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I like Valentina so much better when she's not with Remy or Ethan. 


So Tony is evil. I guess he was going to blackmail one or both of the Powells but the honesty threw a monkey wrench in those plans. So what does he want?  I hate to think of Evelyn getting her feelings hurt but you could see something sort of pinged when Adrian said the only man that would love a woman like you is a man like me. She's got to be thinking now.


Why is Rosie going around telling all her employers how to live their lives? She is just a little too much into everyone's business, just clean my house and keep it moving.

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June Squibb.  I only know her as the wife of Jack Nicholson who drops dead while vacuuming in About Schmidt.


She's been on just about every TV show ever, but just recently she was in the movie Nebraska.



Why couldn't the show make things more interesting and have it be Ty or Ethan? Why does it have to be some dude we know nothing about?


Because we're supposed to see Ethan and Ty as good-hearted but misguided youths who were led astray by some seemingly noble ideal and that things got out of control through no fault of their own. To keep them as viable characters neither one is guilty of actually committing murder, accidental or otherwise. 


The problem of course is that by the time this is over Ty is probably going to wind up either dead or in the nuthouse, so it might as well have been him that shot Alejandro. But they made an effort to portray him as sympathetic, initially, until he became so pathetic with his Carmen obsession.

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But why the hell did he asked to be dropped off with Valentina at the Powell's? She wants to be a fashion designer, not a nurse.

My guess would be Ethan will ask her to get Remy to help him.

Remy didn't actually go to/complete medical school. I know he was helping out in Africa but they could have just given him simple tasks like giving people antibiotics or something. But whatever, this is a soap. Let's just pretend that Remy knows how to deal with a stab wound. It would have made more sense for him to go to Remy and rely on his sense of honor than go to Valentina and either get her to bring Remy to him or get her to bring him to Remy. Dude is going to be losing blood fast. This is no time for shenanigans!


But they made an effort to portray him as sympathetic, initially, until he became so pathetic with his Carmen obsession.

I think this is a big problem with the show at the moment. They just love being able to go "twist!" but then we end up with crazy characterizations. One second people are normal. The next second they're lunatics. 

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I guess we are to believe that no one checks references on this show, especially when you are asking someone to work in a home with valuables.  After her own undercover maid experience, it is hard to believe that Marisol would just hire someone on the spot. 


Agreed..why was she surprised that the nurse was gossiping, and why was she even telling her those things? It is not as if she does not have the other ladies to talk to so that she does not get lonely.


I wonder who Tony's mysterious partner is?  Was his plan to blackmail Eveyln, which he can't now that she told her husband? 

I wish they had gotten an attractive actor to play Reggie. I hope the story doesn't end with him taking all of the money from Mr. Kenneth. 


I know Rosie is supposed to be religious and the "moral compass," but I agree...her meddling is way over the top, and she did sleep with a married man in HIS OWN house (and i have to assume the wife's bed) which means she lost her credibility of being able to judge others. 

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I wonder who Tony's mysterious partner is?  Was his plan to blackmail Eveyln, which he can't now that she told her husband?

I hope this ends up being a better mystery than the Marisol/Opal/Dahlia/Nick/Ethan thing. Could it be the blond woman who was everywhere in the beginning of the season?

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I guess we are to believe that no one checks references on this show, especially when you are asking someone to work in a home with valuables.  After her own undercover maid experience, it is hard to believe that Marisol would just hire someone on the spot.


Not only that but from the brief glimpse we got of her "resume and references," it appeared to be little more than a few sentences typed on a single sheet of paper. Not exactly an impressive candidate. But I blame the prop department.

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I get so frustrated with Rosie's moral superiority and judgmental attitude towards her employer's family as she totally was a part of breaking up Spence's family (yes, there were many other factors as well).  Why would Mr. Kenneth's wife having an affair with the doctor be any different from Spence having an affair with the maid?  If they hadn't gone there last season, this storyline would be much better.  However, Rosie just isn't that innocent, so her characterization just seems so off.

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And the stupidity of Valentina continues.  The idiot didn't clean the blood in her car up??  And she left the criminal who does not love her in her Mother's house alone??


So there are only three episodes left in the season according to commercials.  Will we see Zoila's hot boyfriend again or is she too busy mothering a sixty something year old woman?  Will Spence contact Rosie now that he lost custody of his son and rescue her from the evil nephew?  And you know Opal has to return.

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At this point all signs point to Nicholas being responsible for the hit and run that killed the Powell's boy. I was hoping it wasn't going to be something that obvious but it's looking more and more like it is.


I strongly disagree with Zoila's misplaced values regarding Genevieve's mother. You don't "take the high road," or otherwise suck it up, and continue to take the abuse, simply because they gave birth to you. You cut that toxic negativity out of your life, period. Abuse, whether physical, emotional or verbal, should not be tolerated. Ever.

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Has the show explained why Genevieve's mother is like that? At first, I thought we were supposed to think Genevieve was in the wrong, but as time went on the mother became more and more annoying.


I don't mind Marisol, but I feel no English professor I've ever seen actually dresses like her.


Valentina. So pretty. So dumb.


I was kind of hoping to see what that British guy was up to. But he and the freaky deaky couple weren't in this episode. Somehow the episode seemed to move slower without them. Maybe Alejandro needs to come back from the dead too.

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How did Marisol just happen to have narcotics on her?  Those little pill bottles are not how pain meds are given in the hospital.  And trying to give someone a drug overdose?  Not nice.

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Yes, that was a bit ridiculous that in a hospital, there was a bottle of narcotics just sitting there.  That stuff is tightly regulated and administered.


And to try to drug someone she supposedly loves was nuts too.  

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So remember last week when I was like, why would Ethan go to Valentina of all people? Well, they're both idiots. Him for going to her and her for bringing him to her mom's house? What? You wasted 15 minutes driving to your mom's house for... what? At least she called Remi but clearly that wasn't Ethan's plan and I maintain that there's no reason to assume Remi has any useful medical knowledge. And yeah, she somehow forgot to clean all that blood out of her car. Eyeroll. Part of me wishes she told some terrible lie about her period. I'm sorry. Now it's in your head.


Yeah, see, now we're back to the first version of June Squibb as Genevieve's mom. You can't ask me to sympathize with the single mom stuff when the rest of the time she's this malicious, awful cartoon character.


Small blessings, Spence and Carmen didn't sleep together in a drunken haze.


For a second, I thought they were going to show Reggie beating Kenneth with the cane. Why is this family always in danger of beating him with sticks?


Maybe it's just that I want everyone to be like the Powell's but it would have been kind of interesting to see Marisol or Valentina try to cover up for their men. I feel like Marisol could have gone in that direction if Nick had told her the truth (only to change her mind later). 


I thought Valentina was going to hit someone with her car what with the crying and leaning down to get a tissue.


Again, Marisol is the most incompetent detective. How did she ever get through last season? No subtlety. He immediately knew she was trying to drug him. 

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At this point all signs point to Nicholas being responsible for the hit and run that killed the Powell's boy. I was hoping it wasn't going to be something that obvious but it's looking more and more like it is.

But with Marc Cherry it's nothing BUT the obvious... Do I have to remind all of you about last summer, when he dropped every anvil known to man on us that Philippe was the killer (he was rich, he and his son were Flora's clients, he wanted to get rid of Marisol as soon as he found out she was on to something, by hiring a sniper, he wanted to leave the country with the private jet, he remembered the Powells using dahlias at a party he wasn't invited to). Marc Cherry's mysteries suck ginormous elephant balls and can ALWAYS be figured out from a mile away... I'd be surprised if that weren't the case actually U.u

Edited by Lavinia
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At least she called Remi but clearly that wasn't Ethan's plan and I maintain that there's no reason to assume Remi has any useful medical knowledge.


I don't think it would be crazy to assume that he would know the basics of something like wound care and stitches given his experience in Africa.

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I don't think it would be crazy to assume that he would know the basics of something like wound care and stitches given his experience in Africa.

Yeah, but we don't know how badly he was stabbed. I forget if Remi was in college or medical school but I think we can assume based on the cocaine and rehab that most of what he learned was learned in Africa. I don't know, I think it's stretching believability to say that he had the tools and knowledge to deal with anything more serious than a flesh wound. It just seemed like the writers went, who do we know who has any kind of medical knowledge at all? 

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There was something about the lighting in a couple of scenes and Valentina looked about 30.  Only me?  Okay then...


I think the Powells are the strongest characters.  Their banter is fabulous.  Without them, though, we get Rosie who is actually endanger Mr. Kenneth with every move she makes (due to her interference, the wife and the daughter are now gone).  Zoila, who really does seem like Erica Kane's mother figure and Marisol who really isn't as clever as she thinks she is.  Being a university professor means that she knows her subject area, not that she knows how to Columbo mysteries.  Also, is she even a professor any more?  She's been in the LA area for 2 years now and her novel was her 'work'.  Oh well, this is still enjoyable (the music score is such a part of the show) and I hope it continues to be fun.

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How did Marisol just happen to have narcotics on her?  Those little pill bottles are not how pain meds are given in the hospital.  And trying to give someone a drug overdose?  Not nice.


Even while you're in the hospital a doctor can come in and prescribe something for you and then someone in your family can run to the drug store and get it for you. Nick was probably on an IV drip when he was first brought in but now that he's up and around he'd be off the drip.



Yeah, but we don't know how badly he was stabbed. I forget if Remi was in college or medical school but I think we can assume based on the cocaine and rehab that most of what he learned was learned in Africa. I don't know, I think it's stretching believability to say that he had the tools and knowledge to deal with anything more serious than a flesh wound. It just seemed like the writers went, who do we know who has any kind of medical knowledge at all?


Yeah that bugged me because when we saw Carmen stab him the cake knife was covered in blood from tip to handle. All Remi did was stitch up his skin wound; wouldn't he have had major internal organ damage? He's got to have some pretty serious internal bleeding going on. Probably would have made more sense if he'd been stabbed in the leg or something like that.

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Even while you're in the hospital a doctor can come in and prescribe something for you and then someone in your family can run to the drug store and get it for you.

Never ever happened that way in all my years as a hospital nurse, but whatever...  I should be used to TV never ever getting medical details right.


Valentina could have claimed her dog got hit by a car, and it would have accounted for her agitated driving.  But the cop seeing what appears to be blood on the backseat doesn't give him the right to say, "You're coming with me," without any other information.  I should be used to TV not getting those details right, either.

Edited by cattykit
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I can't decide who is the worst character on the show.  Spence just seems pointless, other than to provide a place for Carmen to work.  Did they explain why he did not get custody or joint custody?


Marisol continues to be a hard story to swallow.  You hear your new husband admit to killing someone and then you try to drug him?  And she is supposed to be a college professor? The smartest thing they had her do was say she was leaving him.


Valentina- they should have gotten rid of her last year, but why take him to your parent's home?


I am confused about Genevieve and her mom, but I really don't care.  I think it is a little of both, she is a snob trying to forget where she came from, and the mom is resentful about how she had to take care of her children.  Have they mentioned a father?


Where is Zoila's boyfriend?  What silly story have they created for him, other than he would pay someone to live in filth?


I actually was glad to have a break from the Powells.  I get the "tone" of this show and don't take it seriously, but even for a dramedy, clone of a tela novella it is sometimes so over the top that it is not funny.


Reggie is doing everything but twirling a mustache and cackling.  Does Rosie honestly think she is safe? Why not just quit and report her suspicions to elder abuse or something? Or better yet, go to the daughter?

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Valentina could have claimed her dog got hit by a car, and it would have accounted for her agitated driving.  But the cop seeing what appears to be blood on the backseat doesn't give him the right to say, "You're coming with me," without any other information.  I should be used to TV not getting those details right, either.


If the officer has reasonable cause to detain Valentina, he can detain Valentina.  He's seen three things to give him that cause: erratic driving, an upset driver and a backseat that appears to be covered in blood.  Now it can turn out that what he has would not be enough to keep Valentina detained, but the idea he can't detain her based on what he has seen is not correct. 

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I can't decide who is the worst character on the show.  Spence just seems pointless, other than to provide a place for Carmen to work.  Did they explain why he did not get custody or joint custody?



The judge was apparently a big Peri fan - he said something about how he should have known he was in trouble when the judge asked for her autograph.

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I thought Carmen stabbed Ethan in the thigh.  Turns out she stabbed him in the abdomen but there were no internal injuries.  I guess there has been no infection either since he seems almost fully recovered.  Very lucky for him.

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When Marisol confronts Opal about Nicholas' accident and threatens to turn her into the police, things take a violent turn. Valentina finds herself in trouble, bringing Zoila and Pablo together to help her. Rosie continues to investigate her suspicions about Reggie. Carmen attempts to help Spence when his drinking starts affecting his job. Adrian learns the truth about Tony.


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Abuse, whether physical, emotional or verbal, should not be tolerated. Ever.



I don't think abuse should ever be used as a comedic devise either, especially against a character like Genvieve who can't dish it back. I wish June Squibb and Nick had died and Alejandro had lived.


SO glad that Spence and Carmen didn't sleep together although they tried to make us think that with the previews. I've been very interested to see whether they bring Spence and Rosie back together at the end of this season, but now it looks like they are veering off into an alcoholism plot line, which is weird.


For a second, I thought they were going to show Reggie beating Kenneth with the cane. Why is this family always in danger of beating him with sticks?



That poor man has had one too many close calls on this show! I thought Rosie was going to visit him at the hospital and see all the welts on his body and then figure out that Reggie beat him up instead of saw him fall. Or that Kenneth wouldn't be at the hospital at all because Reggie killed him and stashed the body.


I would like to see more of Zoila and Mrs. Powell's boyfriends.

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I really liked that episode.  I am getting soft because I cried at the Rosie/Spence and Adrian/Evelyn scenes.  Rosie needs to join forces with the daughter and wife to bring the nephew down.

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I liked it a lot too, but hey Rosie, for someone who professes to be smart, it's pretty damn dumb to tell the bad guy that you know what he's up to, jeeez. I am going to go on record here and speculate that Ethan comes back to save Valentina and ends up dead or in jail. I lol'd at Carmen and Spence tonight. The Powells are just a win no matter what they do as far as I'm concerned. Still no word on the renewal for this show?

Edited by missbonnie
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Even while you're in the hospital a doctor can come in and prescribe something for you and then someone in your family can run to the drug store and get it for you. Nick was probably on an IV drip when he was first brought in but now that he's up and around he'd be off the drip

I don't know where you live, but I want to come to that hospital the next time I'm in. I've had two total knee replacement surgeries in the last year and a couple of trips to the ER, and ALL my pain meds were given to me by the nurse. Even after I was off the drip, or the ER, it was a shot and a prescription, the only pills that I have ever been given in a bottle was nitroglycerin.

I didn't see or even think about the possibility of Nick hitting the Powells son until I read it here, neither had any of my friends, and I feel kind of stupid for not thinking of that. I guess I am getting slow on the uptake the older I get ha!

Edited by missbonnie
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I love the Powells and whatever they do.  They're fun because their relationship is so equally twisted.  I am thrilled Adrian didn't let Tony get away with it. 


Not only was Rosie not smart in not keeping her mouth shut until the residency stuff was settled, but she acted like Reggie was sending his Uncle to the moon, not Sacramento.  I get that it's quite a distance from where they are but this is not the dark ages. It's not like once he's gone, he'll be completely out of reach. 


Adding to the stupid is Marisol, who I actually like, but inviting Opal to her house, knowing what she's capable of, without a backup plan?  And then leaving the gun on the counter, behind her, with her back to the living room.  What the hell? 


I miss Odessa but I really do like Carmen working for Spence.  It's just the right blend of platonic and not putting up with the other one's crap. 


I knew Pablo would come crawling back and I can't decide how I feel.  Part of me would like there to be a stable marriage on the show but Pablo ruined that when he wanted "space" and started dating Helen.  I also love Zoila's nice, sexy boyfriend but the actors really sold me on Pablo and Zoila's "moment." 


Despite some stupidity, I really liked the show too.

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The Powell's rock!  I love that Adrian sent his goon out to follow the con man and get his check back.  I would say Adrian officially got his groove back, unlike the wimp they had him being earlier this season.


I hate that La Lucci was not in this one.  And Zoila should have told her cheating husband to hit a drive through for dinner.


Poor ole Rosie is just not that bright.  Why hasn't she called Lucinda about her Dad and the evil nephew?  

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I hated this episode. When the only thing that moves multiple plots forward is the stupidity of the main characters, you have a problem.  Rosie didn't realize that telling her immigration lawyer/boyfriend that she knows he's a bad person would be a bad idea?  Marisol didn't realize that when an obviously unhinged person tries to kill you, you find out she killed someone else, and you have the gun, it's not a good idea to put the gun down and turn your back? 


I don't really care about Zoila and who she ends up with. I like her with Genevieve, but that's about it.


The Powells are awesome though.

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The Powell's rock!  I love that Adrian sent his goon out to follow the con man and get his check back.


Is that what happened? I thought it was just some random homeless guy who planned to rob anyone who went up to the ATM and lucked out because Adrian made the check out for cash. I'm assuming Tony is dead, otherwise he could come back for another check. BTW - who the hell would go to an ATM to deposit a check for a hundred grand??


And yes, Marisol absolutely deserved to get shot for being so dumb. She sets the gun on the counter and turns her back with the woman who just tried to kill her standing in the next room? Lucky for her Opal shot herself instead.


So, we still don't know who Nick killed (officially, anyway). With Opal gone, who's left to tell?

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I was nervous the whole time Zoila and Pablo were in the kitchen.  I was worried that somebody was going to shoot them as a warning to Valentina to keep her mouth shut.  The whole coversation about meeting with a lawyer before talking the police made me think she was never going to make it that far.  Why is she walking around telling people she's going to tell the police.  Just do it already!


Any chance Opal turned the gun back at Marisol?  We didn't see what happened.

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I love  the Powells,Adrian is awesome *-*,and yes Marisol was really stupid,Rosie too naive. I hope to see Lucinda back,her father deserves all the things that are happening to him,the way he treats his daughter is unforgivable. I loved the scene with Opal and Ethan,I feel bad for him. Deep down he is a good guy,hope to see more of him.

I don't think Nick killed the Powells' son. If he did,what proofs does Opal have? It was a hit and run,and without proofs she couldn't have blackmailed him.

Talking of Ethan,as a said before I hope to see more of him. Opal had a lot of secrets,and I don't think she told the truth about Ethan's father.......Marisol was a stranger,you cannot tell a secret like that to a stranger,she must have lied.

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Who thinks Tony will show back up to try and tell on Mr. Powell, or that he had a backup video of the two of them? Did they disclose whom he had been talking to on the phone when he said he could not wait to dump her?


I thought the Spence character was pointless last year, and this year has done nothing to change that.  I am not interested in seeing him in rehab, or unemployed and with Rosie.  Rosie is just too silly to be with anyone.


Who dresses like Marisol to just walk around the house, and would you really confront someone like that alone? She could have at least called one of her friends.


I thought we were done with the creepy nephew.  There is some secret to be told about Zoila's boyfriend, he is just too good to be true. Of course they will put her back with the husband.


I thought Lucci was only doing an abbreviated schedule, so it makes sense she is not in all of the episodes.


The whole Valentina thing is a bore.  As usual, the best part are the Powell's.


Carmen  looked silly running through the house..


I am so tired of Reggie...can we end this please?  Is there some reason why Marc Cherry or his casting agents cannot find really attractive men?  The only semi attractive man they have had on the show was killed off, and they made him gay.  Carmen's boyfriend from last year, Spence, Tony, Zoila's husband, Marisol's husband, Ethan, Ty, there is no real eye candy on this show!  The only one that comes close to being attractive is Zoila's new boyfriend.

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Well, Tony's plan turned out to be stupid. Blackmailing middle-aged wives with the threat that he'd reveal the affair to their husbands? With the world they've created in the show, I can't imagine they'd care. I do like the new twist.


I totally forgot until they brought it up that Reggie started as Rosie's immigration lawyer. It's weird that there has been no urgency about the immigration thing.


Is it wrong that I don't feel super sympathetic towards Kenneth? I mean, we never did resolve the whole denying his granddaughter and then casting her out of the house as a grown woman thing... And while yeah, Reggie is "evil", the daughter and the wife characters weren't that nice either so it's hard feeling too bad for them.


I liked the redhead Adrien met with. Both the character and the actress. Can we keep her?


"Gunther surprised me. I would have thought you'd be too swarthy to pull off Germanic. Good for you." Ahahaha. I love whoever writes these jokes.

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Is it wrong that I don't feel super sympathetic towards Kenneth? I mean, we never did resolve the whole denying his granddaughter and then casting her out of the house as a grown woman thing... And while yeah, Reggie is "evil", the daughter and the wife characters weren't that nice either so it's hard feeling too bad for them.

This is the problem I'm having with Rosie's storyline. I don't like any of them. There is no one to root for. I guess the daughter is closest to rootable, but I'd forgotten she exists.

I love Evelyn and Adrian. Best thing about this show. Hell, they made Valentina almost tolerable which is practically a superpower.

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As I've said, Carmen is one of the most cartoonish characters in the cast so I don't mind giving her the silly stuff. The whole scene with having to wake up Spence was fun. Though the show should realize that it's completely killed any desire I had to see Spence and Rosie together and it can't expect me to feel all the feels about his alcoholism or losing his son when they're made this storyline so goofy.


Rosie is an idiot. The script purposely reminded us about the immigration hearing, Rosie! Sheesh! But really, I guess you could excuse it as her getting agitated and angry but the actress kind of downplayed it and there were way too many pauses in that scene. 


I loved the tango. So Addams Family.


Marisol is a bigger idiot.


Oy, show. I really, really don't care about Valentina and Remy.


I like the Zoila drama. Of course I'm rooting for Javier because they've written him to be perfect. But still, it feels so much more genuine than the other relationships. This is real. A couple breaks up and then they're still drawn to each other and have natural reasons to still see each other.


OK, seriously, Ethan does not get to be judge-y when it comes to his mom.

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The scenes that got the two biggest reactions out of me were the tango at the Powells' (yay!) and Zoila kissing Pablo (nay!). I enjoyed Ethan spilling all of Opal's crazy secrets simply because of his straightforward delivery. I never liked him before that moment so it was refreshing.

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Is there some reason why Marc Cherry or his casting agents cannot find really attractive men?


Heh. I think there are plenty of attractive men in the cast - Spence, Nicholas, Remi, Tony - but I agree Reggie is not one of them.



It's weird that there has been no urgency about the immigration thing.


Not really, if you're familiar with the immigration process in this country. The wheels can go on grinding for years.



This is the problem I'm having with Rosie's storyline. I don't like any of them. There is no one to root for. I guess the daughter is closest to rootable, but I'd forgotten she exists.


I tend to sympathize with Mr. Kenneth, simply because he's had a stroke and has been left to the mercy of others. What we know about Lucinda has been pretty one-sided so I'm not sure she's a reliable narrator of Kenneth's character. He seems really grateful for Rosie and likes Miguel. I'm not necessarily bothered by Reggie's claims that his mother struggled while Kenneth offered no help because, again, Reggie isn't exactly a reliable witness.


Now that Peri has made good her threat to take the baby away to Europe there's really nothing to stop Spence and Rosie from being together. I honestly don't see a judge giving sole custody of a baby boy to his mother simply because the father cheated with the maid. Even if the judge is a big fan of the mother's work. Spence should have generous visitation rights at the very least.

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It's weird that there has been no urgency about the immigration thing.

Not really, if you're familiar with the immigration process in this country. The wheels can go on grinding for years.

Let me clarify. It's weird that Rosie has completely stopped thinking about it when it was a matter of such importance last season.

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