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Daryl: Your Leading Man and Norman Reedus: the Actor

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Actually, according to my mother, my hair WAS in my eyes.  My hair growth pattern makes it fall towards my face, and it's very thick (no way to tuck it behind my ears or find barrettes that could contain it).  And my hair line is low on my forehead.  So the sides of my eyes were kinda behind the hair.  But I could still see, so I didn't see that as a problem.


These days my hair is short with bangs, so no sight problems.

  • Love 1

I just found an old interview with NR where he said that the set hairdresser uses her own homemade-pomade to give that greasy look; and she also decided to dye his hair darker and darker "as his character darkens".

Which makes no effing sense at all; it's hair, it's not like a mood ring.

But at least now we know who to blame.

  • Love 13

That's weird, because I don't see Daryl as getting darker, character-wise, over the seasons. Maybe if the hair had changed at the point he was left on his own and had to join Joe's group, but that mess happened long before. I think generally, with Rick & the group, he's become a more well-rounded person. He probably doesn't even mix up Korean and Chinese people anymore!

  • Love 7

That hairdresser should be fired immediately. I am not joking. The level of incompetence really is that bad.

I mean, if they just wanted to add a few shades to it, so it was like built-in mood lighting, or lack thereof, I could maybe see that.

But darker people turn brunette? What the hell is this, "Buffy?"

Not to mention, he hasn't gotten darker. Daryl tried to kill Rick with a knife when they first met. These days... he's practically Fonzie.

  • Love 12

That's what annoys me. All the other stuff doesn't but every time I see him blinking, squinting and peering out from under that ragged fringe, I just want to reach into the tv and push it out of his eyes.


For safety reasons alone, Daryl needs to visit a pet store, pick up a cute little bow, and style his hair a la Lhasa Apso.

  • Love 8

I just found an old interview with NR where he said that the set hairdresser uses her own homemade-pomade to give that greasy look; and she also decided to dye his hair darker and darker "as his character darkens".

Which makes no effing sense at all; it's hair, it's not like a mood ring.

But at least now we know who to blame.


That's really interesting.  So according to the set hairdresser, as Michonne gets happier, she should be getting blonder too?!?!

  • Love 6

Daryl needs to visit a pet store, pick up a cute little bow, and style his hair a la Lhasa Apso.


I was thinking of a barrette, but like your idea better. He can get a bunch of different colours and change the bows according to mood, in case the colour of his hair doesn't get the message across.

  • Love 6

I wonder what she'll do now that he failed to save Beth? Suggestions? (Because everything above is hilarious!)

I also saw that the costumer dresses Michonne in tight pants and tight top "because she doesn't want anything loose that walkers could grab".

So why does she have dreads?

Why do Rick and others have loose t-shirts or jackets or sweaters and they seem to also fight walkers?

Just go ahead and say you dress her like that for the look of it; don't make up bs excuses.


I swear if the people behind the camera put as much effort into being creative with writing as they do with justifying other choices the show might get better.

  • Love 5

That's really interesting.  So according to the set hairdresser, as Michonne gets happier, she should be getting blonder too?!?!

Yeah! Can you see the hairdresser saying : "I want to give you some lighter highlights...I did the hair for Amy, Sophia, Andrea, Patricia, Beth..."

Blondes have more fun? Not in the ZA my little precious mwoahahaha!

  • Love 4

I just found an old interview with NR where he said that the set hairdresser uses her own homemade-pomade to give that greasy look; and she also decided to dye his hair darker and darker "as his character darkens".

Which makes no effing sense at all; it's hair, it's not like a mood ring.

But at least now we know who to blame.

WTF!!!  Okay, this just pisses me off.  I have a doctor's appointment in a few minutes, my BP will be elevated and I'll have to tell him that NR' set hairdresser is to blame.  Just WTF.

That hairdresser should be fired immediately. I am not joking. The level of incompetence really is that bad.

I mean, if they just wanted to add a few shades to it, so it was like built-in mood lighting, or lack thereof, I could maybe see that.

But darker people turn brunette? What the hell is this, "Buffy?"

Not to mention, he hasn't gotten darker. Daryl tried to kill Rick with a knife when they first met. These days... he's practically Fonzie.

Amen.  It's buffoons like this that are ruining my show!

  • Love 6

she also decided to dye his hair darker and darker "as his character darkens".


And no one protested? Being outside in the Georgia sun all the time would make one's hair lighter. Bitch must be on drugs or is some sort of frustrated artiste who feels the need to express her vision in the most ridiculous way possible.


If she were colouring his hair to match his character's changes, it would be candy apple pink by now.

  • Love 9

Maybe he misinterpreted her explanation. The actual idea is that the hair is a symbiotic organism that feeds on darkness, drawing it out of him and into itself. Up til now it's actually been beneficial, but after a while it can be too much of a good thing. If you don't believe me, ask Tyreese.

  • Love 3

It's possible Daryl could also be blamed for the prison plague...not just because he licked his fingers before shaking hands with Patrick, but right before that is when Patrick thanks Daryl for "that deer you brought back yesterday". The first sickie we saw was outside the fence---a walker---but then we see a sick wild hog outside in the woods. Daryl may have brought back an infected deer.

Above from the Media thread. I posted an article that suggested Daryl is to blame for Beth's death, because if he'd sided with Rick and not Tyrese over the hospital plan it would have gone down differently. It was interesting because I've seen a lot of people blaming Tyrese for having the plan, but not really anyone blaming Daryl for pretty much being the deciding vote that started them on that path...

I hope this doesn't occur to Daryl, personally, because I think we may already be in for some epic guilt there for losing Beth to begin with back at the funeral home. (IMO not his fault, she was a grown up, not his to lose or keep hold of.). It's an interesting thought, though.

And kikismom, how did I never put any of that together about the deer and all? Is it possible Daryl had some tainted blood on him, which transferred to Patrick (or ate raw deer like he has squirrel and had it in his saliva)? If the meat was tainted after cooking they'd all have gotten sick together, instead of Patrick being the first.

Perhaps Daryl has some kind of immunity. (or a crust of oily dirt that keeps viruses out...). But in all seriousness, they did make a point of the deer and the handshake. We all thought it was to show how beloved Daryl was.

Edited by BrokenRemote
  • Love 1

Above from the Media thread. I posted an article that suggested Daryl is to blame for Beth's death, because if he'd sided with Rick and not Tyrese over the hospital plan it would have gone down differently. It was interesting because I've seen a lot of people blaming Tyrese for having the plan, but not really anyone blaming Daryl for pretty much being the deciding vote that started them on that path...

I hope this doesn't occur to Daryl, personally, because I think we may already be in for some epic guilt there for losing Beth to begin with back at the funeral home. (IMO not his fault, she was a grown up, not his to lose or keep hold of.). It's an interesting thought, though.

And kikismom, how did I never put any of that together about the deer and all? Is it possible Daryl had some tainted blood on him, which transferred to Patrick (or ate raw deer like he has squirrel and had it in his saliva)? If the meat was tainted after cooking they'd all have gotten sick together, instead of Patrick being the first.

Perhaps Daryl has some kind of immunity. (or a crust of oily dirt that keeps viruses out...). But in all seriousness, they did make a point of the deer and the handshake. We all thought it was to show how beloved Daryl was.

I notice that in that scene, Carol has Patrick helping her in the outdoor kitchen. Having been a housewife, she would know about handling raw meat safely, but it's possible (?) that Patrick didn't wash his hands before touching his face, or got some blood in a cut, or got infected somehow with handling it. I'm also not sure about cooking on whatever they are using, a grill maybe---it's not as if you can set a temperature and use a meat thermometer. Maybe some of those people got meat that wasn't cooked all the way through, or dishes/cutlery that wasn't as clean as it could be.


Remember, at the veterinary college, Bob doesn't want the group to open a door because the walkers behind it are "infected with the same thing as the prison",  and the prison was 50 or so miles away and yet they all had the plague. A regular college might not have been, but veterinary schools, especially in rural areas, often work with large animals or have baby deer and things brought in. Since the walkers there were trapped indoors, they hadn't come out recently to catch the disease, and we saw no live animals in the cages (I didn't even see carcasses) so I might guess there was and infected animals they had contact with at the beginning?


ETA: I forgot; when Patrick goes nuts in the cellblock and the people who turned all get put down, Rick and Daryl and Glenn and Herschel and Dr. S find "Charlie" turned walker in his cell with his door closed and blood down his face. They talk about how he was a sleepwalker (no pun intended?) and Daryl says "He was just eating barbecue yesterday!"

Edited by kikismom
  • Love 1

I don't really see how anyone could blame Daryl for Beth's death due to the fact that he backed Ty's plan instead of Rick's.  For all anyone knows, Rick's plan could have led to Beth's death by crossfire, or by Dawn taking her out when she hears the Prison gang attacking.  Who knows?  And Carol could have been hit by crossfire as well, leading to 2 deaths.  Plus the possibility of one or more of the strike team getting shot.  Just a lot more flying bullets to dodge in Rick's plan.  And really, if Beth hadn't decided to go "off plan" and stab Dawn, she'd still be alive and with her family.  Ty's plan was working up to that point.


As far as the deer carrying the flu plague, it's possible.  But Patrick seemed to get it before anyone else, and everyone seemed to be having breakfast at nearly the same time, so why didn't more people feel ill before Patrick died?  And the walker that Rick noticed at the fence had clearly gotten it, and not from Daryl's deer.  When Rick went out to check the snares, he saw a gnawed on deer in one of his traps, and a clearly ill pig not in a trap.  So the illness could have come from anywhere, it seems, and we'll never know.

  • Love 1


As far as the deer carrying the flu plague, it's possible.  But Patrick seemed to get it before anyone else, and everyone seemed to be having breakfast at nearly the same time, so why didn't more people feel ill before Patrick died?  And the walker that Rick noticed at the fence had clearly gotten it, and not from Daryl's deer.  When Rick went out to check the snares, he saw a gnawed on deer in one of his traps, and a clearly ill pig not in a trap.  So the illness could have come from anywhere, it seems, and we'll never know.

The walker at the fence got it outside, maybe lots of deer had it; Patrick didn't start bleeding from the eyes or even coughing till that night. The same night Charlie got sick and just died in his cell. Something was spreading in the woods of that area of GA, and animals were carrying it and walkers were eating live infected animals etc.

I'm not blaming Daryl, I doubt he would bring back something he could see visible signs of illness in. But Patrick was fine and happy at breakfast. So were all the people at the outdoor tables that would end up being sick. Then some never get sick at all.

The sick boar in the woods was not far from the deer partially eaten; wild hogs will eat anything even attack and eat dogs. That boar could have been sampling the gore left on the ground and become infected from that?

I realize we'll never know but I'm just speculating on a chain of events.



Glenn says to Herschel when he is digging graves: If we were going to get it we'd have it by now" and Herschel says "it doesn't work like that; it's not on a timeline." He tells Glenn that it shows up at different times in different people. So that would account for why the other people weren't sick when Patrick was dying.

Edited by kikismom
  • Love 1

I don't really see how anyone could blame Daryl for Beth's death due to the fact that he backed Ty's plan instead of Rick's. For all anyone knows, Rick's plan could have led to Beth's death by crossfire, or by Dawn taking her out when she hears the Prison gang attacking. Who knows? And Carol could have been hit by crossfire as well, leading to 2 deaths. Plus the possibility of one or more of the strike team getting shot. Just a lot more flying bullets to dodge in Rick's plan. And really, if Beth hadn't decided to go "off plan" and stab Dawn, she'd still be alive and with her family. Ty's plan was working up to that point.

As far as the deer carrying the flu plague, it's possible. But Patrick seemed to get it before anyone else, and everyone seemed to be having breakfast at nearly the same time, so why didn't more people feel ill before Patrick died? And the walker that Rick noticed at the fence had clearly gotten it, and not from Daryl's deer. When Rick went out to check the snares, he saw a gnawed on deer in one of his traps, and a clearly ill pig not in a trap. So the illness could have come from anywhere, it seems, and we'll never know.

My point was that lots of people have said it was Tyrese's fault. I don't agree that it is, for mainly the reasons you wrote above (who knows how Rick's plan would have panned out; nobody could have known what Beth would do). There have been articles and fan posts both putting the blame on Tyrese, though, arguing that his less-violent plan got Beth killed. I just thought it was interesting that Daryl never got any of that blowback.

And I also wonder if the pig was a symptom. Walkers were sick at the same time, so Violet wasn't Patient Zero necessarily.

  • Love 4

My point was that lots of people have said it was Tyrese's fault. I don't agree that it is, for mainly the reasons you wrote above (who knows how Rick's plan would have panned out; nobody could have known what Beth would do). There have been articles and fan posts both putting the blame on Tyrese, though, arguing that his less-violent plan got Beth killed. I just thought it was interesting that Daryl never got any of that blowback.

And I also wonder if the pig was a symptom. Walkers were sick at the same time, so Violet wasn't Patient Zero necessarily.

The thing is, Ty's plan was working until Beth brought scissors to a gun fight.  Who could have predicted that would happen?

  • Love 3

Right after she said I get it now.

I'm yelling at the screen Do you? Because I don't !  To this day I don't get it. I don't understand any of it.


Me either, because the thing is, she planned to do something with the itty bitty suture scissors way before everyone gathered in the hall. Why else would she have stuck them inside her cast when she was still in her room? She may have thought Noah was worth her setting off events that could get everyone killed (Did she ineffectually give Dawn a little 1/2" pinprick over him? To what end? Did she care more for him than she did for her "family" who was there to rescue her?) But she didn't know he would be there when she took the scissors. And if she wanted to harm someone, why didn't she snatch something that actually COULD do harm, like a scapel? Like, WTF was she thinking?


I'm with you. I do not get it.

  • Love 6

Maybe this is what Daryl gets upset about (timely topic return)


She is the same girl who tried to use the ridiculous defense at the beginning of Slabtown by pulling the IV from her arm; therefore Daryl may have taught her how to track but he sure didn't teach her how to look around for a useful self-defense weapon.

She had two times and picked the eeny-beeniest objects available.

I've mentioned before that my peculiar relatives always taught me see that? you can knock someone out cold with that! See this? It makes a stabby weapon and we even (remember?) had a little contest/poll about what do you have right now at home that you could use as a weapon not counting guns or knives!



If TPTB wanted to just kill off Beth in a "well-meaning sacrifice choice that goes wrong" , why didn't they:


----just have the group turn to leave and have Noah and Beth turn to each other as she leaves, he says something like Beth I want to go with you! and goes to reach her, Dawn yells and draws the gun at Noah and Beth instinctively tries to push him out of the way and the bullet goes in her head instead. That's just me, but I think more believable and likely than the manicure scissor shit and the I get it gibberish that just made viewers angry. Beth could have had the tear jerking heroic death that proved her goodness and made sense.

Plus then Daryl could be conflicted not just because she died, but because he did teach her to be braver and have the will to defend and now he might blame himself? Which would be like Carol teaching Lizzie to use her knife and "not be afraid to kill" and how that got twisted and more mirroring for those characters.

Edited by kikismom
  • Love 6

Shoot - I know how to kill a person with a pencil (taught by Vietnam vet), but I know better than to try it with someone who's wearing a bullet proof vest!  If I were in dire straights, I might try to aim for the jugular vein, but I know it would only be dumb luck if I got it, and my chances would be practically nil.  I really don't know what Beth was going for with the suture scissors.  It just makes me shake my head.  I'll bet Daryl will carry the grief that he spent so much time after the fall of the prison in shut-down mode instead of teaching Miss Beth a few more moves she could use to save herself.

  • Love 2

I think I see what you're saying, kikismom--If Daryl feels guilty, it could be because "I taught  her to be brave, but I didn't teach her how to look around for the best weapon at hand, and look what happened..."  She got the brave part but not the practical skills for hand-to-hand combat with whatever is handy.  (Edited to add, my family didn't do that while I was growing up, but I do find myself now looking around once in a while and thinking, what would I pick up if... Comes from watching The Walking Dead!)


I really hope we get sorrow, not guilt, from all of them but especially from Daryl.  What I really hope but don't expect, is that he might return to form and cut himself off and lash out like he did when they lost Sofia. (Maybe to a lesser degree as befits the past couple years' worth of experiences he's had.)


Yes, he's come a long way, but it would be nice for him to still be Daryl at his core, the guy who grew up on the outside and who was formed by those experiences.  I'm sorry but as much as  you might become part of a family 30+ years into your life, as much as you might learn to trust and love those people, those 30+ years of being a loner, being hurt through abuse or prejudice or whatever, years of shutting people out because it never pays to let them in, those are the kinds of habits it's easy to fall back into when you're hurting.  And I think it'd be much better to watch that than Daryl moping 'cause it was all his fault.

Edited by BrokenRemote
  • Love 4

I'm going to be little worried about any female who he has chemistry with from here on. The show does like to go in circles, and that whole "try to make them look cute together and then kill her" had a very deliberate, cynical, paint by numbers feel to it. Actually, the same thing happened with Bob. The less popular character gets an upgrade-by-association, and then gets killed for pathos. And unless Daryl hooks up with Michonne, he is always going to be the more popular one in the relationship. Stay far away from him, Carol!

Maybe we'll get lucky, and he'll switch teams for a while. So long, Father Pee Pants. Rest in peace, Eugene. Then after that he can try a relationship with Carl's hat...

  • Love 4

 The show does like to go in circles, and that whole "try to make them look cute together and then kill her" had a very deliberate, cynical, paint by numbers feel to it. Actually, the same thing happened with Bob. The less popular character gets an upgrade-by-association, and then gets killed for pathos.

The same thing happened with Zach. The same thing happened with Karen.

  • Love 2

I know that everyone thinks Daryl was so single-minded in his search for Sophia, because of his love for children.  I think it's much more complicated than that.  Daryl had had nothing to do with Sophia or Carl up to this point, and surely showed no sign that he even liked children.  I think Daryl was so focused because he couldn't look for Merle, but he could look for someone else's loved one.  In the scene where he gives Carol the Cherokee rose and tells her its meaning, he says, "I'm not fool enough to think there's any flowers blooming for my brother, but I believe this one bloomed for your little girl".  So he wanted to find Sophia, not because he had any affection for her, but because he didn't want Carol to suffer losing her daughter, the way that Daryl suffered losing his brother.  That grief connected them, and they bonded through loss.  They both were now completely alone.


ETA:  Only my opinion, of course.

Edited by RedheadZombie
  • Love 10

I know that everyone thinks Daryl was so single-minded in his search for Sophia, because of his love for children.  I think it's much more complicated than that.  Daryl had had nothing to do with Sophia or Carl up to this point, and surely showed no sign that he even liked children.  I think Daryl was so focused because he couldn't look for Merle, but he could look for someone else's loved one.  In the scene where he gives Carol the Cherokee rose and tells her its meaning, he says, "I'm not fool enough to think there's any flowers blooming for my brother, but I believe this one bloomed for your little girl".  So he wanted to find Sophia, not because he had any affection for her, but because he didn't want Carol to suffer losing her daughter, the way that Daryl suffered losing his brother.  That grief connected them, and they bonded through loss.  They both were now completely alone.


ETA:  Only my opinion, of course.


Total agreement.  Daryl's driving force has always been family because, dysfunctional or not, that's been his only constant in life.

  • Love 3

The author of this piece (Brad Milner from the "Panama City News Herald") also loves Daryl's hair. Really? Are these people watching the same thing I am?

No spoilers here, beyond discussion of the preview clip that's been out a while. It's just the author's predictions on the rest of the season and his top picks for who will die.


But it's this bit that baffled me:

-- One thing is certain: Daryl’s hair will still look fabulous. His quaff has come a long way since the short cut in the first season. It’s apparent he makes a detour to the haircare aisle during every supply run…

Where would he detour to get that 'do? (And isn't it coif, not quaff?). The only place I can imagine is an abandoned Jiffy Lube.

Edited by BrokenRemote
  • Love 7

The author of this piece (Brad Milner from the "Panama City News Herald")


But it's this bit that baffled me:

You're stronger than I am if that's the only bit that baffled you (and I don't mind long, I understand greasy in the ZA, but I refuse to accept the color).


Color me baffled by the statement that we need to know more about certain characters before they go.

No we don't. (IMHO). People can just die when you don't know that much about them. Plus:

It gives away the death like the sound of the JAWS theme tuning up. Suddenly a background character get their E! The True Story Of Bio? It's like the owl flying over their head. Talk about spoiling.

It drags out a new and ultimately pointless arc that only is intended to make you get the tissues out like the Budweiser Puppy Commercial; it is not organic to the main event so it doesn't need to suck up 4 episodes to get nowhere. Meanwhile Rick and Co. are in limbo. Stop with that.


I also reject his brilliant prediction strategery of saying everyone can be strong when things are good but people crumble when the crap hits the fan so ESP tells him that Father Gabriel and Eugene will be next to die.

They might be next, but not for that reason. They were both born crumbled. How either of them are still alive when actually strong people have been long dead strains credulity. A back-eight death of either FPP or Eugene (or both) because they have now lost their ability to cope would be the most ridiculous non-event ever.

No cigar for Captain Obvious.

  • Love 6

You're stronger than I am if that's the only bit that baffled you (and I don't mind long, I understand greasy in the ZA, but I refuse to accept the color).


Color me baffled by the statement that we need to know more about certain characters before they go.

No we don't. (IMHO). People can just die when you don't know that much about them. Plus:

It gives away the death like the sound of the JAWS theme tuning up. Suddenly a background character get their E! The True Story Of Bio? It's like the owl flying over their head. Talk about spoiling.

It drags out a new and ultimately pointless arc that only is intended to make you get the tissues out like the Budweiser Puppy Commercial; it is not organic to the main event so it doesn't need to suck up 4 episodes to get nowhere. Meanwhile Rick and Co. are in limbo. Stop with that.


I also reject his brilliant prediction strategery of saying everyone can be strong when things are good but people crumble when the crap hits the fan so ESP tells him that Father Gabriel and Eugene will be next to die.

They might be next, but not for that reason. They were both born crumbled. How either of them are still alive when actually strong people have been long dead strains credulity. A back-eight death of either FPP or Eugene (or both) because they have now lost their ability to cope would be the most ridiculous non-event ever.

No cigar for Captain Obvious.

Yes to the whole post!


I'm also baffled how no one on other forums or articles seems to mind that his hair is turning jet black in the middle of a ZA.  I've gotten so OCD about it that any time NR is onscreen all I do is stare at his hair.  And not in a good way.

  • Love 5

Yes to the whole post!


I'm also baffled how no one on other forums or articles seems to mind that his hair is turning jet black in the middle of a ZA.  I've gotten so OCD about it that any time NR is onscreen all I do is stare at his hair.  And not in a good way.

That's my thing.  The length I could live with, although why you'd want your hair hanging in your face like that if you're not a boy in an anime, I don't know, and it seems it would impede his tracking abilities as well as his ability to see where the hell he was going, but I can deal with that.  The greasiness is far over the top compared to other characters, but again, I can deal.  It's the fact that it's jet freaking black for no good reason!

  • Love 5

Personally, I don't give a flip about Daryl's hair - but hey, maybe that's just me. YMMV. ;)


Me either. But now you mention it, a late 70s Shaun Cassidy hair flip might look cute on him. :D  Honestly, I just hope the show gives him a good balance of brooding and badassery. I'm not opposed to a bit of Daryl angst so long as it's not overdone.

Daryl's hair doesn't bother me because it's long and greasy. It's not my preference, but this is the ZA. I fully accept that people would have other concerns besides washing and cutting their hair. (Although, how his aim remains intact with the current stringy do, I do not know.) What bothers me is that the color is so unlike the way it was originally that it just distracts me like crazy. Actually, I've often times had the same problem with Maggie. Sometimes her hair looks SO red, as if she just got it dyed. Oh, and Abraham! That first scene driving the bus away, you could tell the stylist didn't touch up his edges; there was a nice red ring. Shit like that just distracts the hell out of me. Daryl started out a dirty blonde and all of a sudden he's jet black? It's just jarring. 

  • Love 8

Daryl's hair doesn't bother me because it's long and greasy. It's not my preference, but this is the ZA. I fully accept that people would have other concerns besides washing and cutting their hair. (Although, how his aim remains intact with the current stringy do, I do not know.) What bothers me is that the color is so unlike the way it was originally that it just distracts me like crazy. Actually, I've often times had the same problem with Maggie. Sometimes her hair looks SO red, as if she just got it dyed. Oh, and Abraham! That first scene driving the bus away, you could tell the stylist didn't touch up his edges; there was a nice red ring. Shit like that just distracts the hell out of me. Daryl started out a dirty blonde and all of a sudden he's jet black? It's just jarring. 

Exactly.  I have no problem with the cut, it's the color.  It's not feasible at all for it to change color in that way.  Unless Daryl bypasses shampoo and soap on his runs to pick up some much sought after hair dye.

  • Love 2

He's reminding me of Roy Dupuis in that picture, so as long as Eugene doesn't inspire him to get a mullet, I'm happy. Ish. I'd be happier if Daryl just took out his knife during a scene and hacked off a handful of bangs.

ETA: Going back a ways...French-Canadian actor from La Femme Nikita (TV series). Was in a motorcycle mini-series among other things where he kinda sported that look and color.

Edited by indeed

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