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Tyreese: Baby Carrier, Reluctant Warrior

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I'm not sure if the writers have quite figured out what to do with Tyreese.  He's obviously a guy who is very attached to his loved ones - his rage over Karen's death made him damn near a lunatic to find who did it, but that rage also made him fight like crazy on the run to the vet college to get meds for Sasha and the others.  The Grove was a particularly good Tyreese episode as well, and as tough as he and Carol are after this makes me hopeful for the future of the group already in Terminus.  I'm hoping Tyreese will be a real badass next season.

Tyreese is another character who is significantly impacted by Daryl's role on the show. 

I feel like they brought Tyreese in because they had some very strong (and I'd say warranted) criticisms for their treatment of black men, and this was also a way to appeal to comics fans. 

Unfortunately they don't seem to know what to do with him, and the whole Karen thing was huge tell-not-show. I do think that having him with the kids and then his role in The Grove, especially his forgiving Carol, was a big improvement, and it felt like they were writing to the strengths of the actor.

My favorite Tyreese scene overall is the scene where he was flirting with Karen before she went to bed, singing, etc. I thought that was sweet - something you rarely get on this show.

I also greatly enjoy his relationship with Sasha.

I hope we get more of his relationship with Carol. They're both outsiders, in many ways, and I think he should become one of her main links in the group. I don't mean romantically, necessarily, but at least a friendship.

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I think a Carol/Tyreese romantic pairing would work.  They're already functioning as a defacto nuclear family with Judith.  They'd talked about staying at the house in the pecan grove permanently until the Mika/Lizzie thing went down.  What with the Mika/Lizzie thing and Carol's part in Karen's death, Carol and Tyreese have weathered a lot together.  I think they could make a strong couple.

I do wonder why Tyreese is wearing a skull cap year round.  In Georgia.  One of many weird costuming choices in this show.

The writers must have really taken to heart the criticism about the lack of strong African-American main characters.  Michonne and Tyreese were introduced, Tyreese was given a sister who isn't in the comics, and Bob - who was a 60-ish caucasian guy in the comics - is now an African-American guy in his 30s or 40s.  They're all still alive and had some significant character development this past season.  All four seem to be "one of us" as viewed by the group as well.  Good job, TWD writers.

Edited by eejm
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I could get behind a Carol/Tyreese pairing.

I do wonder why Tyreese is wearing a skull cap year round.  In Georgia.  One of many weird costuming choices in this show.

I would say for the same reason that all of Abraham's group looks like they do - the source material has dictated it. That doesn't make it any less an odd choice, though, I agree.

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Though I see the basis for a strong friendship between Ty and Carol, I don't see it going further than that.  How could you get the hots for someone who stuck your former girlfriend in the brain and then burned her body?  Wouldn't you always be seeing that image every time you tried to bang the new girl friend?  What a buzz kill that would be.

And Carol deserves someone much more mentally tough than Ty is - someone on her own level.  And Ty deserves someone as sweet as he is, who will treat him sweetly.  Carol isn't sweet anymore.  She's Michonne tough now.

How could you get the hots for someone who stuck your former girlfriend in the brain and then burned her body?  Wouldn't you always be seeing that image every time you tried to bang the new girl friend?  What a buzz kill that would be.



I don't care one way or the other about Tyreese and Carol as a couple but ...


I have seen a Machonne/Rick coupling advocated here so if Machonne can get the hots for Rick, I don't see why Tyreese can't do the same with Carol.


When Rick made the choice to hand Machonne over to the crazy Governor, he thought he was doing what was in the best interest of the entire group. Likewise, when Carol murdered Karen and David she thought she was doing what was for the good of the entire group.


My favorite Tyreese scene overall is the scene where he was flirting with Karen before she went to bed, singing

oh I am the total opposite. That scene was SO cringe worthy. Whenever I watch the episode, I FF Cutty and his singing LOL

oh I am the total opposite. That scene was SO cringe worthy. Whenever I watch the episode, I FF Cutty and his singing LOL


I agree! I hated that scene. It just felt so unnatural. I like Tyrese better with the kids. He is so sweet and patient with them, but a badass at the same time. 



I will disagree, though, that the situation with Michonne-Rick is different with Tyrese getting over what Carol did. And I don't totally hate on what she did, I don't think it was malicious. But it was stupid, unnecessary, and not her call to make. At any rate, when Rick made the decision to hand Michonne over to the Governor, they barely new each other. She had just turned up a few days prior. There was no trust built in there, no fondness for each other. And Rick ultimately changed his mind, albeit too late. Carol, on the other hand, had been living with Tyrese and Karen for at least 6 months. They were a community, maybe even family. If I were Tyrese, I might find that a lot harder to get over. I think he has forgiven her, but I don't think he'll be able to forget. 

Oh dear. I don't know if how long you've known anyone, or how closely, really matters.

Rick knew Shane longer than 6 months; he was his best friend. And they wanted to kill each other. Rick just stabbed first.

Herschel saved the life of Carl, he hadn't met before; didn't have time to build up fondness but did the right thing anyway.

As far as Rick's decisions?

Carol thought she could stop disease from spreading in the prison, that those people would die anyway but infect others first. What she did may be unacceptable. But how does is stack up against what the Governor did?

He tortured and killed people, used living and dead for everything from experiments to Roman Coliseum type entertainment. Look what he did to Glenn. Look what he did to Maggie. Look what he did to Michonne.Think about what he had prepped for Andrea. Think of the heads in the aquarium.


And Rick tells Carol: "You can't come back with me. You're a danger to this group. I don't feel my children are safe around someone like you."

And Rick tells the Governor: "You can live with us! We can have different areas in the prison! We can work it out!"


Rick did not want to kill Shane, never did. He tried everything he could to reach an accommodation with Shane, but Shane would have none of it. He was determined to murder Rick to get Lori, Carl, and baby. Even as Shane was leading Rick into his death trip, Rick tried to talk Shane and give him a way out. It was only after Shane pulled his gun, did Rick pull his knife and kill Shane.


And Rick tells Carol: "You can't come back with me. You're a danger to this group. I don't feel my children are safe around someone like you."

And Rick tells the Governor: "You can live with us! We can have different areas in the prison! We can work it out!"


Come on, no way was Rick genuinely forgiving Phillip. Rick was desperate and would have brokered almost any deal if he could have saved the lives of his people and avoid a war. With Carol, Rick wanted to get rid a murderer of helpless people in their midst. 

Edited by SimoneS
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I like Tyrese better with the kids. He is so sweet and patient with them, but a badass at the same time.


I hope we'll see some more character development for him this season; The Grove was a good start last year.  While I didn't mind the scene with Tyreese and Karen, I do like him with the kids.  But I'm a sucker for big burly guys with babies.  And it was totally badass of him to take the kids and run after the prison fell, even though it would have been a damn near impossible job to keep all three girls safe, even if Lizzie wasn't a nut job.  


Tyreese showed he could kick ass and take names when he had to fight through, like, 500 walkers at the vet college while Daryl, Bob, and Michonne went ahead.  Judging from his treatment of the little girls after the prison fell, his anguish over Karen's death, and his determination not to let anything happen to Sasha, Tyreese is a very protective guy and a good asset to the group in my opinion.

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I agree. I really like him. He's a gentle giant. I only dislike him when he becomes too negative or mopey. I hated him when the season started, because it seemed like all he wanted to do was whine. "I don't like just standing at the fence and killing walkers". "I don't like going on runs and losing people". Well, no shit. No one LIKES any of this crap. But it's life, deal with it. I think Tyrese is kind of a thinker and when things get too stagnant, his mind can take him to dark places. Once they were on the move and had little down time and he had little kids to think of first, he was on top of his game. 

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I agree. I really like him. He's a gentle giant. I only dislike him when he becomes too negative or mopey. I hated him when the season started, because it seemed like all he wanted to do was whine. "I don't like just standing at the fence and killing walkers". "I don't like going on runs and losing people". Well, no shit. No one LIKES any of this crap. But it's life, deal with it. I think Tyrese is kind of a thinker and when things get too stagnant, his mind can take him to dark places. Once they were on the move and had little down time and he had little kids to think of first, he was on top of his game. 

Early on the one thing that just bugged the hell out of me was when Patrick attacked the cell block Rick, Daryl, and Glen were running around trying to save everyone and Tyrese ran in and just checked on Karen and didn't care about anyone else.  The kids thing helped redeem him a lot in my eyes.


His complaining did bother me too, but at least he'd do the task after he got done complaining as opposed to Andrea who would complain and then go sit on her lazy ass and play with her gun.

Edited by kj4ever
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I am a bit tired of hearing how Tyreese needs to 'grow a pair'.  While people were running for their lives, he took the time to grab a baby and herd two little girls to safety.  Tyreese doesn't have to prove shit to anyone.  I think Tyreese's reluctance to kill is being blown out of proportion.  He probably should have killed the gum-chewer right away but Tyreese obviously doesn't feel right about killing a helpess person.  That's Carol's job.  And when it came down to it and gum-chewer threatened Judith, Tyreese took care of him with a quickness.  So Tyreese's balls are fine and just where they need to be.


I feel the need to defend Tyreese as well.  I've fanwanked that Tyreese is in full knowledge of his strength, and has either gone too far in the past, or is afraid he will.  I do not see a coward when I look at Tyreese, I see a real human being.  I cannot express how much I loved that big black man saving three little white girls.  And he didn't do it in Daryl style (all three girls strapped to his body while he calmly kills with all four extremities).  Tyreese was scared out of his mind, as anyone would be, and that makes him that much more of a hero in my eyes.  When Micah was frightened and ran off, he was so good with her it brought tears to my eyes.

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I feel the need to defend Tyreese as well.  I've fanwanked that Tyreese is in full knowledge of his strength, and has either gone too far in the past, or is afraid he will.  I do not see a coward when I look at Tyreese, I see a real human being.  I cannot express how much I loved that big black man saving three little white girls.  And he didn't do it in Daryl style (all three girls strapped to his body while he calmly kills with all four extremities).  Tyreese was scared out of his mind, as anyone would be, and that makes him that much more of a hero in my eyes.  When Micah was frightened and ran off, he was so good with her it brought tears to my eyes.


Exactly.  Tyreese has probably seen 'The Green Mile'.  He knows what happens to large Black men in the company of little White girls.


I also have a almost automatic impulse to defend Tyreese; he's been through enough.  He was so good with the girls and it seems that Judith really likes him.  I wonder if Rick is going to feel jealous if Judith refuses to be comforted by him and hold out her hands to her 'Friend' Tyreese? 


The reunion that brought the tears was Tyreese and Sasha.  I thought Daryl and Carol was awkward and a bit embarassing and since the geniuses in charge had put shots of Rick holding Judith in the trailer, I had a good idea they would be reunited.  But seeing Tyreese with Sasha, after all he's been through got me misty.  Tyreese is due a little happiness. 


I'm wondering if Carol tells the group what happened to Lizzie and Micah.  I think Tyreese would probably leave it up to her, whether she wanted to talk about or not.  But I think it would be very ironic if Carol finds that she can only be comfortable with Tyreese because he's the only one who REALLY knows her.  We'll see.

Edited by mightysparrow

Exactly. Tyreese has probably seen 'The Green Mile'. He knows what happens to large Black men in the company of little White girls.

I also have a almost automatic impulse to defend Tyreese; he's been through enough. He was so good with the girls and it seems that Judith really likes him. I wonder if Rick is going to feel jealous if Judith refuses to be comforted by him and hold out her hands to her 'Friend' Tyreese?

The reunion that brought the tears was Tyreese and Sasha. I thought Daryl and Carol was awkward and a bit embarassing and since the geniuses in charge had put shots of Rick holding Judith in the trailer, I had a good idea they would be reunited. But seeing Tyreese with Sasha, after all he's been through got me misty. Tyreese is due a little happiness.

I'm wondering if Carol tells the group what happened to Lizzie and Micah. I think Tyreese would probably leave it up to her, whether she wanted to talk about or not. But I think it would be very ironic if Carol finds that she can only be comfortable with Tyreese because he's the only one who REALLY knows her. We'll see.

Oh The Green Mile. Makes me cry.

You make a good point. Tyreese and Carol have gone through a unique, horrific experience together. They definitely could bond over their shared feelings. PTSD or survivor's guilt, or however they'd identify it.


Exactly.  Tyreese has probably seen 'The Green Mile'.  He knows what happens to large Black men in the company of little White girls.


Really?  Beyond having the colors of the characters correct, your comparison is uneven.


Tyreese did a wonderful and heroic thing by caring for those children - regardless of his color or theirs. 

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I think they can get away with not telling the Lizze/Micah story because most would not think to ask about them.  All the kids were supposed to be on the bus, and all the people on the bus died.


I couldn't stand his character before, and that hasn't changed with this episode.  Where did his "I can't kill a walker" shit come from?  I mean he didn't like doing it at the fence blah blah but even he said it was different when they were out there and they were coming at you.

I think they can get away with not telling the Lizze/Micah story because most would not think to ask about them.  All the kids were supposed to be on the bus, and all the people on the bus died.


I couldn't stand his character before, and that hasn't changed with this episode.  Where did his "I can't kill a walker" shit come from?  I mean he didn't like doing it at the fence blah blah but even he said it was different when they were out there and they were coming at you.


It was likely revived to cast doubt on whether he would kill the Terminus guy (although I'm confused as to why so many think he didn't kill the guy - I felt like the whole point of the story was to show that when pushed too far, he would make that choice; and if he was still alive and just wounded, I think they would have found out, as someone must have gone into the shack to get supplies or to double check), but I don't think it's that much of a surprise. He's never liked killing, period, he was squeamish about killing walkers, and he's likely heavily traumatized from everything with Karen and then with Mika and Lizzie.

@Pete Martell, I agree with you, but obviously we now know that Tyreese didn't kill the guy.  I posted this in the episode thread - I think it's character assassination.  First of all, if you re-watch the scene, the guy's head would have been caved in like a smashed pumpkin.  But instead, the guy's partying it up a few hours later, and Tyreese is either a lying coward who's compromised the group, or an imbecile who doesn't know how to properly kill someone.  It pisses me off, because it serves no purpose.  Everything could have happened exactly the same, with that guy dead.  In fact, I didn't even notice he was alive until I came here.


To calm myself down, I indulged in a little Tyreese love by watching the season four Bad Lip Reading.  I still find it hysterical.  Tyreese, clutching Judith, eyes bugging out.  Mika and Lizzie speaking gibberish.  Tyreese - "Say what?  You gotta say your words right.  Listen shorty, you can't do this the whole week".

Edited by RedheadZombie
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They've gone full tilt into making Tyreese a symbol, not a character. I'm having a hard time with this because I like Tyreese and I like Chad Coleman, but it's gotten to a point where I don't need to hear any more lectures about humanity and morality. It's starting to sound delusional, or past delusional, and into dangerous. What he did with Martin wasn't just letting his hope for humanity overcome his better judgment - it was extremely reckless. He's lucky that only Sasha knows, because if Rick or Carol knew I think he'd probably be left on the roadside. 


I wish they'd stop giving him these profound speeches that are mostly over-explored themes, and have him actually confront who he is and what he may have to change. Otherwise he's just a bad fit for the group, and increasingly difficult to believe as a character. Even in tonight's episode he mostly felt like a tacked on guru Sasha did her best to placate.

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I wish they'd stop giving him these profound speeches that are mostly over-explored themes, and have him actually confront who he is and what he may have to change. Otherwise he's just a bad fit for the group, and increasingly difficult to believe as a character. Even in tonight's episode he mostly felt like a tacked on guru Sasha did her best to placate.

As Chris Hardwick said on this week's Talking Dead, being the moral center of the show is a death sentence. So Tyreese must die.

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I don't think Ty is necessarily to blame for any of the trouble they had with the Termites, after he let Martin live. The problem is the "what if" of it all. No matter how it turned out, Tyrese left a known enemy alive, and he knew it. It just speaks to his greater character and the fact that you can't really count on him. I get that he is struggling with losing his sense of morality, and I appreciate that. But by this point he really needs to learn that what you do, or don't do, can come back and bite you. I'm not pinning this one on him, but if he keeps behaving this way it could lead to some really serious repercussions down the road. 

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Tyreese has potential to last longer than Dale. Since Ty has lived longer in the ZA than Dale, he's experienced and survived the deterioration of human society long enough to get used to it. He therefore has a chance to learn how to reverse it, in a way that long deceased Dale isn't getting a chance to. Also, Ty has a pre-ZA family member still alive. Coda Tyreese probably wouldn't have killed Bob2 if he were there when Sasha got smashed into the window, but I wouldn't be surprised if a season 6 Ty did so to protect his sister. There's only so many times a one episode gf, baby or a beloved sibling can be endangered before ya lose it. 

I can see Chad Coleman struggling.    The writing is bad, the character is wishy washy.    He's a good actor, unlike the actress who played Andrea, but he's not able to overcome the limits placed on the character.    Shame, because he's able to inhabit a role.     I don't mind a conflicted Tyrese, but they've sort of cut his balls off .     We had Dale, and Herschel.   We don't need a third. 


I think he's dying next. 

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I hope so, before he strains his shoulder patting himself on the back for having more humanity than anyone else ever.  I never minded him, but he is driving me crazy with his holier-than-thou stuff.  I'm a nice woman who works with a vulnerable population yet, in The Walking Dead world, I'd learn to kill to protect myself and those important to me.  I firmly believe killing zombies is a public service.  They might not get you, but they could get the person coming along next.  I'd cull on principle.  I wouldn't go out of my way to kill another human being, but people like The Governor, Martin, Gareth?  Same as the zombies.  They are a threat to what is left of public safety.  Tyreese should be ashamed that Martin survived to give Gareth information, including the existence and name of a baby.  If he's not willing to kill to protect the most vulnerable member of his group, what the hell use is he?

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I can't remember him having any. Not saying he didn't, just that I don't recall. I think Sasha got all the testosterone in that family.

I don't know, I thought he had a good balance in S3. He was willing/able to kill walkers and he even put that woman down after she got bit. In S3 he seemed like a gentle giant, strong but slow to anger. However, once he was angry he was capable of some real damage.

I honestly don't know what happened with the character and why they've written him as such. I can't say I like wimpy Tyreese that much and I rather enjoyed him in S3.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I've been rewatching the show from the start and I'm into season 3 now. I had forgotten that our first introduction to Tyreese was as he's hacking his way through walkers. Why did he become so reticent to put them down? Did the writers just decide to take a different direction with the character, or is there some reason in the show that's so subtle that I forgot it, too?

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Well, at that point his little group was on the run for their lives. I think Tyrese has shown that he CAN handle walkers, and very effectively. He just doesn't seem to like it. I mean, nobody LIKES it (well, sometimes Abraham seems to enjoy it), but it really seems to stick with Tyrese and deeply trouble him. So while he is quite capable of taking them out, and will do it when needs be, he would prefer not to if he can get away with it. 

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Well, at that point his little group was on the run for their lives. I think Tyrese has shown that he CAN handle walkers, and very effectively. He just doesn't seem to like it. I mean, nobody LIKES it (well, sometimes Abraham seems to enjoy it), but it really seems to stick with Tyrese and deeply trouble him. So while he is quite capable of taking them out, and will do it when needs be, he would prefer not to if he can get away with it. 


Unfortunately - as has already been demonstrated - his judgment as to when it is and isn't "needed" is questionable at best.

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