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Ryan: What the hell happened to him?


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19 hours ago, meredithalmighty said:

I'm so torn. Heroin is a serious addiction and there is a strong possibility he has TBI from a serious car accident in the past, 

The stronger possibility is that he has damaged his brain from years of drug abuse. He was apparently a drug user before that crash ever happened. I hate to give him any benefit of the doubt that he has suffered any sort of damage from a car crash. I'd rather put the blame squarely on Ryan for his mental state. If Ryan ever had any brain damage from that car crash, surely his enabler Jen and even Mack Truck would have mentioned this many times over by now. With all the ways they have tried to cover up his drug use, including his 2012 rehab stint, it makes no sense that they haven't mentioned any sort of medical condition attributed to that car accident. Not even Maci has ever mentioned anything about such a thing.

Restraining order? @druzy do you have anything on this? 

  • Love 12
6 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

The stronger possibility is that he has damaged his brain from years of drug abuse. He was apparently a drug user before that crash ever happened. I hate to give him any benefit of the doubt that he has suffered any sort of damage from a car crash. I'd rather put the blame squarely on Ryan for his mental state. If Ryan ever had any brain damage from that car crash, surely his enabler Jen and even Mack Truck would have mentioned this many times over by now. With all the ways they have tried to cover up his drug use, including his 2012 rehab stint, it makes no sense that they haven't mentioned any sort of medical condition attributed to that car accident. Not even Maci has ever mentioned anything about such a thing.

Restraining order? @druzy do you have anything on this? 

Maci & Taylor filed for them last week. They are in court now (1:30 pm).



Edited by druzy
  • Love 7
3 hours ago, teapot said:

this isn't about the pasta Ryan, but does anyone listen to the Teen Mom Trash Talk podcast?  I want to hang out with them!!

Ooh, I didn’t know it existed! Is it on iTunes?

2 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

If he didn’t appear drunk or high, then the cops probably had no grounds to stop him from driving. 

Why would they have even noticed him to pull over if he wasn’t doing anything to be noticed? And even so, they can say he swerved or any other thing like that which would be tough to refute. It’s not like looking drunk or high is the only reason people get pulled over and even if you’re pulled over for another reason you can and will be charged if they see drugs sitting there. The fact he had an open backpack of stuff while getting pulled over indicates to me that he must’ve been effed up - why else wouldn’t he have hidden it or, at least, shut the backpack! I think he had to appear messed up to be that stupid.

37 minutes ago, snarts said:

Sounding more & more like he made a specific threat:  https://theblast.com/teen-mom-maci-bookout-ryan-edwards-dogs/

Wow, I don’t blame her. We all know he basically killed a bunch of cats for “fun.”

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 12
19 hours ago, meredithalmighty said:

I think it's more that he benefits from being white. If he was a snitch, I don't think a report would have been filed.

For real!

And DAMN, what a sociopath. One can only hope they're granted the orders of protection! 

Harming animals is one of the truest signs of a monster.

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 15

The theory that he knows someone high up in the police or courts in his area is making more and more sense. When I was 19 I was with a group of people and one was arrested because we were about to underage drink at a boat landing and the cops showed up. No one even cracked a beer yet but because we had the beer they had probable cause to search the 2 vehicles with us. The guy I was riding with had cocaine and multiple bongs in his trunk and the cops found them. He was arrested and HIS CAR WAS IMPOUNDED because it had been used in a crime. All the rest of us had to squeeze into the other car (1 person too many for seatbelts) and luckily they let us leave like that and didn’t make us wait for someone else to come so we all had seatbelts. You’d think Ryan’s car would’ve been impounded too... different states but I don’t know what makes my friend’s situation any different. He wasn’t even tested to see if he had been using the coke, just a breathalyzer for alcohol, which he passed because we hadn’t even had time to drink yet. We weren’t even doing the coke that night. (/stupid youth)

EDIT: Btw, he was arrested and spent the night in jail until he could go before a judge the next morning. He was then released on bond. He ended up getting 15 days in jail because it was his first felony offense and it was dropped to a misdemeanor. I just texted him to make sure I remembered all this right. He never got his car back either. 

..and Ryan just gets let go?! There has to be more going on here. I read once that Mackenzie’s family has some money, could they be the connected ones? Is she from the same town?

(For reference, this sentence seems pretty lenient considering what could’ve happened to my friend, he got the lowest possible time, basically, and was on an informal probation with no tests even for a year. He is also white and middle class, his family isn’t as well off as Ryan’s appears to be.)

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 6
1 minute ago, druzy said:

I have seen this case before but it was updated last week. Is viacom saying they don't know who Ryan is?



I wonder if it might be something such as incorrect information on the paperwork. If there is any kind of error, it can be denied. Maybe they have his name incorrect or some other info such as his social security number.

  • Love 4
49 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

The theory that he knows someone high up in the police or courts in his area is making more and more sense.

 This reminds of a situation that happened to a former roommate...she was with a couple of her friends who are twins from a smallish-for-SoCal town near San Diego. Their parents were restaurant owners, and very well known in the community. One night they were coming home from somewhere, and one of the twins was driving drunk. She got pulled over & put through all the usual field tests, which she failed miserably. Once one of the cops saw the last name on her license, he asked if her parents were the restaurant owners (which they were), and they LET HER GO. They didn't even tell her to leave the car. 

  • Love 7
5 minutes ago, FairyDusted said:

I wonder if they are out of court yet? But wait....Isn't he is rehab? 

I bet you that is where he will be before the week is out. 

Thank you @druzy for always posting images of the documents. :-)

Yes, he will have to get rid of his firearms. But he does get to keep his oars. Unless he uses them as weapons. 

Okay, MTV. Let's see what you do with this POS. Will you fire him? Oh, what am I thinking. As long as he is not making threats and berating the producers on a daily basis, he can keep his job. 

  • Love 17
Just now, FairyDusted said:

Fire him? Looks like they are playing dumb by Viacom not acknowledging him. Somethings up.

I just posted above it might be just a clerical error of some kind. If any garnishment doesn't have all the correct information (name, social security number, etc) it can be denied. 

Just now, druzy said:

Maci should have done this a lot sooner but better late than never. I can't wait to hear how Mack Truck spins this.

It's interesting that Maci filed this March 23, 2018, before Ryan's arrest.

Unless he made threats prior, she wouldn't have had a case for a restraining order. I know he harmed the cats, but that wasn't any threat or direct harm upon Maci. Now, if she comes out and says he was making threats to her before, I will give her the side-eye for not filing for a restraining order sooner. She had enough reason to keep Bentley away from Ryan due to his drug use. 

  • Love 8
1 minute ago, GreatKazu said:

I just posted above it might be just a clerical error of some kind. If any garnishment doesn't have all the correct information (name, social security number, etc) it can be denied. 

Unless he made threats prior, she wouldn't have had a case for a restraining order. I know he harmed the cats, but that wasn't any threat or direct harm upon Maci. Now, if she comes out and says he was making threats to her before, I will give her the side-eye for not filing for a restraining order sooner. She had enough reason to keep Bentley away from Ryan due to his drug use. 

Thanks @GreatKazu. Maybe you can help me understand Ryan's custodial rights or lack thereof. Maci wrote on the restraining order that he has no custodial rights to our son. I never knew that, is there something I'm missing?

  • Love 4
4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I'm talking about when they pulled him over and he had needles and heroin on him. Whether he was actually high in the moment is irrelevant. I'm baffled as to why he was only cited, instead of arrested for possession and drug paraphernalia? 

  1. Needles aren’t illegal (as far as I know).
  2. Ryan was charged with simple possession. 
  3. He was not charged with any sort driving under the influence. 
  4. Tennessee law prescribes citations to appear in court instead of detaining the accused for certain offenses, (including simple possession).
  5. This apparently all happened in 2017. 
  6. He was recently arrested and bailed for a parole violation of some sort stemming from the simple possession charge.
  • Love 5
36 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Temporary orders of protection must be handled differently in other states. I went with someone to file one, and it was immediate, with the party being served the same night.

That would be an ex-parte order. At least, that is what it is called here in California. That is an emergency order where one is served immediately due to an imminent threat of harm. It is usually given when a DV incident has occurred. You are given a TRO (temporary restraining order) until the next available court hearing which is at least a week later. Not sure how it works in Maci's neck of the woods. 


59 minutes ago, Willowsmom said:

Needles are illegal without a prescription , at least in California.

That may have been the case at one time. But with HIV/AIDs and Hepatitis running rampant, due to health issues among drug users and such, having sanitary needles became a must and therefore, easily accessible. Some states have passed such laws so that needles could be easily given by clinics to drug users. 

1 hour ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

I am going to assume Maci has sole physical and legal custody of Bentley with Ryan having visitation.



ETA: @druzy upon reading the complaint, I realize why you asked about why Maci didn't file a TRO before. I am now wondering myself since she mentioned in the complaint he threatened her a year ago. WTF did she not file a TRO back then? If it was enough of a threat for her to mention it NOW, why not file? And this was before the Father's Day incident where she complained about his behavior. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 6

From the episode when it was Father's Day: https://okmagazine.com/reality-tv/ryan-edwards-drug-use-maci-bookout-custody-bentley-war/

Time to celebrate Father’s Day…but of course there was drama!

Ryan Edwards returned home from rehab and was already off to a rough start with his ex, Maci Bookout, when it came to seeing their son together, Bentley. She told her husband, Taylor McKinney, that she planned on taking Bentley over to Jen and Larry’s so he can see his dad on Father’s Day which was the first time since seeing him after rehab. The two discussed how Bentley asked to see his father, but Ryan never asked her. Instead SHE CLAIMED THAT HE THREATENED HER and sent her vulgar messages to bring his son over.

So, that is TWO times he threatened her in a one month period and she still didn't file a restraining order against him. 

Could it be that if she had filed, MTV would not have filmed their scenes? 

  • Love 7
9 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

From the episode when it was Father's Day: https://okmagazine.com/reality-tv/ryan-edwards-drug-use-maci-bookout-custody-bentley-war/

Time to celebrate Father’s Day…but of course there was drama!

Ryan Edwards returned home from rehab and was already off to a rough start with his ex, Maci Bookout, when it came to seeing their son together, Bentley. She told her husband, Taylor McKinney, that she planned on taking Bentley over to Jen and Larry’s so he can see his dad on Father’s Day which was the first time since seeing him after rehab. The two discussed how Bentley asked to see his father, but Ryan never asked her. Instead SHE CLAIMED THAT HE THREATENED HER and sent her vulgar messages to bring his son over.

So, that is TWO times he threatened her in a one month period and she still didn't file a restraining order against him. 

Could it be that if she had filed, MTV would not have filmed their scenes? 

I hope she kept all of the voicemails and text messages.

I have so many questions.

Did Maci file for a restraining order prior to the one filed on 3/23/18 and it wasn't granted?

Maci said Ryan has no custodial rights to Bentley, is this true?

How did Ryan's arrest for heroin go under the radar?

Is Ryan best friends with the judge's son?

Is Ryan a confidential informant? 

Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?

  • Love 8
17 minutes ago, druzy said:

I hope she kept all of the voicemails and text messages.

I have so many questions.

Did Maci file for a restraining order prior to the one filed on 3/23/18 and it wasn't granted?

Maci said Ryan has no custodial rights to Bentley, is this true?

How did Ryan's arrest for heroin go under the radar?

Is Ryan best friends with the judge's son?

Is Ryan a confidential informant? 

Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?

Maci is likely the sole custodian of Bentley because Ryan never tried to receive custody. All he ever spent his energy on was acquiring visitation, which is what @FairyDusted mentioned. There was that episode where they attended mediation and Maci was upset at Ryan asking for and getting one extra day for his visitation schedule. 

Maci possibly did file a restraining order previously and it was denied. Not sure if that would still be on file somewhere. I just don't believe she did because all she was talking about since his rehab stint was being assured he passed a drug test. Never did she mention how concerned she was about anyone's safety. She did mention the threat for Father's Day, but nothing else. I think she would have mentioned trying to file a restraining order if she had done so. 

Not sure about the whole heroin arrest. 

I wonder why Maci didn't check the boxes that applied such as she used to live with Ryan and had sex with him? 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Maci is likely the sole custodian of Bentley because Ryan never tried to receive custody. All he ever spent his energy on was acquiring visitation, which is what @FairyDusted mentioned. There was that episode where they attended mediation and Maci was upset at Ryan asking for and getting one extra day for his visitation schedule. 

Maci possibly did file a restraining order previously and it was denied. Not sure if that would still be on file somewhere. I just don't believe she did because all she was talking about since his rehab stint was being assured he passed a drug test. Never did she mention how concerned she was about anyone's safety. She did mention the threat for Father's Day, but nothing else. I think she would have mentioned trying to file a restraining order if she had done so. 

Not sure about the whole heroin arrest. 

I wonder why Maci didn't check the boxes that applied such as she used to live with Ryan and had sex with him? 

Thanks @GreatKazu.

6 minutes ago, Booger666 said:

It looks like Taylor did a separate petition for a RO.  If this is correct does he make the same claims as Maci?  I”m a little confused.

Taylor did file a separate one and it was postponed until May. I believe he would have to state what Ryan did to him or threats made by Ryan to Taylor.

1 minute ago, GreatKazu said:

Where is this info? 



  • Love 8

Although it is interesting that Maci filed the request for the restraining order prior to Ryan's arrest, I have to give her the side-eye. She doesn't cite dates of the voicemails, she cites an incident over a year ago, and she's known that he drives under the influence for well over a year. It's also interesting that she references that Ryan doesn't have custodial rights. I find that interesting that Mimi Jen and Larry would accept their son not having legal rights to Bentley, I would think they would have really made sure that Ryan had rights when they went to court a couple of years ago.

Can't wait to hear what the judge has to say

  • Love 3

Taylor did file a separate one and it was postponed until May. 

I think both cases were adjourned until May 21st, with the temporary orders of protection remaining in place until then.  I wonder if the delay is the result of Ryan being in rehab?  Or, more likely, the Edwards hired an attorney for him who asked for a continuance.

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26 minutes ago, meredithalmighty said:

Although it is interesting that Maci filed the request for the restraining order prior to Ryan's arrest, I have to give her the side-eye. She doesn't cite dates of the voicemails, she cites an incident over a year ago, and she's known that he drives under the influence for well over a year. It's also interesting that she references that Ryan doesn't have custodial rights. I find that interesting that Mimi Jen and Larry would accept their son not having legal rights to Bentley, I would think they would have really made sure that Ryan had rights when they went to court a couple of years ago.

Can't wait to hear what the judge has to say

Maci doesn't have to cite the dates on this complaint for a temporary restraining order. Only when she appears in court does she need to provide the proof to the judge. As for her mentioning the dui, she is mentioning that in the complaint because it shows he is not only a threat to her, but he is a drug addict who drives while under the influence. Her concern may be that she is worried Bentley would be in a car with Ryan behind the wheel. I can see where she is going with that. The scenario that Ryan would drive over to Maci's place, threaten or harm her and take Bentley away in his car as he is under the influence. It is also pertinent that she mention he is a drug user to the courts in her complaint. As for the custodial rights mention, it is necessary. First, the complaint asks if the petitioner is requesting temporary custody. She doesn't because she has custody. The courts need this information because if there wasn't a custody agreement in place, the judge would then have to make sure custody was evaluated and ordered at the court hearing. Since she has custody and noted that in her complaint, it informs the judge he/she doesn't have to review and order or amend custody. 

As for Jen and Larry pushing Ryan to acquire 50% custody, that would only happen if Ryan pursued it himself. He is a grown ass adult who had the chance to go to court, but he chose not to. Jen and Larry couldn't even push him to visit with Bentley. How could they have pushed him to go to court? Season after season they tried to get him to go to court, but he never wanted to. He is a drug addict. He had other priorities. 

I am questioning her more as to why she didn't file last year when he made two threats to her and sent her threatening voice messages. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 11

Yeah, I can understand Maci's concerns and I'm certainly glad that she is using the legal system. I guess she did a better job writing a complaint than her illiterate cast members, so there's that.  I'm with you, @GreatKazu, it really appears as though Maci should have filed last year for a TRO.

I get the feeling (although there's no proof) that Jen and Larry got Ryan the lawyer with his arrest last year and told him countless times they'd pay for a family law attorney  so he could get more defined rights with Bentley. I'm just surprised that Ryan lacks legal rights to Bentley- wouldn't he have had to waive his legal and physical custody rights when they did mediation? I thought if you were listed on the birth certificate, it was presumed that you have legal and physical custody over the child until a court order states otherwise.

  • Love 3

I have to share this. It was my daughter that went for the temporary order. She now has a protection from abuse order, which is good for 3 years. No contact, in person, via text, phone or through another party.

At the last hearing the person she has it on asked the judge for the same order against her. The judge asked why and he stated, because she keeps on having me arrested. (because he violated it 3 times) Dumb fuck. The judge actually laughed. Request denied.

  • Love 14
1 minute ago, meredithalmighty said:

Yeah, I can understand Maci's concerns and I'm certainly glad that she is using the legal system. I guess she did a better job writing a complaint than her illiterate cast members, so there's that.  I'm with you, @GreatKazu, it really appears as though Maci should have filed last year for a TRO.

I get the feeling (although there's no proof) that Jen and Larry got Ryan the lawyer with his arrest last year and told him countless times they'd pay for a family law attorney  so he could get more defined rights with Bentley. I'm just surprised that Ryan lacks legal rights to Bentley- wouldn't he have had to waive his legal and physical custody rights when they did mediation? I thought if you were listed on the birth certificate, it was presumed that you have legal and physical custody over the child until a court order states otherwise.

In many cases, only one parent is the custodial parent. Since Bentley was in Maci's care and custody for the most part since he was born, it is only right that she has custody of him. The custodial parent has both legal and physical custody of the child, while the other parent has visitation rights. Ryan was given his visitation through mediation. I never heard Ryan say he gave or waived his rights to Bentley. I think his actions pretty much showed he wasn't going to fight for any such custodial rights. Had he done so in the beginning, he could have acquired joint custody. 

  • Love 6

Here's the link I found on TN custody law- legally, "custodial" parent is not a term that is recognized by the courts. (Source: https://memphisdivorce.com/custody/) 

Maci is definitely the primary residential parent (PRP). It is possible that the parenting plan that her & Ryan agreed on give Maci full decision making on Bentley. It seems very likely if she cited that in her TRO. 

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

Before this I had a diabetic cat and always had to have a prescription on me if I had his needles in the car, used or not. I've seen pharmacists do this and they limit to one or two if they sell at all. 

And what, if anything, will he restraining order do to Jen and Larry's time with Bentley?

Edited by Willowsmom
  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, Willowsmom said:

Before this I had a diabetic cat and always had to have a prescription on me if I had his needles in the car, used or not. I've seen pharmacists do this and they limit to one or two if they sell at all. 

Under legislation effective January 1, 2015, licensed pharmacists have the discretion to sell hypodermic needles and syringes to adults age 18 and older without a prescription in order to reduce the spread of HIV, hepatitis C and other blood- borne diseases. There is no longer any limit on the number of needles and syringes that may be sold to a customer.
Adults age 18 and older may possess needles and syringes for personal use if acquired from a pharmacy, physician or authorized syringe exchange program. There is no longer any limit on the number that an adult may purchase and possess. These changes to California law were made by Assembly Bill 1743 (Ting, Chapter 331, Statutes of 2014).

  • Love 7
On 4/2/2018 at 6:04 PM, GreatKazu said:

I am questioning her more as to why she didn't file last year when he made two threats to her and sent her threatening voice messages. 


Me, too. But I mean, given Maci’s seven year (alleged) associate’s degree, it’s not like the girl is exactly on top of getting things done rapidly.... 

I’m glad she got the order of protection (finally) though.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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