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S06.E09: Changelings

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In a Fairy Tale Land flashback, Rumple collects Jack and Jill's son as bait to lure a powerful being to him. Back in Storybrooke, Gold tells the Evil Queen that she must kill Zelena, and the EQ makes a decision that will change her relationship with her sister forever. When Belle discovers Gold's plans for their son, she convinces Hook and Emma to help her steal squid ink that can immobilize him, and, as a result, Belle is left to make a sacrifice that will affect the lives of everyone in Storybrooke. Meanwhile, Jasmine finds a genie-less lamp that she hopes to use to save Agrabah, and Aladdin finds a way to be her hero.


Okay my t.v. froze  so I saw The Black Fairy, then I saw Rumple outside the convent - what happened between please please?

I would have had more respect for the show had they had had Rumple actually do it (it's like they have a foot on each side of the line - really bad Rumple and hopeful love Rumple that Belle can be with. (And Belle pretty much insinuated, be Good Rumple, and maybe i'll get over being mad.. So. meh). 

Aladdin is a Genie. Meh. 

Gideon is gonna be so cute when he grows up. 

  • Love 2

I liked the episode, although I still don't find the Aladdin/Jasmine storyline very interesting, although perhaps by next episode it will become more interesting.  And I thought it was pretty stupid for Aladdin to deliberately enslave himself as a genie.  And another accelerated pregnancy?  

I enjoyed the scenes between EQ and Rumple; great acting from Lana and Robert.  And thankfully no kissing.  The end scene with Rumple destroying the shop was reminiscent of the end of Skin Deep.

So the Black Fairy is Rumple’s mother.  Rumple just can’t get a break – abandoned by both parents who loved power more than him.  And he is also following in their footsteps, choosing power over love.  Very sad.

  • Love 6

It's kind of hilarious to think about the 3A finale now knowing it's Rumple's mom's wand they're all running around trying to find so they can use it to defeat Rumple's dad. You would think that would have come up at the time. Now I want to know if Pan knew she was a fairy. Rumple really does come by his child-stealing tendencies naturally.

Also I think I liked it better when Rumple's hatred of fairies was based on Blue giving Bae a bean. 

ETA: And by "defeat" I mean use Henry's great-grandmother's wand to kick his great-grandfather out of his body. 

Edited by InsertWordHere
  • Love 11

It was really hard to watch the Belle and Rumple stuff. Every time they show her discovering yet another awful thing he's done in a flashback, it makes her look even dumber for marrying him. She knew he tortured people, and now we know she knew he was willing to take a baby away from its parents for selfish reasons. And yet she was convinced that he had a good heart?

I started to like Regina when she was defending Zelena against the Evil Queen, but then she lost me again when she was swearing she'd never forgive Zelena for Robin's death. She hasn't changed since her days of not being able to forgive Snow for Daniel's death that Cora caused, since she's blaming Zelena for Robin's death that Hades caused. And does she not remember that Zelena killed Hades -- whom she loved -- to save her?

I want to see the Black Fairy again. She was interesting.

  • Love 17
14 minutes ago, RandomWatcher said:

So Henry's great grandmother is an evil fairy and he now has a new cousin who is somewhere out in the world. 

Being a genie is going to put a strain on Aladdin and Jasmine's relationship.

Um . . . uncle.   Damian is Baelfire's brother, which makes him Henry's uncle.

As for Aladdin and Jasmine's relationship, this might improve it.  She seemed less interested in Aladdin the person, and more interested in what Aladdin could do for her.  This actually probably increases that, so she should be pleased.


So, everyone in Storybrooke can forgive Regina for . . . everything, but Regina, even a Regina who's had her "worst" traits removed, can't forgive Zelena for following advice that Regina gave her?  

Edited by Mari
  • Love 13
1 minute ago, Mari said:


As for Aladdin and Jasmine's relationship, this might improve it.  She seemed less interested in Aladdin the person, and more interested in what Aladdin could do for her.  This actually probably increases that, so she should be pleased.


I think this is why I'm not liking their story.  Aladdin is merely a tool for Jasmine to use to find/rescue Agrabah.  Very selfish of her, there is no evidence of true love, and I find it hard to understand why Aladdin would sacrifice so much for her.  No on screen chemistry, the writing and dialogue don't support the relationship very well.

1 minute ago, Jul 68 said:

Regina called herself a hero. WTH?

Yes, she has referred to herself as a hero for the past two seasons, since she defeated Zelena's time travel plans.  

  • Love 4

Poor. Freaking. Zelena.

Screw you, Regina. Screw you. We're done. All your sister wanted was to redeem herself and be in a loving sisterly relationship, and you just flipped her off. You blamed her for Robin's death just like you blamed Snow for Daniel's. Zelena made a mistake and an error in judgement. But she killed the man who killed your boyfriend after seeing what he did. She experienced loss too, and you don't see her playing the blame game. For once she's actually trying to be a better person, but you've learned nothing. All these seasons of redemption and being guided along the straight path, and you're still the same narcissistic bitch. You throw a bunch of BS around about heroes saving people when you lack the one aspect necessary to be one - empathy. Heroes don't help others just so they can be called heroes. They do it because they care about others. How sad is it that Cora has a better understanding than you do. She worked to give you and Zelena a strong family bond, herself be damned, and you threw it all in the trash. I'm done being your apologist. It's disgusting that you believe you deserve forgiveness but Zelena doesn't. You horrible, horrible person.

After that rant... here's what else I thought about the episode:
* So Belle's dreamscape is actually the Upside Down?
* Rumple's decision to not speed up Belle's pregnancy was OOC. It was a forced attempt to give him some humanity. It doesn't score any brownie points with me.
* Where the heck is Blue going to take Gideon that Rumple won't find him in?
* At last we have a baby that isn't named after a dead person. I'm actually okay with using his real name instead of something like Damien.
* I don't find the use of "Her Handsome Hero" as charming. After the Gaston stuff in 5B, all it reminds me of is Belle's unrealistic ideals and how they negatively affect her relationships.
* I'm so tired of Rumple's abandonment issues. This show keeps trying to give him excuses for his behavior.
* Did the Black Fairy get her costume from Party City or something? She lacked the gravitas I was expecting.
* I was cheering over Golden Queen's breakup. I'm so glad we never have to see them suck face again.
* Aladdin really screwed himself with becoming a genie. I guess he never watched Wonderland or talked to Sidney.
* No one cares about your kingdom, Jasmine.
* I was hoping the sword would be Excalibur. Nope. It's just some random item in the back of Gold's Shop.
* How was it a good idea to sneak into Gold's Shop after his son got taken away from him? Aladdin could have just shown up after hours and taken whatever?
* The pacing in this episode was really abrupt compared to the rest of 6A. Stuff finally happened.
* Why didn't Zelena do anything to defend herself? How does a head scrape inhibit all her magic?
* The pregnancy storylines are incredibly repetitive. Snowing's pregnancy was sort of sped up with the Missing Year, then Zelena's with the onion rings, and now Belle's with chamomile tea. There's always someone to take either the mom or the baby immediately after the birth, too.
* "Savior's lapdog"... Rumple seems to be anti-Captain Swan.
* Most of the flashback was pointless. The Rumple's mom reveal was all that it really accomplished. Even then, if the Black Fairy doesn't come back into play, that was superfluous. We already knew why Rumple hated fairies. We didn't need an extra reason.

All in all, this episode has been one of the more controversial ones we've had in a while. It's hard to know where the show is going any more. I appreciated the sense of urgency, but I hated a lot of the content. I have very mixed feelings right now.


Me at Rumple's sad sack of life.

"Cool story, still murder."

This. The show keeps piling on these sad parts of Rumple's life to make him more sympathetic. While they provide reasons for his actions, they don't make them any better. He's still a psychotic murderer who kidnaps children and abuses his wife. I don't feel sorry for him in the slightest.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 19

Rumple had some pretty messed up parents!

I couldn't believe Regina's speech about not forgiving Zelena after all she's been forgiven. Or am I supposed to attribute all her atrocities to the EQ since they're separate now?

I'm glad Killian and Emma are working together. They do make a good team!

I'm excited for next week!

Edited by OnceUponAJen
  • Love 5
8 minutes ago, KingOfHearts said:

Screw you, Regina. Screw you. We're done. All your sister wanted was to redeem herself and be in a loving sisterly relationship, and you just flipped her off. You blamed her for Robin's death just like you blamed Snow for Daniel's. Zelena made a mistake and an error in judgement. But she killed the man who killed your boyfriend after seeing what he did. She experienced loss too, and you don't see her playing the blame game. For once she's actually trying to be a better person, but you've learned nothing. All these seasons of redemption and being guided along the straight path, and you're still the same narcissistic bitch. You throw a bunch of BS around about heroes saving people when you lack the one aspect necessary to be one - empathy. Heroes don't help others just so they can be called heroes. They do it because they care about others. How sad is it that Cora has a better understanding than you do. She worked to give you and Zelena a strong family bond, herself be damned, and you threw it all in the trash. I'm done being your apologist. It's disgusting that you believe you deserve forgiveness but Zelena doesn't. You horrible, horrible person.

*standing ovation*

I could not BELIEVE Regina did that, just when it was looking like we'd have a reconciliation.  Not only did Regina encourage Zelena to go after Hades, but more directly she also allowed her to keep hold of her baby against Robin's protests.  She has as much indirect culpability in his death as Zelena does, which should allow her to see that playing the blame game on indirect culprits is useless and that the killer - HADES - should get the blame.  But just like with Daniel, whose death she ALSO had an indirect hand it, she chooses to blame the other indirect party because they're conveniently weaker and more vulnerable.  Every point Zelena made here was 100% right, but Regina just brushed it all off and called herself a hero.  Seriously, f*** Regina.

Edited by Mathius
  • Love 18
6 minutes ago, OnceUponAJen said:

Rumple had some pretty messed up parents!

I kind of feel like there's something else going on here. Maybe the Black Fairy learned of a prophecy saying her son was going to be the most awful person ever so she abandoned him thinking it would turn him "good." That seems like something this show would do. Not sure why she went from child protector to child trafficker though. 

  • Love 6
13 minutes ago, mjgchick said:

Me at Rumple's sad sack of life.

"Cool story, still murder."

I just can't take anymore of these bad people whining about their shitty childhood when we have someone like Emma who for so long had it just the same and yet still ended up being a good person. So miss me with that "woe is me" act

And there's an argument to be made they had it better than Emma did.  

Rumple did not have his parents, but he did have the spinsters, who seemed to love him deeply and take care of him.  Regina had Cora, but she also had Henry, the rest of Henry's family, and a lot more stability than Emma ever did.

  • Love 10
2 minutes ago, maraleia said:

I just finished watching this and I literally cannot remember what happened. This is the sign that I should stop watching. Again why are most of us here still watching this show?

We're all aspiring screenwriters and we want to know how to not write a TV show.

Nah, this trainwreck is just interesting to discuss.


The Sunday night rip-apart is interesting, and I'd miss the group.

I rip apart the show as I'm watching it. I'm usually a reserved person, but I get very outspoken and animated whenever I watch it.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 6
6 minutes ago, maraleia said:

I just finished watching this and I literally cannot remember what happened. This is the sign that I should stop watching. Again why are most of us here still watching this show?

I have always loved fairy tales and cannot resist seeing these AU versions (no matter how bad the writing or plot line may get), plus I like the actors.  I know many of those here are disenchanted but I still am enjoying it - as long as there is no more EQ/Rumple kissing!  And I keep the MST3K mantra in mind, "it's just a show."

And of course I love this forum!  You guys always make me laugh, highly entertaining.

Edited by Worsel
  • Love 7
5 minutes ago, Mari said:

The forum?

At least, that's 80% of the reason I'm still watching.

The Sunday night rip-apart is interesting, and I'd miss the group.

That's why I'm here. snarkable moments with my family. (God help me when they cancel this show, where would I find y'all?)

I forgot the Regina bits. shut your mouth Regina. geeze. I don't even remember why it's Zelena's fault for Robin's dumb death anyway. 

  • Love 2

I forgot the Regina bits. shut your mouth Regina. geeze. I don't even remember why it's Zelena's fault for Robin's dumb death anyway. 

Because she trusted Hades, much like how Young!Snow trusted Cora.

There may be an essay in the Regina thread coming soon... just warning y'all.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 2
3 minutes ago, Daisy said:

That's why I'm here. snarkable moments with my family. (God help me when they cancel this show, where would I find y'all?)

We'll have to find a new show to adopt as a group.

The hard part for me will be that don't trust the networks and refuse to watch the 1st season of any new show until I know it's been picked up for a 2nd season.

  • Love 3

I was trying to figure out why this episode seemed so lacking in impact even though there was an unexpected twist (the black fairy is Rumpel's mother).  Probably because Belle already knew this for years ... and come to that, we haven't heard anything about the black fairy in ages, so it all felt kind of random.  Why was Rumpel even trying to summon her at this particular point in time (and not long before now)?  Because Belle could read fairy (but for some reason he couldn't just ask her to read a spell?  And how did he know anyway)?

I am a bit curious about the black fairy and what her story is, so I'll give the writers that.  (Even though it would've been nice if they'd brought this up back when they first mentioned her.)

I don't understand why Belle didn't have Blue hide her along with baby Gideon.  Unless it was just a matter of only being able to transport one person?  They didn't even bring it up as an option ...

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, Senna said:

I don't understand why Belle didn't have Blue hide her along with baby Gideon.  Unless it was just a matter of only being able to transport one person?  They didn't even bring it up as an option ...

Rumple put the golden handcuffs on Belle so she can't get away from him. Anywhere she went, he'd be able to get to her right away. So the only way to get the baby away from him was to keep the baby away from herself.

Aww, true love is so sweet. (Sarcasm font implied.)

  • Love 13
3 minutes ago, Senna said:

I was trying to figure out why this episode seemed so lacking in impact even though there was an unexpected twist (the black fairy is Rumpel's mother).  Probably because Belle already knew this for years ... and come to that, we haven't heard anything about the black fairy in ages, so it all felt kind of random.  Why was Rumpel even trying to summon her at this particular point in time (and not long before now)?  Because Belle could read fairy (but for some reason he couldn't just ask her to read a spell?  And how did he know anyway)?

Plus, personally?

I'm really over watching yet another scene of Rumple being hideous to or in front of Belle, only to have Belle imply that they could still be together.

It really does wipe away any credibility Belle had when it comes to not knowing what she was getting into.

Not that she deserves abuse.  She doesn't.  But, all those times I saw her as pretty much Rumple's accomplice?  Yeah.  That seems even more plausible, now.

  • Love 7
5 minutes ago, Shanna Marie said:

Rumple put the golden handcuffs on Belle so she can't get away from him. Anywhere she went, he'd be able to get to her right away. So the only way to get the baby away from him was to keep the baby away from herself.

Aww, true love is so sweet. (Sarcasm font implied.)

Ah, nice catch.  I totally forgot about that!  (In fact, I briefly wondered why in the world she was wearing such a hideous bracelet when the camera lingered on it.)

  • Love 1

The trailer for next week put a question in my mind. How will David explain to Snow what happened to Emma?

"Dear Snow,

Jasmine told me how you convinced her that letting the genie out of the lamp was a good idea. Well, that was both good and bad.

The good part was that it gave Disney a sweet way to honor the memory of Robin Williams. However, it also resulted in the EQ having the ability to change history.

Way to go babe!  How about you let me give advice from now on.

I gotta go. The baby that we are basically letting others raise is crying and I have to go ask someone to make it stop. I only know how to look at it.

I'll always find you,


Edited by Jul 68
Advise and advice are different words.
  • Love 12

This episode was kind of boring.

Hypocritical Regina is back again. I guess taking the bad side of you doesn't help. Snow needs to become badass again and tell her that if she can forgive Regina, Regina can forgive Zelena. Sigh.

Why couldn't Zelena defend herself? She's more powerful than Regina (the EQ doesn't have that "white magic")

If we have a meaningful bonding storyline about giving up babies between Snow and Belle, I'll be very, very pleasantly surprised...

  • Love 3
16 minutes ago, Mathius said:

BTW, was the lamp supposed to be Sidney's old lamp?  It wasn't Aladdin's old lamp as he confirmed last episode and brought up again here, so the only lamp with a freed genie I can think of is Sidney.

There's been a genie lamp in Gold's shop since S1. I'm not sure if it's the same prop, because the one in this episode seemed to have jewels in it. I'm pretty sure Sidney's lamp and the one that used to be in the shop were the same, though. I would guess it is supposed to be Sidney's old lamp here since Leopold wished him free. The braces probably poofed back into it after they dropped from Sidney.

There's been questions in the Q/A articles about Rumple's mother for ages. Here you go, folks. I was disappointed it wasn't Mary Poppins...

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 3
42 minutes ago, Jul 68 said:

We'll have to find a new show to adopt as a group.

The hard part for me will be that don't trust the networks and refuse to watch the 1st season of any new show until I know it's been picked up for a 2nd season.

I'm the same way. we can be great stalkers though. 

I forgot about the gold bracelet thing how Rumple can stalk Belle. Speaking of - thanks to the rewatch, it looks like Emilie lost a lot of weight (and grew out her hair a lot). It was really noticeable this episode.

1 hour ago, Shanna Marie said:

I started to like Regina when she was defending Zelena against the Evil Queen, but then she lost me again when she was swearing she'd never forgive Zelena for Robin's death. She hasn't changed since her days of not being able to forgive Snow for Daniel's death that Cora caused, since she's blaming Zelena for Robin's death that Hades caused. And does she not remember that Zelena killed Hades -- whom she loved -- to save her?

I want to see the Black Fairy again. She was interesting.

I'm glad to see Regina's behavior pissed other people off as well.  I wonder if the writers realize they are having Regina treat Zelena the same way she treated Snow, or if they think she is correct to be so unforgiving toward her half sister?  They are making me defend Zelena, and I hate that!

I hope they are going to show more of what changed the Black Fairy from good to bad.  That aspect of the story interests me but the writers are almost guaranteed to ruin it.

Half expected the Blue Fairy and the Black Fairy to be one and the same.

16 minutes ago, MaiLuna said:

Why couldn't Zelena defend herself? She's more powerful than Regina (the EQ doesn't have that "white magic")

She didn't even TRY to defend herself.  Why couldn't she simply whisk herself and Green Bean away?

Jasmine and Aladdin's story has all the excitement of watching paint dry.  Why are we supposed to care about them finding Agrabah again anyway?

  • Love 3

I hope they are going to show more of what changed the Black Fairy from good to bad.  That aspect of the story interests me but the writers are almost guaranteed to ruin it.

Lol, it was pretty convenient Blue didn't know what changed her. She micromanaged the fairies in the past (Nova, Tinkerbell) and now she's saying one just slipped away? I loved how in the Dark Castle she said her magic couldn't do anything. She was her same useless self until the end, where she hid Gideon. I would imagine there's a long waiting list for Blue to be a Fairy Godmother. Belle must get special privileges because she's a main character. Funny how Blue berated Tinkerbell for "going big", but has done it twice herself in the past few episodes.

I hope the show doesn't pull a Belle's mom or Brennan and we get to see the Black Fairy again. She's always been a mysterious and intriguing character we've been wanting to see. With her appearance and Blue's increasing involvement, I have to wonder if 6B is going to involve fairies.


She knew he tortured people, and now we know she knew he was willing to take a baby away from its parents for selfish reasons. And yet she was convinced that he had a good heart?

I thought about that in regards to Skin Deep. In that episode, Belle believed Rumple was a monster because of the Dark One curse. But since then, she has seen Rumple without it and he was still a terrible person.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 5

We spent a whole arc on Rumplestiltskin's sad-backstory about his father. We got one scene on the same with his mother. The writers aren't even trying now, are they? I guess that was supposed to make me feel sorry for him. I couldn't care less, and it made zero sense. First of all, how on earth did the Black fairy sleep with Malcolm?? Second, there hasn't been one mention of a connection until now (as usual, with these twists). Are they planning to expand on this in the second half of the season? If not, this connection makes no freaking sense.

On 11/27/2016 at 8:20 PM, KingOfHearts said:

Screw you, Regina. Screw you. We're done. All your sister wanted was to redeem herself and be in a loving sisterly relationship, and you just flipped her off. You blamed her for Robin's death just like you blamed Snow for Daniel's. Zelena made a mistake and an error in judgement. But she killed the man who killed your boyfriend after seeing what he did. She experienced loss too, and you don't see her playing the blame game. For once she's actually trying to be a better person, but you've learned nothing. All these seasons of redemption and being guided along the straight path, and you're still the same narcissistic bitch. You throw a bunch of BS around about heroes saving people when you lack the one aspect necessary to be one - empathy. Heroes don't help others just so they can be called heroes. They do it because they care about others. How sad is it that Cora has a better understanding than you do. She worked to give you and Zelena a strong family bond, herself be damned, and you threw it all in the trash. I'm done being your apologist. It's disgusting that you believe you deserve forgiveness but Zelena doesn't. You horrible, horrible person.

Bravo! Regina's hero complex is still intact. An even after having her "worst" impulses removed, she's still projecting her grief and blaming other people.

On 11/27/2016 at 9:06 PM, Mari said:

I'm really over watching yet another scene of Rumple being hideous to or in front of Belle, only to have Belle imply that they could still be together.

It really does wipe away any credibility Belle had when it comes to not knowing what she was getting into.

Not that she deserves abuse.  She doesn't.  But, all those times I saw her as pretty much Rumple's accomplice?  Yeah.  That seems even more plausible, now.

She knew he tortured people and stole children, and yet she fell in love with him and married him. I guess she thought he'd never do it to herself. And it is very obvious that the writers mean for Rumbelle to get back together once she realizes that the EQ was the one who sped up the pregnancy. I'm disgusted. I guess both Belle and we are supposed to forget the fact that he was terrorizing her and controlling her until that point. Classic abuse. 


Nah, this trainwreck is just interesting to discuss.

Lol. Mainly this and fanfic. 


On 11/27/2016 at 9:23 PM, MaiLuna said:

Why couldn't Zelena defend herself? She's more powerful than Regina (the EQ doesn't have that "white magic")

Yeah--she didn't even try. That was so stupid. 

On 11/27/2016 at 9:42 PM, KingOfHearts said:

There's been questions in the Q/A articles about Rumple's mother for ages. Here you go, folks. I was disappointed it wasn't Mary Poppins...

Aww...man. Me too! lol

  • Love 7
35 minutes ago, Blue Plastic said:

I hope they are going to show more of what changed the Black Fairy from good to bad.  That aspect of the story interests me but the writers are almost guaranteed to ruin it.

I wonder if it has anything to do with the whole "fairies don't fall in love" rule that came up with Grumpy and Nova. Did she get caught violating that rule and was forced to leave her family, which turned her evil? Or was this the reason behind the rule?

I don't remember what the lamp Jafar got put into looked like, but I was wondering if perhaps those cuffs were a sign that Jafar had escaped/been freed.

Every time someone on this show says "hero," I find myself thinking "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." I've known people who count as heroes -- men who were on the beach in D-Day, men who were on the beach at Iwo Jima, men who were in POW camps in Vietnam and helped keep other prisoners alive and their spirits up. The thing about these people is that they don't talk about what great heroes they are. They never use that word and get embarrassed when other people use it. They don't think about what they did as being heroic. They merely thought it was what had to be done at the time. Anyone who went into a situation like that wanting to be a hero was a liability because they were being selfish, looking for personal glory, putting others in danger or putting the mission in jeopardy. So, anyone calling themselves a hero really isn't one. You say it's the right thing to do, not that you're doing it because you're a or want to be a hero.

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