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Dance Moms in the Media


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I am glad that Chloe got away from Dance Moms since she always seemed so miserable. However, I think posting these videos from her new studio show that Christi and to some extent Chloe do not want to and may even seriously fear dropping out of the public eye. It would be different if this studio had posted these videos prior to Chloe coming aboard, but they did not. This entire video thing is called "Team Chloe". In the first video that they posted she was the featured dancer even though her skill level pales in comparison to some of those girls. Even in this one the video is completely on her. The first video posted also had a segment that was essentially dedicated to taking potshots at ALDC. 


I just think that if her mother really desires for them both to move on, and for Chloe to have a normal life, then she should stop it. It's clear to me that part of Christi's entire issue with ALDC was the lack of focus being put on her child. It must have been particularly galling to her since iirc Christi and Chloe are the ones that actually contacted the show to put the ALDC school into the running for the show. 

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I am glad that Chloe got away from Dance Moms since she always seemed so miserable. However, I think posting these videos from her new studio show that Christi and to some extent Chloe do not want to and may even seriously fear dropping out of the public eye. It would be different if this studio had posted these videos prior to Chloe coming aboard, but they did not. This entire video thing is called "Team Chloe". In the first video that they posted she was the featured dancer even though her skill level pales in comparison to some of those girls. Even in this one the video is completely on her. The first video posted also had a segment that was essentially dedicated to taking potshots at ALDC. 


I just think that if her mother really desires for them both to move on, and for Chloe to have a normal life, then she should stop it. It's clear to me that part of Christi's entire issue with ALDC was the lack of focus being put on her child. It must have been particularly galling to her since iirc Christi and Chloe are the ones that actually contacted the show to put the ALDC school into the running for the show. 

If I'm not mistaken, Chloe does these videos for her large fanbase. It has nothing to do with getting back at Abby and the ALDC.

If I'm not mistaken, Chloe does these videos for her large fanbase. It has nothing to do with getting back at Abby and the ALDC.


Oh hell no.  Studio 19 is completely exploiting the fact that Chloe and her fan base has landed there.  What with the videos with full credits and everything!  ::chuckle::


I'm pretty much team Chloe, but it's pretty clear what's going on with Chloe's (er I mean Christi;s) motivation.

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I just think that if her mother really desires for them both to move on, and for Chloe to have a normal life, then she should stop it. It's clear to me that part of Christi's entire issue with ALDC was the lack of focus being put on her child. It must have been particularly galling to her since iirc Christi and Chloe are the ones that actually contacted the show to put the ALDC school into the running for the show. 



I agree. I've always thought Christi was right up there with Melissa in terms of wanting her kid in the spotlight. Their actions since leaving the ALDC have kind of confirmed that for me.  The videos that Chloe posts on her youtube are not your run of the mill 12 year old filming stuff with her little camera phone and putting it on youtube.  These videos are edited, there's someone doing lighting, music is added, etc.  Christi is obviously busy behind the scenes.


Not that there is anything wrong with wanting to stay in the public eye - and Chloe does have a big fan base…  I just think Christi was always somewhat hypocritical. 

I do think Christi is trying to keep Chloe in the spotlight, but I see nothing wrong with the actual videos.  Everybody and their mother make youtube videos these days and most of them involve editing, lighting, credits and all sorts of things.  You would be surprised at the number of hours that go into putting together one simple video.  People make livings off of that crap.  Also I don't really see why it would be a surprise that a dance video geared towards Chloe's fans would focus on her during the dance.  Nobody would be watching the video otherwise. It's a win win for both sides.   

Edited by spanana

I do think Christi is trying to keep Chloe in the spotlight, but I see nothing wrong with the actual videos.  Everybody and their mother make youtube videos these days and most of them involve editing, lighting, credits and all sorts of things.  You would be surprised at the number of hours that go into putting together one simple video.  People make livings off of that crap.  Also I don't really see why it would be a surprise that a dance video geared towards Chloe's fans would focus on her during the dance.  Nobody would be watching the video otherwise. It's a win win for both sides.   


Yeah, I see nothing wrong with the videos themselves either.  I actually am a fan of Chloe and I like watching her dance.  My point was that work has gone into them that is obviously beyond Chloe, and that it's pretty obvious Christi is heavily involved.  


Kalani, for example, also has a youtube channel - and her and her best friend and fellow Club Dance dancer - post a video once a week.  Although their videos are somewhat edited, you can tell that it is their video and has absolutely nothing to do with their parents, its just a silly thing they do for fun.  

Does anyone seriously believe that the training at that studio is better than what she left? I think THAT was classic bad competition dance. A fun cutsey dance interrupted at least twice for some random turn sequences that dont go with the music. I'm glad that chloe is having fun, but if she has even a small thought that she might try her hand at professional dance, she needs to move to a quality school.

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I agree Lemons, I don't think that Studio 19 showed anything impressive in either of the two videos I've seen of them. They aren't even good compared to ALDC's junior group let alone their teen group (clearly those girls are all in the teen range). I'm definitely more of a Maddie fan than a Chloe fan but I tried to view the video with an unbiased eye and I just don't see anything great there. Especially nothing to back up all of the youtube comments about how much better the choreography is there. 

Does anybody think that Chloe might not be aiming to be a professional dancer and that she might just want to learn to have fun again while dancing?  I don't care if that dance is better or worse than ALDC.  At least she's smiling and happy.

This.  I think Chloe wants to be a doctor.  I'm just happy that she's smiling again. 

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If I'm not mistaken, Chloe does these videos for her large fanbase. It has nothing to do with getting back at Abby and the ALDC.

That is such bs. Christi is a famewhore. Studio 19 is taking advantage of the situation. Why should Chloe get a professional cut solo or video clip every week. I can't imagine being at that studio and asking the teachers why can't my child have rehearsal time or solo time because Chloe is filming. Christi still does meet and greets. If she wanted people to keep up with her just post your dancing on youtube, but nope there's a whole team Chloe project.

I personally think the dancing at Studio 19 is superior than anything I've seen from ALDC.  Their junior elite team does circles around the Dance Moms girls.  Some of the moves the young girls do, I feel, are not really appropriate for 11-14  year olds, but they are very good.  Chloe fits in well with the girls.  She definitely is not the best dancer there, but with continued training, she will be there in no time.


Christi and Chloe fans have always asked for videos of Chloe dancing and that is why they are doing the weekly videos.  Yes, Studio 19 is filming them, and I highly doubt any of the other girls are missing studio time because of it.  Studio 19 is garnering more views because of the videos, but no more so than ALDC has with the Dance Moms show.  They have YouTube not a worldwide TV stage.


Studio 19 is using Chloe but no more than Sia did Maddie.  I never heard of Sia until she was mentioned on Dance Moms.  She apparently wrote some big hits for other artists, but her personal recording career was in the dumps.  She used Maddie in her videos which, in my opinion, was to spark controversy and obtain more hits on her videos.  Maddie was used by Sia on the different TV shows on which she was promoting her album for the same effect.  It not only worked for Sia, but it helped Maddie as well.  If Maddie wants a career in Hollywood (it's really hard to know if that is her choice or her mother's), good for her.  If Christi and Chloe want to continue pursuing, for the time being, dance, modeling or anything else that should come up, so be it.  We are not their judge and jury to call Christi a famewhore.  If that is the case, all the mothers and Abby are famewhores.  At least Christi got her daughter out of there after their six seasons were up (1,2,3,3.5,4,4.5).  They do meet and greets around the world just like the Dance Moms girls.  Their fans want to see them, or there wouldn't be any need to set them up.  As long as fans ask to see them either in videos or in person, that's there business and our opinions don't count.  What purpose does it serve to go to Christi's and Chloe's personal Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages to see what is going on in their lives and then come on here or any fan site and trash them?  NONE!!!  They are no longer on the show, and are minding their own business, but it still doesn't keep people from talking negatively about them on their personal pages and on fan sites. 

Edited by Nikki831

I personally think the dancing at Studio 19 is superior than anything I've seen from ALDC. Their junior elite team does circles around the Dance Moms girls. Some of the moves the young girls do, I feel, are not really appropriate for 11-14 year olds, but they are very good. Chloe fits in well with the girls. She definitely is not the best dancer there, but with continued training, she will be there in no time.

Christi and Chloe fans have always asked for videos of Chloe dancing and that is why they are doing the weekly videos. Yes, Studio 19 is filming them, and I highly doubt any of the other girls are missing studio time because of it. Studio 19 is garnering more views because of the videos, but no more so than ALDC has with the Dance Moms show. They have YouTube not a worldwide TV stage.

Studio 19 is using Chloe but no more than Sia did Maddie. I never heard of Sia until she was mentioned on Dance Moms. She apparently wrote some big hits for other artists, but her personal recording career was in the dumps. She used Maddie in her videos which, in my opinion, was to spark controversy and obtain more hits on her videos. Maddie was used by Sia on the different TV shows on which she was promoting her album for the same effect. It not only worked for Sia, but it helped Maddie as well. If Maddie wants a career in Hollywood (it's really hard to know if that is her choice or her mother's), good for her. If Christi and Chloe want to continue pursuing, for the time being, dance, modeling or anything else that should come up, so be it. We are not their judge and jury to call Christi a famewhore. If that is the case, all the mothers and Abby are famewhores. At least Christi got her daughter out of there after their six seasons were up (1,2,3,3.5,4,4.5). They do meet and greets around the world just like the Dance Moms girls. Their fans want to see them, or there wouldn't be any need to set them up. As long as fans ask to see them either in videos or in person, that's there business and our opinions don't count. What purpose does it serve to go to Christi's and Chloe's personal Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages to see what is going on in their lives and then come on here or any fan site and trash them? NONE!!! They are no longer on the show, and are minding their own business, but it still doesn't keep people from talking negatively about them on their personal pages and on fan sites.

I have a problem with this though. Christi wanted out. But it's obvious that she doesn't. She left ALDC and the show. She always complained about ALDC and the show. She has the chance to get out but doesn't want to. She still does meet and greets and associates herself with dance moms. Instead of lying she should just tell the truth. Just say you don't want to give up what dance moms created. I suspect the reason why she did leave is because Chloe isn't the star. She has to compete with Maddie for Abby's attention and fight with Melissa. Now studio 19 opened Chloe with open arms and I bet Christi is loving it.

 If Christi and Chloe want to continue pursuing, for the time being, dance, modeling or anything else that should come up, so be it.  We are not their judge and jury to call Christi a famewhore.  If that is the case, all the mothers and Abby are famewhores.  At least Christi got her daughter out of there after their six seasons were up (1,2,3,3.5,4,4.5).  They do meet and greets around the world just like the Dance Moms girls.  Their fans want to see them, or there wouldn't be any need to set them up.  As long as fans ask to see them either in videos or in person, that's there business and our opinions don't count.  What purpose does it serve to go to Christi's and Chloe's personal Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages to see what is going on in their lives and then come on here or any fan site and trash them?  NONE!!!  They are no longer on the show, and are minding their own business, but it still doesn't keep people from talking negatively about them on their personal pages and on fan sites. 


Well I don't think anyone is disputing that some of the other moms - and definitely Abby! - are famewhores too!   And no one is trashing "them" - no one is saying anything negative about Chloe.  At least I am not - like I said, I enjoy watching her dancing.  Just pointing out that Christi is seems very invested in keeping Chloe in the spotlight.  There is nothing wrong with that, if thats what Chloe wants - the annoying thing is that Christi was, to me, always very self-righteous about the whole thing.  She always claimed to be better then the other moms, that she only stayed because of her contract, that didn't care about the spotlight or winning.  Her actions after the show (and during it) kind of indicate that this wasn't the case.  


Also, of course there is no "purpose" to our comments… this is a message board, it's just commentary!  All of them get criticized.  Maddie's work with Sia - lots of positive AND negative comments. Lots of comments of how negligent Melissa is.  Brooke's music video, her singing, etc. also was put through the ringer.  People make fun of Mackenzie singing all the time.  When you release content out into the public, weather its an instagram photo, a youtube video or a magazine article,  you have to expect that people will comment -  negative or positive.  If you want no comments, then don't release it!  Pretty simple.

Edited by sofiah

I have a problem with this though. Christi wanted out. But it's obvious that she doesn't. She left ALDC and the show. She always complained about ALDC and the show. She has the chance to get out but doesn't want to. She still does meet and greets and associates herself with dance moms. Instead of lying she should just tell the truth. Just say you don't want to give up what dance moms created. I suspect the reason why she did leave is because Chloe isn't the star. She has to compete with Maddie for Abby's attention and fight with Melissa. Now studio 19 opened Chloe with open arms and I bet Christi is loving it.


I'm not defending Christi because I think she's a famewhore along the lines of everyone else associated with this show, but I thought Christi wanted out of ALDC because of Abby and because of the way Abby treated Chloe and the other girls.  I don't think she wanted Chloe out of the spotlight or was anti fame.  She just wanted Chloe away from ALDC and Abby.  That doesn't mean she was going to automatically shy away from anything that gives Chloe what she thinks is a chance to shine.  And in that sense, there are far worse things they could be doing than posting dance videos on youtube of Chloe with her new studio.  Plus of course Christi is going to be thrilled that new studio welcomed Chloe with open arms.  Why wouldn't she?  I think its fairly normal that a parent would be thrilled to see their child being welcomed and accepted into a new environment.  IMO that's a good thing.   Yes, you can question the motives of the studio as I'm sure they want a piece of the Dance Moms pie, but if Chloe is being treated well then why would she be upset?  Should Christi only be looking for opportunities for Chloe where Chloe is going to be shoved into the background or possibly mistreated?  I guess I don't entirely understand the logic here.  Based on that last dance vid that was posted, the camera focuses on Chloe a lot since the video is geared towards her fans, but Chloe wasn't the star of the dance, and everybody involved seems perfectly okay with that.

Edited by spanana
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Sia has been around for a long time and has not only recorded multiple successful songs but also written lots for other people. I doubt she used Maddie to get herself some spotlight. She's kooky as hell, but that artistic vision thing she does seems more or less authentic, so I think this is just how she envisioned the videos of her new album.

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Sia has been around for a long time and has not only recorded multiple successful songs but also written lots for other people. I doubt she used Maddie to get herself some spotlight. She's kooky as hell, but that artistic vision thing she does seems more or less authentic, so I think this is just how she envisioned the videos of her new album.

If I misrepresented Sia in anyway in regard to her personal discography, I sincerely apologize.  I based my opinion on her Wikipedia discography page and album sales not single sales.



I'll chime in as I had never heard of Sia until the first video and I listen to all different kinds of music all day but never caught any of her songs - or switched the channel as her music really isn't my thing. I thought the Studio 19 video actually showed mych more dancing, versatility, different dance combinations ect - whereas ALDC had the same moves, the same combinations ect.. ect.. Os there more to the Abby Lee Dance Company - probably as she has a lot of instructors - but we don't see those dances. Abby's group dances almost always revolve around Maddie doing her things while the others as a group do their choreography. In the Studio 19 video it seemed like everyone had a special shot at one time or another.


I agree with the above poster that Christie left due to Abby and her treatment of everyone besides Maddie and Mac. Chloe has always wanted to dance as a career - but she won't get far if not motivated, praised for the good she does and constructively criticized when she goofs - not yelled at and called names. More power to them for keeping Chloe in the limelight - I hope the kid gets her break because she deserves it.


We have already seen with the photo op of who Abby is going to be promoting in LA and she pretty much said the same thing to Jill and Holly in the dressing room. They have to promote their kids themselves but can not accept anything until Abby approves it. Kalani is a beautiful and nice girl - but I don't think she'll figure into Abby's plans as she didn't remain that small, thin lithe little girl fr4om AUDC so Kira is also going to be on her own.

Even if you dont listen to the radio or follow album sales. You probably know this song


Sorry - I have never heard that song before and looking at the video made me dozzy with all that flipping around - felt I was on the Tilt A Whirl at the fair. I see she's been around awhile since Breathe Me was sung on some show in 2004 but I haven't watched any of the shows that the song was played on. For those that are into indepth songs - I can see the attraction but I listen to music and watch TV for entertainment and release after a long day - I need upbeat and something that conveys the meaning without havng to decipher every line. To have continued as an artist for so long means she must have a great following but I don't see her as having the longevity with her music front and center like Whitney Houston, Madonna, Katy Perry ect.

I liked that performance.  What cool experiences Maddie is getting out of this.



Can't say that did anything for me. They may think it's art but it looks to me like someone who needs to be on medication. Sorry - stick to dancing Maddie.


I think if she didn't look like she needed to be on medication she wouldn't have been doing her job, think that was the point!

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Sia was nominated for Chandelier -- the video Maddie was the star performer in.  It would be weird if Maddie wasn't there.   And of course they're going to do something wacky like wearing stupid matching wigs.  Kind of expected at this point, but also pretty harmless. 


Maddie gets to perform on some of the most popular tv shows and dance/perform in front of millions of people who would otherwise not know who she was.  And now she just got to perform at the Grammys, a dream many adults never achieve.  I'm sure she is having the time of her life.   Sia may be "using" Maddie, but Maddie is certainly getting a lot out of it as well. Kind of hard to feel sorry for her. 

Edited by sofiah
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Well, the video is just her and Sia won't face the audience. I'm guessing having the dancer there is the point, to distract and entertain the audience, away from Sia. Otherwise we'd all stare at Sia's back for four minutes.


This is a really great opportunity for Maddie. Spots like this are few and far in between as a dancer - most likely you'll be doing background stuff for most of your life. I wish that is something someone would tell these kids.

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Actually I found this out from the youtube comments when someone asked why she hides her face: "not only does she have Graves disease, but she has anxiety in front of crowds, she was interviewed before and the reason she faces away the audience is because she doesn't want to be famous. She just wants to make music she doesn't need people to criticize her looks or anything. She wants people to value the music, the lyrics, and the performance (maddie dancing)" 


And then I looked up Graves disease: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graves%27_disease


Again - that Grammy video didn't wow me but to me was ridiculous but if that what is popular these days.... I personally think more people in the world think it's silly but don't voice their opinion.

Lady Gaga maybe?

Lady Gaga has hadthe same dancers for years and when she first started out she brought four of them everywhere with her.

I dont get people thinking Sia is "using" Maddie. maddie was hired for a job and she's earning money. Competition dancers her age usually pay to have someone watch them. And last night Maddie performed in front of the top entertainers and a huge TV audience. She has performed with talented performers and has held her own. She is living the life.

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Wow, you weren't kidding with the migraine alert warning.  I turned it off quickly because I could feel my eyes going weird which happens before an aura.  


I too wonder about the cost of "stardom" where Maddie is concerned.  The Sia thing is giving her great exposure but it seems like she's becoming very one-dimensional in style and direction.  Having said that, I really don't know what I'm talking about because I know next to nothing about dance.  I just don't know why she'd want to become a mini-Sia.  Why would you want to dress like Sia at the Grammys?  Anything to be a "star," I guess.

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The thing that really drives me crazy about this Sia thing is the way it seems to validate Abby's line of bullshit about making kids into stars. I'm one of those people who maintain that even the best dancers are rarely recognizable and known by name outside the industry or true afficionados--so I feel like Abby is making a very empty promise and also conveying a warped idea of what dance success would look like. So even though I like Maddie as a dancer it makes me crazy that her collaboration with Sia is playing right into Abby's 'star' bullshit.

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Lady Gaga has hadthe same dancers for years and when she first started out she brought four of them everywhere with her.

I dont get people thinking Sia is "using" Maddie. maddie was hired for a job and she's earning money. Competition dancers her age usually pay to have someone watch them. And last night Maddie performed in front of the top entertainers and a huge TV audience. She has performed with talented performers and has held her own. She is living the life.

I'm just wondering what life? If maddie is getting these opportunities good for her. But nobody cares who she is. She's just another background dancer, whose nameless. And competitions are free to attend. I don't know if Sia is using Maddie, but she's sure making a child look like a fool next to her. I'm questioning her tactics

Maddie's enjoying some fun opportunities right now and I think they've come because of her dancing abilities and not anything that Abby's done to promote her. I have two concerns for her, the first being that she's basically Sia's avatar right now, and the second is the head-swelling build up by Abby and Melissa. I hope she has someone to ground her at home because what's cool and cute now likely won't be a 2-3 years. 


I wonder if she's working on voice lessons? With her love of tap and ability to emote on stage, she could have a shot at Broadway. Has she auditioned for Matilda? 

Maddie's enjoying some fun opportunities right now and I think they've come because of her dancing abilities and not anything that Abby's done to promote her. I have two concerns for her, the first being that she's basically Sia's avatar right now, and the second is the head-swelling build up by Abby and Melissa. I hope she has someone to ground her at home because what's cool and cute now likely won't be a 2-3 years. 


I wonder if she's working on voice lessons? With her love of tap and ability to emote on stage, she could have a shot at Broadway. Has she auditioned for Matilda? 


I think that's mostly true, but it bothers me thinking how much it must feed into Abby's enormous ego and possibly convey some unrealistic expectations about future stardom. That said, I think Maddie is getting a great taste of being a professional performer and seeing what that's like. I don't blame her for seizing these opportunities and I bet she is loving the chance to perform and do different types of dance.


Just in general, I think kids really benefit from exposure to lots of different types of people, and she's getting that. Hopefully she has some level-headed adults looking out for her as well.

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I'm just wondering what life? If maddie is getting these opportunities good for her. But nobody cares who she is. She's just another background dancer, whose nameless. And competitions are free to attend. I don't know if Sia is using Maddie, but she's sure making a child look like a fool next to her. I'm questioning her tactics


The life of a successful working dancer. Much better dancers then Maddie freak out if they get the opportunity to be anonymous back up dancers at the Teen Choice Awards or So You Think You Can Dance.  I suppose its just important to them regardless if anyone cares who they are. If anything Maddie gets way more recognition then the usual back up dancer -- even the fact her name is mentioned at all is significant.  Also, in the case of Sia she is not exactly dancing back up - she's the only dancer on the stage and Sia's off in the corner.  Plus, the magazine shoots, interviews, etc.  Most background dancers get none of that.  Also, competitions are definitely not free. You or your studio have to pay to enter a solo, duet or group dance -- and it's not cheap!


Honestly, I think the narrative of Dance Moms, and Abby's favoritism of Maddie, has caused many Dance Mom viewers to dislike Maddie by proxy and as a result they see these opportunities as something negative.   I think it has more to do with Abby then anything else.  Abby is a big obnoxious bully who has claimed all along that Maddie is "the best"... and low and behold - there she is in magazine articles and talk shows and dancing at the Grammys as a "lead".  It sucks that Maddie's success inadvertently legitimizes Abby's views.  Yes Abby is delusional, what Maddie is doing now has nothing to do with how Abby "trained" her - and yes Abby will probably hold this over the other girl's heads, and yes Abby's ego will get even bigger because of it -- but none of that is really Maddie's fault. 


She's 12 and a dancer, and she got to perform at the Grammys.   These girls are all probably going to fade into obscurity soon anyway - at least she's getting some cool experiences out of it.

Edited by sofiah
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Honestly, I think the narrative of Dance Moms, and Abby's favoritism of Maddie, has caused many Dance Mom viewers to dislike Maddie by proxy and as a result they see these opportunities as something negative.   I think it has more to do with Abby then anything else.  Abby is a big obnoxious bully who has claimed all along that Maddie is "the best"... and low and behold - there she is in magazine articles and talk shows and dancing at the Grammys as a "lead". 

Funny how Maddie was upstaged by Kristen Wiig during the Grammy appearance.  Have to wonder if someone in a decision making position  for the show watches Dance Moms.

"Sia belted out “Chandelier” with her face obscured as expected, but what the Internet didn’t expect was actress Kristen Wiig to don the infamous blond wig, dancing in a nude bodysuit with Sia’s official sidekick, 12-year-old Maddie Ziegler. In a telecast full of musicians attempting performance art, Wiig’s performance qualified as the real deal."-Washington Post


I know Abby believes all attention is good attention, but in the long run, this is going to drastically hurt Maddie and the likelihood of her ever experiencing this type of success is growing smaller. She can probably make it on Broadway if she has a voice, but what acting I've seen out of her hasn't been that great---ie, getting cast for name, not necessarily being the best. If she plans to truly act, she needs some help.


I think Kendall or even Mack would do well with their own Disney/Nick show, Maddie I don't think could do it. 

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