), but even he was pretty distracted with Sam in the panic room.

3 hours ago, DittyDotDot said:

Yeah, I always wonder now if Chuck planted that bit of information into Becky's brain or if it was really in the books? I mean, it wasn't onscreen and Chuck being God and all that... .

Also a possibility. The "book" that Becky supposedly cited wasn't one of the original titles, so either it was a second book within one of the actual books (like a double volume), was an unpublished book, or was a Chuck plant... in which case Chuck was cruel, since the Colt wasn't going to work, and it wouldn't have any other role to play until these most recent episodes - and it could've stayed with Crowley and had the same outcome of getting into the hands of the BMoL in this episode.

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5 hours ago, DittyDotDot said:

I don't know if they read them all, but it seemed like they had quite a few of them laying around their hotel room in The Monster At The End Of This Book. If I were Sam or Dean, I'm not sure I'd give the books to my mom to read. Granted it would catch her up, but it might also be too much information. Mary doesn't need to know everything, no parent does. And, I don't think I'd read all of them myself either; I don't know if I'd want to know everything. Plus, apparently Chuck didn't include everything... .

They bought all the copies the store had in Monster at the End..., though we don't know if that was all the titles.  But apparently *all* the books (including unpublished ones) are now on Amazon, according to Charlie.  We still don't know which/how many any of the Winchesters have read, but they're available, and if any of Mary's contacts told her that there's a series of books that sound awfully familiar...

(from Slumber Party):

CHARLIE: I know. Not a good idea, according to the "Supernatural" books.

[Both boys look annoyed]

SAM: You really can't delete those from the Internet?

CHARLIE: Not even I can do that. Come on!

DEAN: Where do you even find them?

CHARLIE [with a cheeky grin]: A top-secret place I call Amazon. And someone uploaded all the unpublished works. I thought it was fanfic at first, but it was clearly Edlund's work.

SAM: Who uploaded it?

CHARLIE: I don't know. Their screen name was beckywinchester176. Ring a bell?


I'm going with the idea that it was Chuck who uploaded them.

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14 minutes ago, ahrtee said:

CHARLIE: I don't know. Their screen name was beckywinchester176. Ring a bell?


I'm going with the idea that it was Chuck who uploaded them.

I'm going to go with Becky uploading them.  I can totally see her "borrowing" the unpublished books.

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6 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I'm going to go with Becky uploading them.  I can totally see her "borrowing" the unpublished books.

Could be.  She disappeared after Time for a Wedding, so who knows what she's been up to? Though she hadn't seen Chuck since s.5, so that's an awfully long lag time before posting (besides, I think she'd prefer her own fanfic.)  Maybe she "embellished" them to match her own preferences?  (That would be interesting to read!)

Chuck, on the other hand, definitely wanted to be taken seriously as an author, and was apparently spending a lot of time on the internet, what with cat pictures and all...though I'm not sure if he'd use Becky's email or use the Carver Edlund name just for recognition.  So, it could be either.

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On 3/3/2017 at 2:52 PM, companionenvy said:

And I don't think the show has done a good job showing why Dean, with his limited information, is so absolutely sure they aren't, let alone why every single hunter in America not named Winchester would be opposed to working with them.

(Bold mine.)  I know we only saw the spiel delivered to Wally (::sniff:: RIP Wally) and Mary, but I think we were to assume that these same speech was given to numerous other hunters - and that Wally was the stereotypical 'Regular American Hunter' in his response.  So every single hunter in America not named Winchester still doesn't want to take orders from a bunch of limeys.  And that's a good enough reason not to work with them.

On 3/3/2017 at 5:53 PM, DeeDee79 said:

This is true. Besides Wally and Mary we didn't actually see their pitch to the other hunters. I would've loved to see the reaction from Bobby, Rufus or Ellen after a sit down with Mick. Oh well...

See above.  Again, I think we were supposed to believe the pitch was identical to all hunters.  And so Bobby's (et. al) reaction would have pretty much been the same as Wally's.  (::sniff:: RIP Wally.)*

*Nope.  Still not over the fact they killed off Wally.

On 3/5/2017 at 9:55 AM, rue721 said:

(1) That's why I think that everybody being A-OK with the hunter being led off in chains at the end is another misdirect/ruse. The show established very clearly, within the episode, that Sam and Dean were willing to take mercy on Mick and a vampire, so I think odds are pretty good that they'd take mercy on a double-crossing hunter, too. What "take mercy" might mean, I dunno. But I mean, at least merciful to the point of not really believing that it's *good* that he's getting led in chains into the bowels of a BMOL facility, and to probable torture and death at the hands of the psychopaths on the BMOL payroll.

(2) Also, the vamp raid and all that just seemed kind of like a setup to me, similarly to sending Mary in for the Colt felt like a setup. It just has the vibe of a test? It felt like when the Watcher's Council on Buffy decided to send her into a booby trapped mansion when she turned 18, to see if she could take a vampire totally on her own.

(3) So I'm not sure what's going on with the double-crossing hunter. It's possible that he was actually an asset for someone higher up in the BMOL and that he established that "connection" with the Alpha and instigated the raid on "The Old Men's" orders. He might be sitting pretty with Toni back in England now that he's done his job setting up this vampire raid "test," who knows. But then again, that's probably overthinking it for this show. There aren't usually a ton of twists and turns in terms of alliances on SPN.

(4) Anyway, speaking of alliances:  I feel kind of bad for Mary because even if she herself has a ruse going on as well (which my fingers are crossed that she does), I really don't think she's in on whatever is going on with Sam and Dean. Early in the season, the show established that Sam and Dean work together like a well-oiled machine at this point, and Mary was left out of that (and couldn't keep up). I think that's happening again.

(I added the numbers so I could keep track. :) ) 

1. I would really like it if the next episode picked up right where this one left off like this one picked up right where Family Feud left off and we see Sam and Dean doing covert suveillance of the BMoL not so super secret base where they took Pierce (even if they were unable to 'rescue' him from torture.)  Sadly, I don't think that will happen.

2. I don't think the vamp raid was a set up from the BMoL to test Sam/Dean or even Mary at all.  They just got caught with their pants down.

3.  That would actually be a really interesting twist. 

4.  I don't think Mary has any long con going on herself.  You are correct about her being left out of Sam and Dean's non-verbal communications.  But that's not what's happening here, IMO.

On 3/5/2017 at 2:34 PM, catrox14 said:

I guess that's my failure as a viewer. 

There are no fails as a viewer!  Only fails on the part of the story-teller, if they do not get their idea/point across.  :)

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3 hours ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

See above.  Again, I think we were supposed to believe the pitch was identical to all hunters.  And so Bobby's (et. al) reaction would have pretty much been the same as Wally's.  (::sniff:: RIP Wally.)*

I'm sure it would have. It just would have been extremely entertaining to see them react to the pitch. Mostly because the BMOL seem to think that they're better than the Americans because of their gadgets but Bobby, Rufus and Ellen were very intelligent and would have cut Mick down to size. Also I feel your pain with Wally. He had potential to be an interesting character as did Asa Fox and I want the boys to have some hunter friends!

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I get that hunters are a pretty independent bunch, and yeah, the BMOL needs to work on their PR. But in any group of a sufficient size, you are likely to get a variety of opinions. I mean, apparently there's at least one hunter out there who was willing to sell out other hunters to the Alpha Vamp. Even if the BMOL are high-handed, they've evidently achieved some fairly impressive results. I still don't buy that, other than Mary (and now Sam), there are no hunters willing to at the very least meet them halfway and agree to some level of collaboration.

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On 3/5/2017 at 9:18 AM, MysteryGuest said:

I hate the show comparing Dean to Ketch.  It's been established that Ketch is a killer for hire.  He will kill innocent people without batting an eye, and seems to enjoy it.  Dean likes the hunt, and has no qualms about killing monsters, but killing people is a whole different thing.  They are nothing alike.  And for a show that seemed really hesitant about portraying Dean as too evil when he was an actual Demon, they don't seem to shy away from insinuating that he's some crazed killer when he's just himself.  I really hate that!

Dean under MOC control, or Dean as full-on demon are totally different things.  I can accept the idea that both of these things brought out a side of him that exists, but I think that side exists in most of us.  Charlie certainly didn't come across as a bloodthirsty killer, but when her light and dark sides were split, Dark Charlie was pretty damn awful.  My point is that any of us under similar circumstances would probably show the same tendencies.  

Even under MOC control Dean didn't kill indiscriminately.  He killed a bunch of rapist who were going to kill him for getting in their way, he killed a young man who was from a monstrous family and who was already taking part in their monstrosities.  Even with the MOC despite the fact that it WANTED him to kill, Dean for the most part was not out of control, Dean in fact managed to keep a LOT of control over himself despite how hard the MOC was pulling on him, which if anything suggests he is not by any means a "natural born killer".  Even as a demon, frankly Dean's kills were probably more justified than Sam's were trying to "save" him.  So yes they brought out a side of him, but the very fact that even with that sort of pull the MOC had and even with the lack of conscious being a demon gave him - Dean still resisted being an outright killer, when he'd have had every excuse to become one.

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I just realized that Sam was driving a brand new Mustang.

So is that just egregious product placement? Did Sam rent it under another alias? Was there a Mustang in the Bunker? Did he steal someone's brand new Mustang?  Because they usually steal crappy old beaters etc. 


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2 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

I just realized that Sam was driving a brand new Mustang.

So is that just egregious product placement? Did Sam rent it under another alias? Was there a Mustang in the Bunker? Did he steal someone's brand new Mustang?  Because they usually steal crappy old beaters etc. 


Sam rented  car in Long Distance Call, but with a whole bunker/garagefull of cars it seems kind of unnecessary to rent or steal cars. But, they couldn't very well have a brand new one in the bunker.  I don't notice cars, so I'll take your word for it, but if so, that's kinda weird.

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Just now, Katy M said:

Sam rented  car in Long Distance Call, but with a whole bunker/garagefull of cars it seems kind of unnecessary to rent or steal cars. But, they couldn't very well have a brand new one in the bunker.  I don't notice cars, so I'll take your word for it, but if so, that's kinda weird.

Hmm. Superwiki says it's a Charger, but to me the front end and the space for a logo looks like a Mustang. But upon further review I don't think it's as new as I thought. It's very well maintained though. Watch it not be a Mustang or a Charger LOL . The hood and headlamps and spoiler on the back remind me of a Mustang circa...like early 2000s..Hummm

I'm gonna have to do some more research. .


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Okay so here's a 2004 Mustang. Chargers and Challengers have a wider front end from top to bottom and it stretches farther from wheel to wheel on the front end.  Hmmm.

Curious.  I still think it's a Mustang, but I could be wrong.


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They look similarSam drove a Dodge charger 2006 srt8 That has a wider front end with a wider grill. His ws a 4 door and the car in this episode  looks like a two door




Edited by catrox14
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I did notice the newer car.  But you just don't take the mustang off the grill on the Mustang.  That's blasphemy.  So, not a mustang.  However, I DID notice Cas' was driving Sam's crappy truck and not his Lincoln in "Stuck in the Middle (With You)".

So, we need to get an answer on Sam's car.  Sam also picked up a flashier car in S9 during Sharp Teeth. 

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21 minutes ago, SueB said:

 However, I DID notice Cas' was driving Sam's crappy truck and not his Lincoln in "Stuck in the Middle (With You)".

Wasn't Cass driving the truck he procured at the beginning of the season when he was blasted to the middle of Kansas? 

1 hour ago, catrox14 said:

They look similarSam drove a Dodge charger 2006 srt8 That has a wider front end with a wider grill. His ws a 4 door and the car in this episode  looks like a two door

So, soulless or not, I guess it's Sam's "type"? ;)

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3 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

Wasn't Cass driving the truck he procured at the beginning of the season when he was blasted to the middle of Kansas? 

So, soulless or not, I guess it's Sam's "type"? ;)

Oh, your right, that was probably THAT truck.  It reminded me of the one Sam was driving during The Prisoner.

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1 hour ago, SueB said:

I did notice the newer car.  But you just don't take the mustang off the grill on the Mustang.  That's blasphemy.  So, not a mustang.  However, I DID notice Cas' was driving Sam's crappy truck and not his Lincoln in "Stuck in the Middle (With You)"

They may have taken the logo off if Ford wouldn't give them the rights to use it without paying for it. 

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12 hours ago, catrox14 said:

They may have taken the logo off if Ford wouldn't give them the rights to use it without paying for it. 

Which is kind of crazy...granted I don't really know how all this works, but don't companies usually pay the show (or at least lobby) for product placement because it's basically free advertising?

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8 minutes ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

Which is kind of crazy...granted I don't really know how all this works, but don't companies usually pay the show (or at least lobby) for product placement because it's basically free advertising?

Yes.  I think it's more likely it's not a mustang.  But that's a good question to hunt down on the internet....

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10 minutes ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

Which is kind of crazy...granted I don't really know how all this works, but don't companies usually pay the show (or at least lobby) for product placement because it's basically free advertising?

Not necessarily. Depends on the company. Some companies want control over how their product/company/logo is used, so they won't give the rights for it to be shown. Maybe Ford isn't a fan of the show or they feel their product isn't shown in the best light since the boys tend to steal the cars they drive other than Baby? However, I'd be surprised they could use the product and just remove the logo. It's not like soda where it can be made generic without the product logo.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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5 minutes ago, RulerofallIsurvey said:

Which is kind of crazy...granted I don't really know how all this works, but don't companies usually pay the show (or at least lobby) for product placement because it's basically free advertising?

Yes, but mostly that with new products. Im just spitballing why they would have a car that doesn't have a logo on  the grille regardless of make and model. That's all

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20 minutes ago, DittyDotDot said:

Not necessarily. Depends on the company. Some companies want control over how their product/company/logo is used, so they won't give the rights for it to be shown. Maybe Ford isn't a fan of the show or they feel their product isn't shown in the best light since the boys tend to steal the cars they drive other than Baby? However, I'd be surprised they could use the product and just remove the logo. It's not like soda where it can be made generic without the product logo.

Or they're jealous because their main car is a Chevy.  They were originally going to use a '56(?) Mustang until one of EK"s friends told him a '67 Impala would be better.  Bad blood?

Edited by Katy M
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Someone made the below entry in the Superwiki but I don't concur at all with their conclusions. I don't know why the show would wait 6 years to tell us that Sam has been rebuilding the car, without Dean's help or that he didn't store it the bunker. Also the episode took place in Kansas, not Michigan. Dean didn't drive from the bunker to the vamps nest in Wichita and to the BMOL lair in Michigan (as this entry seems to think) all in a day. Hey, Maybe Sam flew to Michigan, got his car out storage and drove it to meet Mary. And it took Dean and Ketch a day to drive to Michigan... I don't think so, Tim.



e Charger was seen again in one piece in 12.14 The Raid with Michigan plates, when Sam drove to the British Men of Letters Compound in Lansing, Michigan, and met with Mary. This tells us that Sam was able to fix the car at some point and keep it in storage.

10 minutes ago, Katy M said:

Or they're jealous because their main car is a Chevy.  They were originally going to use a '56(?) Mustang until one of EK"s friends told him a '67 Impala would be better.  Bad blood?

I don't think it's bad blood per se. Dean drove a 67 Mustang in the titanic episode and War drove a pristine Cherry Red Mustang in Good God Y'all.

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10 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Someone made the below entry in the Superwiki but I don't concur at all with their conclusions. I don't know why the show would wait 6 years to tell us that Sam has been rebuilding the car, without Dean's help or that he didn't store it the bunker. Also the episode took place in Kansas, not Michigan. Dean didn't drive from the bunker to the vamps nest in Wichita and to the BMOL lair in Michigan (as this entry seems to think) all in a day. Hey, Maybe Sam flew to Michigan, got his car out storage and drove it to meet Mary. And it took Dean and Ketch a day to drive to Michigan... I don't think so, Tim.


I don't think it's bad blood per se. Dean drove a 67 Mustang in the titanic episode and War drove a pristine Cherry Red Mustang in Good God Y'all.

Rebuilding a car does not seem like a Sam-type project, so I don't buy that either.  I was just kind of kidding about the bad blood thing.

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19 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Someone made the below entry in the Superwiki but I don't concur at all with their conclusions. I don't know why the show would wait 6 years to tell us that Sam has been rebuilding the car, without Dean's help or that he didn't store it the bunker. Also the episode took place in Kansas, not Michigan. Dean didn't drive from the bunker to the vamps nest in Wichita and to the BMOL lair in Michigan (as this entry seems to think) all in a day. Hey, Maybe Sam flew to Michigan, got his car out storage and drove it to meet Mary. And it took Dean and Ketch a day to drive to Michigan... I don't think so, Tim.

Yeah, sorry SuperWiki person, not something I can buy into either. I'm sticking to my theory that Chargers are just Sam's "type" and he conveniently ran across one when looking for a car to steal. 

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Okay because I have too much time on my hands right now, I did a research project.

I could not find any Charger that looks like the front end of the car in this episode. I found a 2002 Mustang that I think is Sam's car here. If you look at the grille, you can see where the Mustang logo would be. 



Here's a different one with a better angle. 2009-09-14_14_23_sma.jpg

Edited by catrox14
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I was re-watching the opening scene and I just want to say...how much I love Jensen's Ackting. (THIS IS BRAND NEW INFORMATION!)

I loved the way he played the moment where he tells Mary "And you've been gone the whole time"

Then the next line "You been....gone" and he changed his voice inflection on the word "gone" and it was just filled with so much...longing and he sounded so... alone.
Man, he's just too fucking good. Get him a goddamn Emmy already!

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18 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

I was re-watching the opening scene and I just want to say...how much I love Jensen's Ackting. (THIS IS BRAND NEW INFORMATION!)

I loved the way he played the moment where he tells Mary "And you've been gone the whole time"

Then the next line "You been....gone" and he changed his voice inflection on the word "gone" and it was just filled with so much...longing and he sounded so... alone.
Man, he's just too fucking good. Get him a goddamn Emmy already!

I'm stunned. Stunned I tell ya. 

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20 hours ago, catrox14 said:

I was re-watching the opening scene and I just want to say...how much I love Jensen's Ackting. (THIS IS BRAND NEW INFORMATION!)

I loved the way he played the moment where he tells Mary "And you've been gone the whole time"

Then the next line "You been....gone" and he changed his voice inflection on the word "gone" and it was just filled with so much...longing and he sounded so... alone.
Man, he's just too fucking good. Get him a goddamn Emmy already!

He really, really, truly is! And I'm so afraid given the way he has ensconced himself and his little family in Austin, that we may not see too much from him on the screen again once Supernatural has its final scene. :( :( :(

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1 minute ago, FlickChick said:

He really, really, truly is! And I'm so afraid given the way he has ensconced himself and his little family in Austin, that we may not see too much from him on the screen again once Supernatural has its final scene. :( :( :(

I'm afraid of that, too. Or he'll go behind the camera :(.

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Just now, catrox14 said:

I'm afraid of that, too. Or he'll go behind the camera :(.

Or voice work like his dad. :(  What a waste if that is the case. From the beauty to the talent, what a waste. :(

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2 minutes ago, FlickChick said:

Or voice work like his dad. :(  What a waste if that is the case. From the beauty to the talent, what a waste. :(

I could live with voice work, given his fantastic work on Under the Red Hood. That was pretty great. So, it might be SOMETHING at least.

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Well-played opening scene between the Winchesters. Love Dean telling off Mary, and I love the way Jared played Sam just quietly sitting there disappointed and sad. I enjoy the peacemaker role he's in. It works as a nice foil to Dean playing peacekeeper between Sam and John.  I disagree with Mary, but I can see that she's trying to see the big picture and go for the greater good, and that's a trap Winchesters have fallen for many a time. I'm amused at "The Hunter King of Baton Rouge" apparently being someone Rufus was only willing to work with once. I love the cops and robbers metaphor. They totally wasted the Alpha Vamp. We really deserved to see more of him. Loved Sam getting to use the Colt. Is that his first kill with the Colt? I only remember him injuring John/Azazel. I like that Dean used "Mary" and "Mom" to show how he felt about her in their scenes.

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9 hours ago, bettername2come said:

Is that his first kill with the Colt? I only remember him injuring John/Azazel. I like that Dean used "Mary" and "Mom" to show how he felt about her in their scenes.

No.  He killed the two demons (Casey and the priest) in Sin City.

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1 minute ago, DittyDotDot said:

Not to mention the crossroads demon he shot with it too.

That was the first episode I ever saw of the show. Needless to say I was a bit shocked and totally confused as to what was going on.

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The show is really suggesting Dean might be an alcoholic, he never turns down a chance to drink, and really, letting Ketch in, just for old scotch?

i liked his argument to Mary, it did seem like she abandoned them, which hurt worse than her dying.   And of course Sam would try to reach out, he always was more touchy feely.  I’m not surprised he was happy to kill the Alpha and side with BMOL.

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2 minutes ago, Hanahope said:

The show is really suggesting Dean might be an alcoholic, he never turns down a chance to drink, and really, letting Ketch in, just for old scotch?

i liked his argument to Mary, it did seem like she abandoned them, which hurt worse than her dying.   And of course Sam would try to reach out, he always was more touchy feely.  I’m not surprised he was happy to kill the Alpha and side with BMOL.

I don't disagee that Dean's an alcoholic.  But, he didn't let Ketch in for Scotch.  He let Ketch in to size him up.

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9 minutes ago, Hanahope said:

The show is really suggesting Dean might be an alcoholic, he never turns down a chance to drink, and really, letting Ketch in, just for old scotch?

This was exactly how I read that scene and it really irked me.

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