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S05.E11: Second Chances

Tara Ariano
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4 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

Felicity scene is now up to 41%.

It's up to 50% now, and I voted for it, even though it wasn't my favorite, but just to stick it to the EPs and their 'Dinah Drake, you guys!!!' bullshit.

i don't think I have a favorite scene this episode, tbh. The Kojo whatever scene was kind of meh to me because she was just negging Felicity throughout, either to get her to join them or to give something away about GA, and Felicity was falling for it; I mean, come on! Is everyone stupid this season? 

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49 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

Order of screentime for the episode: 

Wow, I honestly didn't think that Curtis had more time than Felicity, but then again he and Rene were just there in a bunch of scenes plus there one scene together. It's just kind of weird to figure since Rene and Curtis were total supporting characters in the episode while Felicity was the main player in her subplot, yet they had more screen time. It made me realize how quick her scenes actually were.

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It's sad when you think about the fact that JS is a regular and RG is recurring, right? Especially thinking about their screen times for the first 11 episodes of the season as a whole. #GiveMeMoreChaseandLessWD

I'd be interested in the actual screen time for each from the episode. Felicity's scenes were pretty quick. The longest one was the meeting on the bench. 

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6 hours ago, insomniadreams88 said:

I'd be interested in the actual screen time for each from the episode. Felicity's scenes were pretty quick. The longest one was the meeting on the bench. 

Curtis had about 15 seconds more screentime than Felicity.

I had to laugh at WD getting (slightly) more screentime than Tinah. They really love WD/Rene.  

Edited by Morrigan2575
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2 hours ago, johntfs said:

I'm kind of okay with Dinah because at some point I want to see her, Lilah and Felicity do a "girl's night out."

Honestly I think Tinah best chance on this show is to make her Olivers right hand on the field- happy comic dudebros or tolerant- and to make Olicity fans tolerant make her Felicitys friend and support system. I don't know if that'll make her a success but it might keep her head above water.

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3 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Honestly I think Tinah best chance on this show is to make her Olivers right hand on the field- happy comic dudebros or tolerant- and to make Olicity fans tolerant make her Felicitys friend and support system. I don't know if that'll make her a success but it might keep her head above water.

She can go out on patrol every night when Olicity take a break to bounce their Olicity babies!

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I think I'm shipping Curtis and Renee. Oops?

The last scene with Tina/Dinah was all kind of cringe-worthy, and the person who wrote should fell ashamed of themselves. "I think you're my second chance! Oh, your name is Dinah, just like Dinah Laurel Lance who was the previous Black Canary (or as we called her, Black Canary #2), completely incompetent self-centered creep who stole the identity of a Black Canary #1 who was also Black Canary #2's sister but then had died awkwardly and was resurrected. Don't ask why we can't resurrect BC#2, IT IS FORBIDDEN BY THE GODS!11 Oh, and I slept with both of them at various points of the time, so you should probably brace yourself for that part of the job description. Welcome to the family!".

Dinah's face should be this.


Also I'd ran away from Ollie and his everything.

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I apologize if this has been discussed.  But I just ran across a review that talked about Oliver saying that Dinah was his "second chance" being a meta statement from the writers about Dinah being their second chance to get the character right.  I admit I hadn't thought of that.  I just thought it was a weird thing for him to say.  What do you all think?  

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8 minutes ago, Starfish35 said:

I apologize if this has been discussed.  But I just ran across a review that talked about Oliver saying that Dinah was his "second chance" being a meta statement from the writers about Dinah being their second chance to get the character right.  I admit I hadn't thought of that.  I just thought it was a weird thing for him to say.  What do you all think?  

I'd not be surprised if there was some meta-ness to the line and title. Especially after the super meta-ness of the previous ep.

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The reason I don't think it refers to the writers is that from what I can tell, this new Black Canary wasn't their idea - it was a directive from DC.  They don't see to be especially concerned that Laurel failed and there wasn't a Black Canary on the show any more.

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Plus, if 511 was being meta, that would be two arguably meta episodes, which is kind of pushing it. Even if 511 was meta they went out of their way to at least present it as arguably not, since they related the "second chances" theme to Oliver, Curtis, and Rene as well as Tinah, whereas the "Who Are You?" theme wasn't really pushed as specifically hard except to Curtis (and when Felicity brought it up as the reason why Oliver was looking for some good in BS, because he wants to be redeemed, but even that wasn't really brought back up after Oliver made a comment about it), and even then they worked harder on making sure it was narratively justifiable to destroy the statue, have Felicity punch "Laurel" in the face, and introduce Tinah/a reason to go find her (all which are more telling, at least to me).

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On 2/4/2017 at 5:41 PM, statsgirl said:

It was a good scene but it wasn't that good.  Is it a protest vote, or was the rest of the episode that meh?

I'd say both.  

15 hours ago, LeighAn said:

Honestly I think Tinah best chance on this show is to make her Olivers right hand on the field- happy comic dudebros or tolerant- and to make Olicity fans tolerant make her Felicitys friend and support system. I don't know if that'll make her a success but it might keep her head above water.

I agree but do we really think that the Tinah we saw has it in her to be anyone's support system when it doesn't seem she's even her own support system? I suppose any lingering trauma could have just been magically healed by joining the team.  

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On 2/4/2017 at 7:43 AM, tv echo said:

Here's another SpoilerTV readers' poll for this episode - I have to admit, I was surprised by the results (even though I voted for the Felicity scene)...

POLL : Favourite scene from Arrow - Second Chances
Bradley Adams at February 04, 2017

Current results:
39%    Felicity meets Kojo Sledgehammer
21%    Talia tells Oliver he isn't a monster right before he puts on the suit for the first time
(Votes for remaining scenes are in the single digits.)

It's up to 60% now, lol.  

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16 minutes ago, BkWurm1 said:

suppose any lingering trauma could have just been magically healed by joining the team

That's what I expect will happen.  She may be prickly for an episode or two but then it will all be okay.

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 I'm not sure what they are doing with Tinah but they checked a lot of boxes in a single episode. I was thinking about that when I read the rundown in the spoiler section. You could fit everything they said about Tina into this one episode. They took her from her island and a murderous vigilante to trusting Oliver and joining the Team. She even got her revenge instead of them holding it over as a thread. 

Shes fully formed going into her next episode. 

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Yep her storyline was super contained much like Wild Dog and Rory so I don't see what impact she'll have on the show that would outrank her over the other newbies or the main characters. She has no ties to Promethues, was given no alternate motivation for joining the team or an open storyline thread or hook for upcoming episodes. 

Which makes me think for this season at least she's going to be just a more visible version of Wild Dog or Rory in terms of the shows dynamics for the time being until they decide who of or if they make the newbies regulars.

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1 hour ago, LeighAn said:

Yep her storyline was super contained much like Wild Dog and Rory so I don't see what impact she'll have on the show that would outrank her over the other newbies or the main characters. She has no ties to Promethues, was given no alternate motivation for joining the team or an open storyline thread or hook for upcoming episodes. 


It's possible that they are doing this on purpose. Take up an episode to introduce her, shove her into the background so she can start winning people over with her quips and toughness... Then, when she's won more people over, next season we'll see more of her, have a larger story for her to unfold, see her more upfront and center, have her own nemesis, etc. 

I really hope this doesn't happen. But it's likely.

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Question: were any of the other suggestions before Oliver latched onto "Canary cry, perfect!" in Star City? Because since we've never gotten any indication that all these other cities are violence-free - Hub City clearly needs someone around - it seems cruel to steal someone from another city. That something I couldn't help thinking about while watching this episode. 

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I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall when SA found out that DC was pushing BC on Arrow again and she was going to be equal to Oliver in combat and had the full meta powers. After last season, I can't imagine that going over well.

32 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

It's possible that they are doing this on purpose. Take up an episode to introduce her, shove her into the background so she can start winning people over with her quips and toughness... Then, when she's won more people over, next season we'll see more of her, have a larger story for her to unfold, see her more upfront and center, have her own nemesis, etc. 

I really hope this doesn't happen. But it's likely.

I don't know if its about winning the audience over so much as they already worked the season out and decided it would be best just to slip her in and wait until next season to work out an arc for her. 

My best case, pretty please, if wishes were horses scenario is that once she debuts in the video game and whatever else they have planned for her, they give the okay to pull her out. 

I just honestly don't believe that's going to happen. Especially with tptb saying you can't make a show about GA without BC. I'm pretty sure the audience could hate her tenfold and they still wouldn't be allowed to touch her. Makes me even more curious abou the BTS with KC if they are so adamant about it now. 

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My hope is that she's going to be recurring, as Sara was for that brief moment when she rejoined the LoA.  I doubt she's going to lose the Canary Cry if she needs it in the video game and with it she's too overpowered for this show.  If she's recurring, they can bring her in when they need her but the rest of the time she's in Hub City or Coast City or wherever she's needed to fight crime as an independent contractor as the Black Canary was in the comics.

15 hours ago, Chaser said:

My best case, pretty please, if wishes were horses scenario is that once she debuts in the video game and whatever else they have planned for her, they give the okay to pull her out. 

I just honestly don't believe that's going to happen. Especially with tptb saying you can't make a show about GA without BC

I fope that's just to bring her on.  if she stays in the show fulltime, there will be non-stop calls to put her with Oliver.

Edited by statsgirl
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15 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I fope that's just to bring her on.  if she stays in the show fulltime, there will be non-stop calls to put her with Oliver.

I'd be kind of okay with that.  I never really got into Green Arrow prior to the show, but there seemed to be kind of an on-again, off-again "friends with benefits" aspect to the Green Arrow/Black Canary relationship.  I never really saw it as a "destined for the ages"/"twu wuv" king of thing.  In truth Oliver's relationships with women have been kind of toxic over all.  I'm not really ready for him to be with Felicity because I don't want to see him take a shit in her heart.  Again.

I will say that I don't really see Felicity with Rory.  They seem as friendly as possible when one of them killed everyone the other one ever loved.  I don't really see anything romantic between them.  Felicity just had her boyfriend murdered and Rory seems kind of... asexual.  Not even gay, just not really interested in any romantic style relationships.

Over all I kind of like the set-up for Dinah.  Team Arrow saved her life and helped her avenge her partner's death, so she's grateful.  Also avenging his death leaves her with the question of "WTF do I do with my life now?"  Joining Team Arrow for the moment makes sense in that situation.  She probably wouldn't have done it had she known about the cargo plane of emotional baggage and expectations that came with the Black Canary  mantle.

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IDK I can't think of anything worse than Oliver having a on/off thing with Tina, especially when Felicity works on the same team. It was always one of the things I found off-putting when some expected Oliver to get back with Laurel after his relationship with Felicity. 

Mainly, I just think it's kinda gross for Oliver to sleep with another Canary, especially one who has been bought on specifically to take up Laurel's legacy, like some creepy stand-in. The implications are just...yikes. *Shudder*

As for Tina, I know her being a meta is what the comic fans wanted but I still maintain that metas don't really have a place on Arrow. Same with any kind of magic. Even Rory, who I really like, feels too powerful for the show/team because of his magic rags. If Tina can just save the day with her canary cry, what even is the point of everyone else?

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511 (Second Chances) - Oliver Queen’s voiceover intro:
Oliver (voiceover): "My name is Oliver Queen. After five years in hell, I returned home with only one goal - to save my city. Today I fight that war on two fronts: By day, I lead Star City as its mayor. But by night, I am someone else. I am something else. I am the Green Arrow."

511 (Second Chances) – After Oliver has rejected numerous suggested replacements for Laurel, Curtis tells the team about a mysterious female vigilante who's been seen all over America:
Oliver: "Nope."
Rene: "What do you mean 'nope'? Did you even read her resume?"
Oliver: "Yeah, I did."
Rene: "So you know she flew 600 sorties over Iraq, launched a program for inner city kids to get into flight school as a way out of poverty, plus she's got skills in krav maga, and a third-degree black belt."
Curtis: "If Top Gun here's a maybe, how the hell did I even get on the team? Don't answer that."
Oliver: "Look. Finding a new Black Canary isn't just about reviewing resumes. It's a - it's a feel thing."
Rene: "Well, I feel like we're busting our asses to find new candidates, and you keep shooting them down."
Oliver: "I promised Laurel that I would carry on her legacy. I just don't want Black Siren to be all that's left of her."
Felicity: "Well, what about this woman? Allison Slater. Okay. She's a decorated CIA officer who also happens to be a world champion in judo. Oh. (Looks at Oliver) No. Okay. What about Tara Michele? Army special ops, but then she decided to open a clinic downtown to offer free health care to the homeless. (Looks at Oliver) Okay. Well, I will keep digging."
Rory: "Hold on. What about this one? This woman got her engineering Ph.D. at age 20, won gold in karate at the Olympics, turned down offers from the NSA and A.R.G.U.S. to join NASA as an astronaut by day while at night she secretly protects the citizens of Houston as, get this, a ninja vigilante. Oh, and she works soup kitchens on Saturdays and rescues puppies on Sundays."
Rene: "Astronaut ninja. You're making that up."
Curtis: "He did. Karate won't be an Olympic sport until 2020."
Rory: "Fine. You got me. This is just some woman who teaches preschool in the Glades, but my point still stands."
Oliver: "That point being?"
Rory: "That no matter how amazing they are, no one's gonna be good enough for you."
Felicity: "Because you keep comparing them to Laurel, which is an impossible standard you might want to consider loosening."
Oliver: "We just need to keep looking. We need to think outside the box."
Curtis: "How far outside the box are we talking here? Are we talking way outside the box, like, urban legends outside? Because if we are, I think I might have something."
Felicity: "Wait. What do you mean 'urban legend'?"
Curtis: "I mean... her."
Rene: "By 'her', you mean who?"
Curtis: "Well, actually, I have no idea what her name is, but according to the chat rooms I visited, she's a kickass woman who appears out of nowhere and saves crime victims."
Felicity: "In Star City?"
Curtis: "All over America actually, and get this - she even has a cry like a Canary Cry."
Oliver: "She's a meta with the same power as Earth-2 Laurel?"
Rory: "If that isn't bashert, I don't know what is."
Oliver: "What?"
Rory: "'Bashert' means fate, destiny."
Felicity: "According to the A.R.G.U.S. database I just hacked, sightings started three years ago in Central City."
Oliver: "That is right when Star Labs exploded."
Curtis: "And she even has a black leather jacket and everything. Only thing that's really missing is the blond hair, and you can fix that with a wig."
Oliver (checks ringing phone): "I have to handle something for John. Let's see if this urban legend is the real deal, and call me when you have something."

511 (Second Chances) – Felicity hacks the NSA files to look for the evidence needed to exonerate Diggle:
Oliver: "You get my text about John?"
Felicity: "If there is any trace of the file that Dig needs, it's gonna be buried behind some serious firewalls. Actually, firewalls don't even begin to explain it. It's gonna be more like firecastles or firemountains."
Oliver: "How did you know where to start? All that I told you was that Chase might have something."
Felicity: "Yeah, yeah, and then I hacked his laptop. Saving Dig is gonna break at least 12 federal laws. Hacking your D.A. is just small ball. Plus, you are the mayor. You can pardon me."
Oliver: "Actually, I can't."
Felicity: "It doesn't matter because I am having fun. I haven't done a good, old grab government secrets kind of hack in a really long time, and it's a great change of pace, and it feels awesome, and it will keep me busy while you're gone."
Oliver: "I'm - I'm going somewhere?"
Curtis: "Maybe Hub City."
Rory: "We're thinking that's where the new Black Canary is hanging out."
Oliver: "Yeah. Let's not call her that just yet. I'd like to see her in the field at least first."
Curtis: "Ask, and you shall receive. I was able to track down cell phone footage of her latest act of heroism - heroineism?"
Rory: "Heroism."
Curtis: "Anyway, take a look. The video isn't clear enough for facial recog, but she's real all right. I've watched it, like, 10 times. The woman can fight."
Oliver: "She can focus the sound better than Black Siren, and she is more skilled at hand-to-hand. This is almost like - what was that word that you used?"
Rory: "Bashert."
Oliver: "Yeah, that."
Curtis: "It almost sounds like you'd be willing to give her a look."
Oliver: "Call Rene. We're going to Hub City."

511 (Second Chances) - DELETED SCENE: Now a metahuman with a sonic cry, Dinah finds Sean Sonus' headquarters in Hub City and takes down his minions:
(In a darkened hallway, Sonus' head mnion is talking to five other minions.)
Head Minion: "The buy's set for tonight."
Dinahs (approaching): "Hey, there. Just stopping by to say 'hello.'"
Head Minion: "Mr. Sonus is busy. Wait a minute. You're the bitch who -"
(Dinah punches him in the throat and kicks him in the throat.)
Head Minion (collapsing): "Argh!"
(The other five minions prepare to fight as Dinah smiles at them and winks.)

511 (Second Chances) – Felicity finds that the file containing the evidence needed to exonerate Diggle is missing:
Felicity: "Oh, thank God. You are a lifesaver."
Rory: "Yeah. Well, I figure you got to get your share of fast food before they lock you up in Lompoc for hacking the NSA."
Felicity: "Lompoc doesn't house female inmates. They'd probably send me to Hazelton - or they would if there was anything to hack."
Rory: "Uh, you lost me."
Felicity: "The file containing all the dirt on General Walker, it's gone, scrubbed."
Rory: "So what does that mean?"
Felicity: "Well, it means that John is back to being totally screwed."

511 (Second Chances) – Felicity tells Rory about her hacktivist past and makes online contact with someone on the Dark Web:
Rory (entering): "Please tell me you didn't sleep down here."
Felicity: "I didn't... sleep."
Rory: "I thought the NSA was a dead end. The file was erased."
Felicity: "Yeah, and then I remembered nothing on the Internet is ever erased. Everything leaves behind a digital shadow, and I've been scouring the Dark Web, trying to find it."
Rory: "What's that?"
Felicity: "A terminal message."
Rory: "From who?"
Felicity: "I have absolutely no idea."
Rory: "And how'd they get into your system?"
Felicity: "I have absolutely no idea."
Rory (viewing terminal message): "Who's 'Ghost Fox Goddess'?"
Felicity: "That's me. It was my hacker handle in college. I made a lot of bad choices in college."
Rory: "What do you mean bad choices?"
Felicity: "I used to be a hacktivist. That's a hacker activist. I left that life way behind. It went with a Goth look that was not good for me."
Rory: "Goth?"
Felicity: "Mm-hmm. Dark hair, dark Felicity, taking on corporations and governments. It was a power trip that wasn't healthy."
Rory (viewing terminal message): "What's 'IRL'?"
Felicity: "In real life."

511 (Second Chances) – Felicity meets with hacktivist Kojo Sledgehammer, while Rory provides backup:
Felicity (over comms): "Look sharp. If this goes south on me, I want you to take this guy down hard."
Rory (over comms): "Paranoid much?"
Felicity (over comms): "You don't know the Dark Web like I do, okay? These guys aren't exactly known to be friendly."
Kojo (approaching): "OMG!"
(She's a slender young brunette with glasses.)
Felicity: "O...M. G."
Kojo: "The Ghost Fox Goddess here in metaspace - the real Ghost Fox Goddess."
Felicity: "You're Kojo Sledgehammer."
Kojo: "Yeah. I know. It's not nearly as cool as Ghost Fox Goddess, but then I can only aspire to your level of cool, which I do. Uh, aspire to, I mean."
Rory (over comms): "Take her down hard you said, right?"
(Felicity turns off her comm.)
Rory (over the comms): "Hey."
Kojo: "It is so great to meet you. When I saw your traffic on the Dark Nets, I wasn't even sure it was you. I mean, you've been a blank for, well, years."
Felicity: "I've been busy."
Kojo: "I know. Palmer Tech."
Felicity: "Mm-hmm."
Kojo: "I just figured once you got fired, you'd -"
Felicity: "Figured I'd what?"
Kojo: "It's none of my business. Okay. Well, um - heh. I became a hacker, a hacktivist, because of you, the GFG. I read about your hack of the Department of Education, and I was like, 'I know what I want to be.' But then you just totally stopped and became this, like, information technology support player, and - sorry. Never meet your heroes, you know?"
Felicity: "No. I haven't just been corporate, you know? I've been doing work that is... important."
Kojo: "Ooh. If it was, I would have heard about it. Ooh. Sorry. There I go again. Heh. I guess I was just excited when I saw you on the Dark Nets. It was like - like you were returning, you know? The OG GFG was back."
Felicity: "Well, I was looking for an NSA file to exonerate an innocent man."
Kojo: "John Diggle."
Felicity: "Yes."
Kojo: "My organization does its homework."
Felicity: "'Organization'?"
Kojo: "A hacktivist group. We call ourselves Helix. A month ago, we hacked Echelon."
Felicity: "The NSA's information gathering program?"
Kojo: "Mm-hmm. We hoovered up 8 petabytes of data, including everything you need to help your friend. We're calling the data cache Pandora. With it, you can take down politicians, bankrupt companies, spark revolutions."
Felicity: "So you're not just giving me the file for John."
Kojo: "You inspired me to make the world a better place. And now I intend to inspire you to be the hacktivist you used to be. The great Ghost Fox Goddess."

511 (Second Chances) – Felicity tells Oliver that she has the evidence to exonerate Diggle:
Felicity: "I was gonna ask how it went with the new Canary, but I can tell by that look on your face."
Oliver: "Hmm."
Felicity (tapping his hand with her finger): "Well, I have some good news, though."
Oliver: "I am in the market."
Felicity: "I've got all we need to exonerate John."
Oliver: "That's incredible. How'd you do that?"
Felicity: "Long story."
Oliver: "Is there something you're not telling me?"
Felicity: "I know that we are not used to getting good news, but this is what it looks like. I am gonna go leak the file on Walker. Why don't you go tell John the good news?"
(Oliver leaves. Felicity goes to her computer and opens up the Pandora data cache of files.)

511 (Second Chances) – Tina reveals to Oliver that her real name is Dinah Drake:
Unidentified Man: "Mr. Mayor. Excuse me, but there's someone here to see you. Her name is Tina Boland."
Oliver: "Oh. Yeah. Send her in, please."
Tina: "Mayor Queen. It's impressive. Maybe you should have led with that."
Oliver: "I got to admit, I didn't think I'd see you again."
Tina: "Yeah. Neither did I. I guess I thought I would feel different with Sonus gone. I thought I would feel liberated."
Oliver: "I wish it worked that way."
Tina: "Heh. How do you do it? How do you keep living with so much pain?"
Oliver: "I'm still working on that myself. But I can tell you it helps to not be alone. That's why you're here, right?"
Tina: "That's why I'm here. Back on that roof, you asked what Vince would have wanted. We were more than just partners. We were lovers. I hated Sonus for killing Vince... but I hated myself more for not being able to stop him."
Oliver: "Rene, the - the guy in the hockey mask, told the other guy that was with us - Curtis - that this team is all about finding second chances."
Tina: "You said maybe we don't get second chances."
Oliver: "Well, maybe I was wrong. Maybe you're my second chance."
Tina: "That's a lot to put on my shoulders."
Oliver: "Well, Tina, there's something that tells me you can handle it."
Tina: "So about that name. Tina Boland was my official cover for undercover work. It was to protect my family. My real name is Dinah. Dinah Drake."
Oliver: "Dinah?"
Tina: "Does that name mean something to you?"
Oliver: "I had a friend named Dinah. She's the reason I sought you out."
Tina: "What do you think she'd think about all this?"
Oliver: "I think she'd be proud of both of us."
(They look at each other, as camera pans out to view them framed in the window.)

Edited by tv echo
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