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Dance Moms in the Media


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Honestly, I still can't believe she was indicted. I guess I was hoping that all of the moms weren't lying when they said Abby's persona was an act but the affidavit seems to suggest otherwise. She comes off as a very unpleasant person.



It really is like Christmas morning.


Of all the reality tv "villains" that could get what's coming to them . . . this is the best.

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So, I have a niece who watches dance moms, and she loves to go on Instagram and look up fact pages (they are accounts where people post random facts about the show). My sister doesn't let her have Instagram so I let her look under my account sometimes, well, she left it on the page and I saw it a little while ago, and these little tweens are going back and forth talking about indictments, arrests, tax fraud... But they don't know what they are talking about, so it's hilarious.

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Kelly's lawsuit against Abby has been settled.




From the article:

"Apparently Kelly agreed to drop her lawsuits and claims in return for the show repairing floors in her family home that had been damaged during the filming. The cost of those repairs is said to be about $17,500.

In return for the floor repairs and dropping the suits, Dance Moms gets to continue to use the family’s images in reruns of the show. In addition, Kelly and Abby have to publicly play relatively nice with one another, a task that will surely be a challenge for both sides."

Kelly's lawsuit against Abby has been settled.




From the article:

"Apparently Kelly agreed to drop her lawsuits and claims in return for the show repairing floors in her family home that had been damaged during the filming. The cost of those repairs is said to be about $17,500.

In return for the floor repairs and dropping the suits, Dance Moms gets to continue to use the family’s images in reruns of the show. In addition, Kelly and Abby have to publicly play relatively nice with one another, a task that will surely be a challenge for both sides."

Well her child is scarred for life, but at least her hardwood doesn't have to be. Haaahaha.

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Chloe has booked her first legit acting role.  It's Lifetime, but hey, it's not Dance Moms.  She will be in latest incarnation of Center Stage playing a character named Gwen.



I'm excited for her! Over the past year we've seen some acting from the other girls, but Chloe left before they started focusing much on it, so we haven't seen how she compares.  She seems to have regained a lot of confidence since leaving the show though, and I have high hopes for her!

Chloe has booked her first legit acting role.  It's Lifetime, but hey, it's not Dance Moms.  She will be in latest incarnation of Center Stage playing a character named Gwen.




She gets to work with Ethan Steifel and Kenny Wormald, who cares if it's a Lifetime move, the last movie ended up on OWN I think.  Yay!  I'm happy for her, and it's DANCE movie!  Twofer.


I don't see this ending well for Abby.



This comment makes me think that she doesn't understand the charges and why she's being prosecuted...


I agree completely.

Yay for Chloe! (I had no idea there was a Center Stage 2 and now I'm going to have to seek it out.) 


Boo for Abby! I kind of hope she seriously doesn't understand and her ignorance gets her in the end.


Also Maddie was nominated for some kind of bonus People's Choice Award today sponsored by the Daily Mail (it's way at the bottom of the list):


In no way shape or form am I any kind of expert on taxes, I barely get through doing my own with the help of turbotax, but I'm just wondering what outgoing expenses have to do with concealing income? The issue is that she went out of her way to conceal income right? So who cares how much her expenses were? Besides that I don't think you get to claim bankruptcy, but continue to spend money like its going out of style on music videos... That doesn't strike me as a necessary expense.

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Congrats to Chloe. She's done quite well after leaving Dance Moms. She's had videos, a teen star boyfriend and now a movie.


As far as Kelly and that suit goes - I wonder if along with them fixing the hardwood floors - she and the girls haven't had the amt in residuals upped that they receive for the reruns. Sorry - but I don't believe she'd walk away with just the $17,500.

The Deadline article linked above indicates that part of the settlement was an agreement that episodes could continue to be aired "for an undisclosed sum of money".  So that's where the juice in this settlement is for Kelly and Paige.  They lost a lot of leverage when the defamation and assault counts were dismissed, but it looks like they got something beyond the floor repairs.


I agree. I guess she thinks that is a defense for her ("I had to spend money to make money so I had to lie about my income").



Two great things about that article:


1) the fact that Abby was mouthing off to reporters on the way into Court suggests that her lawyers are incompetent, because they should've had a muzzle stuffed in her pie-hole.


2) the fact that Abby completely misunderstands how Bankruptcy works.  It doesn't matter how bankrupt debtor spends money that they conceal from the trustee and the IRS.  Whether she spent it on "expenses" related to keeping her studio going, or whether she spent it fumigating that door-stop of a dead-dog, she's still guilty of fraudulently concealing income.


Both of those facts make me very hopeful that Abby will be sent to jail for a very, very long time.

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What's funny to me about the whole thing is that her original debts were $356k, mostly in two mortages, well less than the amount (even after taxes*) she supposedly hid.  She filed for BK before the show started and before she knew the money would be coming in.  There's a good chance that had it not taken off, the studio would have gone under.  (I'd like to live in that parallel universe!)  She wouldn't have had to pay the mortgages off outright, she could have continued making payments, so the idea that she'd be willing to risk jail and many times her original debt in fines to avoid debts she could now easily afford just goes to show what an arrogant, obstinate, asshole she is- and she had to think she wouldn't get caught.


*Though this thought raises the question of whether there is tax fraud hiding out there too, and if so, it will likely come to light if it hasn't yet because of this trial.  I have no doubt the feds will want to make an example of her, and if the fraud is as blatant as it appears, she and her (not yet charged) alleged co-conspirators are in for a world of hurt.


Love one of the commenters on this Jezebel article that Abby's next venture will be Dance Cons, where Abby teaches a bunch of down-on-their luck cons to tango.

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I read somewhere (maybe here) that she requested a jury trial... I'm not sure who advised her that was a good idea, she doesn't exactly come off as likable. Is she thinking there is a chance Melissa or Jill will be called for jury duty? I don't know if she'll wind up serving time or anything, to be honest I don't know how this all really works, but I think her big mouth is going to get her the severest punishment possible. I guess as far as running the studio it's like she always says "everyone's replaceable".

I keep seeing on Instagram all of this hoopla about ordering the season 6 team jacket, 1) I thought you had to earn that jacket like Jojo had it waved in front of her for weeks, now anyone can order it? 2) maybe before you go to trial for concealing income from bankruptcy is not the best time to shill your crap. I have a feeling she is getting a little big for her britches, and someone is gonna be stuck with a crapton of ALDC merch when this is all said and done.

I read somewhere (maybe here) that she requested a jury trial... I'm not sure who advised her that was a good idea, she doesn't exactly come off as likable. Is she thinking there is a chance Melissa or Jill will be called for jury duty? 


I think she really thinks she comes off as likeable and that everyone in the country watches Dance Moms and loves her. Her attitude when she's talking about the "crazy moms" who have valid points shows how deluded she is.

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Love one of the commenters on this Jezebel article that Abby's next venture will be Dance Cons, where Abby teaches a bunch of down-on-their luck cons to tango.

I'm picturing her trying to teach them how to make Maddie faces and stare longingly at their hands, which they get pretty good at before Abby yells at one of them and they beat the crap out of her.

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So I don't know if anyone here has heard of younow, it's a social media, kinda like a live YouTube, people broadcast and do different things, some talk, some dance, some play instruments, and some sing, I usually only listen to the mucsicians/singers. I think the average age is like 20, everyone seems pretty young so I'm a little ashamed to even be on there. Well, today Nia came on and was prepping pies for thanksgiving, her mom and one of her brothers were there too... So the way this works is they are talking to a camera while the viewers are in a chat and can comment and communicate with the broadcaster. Nia was making pie crusts and I made a smart assed comment about her being "Nia Crocker" and that she was "slaying the pies" and Nia thought I was funny... And Holly said I was clever... So basically we are all besties and I'm heading to thanksgiving dinner at the Fraziers...lol.

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I think my apathy or general lack of caring about going on is probably due to the reason that I fall out of interest with most things- missing two or three episodes, and not wanting to watch the most recent episode from that, since I know I won't be able to follow it due to have no clue what discourse took place to the episodes prior, but being too lazy to actually watch what I missed to the point where I lose interest and forget what about the show I was drawn to.

It wasn't like I had ever particularly enjoyed the drama. It was always way too drawn out and overdramatized to take seriously. The dances, for the most part, were mediocre. Abby was atrocious and the moms were obnoxious, and I honestly didn't really have any other emotions directed towards the children other than the kind of pity you give someone you don't really know all that well, the passive, that's-too-bad kind. I don't get what it was that I "liked" about it.

In regards to the Abby bankruptcy fraud "scandal," if it could be called that, it actually gives me hope. I have no resentment for Abby, nor do I hold any contempt for her, probably because of how indifferent I am towards her and the show, but she is a "bad" person. Manipulative, deceitful, deluded, and so repulsively cruel to what are essentially a bunch of tweens forced to live out their famewhore mother's dreams (or maybe just soak up the cash, both reasons are equally gross), yeah, I'd say she got what was coming to her.

Believe it or not I'm missing Dance Moms something horrible. Went to see if they were doing anything lately -

Chloe is in Center Stage III which will be on Lifetime - so they haven't ended their relationship with her yet -

and she seems to be on the go with all the events she shows up to -


Maddie actually met and danced with the Rockettes which I'm sure she enjoyed -


Mack Z is still trying to promote her singing career -


Sounds like Jojo has a new single and has been keeping busy -


Not much on Nia, Kalani or Kendall except for videos of dances classes at the ALDC

Yeah... While I do think the teen pregnancy is a ridiculously horrible idea, I think she is trying to do preemptive damage control. I don't know why she seems to think we may be shocked over any absence, we've already seen her do it a time or twenty. And I also don't understand why it was important to note that a male producer brought up the teen pregnancy angle, would it have been any less offensive from a woman?

Edited by leighroda

What gives with the Nia and Kendall dance?  They were both HORRIBLE.  I haven't seen the show in a while, but they both are capable of much better dancing, and can handle much more difficult chorography than they were given.  The dance from Maddie wasn't much better.  The music stopped, and they continued.  Good for them, but that dance was just a dry series of moves strung together, no passion, no heart or soul.  Maddie appears to just be going through the motions and even her turns seemed sloppy.  Maybe these kids have mentally checked out.  Though Maddie and what's her name danced better and had better technique, I don't see either one of these routines as real contenders.

These were the only two duets reported.  The other was the group dance.


Group dance: "Bittersweet Charity" (Musical Theatre) - 1st in Junior Division, 1st Overall, "The Most Entertaining Number" award
    Duet: Brynn and Maddie - "Together As One" (Lyrical) - 1st in Junior Division, 1st Overall
    Duet: Kendall and Nia - "Grifters" (Contemporary) - 1st in Teen Division, 2nd Overall

In case anyone missed this article on Maddie:


"She is now so successful that her mother has hired a security team who monitor the star 24/7"


"Now she models for Polo Ralph Lauren and has landed a role in 2016 film, Book of Henry, with Naomi Watts. Celebrity Net Worth estimates her fortune at $2m"



Thanks for the link nana - unfortunately those who commented are not impressed either with the girls or the article. I wish her well but even with acting lessons - she has a long way to go. Hope Melissa is putting some of that money away for education and giving the attention to Mac that she needs as she's always overshadowed by her sister.

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