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Mariah's World - General Discussion

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I liked the first five minutes where Mariah talks about her lack of family (and her family member's messedup-ness) That is what I am hoping for and explains so much of how she is the way she is. Not up for all this faux they broke up so we have to pretend romance for storyline BS that was in the rest of the episode.

Edited by argrow
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On 1/8/2017 at 5:23 PM, luckyroll3 said:

Say what now?  Please expand!

Nice catch. He always seemed familiar to me but I couldn't figure out where I knew him from. I used to watch Raising Asia. 


On 1/8/2017 at 9:59 PM, NoirDetective said:

Not much to expand, but the show was "Raising Asia." Feel free to search out the boards here/the show itself to draw your own conclusions.

Yep, same ego Anthony. Although it seems that MC fired him as her creative director after the  NYE fiasco. 

On 1/9/2017 at 0:50 AM, NoirDetective said:

That's a far less cynical read than mine, as everything about this seems like a rented love situation to me. He's her paid boyfriend for the tour, and most of these Tanaka scenes seem shot after the fact (like, last week) to cover the narrative hole of her break-up with Packer. This "Italian villa" we're in this episode looks a lot like her house in LA they showed us already. 20-something world-hopping dancer who she hasn't seen since her last payment cleared likes her for her? A boozy 45 year old with two kids and enough issues to fill a magazine warehouse? I just don't see how this isn't a paid transaction, but I appreciate the optimistic viewpoint, too.

Packer just rejoined Scientology, it's been reported. Quite a year, engaged to MC then back to Scientology. Good to know even billionaires aren't immune from obvious and all-consuming mid-life crisises!

Maybe the Scientology thing played a part in their breakup. And if he really is now a scientologist, and MC wasn't interested in joining, that could be a huge factor in the demise of their relationship. Especially since CoS (Church of Scientology) exerts a lot of control over their members. MC might have refused all their demands, refused to be a member, etc. Packard would have needed the CoS' permission to marry her. 

The CoS could label her a threat, and then told James to dump her. Could also be a reason for separate yachts, if Packard's yacht had Scientology staff (something that is quite common with CoS celebrities), and they refused to be filmed for reality show. So Mimi got her own yacht and came up with a cover story to save face. 

If this theory holds water, then Packard could have broken their engagement because of this, and not based on her diva demands and extravegence. He probably didn't have a valid reason, hence the total fogginess on the story of their breakup. The CoS is probably thinking, the more money Packard spends on Mariah, the less money he would have to give the Church of Scientology. A lot of motive for CoS to engineer their split, cloaked in mystery, and innuendo. MC is just using the Tanaka storyline to save face. 

I am just enjoying watching this show.  I have never been a huge Mariah fan, but I like pop music, so I've listened to her songs plenty of times, I don't think I have her on my IPod at all, though.

I don't find Mariah annoying at all.  She's just flaky, and that's okay to me. I'm surprised to see such hate and venom toward her.  She's one of the most beautiful women in the world to me, and she is extremely talented, so I think men are of course falling all over themselves to be with her, she did date that billionaire and a mega-millionaire (if money is the measure we are using) so I don't see why it would be weird for a backup dancer to fall for her.  Hell, she could come snatch me up from my life right now, and I'd feel like the luckiest woman alive. 

I wish I could live the life of people putting my makeup on while I was lying down on a plane and carry me everywhere.  As a blogger said, "If I had all that money, I'm not changing a light bulb, I ain't doing shit."  There is no glory in scrubbing a toilet bowl, so I will gladly hand over all the manual labor and hard stuff to others.  I'm old, tired and done struggling, maybe that's how Mariah feels. 

Edited by mothmonsterman
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5 hours ago, Spiderella2 said:

Maybe the Scientology thing played a part in their breakup. And if he really is now a scientologist, and MC wasn't interested in joining, that could be a huge factor in the demise of their relationship. Especially since CoS (Church of Scientology) exerts a lot of control over their members. MC might have refused all their demands, refused to be a member, etc. Packard would have needed the CoS' permission to marry her.

I think that Mariah would not be cool with CoS telling her what to do, but she definitely would not want her very young kids raised as Scientologists.

The person who I was most annoyed with this week was Anthony. Mariah expressed concern about keeping all the lifts in her show because she didn't feel safe having only four guys pick her up (instead of six). That's perfectly valid. Anthony's response was: "Mariah needs to trust me. It's insulting that she doesn't trust me." Uh, no, this has nothing to do with YOU. This has to do with having two less people to pick her up and carry her around.

Second most annoying person this week - I actually couldn't decide if it was Stella or her daughter. As per usual, Stella is a brown noser and an annoying shit stirrer. I get secondhand embarrassment listening her to kiss Mariah's ass. I don't blame her daughter for posting that picture of Mariah's ass on Instagram because that's the job they gave her. If no one told her beforehand that Mariah needed to approve all pictures before they were posted, then she didn't do anything wrong. As for her taste level and judgment, SHE IS TWELVE YEARS OLD. I'm sure I had terrible taste and judgment about what's appropriate at that age too.

But what I do blame her for was her attitude when she was talking to Mariah. First of all, you think Mariah should be wearing bras and garter belts in public? STFU, child. I need someone to convince her to put on some pants once in a while, not encourage her to wear even less (for the record, I say wear whatever you like and fuck the haters, but I would like Mariah to wear pants every once in a while just as a change of pace from her constant bedazzled leotards and skintight dresses). And instead of saying, "Sorry that you didn't want a picture of your ass posted online. Next time I'll ask before posting something like that," she got flippant and defensive in a Stella-esque ass kissing kind of way by saying, "Of course I posted it because your ass looked great in that picture." Ugh. This is why children annoy me.

I'm unclear on the entire timeline for this episode though. Tanaka was injured in the previous episode at some point after the Latvia and Lithuania shows (April 7 and April 9). Near the end of last week's episode, Mariah mentioned leaving the house in Italy, which I'm assuming was after her show in Milan (April 16). The Paris show was on April 21, the day that Prince died. In some of the footage, Tanaka is shown at dance rehearsal practicing the lift with the dancers. But at the Paris show, you can see he's not performing because he was down in the front with Stella's daughter and backstage (not in costume). He was also shown using his crutches at various points during this episode. I'm not saying he was malingering or anything. I just feel like some of what we were shown was shown out of sequence with reality.

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I mean clearly this is re-edited footage or something because if Mariah were really that into James from the beginning, she is making herself (and him too) look foolish. No one goes on and on and on about a friend and flirts and gets into these awkward, precarious situations with someone who's not a romantic interest. And the whole innocent ingenue act she played at the beginning of the ep with Stella didn't win me over either....

Speaking of whom, as someone mentioned above, both she and her daughter were intensely annoying. It is SO CLEAR that Stella is controlling everything and everyone around MC and it is beyond bizarre that a 12 year old is allowed to run her social media accounts. So either that is complete bs or she is really that under Stella's thumb, or they rehearsed that scene in her closet because that was just too strange. 

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Mariah, if you're reading (away from Hell-a's watchful eye), get rid of her IMMEDIATELY.  She has told you that people are using you and that she is a savior when SHE is in fact the one using and manipulating you and your image. Stella is trash and you should cuss out your director friend (can't remember who at this moment) for introducing you. She is the new Tommy Mottola, hiding in sheep's clothes of a "good girlfriend."

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11 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

While I'm fine with Mariah firing Anthony, I am scratching my head about how NYE was Anthony's fault.

That's all Stella's doing, I'm sure. We've seen her fuck up before (time change incident) and since she has Mimi's ear, she's blaming others to keep the heat off of herself. Maybe Nick can step in and bring a bit of reality to the situation. He is good at bringing humor to reality, maybe he can help here.

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2 hours ago, IvyDancer said:

I mean clearly this is re-edited footage or something because if Mariah were really that into James from the beginning, she is making herself (and him too) look foolish. No one goes on and on and on about a friend and flirts and gets into these awkward, precarious situations with someone who's not a romantic interest. And the whole innocent ingenue act she played at the beginning of the ep with Stella didn't win me over either....

Spot on! I said just about the same thing after last episode. They are obviously editing it to look like the break up was Mariah's idea. And that crap from Stella about Tanana being out of control. Bitch please, tell Miss. Mariah to put some clothes on and stop touching Tanana and sitting on his lap and all that shit if you are engaged and in love.

1 hour ago, chuckity said:

Rambling thoughts ...

Stick straight hair does nothing for Mariah.  

Tanaka is cute.

Stella and her spawn can STFU and detach themselves from Mariah's gravy train asap.  

Last episode for a brief period Mariah had her her wavy and it was so much more flattering. It reminded me of when she came out with her first album. Now if she would just tone down all that blonde and add a few lowlights.

Someone posted that they saw chemistry between Tanaka and Mariah. I disagree I just think he is cute and it's all him. All she does is lay around, pose or drape herself on people.

Oh and Mariah if you are upset there is a photo of you with your ass hanging out. Here's a thought wear enough clothes to cover it!

56 minutes ago, Texasmom1970 said:

Last episode for a brief period Mariah had her her wavy and it was so much more flattering. It reminded me of when she came out with her first album. Now if she would just tone down all that blonde and add a few lowlights.

When she's her alter ego 'Bianca', she looks so much better with the darker wig. Maybe she shouldn't go that dark irl, but I agree that the blonde washes her out.

Other thoughts- I want the sparkly boots that she was wearing when she was sitting getting her makeup done. 

I love how Tanaka literally had no clothes that he had to go running around in Paris in a white bath robe. Really? He could be wearing a paper bag and he'd still be cute though. I think the dancers should have their own show- there's enough drama. Though didn't Stella fire Anthony after the NYE performance? I don't trust that woman. As someone said in a previous thread, I don't see the chemistry between MC and Tanaka. It's more like a playfulness, but I don't see anything beyond that. 

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So let me get this straight.....when the dancers are off duty and hanging out with Mariah (while she wears nothing but lingerie), she likes to hurl herself into their arms.  Then she expects to be twirled/carried around like a doll. This is how Tanaka injured himself....attempting to lift/spin Mariah around.    Then I see her being wheeled in an office chair by one person as another person walks beside her holding up the side of her dress?  This show is hilarious.   

On 1/9/2017 at 3:14 PM, crgirl412 said:

I watch a lot of reality tv and compared to the staged crap on most them, the unspokens seemed to really be there with them!! 

I don't get all of her posing either but I do think that Tanaka and MC were really shown to have real chemistry which now has been proven to be true since they are now together- though it may be only for a brief moment.

At first I wanted to rescue James Packer from MC but now I REALLY want to rescue him from Scientology!!  That sh*t isn't anything to be messed with!!  Watch Leah Remini's series if you want to hear about it! 

Leah Remini's series all the way!

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On 1/17/2017 at 11:24 AM, vmcd88 said:

So let me get this straight.....when the dancers are off duty and hanging out with Mariah (while she wears nothing but lingerie), she likes to hurl herself into their arms.  Then she expects to be twirled/carried around like a doll. This is how Tanaka injured himself....attempting to lift/spin Mariah around.    Then I see her being wheeled in an office chair by one person as another person walks beside her holding up the side of her dress?  This show is hilarious.   

The office chair is ludicrous, but I think it's because she's in her feet for most of the show, in super high 6 inch heels. It might be easier to wheel her backstage than to have her running in heels and takes a fall before the show. She is no Beyoncé, if MC fell it would probably make her show start later than  usual. 

JAMES and her relationship does seem different to me. I know he's a mega millionaire, but MC acts completely different when Packer is around. She was like a Stepford wife, extra solicitious, checking up on him, barely left his side, always complimenting him. With Tanaka, she is the power player in that relationship and the roles are completely different. 

I do agree that some scenes are shot out of sequence, as evidenced by Tanaka's crutches. At least MC isn't a Scientologist....yet. You know they want her so bad!

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I love how Tanaka literally had no clothes that he had to go running around in Paris in a white bath robe. Really?

Five other dancers in the crew and nobody had an extra pair of sweats. Right.


I don't blame her daughter for posting that picture of Mariah's ass on Instagram because that's the job they gave her.

Mariah Carey. A woman who insists on movie star lighting for her chaise lounge confessions. Who will only be photographed from one side. Who wears sunglasses any time there's fluorescent lighting because it makes her look awful on camera. This woman allows a 12 year old to have the run of the place with her camera phone and to post whatever she wants on Instagram. Right.

I can't figure out if this show is insulting my intelligence, or if I'm actually the dummy in this scenario because I don't understand that we're all (Mariah and crew included) supposed to be laughing at the nonsense of it together.

I get that this is a vanity project geared to make Mariah seem like a glamorous, talented, kooky but talented flake who is "just like uis." More than anything, it makes me side eye the lack of professionalism that runs through her whole team, from top to bottom. How has this woman had a career for this long and doesn't have touring down to a science? Good grief, I thought it was Rock Star 101 to have a sign next to the stage that says what city/country you're in so the talent doesn't make an ass of herself on stage. 

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9 hours ago, sleepyjean said:

Five other dancers in the crew and nobody had an extra pair of sweats. Right.

Mariah Carey. A woman who insists on movie star lighting for her chaise lounge confessions. Who will only be photographed from one side. Who wears sunglasses any time there's fluorescent lighting because it makes her look awful on camera. This woman allows a 12 year old to have the run of the place with her camera phone and to post whatever she wants on Instagram. Right.

I can't figure out if this show is insulting my intelligence, or if I'm actually the dummy in this scenario because I don't understand that we're all (Mariah and crew included) supposed to be laughing at the nonsense of it together.

I get that this is a vanity project geared to make Mariah seem like a glamorous, talented, kooky but talented flake who is "just like uis." More than anything, it makes me side eye the lack of professionalism that runs through her whole team, from top to bottom. How has this woman had a career for this long and doesn't have touring down to a science? Good grief, I thought it was Rock Star 101 to have a sign next to the stage that says what city/country you're in so the talent doesn't make an ass of herself on stage. 

I couldn't figure out why no one had made a determination prior to the instagram ass shot that a 12 year old child should have some sort of supervision. After all, this is the public face and reputation of a worldwide star. Would they let a child send out press releases and contact info? Why is she going through Mariah's lingerie and talking back while Mariah's soft stepping around saying "Little girl, keep your ass off my instagram putting inappropriate pictures up." The sooner Stella and her spawn are gone, the better. I am sure that lil grown ass child is getting a nice check for this bullshit (2, actually, one for appearance and one for her "job") but the backup singer and her baby were supposed to sleep/have school on a tour bus with 6 grown ass men who are up all night.  Ok. 

I also found the James/Mariah interactions very weird. She was oddly deferential to him. She didn't seem happy or bubbly either (granted, it was only a few clips) like she is when she's around other people. It's like her personality was sucked out of her. I don't think ending that relationship was necessarily a bad thing, whoever decided to do it.

I see Tanaka got sugar momma to splurge on that Tiger jacket. What better way to get momma on board than to let her see your rippling muscles as you lounge naked around Balmain?

Edited by sunsheyen
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17 hours ago, sunsheyen said:

I see Tanaka got sugar momma to splurge on that Tiger jacket. What better way to get momma on board than to let her see your rippling muscles as you lounge naked around Balmain?

I was cracking up when he said that's the kind of jacket he likes to wear onstage. Cut to the dancers backstage in their totally sequined bedazzled jackets. I was like no, Tanaka, that isn't shiny enough for Mariah's taste for it to appear on any kind of stage.

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On 1/19/2017 at 8:23 AM, sunsheyen said:

I also found the James/Mariah interactions very weird. She was oddly deferential to him. She didn't seem happy or bubbly either (granted, it was only a few clips) like she is when she's around other people. It's like her personality was sucked out of her. I don't think ending that relationship was necessarily a bad thing, whoever decided to do it.

It was almost like a little girl trying to please daddy. She kept thanking him for showing up to the show when Prince died and she told James that she was going to dedicate the show to him, instead of to Prince. It was weird...

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Ugh Stella with the needle - I am such a germaphobe and just got a vaccine the other day. They DEFINITELY have serious procedures in place to prevent infections so that for sure triggered me. She is such a drama queen.

Mariah's twins are so cute. And her little "pose like Mommy comment" to her daughter killed me. I hope my kids are that adorable :)

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She might be the nicest person in the world but damn Mariah's back up singer looked scary as hell when she went to talk to Anthony. I still do not think he has anything to apologize for but I would be scared she would kick my ass! Sorry you are a single Mom with a child, but find someone to take care of him don't make others feel bad because you are dragging your son along.

Pretty sad I find Tanaka and the back up dancers more interesting than MC.

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1 hour ago, aamankwah said:

I think what they did to Anthony was so unprofessional. They had no reason to make Tanaka Co creative director other than Mariah was attracted to him and wanted to give her boy toy a job. 

It would be unprofessional if it were true. I suspend belief when I watch this show. I agree, the whole Tanaka drooling and simmering romance was put in when James dumped MC. I don't know if she gave the rock back or not. 

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There was definitely something going on with that break-up.  Stella started to say something about how what James did to MC was so despicable and mean, and Mariah shut her down before she could reveal anything else (it was during the scene when Stella gave Mariah the ring back).

Interesting to know that Anthony was let go after the NYE debacle.  I think they were planning on getting rid of him anyway, part of the reason they offered Tanaka to be a co-director instead of an assistant director.  Anthony never actually listened to anything Mariah said.  She mentioned several times that she felt uncomfortable and/or unsafe and instead of changing the choreography to accommodate her, he refused and instead badgered her to stick with his vision.  The problem with that is that Mariah is his boss.  She's just too nice to say anything.  I think that's part of the reason she has Stella as her manager, so Stella can be the bad guy.  Unfortunately, Stella is also so damn unprofessional that she's more of a detriment to Mariah's team than anything.  Stella is definitely terrified of Tanaka and Mariah's relationship, which is why she changed her tune so quickly from "send his ass home" to "let's make him a co-director".  She'll do whatever she can to stay on his good side while they're together.

In other news, why did Stella's 12 year old daughter have so much cleavage exposed during her party?

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You can tell the scenes that were shot out of sequence.  After the breakup, she was so bloated in her face and  abdomen.  Then her concert in Hawaii and she's slender. Next she's on the beach in Hawaii with Tanaka and she's bloated again. NYE she seemed drugged, but I guess somebody had to pay and Stella decided it was Anthony. He had too much control over Mariah. That's  Stellas job. Lol.

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Butterfly is hands down my all time fave Mariah record. Not a single skippable track for me. Charmbracelet is her most underrated. Yes, the whisper voice was annoying at times, but that record features some of her best writing.

As for fave songs, I could list well over 50, but here's a few:

Butterfly, The Roof, Breakdown, Vanishing, Fantasy, Underneath the Stars, I Don't Wanna Cry, I Still Believe, Petals, Dreamlover, Subtle Invitation, Stay the Night, Close My Eyes, Crybaby, Make It Happen, Sent From Up Above, etc. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, luckyroll3 said:

I'm taking it slow!  Lol!  I wasn't expecting the first part to be so sad.  I mean I knew her childhood wasn't fabulous, but I didn't realize it was so dark.  I got the book to snark on the tea!

I’m going to sound like an idiot by saying this. I knew she had some darkness in her life but I didn’t realize it was THAT dark. If that makes sense. The racism, the bullying, all the chaos in her home, no real safe place. The moment when she mentioned her friend saying her voice sounded like it had instruments with it gave me chills. 

edited to add: I bought it for snarky tea too! I didn’t expect it to be so deep, heartbreaking. I thought it would be a breezy read like JLo’s book. 

Edited by LemonSoda
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Finished it earlier this week. She left out a whole lotta shit! 

No talk about learning she was bipolar and how that diagnosis may have provided any additional context for some of the experiences she's had. No talk about Eminem or even a vague reference to him. No talk about the debacle that was Management by Stella or the reality show in general. Just not enough tea overall.  I wish she had duplicated that chapter from near the end where she spoke about all the men she's worked with professionally, and done the same for her love life (especially during the time when she was just "having fun") and her feuds (cause I know she has more than just J-Lo). 

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