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S01.E01: Winter

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"Why aren't you on Xanax; Xanax was created for you." Michel is wise. 

Lorelei continues her trend of being awful and inappropriate at funerals. And haranguing Emily about the painting was unnecessary.

Paris is..... Paris.

I didn't like the Paul subplot. Literally forgetting him was supposed To be funny, I presume, but really it just seemed they are still super self-centered. Seeing that Rory's also cheating on him just solidifies that.

Luke's lying about the wifi annoys me as well.

Doyle as a screenwriter amuses me given that the actor is a producer.

The Brad and Angelina reference already feels dated.

Paris' face watching Hep Alien was perfect!

20 minutes ago, deaja said:

I didn't like the Paul subplot. Literally forgetting him was supposed To be funny, I presume, but really it just seemed they are still super self-centered. Seeing that Rory's also cheating on him just solidifies that.

Right? I feel so bad for Paul already and he's barely even a character on the show.

It's nice that Lorelai wants to make sure Luke gets what he wants, but seems to me Luke is already about as happy as he can get. I know his "You can't get everything you want but what I have is great" doesn't sound happy enough for Lorelai, but that's Luke for ya, he's always gonna sound at least a little grumpy.

Anyway, I think what he meant by not having everything he wants is that Lorelai often drives him crazy with her hijinks and he would like some peace. Hee. He's not mourning "missing out" on raising a baby. This is the guy who never wanted to deal with jam-hands. He already gets to be proud of three great kids he helped raise with nary a jam-hand, that's a win, not a loss.

Ironically, Lorelai's quest to make Luke happier is giving him more trouble than he wants to deal with. Oh, Lorelai. I hope they don't go through with this surrogacy thing because neither of them seem all that enthused about it.

I did enjoy the episode, though. I have missed the strummy-la-la-las!

56 minutes ago, deaja said:

 Lorelei continues her trend of being awful and inappropriate at funerals. And haranguing Emily about the painting was unnecessary.

Paris is..... Paris.

I didn't like the Paul subplot. Literally forgetting him was supposed To be funny, I presume, but really it just seemed they are still super self-centered. Seeing that Rory's also cheating on him just solidifies that.

Luke's lying about the wifi annoys me as well

I agree that Lorelai can be awful and inappropriate at times, but she did seem genuinally upset and put on the spot that she couldn't come up with a loving story to share (as well as being pretty tipsy at the time), which would fit with the implication that Richard was quite a distant father figure who was away working for most of her childhood. During the series it certainly never came across that they were particularly close, or that Richard had a lot of time for her, so IMO Emily was unfair to complain about Lorelai not coming up with a story on her father taking her to the zoo. I did feel bad for both Emily and Lorelai in that scene though, I can understand Emily feeling hurt that Lorelai couldn't come up with any warm memory of her father. 

And I'll confess that I did find the Paul subplot pretty funny, but it definitely made Rory look really self-absorbed and careless with other people's feelings. I'm going to presume that was intentional though, and that Amy was aware of how it would come across!

And agreed on the wi-fi, I'm not sure why Luke couldn't just tell customers that wi-fi is not available, it seemed like it would be an annoying waste of time for everyone for him to have to keep repeating the made-up passwords when people keep bugging him about it not working. I actually agreed with Taylor there for once lol, it was nice to see him and Luke finding some common ground for a change

And regarding the surrogacy, the impression I got was that Luke wasn't that fussed either way, it came across to me that Lorelai was being a bit passive-aggressive in pushing if Luke doesn't feel like he's missing out on something, when she's actually the one dying for another kid. That's definitely something that would have fit better in Amy's planned seventh season though, I share Luke's bemusement at Lorelai waiting ten years to bring the subject up

She was close enough to Richard to come up with something from adulthood then. She's portrayed as an intelligent woman and yet spent her time trying to escape answering instead of just thinking up one suitable story that didn't involve comparing her virginity to the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria. I felt bad for her, but she could have done so much better. 

26 minutes ago, deaja said:

She was close enough to Richard to come up with something from adulthood then. She's portrayed as an intelligent woman and yet spent her time trying to escape answering instead of just thinking up one suitable story that didn't involve comparing her virginity to the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria. I felt bad for her, but she could have done so much better. 

I mean I definitely agree with that, but with how tipsy she was I could understand her simply having an 'Oh shit, what do I say' reaction in the moment, especially as she and her father did hardly ever connect. Really the best thing would have been if she had thought ahead that Emily would almost surely want some reminiscing at the funeral, that way she could have had a couple of warmish memories all ready to share, maybe that time when she was helping Richard with setting up his new business 

That Emily/Lorelai fight was amazing. Loved it. Has Emily ever dragged Lorelai that hard before? That was brutal.

Someone on Twitter said that watching the revival turned for them into a referendum on how well the cast members have aged. Lane appears to be married to a man 20 years her senior.

It's so strange to hear Rory speak in a normal voice.

I screamed when I saw Ray Wise (aka Leland Palmer) as one of Richard's friends.

Edited by Eyes High

I felt a lot of the acting was "off" at the start of this. Blidel was the most noticeable, but most of them seemed a bit rusty, to me. I know many of the actors have acted since this, haha. But I mean, their chemistry with each other just wasn't the same. And there's a certain tone to this show, that didn't feel natural at first. More forced. But it did get better as time went on. 

Was it just me, or did Taylor seem on the verge of having a heart attack? 

Also, since when has reception been that bad in Stars Hollow? We've had a myriad of scenes with Lorelei and Rory talking on their cell phones all around town. Now Rory has to climb a ladder in Doose's for service? Maybe the Hollow got a different provider's tower? 

Not really liking Paris as a fertility doctor/facilitator/whatever. Also hate that they're having her and Doyle split up. While not my favorite couple, I actually thought they were the best fit for each other. 

Onto stuff I did like:

I thought they handled the passing of Richard/Edward very respectfully. I full on cried. 

LOVE Kirk and his Oooober. That's so Kirk. And then he ends up at dinner at Emily's. Bahahaha! I know a lot of people can't stand Kirk, but I mostly always enjoyed him, so this was great for me. I do have to say, the beard actually makes him look too "normal" to be so Kirkish. 

I also really enjoyed Emily having a house full of people living with/working for her that speak some totally unknown language. I find this show to be a perfect mix of relatable and the absurd. I'm glad to see they're giving us zany storylines that in reality would make no sense, but are so much fun to watch. 

I totally surprised myself by being GLAD to see Logan again and hoping they make it official. What the what what? I'm a Jess girl. Always have been. But wow, I really liked seeing them together and I feel like at this stage, he might actually be THE right one for her. Hmmmm

2 hours ago, Bec said:

It's nice that Lorelai wants to make sure Luke gets what he wants, but seems to me Luke is already about as happy as he can get. I know his "You can't get everything you want but what I have is great" doesn't sound happy enough for Lorelai, but that's Luke for ya, he's always gonna sound at least a little grumpy.

But I don't think that IS grumpy. I think that's realistic. Does anyone ever get EVERYTHING they want in life? I mean, if they do, good for them. But I think most people have some disappointments in life. I thought the way look was phrasing is is that he's the type of guy to be want what he has, not try to have everything he wants. I see Luke as a totally content guy. And the way Lorelei keeps pushing him to do what she thinks SHOULD make him happy, makes me wonder just how well she knows him. 


1 hour ago, Frelling Tralk said:

I agree that Lorelai can be awful and inappropriate at times, but she did seem genuinally upset and put on the spot that she couldn't come up with a loving story to share (as well as being pretty tipsy at the time), which would fit with the implication that Richard was quite a distant father figure who was away working for most of her childhood. During the series it certainly never came across that they were particularly close, or that Richard had a lot of time for her, so IMO Emily was unfair to complain about Lorelai not coming up with a story on her father taking her to the zoo. I did feel bad for both Emily and Lorelai in that scene though, I can understand Emily feeling hurt that Lorelai couldn't come up with any warm memory of her father. 

I know they had a very distant/strained relationship during her childhood, but things did get a bit better when she was an adult and they reignited things at Friday night dinner. I'm just an outside viewer, and off the top of my head I could think up several good stories she could share - Richard bringing her the dollhouse, when he defended her to Straub and Francine, when he helped her sneak out from the bad blind date. I realize she had been drinking and not eating and was not in a good frame of mind. But then maybe just say, "I'm sorry, I'm too torn up to bring up memories right now, but my father was a very fine man and I know he'd be honored by the stories told hear tonight". If you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing at all. 


13 minutes ago, Eyes High said:

Someone on Twitter said that watching the revival turned for them into a referendum on how well the cast members have aged. Lane appears to be married to a man 20 years her senior.

Oh my gosh, yes! Zach looks awful. 

1 hour ago, deaja said:

She was close enough to Richard to come up with something from adulthood then.

Exactly. Also, the first thing that came to my mind was the doll house. As "bad" as she remembers her childhood, I couldn't believe there wasn't one nice memory she could think to share. 

And this should probably go in the Unpopular Opinion thread, but... Overall, my initial reaction was, "What the hell did I just watch??!?!?!!!" The storylines were not at all how I imagined the characters to have grown and developed over ten years, especially Lorelei. She's in a long-term relationship, but neither brings up the issue of having children, just assumes the other doesn't want them. That's not the Luke/Lorelei end game espoused. 

The Sookie storyline and revolving door of chefs was lame; I agree on the too much Kirk; the boyfriend of Rory's gag was inane; Lane's band rehearses in the living room, seriously? And so much more. For someone who has been so disparaging of Season 7, ASP and DP, wrote Winter so much worse. IMO, the only bright spot was the acting from Emily Bishop. Hopefully, the next episode will be better. 

Nodding my head at your last three points, ghoulina.  I always enjoy Kirk....this was no exception.  I really like Logan, but love Jess too.  It was so much fun the little suprpirises they had for us....Logan coming into the room...and Jason! at the funeral (perhaps some of you knew about this...I was mostly unspoiled).  And I thought Emily's happenings at the mansion were perfect.  

I woke up st 5:40 this morning and fired up Netflix.  It was like Christmas morning.  I'm probably going to be slower getting to the other three episodes...travelled for the holiday and it might be nice to savor them anyway.  First impressions....Oh my gosh...my ears weren't ready to listen so fast!  Will need multiple rewatches to take in all the dialogue.  (Hubby is a fan and will need to see them, so at least one rewatch will be with him).   The first scene of Stars Hollow and first la las's had me tearing up a bit!  So happy!!  Yes, they have aged and their voices are different...I'll get used to it.  Michel's sexual preference is finally made clear...interesting.  They got a little edgy with the language (Lorelai's GD)....glad they didn't go over the top (in this episode anyway.)

(I hate to come across as griping on this happy day, so take this in the spirit it is intended...making note of a significant shortcoming, but not intended to trash this whole revival project.). I've mentioned before that I was 99% unspoiled.  But I did know that Luke and Lorelai would be unmarried and, I presumed, childless.  This is my main problem. Loreali said flat out she watnted more kids (in Partings).  They, even being poor communicators, would have discussed this.  I'm 45 years old.  Trust me, a 48 year old suddenly pondering kids, even if someone else carries it, is pretty far fetched.   Plus, neither Luke or Lorelai seem like the type to be happy just staying in a committed relationship without marrying...even if they were taking it slow.  It just makes no sense for them to be in this place nine years later.

The surrogate thing was just weird.  And I wasn't crazy about Paris' career being shoehorned in with that storyline.  It was great to see her again, but they just went over the top with her being socially inappropriate.  

 I think they should have picked up 2-3 years later and just pretended everyone aged poorly...lol.  Even Rory's storyline would have made more sense.  Everyone, even the band, seems stuck in the past.  

I would have been fine with picking up on Luke and Loreali married and with a kid or two.  That is the only way they should have been nine years later, IMO.  We missed the years in between...that would have been okay for me.  

That said, I'm thrilled to have this show back.  New episodes are a dream come true.  Other than the Luke/Loreali thing I'm not planning on focusing on faults.  I'm so thrilled to have you guys to debrief with!  

Oh, I do think Luke is being realistic and I also see him as content with his life. He just sounds grumpy about having to convince Lorelai that things are fine as far as he's concerned. She's doesn't seem okay with what he said. She wants Luke to be super-duper happy, I guess, but Luke is not the kind of guy who would say he's super-duper happy. That's too over-the-top for Luke.

21 minutes ago, cantbeflapped said:

The surrogate thing was just weird.  And I wasn't crazy about Paris' career being shoehorned in with that storyline.  It was great to see her again, but they just went over the top with her being socially inappropriate.  

I mean, Paris is pretty much the definition of socially inappropriate. So that didn't feel all that off to me, though I did think she'd be more of a research doctor and not an RE? Surrogate matching only? Whatever she was?

I agree that Luke is a realist person and that's why the picture window and the baby and the not getting married was good enough for him. He let Lorelai define, apparently by things she did not say, their relationship over the past nine years. That included having a kid and getting married. That seems to be very true to his "like to see her happy" character. He said that repeatedly in these four episodes, and didn't seem unhappy about anything.

22 minutes ago, deaja said:

I mean, Paris is pretty much the definition of socially inappropriate. So that didn't feel all that off to me, though I did think she'd be more of a research doctor and not an RE? Surrogate matching only? Whatever she was?

Refresh my memory:  Was Paris always headed to medical school?  I thought she was going to stay with journalism, same as Rory.

I have a hard time seeing Liza Weil as anything other Bonnie Winterbottom these days.  Which is quite an accomplishment, because all I saw was Paris when HTGAWM started.

1 hour ago, Eyes High said:

That Emily/Lorelai fight was amazing. Loved it. Has Emily ever dragged Lorelai that hard before? That was brutal.

Their fight at the end of Rory's Dance, maybe. 

I haven't had a chance to watch the rest of the eps yet (hoping to get to it today) but I liked this one. I loved the end with Luke telling Lorelai that she's going to therapy with her mom. Usually it's Lorelai educating everyone else on how Emily operates.

3 hours ago, starri said:

Has Michel's husband actually met Michel?  That man has negative paternal leanings. 

Maybe he has a thing for French guys.  But if that's the case, why bother MARRYING HIM???!!!!!  Lots of fish in the sea, as they say.

ETA: I pictured Michel being single and complaining about why guys don't like him.

Edited by PRgal
33 minutes ago, Deputy Deputy CoS said:

I am so upset. I can't find it on Netflix. I've been binge watching 5/6/7 the last week and it brings me back to where I left off every time I try a search 

It's by it's self. I found it listed at the top of the page. While I don't have OCD, it is bothering me that it was listed with the rest of the show. I was really looking forward to a "season 8" appearing.

Anyhow, I have to admit that left me feeling depressed. Seriously is nobody happy in this show. Kirk is still doing random jobs, but this time everyone was rude to him. I mean, I guess Lane and Zach are okay, but he has a job that he hates but at least they are together. Luke and Lorieli are together but still haven't gotten married and there is a the whole kid thing. I really hope they don't go with sarigate thing... as then we have to watch that character on the screen.  I was also sad to hear that Paris and Doyle weren't together, as both actors actually said that they wanted to still be together. Actually now that I think about it the only character who didn't bother me at all was Taylor.

As for Paul thing, that annoyed me so much! Rory just break up with him, which she should have done two years ago. I don't get why she is even with him, when she clearly doesn't care about him at all. I hope he dumps her actually. That whole storyline I seriously hated, it shows how self-centered Rory is. And to have a fling with Logan, when she technique is still dating someone.

I did like Emily's story. Though I don't get the point of the family unless they are con-artists or something. I get that Lorieli wasn't close to her father growing up, but couldn't she have said something about their adult relationship. I agree with Rory mention how well read he was and hell, even mention his relationship with Rory. I get that she was drunk,  but she was sober enough to try to move a few seats over. All she had to do was say something nice about him, even if it wasn't a "story". And Emily should have understood that she just lost her father. I'm glad that they are going to therapy together. I doubt it, but I keep hoping the show will have them get something out of it as appose to making it a joke. As a social worker, I would have also told Emily to bring her daughter in. As their relationship is worth saving.

I'm definitely going to watch the rest of it. But I have to admit, I didn't particularly like this episode.

Edited by blueray
14 hours ago, cantbeflapped said:

 I think they should have picked up 2-3 years later and just pretended everyone aged poorly...lol. Even Rory's storyline would have made more sense. Everyone, even the band, seems stuck in the past.

The thought that everyone's been treading water for 9 years is a little disturbing. I haven't rewatched the show since it ended and probably could have hand-waved the cast aging since their previous faces aren't super clear in my mind.

I'd at least like to have seen Lorelei and Luke married. I'm supposed to accept that they've never discussed having children? Come on.

Being unable to say one nice thing about her father was typically shitty Lorelei behavior. Hammering at her mother about the huge painting was another "all about Lorelei" moment. She just had to be right.

Edited by lordonia

I didn't like the Paul subplot. Literally forgetting him was supposed To be funny, I presume, but really it just seemed they are still super self-centered. Seeing that Rory's also cheating on him just solidifies that.

The whole Paul subplot comes off, to me, as mean-spirited and nasty instead of funny. Especially since Paul seems like a decent guy, for the most part. If he was a douchy millennial it might it might've been a little funny and I might not have been so turned off about Rory's dismissive, self-absorbed behavior. The only way out of that for Rory is if she gets a taste of her own medicine with Paul, maybe walking in on his "Vegas agreement" with another girl when she goes to break up with him.

Honestly, the show was meandering up until the great Kelly Bishop strolled in and showed them how it's done. The funeral scene was some of the best drama the show has ever done, felt very real and poignant. I thought Emily was harsh to Lorelai but she did speak some very real truths, especially about Lorelai being indulged by her friends and family in SH and being told how right she always is.  Give Kelly her Emmy now, I say.

As I thought, Lorelai and Rory weren't the highlight for me. Loved seeing the townies, Lane and the Band, Luke actually have a decent moment with Taylor, I didn't even mind Kirk too much. Also loved that Michal is married, can't wait to meet Fredrick. Paris came on a little strong but was interesting to hear how Doyle became a big time screenwriter and let it go to his head. I see what you did there, show, and I approve.

Was a little turned off by the running gag of Emily's maid and her entire family seemingly not speaking a lick of English or any other language know to man. Also didn't like how they seemed to be setting up the maid and family as possible cons or leaches. I hope it doesn't turn out that way but ASP always did  like pushing the PC envelope whenever she could.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
so excited I can't spell anymore:)
6 minutes ago, HeySandyStrange said:

I thought Emily was harsh to Lorelai but she did speak some very real truths, especially about Lorelai being indulged by her friends and family in SH and being told how right she always is.

I don't think Emily was harsh in the slightest.  I know that Richard and Emily were mystified with their rebellious daughter, and dealt with her about as badly as possible, but I also know they were there to support her when she needed it.  I also know that she really loved her dad.  I don't think she babbled those awful stories on purpose, but even booze-addled, she could have tried harder.

The scene with Emily throwing stuff out while wearing Lorelei's Candie's t-shirt and jeans is the kind of stuff they should have been able to have by about S4, and frankly, if ASP was a better writer, they could have had while still keeping the relationship dramatically interesting.


I've got plenty left to watch, but I DO have to point out some stuff that bugged me right in the first 2 minutes.

I strongly disliked the echoes of the past bullshit during the opening titles. No. Just no. It's too self-consciously nostalgic, and in an odd way self-congratulatory.

One step further, I kind of outright HATED the bit a minute or so later when the show went uber-reflexive and had Alexis, as Rory, comment on how she "haven't done that for a while" (a hyper-speed Gilmore Girls rant about something inconsequential). The charm of the show is supposed to be too effortless for reflexive fourth wall breaking to be necessary. It comes off as a stupid stunt.  THEN they had to follow that up with "how long's it been?" "Feels like years.", which was a much softer version of the same thing, but only bugged because it was chasing the other one so closely.

On the other hand, they won me back a whole lot the moment I saw Miss Patty's silly open air dance studio, just like it always was.

Back to watching.

Edited by Kromm

Part of me was prepared to outright dislike this, another part hoped I'd love it, and the reality proved to be somewhere in between...though a bit more to the 'dislike' side. I'm just kind of indifferent to it. I think I'd give it a C. My view of this episode could definitely change once I view the subsequent ones. Taken on its own, though, it just felt kind of off, kind of dark, kind of trying-too-hard-ish. And I agree with whoever felt vaguely depressed by it. For me, this show was always at its best when it was sparkly and life-affirming, not when they placed too much of an emphasis on drama. And I get that drama, sadness, confusion, anger etc. are all part of life and part of this show, but it just felt like in this installment that wasn't counterbalanced by the positive energy, warmth and hope that the best GG episodes gave us.

Oh, Rory. I loved you so much for the first few seasons of this series. And I don't think you've grown and changed over the years so much as pitifully regressed, becoming your less likable self and losing a lot of what made me once love you. Sigh. I mean, look, I've been lost personally and professionally a lot too, so I should be able to really relate to Rory's storyline, but she somehow acts like a passive, vaguely petulant victim of her own life rather than a proactive participant, and it really bugs me.  

 Luke and Lorelai still seemed flat and joyless to me. There was too much forced emphasis on the every-so-preciously quirky townies for me. Some of the pop culture references felt really strained. 

I liked seeing Paris again, Emily/KB had some amazing material and...well, that's about it for the stuff I really liked. Maybe Spring will spark a rebirth of my GG love :) 

32 minutes ago, HeySandyStrange said:

The whole Paul subplot comes off, to me, as mean-spirited and nasty instead of funny. Especially since Paul seems like a decent guy, for the most part. If he was a douchy millennial it might it might've been a little funny and I might not have been so turned off about Rory's dismissive, self-absorbed behavior. The only way out of that for Rory is if she gets a taste of her own medicine with Paul, maybe walking in on his "Vegas agreement" with another girl when she goes to break up with him.

Honestly, the show was meandering up until the great Kelly Bishop strolled in and showed them how it's done. The funeral scene was some of the best drama the show has ever done, felt very real and poignant. I thought Emily was harsh to Lorelai but she did speak some very real truths, especially about Lorelai being indulged by her friends and family in SH and being told how right she always is.  Give Kelly her Emmy now, I say.

Emily dragging Lorelai won "Fans' Problems with Lorelai Bingo," my God:

1. Wondering what was so terrible about Emily and Richard's treatment of Lorelai. ("What did we do to fill you with such contempt? Love you? Support you? Love Rory? Support Rory?")

2. Referencing how Lorelai hurt Emily and Richard by distancing herself from them and insulting them. ("What did you mean to do? Break my heart in public? No fun doing it in private anymore?" DAMN.)

3. Mocking Lorelai's obsession with food. ("You, not eaten? Please. (...) I'm surprised you didn't have a pizza delivered during 'Ave Maria.'")

4. Calling out Lorelai's selfishness and self-absorption. ("You never do anything unless it's what you want to do. (...) Nothing matters to [Lorelai] except what she wants and feels.")

5. Pointing out how Lorelai plays the victim and is indulged by everyone in Stars Hollow. ("Go back to your beloved town with its carnies and misfits. Tell them how your intolerable mother yelled at you at your father's funeral. They can all console you and tell you what a witch I am and how perfect you are!" Again...DAMN.)

I recall Lorelai and Emily's exchanges being a little more even-handed in the original series. I don't recall seeing Lorelai ever verbally destroyed like that by Emily before. When Emily goes in, she goes in.

Edited by Eyes High
1 minute ago, Eyes High said:

Emily dragging Lorelai won "Fans' Problems with Lorelai Bingo," my God:

1. Wondering what was so terrible about Emily and Richard's treatment of Lorelai. ("What did we do to fill you with such contempt? Love you? Support you? Love Rory? Support Rory?")

2. Referencing how Lorelai hurt Emily and Richard by distancing herself from them and insulting them. ("What did you mean to do? Break my heart in public? No fun doing it in private anymore?" DAMN.)

3. Mocking Lorelai's obsession with food. ("You, not eaten? Please. (...) I'm surprised you didn't have a pizza delivered during 'Ave Maria.'")

4. Calling out Lorelai's selfishness and self-absorption. ("You never do anything unless it's what you want to do. (...) Nothing matters to [Lorelai] except what she wants and feels.")

5. Pointing out how Lorelai plays the victim and is indulged by everyone in Stars Hollow. ("Go back to your beloved town with its carnies and misfits. Tell them how your intolerable mother yelled at you at your father's funeral. They can all console you and tell you what a witch I am and how perfect you are!" Again...DAMN.)

I loved this scene. It was on point with how I've felt as an adult watching reruns. Lorelei has been terrible to her parents and does view herself as a victim.

5 minutes ago, deaja said:

Maybe a trust fund? Christopher or the grandparents. 

I guess.  I thought her comment about not wanting to buy her apartment and storing her possessions at various places was at least partly due to money and not just to her lack of direction.

Also, I don't know that I'd see Lorelei Gilmore's daughter being willing to live off family money.  Lorelei would sooner sell a kidney.

2 minutes ago, blueray said:

I thought she did have employment. She is co-writing a book with that British lady. I thought that's why she was in London.

She wouldn't get paid for that until she had a contract with a publisher.  And it didn't sound like she and River Song had that yet.

19 minutes ago, lordonia said:

Being unable to say one nice thing about her father was typically shitty Lorelei behavior. Hammering at her mother about the huge painting was another "all about Lorelei" moment. She just had to be right.

Completely agree, here. Especially during their fight afterwards. Emily is clearly very, very upset, and Lorelai immediately jumps to 'But, what about MY feelings? I lost a father.' It made me want to shake her. She wanted to be cut some slack for her pain, but didn't want to give Emily the same courtesy. And personally, (not to make this a competition in suffering) I feel Emily is more justified in lashing out since Richard was more to her than he was to Lorelai. 

Alexis Bledel is the weakest in her role imo. She probably gets better over time as she gets the hang of things, but her 'rhythm' was off. I found everyone else really believable outside of her. Especially, Lauren Graham and Kelly Bishop. 

I could see that the Paul joke was supposed to be funny, but it wasn't in the least to me. I just cringed the entire way through. It's not funny that Rory is (yet again) treating a sweet, innocent guy like crap for no reason. And the 'joke' is supposed to be that Rory cares so little about Paul that she can't even break up with him? It's also telling that she's so comfortable cheating on him, too. Just walking around Logan's apartment, in some layabout clothes, the kisses that don't lead to anything,  telling him all about her day. Logan and Rory were cute together, ngl, but I'm already soured on Rory. She better get called out on this behavior and actually LEARN from it.

I want Luke and Lorelai to have the baby in part because I would really like if they had a kid, but only if they both want it. Luke seems very happy with his life now. He doesn't seem to feel as if they 'missed their chance' or that he was settling. He just knows that life works out the way it does, not how you want it to, and that how it ends up is alright. Like he said you don't always get everything you want. I do think Lorelai wants a baby, but it's hard to determine whether or not she'd want a baby otherwise or she really wants it now because she thinks that Luke should have this. 

Paris was wonderful. Running a surrogacy agency is not something I'd see her doing, but she did mention at the office that she hardly ever meets face to face any more (or something to that effect) so maybe this is like a booming side job. I can dream. I'm very upset she and Doyle are going through a divorce. I thought they were well-suited and I was looking forward to seeing them as a strong power couple in the face of Rory's floundering. I'm crossing my fingers that they end up reconciling since Paris didn't say anything was set in stone. 

56 minutes ago, junienmomo said:

I also thought the family would ultimately be con artists. As employees, they didn't click for me compared to the Emily who cared enough about her safety to have a panic room. Personality wise they also didn't click for me with Emily. 

The maid family thing was weird. It felt very dated as joke. Like no one in the family speaks English, no other person even with high credentials (the UN translator niece) can figure out the language, and Emily having to make all those gestures to communicate. It felt a little offensive, tbh. Very 2000s to have a bunch of stereotypes altogether like that. And I couldn't tell if I was supposed to find it funny or not. Though to be fair, I didn't really find Emily's revolving door of maids all that amusing.

Lane's little family was cute. I actually really dig the atmosphere of her living room. However, I do agree that Zach look way older than her. Keiko Agena has fantastic genes and should be feared. 

39 minutes ago, starri said:

I guess.  I thought her comment about not wanting to buy her apartment and storing her possessions at various places was at least partly due to money and not just to her lack of direction.

Also, I don't know that I'd see Lorelei Gilmore's daughter being willing to live off family money.  Lorelei would sooner sell a kidney.


Personally, I think we've seen that Rory does not have her mom's drive or independence.

2 hours ago, starri said:

I don't know, I can't quite buy her as a fertility doctor.  That seems like it requires a slightly warmer personality.

I'm with you. It feels off to me. The only sense I can make out of it is that maybe it's a booming industry and she really wanted the power/money. But I don't know that that feels true to Paris, for me. 


33 minutes ago, FrumiusManxome said:

Completely agree, here. Especially during their fight afterwards. Emily is clearly very, very upset, and Lorelai immediately jumps to 'But, what about MY feelings? I lost a father.' It made me want to shake her. She wanted to be cut some slack for her pain, but didn't want to give Emily the same courtesy. And personally, (not to make this a competition in suffering) I feel Emily is more justified in lashing out since Richard was more to her than he was to Lorelai. 

100% Yes, losing a father is terribly sad. But let's not try to repaint the past. They had had a very rocky relationship over the years, and you can't compare it to what his WIFE of 50 years lost. 

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