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Ryan: What the hell happened to him?


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Call me oblivious but I didn't even think Ryan was a drug user until this season - maaaybe last season. I honestly just thought he was REALLY, really dumb.

With that being said - idk why Maci is so involved in this. If it was an ex that was recent, sure. Maybe an ex-husband, sure. But Ryan and Maci have been through so many people since being with each other - how affected is she really by this news. I don't think it's her place to be making phone calls to help him out (considering he hates her) or talking about it on camera. Do what you have to do when it comes to your child - he's on drugs - don't allow him access to your child without court appointed supervision etc.

  • Love 7
7 minutes ago, EmeraldGirl said:

I think Maci was pretty much forced to make it a storyline once it became so painfully obvious that Ryan is fucked up. The producers probably set that all up instead of going all into the Edwards by themselves. The OGs still have to be a part of every story. Shouldn't Mackenzie also have been around during the cat shooting days?

Definitely agree there. MTV gives them their paychecks and runs their lives while they film. I have a hard time feeling sympathetic for Ryan/his family being "exploited." Basically, they're fine with being exploited, just not in a way that makes them look bad. Here's an idea: don't. take. the paychecks.

  • Love 17
4 hours ago, snarts said:

As merely the mother of child, not even his ex wife, Maci has no place telling his then girlfriend about his drug issues.  She told his mom and she blew it off.  It's a no win scenario for Maci, can you imagine what a meddler she'd be seen as?  That said, Mack is either an imbecile or a liar.  Ryan's issues were apparent to us as viewers for years, yet she somehow had no clue?  Is she mad at Jen for not telling her as well?  or is all her anger directed at Maci?  The person she should have issue with is the one in the mirror.  She was so eager to get married and lock down that reality star & his paycheck, that she easily overlooked his issues and only now wants to appear concerned.

Like others have mentioned, Jen & Larry need to watch out for that one. She's no better than Matt, preying on Leah's past addictions & mental state. I can certainly see her taking out a couple life insurance policies. #golddigger

Thank you!

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, lexiexx said:

I want to see one that says pssssst stop leaving your kid with people who have a history of relapsing on cocaine

You can easily make one with an online generator. Maybe someone can make one and tweet it to Cate. lol 

2 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

I think Maci's laugh was an incredulous "are you fucking kidding me" kind of laugh.

There is NO WAY Mackenzie did not already know he was a druggie so I don't blame Maci for being pissed off about the stupid letter blaming her. But I do wonder why Maci did not say "You were with him more than anyone and you did not notice?!"

My theory is, it would have been thrown in Maci's face how she knew for the last five years (since Ryan's last rehab stint) and she continued with the bogus storyline for her MTV paycheck and of course the most important reason, she was probably worried that her own drinking problem would also be brought up and thrown in her face. Maci had to sit there and be careful about pointing fingers because we all know there are plenty pointing right back at her.  I do agree it is not Maci's place to let anyone know about Ryan's drug issue, but she sure as fuck didn't care spilling it out in Puerto Rico on camera to the viewers and to Amber and Cate, of all people. 

Mackenzie is an idiot if she didn't know Ryan had a drug issue. What if Maci had told her? Then what? What would have changed? That is what I would have said to her. 

  • Love 4
16 hours ago, ChicagoChris said:

Enough with the storming off the stage !!

I think Mack (I still refuse to believe she's a day under 40) has a point. She clearly has not known Ryan very long and it appears this drug problem has gone on many years, and Maci, while portraying herself as perfect and Jennifer & Lawrence as enablers, knew all about it. Maci looked like a total mean girl, laughing after Mack read her letter.

I don't even think Mackenzie was that mad. She just wanted her official Teen Mom storm-off. She has arrived, Ladies and Gentlemen. 

I don't think she has a point at all. Regardless of how I feel about Maci (and I do think she used Ryan a bit this year), there is no call to put it all on her. Mackenzie truly IS full of shit if she expects us to believe she had no idea Ryan was high as fuck. You don't act like he was while driving just from staying up too late binging Netflix. She is a fucking liar, and a user herself, so I don't care what she has to say. 

15 hours ago, lexiexx said:

Not surprised tho that Dr Drew was totally useless and never asked Maci why she was pushing so hard for Jenn and Larry to pull back and let Ryan parent on his own when she admits he was in treatment before and it didn't last.  Also didn't hear him mention how Maci is drinking in every single scene this season.    He is such a pathetic ass kisser.   

He didn't address one, single important topic. And he, too, toed the party line of - Mackenzie didn't know he was on drugs so she had to no reason to make him pull over. BULL FUCKING SHIT. He should have reamed her ass so hard about that car ride. And I don't know that I believe MTV wasn't watching it live either. 


14 hours ago, lexiexx said:

I agree that Maci embarrassed Bentley though.    He didn't sign up for a "fucking reality show".

And why did MTV have to re-air that "pecker" scene during the "highlights of the season"??? All these people are fucking sick. 

  • Love 12

Mackenzie asked him, on camera, if he took a Xanax and she asked angrily and turned off the cameras but was too stupid to turn the sound off. We all know she knew he was a drug user!!  

Not only that, she knew he was a drug user yet was pushing him (quickie wedding) to get more custody of Bintley. (At least that was the story.) She does not care at all about that boy. Get clean and then worry about custody. 

  • Love 11

Did you know that the courts don't look unfavorably on men or women that use marijuana?  If your husband or wife is smoking pot in front of your teenagers the divorce judge is not going to come down too hard on them.  The reason;  Marijuana has been given the green light in so many states and expected to be ok'd in several more very soon.    Medicinal...yep but who's policing the whose who smoking it?

So my point in that little story is that I don't think Maci has too much power in all of this.  She has a court ordered visitation that she must abide by.  Every time she has to go back to court the lawyer wins again.  $$  With his parents stepping in and saying they will be the caretakers of Bentley during visitation Maci's hands are once again tied.  Grandparents are given some rights too.  A judge sees that as good for the child.

And I agree.  What the heck were they talking about saying MTV wasn't in the car so they didn't know.  Yep pass the buck.  Whose fault was that...I bet Maci.

I had to look two or three times at that clip of him driving higher than a kite.  Surely my eyes deceived me and he was really sitting behind a fake wheel in the back seat...right???

I'm not a Maci fan but I am a fan of children and I do have some experience with enabling.  BTW years ago I talked my friend into seeing a therapist to get some help in dealing with her son's addiction.  First appointment the counselor said enabler and she got up, walked out the door and told me to never mention that again.  That was my first experience with the word enabler.  Since then I have surely seen what it means.  Sad to lose a child.

  • Love 4
44 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

Did you know that the courts don't look unfavorably on men or women that use marijuana?  If your husband or wife is smoking pot in front of your teenagers the divorce judge is not going to come down too hard on them.  The reason;  Marijuana has been given the green light in so many states and expected to be ok'd in several more very soon.    Medicinal...yep but who's policing the whose who smoking it?

So my point in that little story is that I don't think Maci has too much power in all of this.  She has a court ordered visitation that she must abide by.  Every time she has to go back to court the lawyer wins again.  $$  With his parents stepping in and saying they will be the caretakers of Bentley during visitation Maci's hands are once again tied.  Grandparents are given some rights too.  A judge sees that as good for the child.

And I agree.  What the heck were they talking about saying MTV wasn't in the car so they didn't know.  Yep pass the buck.  Whose fault was that...I bet Maci.

I had to look two or three times at that clip of him driving higher than a kite.  Surely my eyes deceived me and he was really sitting behind a fake wheel in the back seat...right???

I'm not a Maci fan but I am a fan of children and I do have some experience with enabling.  BTW years ago I talked my friend into seeing a therapist to get some help in dealing with her son's addiction.  First appointment the counselor said enabler and she got up, walked out the door and told me to never mention that again.  That was my first experience with the word enabler.  Since then I have surely seen what it means.  Sad to lose a child.

The problem is, Maci has NOT gone to court at all. She should have gone to court when Ryan's drug issue first came to light five years ago. Her visitation schedule is one that was set up through mediation. Ryan has threatened to go to court, but he never did.

Not sure what the reference to marijuana has to do with Maci. As for the rights of the enablers, they have no legal recourse. Yes, grandparents in certain situations have rights, but J&L don't have much pull in this situation. Maci co-parents with them because she chooses to do so, not because they are legally entitled to have that visitation. Until Ryan's rights have been terminated and granted to his parents, Maci and Ryan remain Bentley's legal guardians.

  • Love 5

Sigh. While I generally  like any and all "Hold my beer" jokes (the one with Pepsi and United Airlines earlier this year is my all time favorite), and I do think Mackenzie is a an entitled, asshole-ish famewhore, I do not agree with comparing her to Matt. She's taking advantage of someone's self inflicted poor mental state to make a few bucks. Not great, but she also hasn't been physically violent, hasn't left a string of children in the lurch financially and emotionally, and hasn't been accused of sexual assault

  • Love 5

Does Mack really want me to believe that she is the most naive bumpkin to fall off the turnip truck? I've never done any drug harder than alcohol and I could tell Ryan was high (high) as fuck for years. The constant yawning, the lack of motivation, the inconsistency with his schedule were all signs that we've seen for a long time. You wanna talk about exploration? Look no further than that wedding that just HAD TO HAPPEN RIGHT THEN OMG. 

  • Love 11
56 minutes ago, Tatum said:

Sigh. While I generally  like any and all "Hold my beer" jokes (the one with Pepsi and United Airlines earlier this year is my all time favorite), and I do think Mackenzie is a an entitled, asshole-ish famewhore, I do not agree with comparing her to Matt. She's taking advantage of someone's self inflicted poor mental state to make a few bucks. Not great, but she also hasn't been physically violent, hasn't left a string of children in the lurch financially and emotionally, and hasn't been accused of sexual assault

She's 20. Matt is 46. Give her time. 

  • Love 8

I think Larry is a reluctant enabler for lack of a better term. What can he generally do besides cut Ryan off...which he did when Ryan allegedly stole his tools and sold them. What can he really do with super-enabler Jenn always coming to Ryan's defense?

Edited by FlowerofCarnage
Stupid phone
  • Love 14
26 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Yea, I really feel for Larry. He's put in a tough spot. He clearly adores his wife, but they do NOT agree over how to handle Ryan. And I think his love for her causes him to continue doing things her way. But it's wearing on him, and the relationship. 

He seemed really angry with her during the whole mysterious "fight with Ryan" situation last season--now I understand why so much more.

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

I think Larry is a reluctant enabler for lack of a better term. What can he generally do besides cut Ryan off...which he did when Ryan allegedly stole his tools and sold them. What can he really do with super-enabler Jenn always coming to Ryan's defense?

I think he would really cut off Ryan, but with Jen around, that will never happen. She is Ryan's safety net. 

  • Love 12

Grandparents don't have rights in all states. I think as it should be. (Until you've had kids whose grandparents think they're entitled to them and work at alienating one parent, it seems like a cruel position, I guess, but I'm all about parental rights, not grand-parental rights.)  I think at most they can get some visitation but I'll bet those visits are pretty minimal and not nearly as frequent as they see him now.  

Jenn is a HUGE enabler. Maci has complaining about this from the get-go.  If she wasn't enabling drug abuse, she was enabling him not taking responsibility as a father as she'd do most of the childcare when Bentley was with his dad (or his dad's family).  

And I don't like Maci. But she's been right about this all along. 

  • Love 15
1 minute ago, Willowsmom said:

Maci needs supervised visitation with court appointed monitors not Jen, Larry or Mac. Just cutting Ryan off would be harmful and hurtful to Bentley. This way as long as Ryan shows up sober he gets time with his son.

No, she doesn't. So she drinks?  She drinks more than I do but so do a lot of my friends and I don't think they're unfit parents. From what I can tell from the show, at least, she and Taylor seem to be pretty good parents. Do they drink more than I do? Yep. But so far we have no footage of them driving while passing out.

Mackenzie? We know almost nothing about her.  And what we do know about her isn't favorable. That quickie wedding and her allowing Ryan to drive like that and then lying that she didn't know he had a drug problem are all not good looks for her.

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, lilmarysunshine said:

No, she doesn't. So she drinks?  She drinks more than I do but so do a lot of my friends and I don't think they're unfit parents. From what I can tell from the show, at least, she and Taylor seem to be pretty good parents. Do they drink more than I do? Yep. But so far we have no footage of them driving while passing out.

Mackenzie? We know almost nothing about her.  And what we do know about her isn't favorable. That quickie wedding and her allowing Ryan to drive like that and then lying that she didn't know he had a drug problem are all not good looks for her.

I don't mean to intrude....... but I think Willowsmom meant, what Maci needs to do for Bentley. Not that Maci needs the court appointed supervision.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, lilmarysunshine said:


Mackenzie? We know almost nothing about her.  And what we do know about her isn't favorable. That quickie wedding and her allowing Ryan to drive like that and then lying that she didn't know he had a drug problem are all not good looks for her.

Right. Anyone who wants  to get involved with Ryan can't have very noble intentions. They're either honestly attracted to a deadbeat drug addict who hasn't held down a job in 6 years, has more or less abandoned his child, and also lured cats onto his property for the purpose of shooting and killing them, or they don't care about this person but see them as an easy mark for financial gain. Either way, doesn't say much for Mackenzie, and that was before any of the lying and finger pointing began. 

  • Love 13

Yea, she has to be using him to springboard herself into reality TV fame or something. I just can't see any other way around it. It's not like she began dating Ryan during his younger, hotter, more lucid days. He has been a bug-eyed, confused, doughy mess for a few years now. There's no way she didn't know what was up. And she wants in on THAT? I, honestly, see her way worse than Maci. Because even though I do believe Maci used Ryan and his struggle, she's an established member of the show and I bet a lot of that was encouraged by production. Whereas Mackenzie just came out of nowhere. It's like she's really on the prowl. 

  • Love 16
4 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Yea, she has to be using him to springboard herself into reality TV fame or something. I just can't see any other way around it. It's not like she began dating Ryan during his younger, hotter, more lucid days. He has been a bug-eyed, confused, doughy mess for a few years now. There's no way she didn't know what was up. And she wants in on THAT? I, honestly, see her way worse than Maci. Because even though I do believe Maci used Ryan and his struggle, she's an established member of the show and I bet a lot of that was encouraged by production. Whereas Mackenzie just came out of nowhere. It's like she's really on the prowl. 

I remember after they announced their engagement Mackenzie started tweeting at Teen Mom under the guise of asking for wedding planning advice. Yes, let's ask a television production crew for advice on wedding planning and vendors. Let's be real, she was hinting for either MTV to throw her a fantasy wedding or perhaps offer her her very own wedding special.

  • Love 15
5 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

I think Larry is a reluctant enabler for lack of a better term. What can he generally do besides cut Ryan off...which he did when Ryan allegedly stole his tools and sold them. What can he really do with super-enabler Jenn always coming to Ryan's defense?


3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Yea, I really feel for Larry. He's put in a tough spot. He clearly adores his wife, but they do NOT agree over how to handle Ryan. And I think his love for her causes him to continue doing things her way. But it's wearing on him, and the relationship. 


3 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

He seemed really angry with her during the whole mysterious "fight with Ryan" situation last season--now I understand why so much more.


3 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

I think he would really cut off Ryan, but with Jen around, that will never happen. She is Ryan's safety net. 


2 hours ago, Willowsmom said:

Maci needs supervised visitation with court appointed monitors not Jen, Larry or Mac. Just cutting Ryan off would be harmful and hurtful to Bentley. This way as long as Ryan shows up sober he gets time with his son.

I think Jen is Ryan's biggest enabler.  Larry loves Jen and has always just gone along with whatever.  When Ryan was a teenager Larry could use that as an excuse.  But now Ryan is a man and his childish behavior embrasses Larry unlike Jen who sees nothing but the moon when she glances at Ryan.

I'm not too sure about Mackensie just yet.  Is she an enabler or did she want to be on teen mom with her own dressing room, hair and makeup and new cloths and a paycheck and plane trip.  That's a lot for a girl that has nothing.

To me Maci can't walk away because of Bentley.  He's her little man.  She knows he loves his dad and is disappointed when dopey Ryan doesn't show up for something or shows up late.  But children are forgiveing and don't know or understand the facts.  Ryan is a druggie and a loser.  Bentley just thinks Ryan is his dad.  Sigh.

Then for Maci's other concern she has to be very worried that Jen will start the same thing with Bentley.  The enabling.  Jen did it once with Ryan and all she has is Bentley now so that could happen.  She's a huge threat to him.  But again Bentley loves his grandma and grandpa so Maci can't take him away from them.

Maci seems to be damned if she do and damed if she don't!

Edited by Jeanne222
  • Love 10
20 minutes ago, Tatum said:

I remember after they announced their engagement Mackenzie started tweeting at Teen Mom under the guise of asking for wedding planning advice. Yes, let's ask a television production crew for advice on wedding planning and vendors. Let's be real, she was hinting for either MTV to throw her a fantasy wedding or perhaps offer her her very own wedding special.

Haha, she did?!  And what did she end up with?  Reverend Dee in a parking lot, a rent-a-dress, after a ride from hell to get there.

Smooth move there Mack.  You totally killed it.  ?

  • Love 18
Just now, MissMel said:

Haha, she did?!  And what did she end up with?  Reverend Dee in a parking lot, a rent-a-dress, after a ride from hell to get there.

Smooth move there Mack.  You totally killed it.  ?

Yeah, she overestimated her "in" with Teen Mom. The production crew just doesn't care that much about the Teen Dads. And really, even the Teen Moms that had MTV pay for their weddings didn't get that lavish of a deal.

  • Love 11
36 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Yea, she has to be using him to springboard herself into reality TV fame or something. I just can't see any other way around it. It's not like she began dating Ryan during his younger, hotter, more lucid days. He has been a bug-eyed, confused, doughy mess for a few years now. There's no way she didn't know what was up. And she wants in on THAT? I, honestly, see her way worse than Maci. Because even though I do believe Maci used Ryan and his struggle, she's an established member of the show and I bet a lot of that was encouraged by production. Whereas Mackenzie just came out of nowhere. It's like she's really on the prowl. 

If you have a toddler son, why on earth would you get yourself involved in that mess even further by marrying the guy?  I mean I think she can fall in love with him (I don't know how but there's no accounting for taste...) and support him in his efforts to be sober but you don't have to MARRY him in an afternoon.  Something was up with that, for sure. 

  • Love 13

I don't think she sees it as marrying into a mess. She's marrying a guy that makes good money and is quasi famous. And now she's entitled to a divorce settlement if they should break up. If she's smart, she'll start talking Ryan into using some of his teen mom money for investments in real estate (legit kinds, not Amber and Matt's house flipping ridiculousness). I do believe Mac has some kind of financial background so it's not impossible. Then when this marriage inevitably goes tits up, she can take her half and saunter off. And in the meantime, she can get some extra instagram followers.

  • Love 12
20 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

Jen has always annoyed the shit out of me. There, I said it. I know she's a fan favorite but I've never really understood why. She seems all about the phony facade.

I like her sweet and loving demeanor. She is a mother who clearly does not understand how her enabling makes Ryan's situation worse. I do understand why parents can be the biggest enablers to their addict children. It doesn't mean I don't find it deeply annoying. Although we don't see much of her on camera, I felt like the door was swung wide open on Jen when Larry and Ryan had their falling out. Larry really laid into Jen and talked about how she pretty much puts Bentley and Ryan before him for the most part. Bentley sleeping with Jen every time he is visiting, that has to be a drag for Larry not to mention Bentley is too damn old for that to be happening.

  • Love 9
29 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

Jen has always annoyed the shit out of me. There, I said it. I know she's a fan favorite but I've never really understood why. She seems all about the phony facade.

I think she means well but I agree, she is obsessed with protecting Ryan and with their family image. Drives me nuts. 

  • Love 6
33 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

Jen has always annoyed the shit out of me. There, I said it. I know she's a fan favorite but I've never really understood why. She seems all about the phony façade.

She's a fan favorite? I am not sure about that. 

She gets blasted for enabling Ryan, and it is well-deserved. She is hardly on screen so there isn't a lot of discussion about her as a person other than how she puts Ryan before her own husband. 

  • Love 5
54 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

She's a fan favorite? I am not sure about that. 

She gets blasted for enabling Ryan, and it is well-deserved. She is hardly on screen so there isn't a lot of discussion about her as a person other than how she puts Ryan before her own husband. 

I don't mean here necessarily but if what Ive read elsewhere is an indication than yes, I'd say she's pretty favored by viewers. I wonder how much more there even is to her, aside from babying Ryan and apparently Bentley. The more I learn the less I like.

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 5
2 hours ago, poopchute said:

But I wonder how much money he has.  He obviously has nothing saved if he is stealing allen wrenches to pay for drugs.  I feel like Mackenzie could just find a man with an actual job? 

Well no, but there's a difference between making money and saving money. Ryan gets a paycheck that is probably unmatched by other blue collar workers in Chattanooga. Sure, Mackenzie has to be faster than Ryan when it comes to withdrawing money from his bank account once the MTV is deposited, but something tells me she's up for that challenge. 


Plus, I don't think it's just the money. She wanted to be on TV. 

  • Love 12
5 hours ago, Rebecca said:

Jen has always annoyed the shit out of me. There, I said it. I know she's a fan favorite but I've never really understood why. She seems all about the phony facade.

I think people appreciated how much she loved Bentley and how kind she was to Maci. I don't think she's a phony so much as she is just unable to say no to Ryan and unable to understand just how truly bad off he is. She was probably the type of parent that was constantly sacrificing for her child's comfort and convenience, thinking she was being a good mother, when in fact she was raising a selfish, irresponsible, lazy asshole with massive entitlement who never considers the feelings of others. Selfish and bratty behavior is excused when the kids are young, and Jen probably dismissed all the signs that Ryan wasn't growing out of it. Admitting Ryan is what he is also means admitting a massive parenting failure, which means all her sacrificing in the early years was all for nothing. No wonder she can't face it. 


She screwed the pooch, no doubt. Saying no to your kids and setting limits is a part of parenting. But Jen was always afraid of annoying Ryan. I don't know any parent that would let their unemployed 25 year old son live with them indefinitely, particularly if said son made no attempt to get a job. 

  • Love 10
3 hours ago, Tatum said:

I think people appreciated how much she loved Bentley and how kind she was to Maci. I don't think she's a phony so much as she is just unable to say no to Ryan and unable to understand just how truly bad off he is. She was probably the type of parent that was constantly sacrificing for her child's comfort and convenience, thinking she was being a good mother, when in fact she was raising a selfish, irresponsible, lazy asshole with massive entitlement who never considers the feelings of others. Selfish and bratty behavior is excused when the kids are young, and Jen probably dismissed all the signs that Ryan wasn't growing out of it. Admitting Ryan is what he is also means admitting a massive parenting failure, which means all her sacrificing in the early years was all for nothing. No wonder she can't face it. 


She screwed the pooch, no doubt. Saying no to your kids and setting limits is a part of parenting. But Jen was always afraid of annoying Ryan. I don't know any parent that would let their unemployed 25 year old son live with them indefinitely, particularly if said son made no attempt to get a job. 

I could get behind her more if it didn't seem like she would do it all over again, in the same way, with Bentley. I'm NOT saying she has some kind of creepy intention but there is something very wrong, in my opinion, with coercing or whatever, your 8 year old grandson to sleep in a bed with you. It's not about Bentley and his comfort...it's about Jen being unable to let go and have proper boundaries...STILL. And her own "baby" is months away from turning THIRTY (yes, Ryan will be 30 in January!) and she still doesn't have proper boundaries with him. I doubt she's ever going to change at this point.

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 10
Just now, Rebecca said:

I could get behind her more if it didn't seem like she would do it all over again, in the same way, with Bentley. I'm NOT saying she has some kind of creepy intention but there is something very wrong, in my opinion, with coercing or whatever, your 8 year old grandson to sleep in a bed with you. It's not about Bentley and his comfort...it's about Jen being unable to let go and have proper boundaries...STILL. And her own "baby" is months away from turning THIRTY and she still doesn't have proper boundaries with him. I doubt she's ever going to change at this point.

I agree, Jen definitely sees Bentley as Ryan 2.0 and it doesn't appear she's learned much from the fuck up that is her actual son.

  • Love 6

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