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Michonne: A Weapon with a Weapon

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As a current resident of the DC metropolitan area I will tell you that the people aren't very nice, Congress lives here, the traffic makes you both homicidal and suicidal, it's pretty in the spring and, in the event of a zombie apocalypse, this is the place to be.  I support the push for DC.  If some cops set up base in Atlanta, I guarantee you there is a full community of military, scientists, and infrastructure here.  If anything survives a disaster, it will be DC.  Or rather if DC doesn't survive, nothing will.

I've frequently thought the DC pre- and post-ZA social environments wouldn't differ to any significant extent. Especially around Dupont Circle. :)

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If all they know about the "wolves" is that they're operating nearby, I'd say that "nearby" is pretty much the last place you want to settle. Especially if you consider that somebody near Washington is running around carving "W"'s on their victims. Sounds to me like Bush is pushing for a third term, and Cheney is running around turning all who oppose into campaign logos.

Edited by CletusMusashi
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Michonne really took control of things tonight. There was no debating. She said what they were going to do and they did it. I liked her private conversations with Rick. If anyone can give pointers on not letting the darkness take over she can.

I know some are concerned with her becoming the beacon of hope and thus headed for inevitable death, but I don't think Michonne will ever become that. I'd rather say she's becoming more so the voice of reason. Yes, there's some hope in there too, but some of the points she's made were good. They can't continue to be on the road, otherwise they'll all get picked off eventually by one thing or another. I can certainly understand why she wanted to take a chance with the new guy. But I also liked that she was wisely cautious (not as cautious as Rick though) and asked questions when she found discrepancies in the new guy's story.

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I don't normally watch Talking Dead, but I caught it last night & Danai Gurira was on. Holy shit, is that woman gorgeous! I had no idea she looked like that in real life. When I first put the show on, I caught a quick glimpse of her & thought it was Lupita Nyong'o (who is also gorgeous), but realized that didn't make any sense. It literally took me a minute to figure out who she was, because she looks nothing like Michonne. She is really transformed when she gets into character. 

  • Love 1

I don't normally watch Talking Dead, but I caught it last night & Danai Gurira was on. Holy shit, is that woman gorgeous! I had no idea she looked like that in real life. When I first put the show on, I caught a quick glimpse of her & thought it was Lupita Nyong'o (who is also gorgeous), but realized that didn't make any sense. It literally took me a minute to figure out who she was, because she looks nothing like Michonne. She is really transformed when she gets into character. 


I too was surprised. She looks totally different with the Jack Sparrow wig.

  • Love 1

I too was surprised. She looks totally different with the Jack Sparrow wig.

What doesn't make sense to me, and maybe someone can explain, is what the purpose of the headband supposedly is, when some dreads are inside it and some outside it. I know in real life it's probably holding the wig on or covering her real hairline or something. In the comic, her dreads are all outside the headband and it looks more realistic to me. Honestly, I know it's an iconic look, but I wish they'd change it up now that the character's established.

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Do we know what Michonne's job was pre-ZA? In her dream, she was dressed for office work, enjoyed art, and had a nice home & family.

Carrying on the discussion from the episode thread, this is why I object to her being called an asexual robot who isn't allowed to cuddle or be soft. We see she had a partner and a child, we know she has that within her. We know she's not asexual--but she's been severely grief-stricken for a lot of the time we've known her (and a lot of the time before we knew her, after her son died).

Yes, others are having sex now, but those that are haven't lost what she's lost--a small child. That's a particularly hard pain, and for a long time she pretty much closed herself off to everyone.

I don't feel like, just because she hasn't found her some by now that she's in some way not allowed to be soft or vulnerable or sexual.

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Do we know what Michonne's job was pre-ZA? In her dream, she was dressed for office work, enjoyed art, and had a nice home & family.

I think she had a gallery; remember how she said the cat figure was to beautiful not to take. Her condo was very up to date stylish and if you remember the "nightmare" she was dressed very well. What gets me is we never learn some things about some characters...if you check the wiki make sure you add TV character otherwise it will go to the TWD comic wiki...and that is waaay different for most of them.

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There's been a debate for several years now about whether Michonne is too desexualized on the show. I've never really been that bothered by it, but I did feel like they missed an opportunity last night to have her try to dress up, and feel "normal" and possibly even flirt with a man. Instead we just got that random conversation on the back porch with Abraham.

Edited by Pete Martell
  • Love 1

There's been a debate for several years now about whether Michonne is too desexualized on the show. I've never really been that bothered by it, but I did feel like they missed an opportunity last night to have her try to dress up, and feel "normal" and possibly even flirt with a man. Instead we just got that random conversation on the back porch with Abraham.


I was shocked when Michonne told Abraham she was wearing a dress—the camera was so tight on her face I never got a glimpse of what she was wearing.


I did notice her admiring her own ass in the mirror when she donned the "Paul Blart: Mall Cop" outfit. 

  • Love 3

There's been a debate for several years now about whether Michonne is too desexualized on the show. I've never really been that bothered by it, but I did feel like they missed an opportunity last night to have her try to dress up, and feel "normal" and possibly even flirt with a man. Instead we just got that random conversation on the back porch with Abraham.

I think I said this in one of the episode threads: if there's one person on this show who's dressed to emphasize her sexuality almost every episode, it's Michonne. Low cut tank top with what looks to be a push-up bra, spray-painted on jeans that lift and separate her butt. Michonne doesn't need to put on a dress to be sexy!

I don't think any of our group was up to flirting. They were so she'll-shocked just being there that I think more people than just Sasha would have had a meltdown if anyone had tried flirting with them. I don't think Rick and Jessie were even flirting--they both pulled back surprised from a peck on the cheek.

Michonne couldn't even handle being in the crowded party. I think flirting would have been too much to ask of anyone. Hell, Maggie and Glen weren't even being affectionate. It was like stepping into the Twilight Zone for all of them.

Even though Michonne's our girl and we want to see her showing her softer side, I just think that's a ways away if it's played out realistically.

Edited because my phone changes 'to' to 'too'!

Edited by BrokenRemote
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I wouldn't want her to get hot and heavy, but I think since she was trying to fully experience Alexandria, a scene where she struck up a somewhat flirty convo with somebody, only to realize her heart wasn't in it, could have been a good moment. 


I feel like she's trying hard but deep down I wonder if Alexandria is what she thought it would be.

Disappointed, if not surprised, at Michonne getting some fan hate for being "disloyal." I've even seen her called "the new Andrea."


When your supposed friend is so disturbed that he has devolved into unhinged rants in front of the town and he has made it clear that he prioritizes a woman he barely knows over everyone - the town, his children, his group - you owe them nothing.




I hate this story for many reasons but the biggest reason of all is that Rick shows his ass and Michonne gets the fan backlash.

Edited by Pete Martell

I wouldn't want her to get hot and heavy, but I think since she was trying to fully experience Alexandria, a scene where she struck up a somewhat flirty convo with somebody, only to realize her heart wasn't in it, could have been a good moment. 


I feel like she's trying hard but deep down I wonder if Alexandria is what she thought it would be.

As far as the party and flirting, I've thought that it might have made more sense for Sasha to be the one on the porch, alienated and not talking to anyone, and maybe Michonne as the one who is being taken there by Spencer.

Not that I don't like Spencer and Sasha, but I think it was hard to feel Sasha going somewhere with a guy being in the state she was in. Then we don't see her with him again all night.

Abraham could have come out and persuaded Sasha to come inside, and then the WTH? scene starts.


Michonne is, as you posted, trying hard and wondering if she made a mistake. So I would be more likely to see her---more outward and trying to make this place likeable---as the one who'd think, hell, go with this guy to the party, he's not a tool like his brother, I can get him to introduce me around and see if the ice breaks.

Disappointed, if not surprised, at Michonne getting some fan hate for being "disloyal." I've even seen her called "the new Andrea."


When your supposed friend is so disturbed that he has devolved into unhinged rants in front of the town and he has made it clear that he prioritizes a woman he barely knows over everyone - the town, his children, his group - you owe them nothing.




I hate this story for many reasons but the biggest reason of all is that Rick shows his ass and Michonne gets the fan backlash.

Hence the reason I don't read any online comments other than here. :-\

Hence the reason I don't read any online comments other than here. :-\


Right? The few times I have I've wanted to claw my eyes out with a rusty fork. It's all, "Daryl is so hot, OMG, I love Beth, Michonne is a bitch". Yada yada yada. 


I love Rick, and personally I think the writers are doing him a disservice with this crap....but, while Michonne shocked me, her actions did not anger me. If anything, she was saving Rick from himself. He's a cunt hair away from being hauled over the gate (well, they could try). So maybe she just wanted to shut him up and try to get him in line before he did something that put his entire family at risk. Deanna's a bitch, if you ask me. And the ASZhats need to be schooled...badly. But they need this place. And maybe there's a way to get things in order without Rick going apeshit crazy. 

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It was jarring to see Michonne without her sword. I felt she was almost naked out there, though she obviously knows her way around a gun. Swords don't run out of ammo though.


I agree with your take on Michonne's actions, ghoulina. She cares for him, and she knows what he's been through ("I know you see things. I talk to my dead boyfriend.") I think she has to know this is hard on him, AND that his default response of late is zero to crazy man in 2 seconds; I just wish we'd get a conversation between them, re: about how they are dealing with it. Maybe next episode.

It was jarring to see Michonne without her sword. I felt she was almost naked out there, though she obviously knows her way around a gun. Swords don't run out of ammo though.


My husband thought the same thing. He immediately noticed it wasn't across her back and was so distracted by that. I don't see why she can't carry both the katana and a gun. I get that maybe the katana reminds her of a time she wants to forget, but it really is very effective. Use that as your primary weapon, keep the gun on your hip for backup. Did Rosita only have a knife out there???

People really think Michonne is being disloyal by punching Rick out? If anything she was being a great friend by curing his bad case of Shanuitis. I swear she's the only one with any common sense on this show.


I've heard people saying she "took liberties" (which is an odd way to put it - you'd think she grabbed his cock) and other comments that imply she forgot her place, that she is selfish.


That's how some always tend to see Richonne. 


Her place is trying to help herself, the people she chose to represent, and her group. And that's what she did with that punch. She also helped Rick, as she has helped him over and over again.


I get so frustrated, because I always want to see more of Michonne, but in episodes like this, even where, yet again, her own story and journey mostly bubbles under, what they wrote for her was so good (I loved the scene where she started having flashbacks to her own walker kills and breakdown and got involved with what Sasha was doing to clear her own head and shake out some of the cobwebs of Alexandria). I just...I want more. Yet I don't want more in a way that will destroy the character.


I'm glad they are at least building up her relationships with other female characters. 


I do wonder if the show remembers she and Carl used to know each other.

It was jarring to see Michonne without her sword. I felt she was almost naked out there, though she obviously knows her way around a gun. Swords don't run out of ammo though.


I remember in "Home" she wasn't good with a gun - I wonder if she just didn't know how to use a semi, or if she's had gun training since.

Disappointed, if not surprised, at Michonne getting some fan hate for being "disloyal." I've even seen her called "the new Andrea."


When your supposed friend is so disturbed that he has devolved into unhinged rants in front of the town and he has made it clear that he prioritizes a woman he barely knows over everyone - the town, his children, his group - you owe them nothing.




I hate this story for many reasons but the biggest reason of all is that Rick shows his ass and Michonne gets the fan backlash.


So now I'm curious what the detractors think Michonne or anyone else should have done.


Rick was beating a man and ranting in the street like a crazy person, covered in blood and waving a gun around.  At that point it really didn't matter if what he was saying had any truth in it.  No one besides truly hardcore loyalists were going to hear it.  Because again, blood-covered guy yelling in the street and waving a gun. It was ugly and I could see why members of his own crew seemed almost paralyzed by it.  


But at that point you have to question what would have happened had Michonne not intervened.   Rick could have gone so far over he might have shot someone.  He might have kept running his mouth until the decision was made for him to kick him out, kick his kids out, kick out the entire group.  Despite Deanna's no executions edict, the ASZhats might have decided to put him down like a dog.  None of the rest of our crew are ready or in any position to stage any kind of takeover.  Michonne taking him out was the least bad thing anyone could do to him or for him until he could hopefully regain his bearings and pull his head out of his ass.

  • Love 1

So now I'm curious what the detractors think Michonne or anyone else should have done.


I saw comments like she should have talked with Glenn and they would have each grabbed one of his arms. That's a great idea, but given that he had a gun in his hands, that's easier said than done.


You can always pull back the thin veneer of acceptance in moments like these. It was disheartening to read that EW article about the fight scene and see comments about how Michonne is a c*** who always betrays the group, or is lashing out because Rick has found a new woman (which makes great sense considering that she's clearly spent the last three seasons trying to get into Rick's pants...)


I guess at least some people were defending her, which is better than nothing. 

Meh - I'm sure there are people out there who think Michonne is speaking to them through the TV.  There's a lot of wacky out in the world and even the non-wacky are going to have differing opinions which may even by ugly. 


I don't have a problem with what Michonne did, it's a violent world and Rick was acting nuts with a gun in his hand.  if anything, I trust her to use enough force to knock him out but not do permanent damage. 


I liked her in this episode; she cares about Sasha, how she didn't hesitate to go with Rosita.  I don't get the sense of Alexandria conformity YAY that other people are getting.  She wants to be safe and clean and all that, but is having a hard time letting go of the way she's been living - we see her flashback in the woods.  She didn't take the katana but she still got things done.  She is generally no nonsense and upfront (now that she's talking, not like when she was first introduced), which are traits I like very much. 


I've seen a little something with her and Rick but that's my personal opinion that I know not everyone shares.  I like their friendship and ease with each other and hope that never changes; my guess is linking them romantically would change it for the worse so I'd rather they not go there at all if that's the case.  I hope we see more of her friendship with Carl though.

Edited by raven
  • Love 1

So now I'm curious what the detractors think Michonne or anyone else should have done.

Rick was beating a man and ranting in the street like a crazy person, covered in blood and waving a gun around. At that point it really didn't matter if what he was saying had any truth in it. No one besides truly hardcore loyalists were going to hear it. Because again, blood-covered guy yelling in the street and waving a gun. It was ugly and I could see why members of his own crew seemed almost paralyzed by it.

But at that point you have to question what would have happened had Michonne not intervened. Rick could have gone so far over he might have shot someone. He might have kept running his mouth until the decision was made for him to kick him out, kick his kids out, kick out the entire group. Despite Deanna's no executions edict, the ASZhats might have decided to put him down like a dog. None of the rest of our crew are ready or in any position to stage any kind of takeover. Michonne taking him out was the least bad thing anyone could do to him or for him until he could hopefully regain his bearings and pull his head out of his ass.

She didn't stop Rick when he was beating a man. Jessie and Carl tried. Michonne didn't stop him until he was waving a gun and ranting. I'd have preferred she did intervene while Rick was beating Pete instead of waiting until she did.

Whoever mentioned about her having to make her uniform bigger--it was too big. She was using shoelaces to take it in at the back, pulling the excess fabric together.

I saw comments like she should have talked with Glenn and they would have each grabbed one of his arms. That's a great idea, but given that he had a gun in his hands, that's easier said than done.

You can always pull back the thin veneer of acceptance in moments like these. It was disheartening to read that EW article about the fight scene and see comments about how Michonne is a c*** who always betrays the group, or is lashing out because Rick has found a new woman (which makes great sense considering that she's clearly spent the last three seasons trying to get into Rick's pants...)

I guess at least some people were defending her, which is better than nothing.

I pretty much assume on sites like EW.com that people that say outrageously rude and vile things are basically trolls, saying things they know will upset people just to watch the reaction. On popular sites with lots of readers you see trolls much more. You see it on news stories even.

I take fan comments on sites like this as much more indicative of how real viewers feel. And there's no denying that Michonne is one of the most popular characters on the show.

  • Love 1

Sites like that are more extreme, but even places where Michonne is usually pretty popular, like AV Club, I ended up seeing the weird "she's just like Andrea" stuff (along with praise of course).


I think Michonne's pretty popular, but sometimes I feel with some fans that's based on how people see her role - if she's there to never step too far out of line of the main power core. 


That's why I'd rather they move her into other stories rather than have her just challenge Rick (or Rick and Carol, or Daryl, or what have you) and have it limit or punish the character.

I've heard people saying she "took liberties" (which is an odd way to put it - you'd think she grabbed his cock) and other comments that imply she forgot her place, that she is selfish.

That's how some always tend to see Richonne.

Her place is trying to help herself, the people she chose to represent, and her group. And that's what she did with that punch. She also helped Rick, as she has helped him over and over again.

I get so frustrated, because I always want to see more of Michonne, but in episodes like this, even where, yet again, her own story and journey mostly bubbles under, what they wrote for her was so good (I loved the scene where she started having flashbacks to her own walker kills and breakdown and got involved with what Sasha was doing to clear her own head and shake out some of the cobwebs of Alexandria). I just...I want more. Yet I don't want more in a way that will destroy the character.

I'm glad they are at least building up her relationships with other female characters.

I do wonder if the show remembers she and Carl used to know each other.

I remember in "Home" she wasn't good with a gun - I wonder if she just didn't know how to use a semi, or if she's had gun training since.

You know, it's interesting when speaking with some casual viewers who are not as obsesed with the show, who don't go online at all about the show (its surprising how the online community is so small compared to the vast amount of viewers who do not go online about the show) and who only look at it for purely entertainment purposes. Some thought they saw a familial unit between michonne and the Grimes, especially with the church scene with Carl and baby Judith, now they are confused about her relationship with Rick and kids because of Jessie and Rick and because she and Carl have not interacted in ASZ. Because of this, these particular casual viewers think maybe shes just a best friend? They still look at her as someone who is there for Rick, to watch his back and to protect his kids. Interestingly, they don't view Rick in quite the same way regarding Michonne, so yes this is treading dangerously close to black friend/mammy trope territory. Other casual viewers perception of Michonne since this last epospde is that she did the right thing subduing Rick. They don't like this crazytown Rick and wondered, will Michonne now be leader? And a few others perception of her is still the black chick with the sword who is by Ricks side to fight his battles (pretty much like a black female Daryl, Daryl is still real popular with the casuals). This viewpoint treads very close to black female warrior as weapon trope. These POVs are from casual viewers from my family, my job and club who have not read the comics and don't follow the show online. It's interesting to see their varied perceptions of Michonne from how she is portrayed so far on the show. Has anyone here had any similar input from casual viewers regarding Michonne?

Edited by Bass

You know, it's interesting when speaking with some casual viewers who are not as obsesed with the show, who don't go online at all about the show (its surprising how the online community is so small compared to the vast amount of viewers who do not go online about the show) and who only look at it for purely entertainment purposes. Some thought they saw a familial unit between michonne and the Grimes, especially with the church scene with Carl and baby Judith, now they are confused about her relationship with Rick and kids because of Jessie and Rick and because she and Carl have not interacted in ASZ. Because of this, these particular casual viewers think maybe shes just a best friend? They still look at her as someone who is there for Rick, to watch his back and to protect his kids. Interestingly, they don't view Rick in quite the same way regarding Michonne, so yes this is treading dangerously close to black friend/mammy trope territory. Other casual viewers perception of Michonne since this last epospde is that she did the right thing subduing Rick. They don't like this crazytown Rick and wondered, will Michonne now be leader? And a few others perception of her is still the black chick with the sword who is by Ricks side to fight his battles (pretty much like a black female Daryl, Daryl is still real popular with the casuals). This viewpoint treads very close to black female warrior as weapon trope. These POVs are from casual viewers from my family, my job and club who have not read the comics and don't follow the show online. It's interesting to see their varied perceptions of Michonne from how she is portrayed so far on the show. Has anyone here had any similar input from casual viewers regarding Michonne?

I think there is a possibility she could be leader, because the leader needs to be someone both CDB and ASZ people trust.

I think the relationship with Carl was screwed up by the writers the same way Maggie suddenly forgot who Beth was. Carl had the Enid storyline coming up, and now he doesn't seem to be put in scenes with anyone except when they wanted him to get tossed aside by Rick.


I almost think keeping the katana and other iconic stuff can be a mistake. Having Abe/Rosita/Eugene appear as the action figure trio has locked them into a logo long after they should have just become people. The katana makes it too easy to keep saying Samurai chick. Michonne is more than slashing walkers with the blade, but still when she comes up even in media articles it is always the go-to description.

So casual viewers slot people into that pigeonhole; Daryl is always the "the crossbow guy" Michonne is the samurai, Carl is the kid with the hat,...it all sounds like Gareth loading them in the boxcar at Terminus.

I don't know if Michonne is being confined just by the sword. But when casual viewers don't think past the iconic image it takes longer for her character to be recognized as more than that.

I'm very happy to hear that. If you didn't have to read comments about Michonne not "knowing her place," I'm glad, because it's something I wish I'd never read.


Ya know, reading some of your posts, I find myself scratching my head and wondering why you give SO much credibility to the lunatic fringe? The internet my give everyone a voice, but if what someone says is foolish, or bigoted, or illogical it is your prerogative to utterly ignore those comments. Don't give these idiots traction by repeating their stupid comments. Don't contemplate these ravings and debate them as if they are valid. Don't treat the comments like they are protected free speech, treat them exactly like what they are, drivel from the mouths of fools. These peple are the internet equivalent of the homeless guy down at the bus stop wearing an aluminum foil hat and ranting on and on about the government controlling our minds with gamma rays sent out through our TV sets. Please treat them as such.

Edited by Bongo Fury
  • Love 3

Ya know, reading some of your posts, I find myself scratching my head and wondering why you give SO much credibility to the lunatic fringe? 


Mostly because I'm never sure how much weight they have. I do think that type of fan hate had an impact on the fate of characters like Andrea. In the case of Michonne, even if she's a lot more popular than Andrea, it's a risk I don't want to take. I still remember when they had that Mindy Kaling on Talking Dead, right after a string of episodes that showed how kind and caring and sensitive Michonne was, and all she could do was talk about how Michonne was "scary." And it made me wonder just how many other viewers out there may always see her the same way. 


Ideally, not that many, but Michonne's such an awesome character, I hate to see her put into too many situations that would bring out the worst in fans.

Mostly because I'm never sure how much weight they have. I do think that type of fan hate had an impact on the fate of characters like Andrea ...


I think that you are VASTLY over estimating the credibility of internet chatter over the show. Zero friends, family and co-workers who I discuss the show with participate in online forums, twitter etc regarding TWD. The Talking Dead show gets like 10 million fewer viewers that TWD and it airs immediately after the show. THAT many viewers couldn't be bothered to stick around on the same channel for discussion about the show. They just don't care, they aren't interested in the show at that level of detail. And of the small minority of viewers who discuss the show online, it is a small minority who expresses these extreme views. So you are giving credibility to a small minority of a small minority of TWD viewers. I honestly believe that TPTB give almost zero credibility to the online noise. Just look back at all the Beth shit that hit the fan after the MSF, and when the show resumed there was zero reaction to that dust up. TPTB saw it as nothing more than a little free publicity.

  • Love 3

I'm posting this here, away from the main board in hopes of evading attack.  I really love Michonne's character.  I want the writers to start building her a man stat.  A character who is worthy of this exceptional woman and I want them to fall deeply in love and have lots of sex.  Yeah, I said it!


When they showed that scene last night, I definitely felt that they were punking Richonne shippers who would find so much meaning in it.  I am a person who believes that Richonne is a wonderful pairing because of their compatibilities and the ability to bring out the best in each other.  Michonne is so far the ONLY character Rick has allowed to literally knock sense into him.  She's very good for him.  Even Andrew Lincoln is lobbying for it, LOL!


But it will never happen in a million years.  The masses seem almost universally opposed to it - like there is something unclean about even suggesting it.  They don't find her acceptable and would rather him be alone than with her.  She's belongs squarely in the friend zone, remaining the faithful magical negro on his shoulder who keeps him on the right path - more servant and advisor than anything else.  They want the blonde to be his love and so does he.  So I say, give him the blonde! 


What I need however, as strongly as I have ever felt about a fictional television show, is for the show to have this woman be loved because she is beautiful and so deserving of it.   All of the women on this show have had partners except Michonne and Carol.  All have had moments when a member of the opposite sex indicated that he found her attractive except her.  Morgan is still crazy, IMO, so I don't want this pairing.  They need to introduce a sexy, Idris Alba type to showcase this amazing woman.  If it doesn't happen even once before this show goes off, I will be very unhappy. 

Edited by Timetoread

I'm posting this here, away from the main board in hopes of evading attack.  I really love Michonne's character.  I want the writers to start building her a man stat.  A character who is worthy of this exceptional woman and I want them to fall deeply in love and have lots of sex.  Yeah, I said it!


When they showed that scene last night, I definitely felt that they were punking Richonne shippers who would find so much meaning in it.  I am a person who believes that Richonne is a wonderful pairing because of their compatibilities and the ability to bring out the best in each other.  Michonne is so far the ONLY character Rick has allowed to literally knock sense into him.  She's very good for him.  Even Andrew Lincoln is lobbying for it, LOL!


But it will never happen in a million years.  The masses seem almost universally opposed to it - like there is something unclean about even suggesting it.  They don't find her acceptable and would rather him be alone than with her.  She's belongs squarely in the friend zone, remaining the faithful magical negro on his shoulder who keeps him on the right path - more servant and advisor than anything else.  They want the blonde to be his love and so does he.  So I say, give him the blonde! 


What I need however, as strongly as I have ever felt about a fictional television show, is for the show to have this woman be loved because she is beautiful and so deserving of it.   All of the women on this show have had partners except Michonne and Carol.  All have had moments when a member of the opposite sex indicated that he found her attractive except her.  Morgan is still crazy, IMO, so I don't want this pairing.  They need to introduce a sexy, Idris Alba type to showcase this amazing woman.  If it doesn't happen even once before this show goes off, I will be very unhappy. 

Most people I know don't think Rick is good enough for Michonne, not the other way around.


I think her not having a partner right now is a good thing.  We've seen her work through her issues with losing he son and forgiving Mike.  I think she has needed all this time to grieve.  Let's face it, she hasn't exactly been telegraphing she's ready for sexy time.  She's almost in that place where I think she'd be ready, and I'm sure it'll be fantastic.


Tara doesn't have a love interest.  Do white lesbians not count?

  • Love 2

Most people I know don't think Rick is good enough for Michonne, not the other way around.


I think her not having a partner right now is a good thing.  We've seen her work through her issues with losing he son and forgiving Mike.  I think she has needed all this time to grieve.  Let's face it, she hasn't exactly been telegraphing she's ready for sexy time.  She's almost in that place where I think she'd be ready, and I'm sure it'll be fantastic.


Tara doesn't have a love interest.  Do white lesbians not count?


Lizzie killed Tara's girlfriend.  And she's already spotted an A person who might work.  White lesbians get much play.  In fact EVERYBODY gets play except dark skinned black women. 


Oh and Rick is NOT good enough for Michonne, not as a lover and not as a friend - in spite of that incredible chemistry.  But I'll be very angry if Rick gets love but Michonne has to be left to "go through her trauma" alone.  Actually I'd LOVE to see a double date with Michonne and Rick and their significant others.  That would be a study in all manner of stuff and thangs!

Most people I know don't think Rick is good enough for Michonne, not the other way around.


I think her not having a partner right now is a good thing.  We've seen her work through her issues with losing he son and forgiving Mike.  I think she has needed all this time to grieve.  Let's face it, she hasn't exactly been telegraphing she's ready for sexy time.  She's almost in that place where I think she'd be ready, and I'm sure it'll be fantastic.


Tara doesn't have a love interest.  Do white lesbians not count?

  • On occasion it strikes me as denigrating to the character of Michonne for folks to insist her character is somehow - incomplete? - because she's not in a relationship. I consider her a fully realized character in her own right. Michonne reminds me of a female character Arthur C. Clarke described in one of his short stories: "Henrietta, rightfully despising men as the weaker sex, had never married."
  • With the exceptions of Glenn/Maggie and Abraham/Rosita, nobody in CDB has anything going on (although I think Enid may be hunting around for a post-ZA alternative to sexting Carl any day now). So I don't think anybody is being singled out for Lonely Guy sequel auditions.
  • Love 4


  • On occasion it strikes me as denigrating to the character of Michonne for folks to insist her character is somehow - incomplete? - because she's not in a relationship. I consider her a fully realized character in her own right. Michonne reminds me of a female character Arthur C. Clarke described in one of his short stories: "Henrietta, rightfully despising men as the weaker sex, had never married."
  • With the exceptions of Glenn/Maggie and Abraham/Rosita, nobody in CDB has anything going on (although I think Enid may be hunting around for a post-ZA alternative to sexting Carl any day now). So I don't think anybody is being singled out for Lonely Guy sequel auditions.


I think it's offensive that people think Michonne cannot be complete without a man.  I think she is about the most well rounded and as you said fully realized character on the show.  I think people put their own shit on Michonne quite a bit.

  • Love 4

Unlurking just to say that Michonne doesn't need to be told to her face in the show that she's attractive for her to look it, she already is!


Also, I got huge UST vibes from Daryl and Michonne at the beginning of Season 4, and he didn't need to comment about her looks for me, as a first-time viewer of the show, to feel that way. If I didn't have Wikipedia on hand I'd have thought they were already an established couple, with the way he kept on telegraphing how she needed to stop leaving the prison to search for the Governor, and her 'he's already given me fleas' joke. It seems though that Richonne is the more popular ship in fandom though and she hasn't exchanged a line with Daryl since....I don't even remember, so I'll rest my case. :P

  • Love 1

Lizzie killed Tara's girlfriend.  And she's already spotted an A person who might work.  White lesbians get much play. 


Lizzie killed Tara's girlfriend  Actually I'd LOVE to see a double date with Michonne and Rick and their significant others.  That would be a study in all manner of stuff and thangs!

I didn't see any sexy time with Tara and Alisha, but it was a year and a half ago.

I am not sure who she spotted that might work; if you meant Heidi she is heterosexual and Tara was teasing Noah about talking her up.

Did you mean someone else?

I don't know of the "much play" for white black or any other lesbians on this show. In fact it's so insignificant that when Ross Marquand was hired to play Aaron, the media called it TWD's first gay character. Tara seems to get forgotten a lot!

JMO, but I really don't see much chance of a post-Apocalyptic scenario with double-dates. Especially with people who are in their 30's and 40's.


I'm posting this here, away from the main board in hopes of evading attack.  I really love Michonne's character.  I want the writers to start building her a man stat.  A character who is worthy of this exceptional woman and I want them to fall deeply in love and have lots of sex.  Yeah, I said it!


When they showed that scene last night, I definitely felt that they were punking Richonne shippers who would find so much meaning in it.  I am a person who believes that Richonne is a wonderful pairing because of their compatibilities and the ability to bring out the best in each other.  Michonne is so far the ONLY character Rick has allowed to literally knock sense into him.  She's very good for him.  Even Andrew Lincoln is lobbying for it, LOL!


But it will never happen in a million years.  The masses seem almost universally opposed to it - like there is something unclean about even suggesting it.  They don't find her acceptable and would rather him be alone than with her.  She's belongs squarely in the friend zone, remaining the faithful magical negro on his shoulder who keeps him on the right path - more servant and advisor than anything else.  They want the blonde to be his love and so does he.  So I say, give him the blonde! 


What I need however, as strongly as I have ever felt about a fictional television show, is for the show to have this woman be loved because she is beautiful and so deserving of it.   All of the women on this show have had partners except Michonne and Carol.  All have had moments when a member of the opposite sex indicated that he found her attractive except her.  Morgan is still crazy, IMO, so I don't want this pairing.  They need to introduce a sexy, Idris Alba type to showcase this amazing woman.  If it doesn't happen even once before this show goes off, I will be very unhappy. 

The writers job is to convert the original material into television series format.


I am afraid no matter who each of us may think is a wonderful pairing, it has no bearing on the show or the story whatsoever.

Why would it? Fiction is written by a creator with a story to tell. Actors and actresses are hired to play the character written. Danai  always seems to enjoy being part of a huge success.

Andrew Lincoln mentioned on a radio show that he would love to see Rick and Michonne get together. In his opinion he likes the idea; lobbying is actually talking to producers and trying to sell a story arc. He did that once, when he tried to convince them that Beth should be in love with RIck and Carl gets jealous.

The showrunners blew him off. They didn't even want him to appear naked :-) and Norman Reedus got shot down with his lobbying for Daryl to have a pet dog.

Even the big stars don't get to change the story.


I don't think the masses are against it, or that they find her unacceptable and there's something "unclean"?


There were fans who blamed other people as the reason Bethyl didn't happen, and Caryl didn't happen. And they accused the people they blamed of being horrible, with evil motives. But the reason Bethyl didn't happen and Caryl didn't happen is because no such thing exist in the story!

That's all.

No controversial reason. Just that Bethyl and Caryl were only figments of some fans imagination.


Fans have invented Richonne, but it isn't in the story. The show isn't out to get the Michonne fans either. The original material has been around for 12 years and no one cared. But now people have identified very personally with Beth, or Carol, or Michonne, and want something very personal to be validated by the show.

Never expect anything of television but entertainment. It never promised more and it can't even live up to that quite often.

  • Love 3
I didn't see any sexy time with Tara and Alisha, but it was a year and a half ago.


We definitely didn't see any sexy time, but I thought it was strongly implied that Alisha was Tara's girl. 


I am not sure who she spotted that might work; if you meant Heidi she is heterosexual and Tara was teasing Noah about talking her up.
Did you mean someone else?


Was it ever definitively stated? Because I remember half of us thinking Tara wanted to know about the girl because SHE liked her, and the other half thought she was teasing Noah for liking her. I didn't think it was ever 100% clear.

We definitely didn't see any sexy time, but I thought it was strongly implied that Alisha was Tara's girl. 





Was it ever definitively stated? Because I remember half of us thinking Tara wanted to know about the girl because SHE liked her, and the other half thought she was teasing Noah for liking her. I didn't think it was ever 100% clear.

Oh she was definitely gf as labeled; but as far as sexytime? Did they ever do any more that gaze in each others eyes? I thought the question was about sex scenes.


Yeah, they said in some media about how Noah seemed to have so much going for him, and besides the architecture (!) he was interested in a girl, and a little embarrassed when Tara teased him.

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